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Tag "deep state"

SBU cleans-up after Ukrainian air force shoots down MH17

Featured image: Since Maidan in 2014, the SBU of Ukraine shares its main building with CIA headquarters. by Scott Humor Part I. SBU orders to destroy all evidence of the conducted special operation MH17 Part II. A few notes regarding the published materials: Upon release of these documents by the Sovershenno secretno newspaper, some observers  pointed out that these documents are most likely fake, because of the reference used in

Give the falling CIA APUSH

“APUSH” is short for Advanced Placement United States History. It’s a class that many American high school students take. That moment when your paranoia turns out to be a perfectly tuned intuition. European ruling classes seriously miscalculated with Erdogan. They thought that he depends on them, turns out they depend on him. Just as seriously they miscalculated with supporting an anti-Russia project in Ukraine and the sanctions. Today people of
