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Tag "Aram Mirzaei"

Resistance report: Shameless Washington keeps occupying Syrian oilfields, while the Syrian Army enters several new areas to fend off Turkish aggression

by Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog In my previous article on Syria, I expressed scepticism towards Washington’s so called “withdrawal” of troops from Syria. I doubted that Washington would fully withdraw from Syria, as Washington has a history of long occupations across the world, and the only way to get rid of US troops is to throw them out with force. It seems that I was correct in that

Clarifying the Islamic Republic’s stance on Moscow-Tehran relations

By Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog This article is partially written in response to The Saker’s analysis on the IRGC’s arrest of Russian journalist Iulia Iuzik. In his analysis, the Saker theorizes that the Ruasian journalist’s arrest could be due to one of two possible reasons: – The Israeli visa stamp on her passport really infuriated somebody at the IRGC and that person acted impulsively – This is the

Washington abandons its Kurdish proxies as Ankara and Damascus step in

By Aram Mirzaei Even though I have my doubts over whether Washington will actually withdraw from Syria fully, it seems as if their Kurdish proxies in northern Syria have been left to defend for themselves against the ongoing Turkish offensive. I can’t say I’m surprised since Washington has done this to their Kurdish “partners” many times before, yet the Kurdish leadership across Iraq and Syria have failed to learn from

Resistance report: Syrian Army takes the initiative in Idlib while Washington blames its failures on Iran again

By Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog August was an eventful month for the Syrian Army and its allies as the battle for northwestern Syria saw a breakthrough after months of static frontline movements. Just like in the previous 3 years, the month of August has been one accompanied by important victories for Damascus. The Syrian Army managed to break through the jihadist lines at the Khan Sheikhoun front and

Resistance report: New ceasefire stops Syrian Army offensive while Washington-Tehran row grows stranger by the day

by Aram Mizraei for The Saker Blog This week saw the Syrian Army re-commit to the previously undertaken Northwestern Syria offensive as they attacked and liberated several villages after a few weeks of relative calm across the battlefield. While terrorists still roam freely across Idlib and Hama, this offensive could be pivotal to the war effort as the aim would be to eliminate the jihadist presence in Latakia and Hama.

Resistance report: Iran cuts is obligations under the JCPOA and Syrian ceasefire talks collapse once again

by Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog On Sunday morning, the Islamic Republic cut its latest obligations to the JCPOA by enriching uranium to a higher purity than 3.67%, Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araqchi stated. He said that Iran would increase uranium enrichment to the level that fulfils the needs of its power plants. He also noted that the country had not yet decided on the level of

Resistance report: Syrian Army offensive stalls as both sides trade blows

by Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog It’s been over a month now since the Syrian Army launched it’s long awaited Idlib offensive. The Syrian Arab Army and the jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham are involved in the deadliest battle of the month in northwestern Hama. What began as a successful month for the Syrian Army has since turned in a blood bath with all warring parties trading heavy

Resistance report – US threats against Tehran will never break the Islamic Republic

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog Tensions are reaching critical levels as Washington continues to threaten Iran while the madmen Bolton and Pompeo are growing bolder by the day. It seems as if the White House fool Trump has given up on foreign policy altogether and allowed Bolton and Pompeo to have free reigns on pushing Washington further into the abyss. Bolton has reportedly requested 120 000 troops to

Resistance report: Syrian Army kicks off long overdue Idlib offensive and Washington intensifies Iran threats

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog On May 6, the Syrian Army finally kicked off the long awaited Idlib offensive to expel the US-backed Jihadists from the Idlib demilitarized zone. Having postponed the offensive for months due to Ankara’s reluctance to allow the Syrian Army to reclaim the area, Moscow and Damascus finally lost their patience after the latest Jihadist missile attack on Hmaimeem airport last week and decided

Foreign backed terrorism in Iran: Part two – US/Israeli backed insurgency and separatism in western Iran

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog In the previous article, we examined the prevalence of US/Israeli backed terrorism in eastern Iran where Baluchi Salafists have received arms and funding from the CIA and Mossad. In this second part of the article series we will examine the US/Israeli support for terrorists and separatists in western Iran among the Kurdish ethnic group. The Kurdish situation in western Iran The Kurdish question

Resistance report: All sights set on Iran – IRGC branded ”terrorist” and Israel launches new attack on Syria

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog On April 8, the Trump administration made yet another move against Iran in what has become an almost weekly thing these days. This time the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), a branch of the Iranian Armed Forces was labelled terrorist in what can only be seen as another gift to Israel from Trump and his colleagues. Overnight, about 11 million Iranians (one seventh

Foreign backed terrorism in Iran: Part one -US/Israeli backed Salafists in Iran

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog While terrorism is a phenomenon most of us have come in touch with during our lifetime, much of the coverage is shadowed by terrorism in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Iraq, where US backed terrorist groups have wreaked havoc in devastating the wars that have plagued these countries. Nonetheless, terrorism is widespread across the region, even in Iran. Due to Iran’s

Resistance report: Washington falls deeper into the abyss and what’s holding the Syrian Army’s Idlib offensive up?

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog Last Monday, after much speculation Trump signed a declaration recognizing the occupied Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Trump recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli land is a sign that Washington is falling ever deeper into the abyss.The ever so Israel friendly Trump administration is trying to give legitimacy to Israel’s occupation of Syrian territory. Who do they think they are kidding? Make no

Resistance report: New offensive looms as the Syrian Army prepares for a new confrontation in Idlib

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog It’s that time again. Jihadist forces have pushed Damascus’ and Moscow’s patience for too long. These constant provocations have gone too far and it’s time to punish them for their insolence. Damascus and Moscow are gearing up to deal with those damned terrorists again as the Russian Air Force has been flying sorties over the Idlib province, with Ankara’s approval. The Syrian Army’s

Trump declares “victory” over ISIS but Washington’s foul plans in Syria are far from over

by Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog At the eve of the 8 year anniversary of the Syrian war, the battle for one of the last ISIS strongholds in Syria is still raging. The so called “caliphate” is on its last knees as US president Trump declares that “100 percent of ISIS ‘caliphate’ has been taken back. Trump was of course only referring to the US coalitions “efforts” and didn’t

Ankara stalls the Sochi agreement while Washington builds new military bases in Syria: some thoughts on the recent developments

by Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog Three months have passed since the Sochi agreement on the so called Idlib demilitarized zone. The terms of the deal were that all jihadist rebels labelled as terrorists by all parties to the deal were to be evacuated out of the area. This responsibility would lie with Turkey due to Ankara’s clout among the jihadists. But so far there are no signs of

Will the Idlib offensive be the end of the Astana agreement?

by Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog The much expected Idlib offensive has been further delayed as tensions are rising among the major players of the Syrian war. The western mainstream media is as usual focusing heavily on the chemical weapons and refugee issues with fraudulent lies and manipulation of facts. The Idlib offensive will first and foremost not target Idlib city, but rather the surrounding countryside, secondly just as

Is frustrated Washington planning a new false flag operation?

By Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog It seems like it’s time again. Washington will once more try to prove to the world that it matters in Syria by striking Syrian government forces. We’re all too familiar by now on how this works; First, jihadists get cornered as Syrian government forces declare their intention to launch an offensive on their strongholds. Second, Washington warns Syria and her allies about the

After Daraa – the Syrian Army moves north as Washington falters

by Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog After the successful south-western Syria offensive which saw the Western-backed Jihadist rebels get expelled from the region, the Syrian Army and its allies are turning their attention to the north-western parts of the war-torn country. Early reports indicated that Moscow was unwilling to give the go ahead for a large offensive on the jihadist controlled Idlib province, mostly due to these areas being

Will the Russian-Iranian-Syrian alliance hold as the Syrian war draws close to an end?

By Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog These past weeks have witnessed a lot of tensions running high, with Israel and Iran reportedly facing off near the Golan Heights. Israel has launched several airstrikes on “Iranian bases” across Syria, while Damascus (IRGC allegedly) responded with missile fire against IDF positions. In the aftermath of these hit and run attacks, Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad travelled once more to Russia to meet
