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Tag "Andrei Martyanov"

This is too funny to miss!!! (MUST SEE!)

First, a video from our heroic information warriors: Then realize this: Then look at this:   This is a satellite view of Snake Island AFTER the Russian either killed all the Ukie martyrs or evacuated the Ukie traitors (you pick). And, finally, the commentary by Andrei Maryanov: They invent a “story” of some defiant ukie grunts (long since debunked), and now, by showing some MLRS (Grad most likely) salvo,

No maps, sorry, but Andrei Martyanov instead :-)

Friends, I found no good map, and I don’t feel like waiting any further.  So no map today, sorry! Also, I need the rest, badly. But, instead, Andrei Martyanov just released a very VERY good video.  He really covers it all. So, today, I leave you in his care, he explains it all very well.  I have nothing to add. Cheers Andrei PS: also check this one:

I just listened to Sleepy Joe

What a weird press conference that was!  Besides assuring the world that Putin has decided to attack over the next few days The West is 100’000% united, and then some! Biden said nothing even remotely new or even vaguely interesting. The only “novelty” was that Biden said that he was now sure that Putin has taken the decision to invade the Ukraine. Did you ever hear the expression “it’s not
