By Amarynth for the Saker Blog
By popular demand, a SMO Sitrep open thread a few days before I planned for it.
After Lisichansk, it looks like a small pause and consolidation of positions. The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation held a conference call with the leadership of the Armed Forces (, where the current results of the special military operation were summarised. No doubt the future and future action are being communicated.
There is much being said about what next for Russia but, we have seldom been successful in projecting what the Russians may do next.
Let’s take the pause. Here is Brian Berletic with Angelo with more western information, which saves me from reading it. A long, but interesting discussion, looking back and looking forward – very good for newbies.
Bye Bye Wunderwaffe HIMARS:
⚔️🇷🇺🇺🇦Russian Min Def Reports 2x US HIMARS Destroyed + Ammo Depot⚔️
(UPDATE: Russian state media is also reporting this).
@Sputnik has reported on this, so has the pro-Ukrainian LiveUAmap timeline (link here (
IF CONFIRMED, this means that by the time the second shipment of 4 HIMARS arrive in Ukraine, they will just barely be replacing losses from the first shipment.
Allegedly these HIMARS were destroyed in Donetsk – very close to the main fighting meaning where Russia had concentrated much of its ability to locate, track, target, and destroy a system like HIMARS. Had Ukraine utilized them against periphery targets it might have been harder and taken longer.
This is a good yardstick of measure for the future.
As usual, the commentators add their own flair to these threads.
A small side issue, but not really a side issue, from the @thesiriusreport and I’ve seen it in other media:
When reality finally kicks in. Head of the Bundestag Committee on Ebergy, Klaus Ernst, has called for negotiations to begin to commence gas flows via Nord Stream 2.
Enjoy the discussion.
““No, we only trade with friendly countries”?”
I expect that Russia will do what is best for Russia (of course!),Pos but that might not be immediately obvious . . .
Possibly Russia will think in terms of converting “unfriendly” countries into “friendly” countries.
Scare quos, because Russia is not going to be so foolish as to trust a silly-ass country like Germany.
But, Germany is part of the long game, so it wouldn’t suprise me if Russia made a deal of some kind re gas delivery via NS2.
A long-term contract. Payable in rubles.
It certainly would make a monkey of a lot of those doing the energy posturing.
Just getting gas flowing through NS2 would IMHO be a major foreign policy coup for Russia.
And once gas is actually flowing through NS2, I think it would be politically difficult to reverse that.
“Just getting gas flowing through NS2 would IMHO be a major foreign policy coup for Russia.”
I disagree. The geopolitical moment has significantly shifted. Germany has been among key leaders of the war effort against Russia. NATO just declared Russia an enemy. At their meetings they were disseminating maps on a dismembered Russia, etc. You do not feed such existential psychopathic Neanderthals.
At this point, you minimize gas flows to ensure they cannot build up for war or even sustain a benign winter.
And in order to return to business with Russia (and be removed from unfriendlies list) you demand Germany: (1) withdraw from NATO, (2) withdraw its 1-1,500 troops from Lithuania, (3) kick out US bases, (4) compensate nationalized companies and assets in Germany, (5) get rid of poodle warmongering Traffick light coalition esp Scholz and Greens, (6) deposit significant guarantees in Russia proper for continued fuels service.
The business community running Germany understands it is all or nothing at this point and cheap words have no meaning to Russians anymore. But do they have the self-preservation, agency and alacrity to act in the precious little time remaining???
““Just getting gas flowing through NS2 would IMHO be a major foreign policy coup for Russia.””
I thought it was clear from my comment : on Russia’s terms.
But AHH’s terms are much more strict than yours–kick the Greens fout of the coalition (maybe schedule new elections?), pay in rubles or gold (can’t the latter ‘cuz the Yanks stole all Germany’s gold), kick the Yanks out of the country, and pay much, much more — for everything. And, if I were Russia, I would wait until winter is upon the northern hemisphere to agree to anything–better negotiating position.
Russia is no longer willing to negotiate in good faith with the West–only in stating the terms of surrender.
I don’t think Russian diplomacy is going further enough to make demands #1,#3 and #5. Those are very irrealistic demands at this time. #5 makes no sense because it would mean trying to directly interfere with Germany’s internal politics: diplomatically, it’s wiser to just ask for an outcome in terms of political decisions, without interferring with the political process that leads to those decisions.
#1 and #3 are just managed by the US, it would be like asking “Germany, please, rise up!”… but then every time Germany rises up, Russia+others start to complain, don’t they?
AHH makes a very good point, that Russia will not be satisfied with small gains. Not after the deaths of 22,000 civilians 2014-2022, not after needing to destroy so many towns and killing so many slavic brothers in the Ukie army. Not after all the lies told for so many years about such important subject, not after the West has turned openly fascist by imprisoning people for saying truths the Western rulers and puppets don’t like, and not after the deaths of thousands of Russian and Novorossiyan soldiers.
Thinking Russia can be “bought off” on the cheap is the same mentality that got us into this mess in the first place. I saw how the American peace “movement” was afraid to speak plain truths about the mostly non-threatening Soviet Union – and thus allow the essence of the Cold War to burn intensely. I also saw how that same peace “movement” was afraid to support Palestinian rights for fear of the antisemitic label. I believe the main reason nonsense like starting NS2 after all, or Kiev ceding some territory to Russia to end the SMO, is allowed to spread instead of being called out as nonsense, stems from people being unready to offend.
Voltaire said it first and approximately, he said, “He who dares not offend, dares not speak the truth.” There is nothing to gain, and much to lose, by pandering to ignorance.
Strong point of view. I am interested in your citation from Voltaire. Can you provide us with the original citation, it’s source and the French language version?
As a German citizen I‘m afraid that you are right. I fear the worst for Germany: unrest and civil war. But to prevent further hostility Russia should not trust Germany and all of the other unfriendly coutries. The manipulation hast to sink in and we have to uprise and free ourself before we can have good relations with Russia.
Germany is financing and arming a Ukrainian regime intent on destroying Russia. It has also announced its intention to re-arm so it can fight Russia once again. I certainly don’t underestimate German resolve nor their ability to produce many powerful weapons and an effective army. It would be best for Russia to reduce energy flows to Germany and the EU to destroy its heavy industry. Without a steel industry (which can’t survive sky-high energy costs) and other manufacturing industries, Germany would have no ability to re-arm and threaten Russia. It would be better for Russia to destroy Germany economically than militarily. I am truly sorry it has come to this.
@Michael Thomas
How will that affect the USA and its dollar hegemony then?
I agree, and to some extent it looks like the path Russia is chosing. I think they should limit the gas supplies to the contracted amounts and deliver those at the last possible moment. No new contracts until full access to frozen accounts are restored, and because of the chaos it would cause amongst Nato members payment in gold silver or roubles for all other commodities.
Quote: The geopolitical moment has significantly shifted.
Yes it has indeed ~ Russia is a Super Power and should act unfettered.
NATO must be rolled back, as Russia has already outlined (if not totally disbanded).
Gold deposits must be physical transferred to Russia as security ballast.
Contractual payments made in Rubbles of course.
Compensations made to Russian businesses.
German payments made to rebuild “Ukraine”, proportional to the weapons it sent.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold”. The enemy is the US(NATO), not Germany. So a deal reopening NS2, long term gas and oil contracts will save Germany and badly damage the US. NATO loses face in Ukraine defeat and Russian economic success. Remember NATO’s original raison d’être: “Germany down, US in, Russia out”.
Sweet revenge.
To JGarbo
I am NOT saying NS2 should be halted.
I am saying, there should be “conditions”.
Would you accept payments in paper-money . . . . I don’t think you would.
Let us remember; Germany sided with the N- a- t – z- s AGAIN !!!
I think the Italian classic is: “Revenge is a dish eaten cold by people of taste.”
You forget that the EU was largely the creation of Germany’s intelligentsia who survived the War.
The EU is just as toxic as NATO, and enables Germany a form of European conquest achieved by lies and bribes instead of force of arms.
What an astute comment, thank you
“Contract? We spit on your contract! We don’t need no steenkin’ contracts!”
i agree with this. and Putin is very smart that way. a true diplomat that leads first with carrot 🥕, then with stick . always looking out for the Russian population best long term needs and well-being, and 2nd also trying for the best interests of the rest of the friendly world. He even tries to reverse his adversaries into eventual allies. look at Turkey and Ergoden.
Opening NS2 would be a double victory for Russia as it would break both an agreement with the US not to do so and the whole EU sanction regime.
It would be silly for Russia to spoil this with excessive demands.
NO! It would merely restore the status quo. But after “Z” is over, game has changed dramatically.
What you don’t get–nor do most people in the West–that Europe is TOTALLY USELESS to the world. Nothing it produces can’t be made elsewhere. At least the U.S. can provide coal and natural gas and fertilizer and food to the rest of the world–but not much else that is indispensable. One could say the great historical and cultural achievements of the Europe are worth something, but Europeans seem to be dissing all those on their own.
Agree, what the European can produce now and put on market are either overvalued product they call “style and luxury goods” or Automobile which is also overpriced and can easily be substitute with Japanese or Chinese made Automobile
Japan and Koreans make far better cars that any European company. Japanese and Korean cars are reliable and generally durable while European cars have gone in for useless glitzy features. No need to mention cars from Detroit, especially after Ford is exiting the car business. This, BTW, is more proof that the Empire doesn’t want to get into any sort of “military contest” with Asia. America’s industries have turned into paper tigers, thanks to off-shoring, financialization, and the low status of engineering in the US. This may never change, and if the US does somehow revive, it would take at least 20 years.
After Z – NATO and the USA is a military power that will lose in a war with Russia. Most American males do not want to fight for these criminals. The USA has a legion of feral illegal aliens that the military will import but the Russians would roll over illiterates. The Russian population and allies are mostly educated and can fight a battle.
The USA, NATO and the West also cannot afford to fight Russians. Lack of real money, oil, gas, titanium, fertolizer and more
This is the end of WW3. The Germans will be heating themselves on their furniture this winter … if their lucky.
Flow of gas price to Germany should reflect the cost of sanctioned turbines, and a healthy mark up, which will be incrementally reduced every year, if they play nice.
Great to see the HIMARS that were attacking the rear supply areas being destroyed. Surely with the saturation of cell phones Russia can offer rewards for information on NATO equipment locations.
Cheers M
Hmm…make the Germans pay for new turbines, and build, for free. Only to be used on gas flow to Germany. Should they be sabotaged…… well, be like a self inflicted eye poke.
An economic collapse in the euro zone would cause a fall in the price of raw materials, consumption would plummet; we would enter a deflationary period.
I don’t think Russia is interested in frying us with high prices… Anyway, see and wait.
Why not? Russia has no more use for Europe and the U.S.–the Eurasian axis and its satellites in Africa and South America are more than enough to drive the world’s economy.
What you postulate is dangerous.
One of the FEW reasons for Western Europe to NOT openly fight Russia is they KNOW they are dependent on them.
It is NOT in the interest of Russia to end this dependency – prematurely – by forcing a chaos in the EU. Right now the FR-DE duo, along with a few small countries is actively forestalling the American push for an open EU-Russia war. You need to understand the actions FR or DE takes are FORCED by the US and they are mostly operating in the “minimum required by the empire” mode. Not in any leading mode.
It is not in the interest of Russia to shoot the Western Europe in their foot. They plenty good at it themselves, no need for Russia to allow the West to place blame on them for their own foolishness.
Russia’s economy has every natural resource of either economic or military importance. They have no need for ANYBODY… as their economy is internally self-supporting without foreign trade.
Russian exports give them the ability to buy two things:
1. Tropical fruits
2. Foreign-made luxury goods.
Neither is necessary for Russia’s survival.
No doubt in my mind that Russia needs to take all of Ukraine as fast as they can and establish a neutral country with out nuclear weapons and western Nazi’s. Otherwise this conflict is going to go world wide nuclear and everyone looses.
“Am I wrong to wish that should this even be put to Russia, that Russia says: “No, we only trade with friendly countries”?”
Yes, because:
1 it would be a capitulation on the part of Germany;
2 would be a small step in drawing Germany further away from the US;
3 would be the first major step of the disintegration of the obscenely undemocratic EU (which the US State Dept has already planned for by dealing with trading blocs within Europe); and most importantly of all
4 would overturn the centuries long divide and conquer strategy of Western financial elites of preventing a marriage of German capital & technology with Russian resources and manpower. This goes back to the days of Elizabeth I (1533-1603) who sent her trade emissaries to Russia seeking exclusive trading rights, to cut Russia off from the continental Europe.
Bear in mind, we’re 3 months away from the northern hemisphere’s winter. My advice to President Putin (not that he needs it) is, if your opponent is conciliatory, respond in kind.
What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.
And if I know Putin – at soul level – that’s what he will do. He’s a wonderful being at heart and has the blessings and guidance of the galactic light forces.
well spoken and you are right.
me, as a German, would much prefer to be under Putiun’s protection than under the one of the empire of lies
I’d go so far to say, given how anally-retentive (a psychological descriptor – not intended to be derogatory) the Germans are, that they’ve done their calculations.
They also know that Biden’s got another 4 months in the WH before he gets blamed for everything going pear-shaped in the US:
– the spike in interest rates
– the spike in gas prices
– the spike in the cost of living
– abortion laws
– baby formula &
– the latest is women’s hygiene products,
and gets shafted by his own party.
Don’t forget the bankrupting of the biggest condom company in Europe CPR GmbH – ” which owns several well-known adult condom brands such as “Billy Boy”, “Sico”, “Mein Kondom” or “The Crazy Monkey Condoms”, has about eight adult condoms coming off the assembly line every second, producing about 210 million condoms per year Adult.”
Talk about shooting yourself somewhere painful.
I add my voice for the popular demand for sitreps Z.
I go every day to my Telegram desktop to see channels MOD Russia and Intel Slava Z.
Military Summary in Rumble is excellent too.
I want to see Russian victorious.
When analyzed only as a dispute between countries, world geopolitics is reduced to its most superficial aspect, often illusory and unable to explain reality from its root causes.
For this it is necessary to approach world geopolitics from the perspective of the globalized dispute between transnational economic mega-interests.
In the case of the war in Ukraine there are flagrant examples of this, including in relation to Russia itself.
Let’s see:
Yesterday (July 5/2022) once again the civilian population of Donetsk suffered a terrorist attack by the UcroNazis. One of the victims was a 10-year-old girl, whose body was torn to pieces.
This is made all the more dramatic by the fact that the girl had recently overcome leukemia. She fought bravely for her life, cowardly the UcroNazis signed her away.
However, as we all know, the decision to bomb Donetsk is made by the US. In other words, ultimately the girl was sacrificed in the name of transnational economic mega-interests.
Even though from an exclusively military point of view there are plausible reasons to explain the difficulty in immediately suppressing the bombing of Donetsk, it is in the Minsk Agreements (2014/2015) where the political reasons lie.
And these political motives can also only be properly understood in light of the struggle between mega economic interests, including within Russia itself.
In a scandalous example of how private interests override national sovereignty, the Russian Ministry of Finance intends to reduce spending in the state budget of the Russian Federation by 1.6 trillion rubles by 2025.
In third place in terms of reduction is the program “Ensuring the country’s defense capability.” Your Finance Ministry intends to cut it by 120 billion rubles over three years.
More than on the contact line in Ukraine, this is where the real and most lethal war is. The enemy lives at home.
Quando leio sobre cortar verbas da Federação pelo Ministério das Finanças, lembro-me rapidamente dos ministros de economia do Brasil e América Latina atendendo os interesses privados e interesses da finança transnacional. Rússia fazendo até hoje politica dos neoliberais? Assustador.
=When I read about funding cuts from the Federation by the Ministry of Finance, I am quickly reminded of the ministers of economy in Brazil and Latin America catering to private interests and the interests of transnational finance. Spooky.
====Когда я читаю о сокращении финансирования Федерации Министерством финансов, я быстро вспоминаю о министрах экономики Бразилии и Латинской Америки, обслуживающих частные интересы и интересы транснациональных финансов. Россия все еще занимается неолиберальной политикой? Пугающий. все еще занимаетесь неолиберальной политикой? Ламентавель.
Both news, the attack on Donetsk and the cut in military funding, depress me. First of all, shouldn’t Russia have liberated the entire Donetsk oblast by now? After all, for the past two months I have been reading and hearing – here, from Gonzalo Lira or from Andrei Martyanov – that the Russians were now just “mopping up” in the Ukraine, yet they still can’t prevent Donetsk from being randomly shelled by the Ukros like that? Secondly, the decrease in military spending shows that the forces of ZOG at work within Russia are as dangerous as those without. Sad to say, but I believe that whilst Russia will win – somewhat – in the Ukraine, she will lose against the combined West in the mid- to long-term future.
Oh, and Russia’s economy is far from booming: it recorded a 1.7% drop in GDP y/y in April, and consumer spending has crashed.
Gee, not everything is all sunshine, lollipops and roses, eh??
WELCOME to Life in the Fast Lane, the one for adults! There are “baddies” on the Other Side who do not wish you or your family and friends well! They have to be taken care of, in a regular fashion and LiIfe is not a hour-long
television program, where the plot resolves quickly!
The plot here has been going on for some time: 20+ years, maybe longer, depending on how you want to count!
Pascim: -> “Assustador”
@repsinec: -> “Both news, the attack on Donetsk and the cut in military funding, depress me.”
Donetsk was attacked again today. Two more children were murdered. Is it depressing? Of course it is. But the Donbass region has been under attack for 8 long years. It is also 8 years of resistance and struggle for sovereignty. It is an inspiring example for all of us. This is the antidote to depression: the collective struggle for sovereignty.
QTTO: -> “Gee, not everything is all sunshine, lollipops and roses, eh?”
《Whoever wants to pass beyond the Bojador
Must pass beyond the pain.
God gave the sea the danger and the abyss,
But in it he mirrored heaven.》
Fernando Pessoa – Portuguese poet
@arkx Brasil
As I’ve seen in on this site before, you’re similar to those 6th column defeatists.
Russia may be decreasing its military budget, but they achieve a lot more than the combined West.
And you’re just trying to convince that Russia acts against its interests just by citing their budget cuts, but do you know the reasons for those reductions? Maybe they have other things to spend money on.
@Biggus Phallus -> “Maybe they have other things to spend money on.”
If you have other information about the Russian budget cuts, I appreciate pointing out the links.
An approach based on “maybe” is foolhardy to say the least.
《The Ministry of Finance intends to reduce budget expenditures of the Russian Federation by 1.6 trillion rubles by 2025. Sequestration will affect all blocks.
Most of the expenses will have to be postponed for the “Development of the transport system” project. Its funding is going to be cut by 390 billion rubles for the period from 2023 to 2025″.
The “Scientific and technological development” comes second – 150 billion rubles. The third place is taken by the state program “National Defense Capability Assurance”. The Finance Ministry intends to cut it by 120 billion rubles over three years.》
Link unblocked:
1 USD = 50 rublos…
Divide por 50 e veja que o corte na defesa é relativamente pequeno, menos da metade do gasto acumulado
até maio na SMO … e sinaliza uma politica fiscal ativa…
Divide by 50 and see that the defense cut is relatively small, less than half of the accumulated spend
until May at SMO… and signals an active fiscal policy…
Thanks for reminding what a poet and thinker Pesoa was.
What did you expect, repsinec? That Russia could take on the whole western, satanic world, and not spend or lose a ruble?
The SMO was necessary, for the whole world, and the Russians are paying the price. Again! And you are whining/gloating/criticising….
It sounds like you think it would be a walk in the park to try to supress nazism/satanlism, with no costs at all. Rssia is losing money every day because of this effort to actally save the world.
Are you doing anything to contribute in this fight, or are you maybe happy that the West manage to make Russia spend money to rebuild Donbass (where people have been living with constant shelling, aside from having gas, electricity and water cut, and no pensions or state salaries paid for more than 8 years) and fight NATO, and just want to use the opportunity to spread negativity and defaitism.
Germany lost WW2 in February 1942 when 6th Army Group was encircled at Stalingrad and what remained of it was subsequenty taken into captivity.
Japan lost WW2 on June 4, 1942.
Neither surrendered until 1945.
Ukraine in the first 90 minutes, when their long-range radio networks AND THE radio operators (who take 6+ months to train) and the tactical support and air superiority aircraft were destroyed by the barrage of cruise missiles.
Just because Ukraine was defeated on day 1 doesn’t mean that Ukraine is going to surrender any time soon. They won’t surrender until they truly see that there’s no possibility of a comeback.
And the Ukies appear to be far less cognizant of the disparity in capabilities which exists than the Japanese were after losing their 4 largest fleet carriers in 1 day (3 of which they had to torpedo themselves, to keep the hulls — flaming from stem to stern, but otherwise seaworthy — from being captured by the US Navy and towed to Pearl Harbor and then to California for overhaul.)
❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine on July 5, 2022
▪️AFU shelled Russian border areas in Kursk and Bryansk regions. Russian Armed Forces struck enemy positions in Sumy and Chernihiv regions.
▪️In northern Kharkiv region, AFU are actively preparing for the Russian Armed Forces’ offensive by equipping positions and mining the approaches to Petrivka, Zolochiv and Odnorobivka. Overnight, the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on a vocational school building in Kharkiv in the northeast of the city, where Ukrainian formations were deployed.
▪️In Lysychans’k, the mopping up of the remnants of Ukrainian units on the southern outskirts of the town continues. The Russian Armed Forces continue their offensive on the right bank of the Seversky Donets towards Hryhorivka and Serebryanka. Allied forces are fighting fiercely on the outskirts of Spirne to the south-west of Lysychans’k.
▪️AFU continue to launch massive artillery and missile strikes on towns in people’s republics. At least 3 civilians, including a 10-year-old girl, were killed as a result of AFU shelling of Donetsk.
▪️Artillery duels continue in Zaporizhzhia region near Hulyaipole and Vasylivka.
▪️In Mykolaiv direction, AFU are preparing for a counteroffensive in certain parts of the front.
▪️Positional fighting and artillery duels along the entire line of contact continue in Kryvyi Rih direction. A Ukrainian SU-25 assault aircraft was shot down in an aerial battle near Novobrats’ke in Kherson region.
▪️In the evening, the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on AFU positions in Odessa region near Rozdil’na near the border with Transnistria.
▪️The Russian Armed Forces hit AFU facilities in Yarmolynets’kyi district of Khmelnytskyi region.
#digest #Russia #Ukraine #video
Many thanks for your detailed information. If you could, please explain why the Allies cant do anything about the Donetz APU concentration thats shelling Donbass continuously. I totally dont understand. Its not as if RU doesnt have enough bunker busters. Thanks
Do a search for “shoot and scoot”
“Am I wrong to wish that should this even be put to Russia, that Russia says: “No, we only trade with friendly countries”?”
You are not wrong, at least from my perspective, I agree. Realistically though, what Russia is likely to do is obviously my speculation, but I would expect Russia to take a hard line. Firstly, Russia will not only do what is in its interests materially, financially, but what we have now where relations with the EU, Germany, the combined West etc., is a matter of principle. And it is on principle where Russia may take a hard line, plus it is in Russia’s interests to negotiate hard – if they negotiate at all – because how can Russia trust Germany at this point? A gas pipeline is not something to be switched on & off at will, if Russia is to resume any gas supplies to Germany than I would expect that Germany will have to make guarantees, plus payments, that they will actually refuse to make. So in the end, I would say North Stream 2 will remain off-line, & I could be wrong, of course, all kinds of other considerations can come into this, but that is my view, for what it is worth. I can not realistically see that Russia can do any “business as usual” with any part of the West anymore & that is what the Kremlin have said themselves, that they will never resume relations with the West, & the EU especially, the way they once were. Plus, it pays for Russia to make Germany & the EU suffer, the gas card has not been played up until now, but if Russia was to take the principled approach, they would refuse to supply North Stream 2. If I were in the Kremlin, I would only resume business with individual Western countries like Germany if there were to be a radical change in politics there, which would mean nothing short of a revolution really. I can’t see how under any other circumstances Russia can ever deal with this filth again.
Common sense is a rare commodity in Germany these days. I am quite curious if Scholz is going to lose his nerve over Nordstream2.
Brian Berletic has also produced some refreshingly pro-Chinese videos, factual and refreshingly different from the endless Sinophobic poison the west spews out.
The west preys on peoples’ profound ignorance of China and fills the vacuum in their heads with paranoid rubbish – eg China’s trade deal with the Solomon islands.
In a multi-polar world the type of government a country has is it’s own business and when we see the appallingly criminal behaviour of the west, China is by contrast a paragon of virtue.
I stopped listening to Ritter when he said China is a threat. A threat to whom exactly?
We need to be grateful that this great country is peaceful, obeys international law and even more importantly is a solid, powerful and true ally of Russia’s.
Is China militarising South China Sea islands obeying international law and not posing a threat to neighbouring SE Asian countries?
Do some basic research first instead of regurgitation of US bullshit.
Look up Spratly and see how many countries have occupied the atolls there.
Come here and paste the results for everyone to see.
Aww the anglos are so worried about SE Asian countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia et al. :) :)
Don’t know if those countries remember the tons of bombs dropped on them the empire of lies for no fault of theirs.
Don’t forget the Agent Orange poison used to defoliate the jungles!!!
It’s been killing US Vets and farmers for years! Thank you, MONSANTO!!!
And don’t forget the horrible treatment of the Filipinos after they expected to grant us their independence in 1898. Even India will never forget what the British after what they did there. The reality is when you’re strong people “befriend” you despite their deep-seeded resentments, but when you become weak all of that anger resurfaces in a big way. The Europeans especially have centuries of imperialism to live down in most of the world. And don’t forget that Western imperialism is still ongoing, Why isn’t the Congo a rich nation on Earth with all of its mineral wealth–because US-supported rebels operating out of US-supported Rwanda are stealing much of it!
While we’re at it, let’s not forget what the Japanese did to the Chinese on the mainland and throughout Southeast Asia throughout the twenties, thirties, and forties.
Or forget what the Chinese did to the Chinese. The greatest mass murder. Exceeding Hitler and Stalin.
Petr, for heavens’ sake do some research before spewing your ignorant prejudice.
Look up the US’s Containment Policy of China including the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Island Chain Strategies.
Every country has the right to defend itself, especially against the collective West’s intimidation / provocation.
These arent just red lines drawn on a map – they’re strings of bases.
“The Island Chain Strategy is a strategic maritime containment plan first conceived by US foreign policy statesman John Foster Dulles in 1951, during the Korean War. It proposed surrounding the USSR and China with naval bases in the West Pacific to project power and restrict sea access.”
China is putting defences on these islands to force American missile ships so far back from the Chinese shore that they cannot attack the Chinese mainland.
A blockade of China’s coast line is a real fear of the Chinese and has been on the drawing board of the US for a long time.
This is also why the US wants to gain control of Taiwan so they can turn it into another huge military base – just like they did in Ukraine.
China’s defensive missiles on these tiny islets pose no threat whatsoever to anyone and I don’t think anyone seriously believes that they do.
Those bases are insanely vulnerable, and will be wiped out in the first day of a conflict by merely using large-warhead torpedoes to cause large waves to wash over these islands…. even a minor wave brings more momentum and force than hurricane winds.
China hasn’t had any good engineers for over 1000 years.
in your view and G7 /NATO countries…petr
Predictably all of these responses engaged in whataboutism rather than addressing the issue of China’s conduct with respect to international law, specifically the Hague ruling on the SC sea islands. Stating that China can disobey international law because the US has (I won’t argue against this, it is true) is not a valid or useful response to the claim by Kempston that “this great country is peaceful, obeys international law”.
You playing the “Whataboutism” card itself is an evasion from the issues.
The articles below provide some background information that contradicts the narrative peddled by the corporate media about China’s actions in the South China Sea.
This William Engdahl article below explains the character of the the Hague arbitration ruling that you refer to regarding the UN Convention on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS) treaty:
“Skillfully hidden amid the somber judicious-sounding language of the tribunal is the fact that their entire process is illegal. Arbitration requires that both parties seeking a resolution to conflicting claims agree to turn to a neutral arbitrator to resolve their mutual conflicting claims. In this case, the Washington-friendly regime of former President Benigno Aquino III, unilaterally, on Obama Administration urging, pressed arbitration claims in The Hague despite the fact that the second party, China, refused that arbitration in favor of continuing diplomatic bilateral talks.
Once the pro-US Aquino regime agreed to unilaterally go ahead, knowing China would reject arbitration, the trap could be set. Instead of adhering to the legal procedures in the UNCLOS treaty for mutual naming of a five-person arbitration panel in the islands dispute, the Philippines named one judge and, extraordinarily, the then-President of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), Shunji Yanai, himself, named the other four members. None were China friendly.
As China has repeatedly pointed out in explaining why it refused to partake, arbitration of an international dispute, by definition, can only take place when both parties—in this case, the Philippines and China—would agree to turn to a mutually-agreed arbiter or panel of neutral, mutually-chosen arbiters, recognized experts on international maritime law, to resolve matters.
In comments to the press, Motofumi Asai, a former Japanese Foreign Ministry official specializing in China relations, stated after the July 12 Hague ruling, “From the result of the arbitration, people can see that it was conducted by a bunch of people who knew very little about the South China Sea issues.” Japanese political analyst, Jiro Honzawa, stated in his blog, “The Philippines was abetted by the US and Japan to apply for arbitration, because the latter two want to contain China…
The arbitration was a trap set up by Japan and the US.”
From: “Why China Risks War over Those Wet Rocks”
Furthermore, this article also provides information about the claims of other nations in the South China Sea region and their development of (military) facilities on the islands there:
“The corporate press in the US, Australia, the Philippines and elsewhere has faithfully parroted Washington’s line, depicting China as an expansionist aggressor bullying its smaller neighbours. Certain claims about the South China Sea are taken as given—that China is the only country developing militarised outposts in the region, that its territorial claims are uniquely expansive and that its “land reclamation” activities are unparalleled.
All these allegations, which are aimed at legitimising the massive US military build-up in the Asia-Pacific, are either false or grossly distorted.
In fact, the claims of Taiwan, which cover the bulk of the South China Sea, are virtually identical to those made by China. Vietnam’s claims approach the western shore of the Philippines, and to the north, extend almost to Hainan Island, off the coast of China.”
From: “Washington’s hypocritical denunciations of Chinese “land reclamation” in the South China Sea”
Finally, Pepe Escobar’s describes America’s cynical attempt to weaponize the tensions in the South China Sea region to contain China and maintain American dominance in Asia:
“The Real Secret of the South China Sea”
Is USA militarising Chagos islands and Japanese islands obeying international law and not posing a threat to neighbouring countries?
There; fixed it for ya’
«Is China militarising South China Sea islands obeying international law and not posing a threat to neighbouring SE Asian countries?»
Vietnam is occupying the Spratlys and militarising them, and both Chinas, who have a weird but solid legal reason that they own them (even if they are distant from the chinese mainland), have reacted against that, because Vietnam is threatening the supply lines of both Chinas (and those of Japan too). All the places with a yellow 5 pointed red star in red are vietnamese bases:
ha ha, wierd but solid legal reason? the Hague didn’t agree.
Ritter has consistently and INSISTENTLY declared that China would destroy the US should the US come to the aid of Taiwan. Also, although I marvel at a number of China’s achievements, I cannot wrap my head around its hysterical an$ seemingly never-ending Zero Covid strategy.
Zero covid is China’s way of starving the West without making an official policy that could be challenged. China’s foreign policy often takes a passive aggressive stance rather with room for an honorable, or plausibly deniable, retreat.
China’s zero-tolerance COVID policy has been a huge success. China has seen a total of 5,000 deaths due to COVID and has managed to keep its economy growing throughout the pandemic. Compare that to the US with more than 1,000,000 deaths and an economy that went into recession. Read this article for more details:
China is the only major economy to continue growing this year. A large part of that is it’s zero-COVID strategy.
The density of China is more than the Westerners can imagine. I see more people going out for a morning coffee than I do in a week or more in some areas of the suburban US.
The material reality is that China isn’t as rich as SK/Japan/US/Western Europe. And like all of those nations, GDP growth took a major hit for 2 years while those nations let their populations acclimate to the new reality. China doesn’t have the infinite money printing power of the Fed, nor is its medical system as developed as Western Europe/Japan/SK.
Predictive modeling estimates 900M infections in 28 months if we take the example of other countries. This is about 30M cases a month, just massive. Infections would overwhelm the country’s health system, and hospitals would not be able to keep up.
The stated goal of the Chinese is to have a COVID mortality rate of 0.1%, similar to an annual flu season. To stop its zero-COVID policy would mean a mortality rate much higher than that given China’s still developing medical infrastructure (especially in inland provinces). Secondly, quarantining Shanghai and other Tier 1 cities allows the vast majority of China’s population to carry on like nothing happened.
I believe zero-COVID is a net positive on the Chinese economy right now, and any “flattening the curve” strategy would hit industrial production/fundamental forces of production harder than the status quo – especially in the inflationary Ukraine War reality. I think Chinese leaders are betting that zero-COVID advances the macroeconomic environment as China as it moves up in supply chain complexity, and consolidates it’s leads in the real economy (battery making, rare earths refining, solar panel production, nuclear technology exports, etc).
Zero-COVID won’t be stopped in China until there’s an accessible cure that can noticeably decrease mortality rate, or widespread adoption of an Omicron specific vaccine (already announced by Sinovac).
Maybe, just maybe, the Chinese regard Covid as a US bioweapon aimed squarely at their population. Given everything I have read on the subject it is not an unreasonable way for them to view the matter.
Ron Unz has written extensively on the subject.
Perche continuare ad alimentare economie nemiche,
Il taglio del gas e petrolio per l’Europa e gli usa dovrebbe essere una priorità, così come il taglio di un qualsiasi minerale e legname,
Continuare a rifornire un occidente nemico equivale a uccidere ulteriori russi.
Trovo incomprensibile questa politica suicida della Russia
machine translation:
Why keep feeding enemy economies,
Cutting oil and gas for Europe and the US should be a priority, as should cutting any ore and timber,
Continuing to supply an enemy West is tantamount to killing more Russians.
I find this suicidal policy of Russia incomprehensible
What about the ongoing existence of Zelenski?
What about the world’s leaders waltzing in and out of Kiev?
What about the pretend exclusion of Russia from the banking system?
All wars are banker’s wars.
A rapid result is not what they want.
A slow grind is better.
Boris Johnson is about to be sacrificed.
I wonder what he refused to do?
“What about the world’s leaders waltzing in and out of Kiev?”
Hollyweird magic also known as “green screen” technology.
Hell, one of the early “Kiev summits” without using green screen methods was proven (by photographic evidence) to have taken place in a Polish border town.
Russia should wait until these European Governments fall before piping former volumes of gas. Already half of them are in the process of collapsing. These US vassals need to feel at least a period of real pain/hardship (myself included, will be good for the soul ) , like the Donbass has done.
Russia should concentrate on doubling/tripling domestic consumption to 2030.
The return of the $300 Billion is the starting point.
@ Amarynth
Bye Bye Wunderwaffe HIMARS:
⚔️🇷🇺🇺🇦Russian Min Def Reports 2x US HIMARS Destroyed + Ammo Depot⚔️
(UPDATE: Russian state media is also reporting this).
@Sputnik has reported on this, so has the pro-Ukrainian LiveUAmap timeline (link here (
IF CONFIRMED, this means that by the time the second shipment of 4 HIMARS arrive in Ukraine, they will just barely be replacing losses from the first shipment.
Allegedly these HIMARS were destroyed in Donetsk – very close to the main fighting meaning where Russia had concentrated much of its ability to locate, track, target, and destroy a system like HIMARS. Had Ukraine utilized them against periphery targets it might have been harder and taken longer.
Thanks for the SitRep.
HIMARS MLRS need to be taken out as soon as they come in.
Even though inferior to the Russian “Uragan” MLRS,
they are dangerous given the use by criminal Ukronazis of heavy weapons on civilian targets.
HIMARS MLRS need to be searched and destroyed before deployment.
As for the M-777 howitzer, is a piece of junk, let them use it a couple of times, it will self-destruct.
Lone Wolf
Good points. I would add that the HIMARS have taken on a mythological role in pro-Ukraine circles out of proportion to their actual impact (4 units?). (viewer discretion is advised…)
The idea seems pretty widespread that these weapons will make up for any battlefield losses so far so their destruction might have a large psychological impact.
The ghosts of HIMARS.
@ Tom Weiss on July 06, 2022 · at 10:50 am EST/EDT
“…(viewer discretion is advised…)…”
You should also warned viewers to have a vomit bag ready.
Nothing will prepare them for the full time idiots reporting from Ukraine about how, after the Allied forces recovered Lugansk, with the arrival of HIMARS MLRS “from America,” they will be able to defend Donetsk…to the last Ukrainian. And to top it off, at the end of the video, mummified George Stephanopoulos shows up his ugly face, asking viewers to come see more trash.
Watching/reading US news is nauseating, to say the least…
Lone Wolf
They say that a skilled poker player must have 2 styles of play.
Against a skilled opponent, all tactics may be deployed: Aggression, passivity, bluff, buying a hand… all can be used and at almost any time position allows, or sometimes even if it doesn’t. Holding the cards isn’t necessary in some of these tactics.
Against an unskilled opponent, a skilled player must hold the cards, because the undisciplined recklessness of an unskilled player is difficult to quantify, even for the skilled, who mustn’t leave themselves vulnerable to a crudely misplayed hand.
Russia would be the skilled player here, and the reckless fools supporting the Kiev regime are the unskilled. No need to grow impatient yet. Kaliningrad shows how reckless they are. Best not to budge or change much, including on energy trade.
Exactly. Why interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Another day closer to winter. The Europeans are going to start panicking more but maybe they will start thinking more clearly. Ukraine is all about the west, especially USA, UK and Swiss bankster elites like Rothschilds-Soros and others wanting to steal Russia’s resources. They want to go back to the Yeltsin days when people like Bill Browder and the Russian dual citizen oligarchs were looking Russia.
Now is the time for Germany and the rest of Europe to break away from that. Winter is just around the corner. The Dutch farmers are starting to fight against EU Green tyranny. When will the rest of Europe stand up against their politicians laundering their tax money in the Ukraine.
Russia would sell Germany gas thru NS2, if any is left over after what they are diverting to China and India. NS2 and Europe is second fiddle now, the actions in the east. And if they do get any gas there should be an “unfriendly” surcharge to the price.
As for whats next in Ukraine, as usual we don’t have a clue, but Odessa please 🙂.
It’s complicated. I think 1) it’s fair to say that multipolarism is the key long term goal of Russia and China. 2) On one hand they esp. China want a slow transition from US hegemony so as to keep their economies somewhat stable. 3) On the other hand they chose to conduct the SMO at this time, which they knew would significantly destabilize the system. 4) So it seems that they want some a shock to the system presumably to bring about change in the West’s political landscape in order to be able to sustain the road to multipolarity.
Given this, do Russia and China want to dial down the pain dial today, or would they prefer more shock to the system? I don’t know.
Interesting comment but I agree. I think the pain dials will go up and down according to the situation to reach the goal of breaking USA hegemony without a ww3 or a global economic apocalypse. Painful enough to tame spoilt brat USA but not too painful for spoilt brat to throw a major tantrum to collapse the world. A fine balancing act. Some sort like pacifying a child used to get whatever it wants and yet steering the child to have more adult behaviour. Tough balancing act for the “Eurasian” bloc.
“….they chose to conduct the SMO at this time, which they knew would significantly destabilize the system”.
Sal they didn’t choose the time. The Russians knew that the Ukie/NATO invasion of Donbass/Lugansk was scheduled. They had to act, they had no choice.
I forgot to mention in my original comment the pieces penned by Paul Craig Roberts which appear on his blog & at Unz in which he repeatedly criticizes what he perceives to be the Kremlin’s weakness in dealing with the West. In relation to whether Russia is likely to enter negotiations with Germany on opening supplies via North Stream 2 – I do not wish to put words in his mouth – but he seems to believe that Russia remains that subservient to the West that they will pretty much do anything to appease them. In such a scenario Russia would enter negotiations with Germany without any conditions. I do not agree personally, I think Roberts is wrong in his estimations, & this is why. Roberts believes that if Russia takes a hard line with the West this will make the West back down. There is actually no evidence to back this up, because if one looks at Russia’s return of Crimea, & then it’s intervention in Syria, where Russia has come close to blows with the US & in each instance it was the US that backed down – the overall policy of Western powers has not changed. They continue to advance on Russia, & the reason is because they believe they are more powerful & can ultimately destroy Russia. So Russia’s position & approach has been to delay confrontation for as long as possible, until Russia is in a better position to take the combined West on – this has looked on the surface like submissive politics – but it has proven to be the right approach. Russia is also keen not to escalate, this is one of the reasons why Russia goes slow in Ukraine, in addition to concern over civillian casualties, it is a delaying tactic as well. I would be interested to know what others think.
PCR is a rabid anti Putin and especially anti Iran troll, as I believe he follows the Bahai faith or hes up their skirts.
Putin had gamed all the options, practiced ‘Iranian strategic patience for 8 years in Donbas.
He had to be easy not only for Ukraine but also for ww3, avoiding or delaying it as long as possible.
His strategy is calculated to the finest details, leaving tactics to the generals and operations to the brigade commanders with almost full autonomy and maximum ‘organic flexibility.
Russia will be victorious like a fox in a chicken coop while the farmer is admiring his gun poses in the mirror!
What a bunch of ‘W-anchors’!!!?
I agree. As I have often surmised, Russia is playing geopolitical chess and the SMO was prepared and executed as part of a whole strategy. There are always kinks to be ironed out due to unknown unknowns factoring in, but in general these are the exceptions not the MO. That’s why it surprises me and sometimes amuses me when certain people here, on Msm and the combined West (a la Ritter) constantly bleat Russia’s tactical or operational mistakes or “high price” they will pay to achieve success. The things is they are not even sure what what that success is. There are so many moving parts of Vlad’s Team’s board and every move is taking in consideration of their factors with patience and timing as significant factors. As the saying goes, why interfere with your enemy when they are making a mistake. So the reaction from silly Germany’s energy woes, to Kaliningrad, SMO, Turkiye (keeping Finns and Swedes occupied) to upcoming elections across the pond; everything is on the board and being meticulously anticipated, analysed and decided upon. Its why its so interesting to note the mental frustration and capitulation occurring across the Empire and its acolytes. Sometimes not a single punch or counter action has to be forced in retaliation.
Your analysis is the best I’ve seen in quite some time, Srbalj. Russia’s grand strategy is to separate Europe from the United States, and this will take generations to accomplish. That is why there have been no demarches regarding NATO, the Baltic states and Finland. It is simply not in Russia’s interest to force Europe to choose between Russia and America so long as the choice will be made in favor of America. Hence the long game approach, particularly with Germany.
The Germans will have to actually experience what it means to have poor relations with Russia before they will have been properly conditioned to make a choice in their national interest. That choice will probably be the “baby step” of certifying the Nordstream 2 pipeline, and it will probably take at 1-2 years and 2-3 governments before they make it. But they will most certainly make it in time.
As far as Ukraine is concerned, in less than half a year Rusia will have secured its southeastern flank. In the fall and winter they will likely secure their southwestern flank (Nikolayev and Odessa regions). Much of 2023 will be spent consolidating their gains west of the Dnieper, likely with little to no Ukrainian resistance. After that its just a waiting game to see how long it takes rump-Ukraine to rot and fracture. i believe it will end up as a new Belarus, and in about 10 years be part of the RF.
Putin will be gone by then, and that is part of the Russian grand strategy as well: to devise a succession mechanism that safeguards the Russian state after its most distinguished leader in several centuries has left the stage…
Putin, the Greatest!
“So Russia’s position & approach has been to delay confrontation for as long as possible, until Russia is in a better position to take the combined West on – this has looked on the surface like submissive politics – but it has proven to be the right approach.”
This is close to how I see it as well. I’ve long thought it likely that Putin is delaying direct confrontation with the U.S. until significant numbers of game-changing new weapon systems can be deployed, e.g. Sarmat, Zircon and S-500.
Here’s my thoughts on what’s happened so far:
“The COVID plandemic psychologically conditioned people to uncritically accept an “us versus them” attitude, and that played into this new world war perfectly. After brainwashing someone to hate his neighbors for not double-masking and taking all 16 booster shots like he’s supposed to, then it’s very easy to convince him to hate the Russians, now isn’t it? I’ve had coworkers and even lifelong friends disown me for not “standing with Ukraine.” It’s amazing to see people so utterly tribalistic about a country they knew nothing about until February.”
The battle lines are drawn along same lines in the Ukraine military operation as in the plandemic assault on freedoms, i.e., the progressive left vs. conservatives. The progressives are now aligned with the NEO-con war mongers. The “progressive governments”, e.g. Canada under Trudeau have been able to sell the progressive Utopian dreams by thru “free” money made possible by the central banks. The blowback from the sanctions will cause people to reflect on the pursuit of progressive ideologies by their leaders. To starve the beast, a realignment of the trading blocks and end of the West’s hegemony over the financial system can’t come soon enough. Godspeed Russia!
It’s not the West’s hegemony over the financial system, it’s the (((international bankers))) who literally own the central banks.
“IF CONFIRMED, this means that by the time the second shipment of 4 HIMARS arrive in Ukraine, they will just barely be replacing losses from the first shipment.”
I think Biden announced shipments for a total of 15 HIMARS. It seemed obvious then that they are deemed indispensable, and so it’s obvious, too, that it’s not enough HIMARS to win a war against Russia, and the announcement was made as if it’s a big deal to send this quantity, so it makes you wonder how long will pass before Biden finally thinks, “Ukraine cannot defeat Russia and we cannot make it do that.” “This is like Brazil against a small neighbor”, or “like us against Mexico.” “…let me see the two proposals again; oh, it could have been a ‘peace through strength’ victory…Blinken, Austin!” Russia is now taking the whole Donbass in addition to Crimea, if not more. He really should fire a lot of people.
Everything that Biden says must be tempered with November’s Mid-term elections 4mths away. The people’s anger & intolerance of what is seen as a mostly incompetent (impotent?) administration is so palpable in the US, that the Dems know they’re facing a hiding to nothing when voters start turning out.
Biden panders to the political Left (what used to be called the anti-war movement) that has been well and truly compromised.
They didn’t do too bad a week or two ago in some elections. I agree, though. Trump is a good campaigner for a democracy; and he’ll be more aggressive if he runs. Putin is determining the next election too, because of the Ukraine-Russia war outcome by 2024 (this time it’s true).
I don’t think Trump is any kind of viable alternative.
Trump is a middle finger to the establishment, but ultimately, ineffective beyond appointing judges.
DeSantis is a man of action who doesn’t just tell the cabal to go screw themselves… he actually enforces it when they don’t start complying immediately while asking “how much and for how long?”
Re-opening NS2 is a complex issue because RF has moved on. RF has zero trust on germans. Just a week ago green sholz was making fun of Mr. Putin with his pals. They were also proposed a harebrained scheme to cap the price of crude oil exported by RF. They are also supplying more sophisticated arms to ukr who are using them to target Donetsk.
My opinion is that:
Into some lives rain must fall
But that does not matter. I am sure Mr. Putin will take his decision taking into account all the issues at hand.
Yes. Medvedev said about 10 days ago or so that signing any agrement with the Europeans is a waste of time. They never stick to any agreement. Look at the Minsk Agreement as one example. The USA is the same. Ask the American Indians about signing anything with Uncle Sam.
Russia has moved on. They are sick of trying to deal with dishonest psychopaths. The British or really Rothschilds who own the Bank of England and Britian are in full on hatred for Puitin and Russia. I thought Germany, France and Italy would be smarter.
This will teach the Germans the folly of letting their elections be compromised by the WEF – Globohomo cabal.
“When reality finally kicks in. Head of the Bundestag Committee on Ebergy, Klaus Ernst, has called for negotiations to begin to commence gas flows via Nord Stream 2.”
I am writing from Germany.
So far (as of 6th July 2023, 18:11 local time) I haven’t seen even the smalles report about this in German MSM..
We are really living in a Banana-Republic!
“We are really living in a Banana-Republic!”…Welcome to the club (from the US chapter of it).
But without bananas.
Russia should stick to its position of waiting for the EUrodents to come crawling to them. Then, Russia can set the terms, and Ruble payments must be a non-negotiable requirement, and rolling back of sanctions.
Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇲⚡The Russian army destroyed 2 US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launchers and two ammunition depots for them, – Russian Defense Ministry
Normally my place is in the cafe, but I think, the parallels between
the archetypes aka ‘gods’ configurating and the dynamics on the battlefield should not be withheld in the cosideration of things emerging.
Dear mod. at your discration: my 27. week:
Some insight and thought on the wider and arguably more important conflict……….
Has it started? Theater of Operations of Russia and the West on the threshold of changing coordinates
For reference: Russia has about 40% of the world’s most valuable minerals. In the EAEU – 60%, and the BRICS countries are already 80% of the world’s wealth. Thus, due to the development of the BRICS regulation on the internal unit of account based on a basket of currencies (in the EAEU, this is already the Russian ruble) included in this association, all unsecured currencies will quickly be thrown on the sidelines of civilization, and exchange rates based on them will lose all meaning (in fact, they are already losing, just they don’t know about it yet). In particular, countries with dollar and euro emission centers will also have to think about providing their currencies with similar positions, which is very difficult, since their share of the world’s wealth is almost nothing left. And if you also take into account the exorbitant debt load, under which they can simply pump everything out for nothing (hypothetically, of course), then there is no subject for conversation.
I know this is off-topic for the thread, but it’s important and relevant news.
There are major protests going on by Dutch farmers, including road blocks and manure attacks on government buildings. Here’s the QRD:
>EU funded NGO sues Dutch government over Nitrogen policies
>Dutch government gives ultimatum to Dutch farmers to radically reduce production by 30%
>farmers tell government to fuck off, they won’t comply
>Government offers to buy their land, farmers reject offer
>Government is now saying they will take the land by force and deploy the military to do so
>Farmers rise up and shut down the supply chain in protest
>Truckers and Fishermen join
>around 77% – 86% support among the general population
>Police show up near blockades of distribution centers
>in a game of cat and mouse, the farmers leave, wait for the police to clear, then re-establish blockades
>on the second night, police open fire on a tractor. the incident is captured on film and everyone can see they were not in danger
>the 16 year old in the tractor, together with two others are arrested for “attempted manslaughter”
>people are upset at the police and the media for lying when the footage has already gone viral and the truth is obvious
>third day, farmers amass outside police station
>demand that the three people be freed and charges dropped
@ Sideshow Bob on July 06, 2022 · at 1:17 pm EST/EDT
Well, Bob, we were looking at the same sideshow with posting only 10 minutes difference.
I see you missed the elephant in the…better said the Sherman tank in the room, which Russian news captured.
As Bob Marley sang, “a hungry man is an angry man,” no matter where.
Lone Wolf
the manure spreader spraying down the police who stood solid in a hold the line pose was priceless. the shooting the tractor then claiming it was warning shots then claiming the farmer tried to run them down didnt hold weight. i guess the terrible “russian created world food crisis” is naught if they are great resetting 30% of the third largest food producer to save the planet. these WEF creatures are starting to feel the collars on their shirts rub
It is interesting watching the Dutch farmers arc up.
Governments make a habit of pushing as close to the line as they can without crossing it, but the problem with that strategy is that it cuases loss of trust and it will eventually result in a fight no government can win. Farmers can feed themselves, they don’t have to feed everyone else, and no government is more than a few meals away from being tossed out. A lesson the dutch government seems determined to teach itself.
What I don’t get regarding the ridiculous “manure” argument (livestock emit too much nitrogen in their manure) is that manure is, obviously, the best fertilizer, and is an integral part of any kind of common-sense farming.
The Netherlands produces huge food surpluses and basically supplies all of Europe with fruit and vegetables, cheese, meat, and flowers. WTF are the people in The Hague thinking? Destroying one of the country’s most powerful economic sectors and foreign exchange earners.
I hear that that same BS is going on in Northern Ireland (or maybe the republic) where they want to reduce the number of livestock by I think 1.5 million. Ireland is, actually, a major agricultural producer, at least, it used to be. KerryGold butter, great cheeses, beef, etc. Why are TPTB following this WEF nuttiness at the same time they are crying “food shortages”??
“Family farm” is a phrase most people understand and have positive feelings—even very strong emotions—about. Even if they live in cities, many adults remember going to the farm for a holiday. Farms and children are natural allies!!! I just hope TPTB have bitten off a lot more than they can chew in their campaign to blame the world’s ills on farms and farm animals. The Dutch are some of the world’s most efficient, modern farmers and horticulturalists. They have “exported” their green house technology to Russia deals with Russia to dramatically increase tons of vegetables produced in Russia.
As with all .gov scams, WEF scams and the like, there is a gram of truth spread thinly over tonnes of bullshite.
There is a problem with nitrogenous material getting into water ways where it can create dead zones and eliminate normal biological processes. There are also ways of fixing the problem, ways that generate methane to replace the Russian gas the Europeans seem determined to do without, ways that create fertilizer to replace the phosphates and other fertilizer components the Europeans seem determined not to get from Russia, their closest supplier. Yep, there is a theme there.
Making those systems work, effectively and efficiently, is easy for Europeans, their agriculture is heavily subsidized. In the Antipodes in the South Pacific farmers have had to fund the bulk of that infrastructure themselves. That said, the average dairy effluent pond contains a farm-hands annual wage in fertilizer just sitting there until it is spread back onto the paddocks where the worms and insects reincorporate it into the soil. To that end Australia has been very successful at introducing dung beetles whose presence has reduced trachoma in the indigenous population, almost eliminated the summer fly plague in Southern Australia, vastly improved soil structure and water retention, and saved millions of litres of fuel use by eliminating the need to harrow cow shit into the paddocks. In summer the dairy rotation can be as short as 18 days, and in that 18 days the carpet of cow shit vanishes completely, often in as little as ten days.
BUT, none of that matters if the objective is to do as Kissinger advised and control the population by controlling their food. All they need to do is claim that in doing so they are protecting use from some made up hobgoblin that imperils us all.
When I lived on a dairy farm in Bavaria back in the seventies, they collected the cow shit and piss in a large tank of some kind under the barn—kind of like a cistern for manure and urine. There was also a big pile outside the barn of what was cleaned out of stalls, a mix of manure and old hay. And you should have seen the size of the worms in that pile!!! enormous!!!
Anyhow, in the early spring when there was still snow on the ground they pumped the shit-piss mix into a tank with special nozzles and towed it around with a tractor and shot the effluent from the nozzles onto the snow. No more picturesque wintry fields, and smelled like hell. But that brown stuff was taken deep down into the earth when the snow melted. I expect the pile of manure and half-rotted hay was also dumped on the fields.
Farming is smelly, no doubt about that . . . But that is where real food comes from, not from a test tube.
This is a harbinger of things to come in old bastard Eurostan.
Farmers in the Netherlands have been up in arms, protesting for governmental restrictions in the use of fertilizers, which have created an ecological disaster, with many species at the brink of extinction. They have been using tractors, trucks and other agricultural equipment in the confrontation with the police, which is “shooting to kill” according to the news, trying to unblock the roads.
The farmers then decided to up the ante, and unleashed a British WWII Sherman tank to join the fray.
See video.
Old bastard Eurostan is going to be facing all kind of social disturbances in the near to medium terms, riots, insurrections, even pogroms as the frustrations of the working class and the disenfranchised boil and turn into heated confrontation with the PTB, and get rechannelled toward the weak and vulnerable. No doubt the forces that have already been on the streets of European cities protesting against the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, and forces like the Yellow Vests, will be at the vanguard of the new wave of social protests.
The Sherman tank used by the Dutch farmers, even if symbolic, points out to what could become the new trend in social confrontations with the state. Forget about forks, picks, and shovels, now you can buy anything from Ukraine if you have Tor and know how to access the darknet. Eurostan’s aggrieved classes will become the best market for all the hardware the Collective West is pushing into Ukraine.
Ukronazis have branches all over Eurostan, thousands have come to Ukraine to train, fight, and die for Hitler and Bandera. In many European countries neo-nazis have armed active militias which train like a regular army for the “final war” they all dream about, which will eliminate the lower races from the face of the earth. The powder keg is ready, all we need is a detonator.
There you go, old bastard Eurostan, rip what you sow.
Farmers protesting in the Netherlands rolled out a Sherman tank
Dutch farmers have declared their readiness to “level the entire Netherlands to the ground” – thanks to clear coordination of actions, starting from July 4, their agricultural machinery blocks highways, airports and shopping centers, hay rolls are burned near roads, and manure is dumped in front of administrative buildings. In some parts of the country, there is already a shortage of food and basic necessities.
The reason for the mass protests was the intention of the authorities to sharply limit the use of nitrates in agriculture: It is claimed that due to the excessive use of fertilizers, the ecological situation is close to disaster, in particular, moors and certain animal species are threatened with extinction. At the same time, the Netherlands is one of the main producers of agricultural products – they occupy the second place in the world after the United States in terms of exporting agricultural products. Flowers come first.
Rioting farmers are actively using tractors, trucks and other equipment, and there have already been cases of police shooting to kill. Against this background, activists rolled a Sherman tank to the protests, which is not afraid of bullets or batons of law enforcement officers. Judging by the video, the car belongs to the Sherman Firefly type.
These British medium tanks, armed with a 76.2 mm cannon, were produced in the last years of the Second World War. Later, they served in a number of countries around the world, including the Dutch army, from where, after being decommissioned, they could get into a private collection and eventually act on the side of the protesters. The tank is marked with the tactical sign “34”in red paint. Perhaps this will give the West a reason to see the “hand of the Kremlin”in this case.
Lone Wolf
PS: Of course, the Sherman tank came from Russia, no doubt.
The environment is always their excuse. The end goal is to collapse the free and independent people into the global mass state.
@ Sideshow Bob on July 06, 2022 · at 2:23 pm EST/EDT
The environment is always their excuse. The end goal is to collapse the free and independent people into the global mass state.
No doubt there are always other political/economic agendas behind governmental restrictions, masquerade at defending this or that.
However, truth is the exploitative ways modern agriculture has engaged with nature, driven by a profit-oriented market economy, are coming back to hunt us. It is the same for the poor in Haiti, who have devastated their landscape cutting all trees to get some wood for cooking, than for agro-industrial enterprises in Holland, who have to pollute the environment to maximize yield.
Nobody can escape natural laws, there is always a saturation point, and a law of diminishing returns by which nature lets us know we have the wrong approach.
Who knows who is behind the new regulations in the Netherlands (green parties?), who knows what’s their agenda, or whether their intentions have any value, regardless, the result is people’s lives are being affected, and rightly they complain in any possible way.
Lone Wolf
My understanding is that the restrictions are on nitrogen and ammonia emissions **coming from the livestock’s butts*—not the artificial fertilizers whose use some have complained of.
So, there seems to be a disconnect of some kind.
In the Dutch Tweets shown by Alex Thomson at the UK column (open letter from Dutch farmers to consumers and citizens), the talk was of Stickstoff (nitrogen) emissions by livestock, not of use of artificial fertilizers. That is, this is what The Hague is giving as the reason that 1/3 of farms must be shut down by 2030. Many to most of those protesting are small farmers from North Holland. It seems like the current campaign is not against Dutch agribusiness but against small farmers. According to one of the Friesland sources that Thomson shows, there was already a push shortly after WW2 to put small farmers out of business.
I do recommend Alex Thomson’s commentary on the situation at today’s news show at the UK Column. for instance, he quotes a Dutch parliamentarian who is the only one to point out that these measures emanating from The Hague are totally unconsistutional. (I believe Thomson lives in the Netherlands; he knows a lot about some of the more obscure byways of European history and politics; I always find his observations worthwhile.):
@ Taffy on July 06, 2022 · at 7:24 pm EST/EDT
My understanding is that the restrictions are on nitrogen and ammonia emissions **coming from the livestock’s butts*—not the artificial fertilizers whose use some have complained of.
So, there seems to be a disconnect of some kind.
I thank you for your informative comment, and for the link to more information. I have not seen any news getting into the nitty-gritty of the matter, it is all about the ruckus, nothing else.
Lone Wolf
we might have to go without the flowers…to grow more foods…but as there is a shortage of harvesting perons…unless Dutch agriculture is heavily mechanised to compensate… or vicaversa.. if too expensive fuel….employ more persons from broken industries to harvest. ?
Let Germany freeze in the dark this winter. Show them all of the benefits of being a tool of
Uncle $hmuel.
Bier Tisch General nsa here after a couple of 24 ouncers. Again, stop with the Kabuki theater and just take out the west ukie power grid with 50 to 100 missiles demolishing all the major substation transformer farms. Let the west ukies live in the dark with no commerce, no communications, no internet. Within a month the euroweanies would be flooded with another 10 million freedom loving refugees – put in your order now for your very own ukie cam girl. Those few nazi loving fools remaining in ukiestan would be eating their pets and then each other within a month. Yummie. The present campaign is typically Russian….slow, plodding, stupid, massively destructive of the infrastructure for no reason, and unnecessarily bloody. C’mon Roooskies…..get this thing over with. Oh, and cut oil exports by 50% forcing the price of oil to over $200/barrel and gas to $15/gal. Let the Euroweanies get around on electric bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and hoverboards. Nothing more entertaining than a 300 pound German falling off a hoverboard.
You again? I thought people in a previous open thread were pointing out the folly of those ideas of yours. Especially the part where you want Russia to take out West Ukraine’s power grid – do you expect women, children and hospital patients on life-support to see Russia as a liberator, or will they see Russia as a USA-tier monster writ large?
@ Ralph Conner on July 06, 2022 · at 12:19 pm EST/EDT
Russian Bear may give you his version, however, this issue has come up again and again on different threads. There are two fundamental reasons for the Allied forces not to wipe out the Avdiivka and surrounding heavy weapons that shell Donetsk and surroundings.
1) Criminal neo-nazis are using the population as human shield, as they have done everywhere else. Their artillery pieces have been deployed inside residential areas. Dislodging them will require a surgical operation, in which the Allied forces have gained lots of expertise. Invaluable A. Martyanov pointed out in a recent video, responding to the same question, that Russia could turned ALL OF UKRAINE, not only the artillery firing points, into a parking lot in a couple of hours.
However, that would defeat the purpose of so much blood spilled defending the people of the Donbass.
Follow my drift?
2) The second point is also moral, but also military-technical. Criminal neo-nazi trash is occupying a chemical plant in Avdiivka. What if the Allied forces bomb them back to the Stone Age? That would create a humanitarian disaster in Donetsk itself, risking the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, another self-defeating exercise.
In summary, neo-nazi trash is morally blackmailing the Allied forces, who cannot touch them other than by surgical strikes, out of fear they will also be killing Russians held hostage by the Bandera scum.
Hope that helps.
Lone Wolf
Sad to say it may have to be done the hard way same as Mariupol.
Sell in Rubles, sell all day
Put it away for a rainy day
When at last the knives come out
Take your money and let them pout
You can have what you demand
And if they don’t like it they can go pound sand
9 mins ago:
Russia has pocketed $24billion from selling energy to China and India in just 3 months following its [intervention in the continuing war in] Ukraine
…and did it with 30% discount to them….
“Possibly Russia will think in terms of converting “unfriendly” countries into “friendly” countries.”
That isn’t possible as long as those states are controlled by the US. As long as the current European regimes are in power,no matter how hard Russia tries,it’s a lost cause. Once life gets so hard for those countries they realize they must break with the US and replace their current regimes with really independent ones. Then and only then can those states be converted to “friendly” states. If they can’t or won’t ever do that. Well then,they will always be unfriendly states. That’s just the way it is,so sad,too bad.
Yes, exactly. It is not possible for any EU or NATO country to break free from US strong grip.
And thye do not want it anyway.
All good company is bought by US
All important politicians from all political party are bought / sold. (All Left, Right, conservators or progressist or green or ecologists even extremist)
All important Secret services and police are sold
Most important: all or 99% of Justice, judges and prosecutors sometimes even defence avocates are sold to US.
Some people are not sold but thy really believe the propaganda and act for US/EU on their own reducing the cost of ownership.
And of course there is a very small minority of people that reads The Saker and those kind of forums/sites and it is better informed but too small in numbers and ignored.
Things can get bad / worst if they dare to speak up in their work place or family or friends.
99% of EU population, esp Germany believe the Government word to be the exact word of GOD and evrybody that has different ideas is either “primitive flat earth believer”, “anti scientific” or “not well informed yet” = “to be converted”
No, the EU and NATO states will not break free from US and WEF on their own unless Rusia or China forces them and this is not going to happen or work in practice.
So, IMHO is is as you say: “too bad and so sad” for EU and Western States, and it is just beginning… it will get very much worst in the next 5 to 20 years
Following up on my previous comment … anyone else think they’re getting anxious?
The city of Augsburg has dimmed street lighting, switched off façade lighting on historic buildings, and evaluated the shutdown of some traffic lights due to the energy crisis in Germany. “The situation is serious,” – Mayor Weber,TAkPBig
No, Not really… The gas storage is normal for this time of the year in Germany they just prepare the people for the future.
However in the long run YES this is what the WEF and EU whats to do.
Recommendation came to our country ministers from EU:
– to keep houses at max 15 degrees Celsius in the winter (very little heating of no heating)
– to keep houses at minimum 25 degrees Celsius in Summer, 28 degrees is better, no AC or very little AC
– rationalize water use
– limited hours for hot water for showers (2hours in morning and 2 hours at night) less showers
– do not wash clothes more than once a month or less, let them dirty but “air” them in the sun/wind to lose some smell
– high price of electricity to curb AC use or electric heating
– rationalize gas use for house heating or cooking and high price to reduce consumption
– high tax on property, you should own nothing. Rent house, clothes, car, furniture, devices. DO NOT OWN.
– do not make stocks of food and materials this is hoarding and not good.
Now to be honest, people in Germany already keep their houses at approx. 18 degrees Celsius at winter so this should be easy …
It might be childish, but since the sanctions I have increased my hot shower time, and leave some lights on! At least until my contract runs out!
Meanwhile the US/NATO’s doubling down on a losing tactic of provocation
Poland and Lithuania are to convene a high-level meeting on the Suwalki Gap tomorrow, the Polish Ministry of National Defense announced. The presidents and defense ministers of both countries will attend.
Backstory: The Suwałki Gap is a sparsely populated area immediately S-W of the Lithuania-Poland border. … This choke point has become of great strategic and military importance since Poland and the Baltic states joined NATO.
Germany isn’t able to make such decissions as starting to use NS2.
Nor even to suggest such blasphemy. It is more likely that this is part of Anglos half-baked attempt to reduce prices of Russian gas. To “contain” Russian profits.
IF Germans are allowed to get NS2 gas at pre-negotiated prices from good-old-days, that should lower gas prices. In theory.
Not gonna happen.
@ Ralph Conner on July 06, 2022 · at 12:19 pm EST/EDT
Many thanks for your detailed information. If you could, please explain why the Allies cant do anything about the Donetz APU concentration thats shelling Donbass continuously. I totally dont understand. Its not as if RU doesnt have enough bunker busters. Thanks
Ralph, here is a longer version of the points I made above re: shelling of Donetsk. I posted this comment back on June 4, in response to all the posters asking why the Allied forces cannot stop the shelling of Donetsk and surrounding areas.
To All Posters Complaining About Why the Allied Forces Cannot Stop the Shelling of Donetsk
Lone Wolf
The left in the EU and the left the USA are singing different tunes.
Here’s a link to the Klaus Ernst calling for negotiations to begin to commence gas flows via Nord Stream 2.–40907222/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
Per the story, Ernst is opposed by other lefty parliamentarians who blame Russia.
Meanwhile lefties in the USA are blaming the NEO-CONS for the war.
Author “””Jeffrey D. Sachs is a University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he directed The Earth Institute from 2002 until 2016. He is also President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and a commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Development. He has been advisor to three United Nations Secretaries-General, and currently serves as an SDG Advocate under Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.””
Let’s not forget the progressive left and the Neo-cons both supported Hilary Clinton (author of the Russia – Trump collusion fabrication) in 2016 and Joe Biden in the 2020.
Schandenfreude is seeing the German progressives freezing in the dark.
The weird thing about Sachs is that he was one of the neoliberals who sought to “neoliberalize” the Russian economy after the USSR’s fall. I don’t know whether he describes himself as such.
Here is his own description of his “reform” activities in Russia.
I cannot assess them.
Sachs was one of the Harvard educated profs who helped the oligarchs and Bill Browder loot Russia during Yeltsin. I always thought in the end that Yeltsin may have been a patriot by appointing Putin. Supposedly, the Russian Orthodox Church picked Putin to save Russia.
Sachs is garbage as is fellow economist Joseph Stiglitz. More ivy league looters. Putin came in and started throwing them all out including Soros.
The minimum Russia needs to take is all the way up to Odessa in the South, blocking Ukraine (NATO) from the Black sea and opening transnistria. In the north east, (north of Kharkov) they need to take a 100 mile wide stretch all the way up to Bylorussia, creating a buffer zone. This vast stretch from north to south is to be prepared militarily to stand up to rump Ukraine (NATO camp) in future. And Russia has to do this fast.
But at current rate they wont be able to do it before winter sets in. A dragged out conflict is not in Russian interests.
At some point the liberated territories have to take on the responsibility of defence with Russia in a more or less supportive role. These territories have to be able to to be economically viable and self sustaining within few years. Only then we would be able to say mission accimplished.
In Britain 15 Cabinet Secretaries resigned. Liz Truss of geography fame could be the next PM, Maggie 2?
In Germany’s Bundestag it is openly stated Habeck failed to find replacement hydrocarbons, and they called a NS2 restart.
This is moving faster than I expected. So much for crystall-ball gazing!
Hi from Greece.
I long admired the Red Army for kicking Nazis to their bucket in WWII but they left the work half done.
Now once again, Red Army is called to fight again the Nazis. “Zee Germans” have not forgotten the WWII. They were long waiting for an excuse to fight again the Red Army and we see they are getting ready, this time they have UK, USA and Japan in their side.
Long live Red Army
It is indeed wrong to wish so. Bear in mind that Germany was quite Russia-friendly not long ago under chancellor Schroeder. It Schroeder had his way, without being hindered by the fact that Germany is a colony and not a sovereign state, Germany would have become a staunch ally of Russia. The German people did not radically change their position out of their own volition since then, it was imposed on them for the most part. And the poverty and the suffering that now is in store for Germany, certainly is imposed on it. If Russia puts sanctions on Germany, it gives the evildoers who want to bring Germany (and other countries) into poverty an easy way to deflect the attention from themselves and to say: “Putin did it”.
When Germany was brought into poverty and despair in 1930-32, nothing good came of it.
Of course you are right. I don’t wish at all any war and I wish the current war would stop now.
I know at some point Germany would like to have some kind of relationship with Russia. But that was the past.
I see that Germany moves quite the opposite way… And no need for Nazis to come to government again… Current government can do the job just fine.
Germany has been at the forefront of three anti-Russian crusades in less than a century, is responsible for the deaths of 40 million Slavs and you are warning us that that they could do it again?
Schroeder? The one who reignited the German blood-lust by bombing Yugoslavia only to be given a directorship of Gazprom?
The deeply ingrained Nazi and anti-Slav impulse is showing itself and nothing Russia does can stop it. When the time comes, the man (or woman) of destiny will appear.
Stalin forgave, Gorbachev forgave, Putin forgave – genug!
I feel sorry for the decent Germans but they will all march under the flag as they did twice before.
The great evil must be erased once and for all.
Always the old song of the slavs – lamoryant, annoying, boring and playing directly – even if unintended – into the hands of those who really control the game, Ken.
To make it short:
WW I – Russia had issues with Austria-Hungary – and does what? Marches in into East-Prussia. One day before the official declaration of war.
Stupid. War lost, revolution ignited. Tsar gone forever and so large parts of Russian culture and influence in the world. Bad luck – that one goes on „you“ / the Russians themselves.
No need to enter the war that was a war between Imperial Germany and Paris/London and later Washington.
WW II: Agreed – responsibility taken as a German (but you should ask whose game Hitler played in reality. You must not – but you could -)
What is the 3rd time? Did we all miss something?
And btw – it is completely nonsense to state that Germany is a main sponsor of the war in Ukraine. Do you really believe, Germany is not able to deliver some dozen tanks to Kiev? Or some hundred?
But at the same time is able to produce millions of cars – deliveries around the world – without any problems?
Nonsense – The German chancellor – I do not like him – does really the best he can do to delay delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine – as good as it gets.
He does not have any other options as a servant to the empire. And he is really good in this game. That is exactly all he can do.
And Putin knows this very well.
The very last German leader who took care of the real European / German / Russian issues in the beginning of the 90s, directly after the fall of the iron curtain, Dr. Alfred Herrhausen, a brilliant banker and CEO of the Deutsche Bank, was murdered with a high tech weapon that spared his driver, but precisely killed him in his armoured Mercedes.
Cui bono?
The game is still the old game – resources out of the East – and it is still played by the very same hosts.
THAT is the reason why the „frontier“ nowadays looks nearly the same like a frontier in WW I or WW II – the Germans are not the problems, they are a tool – and in the last years a tool that becomes more and more unwillingly.
You position – Germany fixated – serves the Empire of Darkness. Perfectly. Divide et impera!
Open your mind – and than it becomes obvious.
It is the disgusting Scholtz’s laughter at the genocide of the Russians that started this war. You are doing the same – and a war there will be.
You are trying to defend the indefensible. That same Scholtz aims to invest a 100 billion Euros a year in the Reich’s military.
You crept up to Russia’s borders and conquered Europe on the back of American power. Your politicians achieved more than Hitler did without a shot fired.
You have had many chances to offer a hand of friendship to Russia. There will not be a next time.
Yes – Scholz IS disgusting. Agreed and accepted.
And so is BoJo, Macron and so are all the strange, young Soros-witches in Sweden, Finland, Moldavia, Brussels.
You know what? It is not me, who laughs at the slavs.
It is the folks that rules them all and gives a shit on nationalities.
Their currency is not nationality. Their currency is not friendship or mutual development.
Their currency is power. Nothing else.
And power is achieved by „divide et impera“.
It is absolutely NOT about your nation, my nation, your race – my race, your culture – my culture.
They are not interested in this.
They are interested in power. Nothing else. A little bit in luxury. That‘s it.
Do not play their games when – in your special case – you blame the Germans for the miserability of the former slav world. Reminds me very much to my – beloved – grandpa who liked to blame France for German problems – bullshit that. It takes two to Tango.
In the core …. it is simple. A fight between the light and darkness. And the borderline goes through all human races – nations – people.
I expected Russia to offer relief ONLY through N2 all along, if only to settle THAT hash. Furthermore, no offense, but maybe if Vlad offers, it’s the first baby steps to helping Germany off the American gallows. Split them away, it could lead to good things. It would gore the American ox, too.
@ pablozz on July 06, 2022 · at 3:14 pm EST/EDT
the manure spreader spraying down the police who stood solid in a hold the line pose was priceless. the shooting the tractor then claiming it was warning shots then claiming the farmer tried to run them down didnt hold weight. i guess the terrible “russian created world food crisis” is naught if they are great resetting 30% of the third largest food producer to save the planet. these WEF creatures are starting to feel the collars on their shirts rub
Well, pablozz, this is not a riot anymore, this is an uprising.
Glad you pointed out the manure video. I got it to post it here.
This is a farmers’ revolt. We’ll see where it takes us.
The Arab Spring started with a Tunisian street vendor self-immolation.
Eurostan is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Lone Wolf
It is NOT going to work. Remember the Canadian truckers?
Money will be taken from banks for protesters. Farms land and machine will be confiscated. Some people may be shot and nobody will answer for it.
Wake up people the west is too much brainwashed to really revolt.
What they want is “same as before” and this is no longer an option for their WEF Masters.
Nobody really want to die, a simple threat to their children and they will run in tears while children in Donetsk are killed almost every other day.
Nobody has a real ideological or real change agenda.
They are all individualists, strong believers in “free market”, “freedom” and “democracy” and anti-communists, anti religious, against “bad” Rusia and communist China.
It is just that they do NOT LIKE what they have to suffer and want to return to “good old times” of abundant oil and simulated freedom for the salves. Not going to work anymore.
Peaceful, even if strong protest are done /finished, they accomplish nothing anymore.
Remember the Canadian truckers, the Yellow Vests in France, the Construction workers protest in Australia? Nothing was obtained.
The time for peaceful protest has expired.
And unfortunately 99.99% of Western population is too brainwashed by propaganda to really think against their Masters.
I agree with you on your take about the majority of Western population and the rest of the world allied /enamoured with the West. There will be no revolt against current Western elites….they want and enjoy the status quo.
The whole moral paradigm of Western values can be summarised as : selfishness, individualism , self-interest as core values. It is the most potent “social opiate”. Liberal democracy, freedoms, unbridled capitalism – they are manifestations of unbridled self-centeredness and individualism. And for the animal part of humanity, very seductive and enticing to lull conscience to coma. Who wouldn’t like a societal/political /economic system that approves of the most base of sensuality and desires? That’s the essence of what’s holding back Western and pro West populations from revolting against the evils of their elites . The common folk in the West/Western allied countries aspires to join or be part of the elites rather than bring that system down! Nothing will change until there is a systematic collapse of the whole Western socio-political and economic model. It requires a major geopolitical shock of cataclysmic consequences to do so. In effect, one that thoroughly demonstrates and debunks Western socio-political and economic models as unsustainable and self destructive in the long run – which it actually is. Otherwise those of us who rail against this current monstrosity only rail in vain . It has to be seen to be an anti civilizational and inhuman system in a practical way by demonstration of societal and political collapse of its major advocates such as that of USA or EU. Or a major geopolitical defeat of USA or EU against its rivals. Or else, any thought of USA /EU changing course via popular revolt is wishful thinking.
Yes, but such a demonstration of an apocaliptic collapse of US/EU/UK/AU/NZ/JP is not going to happen also.
It will be slow and painful, incremental.
I think Rusia and China are incrementally using war and anti sanctions exactly in order to avoid a to fast / too powerful collapse of the West.
They are mature enough to understand that such a collapse can be dangerous for the whole world.
Besides no matter how big the shock and collapse in the west it will always be the fault of communists or RUsia or Trump or primitive non belivers and not impressed by the Woke ideology.
Capitalism and individualism are always GOD and to be praised as the quintessence of human inventivity and creativity no matter how many resources and people or brains you steal by printing money or by gunboat policy or by special forces force and orange regime changes.
500.000 dead children are a good price to pay for “democracy”.
We never had democracy in the West. It is an old ideological fight between ancient Athena and Sparta.
This battle was Won ideologically by Sparta and since then we always have had an “oligarchy” that we re-name as “democracy” in the West.
Real democracy is working for the good of the many poor or unlucky people.
Something the Elites will never agree to do.
Unless you are in China or Russia or …
Canadian trucker’s protest all over the country, every week, not the big national rally but local, easier to organize and scatter when piggy comes along. Protests are ongoing, the main organizer just got rearrested, for ‘speaking’ out.
Cheers M
Isn’t it amusing after all the hype and PR of all the “wizz-bang” high tech weapons are gone…what are we left with?
Trench warfare.
Russia is reaching a new phase that needs careful planning, the Ukraine front is about to collapse but outstripping your supply lines in pursuit is not an option.
Ukraine would of held back some elite units to counter attack once the front collapsed…the Ukrainians strategy is been run by western intelligence…and they love mobile warfare.
Russia must plan for this eventuality and arrange elite units of their own to break up any Ukrainian mobile momentum.
The only objective Russia has after Luhansk and the Donbass region of any worth is Odessa and that is a siege strategy.
After that what is left of Ukraine will be left to beg for survival…NATO will soon grow tired and Russia will be able to scoop the rest up in 5 to 10 years for no human cost.
it would be eminently logical for Russia to cut off oil and gas deliveries to any countries that refuse to withdraw from NATO.
The time for Nord Stream 2 is passed. Russia should only trade with friendly nations and only after all Russian financial assets have been released and accounted. Russia must immediately focus on its own internal development and re-industrialization. Major parts of Russia are still badly underdeveloped and this must be corrected if Russia is to survive the next wave of assault.
“Major parts of Russia are still badly underdeveloped ”
Which parts are these?
Just curious. I know that the Far East is underdeveloped, but what about european Russia?
It is those under developed parts that make it so attractive to Anglo Zionist banker scum, The nned more ooportunites to keep their fractional reserve banking scam running and endless “groth” is the only way to do that.
All wars are bankers wars, never, ever forget that.
Some videos for today.
RT follows the advancing front line (near Seversk) and a changing opposition (the Kiev regime has started drafting women to be used as cannon fodder for the West’s proxy war against Russia):
Yesterday’s criminal Kiev regime shelling (likely with Western-supplied weapons) killed a 10-year-old girl in Donetsk:
Western mass media propagandists are blatantly lying (as usual) and trying to claim that Russia is “bombarding Donetsk” when in reality it is the West’s own Kiev puppet dictatorship that is obviously doing it:
Russia delivers humanitarian aid to Lisichansk’s civilian population:
Russian military destroys two US-made HIMARS MLRS:
Another Russian Iskander missile launched at an enemy position:
Russian Buk-M1 air defense system in action near Kharkov:
I would be very surprised if after all this, Russians refuse to recommence trade with the West, but I would expect them to do so, with extraordinary leverage.
To refuse would be to cause such trouble in those countries and globally that Russia itself could likely not escape.
Far better to have some control, extract common sense concessions when current leaders falls, as inevitably they must.
Germany, City of London are places where the anti-Russia vipers nest since centuries back. Not a single step back,Russia. This one should stand in human history as our generation´s Stalingrad. High time to finish the unfinished job of 1945 Berlin. And “push” United Kingdom to the edge of USA shores.
“Negociations” with whom, for what. Soon, the only negociation items will include the Western Europe´s, more precisely the Anglo-Saxon-Jewish Central Bankers submission lest their complete annihilation.
Stop all sorts of energy supply. Nationalize all the German companies (7000 of them) operating in Russia. Slap some Otan country, Romania or Lithuania, better yet, russify all the Russian-speaking minorities in the stooge Baltic states by distributing Russian passports. We will see which “suicidal” Otan country, the USA included, will have the guts to face Russia and its devoted citizenry. High time to stop 1000 years of Russia phobia.
We mistake Scott Ritter,he is not anti-Russian.And while he may disagree on some aspects of the SMO. It comes only from the stand of constructive criticism. He is in general as this speech he gave shows,very pro-Russian:
Countries engage in war for a reason. Most countries today are republics for a reason.
To comprehend the politics today, one must comprehend who, what, where are the Bolsheviks alive and well.
To comprehend the economics, one must comprehend where the resources lie and where lie the means to exploit the resources.
To comprehend the Ukro conflict, one must identify the real stakeholders, the real resources, the real means. Hint: look to the sons and daughters of Biden, Pelosi, and the entire USSA politbureau and note their ownerships and directorships of key Ukro resources and companies.
NATO supplies their military jewels to the Ukraine, and the Ukrainians drive them to the Russian border and sell them to the Russians for relative peanuts.
The theatre of the absurd!
Russia must be laughing. They are stripping NATO of all its excess weapons, destroying these weapons, and anything of value can be purchased to be analysed! Why stop your enemies during their own suicide operations. Pass the vodka!
@ Russian Bear
A couple of things. (English) or (Russian), allegedly linked to Ukraine, and whose news we have to be cautious about, reported on the destruction of a division of Uragan MLRS after arriving at a train station. Their reporting style is not to say whose country the destroyed hardware belongs to, or in which place the destruction took place. They leave that to those who don’t know them, and can be trapped in their web of misinformation.
Obviously Uragan MLRS are Russians, no need to say it. Where did this attack happened, is a mystery.
See below.
The Uragan MLRS division deployed to the front was destroyed in less than an hour.
The division of the Uragan MLRS transferred to the front was defeated in less than an hour.
The military published video footage showing the destruction of the Uragan MLRS division that had just been transferred to the front by rail. Apparently, the arrival of a train with multiple launch rocket systems was recorded in advance, and as soon as the equipment was removed from the railway platforms and placed in the vicinity of the station, it was hit. Literally within 20 minutes, 4 launchers were destroyed, after which four more launchers were destroyed. This indicates that an entire division of MLRS was destroyed, as well as transport loading vehicles, trucks with ammunition and other equipment.
On the presented video frames, you can see the moment of strikes on the locations of the Uragan MLRS launchers. Judging by the accuracy with which the strikes were delivered, the latter, apparently, were carried out by corrective ammunition. Some of the ammunition began to spontaneously detonate, resulting in collateral damage.
In fact, the Uragan MLRS division was destroyed within only an hour from the moment it was transferred to the front line, which was probably due to the lack of air cover.
On another note, “Military Chronicle” reported on the annihilation of “A group of Belarusian nationalists” on the headline, with a front picture of dead VSUshniky that can be anywhere in Ukraine. The article, however, does not elaborate on when, where, or in what circumstances these nationalist Belarusians were killed, just the headline
See below.
The latest news from Ukraine: TOTAL HELL and TIN FROM THE COMBAT ZONE. A group of Belarusian nationalists was killed (18 videos)
If you happen to see news related to these events, I’d appreciate it if you post links to the info. Or if you could do a search for news re: these events, I’ll be grateful. I am more interested on the destruction of the Uragan MLRS, would like to confirm the event or refute it as false. On the Belarusian nationalists I have already seen some news, the captured ones are being interrogated, and they are totally brainwashed,
Apppreciate it, thanks.
Lone Wolf
The note below does not elaborate anything on the headline
i hope it’s not. sad and scared. the west is pretty cocky that their satellites and intelligence and that group of “vets” will turn it.
having faith that russia will adapt and id love to see china help with tech at least.
For quite some time now Nothing in this world has been more obvious than that Russian gas from the Arctic will be burned in Europe…..on Putin’s terms.
No, you are not wrong to wish that. Its time to bring the arrogant fucks down to their knees, and teach them a lesson in humility. Hunger is an exceptional good motivator.
“He noted that the “idea to punish a country with the largest nuclear potential is absurd and potentially creates the threat to mankind’s existence.”
He is right that it’s absurd to do that against such a power. A later edition of the same cut this quote out.
It is absurd to surround it with military alliances. War then actually happens. It is absurd to play accuser against such a power. If it’s even partly a “false accuser” game, then it is diabolical since a possible end of the world is involved. His “wrath of God” phrase, made in such a context, is right. It can even stand as a normal or obvious thought. Trump brags (still) about being “tougher” against this nuclear power than anybody else. Russia doesn’t use such a phrase against the U.S. at all…it acts in a more God-fearing way by not using such words.
Putin’s aide warns U.S. against pressing for war crimes court
Trump is called a “tyrant”, but he is a democracy wonder, that is, he is a political wonder that only a democracy produces. In 2016, he said that “we” would win so much that finally he would be begged “not to win anymore.” It happened that way too. It’s just that we disagreed on what “victory” was. His tax cut victory turned out to be much bigger, on a percentage basis, for the richest billionaire people like himself (Gates, Warren, Bezos got it) than for the middle class, and the poorest people received (absolutely) no tax cut.
I would be surprised if NATO countries get off the hook so easily. They aren’t doing this for the good of their people, they know their heads are going to roll unless the energy begins to flow soon. Putin should just wait and let this play out. It is to Russia’s advantage. This is how he brings about regime change in the west. And when the decision is made to sell energy, stick with the original plan of being paid in Rubles, no going back to the Euro. This will over time destroy that currency {Euro}. Let the rest wither on the vine. Russia’s best weapons are foodstuffs and energy.
Germany is an occupied country. What can it do, ask the Americans to leave?
I have been thinking about Russia’s economic position and something which strikes me as odd is the insistence on Ruble payments.
Just as you work for money in order to buy other things, countries export in order to be able to import. If the country cannot import, why bother exporting, which in the absence of imports is essentially giving the goods away?
Refusing Euros makes sense; Russians are unable to use them for imports, so why should they accept them for exports?
However, Russians are also unable to use Rubles for imports, so the problem is similar, if lesser given that the kleptrocratic Western states cannot “freeze” them.
So it seems that by exporting with payments even in Rubles, Russians are doing work for no return.
In that position, I would demand gold or silver physically delivered, perhaps in advance, in exchange for exports. The problem there is that accumulating precious metals is dangerous for an economy (see conquistador Spain), although preferable to worthless fiat of any sort (the Ruble is still worthless fiat after all).
So I can only think that the reason to continue trading is two things
1. Force use and therefore acceptance of the Ruble in European businesses.
2. Promote continued reliance of Europe and NATO on Russian energy and resources by crushing alternatives on price. This enables a realpolitik squeeze at critical junctures, for example Winter, or during a NATO invasion.
TL;DR I don’t see how Russia boomeranging its own Rubles in exporting energy is anything other than a geopolitical move against the Empire of Lies. I do not see a strictly economic benefit to Russia.
A snippet on snake island – so, now we all know who owns snake island – from the Russian MoD.
▫️Amid military failures and a massive retreat of Ukrainian forces in Donbass, on the night of July 7, the Kiev regime attempted to symbolically deliver the flag to Snake Island.
💥Around 5am, several Ukrainian soldiers boarded the island from a motorboat and were photographed with the flag. Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft immediately struck Snake Island with high-precision missiles, killing some of the Ukrainian troops. The survivors fled in the direction of Primorske, Odessa region.
I understand your thinking. May I suggest that Russia might take a different tack? If I were Russian, I would enthusiastically agree to start NS2, and even ask initially that it be paid in rubles, but then back down and accept zEuros. The West will be falling all over itself on how “Russia fell into line”.
Except, due to a string of unfortunate events – we all know how much Russians like to drink, eh? – no gas actually ever flows through the pipe. The Germans will be telling Joe Tzu “thanks but we don’t need your LNG”, and BASF will be calling every one back to work, but no gas ever appears. Russia says “So sorry! We are working around the clock to fix the problem!” but nothing changes until freezing Europeans change their overlords. Then, miraculously, the problems disappear and the gas flows.
(Crime & Punishment)
Jul 5
The international legion is also shaping up to be a sort of safe haven for US military veterans accused of violent crimes & rapes.Both of these men escaped arrest and prosecution by fleeing to Ukraine.
Here’s another photo of Ryan Burke, who went on the lam in Ukraine after being accused of rape
In this July 2020 podcast, he was identified as an “ex-Special Operations Marine” with an extensive military background and specialized knowledge of the global sex-trafficking trade
Ukraine is undoubtedly full of scum. NATO sends their scum there. It’s not a bug it’s a feature
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
‼️🇬🇧Report from the front:
🏃♂️Servicemen of the 80th Ukrainian Airborne Assault Brigade refuse to participate in hostilities and desert en masse to rear areas ;
☠️The total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a result of the strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Soledar direction amounted to 2.5 thousand people .
An acute shortage of first-echelon personnel forced Kiev to send national battalions to the front line, performing the tasks of detachments ;
✈️Russian Su-35 fighters shot down one MiG-29 and one Su-25 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the DPR;
💥The RF Armed Forces hit 3 Ukrainian platoons of the Grad MLRS near Dzerzhinsk, 4 batteries and a platoon of 152-mm howitzers “Hyacinth-B” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the DPR;
✈️In the Artemovsk area in the DPR, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed up to 350 people and 20 armored vehicles of two mechanized and one mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
🐙The militants of the national battalion “Kraken” refused to comply with the order of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to advance to the front line;
🏹During the day, Russian air defense systems shot down 17 Ukrainian UAVs , intercepted 6 Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles in the Kherson region;
🚀The Russian Aerospace Forces with high-precision weapons destroyed the stationing point of foreign mercenaries in the Nikolaev region and the training center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Ochakov area;
More details in the report of the Ministry of Defense . Part 1:
Part 2 :
Russian Spring Z: special operation in Ukraine and Donbass
‼️🇬🇧Briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the situation in the special operation zone
Part 1:
🚀As a result of strikes with high-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces on the combat positions of Ukrainian troops in the Soledar direction, the total losses of the 24th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are already …
forwarded from
Poddubny |Z|О|V| edition
The attack on Slavyansk from the east and the liberation of the territory of the DPR.
As soon as the enemy fled from Lisichansk, the Kyiv regime threw all its forces to gather combat-ready units and formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Seversk. In Kyiv, they were truly afraid that on the shoulders of the retreating allied forces they would drive straight to the outskirts of Slavyansk.
Seversk is located in a lowland, so the city itself is poorly adapted for defense. Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine use it in order to keep the reserves that the command throws into the directions of the allied strikes. In fact, the Ukrainian infantry is thrown to death. Fierce battles are going on in the Grigorovka area. This settlement is located west of Belogorovka. The Armed Forces of Ukraine clings to the villages in the vicinity of Seversk, because without them the formations of the Kyiv regime will have to retreat from Seversk. We continue to monitor.
@ Russian Bear on July 07, 2022 · at 9:32 am EST/EDT
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
‼️🇬🇧Report from the front:
🐙The militants of the national battalion “Kraken” refused to comply with the order of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to advance to the front line;
Whatever happened to the Übermensch “Kraken” battalion, did they crack under the “hell on earth” Russian fire? Aren’t they willing to die for Hitler, Bandera, and “Glory to Ukraine” crooked load of BS?
I posted a message for you last night, wonder if you have seen it, re: information on two items. Please let me know if you are able to find something. Thanks.
Lone Wolf
“…There is much being said about what next for Russia but, we have seldom been successful in projecting what the Russians may do next…”
What will the Ukies do next? Concentrate their armed forces to defend a city that is not strategically important in order to avoid another public relations disaster like Severodonetsk/Lysychansk.
What will the Russians do next? Surround that concentration and bomb the daylights out of it, to further de-militarize Ukraine.
Do I know where the Ukies will concentrate and defend? Do the Russians know? Maybe, but if they don’t they can wait for the Ukies to move and then react. The Russians are hunting.
Wow! You would expect this here in the USA with all the Soros planted AG’s and Judges; Certainly NOT in Russia. WTF? I find this shocking!
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
forwarded from
Alexander Khinshtein
I just have no censorship words !!!!!!!!!
A native of Ukraine with an American passport, who brutally beat an 84-year-old veteran of the Armed Forces in Moscow for supporting the SVO, was sentenced … to 1.5 years of restriction of freedom. As punishment for fractures, concussion and many bruises in the old man, he will simply not be able to attend restaurants and public events.
For some reason, the investigation (Sviblovo DMIA) qualified the actions of the “militant” according to the mildest composition (part 1 of article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), but the prosecutor’s office did not see anything illegal in that. (Although it is obvious – p. “e” part 2: Deliberate infliction of moderate bodily harm based on political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity.)
And this, despite massive publicity and even stories on central TV channels .
I will again apply to the prosecutor’s office and seek a review of the case. I think the verdict is just a shameless mockery of common sense. And to the beaten veteran – I send rays of support and wish you health and courage!
@ Russian Bear on July 07, 2022 · at 10:26 am EST/EDT
Wow! You would expect this here in the USA with all the Soros planted AG’s and Judges; Certainly NOT in Russia. WTF? I find this shocking!
The SMO has opened to view different aspects of Russian society that are “just a shameless mockery of common sense,” as per the article. This is a travesty of justice, wonder if this have to do with the Ukronazi having an “American” passport, or the judge is a senile old man with dementia. 1.5 years restriction of freedom? That means this POS cannot go to his favorite restaurant, but can order food home.
Ridiculous, to say the least.
Similar weaknesses are coming out in the defense sector. A couple of days ago, Russian border guards were attacked by Ukronazis, killing one and wounding several. This is not the first time border guards are attacked, killed or wounded by Ukronazis, they are exploiting the vulnerabilities along the border line.
See below.
“…According to local residents, today’s attack on Russian border guards took place in the village of Staroselye. Like other settlements in the Belgorod region, it is regularly under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is why all residents had to be withdrawn from there. Ukrainian DRGs regularly try to enter Russian territory, but the KTO regime has not yet been introduced in the border areas. This reduces the ability of border troops to fight enemy saboteurs and leads to other problems. For example, supply on a residual basis.
So, border guards in dangerous areas do not have quadrocopters and thermal imagers, and sometimes even binoculars. They have to buy all of these items exclusively with their own money. Despite regular skirmishes with the Ukrainian DRG, the FSB PS servicemen still do not have the status of a member of the SVO. How can I solve this problem? For example, recall at least the Soviet experience of using motorized maneuver groups in Afghanistan. Strengthening and deploying additional mobile action units of the FSB border guard service will simplify the fight against saboteurs.
Another measure is to allow border guards to conduct operations with entry into the Ukrainian territory. This will make it possible to act proactively, hitting any potentially dangerous targets. Otherwise, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be inspired with impunity and proceed to full-fledged raids on Russian territory. (Rybar)…”
Lone Wolf
About the border guards:
Crises trigger change, and war even more so. Deficiencies become undeniable. Wise leadership admits this and acts to overcome them. For Russia, it is win or win.
⚡️Putin supported the initiative to equate the status of LNR and DNR servicemen with those in Russia
“The same applies to our border guards. The Federal Security Service came out with such a proposal, I agree with it,” the president said.
The exchanged Russian/LDNR prisoners are talking about their treatment as Ukie prisoners. I have a strong feeling that there will be harsh,very harsh retribution to the Ukie’s from this.The only thing saving the regular Ukie soldier so far is the innate goodness of the Russian soul. And the kindness shown to a defeated foe.But for the SBU goons that are captured (if they are captured) a firing squad or gallows will be the fate of more than a few of them:
“We were beaten with sticks, clubs, feet. We were strangled and threatened with weapons.”
The Russian military released from captivity told the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation how Ukrainians treated them.
The blindfolded and blindfolded servicemen were kept in the SBU department for a long time and were constantly beaten.
Many of them, especially officers, were threatened with death, tortured with electric shocks and starved.
The wounded were denied medical care for a long time, and when they helped, it was like torture again.
“In the hospital, they sewed up my wound without painkillers. They said: don’t yell, we’ll start cutting you again now”
Video: RF IC.
I would have expected nothing less from those Gestapo filth,i hope the POWs managed to get some intel while prisoners,names ranks etc of the criminals,i don’t understad why Mr Kalibr has not showed upp at SBU HQ in Kiev its infested with CIA scum
Briefing by MOD on NATO Bioweapons in Ukraine etc. Lots of material here.
Operation Z: Military commissars of the Russian Spring
‼️📵Important information. Let’s stop helping the enemy‼️
Today, CNN reports that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are following the publications in the Russian media and social networks after the strikes to correct their bloody work.
Dear readers and channel admins, we are all often in pursuit of a picture, helping the enemy to correct attacks on our cities. Ukrainians have long understood that shots of shots make it much easier to evaluate the result and adjust the next shots. There, for the photo, they are accused of aiding the enemy. For comparison, 2 videos – a blow to Kharkov and a blow to Donetsk. Comments are superfluous. We need to abandon the thinking of peacetime, here we need to understand that I took a photo of the impact – endangered the children of Donbass. Even the militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine themselves do not hide that they are monitoring our channels for such information.
We ask the maximum repost of admins, together we can influence the situation. We ask readers to remind admins in the comments not to publish such material. Let’s declare a battle to drain critical information to the enemy. Together we will win🤝
Grigorovka (Hryhorivka in Google Maps), is already partially under control of Allied forces. These are troops that crossed the Siverskyi Donetsk river from the north, and are working their way along the southern river bank taking towns north of Seversk.
Next one up is Serebrianka.
Also, Ukrowerhmacht is blowing up weapon depots along the Seversk/Artemivsk line, in Soledar to be specific, hinting they are getting ready to abandon this line of defense.
Let’s hope so.
Ukrowerhmacht is ready to implement the “new tactics” of “active” or “mobile defense” the chief of the AFU Zaluzhny has been cackling about. The Russians already cracked them, for the “new tactics” are nothing new. Instead of fortifying positions inside towns and villages, Ukronazis will hold to the surrounding forests, wait for the Allied troops to enter the towns, blast them with artillery, then counterattack.
Good luck, losers.
A broken column of Georgian mercenaries. In Soledar, the Armed Forces of Ukraine blow up weapons depots! Latest news from Ukraine today (21 videos)
Disputable and partially Grigorovka are under the control of the Russian Armed Forces – this is all in the direction of Seversk. The fights are probably already moving on.
The APU is blowing up weapons depots near Soledar – a good sign that the APU will soon leave here. Today, at about 8: 30 in the area of the village of Praskoviyevka, the first such warehouse was blown up by the Ukrainian military. Soledar warehouses are known for storing millions of barrels of the Second World War, in 2014 the sappers did something and the warehouses for the most part were unrecoverable, mined.
Reports are coming from the front near Seversk and Bakhmut (Artemivsk) about the new tactics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which Zaluzhny recently spoke about. Its essence is as follows. The APU no longer stubbornly clings to populated areas. They leave only barriers there, and they concentrate in the forest plantations nearby and wait for the Russian units to enter the village, and then after a fire defeat, an attempt to counterattack follows. In fact, nothing particularly new, just an attempt to delay their demise…”
There are plenty of Americans that are against the war. If Biden along with most of his party and a good number of warmongering Republicans did not fund it, we would already have peace. This is another Davos tactic to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. I saw what they did with Iraq and will not be fooled again by any NWO BS. All we get is Ukrainian propaganda on all major networks, it is easy to see that the Russian people are winning because they stopped reporting on it very much anymore.
“Russia’s Putin: If West wants to beat us on battlefield, let them try” -Reuters headline
Russian Grouping Designation: V O Z
These seem to be the initials of Elensky!
The ultimate Russian trolling of Elensky!
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy