First, I am delighted to announce that the Latam Saker (Latin America – in Spanish and Portuguese) is back up and running.  However, please write down and bookmark its new domain name:

Please not that the previous domain name ( is currently not used anymore.

A big THANK YOU to Herb and all the others who worked behind the scenes to bring the Saker Latam back online!

Second, the Saker blog is still under attack, but this time using an indirect method which I cannot name, but which will force us to take some time to finally restrict the comments section to only those who have signed up.  Here I ask for your patience and understanding.

Finally, as my friend Andrei Martyanov likes to do, I have decided to share a piece of music I love with you on week ends and, of course, only if current events allow this.

Today I want to share an exceptionally beautiful rendition of Piero Piccioni‘s superb composition “The Light at the Edge of the World” by John McLaughlin and his band, the 4th dimension (Etienne Mbappe – bass; Jany McPherson – piano; Gary Husband – other keyboards and 2nd drums; Nicola Viccaro – 1st drums).  John McLaughlin is one of the two guitarists which most influenced my own guitar playing (the other one being Philip Catherine) and it is a real joy for me to see him still producing music of tremendous originality and emotional creativity.  I hope that you will enjoy this track as much as I did!

I wish you all a great, restful and joy-filled week-end!
