by Stephen Karganovic for The Saker Blog
In Serbia, severely restrictive measures taken ostensibly to combat the corona virus pandemic are turning increasingly into a cover for the persecution not only of political critics but also religious leaders who refuse to abide by government decrees effectively abolishing collective Orthodox worship during Lent. Last week, the regime’s target was Republican Party leader Nikola Sandulović. On Saturday, April 4, it was the turn of Bishop Naum of the Rashka and Prizren Serbian Orthodox Diocese in Exile, who is also abbot of the St. Justin Popović Monastery in Barajevo, near Belgrade.
SIDEBAR: The latest news from the family of the incarcerated regime critic Nikola Sandulović is that, while in confinement, he suffered a debilitating stroke. His family are not allowed to see him and they have no precise knowledge where he is being held, incommunicado. This turn of events makes it even more urgent to contact Danny Kaye, the UN Human rights rapporteur to express concern for Mr. Sandulović’s wellbeing.
The regime did not just declare a state of exception, unconstitutionally and without allowing the effectively dispersed parliament to debate the measure; it has proceeded with a vengeance to issue a series of decrees during Lent prohibiting religious gatherings as well. Prof. Zoran Čvorović of the Faculty of Law of Kragujevac University has argued forcefully that “freedom of religion is guaranteed by Art. 43 of the Serbian Constitution and by Art. 9 of the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It is an absolute right which according to Art. 202 of the Constitution may not in any way be curtailed, even during the state of exception. Therefore, preventing believers to attend the holy liturgy constitutes unconstitutional abuse of authority by the Government and the President.”
Such constitutional niceties, as argued by a fuddy-duddy law professor, mattered little a week ago to the regime and its goons when the police burst into the local church in the community of Lazarevac, just as the Gospel was being read, and broke up the “illegal gathering” in a crass manner that vividly recalled the Soviet days.
Unlike the official church hierarchy, which meekly submitted to the regime’s demand that worship activities be conducted at home on an individual basis (the Soviet refrain that “religion is a private affair,” to be hidden from public view, is readily recalled), Bishop Naum – who is in communion with Bishop Artemije who was removed from his see in Kosovo in 2010 at the insistence of NATO embassies in Belgrade – refused to limit collective liturgical celebrations and to impiously adapt traditional communion practice to conform to regime demands.
On Saturday, April 4, the police showed up at the monastery, apparently tipped off by informants that a liturgical service was in progress. After the bishop’s sermon and once worshippers dispersed, the police moved in and arrested Bishop Naum for organizing an illegal gathering (including communion from a single chalice and using the same spoon) that allegedly threatened to spread the corona virus contagion.
At present, there is no reliable information about where the bishop is being held or what the authorities intend to do with him. According to unofficial rumors he is to be taken before a judge on Monday. If his parishioners show up in court to give him moral support, but fail to keep the prescribed “social distance” of one meter, chances are that they may also be arrested.
The words of pastor Niemoller, “First they came…”, are today more pertinent than ever. The functionaries of the official church would be wise to pay heed to Niemoller’s words before continuing to pretend, in the manner of their Soviet colleague Metropolitan Sergius (and here), that they did not notice the arrest and persecution of their fellow hierarch. So far, not a single official church bishop has uttered a word of protest. Will there be anyone left to reprove their own persecutors when the police come knocking on their door?
We therefore once again appeal to readers to react, now no longer only to Nikola Sandulović’s arrest but also to the persecution of Bishop Naum, by making it an international issue, which it properly is. Please email your concern for Mr. Sandulović’s and Bishop Naum’s safety and wellbeing to David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, at . You may send him a fax message at: +41 22 917 9006. If you are able and wish to contact him by mail, please write to him at the following address:
Mr. David Kaye
Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
This weekend, Serbia is under house arrest until 5 am on Monday. The regime is using its squad of medical charlatans to justify ever tightening and completely illegal restrictions being imposed on the citizens of that unfortunate country. Please add your voice in protest and moral support for the victims of, alongside tragicomical Montenegro, the last unbridled tyranny in Europe.

His Eminence, Bishop Naum

Police arrive on the monastery grounds to arrest Bishop Naum
Of course the government uses force if the people keep showing anti-social behavior, it is anti-social for the clergy to dismiss society’s worries about the coronavirus and for endangering the people. How many intensive care beds does Serbia have? Just a handful. Do the clergy want to wipe out part of the population? The freedom to share a spoon with the masses does not supersede the right to life and health. Typical Balkan behavior to immediately call for “international” help. A State Of Emergency can legally suspend the rights and freedoms guaranteed under the constitution.
They did not go to the public square, or door to door coughing and sneezing on everyone telling them to come to Liturgy. This was a Church service held in a Church building at a monastery it appears. People are free to attend of their own choice and free will.
And when, in the west ‘authorities’ demand everyone submits to their vaccination or face fines, imprisonment and being ostracized I already know what your position will be. It is herd immunity you see! If all are vaccinated but one then all are threatened.
You are supposed to be staying at home, locked safely away from the public. If you are being obedient to your masters, how is someone else having a Church service hurting you or anyone else? YOu are locked in your prison and not near them.
Because if any of those are infected in the church they will spread it,in the Church and outside,its not rocket science.
So, gathering of people is antisocial behavior, and social distancing is social behavior. Wow.
If you are afraid of the bug, lock yourself in the house, nobody is stopping you, it’s your God given right.
Let others continue with their life, earn and feed their children. And yes, that includes living among many viruses, that follow humanity since the begining of time. And yet, the humanity presevers.
Welcome to dystopia! This could be never ending considering there are an estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 viruses on planet earth (10 to to power of 32 in case I miscounted my zero)… and there’s even more in outer space.
Craig Mouldey and anon have already said the important stuff, i just want to be on record so that the world know i agree with them.
I hope you live well with your choices as the rest off us do with ours, free will and freedom is not just words for some people. You might feel comforted and comfortable living in a “east Germany like state” but some of us dont.
I will mail mr Kaye.
In the first place ex post facto “law” isn’t law. Nothing can subvert the organic law of a nation.
In the second place, the vast majority of those infected with COVID-19 did not even know they were. It was well known months ago that influenza and tuberculosis and dozens of other widespread diseases are far more deadly and kill several orders of magnitude more people annually than COVID-19. I was surprised that Putin went along with the charade, but maybe some of his advisors are like Fauci who should be tried and then executed for lying to the American people and ignoring the retrovirus problem with vaccines.
Classic case of damned if you, damned if you don’t. Better to err on the side of caution and make people follow the law. As intrusive it may be…
This is the first time in a longish life I find myself agreeing 100% with police state methods (re religious fanatics who are mortally endangering the rest of the population, not about Mr Sandulovic…)
Religious fanatics? Whose conduct is being fanatical? Those who offer Divine services away from the public square which people may freely attend if they wish or forced solitary confinement of the population. Solitary confinement is a punishment meant to inflict psychological pain. So, who is being fanatical?
Personally I completely reject the imposition of a police state. I don’t believe the propaganda. If you’re freaked out by the number of deaths, just look at your census figures for the leading causes of death in your country. Lot’s of people die every day. Here in Australia there were 3,046 self-harm deaths (suicides) in the latest census (2018 figures), 17,533 died from heart disease, 13,963 from dementia and related conditions, 3,102 from influenza – just to pick out a few. 158,493 total of deaths for the year in a population of 24.6 million.
(apologies for the capitals, but I feel strongly about the police state that we’ve been frog-marched into since 9/11 – it’s all for our own good, my arse!!, it’s for the benefit of the egomaniac megalomaniacs in their pursuit of their New World Order – global government recently called for by at least Gordon Brown and Henry Kissinger.)
I find the comments of Dave and Piero deeply offensive and ignorant
I ask you both not to post further comments on this blog.
You are no longer welcome here.
The Saker
“First they came for the Serbs”. As someone said on another thread, fascist authoritarianism works top-down, but it cannot survive without bottom-up support from its acquiescent masses. Acquiescence includes defense of injustice because it has been made “Legal”.
Abortion comes to mind. It is undisputed that a woman cannot be partly pregnant, therefore life begins at conception and that the act of abortion is premeditated murder. Since a majority of the so-called “Supreme Court of the US” pretended they could not determine when life began, which even children know there is a baby inside mommy, liberty has been on a slippery slope.that
You and me both Mr. Saker. I did not see your comment before just submitting my own. In a so-called free world, with this viewpoint prevailing in the public mind, it doesn’t bode well for the days ahead. We are Borge. Resistance is futile. People have not only been quickly panic-stricken into compliance, but there is no sense of the sacred. There isn’t even tolerance for another person beliefs.
The real problem with these comments – so far – is that the Serbian government is not being obliged to report on the medical condition of the priest. Did he suffer a brain trauma at the hands of the police ? This is what should be addressed, and it’s good the article gives at least the UN representative’s address, although IF this part of the UN is similar to the OSCE “mission” in Donbass, those messages will just go into the trashcan. Perhaps people should ask their own religious leaders to raise their voices. At a bare minimum, we need to know what happened to the priest, and whatever “facts” come out must be corroborated by independent sources.
I am sorry that Dave and Piero’s comments have touched a too-sensitive nerve. When I saw a few televangelical churches in Florida and Louisiana holding large services despite government requests to not do so, I did not respect those pastors’ failure to keep their parishioners safe, and my opinion was formed. Even with a different, far more respectable church, I see no reason to change my opinion. This was covered in the Bible when Satan suggested Jesus jump off a cliff to show his Father would save him, and Jesus refused; the lesson is that God obliges people to not do foolishly dangerous things in the expectation that God would save them. How obvious can that be ? When the state decides to close religious services on the claim of an epidemic, and two comments support that decision, a more articulated response is required than to just shut down the discussion. Dave and Piero were calmly stating personal opinions, albeit without supporting facts or logic, but neither their offense nor their ignorance is clear. The Saker has never before silenced comments like this, and I hope this will be the one and only time.
I just saw a report of a church gathering in my region a couple of weeks ago. It was in the early days of the virus outbreak in my country. Gatherings of groups of people were discouraged but not forbidden. Now, a couple of weeks later, 5 people from that Church gathering of 30 people(many elderly) have died and half have fallen sick.
But that being said, I think it is highly unnessesary to arrest people for violating these temporary rules. And abusing them to target political opponents is unacceptable.
@Govern the Mente
I approve your message of caution and justice tempered by judgment. To judge the severity of an epidemic requires numeracy. There is a book called Numeracy; it ought to be a school requirement on the same level as Literacy.
A church gathering of 30 people was reported, many elderly, 50% fell sick and 17% died. Were each of the 17% (5 people) who died specifically tested for Co19? Did any of them have another serious complaint at the time or was Co19 the only possible cause of death?
When did that gathering occur? When was it reported? Between the day of the gathering and the day you read this particular report, how many similar church gatherings were held in your country? What percentage fell sick at similar gatherings?
What percentage died? Because, if your country is full of pious religious folk there must be at least 1 Million people who attended similar church gatherings. Numeracy: 50% of 1 Million is 500,000; and 17% of 1 Million is 170,000. Has there really been a report of 500,000 people falling sick, and 170,000 people dead, after attending similar church gatherings in your country? Because that would indeed be headline news.
The measures implemented in Serbia are drastic, but for a good reason. People in Serbia don’t give a (Removed language,MOD), and think this is all some kind of hoax. That is why the rules are not followed, and the authorities have no choice than tightening the rules.
The question is why is this the case, why are the people so rebellious?
Not more than 3 weeks ago, you had the president of the country together with the health minister and “prominent” virologists, saying to the people that they should not panic and this was only a ordinary flu, the “funniest virus ever”.
They were joking on the stage and encouraging people to go shopping to north Italy.
A sane government would after such a fiasko resign and with that help the state regain trust from the citizens.
Sorry, not only in Serbia. How about being subject to a fine of 1500Euros in France, as well as higher fines in other countries. As someone said (not me) there is no evidence of the virus being transferred by touching surfaces or even breathing in a company of seemingly healthy people. You can fall ill (cold, regular flu, if there is a such a thing) in any situation or time.
I think, I want to provide some support to this article (video) by pointing a video, in which Nikos Lygeros shows timelines of many epidemics. He basically explains them by applied mathematics.
This one is in French N. Lygeros: Chronostratégie et Pandémiologie, 05/04/2020
check the timelines in the right lower corner at 4:44 in the one below
Ν. Λυγερός: e-Masterclass: “Χρονοστρατηγική και Πανδημιολογία”, 05/04/2020
Otherwise I am with you Craig and Andrey
Unfortunately, since early times and readable in history, religion played a big role. It was common in Middle Ages in Europe to pray when plagues swept over Europe.
Millions of people died.
Seems that mankind doesn’t learn.
Most of any populace forgets that nature has supported Homo sapiens sapiens with an excellent brain, with an excellent immune system and its right in our hands (brain) to think properly.
To abandon our wonderful nature is like to abandon God (if existing what we will never be able to verify) with its wonderful creations within our universe. Whether existing or not doesn’t matter: we should respect nature with all its wonders.
To pray and/or do meditation or Autogenic Therapy or whatever else in this kind will be able to support. However, to neglect that nature in itself supports life of any form could proof to be an extremely painful experience.
What I mean is: nature supports reproduction of any type, kind of creature, life form. Whether it is a virus, bacteria, plants, trees, fishes, Homo sapiens sapiens etc. Everything on our earth is supported by nature and if the surroundings/weather etc. change those support will change accordingly.
So in order to survive we will have to use our brain while at the same time we will have to respect nature in itself. Neither more or less.
Me, personally, admire the wonderful creations surrounding us.
” severely restrictive measures taken ostensibly to combat the corona virus pandemic are turning increasingly into a cover for the persecution not only of political critics”
That might happen in a lot of places.
Vucic is now arresting people across Serbia while just a couple of weeks ago one of his leading medical experts stated, quote: “i can’t believe that a people that has survived sanctions, bombings, all kinds of abuse is being intimidated and scared by the most comical virus in the history of mankind which only exists on Facebook”
Then after the (Removed language ,MOD) hits the fan Vucic goes out publicly denying that the Dr. Nestorovic ever said this, forgetting that the same doctor said that on a press conference in front of cameras, and that Vucic was standing just 2 m behind him when he said it. Now that is comical if you ask me. It seems that the president is using the pandemic to consolidate his own power and get rid of political rivals. Now my question is, if a man is capable of going out and lie in the face 7 million Serbs, what is he then capable of doing when the cameras are of …?
Here’s the link to the press conference, the first part is when Vucic attacks the press for lying that Dr. Nestorovic ever said that and the second part is when Dr. Nestorovic actually says it in front of the camera’s.
The question is: how can the arrest of a bishop happen in an orthodox country without widespread outcry?
I read an article about an orthodox community that complained about it’s priest and demanded he be replaced. The monk or bishop they went to for help said, look, a church community gets what it deserves. Get yourselves in order, make the priest live up to your standards.
Respectfully and honestly, maybe the problem is more the religiousity and standards of the Serbian population than creeping fascism. Try going to a restaurant in Belgrade and asking what’s posno. MOST of the time, they, born and raised serbs, probably baptized, don’t even know what counts as posno.
Right now, TRAGICALLY, the dominant religion here is self pity and idolization of the west, utterly baffling as that may be. There are some gems, orthodox luminaries hiding somewhere in this country, but they are an extreme, extreme minority. Most serbs who identify as serbs do so in the most shallow way, just as an badge of phyletist idolotry. if you’re lucky, they will display a pseudo-orthodox over-legalist, superstitious approach utterly and totally devoid of any understanding of theology.
Many Serbs see that, unlike under the previous, beloved patriarch, currently the church behaves like an accoutrement of national identity, and they have thus lost respect for it.
People wonder why the Patriarch awarded some medal, order of merit or something, to Vucic, whom no one can respect. what does the church stand for? perhaps the real crisis is that there are not more priests under arrest, standing up for the church and the continuity of it’s canonical doxy and praxis as carried across the milennia.
Even Bojan, the guy behind the excellent Youtube channel, well, his spiritual father was from the OCA. I won’t put words in his mouth, great guy, look up his Yt channels for his views on the Serbian church.
I’d like to repeat what one person said on the last article, the republican party is minute and basically inconsequential. good luck to that guy though. I’d like to hear more about Bishop Naum
>Even Bojan, the guy behind the excellent Youtube channel, well, his spiritual father was from the OCA. I won’t put words in his mouth, great guy, look up his Yt channels for his views on the Serbian church.
I’m not certain but is this a slur against the OCA? If so, on what basis?
ugh, i’m saying Bojan’s a serb who goes OCA instead of dealing with the Serbian church. no slur
sorry, meant ‘Serbs who identify as orthodox in paragraph 4, and Bojan is behind the youtube channels ‘bible illustrated’ and ‘bible illustrated hands’
I will check out his yt channels.
Thank you Ingrian.
I sent that mail btw, said i was worried for their safety and humbly begged him to take intrest in the cases.
Disclaimer !. This comment is made in good faith & I recommend it be taken in moderation.
In times like this I always turn to the “Master” for advice. Jesus once counselled his followers with these wise words, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” This is the Gospel.
I pray for the safety and wellbeing of His Eminence, Bishop Naum and all those who are persecuted by the Earthly authorities
In the country where I am, quite strong measures are in place, including any sort of gathering, including religious. These are all cancelled for at least a month.
Recall that the outbreak in South Korea started in a Church that held services. That became the seed for many sick. Fortunately, South Korea seems to be getting the situation under control.
However, using police force and arresting people will also cause more problems. A simple, “please don’t do this” would have been a better approach than apparent state bullying.
It’s a strange situation. Infection and mortality rates vary widely, yet we see such strong measures.
It’s kind of no win. If this really does get out of control, like in 1918 or the Middle Ages, the consequences will be far more serious. If suspending religious services results in many lives saved, including Church goers, then that would be the wise thing to do.
That is the paradox of Reality. Sticking to Principle can have a disastrous result, if flexibility is what’s called for.
Flexibility to the point of total relativity means collapse of values.
Knowing when to be strict and when to be flexible can be a tough call.
well, I’ve been warning people, that the more they wait to rebel the worse
it will get for them.
the government sc**m is criminalizing normal human behavior. let that sink in.
“People in Serbia don’t give a ****, and think it’s all a hoax.”
Good on them. The media has shown dishonesty here in pindoland, and I don’t believe in “it” either. Note the takeaway from the Russian expert. When he says “it” is “natural”, he is really saying “don’t worry”.
I’m reminded of this:
People around the world should use this as an opportunity to challenge and roll back the police state, to let the cops in Serbia and elsewhere know that “just following orders” will not be accepted as an excuse. If this whole thing is just the elites kicking the gameboard, let it be the people who reclaim the pieces.
The situation with masks is a microcosm of the larger uncertainty and inconsistency.
I have read a lot about the actual efficacy of masks.
I was starting to go into details but then recalled that we are not supposed to discuss medical aspects except on a dedicated thread. Briefly, I am wearing a mask (home-made) when outdoors because, although it might not in fact be making any difference, there is no way for me to prove this. And, it may actually make some difference that I cannot see or measure. I see no way to prove either possibility in real life.
My point in this context is that even without achieving 100% desired effects, halfway measures are still worth taking because they still may well bring down the averages. I wonder whether it mightn’t have made sense for the bishop to have told parishioners to wear a mask to the service (even use a scarf, etc.), to have them wash their hands when they entered the monastery, to wear a mask himself, and to use plastic spoons for the part of the service that requires a spoon.
Of course, if authorities are using the corona as a pretext to get political enemies, then nothing the latter do will probably satisfy the authorities, short of total capitulation.
If we assume that the priest and his congregation know about the transmission mechanism of virus and still go on to hold the congregation and God forbid, some vector shows up in the assembly and transmits the virus to others, would the person and the priest be held responsible for homicide? What is the position of the Bible and Christianity on this?
The priest simply conducts the service as is his duty. He can conduct the service alone if nobody comes. All those who come to the service are responsible for themselves.
to Anomalous April 6, 2020:
No, they are also responsible if even unaware of it and spreading an infection to others.
This means collective responsibility – which, to my understanding, comprises brother-and/or sisterhood.
What I mean is: when anyone knows that there could be a person spread a virus or bacteria or any form of microbes possibly to other people so it is irresponsible of this individual to attend any form of gatherings.
Everybody yet knows that it is possible as well as some individuals do not show any sign being infected.
Only if an individual has been tested on the same day that he/she doesn’t have this virus then he/she could attend.
The “me-first”-thinking prevails extremely strong and responsibility towards others is not very high – seems to me especially in Western cultures.
Is this because it is a monastery and not a church?
Just saw a cop car with sirens on pass an empty Street. One more way how they psychologically molest the populace.
We are all Palestinians now. Treated like cattle by the occupational government. Macron, Vucic, Orban and others aren’t the legitimate representatives anymore. Expell the occupiers! Fight back!
Here in Russia, church services are still on schedule, despite governmental authorities’ and certain hierarchs’ requests that people not attend. I spoke with a priest in St. Petersburg, and he said that the church will not be closed under any circumstances, based on common agreement between the local clergy and people. Services are still well-attended, and after each person receives Holy Communion the spoon is cleaned with alcohol spirits as a precaution.
“after each person receives Holy Communion the spoon is cleaned with alcohol spirits as a precaution.”
Wow. Way to go MP sergianists. What a blasphemy of precious Blood and Body of Jesus Christ!
Instead to call for repentance of many heresys and ecumenism, bishops of MP go step forward in desecration this time of Christ Himself.
This is the answer you get for this
Churches , especially fringe sects, have been used by intelligence forever. This Korean church is one ofthe more suspect elements in the narrative.
Count the tabligh jamaat which turned out to be a covid19 super spreader in Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and latest, India.
They still hide your face well. ;-)
This article describes a conflict between religious and state power in Serbia, but I see this as more of an intra-church conflict.
Irinej himself, the Patriarch of the SPC, has given the “order” to suspend liturgical services and assembly of more than 5 individuals. As far as I know every other religion has suspended activity (incl. the Mosque in Belgrade).
So is this an act of defiance against the Patriach? Irinej is very old, he has now aligned himself with Vucic…is this a sign of a power struggle within the SPC?
It would interesting to know who actually arrested Episkop Naum. If it was state police and what he has been charged with?
Sorry but I refuse to write to the UN. The UN is not a friend of the Serbian people.
Why should a restaurant have something “posno” to serve anyways? Why would you even go to restaurant during the fasting days?
Vucic and his posse are crazy as a meataxe but writing to the UN or some human rights representative will not help as they are all part of the same Sorosoidian Deep State. I appreciate what Mr Karganovic has done in regards to the truth in Srebrenica but to rely on some UN body is not a solution.
The original, un-bowdlerized version of Pastor Niemoller’s say, a prose poem of sorts, begins:
“First they came for the Communists. …” (…)
Expurgated during Cold War I.
This has nothing to do with religious freedom. The instituted lock-down measures prohibit *any* mass gathering.
Next thing, some pop-star is going to assert the “right” to hold a public concert. People that are “afraid of the bug” are free to stay locked in their houses…indefinitely.
Stephen Karganovic why is this regime critic Nikola Sandulović sitting and concurring that their was a massacre at Racak (debunked) with William Walker of this fame;
In August 1997, Walker was named as a Special Representative of the Secretary General and was appointed to head the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium (UNTAES). He led a mission consisting of some 800 UN civilian and 2,500 military peacekeepers and administrators. The mission was responsible for overseeing the peaceful reintegration of this Serb-controlled region of eastern Slavonia into Croatia following the end of the Croatian War.
Walker was subsequently appointed to head the Kosovo Verification Mission, leading some 1400 international and 1500 local staff between October 1998 and June 1999 along with British Major General John Drewienkiewicz, Walker’s military adviser.[2] This was a peacekeeping mission mounted by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in an unsuccessful attempt to halt the ongoing violence in Kosovo. In 1999, following the Račak massacre, Walker was putting pressure on forensic experts headed by Finnish pathologist Helena Ranta to name the perpetrators of the massacre (Serbian security forces), thus way wanting justification in the international community for the later NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. On January 18, 1999, the FR Yugoslavia government made him persona non grata. A week later, on the intervention by European Council and Russian Federation, Prime Minister of FR Yugoslavia Momir Bulatović froze the decision.[3] The mission was discontinued following the end of the Kosovo War in June 1999.
On November 24, 2008, he became honorary citizen of Republic of Albania, the title given by President Bamir Topi.[4] On January 15, 2009, on the 10th anniversary of the Račak massacre, he was awarded the Golden Medal of Freedom by the President and Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo.
William Walker more than anyone is responsible for the false flag operation and the Bombing of Serbia.ć%20william%20walker&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwj6rKeKudfoAhVCZKwKHRdcB-0QMygAegUIARDjAQ