By Ulrich von Kafkanien for The Saker Blog
I guess this mini-essay, a homage to the late Dave McGowan (1960–2015), needs some captatio benevolentiae as introduction. First: Rest assured, I am not going to question the veracity of the moon landings, of which the first one was broadcasted 50 years ago, July 20 1969. Second: I need to apologise for my poor command of the English language, which would be a good excuse for me not writing anything at all about a linguistic master like Dave McGowan. But as I don’t believe anybody else is going to do so, I set out to write my tribute to McGowan anyway. The reemergence of the Epstein case in the news this month, persuaded me to make good on this intent, not to feel guilty in a sin of omission.
Moon landings? The Epstein case? At the first glance these topics seem to be fallacious by their sheer lack of importance. Why not rather write about something serious and less sensational, like for example the nature of money or the current state of international finance? And didn’t I just promise you not to discuss the moon landings? Well, I promise to keep my promise, but on the other hand I will not abstain from assessing the possibility or impossibility of questioning said moon landings.
So I begin by taking you back to my mindset about 15 years ago; it feels like an eternity now. One day I bought my then beloved Der Spiegel magazine, which I read in order to keep myself informed on current affairs. That week it featured a story criticising certain conspiracy theories about the 11. September terror attacks. I did not bother to read that story. However, I still remember very well why I didn’t bother. I had yet never heard about anybody questioning 911 and I felt insulted that my Spiegel was wasting valuable pages on such bullshit. I was paying for the magazine after all, so I felt the editors were wasting my money. And what would be the next? Running a story informing the reading public that it is not likely that Elvis Presley resurrected from death in 1977? To me the story of 911 conspiracy theories was Thema verfehlt, fallacious as topic, not worth any consideration at all. It did not even occur to me that such hallucinogen induced fantasies could have any relation to politics.
In breve, I was far from any Dave McGowan. It took me five years after the fact to arrive to 911 truth and I embarked on that journey only because somebody appealed to my snobbishness by assuring me that 911 truth was a matter of becoming politically mature, something that I obviously was not, for my lacking understanding of Realpolitik.

The late Dave McGowan
During my two, three years of studying 911, I don’t think I ever came across the name Dave McGowan. It does not seem he had many friends in the 911 community. My current guess is that he was too far ahead from most truthers, too avant garde so to speak, and too irreverent as well.
First some weeks ago I discovered that he wrote and published an almost perfect analysis of 911 already the day after, the September 12 2001. Apart from one minor assumption that I don’t buy, his analysis could work as a good introduction to 911 truth even today, after nearly 18 years of investigations by so many great researchers. More than that, as early as August 3 2000, McGowan published a prophetic post called «The Terrorists are coming! The Terrorists are coming!». In many ways it reads as written today…
It must have been about that time McGowan started to question the moon landings. He was certainly not the first to do so, but he was well before Gerhard Wisnewski who published Lügen im Weltraum (English edition: One Small Step?) October 2005, with references to McGowan’ earlier effort on the subject, not available anymore.
Well, we search only where we expect to find something, don’t we? I knew that Wisnewski as early as 1992 had documented false flag terrorism in Germany, in Das RAF-Phanthom, co-written with fellow journalists Wolfgang Landgraeber and Ekkehard Sieker. (Incredibly, more than ten years after that book, Wisnewski managed to continue as mainstream investigating journalist in Germany, before he was kicked out after his documentary about 911 made him persona non grata, i.e. branded him as «conspiracy theorist».) After Das RAF-Phantom, I expected a certain standard by Wisnewski, and I was not disappointed, but there is one drawback with him; he is meticulous enough, but when it comes to writing style, rather dry, dead serious.
Dave McGowan is certainly not dry, he is engaging, funny, very good at generating laughs by hilarious sarcasms. So if you don’t think the moon landings are worthy of your time, you may read Wagging the Moondoggy to get entertained, that is, if you have some spare time from your otherwise busy life.
It is very difficult to question common assumptions, because most of the things we believe we know, we really don’t know at all; mostly somebody is knowing it on behalf of us. For example I believe that I know that sun rays takes about 8 minutes to reach me from the sun, but the reality is that somebody knows that on my behalf; I don’t have the time and the energy to find out how they have found it out for me. On the other hand, I know the method to ascertain the distance from Earth to Proxima Centauri, thus I think I know that distance of 4,2 or 4,3 light years for sure. The point is, I have no means to ascertain most of common assumptions, I just accept them, because my time and capacity are limited.
The moon landings are well published, and thus easy to accept; my former «knowledge» rested on such facts that my issue of Discovering the Essential Universe by Neil F. Comins has a splendid photo of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the front page or that Brian Eno (with Roger Eno and Daniel Lanois) recorded a great album back in 1983, named Apollo – Atmospheres and Soundtracks. Things like that.
After reading only the first part of Wagging the Moondoggy, I saw clearly that I am no intellectual. And that is not for lack of knowledge. Simply by combining the few «facts» I know about the spaceship’s journey to the moon 50 years ago and my knowledge of gravity, I should have figured out on my own that the story of Apollo 11 is very unconvincing, to say the least. But I am obviously no intellectual; I had to read Wisnewski to start disbelieving the story and McGowan to realise that the story is downright ridiculous. Why this slowness on my part? It took me only some hours back in 2006 to understand that the official story of 911 was fraudulent, but it took me at least two years to internalise it and fully accept it.
My initial belief, that «conspiracy theories» concerning 911 belonged to psychiatry and not to politics, is very similar to my former attitude to moon hoax theories. I used to perceive the moon landings as non-political events. I was not conscious that the soft power of the empire is very much a matter of politics. In India, MacDonald is considered chic, and obesity among the well-off on the rise, although traditional Indian fast food, for example dosa with chutney, has a quality sky above junk food from the USA. The Indian people, not to speak about the upper class, should be immune to anything from MacDonald. One more example, recently Ramin Mazaheri wrote here on this blog:
I visited Iran to enjoy the end of Ramadan: there was a rock and roll band playing in public at a food festival downtown Tehran the night before the Eid morning celebrations. I didn’t hear any Floyd from them, but they did do a lot of rather aimless, endless noodling – must have been Grateful Dead fans.
Grateful Dead fans in Tehran… It is astonishing how pervasive the culture of the Empire really is.
McGowan had something on that, too. His series Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon takes a unmerciful look at the origin of the hippie culture. I’ve read most of it twice. It is brilliantly written, as expected when it comes to McGowan. It is very much about «The Dark Heart Of The Hippie Dream». McGowan said about the improved book issue, «I was discovering, early on in my research, that there were a number of aspects of the Laurel Canyon scene that didn’t really seem to fit in with the prevailing image of a hippie utopia that was ostensibly all about peace and love.»
I don’t necessarily buy all of McGowans hypothesises, but his material speaks for itself.
After his video deconstruction of the Boston Marathon incident, published on You Tube, «[…] someone using the username Phoenix Archangel posted an interesting comment: this David McGowan fella really ought to quit smoking. With all the elitist feathers he’s ruffling, he’s likely to come down with a spontaneous case of hitherto undiagnosed stage 4 inoperable Pancreatic cancer. […] As for Mr./Ms Archangel, he/she wasn’t too far off, though I’ve been told that it’s actually incurable small-cell lung cancer that has already spread to my liver and bones.» (McGowan, July 14, 2015)
Dave McGowan passed away 23 November 2015.
…all the elitist feathers he’s ruffling… Not political? It seems that the powers that be are more concerned about the image of «the indispensable nation» than I for my part have been inclined to believe. (I have for years perceived Michael Hudson as the most dangerous person for the powers that be.)
When it comes to Jeffrey Epstein, I see that case a bit different after reading McGowan’s book Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder. Epstein appears to be not more than the visible tip of a much bigger and much darker iceberg, which the public probably never will be aware of. In an understatement, McGowan introduce his subject with: «It is probably safe to say that this is not your typical ’true crime’ book.» Part One, «The Pedophocrazy», is about systematic «acts of depravity committed against children that are so heinous as to be almost beyond human comprehension.» (page 68) Curiously, the name Epstein doesn’t even occur in the book, and is there anything McGowan never is short of, it must be names, his Weird Scenes in the Canyon reads partly like a who is who. Part Two of that volume, «There’s Something About Henry», is deconstructing popular myths about serial killers, for example the lone nut myth. Naturally, this book is not funny at all. It made me think about something Dmitry Orlov once wrote; the USA is more a country club than a country. All the trials of the serial killers come across as cover-ups, it is a consistent pattern.
Finally I should perhaps insert a little caveat, I do not agree with McGowan in every minor detail. Unwarranted interpretations may occur, some inaccuracies as well. But that is only my quibbles. Mostly he does not push his hypothesises, but let an overkill of facts speak for itself. I am not even qualified to write this little homage, as I first came across his writings three months ago. Only recently I have started to read his Newsletters from 2002 to 2008.
I think readers of The Saker blog deserve to know Dave McGowan’s writing. He was really good at ruffling elitist feathers, perhaps so good that somebody finally let him pay for it with his life.
Not everything is a fake propaganda operation.
But it keeps getting harder to tell. shows you a new fake face every time you load it.
I think the moon landings really did happen, and when we get around to revisiting the place, we will find the junk abandoned by NASA in the late 60s. Could be wrong, of course, but don’t think so. (by ‘we’ I mean humans. probably not the USA, but maybe the Russian or Chinese space programs)
Other things are obvious lies. The Zapruder film clearly shows JFK being shot in the face. And damaged skyscrapers do not simply crumple into their own basements, not without a bit of planning and some strategically placed demolition devices. And the fictions from the war machine, many of them, are laughable on the surface.
You really need to study physics, it is well known that weakened melted steel and weight will collapse upon it self, even after seeing the plane strike the second tower at a lower point than the first tower, i knew the second tower was more susceptible to collapsing first, and it did shortly b4 the first tower, its not rocket science, its physics. Their is visible video of the planes striking the buildings, this was not faked, it collapsed from the top down, had it been weaked by explosion from the bottom, it would have tettered sideways.
Without getting into every little puff of smoke and unburned thermite chip in the dust, it is your physics which resembles that of a Roadrunner cartoon.
The two towers (not to mention the “we decided to pull it” third) were still standing the better part of an hour after impact, and the jet fuel fires had mostly finished burning. Survivors and first responders reported explosions in the buildings. Apparently, timed explosions immediately preceding the collapses.
And thousands of architects and engineers, who can do the math, have put their careers on the line to verify that the straignt-down, 9.8m/s^2 collapse of the towers would not have been possible without some planning.
If you ever studied physics, you must have flunked the class. The videos you cite clearly show a floor-by-floor pancake collapse in about 10 seconds. This pancake collapse could not have completed in 10 seconds without violating the conservation of momentum. There are 3 possibilities: 1) planned demolition, 2) Unknown technology (space aliens?), and 3) the will of God (It’s a miracle!). I ‘ll go with demolition.
It’s the Emperor’s New Clothes as modus operandi. You have three obvious controlled demolitions appearing right before our eyes, but they didn’t happen. To paraphrase Pinter, ‘ ..they never happened, even as they happened’. To regurgitate such sludge, as well as other such garbage, like the Oswald and Sirhan ‘lone gunmen’, or the Pennsylvania crash (plane disappears entirely down a six foot hole)and Pentagon crash (plane, including engines, evaporates after crash that punches missile, but not plane, sized hole in the exterior walls)on the same day, is a requisite for employment in the mass media fake news machine and in politics. Any commonsense or intelligent derision of the official story, proves you are a ‘conspiracy theorist’, and probably an ‘antisemite’ to boot.
You guys clearly dont know what you are talking about. The explosions were the actual collapse of initial floors, and had you heard one you, you were probably close enough to be dead, pure biased conjecture.
” it is well known that weakened melted steel and weight will collapse upon it self”
Only at a very much higher temperature and for a prolonged period. The steel in the THREE buildings was protected against fire. Kerosene or “jet fuel” does not burn at nearly a high enough temperature – even when it is not deprived of oxygen as was the case here.
Building 7 was a long way from the other two buildings. How did it collapse on itself in 11 seconds. And what happened to all the gold stored in the basement of one of the other buildings? Did it vapourize?
The reality is that not a single high-rise steel-frame building in the world ever collapse from fire – there are thousands of them. Here, we have 3 of them collapsing on their own footprints in one day. Give us a break!
Videos of building 7 clearly show the structure at the top of the building beginning to collapse before its surrounding area – that is where the lift-shafts were and that is where the backbone of the building was.
Videos of the other two larger buildings show massive chunks of material flaying laterally and upwards. Where did the energy for that come from?
Were the Newton Laws of Motion suspended on that day?
BTW, I was a civil engineer in a previous life and a graduate from London’s Imperial College.
WT7 was the tell. If airplane impacts caused the twin towers to fall (an ‘explanation’ which I don’t buy), then what caused WT7 to collapse? Sympathy for its bigger braver brothers?
The structures were pulverized from below the foundation heading upward by thermal radiant explosive energy calibrated for the proper effect. It’s not rocket science, but applied thermonuclear physics. Duh.
The current apotheosis of fake news is the swill that ‘Russia engaged in massive and sweeping interference in the US ‘democracy”, as regurgitated with robotic repetition by the Merkin political and media asylum. It amounts to ONE troll-farm, whose input was minuscule compared to the mass media and social media whole, and half of which appeared AFTER the election, and much of which was puppy photos etc, and which troll-farm has been declared NOT to be linked to The Kremlin by a US judge after the Mueller Star Chamber could not produce any evidence of any such link. News that the hysteroids simply ignore, as they screech away. And the ‘hacking’ of DNC e-mails that Wikileaks, Craig Murray and Bill Binney and the VIPs have all declared and or shown were, in fact, leaked.
And the hacked e-mails’ content is NEVER mentioned. The fact that they showed that the Democratic nomination process was totally corrupt and stole the nomination from Sanders in favour of Clinton, is simply NEVER mentioned, as if it does not exist. And the scum at MSNBC and NPR who hypocritically defended Assange a few weeks ago, have now turned on him viciously as a ‘Russian cut-out’ or Wikileaks as a ‘hostile foreign intelligence operation’. In fact I took in a little more than my normal dose of Rachel Madcow today, and am suffering a little from too long exposure to her moral Evil and narcissistic and malignant nasstiness. No Fox News loony comes even close for such innate ghastliness.
The problem i have with a lot of moon landing hoax theory is that a lot of those in the hoax camp (especially the younger generation and those espousing it ad nauseam on YouTube ) also believe that the earth is flat, all of the distances told to us in regards to sun moon, and stars are incorrect and that a cabal of pedos, and satan worshippers run this planet.
They also are usually religious or being indoctrinated to start thinking that way.
This is frankly a bit too much for me to take.
If everything you have been told is a a lie and you can’t trust ANYTHING the powers that be have told you, then what pray tell, is even the point of looking for the truth?
I believe the official story of 9.11 is not truthful and perhaps there is much more to it, I believe there are those in powerful (and not so powerful) circles that do in fact get their jollies from abusing children (the Catholic Church and many a powerful man comes to mind), I think the shape and structure of our universe are at this point in our evolution quite unknownable to us but our working theories are not on the whole dishonest or devious, and lastly I do think we landed on the moon. Perhaps the first time or two was faked for propaganda purposes but it would have been difficult to fake it multiple times.
I think by and large the powers that be don’t have a allegiance to satan or to child molestation or to some religion (although groups of those that may do work together for their mutual interest). There are two major allegiances these rulers have: money and power. Simple and universal qualities of most members of the elite.
It doesn’t take rocket science to figure that out ;)
I enjoy hearing all the differing perspectives however. Especially on a mostly geo political analyst site such as this.
Dear Hornswaggler,
Dave McGowan certainly did not promote flat earth theories.
Dear Amerikanski,
“Not everything is a fake propaganda operation.”
Please do not go to court and use that line. Once any ‘witness’ is caught lying then the whole of that evidence is tainted.
And of course you are aware of who constitutes NASA? The MIC of course as when NASA was created on the 1st October 1958, to oppose the USSR’s space drive and the USSR was winning that entire race to the moon to establish it as a military base, the MIC named Professor James Van Allen as its head. Van Allen was conducting tests including firing nuclear rockets into the ionosphere to demonstrate Professor Singers theory of radiation belts surrounding the planet from 1951 to 1959.
And then we have the MIC aka NASA inventing the term ‘El Nino’ to describe the heating of the eastern side and central parts of the tropical Pacific Ocean, and later the term ‘La Nina’, then one may conclude that these names camouflage a military aspect in the control and use of weather, which would then explain why the UN in 1976 created the treaty in regard of using weather as a military weapon.
Well then, when are we going to see Hillary in an orange jumpsuit? Or Clapper in chains?
Actually we should, and of course quite a few more.
It was not so long ago that politicians who behaved in such a manner would be automatically stood down. Things have changed since ‘slick Willy came to power.
President Trump admitted within two weeks of the election that the “lock her up” stuff was just for the campaign. He said the Clinton’s were good people and that Hillary has suffered enough. So the answer to your question is “never”.
The Clinton’s are ‘good’ people? Do ‘good’ people conspire to murder innocent people?
As an old Italian friend said to me in the middle of last century, “Shit always rises to the top”, and that explains the actions of most of the Presidents of the USA, including Trump
I agree. You do realize I am simply quoting President Trump, not agreeing with him?
Sorry David; my error!
Thank you for a most interesting and revealing article on Dave McGowan, his uncompromising work and dedication to unravel the myths and lies that sustain the elites’ fabulous fallacies. People like him (Assange too comes to mind) are the heroes of our time and we should be grateful to be the beneficiaries of their efforts and sacrifices in the fight against the evildoers. Well written too, the caveat was empty (paraphrasing the the legalese Latin).
It was one of those fighters who showed me the way to Damascus back in 2003 (?) when I watched a German-produced documentary about the mass murders of Afghan fighters who had surrendered to the US-led forces and corralled in a desert camp for the final coup-de-grace by the US airforce. Others were transported in ship containers and left to sizzle in the desert heat; other containers drilled with machinegun bullets and blood oozing out through the holes. The haunting image of epic evil that is “America”.
This is very good. Everyone should read it. It won’t let you get away with pretending to yourself that you don’t get it.
Wagging the Moondoggie: Part I
Wagging the Moondoggie: Part II
Among insiders, McGowan is considered a limited hang-out.
See, the Zionist Intel services have the frustrating problem, that the general public never catches up to their insanely brilliant – or so they think – false flags, hoaxes, word games, staged events, surrealist pranks, dark comedy routines, silly provocations, and 1001 other social engineering master pieces.
Therefore, the Mafia had learned millennia ago that it wasn’t enough to deceit and bluff, lie and cheat, but you also had to provide the hapless goys with clues and hints, otherwise they would never figure out that they were on the receiving end of some rather gruesome, genocidal humor…
It’s called ‘revealing the method’, and nobody did it in a more entertaining and hilarious way than Dave McGowan. In all of his writing he was constantly pointing to the hidden hand orchestrating such ‘sensations’ as the puzzling topic of ‘serial killers’, the immaculately faultless Apollo missions, the Hippie scene that appeared fully formed over night in Laurel Canyon, just to name a few, but without ever connecting the dots and properly identifying those powers behind the curtain, or, even better, misdirecting his readers to cul-de-sacs.
Insiders doubt that McGowan was eaten away so quickly by lung cancer. They rather speculate that his paymaster, the CIA, terminated his current assignment, and provided with a new identity, sent him on another mission impossible in service of the Mafia.
Can you steer me towards a couple of these “insiders” you mention repeatedly? Who are they? Where can we read their stuff?
If Dave McGowan was a “limited hangout,” he was one of the best ever, because he sure convinced me and I’m very hard to convince.
_smr: that’s a whole lot of unsubstantiated innuendo- not to be taken seriously
“Insiders” oh my.
a dubious comment of little value
Dear smr,
I would tend to disagree with your assumptions.
Firstly you name the ‘Zionist Intel services’ as the main perpetrator of false flags and similar ‘master pieces’, and that is not correct. The CIA, MI5/6, the 5 eyes, and Mossad may all be linked together in many of their psy-ops but those organisations do also work independently of each other.
And as for what you describe as ‘their insanely brilliant – or so they think’ psy-ops, well once such operations are studied, there are numerous examples of major stuff-ups. To list a couple of examples, in both 911 and London’s 7/7, there was Benjamin Netanyahu at the scene to give his impression of who the culprits were, and as well in the 7/7 we had the article written by Ephrain Halevi in the Jerusalem Post referring to the ‘simultaneous explosions’ which was not known until days later. And of course there was also the article written by Robert John Aumann as an attempt to cover Netanyahu’s behaviour.
The assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh on the 19th January 2010 in Dubai was another major stuff-up as one member of the team, Ben Zygier, an Australian Jew ended up in Ayalon Prison and supposedly committed suicide in December 2010 in a ‘suicide proof cell. Zygier supposedly dobbed the hit team to the Dubai police. As you can see, not so brilliant after all.
Dave McGowan died of cancer, and if we consider what the CIA was up to and look for previous fortunate ‘deaths’ then the death of Jack Ruby is first and foremost. And of course we have Judith Baker informing us that the CIA at that time was working on using cancer as an assassination tool.
And Dave McGowan was not the only ‘investigative journalist’ to die under suspicious circumstances as the death of the Rolling Star journalist was extremely suspicious and featured aspects also used in the Boston Marathon bombing that McGowan wrote about.
McGowan also drops a few names including Alex Jones (who I have pointed out gave a cover story to the black &tan guy at the finish line with a remote control device in his hand). This same person and two other operatives also featured in the Sandy Hook psy-ops who starred as Connecticut police in a ‘media’ interview .
McGowan also names Fintan Dunne of Ireland, whose claim to fame was in the early 2000’s named many internet writers including Joe Vialls as intelligence operatives. He also named Joe Quin of SOTT, who in his coverage of the Orlando, Colorado massacre, placed James Yacone of the FBI at the interview of Police Chief Dan Oates. To my way of thinking other investigative journalists who decided that they wanted to continue living.
In his coverage of the Boston Bombing, Dave McGowan also mentioned, though not by name the murder of Ibragim Todashev and then the murder of two FBI agents,Lorek and Shaw who had been involved in the arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, again though not named.
Thus I would believe that when you state; ” Insiders doubt that McGowan was eaten away so quickly by lung cancer. They rather speculate that his paymaster, the CIA, terminated his current assignment”, that those ‘insiders’ refers to other CIA insiders.
Oops! I missed out naming Michael Hastings of the Rolling Stones who was murdered by the FBI/CIA
‘Inside’ what? A lunatic asylum, perhaps.
The reason why humans are stuck in low Earth orbit is pretty simple: radiation. Van Allen belts protect Earth from space radiation. They themselves though are highly radioactive. Just to get through them requires lead walls of at least 1.5 metres depth, making takeoff weight many tons more than current rocket technology affords. Suspiciously, none of the Apollo “crew” ever showed any radiation sickness or cancer and lived in good health past 70+ years. Nor did they show any low-gravity sickness upon “return”. And, there’s a very easy way to verify a space photo is fake: no stars. Any real space photo will have thousands of bright stars in the background (see ISS photos as an example).
This is dubious, even taking a pic of the moon required a special camera, the equipment needed to photograph a stars dim light around the blinding Earth prolly doesnt even exist today, nice try.
Every image taken on Apollo was perfectly framed and perfectly exposed, despite the camera having no viewfinder and no light metering and it mounted to the astronauts chest.
Are you ready for some cognitive dissonance Alabama?
Given the bright lunar environment, with its known luminance, there would have been no need to adjust an aperture or exposure setting. These settings could have been, and surely were, pre-determined before launch. Don’t you remember the film camera days when you’d buy a roll of ASA 100 “Daylight” film? There was a package insert giving you the aperture and f-stop for daylight if you didn’t have a light meter. And there would be no need to focus because, in bright light, you need only a tiny aperture, no wider than f32 or so, which gives virtually infinite depth-of-field, placing everything farther away than 3 feet in focus.
“Perfectly framed”? So what if the camera if the camera is mounted on the chest with no viewfinder. It’s not rocket science to fix the camera to the space suit, facing forward to shoot a landscape. Think.
I forget to add that “framing” can be adjusted by the simple process of “cropping” in the darkroom. You are morbidly gullible if you think the moon photos are evidence of fakery. Everyone seems to have forgotten Film photography 101.
They got their calculations so correct they were able to anticipate the reflected light that would light up Buzz as he descended the ladder on the shadow side of the module and still get perfect exposure.
These guys were good!
Think again!
I forgot to add that what you claim might be true if each photo was taken in the same direction relative to the sun.
They are not and therefore an adjustment to aperture or exposure time would be needed.
Film photography 102.
And why didn’t they photograph the earth? Like a million times. Or the Sun for that matter.
See also for lots of Moon “landing” fakery investigations (“Wagging The Moondoggie” is also linked, but there are lots and lots of articles examining every possible aspect of faking it, including movie and physicist experts).
Thanks Ulrich for this interesting article
I didnt know him and will look into his writings
Quite some astonishing articles here recently
on the Saker
I still miss Dave McGowan. He was one of the all time greats. In regards to apostasy of the official myths I was already there in many respects (911, Iraqi WMD’s etc) but was perplexed as to how so many Americans were selling out their own country. Dave McGowan laid out the answer. There was a second pillar standing alongside the zionist one, and it was founded upon multi-generational satanism, mind control, and paedophilia. It was the ultimate carrot and the ultimate stick and nobody could say no.
Dave’s gone now but I think we may console ourselves with his legacy, that being the thousands who came away from his work not just with facts but with a new mindset that replaced unquestioned nodding with sensible disbelief.
I’ll forever be thankful.
Dear Ilrich,
It all boils down to one thing. Our entire civilization is built upon lies. It is as simple as that.
Are there any ‘truths’? Perhaps the most pertinent is what Paul wrote in his epistle to Timothy in regard to the love of gold being the root of all evil.
Then there are the words of Lord Acton being ‘power corrupts; total power corrupts totally’ and in this world of total power and total corruption, we have to somehow manage to survive.
And all the signs are there, telling us that just as the Roman Empire collapsed our western civilisation is also collapsing. The other sign is that Rome is still alive today, and thus we can conclude that America will survive, but its empire along with all of its lies, decadence and deceit will go the very same way as with Rome.
Unfortunately the ecological Holocaust will ensure that the USA like the rest of us, will suffer a collapse orders of magnitude worse than that which Rome suffered.
Dear Mulga,
I would have thought that even you would have seen that the ‘Ecological Holocaust’ that is devastating this planet is not so much by the ordinary man but rather the ‘Corporations that drive their god ‘Mammon’ towards the total destruction of any and everything for the sake of profit.
I would wonder though as to the comparison of these coming times to those of the ‘Dark Ages’ that almost wiped out humanity over a millennium ago. I would also make the comparison in what both Immanuel Velikovsky and Comyns Beaumont wrote about last century, which was another event that almost wiped out mankind in about 13,500 BC, both of which make the book of revelations tame by comparison
The event 13,500 BCE was what? The Younger Dryas, now thought to be caused by comet or meteor strikes in Canada. Or a volcanic super-explosion, possibly Taupo. I think you’re exaggerating a bit about the Dark Ages. After all they were only ‘Dark’ in Europe and India, China, the Arab world and the New World weren’t doing too badly at the time.
No, 13,500 BCE was an Earth crustal adjustment caused probably by imbalance in the earth rotational spin off axis – whether that was triggered by a comet or merely too much ice buildup on one pole is not known. But we do know it happened because woolly mammoths in Siberia who ate temperate plants were snap frozen in matter of hours/days.
But you may be right that China and the Arabs were ok between 500 -1000 AD – it was plague that destroyed Rome and Europe.
The term Dark Ages came from the darkened skies for several years that began the era – caused by the sun being blocked by volcanic dust from Krakatoa’s 535 AD eruption – as also reported in the King Arthur cronicles etc…
Rome collapsed in the 6th century because of 535 eruption / plague crisis and its inability to guard its frontiers particularly to the north. Half its population died and with it hope an optimism for the future.
The eco holocaust you mention is something mythical that may or may not happen depending on how the world systems handle things. But USA is on verge of civil war and eco implosion brought on by policies going back 60 -100yrs and inappropriate immigration flows since the 1960s = overpopulation relative to eco structure = social and moral demise.
That demise started with the death of JFK and those responsible are truly guilty party responsible for the current implosion.
I did see a good doco once on the 6th century CE eruption of Krakatoa. The detective work was very interesting, once the ice-core evidence of sulphate deposits and tree ring anomalies showing very little growth c. 540 CE, were found. For a while it was thought that it was caused by Ilopango in Central America, and still is by many geologists, but the responsibility goes back and forward. Perhaps it was both. The doco I saw came down on Krakatoa because of Chinese records, including ash falls, from a roughly south-easterly direction, and a Javan text that asserts that Java and Sumatra were one island until a big explosion created the strait between them. Ash deposits in the vicinity from the sixth century are huge, as well, much greater than the 1883 explosion’s residue. It stuffed up Justinian’s efforts at restoring the Western Roman Empire, too,
As for the ecological Holocaust being a ‘myth’, well that’s a bit of a fetch, really. When you get the largest greenhouse gas forcing since the PETM 55 million years ago, massive deforestation, gargantuan pollution of every kind, the sixth mass extinction in full spate with 60% of large, non-domesticated, animals disappearing in the last forty years, 95% of large pelagic fish gone, the nitrogen, phosphorus and hydrological cycles severely deranged etc, it’s not some ‘myth’, I can assure you.
MacGowan certainly hit this nail on the head, the day after the Bush-Cheney regime launched their 911 terrorist spectacular :
“The ugly truth is that all ‘anti-terrorist’ measures are designed not to protect the American people from attack or to protect our ‘freedoms,’ but to protect wealth and power – specifically the unprecedented levels of wealth currently held by corporate America – and to restrict those very freedoms that threaten their hold on that wealth. This American tragedy, in other words, plays directly into the hands of the corporate and military elite of this nation, who have for years been propagandizing for a more belligerent and imperialistic foreign policy and for more repressive legislation here on the homefront. Having been presented with a pretext to enact such measures, it is our leaders – elected or otherwise – who stand to gain the most from yesterday’s bloodshed.”
But I think he was wrong about the Kennedy regime’s Moon Landing spectacular; that was a genuine way to boost POTU$A ego by lavish expenditure on a prestige project — far more expensive than a hundred cinematographic fakes. And relatively harmless, compared to the even more expensive military boondoggles with which Kennedy and subsequent POTU$As decided to pump up “exceptional U$” ego.
In my opinion, the more lunatic (forgive me) ‘conspiracy theories’ such as that the moon landing was faked, are developed in order to discredit ALL ‘conspiracy theories’ through guilt by association. In that way REAL ‘conspiracy theories’, which are, in fact, conspiracy revelations, such as that Oswald was not the ‘lone gunman’, nor Sirhan Sirhan, and that al Qaeda’s only role in 9/11 was to unwittingly supply the patsies, can be dismissed by the brainwashing system as of the same ilk as ‘the moon landings were faked’. Fake news is but a small subset, a tiny fractal replica of the whole, fake, reality.
@Mulga Mumblebrain: “the more lunatic (forgive me) ‘conspiracy theories’ such as that the moon landing was faked, are developed in order to discredit ALL ‘conspiracy theories’ through guilt by association.”
That might explain why Bill Kaysing’s Hoax hoax “somehow established a few perennials that are kept alive to this day in Hollywood movies and Fox News documentaries, Reddit forums and YouTube channels.” I only learned about this hoax Hoax movie a few years ago, from an old lady who saw it on her TV in Israel and was impressed. Surprisingly, so are some of the sophisticated bloggers BTL today’s OffGuardian Truther site. So Fox News et al are doing a good job Sowing the Lie to Stifle the Truth.
Since you have raise this point, no old lady (nor anyone else) ever told me about seeing a movie with a name like “911 Inside Job”; certainly not on Fox News; even less on Israel TV. And even less so if Corbyn had his way, because according to Corbyn “911 Inside Job?” would be anti-Judaic. So the hoax Moon Landing Hoax is nurtured while the true 911 Hoax is weeded out or discredited by association with hoax cries of Hoax.
There is more than a little truth in that observation. In the wake of 9-11, there were a couple of major story threads promoted by the disinformation campaign.
One was that “mini nukes” or “micro nukes” were used to demolish the buildings, despite a total lack of evidence for this line of reasoning. There was a lot of toxic asbestos dust in the wreckage, but radiation levels were not noticeably higher than that of natural radioactivity. And anything that counts as a “nuke” would have vaporized half of Manhattan Island. (radiologic “dirty bombs” are not nukes)
The other seemed to involve space lizards, or something, with some type of ray gun. Again, without evidence. I never examined that one close enough to really say much about it, it was so ridiculous.
there is a lot of material from Judy Wood about the dustification of the towers online
talking about some kind of new energy weapons
but I don’t know what to think about it
I have seen the videos where the antenna of one of the towers seams to dustificate while crumbling
and many strange pictures of cars that the tires and other things where totally molten off even quite far from the buildings
so I guess something happened there that we untill today can’t really explain
When it comes to Judy Wood et al. I recommmend Victoria Ashley’s essay Dicredited by Association:
Mini or micro devices to destroy is not true. Manhattan subgragrade is rock. If you want to make what stands before you dissipate (towers) you start from the base of support which is the foundation. Upon massive thermonuclear explosive force emission, this energy heads toward the point of least resistance, which is upward into structure more so than int the rock, pulverizing whatever is in the pathway. The apparent dusting disintegration that was visible as an apparent initiating collapse, was not the initiator, but is the trailings of the destructive energy wave in its declining state, thus the points above were not melted but fragmented and remaining at the upper top and outer circumferential elements, but everything from base to above that point was pulverized. Jet fuel on steel, ha! C’mon man, there was volcanic glass in the pit. There are clearly elevational phases to the levels of destruction. This is not rocket science but thermonuclear physics. Duh.
The main exponent of the ‘mini nukes’ scam was Joe Vialls of Carine in Western Australia. Joe Vialls led ‘the charge’ into investigating the Port Arthur Massacre with his ‘scientific’ dogma and then attacked any other person who dared to poach on his turf.
Joe was originally from MI5/6 but later also worked for the CIA, and developed quite a few aliases including Ari ben Menashe, with his association with George Bush and the CIA as his nemesis.
Joe claimed that the Bali bombings were mini nukes as well as the Aceh tsunami and droned on about various possibilities of having a ‘mini nuke’ in a suitcase.
However once you studied what Joe stated then it became obvious that the ‘mini nuke’ was simply another name for electro-magnetic scalar weapons that had been tested in the outback of WA from 1989 to 1998 and terminated with the final testing on a French atoll in 1996.
Then Joe using the aliases of Jim Stone and Yoichi Shimatsu wrote about the Fukushima nuclear reactor explosion as well as the missing MH370. Joe again using the alias of Jim Stone also wrote about the death of Michael Hastings, and then posed as Kazem Ali as part of the hi-jacking of MH370 by the CIA.
Those phony 9/11 ‘theories’ are perfect examples of my thesis. Ray-guns, mini-nukes etc, but nano-thermite found in the rubble and steel columns cut straight through, at an angle, and molten metal still flowing out of the rubble days later, that all point to controlled demolition, are ignored, denied or disappeared.
Yes, exactly that. I sort-of wonder if these stories were written as part of the planning process, prior to 2001.
Nonetheless, they have the hallmarks: tales that evolve and change with retelling, full of technical-sounding nonsense details and names (likely pseudonyms) of ‘experts’.
And the evidence is ignored. The in-your-face videos obviously showing controlled demolitions. Evidence it is slowly, deliberately disappearing from YouTube and other websites. Remember Barry Jennings?
Dear Mulga,
the problem is that also 911 truth originally was perceived as disruptive by a lot of critics of the Empire.
Unfortunately David Ray Griffin himself was a little too tolerant when it comes to fringe theories. In his mostly excellent book, Debunking 9/11 Debunking (2007), he includes people like Judy Wood (page 169, 181) as legitimate members of the truth community.
See Victoria Ashley «Discredited By Association»:
and Michael B. Green «The Company We Keep»:
Ulrich, I believe that a lot of opposition to 9/11 truth is driven by fear. Fear that if the obvious real perpetrators, the MOSSAD, American billionaire sayanim and Sabbat Goy allies like Cheney and Rumsfeld, were ever exposed, that it would be very bad for Israel and for Jews in the USA, and, hence, for the world that the Zionazis have often threatened to ‘bring down'(probably by nuclear winter) if they feel ‘threatened’. I suspect that such sentiments lie behind the denialism of figures like Chomsky who can no more believe in the ludicrous ‘al-Qaeda did it’ garbage, than I can fly upside-down to Venus.
Be careful out there. Simply because someone doesn’t believe the official lies doesn’t mean that they necessarily possess the truth.
But you knew that.
Just a friendly reminder.
You also knew that alternate theories can originate from the very ones creating the official lies. They deceive in so many different ways.
Question everything.
@Mulga Mumblebrain
Mulga, you should really give Mr. McGowan a chance by reading at least parts 1 and 2 of his Wagging the Moondoggie. His style of argumentation is effective. He doesn’t dwell too much on highly technical details where nerdy souls will naturally go to flounder in endless hysterical discussions. No, he rather hovers and circles like a sarcastically amused bird of pray over the most glaring logical absurdities of the tale, keeping a kind of flashlight on them, and so at some point the utter absurdity of the main proposition begins to hit the reader with all its force. There is a depressing side to the awakening, of course. It has to do with realizing that the level of fakery being foisted upon us is truly unfathomable. But one gets over it. It took me a little over three years to be struck by the realization that the WTC towers were obviously demolished and that the 911 tale made no sense at all. For a few days I could not sleep very well and kept searching for ways to cancel my discovery, but found none. Similar thing here. It seems preposterous that they would even attempt to pull off something like that. Yes. But what can you do when the alternative seems considerably more preposterous once you begin to hold all the logical absurdities simultaneously in your mind. There is nothing you can do. This vale of tears consists only of simulacra.
I like your comment, Macario el Viejo. You describe McGowan’s style perfectly – beautifully captured as a high-flying bird seeing everything that moves or doesn’t move and bringing those things to our attention, letting us decide what fits and doesn’t. I had not known him until today.
I must add as a note to you that the vale of tears made of simulacra is less than all there is. There is more – if this were not so, we would not yearn for it.
Better things do exist than the momentary reality we find ourselves in. We ourselves carry these better things within us, and every expression of them that we make has an effect on the next reality. Or so I believe.
Thank you, Grieved. I don’t really think there is *only* simulacra. But it sure looks as though that’s all we have access to. The real thing seems quite inaccessible. At least during our residence in the vale. Whether there might be other residences after the vale, I keep an open mind on the matter.
I’ll try to find the time, but for me, 9/11 was obviously a controlled demolition, Oswald could not have fired at JFK from behind and in front at the same time, Sirhan could not have shot RFK from a few inches behind his ear, from his position several feet in front of the Senator, and Jeremy Corbyn, a lifelong anti-racist cannot have turned into a raging racist ‘antisemite’ overnight, just as he ousted the Blairites from the top of UK Labour. Just about everything we are told by the powers that be is a lie, a partial lie and absurdity or an imbecility.
Parts I and II are about 5,000 words each. Set aside some time. Make sure you are fully awake. It will be time well spent. McGowan goes in and out of sarcasm with little or no signaling. He assumes that when something is too obviously ridiculous to be entertained, sarcasm is the only dignified reply, and I agree. There is also a recent, much shorter article by Dmitry Orlov that would make a good complementary piece to McGowan’s
Thanks for this. Only thing I have to offer is that according to Dave’s brother, Dave died on 11/22, not 23.
Certainly more fitting, either way.
Thanks for writing this article Ulrich
I came to know David McGowan more then a decade ago- I should say his work, more then the man.
Though one does come to know the man through his work.
I own and have read all his books. Save for my personally autographed copy of Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon (that is pristine/not a page folded) I spoke briefly with Dave via phone and did exchange some emails when I purchased the autographed book personally via snail mail – At all times, he was friendly and sincere. Even the autograph in my book shows Dave as a humble guy.
In my opinion he was a real researcher in the actual sense of the word ‘research’
” systematic work undertaken to increase knowledge” – the information guided the results- as opposed to desired results guiding the evidence or the evidence fitting an agenda
Programmed to Kill was a challenging read- it gave me nightmares. I read it back in 08.
I wrote about it at my blog at the same time I was reading it. And still have the first six chapters of the book permalinked in the sidebar, including the chapter ‘the finders’ which covers the very connected to authority child trafficking.
Dave McGowan was way ahead of his time… He left many other so called researchers in the dust
I’m glad to read he is finding a new and wider audience. Though do wonder what he’d be working on right now if he was still alive…
The Boston Marathon series is required reading.
Thank you for this. I am a big fan of Dave McGowan.
I discovered him in parts. I read the fascinating Laurel Canyon series a few years ago, but only found Wagging the Moondoggie last year.
After 50 years of believing the ”we went to the moon multiple times, and zipped around in a dune buggy, than took that sucker back onto the capsule and zoomed back to Earth” story, I quit believing. What a crock!
You are right, you can only believe it if you don’t actually know anything about it.
We lost a great mind and a fantastic writer when Dave succumbed to cancer.
Great piece. Here’s a question for the electrical engineering types here: Let’s say the Moon is about 250,000 miles from earth. How much electrical energy would be required to transmit a color video feed from the Moon to the Earth, and what size battery would have been needed on the Apollo 11 landing module to store that amount of electrical energy?
I did read Part I of David McGowan’s “Wagging the Moondoggie.”
There were so many false assertions in that rather tedious load of mendacity that I will never be able to bring myself to read any of the successive parts, nor is there any reason on earth why I should.
There will now be demands that I identify and counter all those false assertions, but in truth I simply don’t have the energy for such a time-wasting endeavor. Catch me when I’m feeling better and perhaps I could work up enough interest to shoot down a few for you.
In the meanwhile, let this suffice:
Of course Wikipedia is the ideal source I’d go to when trying to get reliable information on a topic as devoid of ideological implications/bias as the Moon Landings and the Missing Tapes
And of course, if someone says that the tapes of a historic event described with typical humbleness as a huge “leap for mankind” were sort of “routinely erased” at the Goddard Space Flight Center over the years, we are not supposed to be surprised at all. Because the Goddard Space Flight Center is precisely the kind of place where they would have no idea how to gauge the importance of those tapes,or determine what was in them, or properly label them and store them. The correct place to do those things would be, perhaps, the post office or something.
Ukrich – Salute! and thank you. I didn’t know about Dave McGowan, and now I do.
I just spent a very long evening reading all of the Moondoggie piece. I found it utterly superb. I could never find a place to turn away until the end, because he’s that comprehensive of a researcher, and that engaging as a writer.
Many thanks again, for this resurfacing of a great observer of the truths hidden in plain sight.
Somewhat of a depressing article. It’s true that there is a lack of accepted expertise and knowledge, especially on line. However, in my opinion, the Scientific Method and the accumulated body of verifiable and reproducible results that have accrued from it are the best way for us to understand the world. If we are able to agree on any common base of knowledge it should be scientific knowledge. If we can’t agree on that, then how can we possibly hope to get agreement on 9/11 or the actions and/or intent of political leaders and governments. We will all just wind up believing whatever we want to believe based on whatever information we choose to accept or reject. Moreover, this will leave people so confused and uncertain that it will be possible to convince them of just about anything. But perhaps this is simply human nature and dialog is really pointless.
Think of the weird kid that no one liked. He or she was bullied, but deserved it, actually. That’s to whom democracy gave power.
Desperate to fit in, the weirdo mimics mainstream lies that most people ignore because they don’t need them to fit in – they’re not weirdos, after all. The weirdo, the freak, the ninny, the perv, becomes the zealous believer in the big lie. When you mock him and his goofy moon landing story, or his 9/11 fantasy, you’re making fun of that weird kid who one day, punched someone in the neck for putting a kick me sign on his back.
The kid that never should have been let out of the basement got a big job in the establishment, got materially rich, but still can’t stand being made fun of. Mocking the demon destroys it. But, beware, the father of lies’ servants, pathetic as they are, will seek revenge just for getting mocked. Democracy let him out of the closet, out of the basement. There will be blood.
There is one important distinction, which I failed to notice in this discussion so far, but just now it has occurred to me.
The government lies to us. It is not a ‘theory’, it is a matter of public record. It has announced this fact. It has boasted about it.
This article mentions the NASA moon program, now 50 years ago, and also the Epstein case, in the news today. Also mentions 911 and several other crimes, perhaps.
The distinction is this: the moon shot, Epstein, and various mass shootings and other crimes do not matter all that much. Whether the moon landings actually happened or not is not really all that important. It was a nice publicity stunt, but probably did not change the course of the cold war. And Epstein and various other criminal cases are really just noise on the geopolitical scene. I don’t think anyone seriously thinks that the prosecutors will go after Epstein’s ‘clients’, after all.
But the 911 event, and the lies surrounding it, were used to launch numerous wars and kill millions of people across the Middle East and North Africa. Which started mass migrations across Europe, disrupting a half century of ‘Pax Americana’. It was far more than just a crime killing several thousand people, it was also a war crime. And I think that matters more than the other lies.
I don’t quite agree. They are not trivial matters.
The Epstein case shows the extent of putrefaction + depravation + impunity among the elites.
The moon hoax shows the embarrassing ease with which image fakery could be produced and sold to us even 50 years ago, especially when you keep in perspective the comparatively primitive faking technology available during those times as opposed to today. It suggests that a time may come, or has already come, where it will be totally impossible to distinguish fakery from reality, with all the implications. And I mean even at the level of people, public figures, for example. Are people like AOC or Greta the Climate Girl, and all kinds of characters — are these real people or are they some kind of hybrid beings with extremely limited self direction? They seem somewhat remotely controlled almost all the time.
These are disquieting developments.
Worst of all may be the fact that it doesn’t seem to matter much if these fakes become known by increasingly large numbers of people. It looks as though even if everybody knew that 911, the London bombings, the Madrid bombings and so many similar operations were false flags, and that the moon landings were staged and so on…. Well, what then? What exactly would happen? I suppose nothing much. Except that 100% of the population would walk around with a perfect awareness of their own hopeless and irremediable impotence, which from the point of view of the rulers, might be a pleasant spectacle.
There are currently 63 comments on my post. Now I think I need to make one point a little bit clearer: Dave McGowan’s writing was a threat to the image of The Indispensable Nation. The Moon Landings is the crown jewel of that image.
In 1969 the USA was losing the propaganda war about the «engagement» in Vietnam; the Nixon government appeared as a big war criminal. The moon landings saved the decade for the USA, so to speak. What we believe about the moon landings is therefore important.
The hippie «culture» does also matter. That international fan of LSD, ego trips and flowers in your hair was passed for a contribution to the peace movement. Hence McGowan’s writing on the topic is valuable myth-busting.
Thank you, Mr von Kafkanian for this tribute to Dave McGowan and his laudable, highly entertaining, work. I came accross Laurel Canyon sometime around 2008. I recall one particular aspect which seems to be less emphasised in the recent republication of the LC series (apparently edited by his daughter): the excesses of the hippy scene, notably the Manson affair, the murders, satanism etc. were ‘wheat on the mill’ of the CIA because these excesses discredited the entire anti-war movement. Concerning the lies of the moon landings in the same period, in Moondoggy – 3 David McGowan demonstrates how these lies were carefully timed to the agenda of the Vietnam War, notably the My Lai murders, the expension of the war into Cambodia, the bombing campaigns, the ‘peace’ negotiations, all that…
Your little homage reminds me of my own travels and exploration of “realpolitikk” and so called conspiracy theories and it was beautifully written.
If you learned a lot from Dave McGowan, try Miles W Mathis at
He exposes many new aspects of the ‘fake news’ that is propagated endlessly by the mainstream media
1.Many fake operations are designed to ‘blackwash’ movements that are sees as dangerous by the establishment. For example the Flat Earth movement is designed to blackwash conspiracy theories. The entire ‘Modern Art’ movement was funded by intelligence to combat the ‘realist’ art of the Soviets.
2.Many people that you think are dead or in prison are not actually dead or were ever in prison, they were just ACTORS who performed their role and then disappeared by taking on new identities and being assigned some other intelligence role.
3.By looking at the number of security clearances, plus other factors, he finds that the US Intelligence community is ENORMOUS,as big as the US armed forces.
Pretty much the entire US upper class and their families are intelligence agents of some sort.
For example Obama’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham. As an attractive young woman why did she marry an ugly guy from Kenya. And then marry and have children with an Indonesian man and live there for the rest of her life? Because those were her intelligence assignments! It also shows the dedication and self sacrifice, that is typical of those intelligence agents.
Even more than with Dave McMohan, you have to use your judgment in believing ALL of Miles’ theories. For example he believes that everything is run by the billionaire ruling class families while I think the has to be something above that.
Similar to Dave McMohan, where I found it astonishing that a man with a full time professional occupation could have come up with so many brilliant observations, Miles Mathis has what one would think is a full time occupation – he is a professional artist much in demand.
But yet he has the energy left to help us with has amazing articles.
Kudos for recognizing the brilliance of Dave McGowan, he is among the best at exposing the hoaxes that are perpetrated by the government and those that they really work for. His daughter also deserves credit for keeping his work alive in a new improved web site, in spite of the search engine giants attempts to suppress it.
For those who are into these types exposés, Miles Mathis is also worth a read. His work on the 30 year fraud of Stephen Hawking (he really died in 1985-6) is brilliant. His arrogance can be a turn off and you may not agree with all of his conclusions, but you will be left knowing that the official government/academic version is a lie.
Bill Cooper (a Vietnam vet) also deserves a mention. When Osama bin Laden’s name began circulating in the media in June 2001, he spoke up on his radio show and said that bin Laden would be blamed for an attack on America and Americans should not believe it…
He did not stop speaking out about the 911 false flag afterward…
He was killed in an FBI raid on his home in November 2001.