Dear friends,
It has been almost a month since you heard from me, so I decided to post a short update.
As I indicated in my initial post, I had to take time off for health reasons. I don’t think I have any obligation, even implied, to go into details, but just to reassure you, I can promise you that my problems were a common but painful combo of GI issues made worse by simple cumulative exhaustion: fifteen years of non-stop blogging (all on my so-called “free time”) without any real break was not reasonable, and I frankly neglected to take care of my own health. Anyway, I FINALLY found a competent MD, we did the needed tests, gave me some good advice and I am already on the mend.
Frankly, at 58 I have to be kinder to my body than I was at 20, or else things could get much worse (of course those who hate me would hope me to do the opposite and keep draining myself into the grave).

A happy Saker and his beloved wife :-)
I also decided to take that time off to spend more time with my wonderful family, something I also needed a lot and which I am enjoying every day! Not only that, but I also do a lot of hiking, biking, swimming, free diving, playing guitar, kayaking, reading and all the other things which I love and which are, as the expression goes, “exactly what the doctor ordered”.
I now realize that during the past 15 years I was like the proverbial “frog in slowly boiling water”, and only “jumping out” of this “pan” made me realize two things: how precarious my position was becoming and how much I needed to “get out” back into some “cool water”.
And I am happy to report that I am already feeling much better than a month ago, so this “therapy” is working miracles :-)
Also, I picked my time very carefully. Rather than spend HOURS replying to all sorts of emails and questions about the official and terminally idiotic US narrative(s), I just realized that by my planned date of return (August 1st) the reality of things in the Ukraine will be much clearer (except for the truly hopelessly brainwashed folks whom I never considered as my target audience anyway). Mariupol was only the first big crack in the Western wall of lies. Now the process has begun.
I don’t want to comment about the war itself until my return, but I will just recommend that you listen carefully to what Andrei Martyanov, Bernhard and Gonzalo Lira have to say. Yes, they all are very different personalities, with very different areas of expertise and even more different styles and personalities. That is precisely why I recommend this “combo”, because they represent three different but all honest views of this war (which nowadays is an extremely rare phenomenon!).
And, of course, I recommend the guest posts and analyses posted on the Saker blog while I am on break :-)
But there is one REALLY important which this war has already shown: the true faces of governments, organizations, interests groups and even individuals!
Sadly, most of what we discovered (at least I did) is that the West is far more evil, hypocritical and, frankly suicidally stupid then I ever imagined. Now if you want to call me blind, naive, stupid, pollyannaish or delusional – fine, I will plead guilty as charged: even in my worst nightmares I did not expect such level of truly demonic evil. I have been saying that the AngloZionist Empire and Russia were locked into an existential war since at least 2013, but I did not expect that the Empire would be hateful and stupid enough to choose to hurt itself much, much more than it would ever hurt Russia. Now I see that Bertolt Brecht was absolutely correct: “The belly is still fertile from which the foul beast sprang” and Russia will have to denazify not only the Ukraine (which will break up, also exactly as I predicted many years ago), but also the entire West and that means that the entire planet. I am totally confident that she will succeed, by the way, as many Russians say “we need to truly finish WWII“.
On a personal level, I found out that some of my supposed “friends” were no friends at all: far from showing any sympathy or even understanding for the reasons for my break, they chose to offer their “remote pseudo-diagnostics” and frankly stupid rumors, which used that against me personally and the blog. Now they have to live with themselves, and I don’t envy them as they barked up a caravan which has long passed them: enjoy the dust!
But much more important, to me, was the real outpouring of kindness and support from many HUNDREDS of people, under my original post, by email and even by wonderful letters and cards, sometimes from people who wrote to me for the first time! I cannot put in words who touched I am by such an outpouring of kindness, all I can do is thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could do that personally to each one of you, but I physically can’t.
As the French say, “it is in shitty situation that you see your true friends“. Only one month has passed since I took my break, but I am already much “richer” for discovering that I had many more friends and supporters than I ever imagined. I am deeply grateful for that!
Okay, that’s all on my end. I just want you to know that both me and the blog are doing fine, there is no reason at all to worry about either one. As for me, God willing, I will come back with my “batteries” fully recharged for the next phase of this war – the denazification of NATO and the EU (which I personally expect to probably begin even before that). That third phase will also combine elements of economic, informational and “kinetic” warfare, what the actual ratios will be is anyone’s guess and I won’t hazard one here (at least not now).
For those who have written to me to tell me that they miss my analyses, I want to say this: I ask for your patience as time will pass quickly and I will be back pretty soon already, and in much better shape than when I took my break.
Now I leave you in the kind and trusted hands of my small but wonderful “Saker team” to which I am also immensely grateful for everything they are doing (which is A LOT, more than you can imagine or I can say).
Hugs and cheers to all,
Great news. All the best for your continued recuperation and thanks for all you do for us all, and your wonderful team .
I’m very glad to hear from you getting better and in high spirit. I’m hoping you get better and better. God bless you and your loving family and keep you in harmony and in good health. The good and justice will prevail in the end. Remember we do what we want and God does what he wants.
Best of luck to you.
Keep doing what you are doing to recharge. Rest. Rejuvenate. And enjoy time with your family.
With prayers and best wishes!
Great news about your health, Saker. Take care (even when you are back).
You are bringing up some interesting topics. I am curious to understand what you mean when you say denazify Europe and the rest of the world. The mind boggles.
Great to hear to are on the mend Andrei. Miss your presence on the blog. Bless you and your family. Hopefully you will be back n full action on your site soon.
Best Regards,
Бог ти дао здравља и снаге брате!
Since moving here (SW Russia) last year my health has been dramatically improving. Aside from the different health care (my doctor here can not believe how bad my prior care from a “top” HMO in California was), the crushing stress and anger we felt in California is gone. Sure, it can be wearing to make trips to the regional capitol to sit for hours in a government building, but still, with all that it’s STILL more relaxing here.
So, take care, limit your stresses, and live long to upset the powers that be. We all have a lot more work to do on this planet.
Glad to hear from you, enjoy time with family and close ones
You are much younger than me, but looks a bit older than me, sorry. What you actually need is a trip to Russia, be with the Russians, speak Russian, breathe the Russian air…it is so invigorating!
Andrei , for my two kopecks’ worth. Your analyses woke me up to what is going on in the world, apart from what goes in Haiti which really woke me up (the Clinton’s’ invilvement, Bush coups, etc.).
It is far better to have a happy, hearty and healthy Andrei later than a less than healthy Andrei now. Hang in there! You are admired and loved!!!
Fantastic to hear from our best up to date sorce. God takes care of you because you take care of all of us. You are blessed with a good family and we all looking forward to hear your analysis from august. Keep going fine with your resting time and for myself I know you are with us in the spirit. I agree totally of your thoughts about the evil that have been pouring out in the west for at least 10 years that we can’t imagine. Pure evil. Good picture of you and your wife. We will save it in our album, my wife and I. Every time we look at it, we send blessings from God and know that you are in good hands.
So glad your on the mend!
“Frankly, at 58 I have to kinder to my body than I was at 20” – Yes! This is also a realisation that i’ve been slowly coming too as well, it’s not an easy pill to swallow…..
I think i need to take on board a lot of what you have said here too, thank you for sharing some very good advise.
Keep getting better and we will look forward to your return :)
Hi Saker,
Glad to hear your health is going in the right direction. I’ve been reading your blog since 2013. Discovered by chance because I read in the books of Vladimir Mergre that Putin made free land available to people to grow vegetables and fruits and where they could start their family domain.. (which is now regulated by law in Russia). What government does such a thing? Your blog has enriched my knowledge of Russia. I got to know Putin, got acquainted with geo-politics, the role of Russia in the big picture, etc. etc. Thank you for that. Enjoy your family and your precious life and take good care of yourself.
For your knowledge, your dialectic and intellectual strength, and for showing the truth of so many things
a big hug from Spain
God bless you, Andrei
Andrei, if you have IBS-C, take Oxypowder. Don’t laught, just do it. I used to sell it 17 years ago. Out of exactly 1,000 transactions, I had one return. The product saved me.
It’s times like these you find the important things in life and begin to fully understand what matters to you most.
Even when you come back just do a month then rest a month no need to be full time. Job share is the way to go. Just work 6 months a year and enjoy the other 6 months with friends and family.
Always remember The world turns when you are gone. There is nothing you can do about it. Time stands still for No one.
Keep smiling Andrei and make sure the team get a break also.
Dear Andrei
You both look as happy as it ought to be! Enjoy more of this fantastic medicine! You really deserve a break and Amarynth is really doing a great job. She is not a substitute of you, but has her own personal style, and it is very interesting to read, plus all other collaborators. You are certainly missed, but we need you strong for the end of WW2.
Much respect and tons of love to you and family
Vercia V.
good health and happiness.
During life and especially at mid-life we get chances to review our lives and make new choices. Life is all about consciousness and conscious choices for that life. When we accept the inner truth we met at mid-life we go into transformation to become our true selves. We leave behind the person we became by indoctrination from parents, teachers and society. Such transformation process takes two terms of seven years, the first term to let go all kind of stuff we are not and the second term to build up a new self. Congratulations to you who manage this hard ride against the current.
Dear Saker, i thank you for your tireless work and i thank your family in supporting you, which makes them heroes in their own right. Without your beacon shining brightly these past years more submarines will be lost. Now, with desert starting to be irrigated you can rest without guilt and enjoy in what you have been fighting for all this time.
I fear my words cannot convey enough gratitude to you and your family so i send you all a deep,respectful,well deserved bow. Saker team is included also for the ammount of work and dedication they contributed and are still contributing in these trying times.
Best wishes to you,your family and the team.
P.S. Especially thankful for introducing me to Sheikh Imran Hossein and showing me that there is a side of Islam that we can cooperate with. Before that we here only knew Ottoman version which differs from Vatican in name only.
Wonderful to hear from you and to know you are getting better! Yes, we all missed your posts; but, as you said, the ‘Saker Team’ is excellent and we appreciate their work, too. My thanks to all of them!
This is a very powerful time we are living in, and most of us who understand the implications of the great conflict, and the enormous changes that are ahead of us, may be stressed as well — and this affects our health. In a way, we are more vulnerable than those who do not understand or do not care about our time…
Now, Andrei, continue taking care of yourself and come back when you think you are really well. Just let us know, occasionally, that you are OK, as, like me, many of us have been following you for many years and do appreciate your knowlegeable analysis. :-))
Rest my friend… enjoy the family and mostly enjoy you!
All the very bestest, legendary wise man!
How wonderful to hear these good words.
It’s a loss without your strong analysis, but I’m looking forward to August.
Until then, you are in the very best hands and can fully recharge your batteries.
Be safe and get well.
Přeji brzké uzdravení a děkuji za váš veb. Píši z České republiky, je nás víc a čteme se zájmem vaše články, nashledanou.
Dear Andrei,
thank you for your ‘Lebenszeichen’. Good to know your are getting better.
The hate in the German Main Media – and of course all their readers – towards Russia is unbelievable.
The Munich Philharmonic Orchestra fired it’s Chief Conductor Valery Gerdjew because he is from Russia. Losing most of one’s friends is sad too. But their have been rallies and demonstrations against these politiks, thank God for that. Good to read your unique blog with all the great comments.
Thank you so much and may God bless you and your wife.
A simple song from my land says that “when the night is darker, the firefly lights up more”. In the age in which we live, in the midst of so much darkness, the light that shines in the hearts of good and honest people – like you and so many others – it is they who show the direction. What we have left is to walk and build the future. A hug, brother.
To borrow from Mr Spock, live long and prosper Saker.
I am very happy to hear of your progress, Andrei. Time and rest have remarkable recuperative qualities. Thank you for creating this resource that enables me and many others to share and debate with like minded people in a respectful (and sometimes intellectual) manner. Otherwise we are in a widerness in Zone 1.
So glad to hear from you, Andrei. Best wishes to you and yours. And now go back to your healthy retreat and don’t get trapped in this flood of commentaries ;) We’re patiently waiting for your return in full shape!
Saker, I don’t know you, but have been visiting your blog often. Take good care of yourself! Looks like you are hiking now. That’s perfect! See you back soon!
Dear Sir,
To say your blogging methods will be in schoolbooks someday, would be an understatement!
I admire the wisdom, the kindness and accurate scientific approach of all working here.
God bless you and your crew with safe sailing, friendly havens, merry pints and cheerful company!
And good health! For the most!
Always happy to read around here!
We can all learn much from your example of detoxifying from the internet. I took a long break from the internet for health reasons, and it helped me immensely. I don’t think we realize what a negative influence it is. There are indeed positive aspects: meeting new people, learning fascinating facts, and gathering a consensus of opinions, but too much of it drains your energy and vitality, and you miss so much of everyday life. The internet has to be kept to a minimum, or it becomes a life-sucking monster.
Hei Saker,
Well it is good that you have taken time off to recover. I am glad that you have discovered friends and enemies that you have not known about and been gracious enough to thank your friends and how your enemies have enlightened your experience.
I first read your articles in You will know this site has been off the air since Tom Feeley fell ill a while ago. That is sad. Firstly, The site has a wonderfully valuable format which would be a disaster to lose. Secondly, I had not realised how much of time, labour and cost Tom Feeley put towards keeping the world informed of Not The CNN News. Like yourself had not realised how many friends he had the world over.
It would be an act of generosity to keep the ICHN and Tom Feeley’s life work alive. If respected journalist like yourself and all the others that appeared in ICHN were to celebrate Tom Feeley in the best ways you know how we all would acknowledge your selflessness and goodwill. It would be a shame if Tom and his work were to perish just as much as yours and many others of your ilk.
Get Well. Keep Well.
Kind Regards,
Glad to hear you’re recovering nicely, Andrei.
Yes, you’re definitely missed, but Team Saker has been doing an excellent job during your absence.
Best wishes, tovarich!
Dear Saker,
thank you very much for your refreshing sign of life.
Please take all the time your body needs to refill its batteries.
Wish you God‘s guidance and blessings,
Thank you for creating this wellspring of truth, which I luckily found years ago.
Take all the time you need good man, we’ll hold down the fort until you feel like coming back full time!
Take care and get fully well, Saker. My best wishes for you and your family. Please, do take time to be with them. This is indeed a great pleasure and a wonderful balsam which unfortunately many of us neglect in the stress of daily life.
Looking forward to see you back healthy and inspired.
One of the most light and enjoyable posts recently on this blog!
“Fix yourself before fixing the World” – Wish you a quick and complete recover. I’m 60 now… and even being a Doctor by graduation, only now have I realized that you, your health or diseases are what you eat or put in your body and mind during your life.
No Brasil nós gostamo de Você”
Grande Abraço.
Happy to hear that you are on the mend given that about 80%of your immune system located in your gut. Always treat yourself well. 😊
Thank you, Andrei! Do take care of yourself. We need you. Until I found the Saker, I had about given up on trying to understand anything because the western media is APAT (All Propaganda All the Time). We so much appreciate you and the team! Enjoy your rest and recovery!
I saw earlier here in Montenegro a very expensive Land Rover Defender on a gas station with big stickers saying Save Ukraine all over it.
I took a photo – looked like a son of a uki oligarch dressed almost like a tranny and his BF
Spotless clean car and they looked if they have never seen any war in their life – far away from all the fighting enjoying the beach in faraway Montenegro
I’m in a state of shock after our premier minister applied for Swedish membership in Nato but It’s good to hear that your health is improving. Take care.
Best Wishes again Andrei.
Also, sorry for not reading the posting rules the other day. I can understand why they are there.
Finished Sergei Glazyev’s book, ‘The last World War’ yesterday. For what I could easily understand of the book, it is crucial, in my opinion, for the future of the world that Russia defeats the demonic element(s) in Ukraine and then helps this district of Russia back to health, preferably as a district of Russia.
Glazyev identifies in the book the danger period for Russia as the 2020’s, which has proved to be correct, unfortunately.
You are in my prayers, Saker, for a full and quick recovery and restoration of your health.
Lord have mercy on you, and on all of us.
I am fairly new to your blog but I very much enjoy the perspectives you put together. I do hope that when you return fulltime, you add a few more pieces in Orthodoxy too. I very much enjoyed them and hopefully some will have their eyes opened both about faith and about war
God bless my brother in Christ
Glad to hear you’re on the mend! Will look forward to seeing your analysis in the future. In the meantime, enjoy your family, enjoy life and be well!
Take your time before coming back. Your health goes first. And enjoy your vacation.
Happy you are recovering well!
Hi Andrei
Glad to hear from you again with good news
Thanks for what you do from another Floridian
The saker blog is a great blog and of course we would love to have Andrei back but everyone should recognize his costs and not just out benefits. While the blog remains excellent and informative and a counterweight to the propaganda we get here in the west.
Saker: Take all the time you need to recover your health. We are praying for you. Thank you for all you have shared.
Dear njatigui (host in maninka).
Since you are far away from West Africa, i can just pray and wish you the best. But i’d like to recommend you the dayly consumption of moringa seeds. I myself (60± yo) use them as routine and results are genuine improvements of capacities.
Take care. No rush. We wait for you. Come back when you can. Amarynth and team and contributors together with our commentators are doing good job. Friendlily.
Health and good luck.
Everything else you already have, or you will get it by your own hands.
We wait for you
Thank you for being there for us as the voice in the dark. Please take good care and enjoy every minute of it.
Good to hear, i am happy you feel better and take the time to live.
I am struggling a bit health wise up here at the edge of Europe to, only skin and bones left of me.
Unlike you i have not found a good md yet and a tooth inflamation that spread to the jaw did not help😂
Syriac orthodox Prayers in Aramaic
At 41.44 there is one of the most beautiful song about regrets, and 08,08 Brihk Mor Hasho i love for its message paired with harmonious voices.
Господи Ісусе Христе Сыне Божїй помилѹй мѧ грѣшнаго.
Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner
Herre Jesus Kristus, forbarm deg over meg
Glad to hear you are doing well, Andrei! I look forward to your return.
Through your site I have been following those 3 sources and more. Thank you for the wonderful coverage back in 2014 of Ukraine.
This reminds me of the Imjin War of 1592-1598. Ultimately negotiations failed and only the militaries could finish what the politicians and beauracrats could not in Joseon Korea/Japan/Ming China.
I look forward to the day when the Koreas can be free, independent and hopefully united again. We will thank Russia for their support against Imperial Japan in 1905 and 1945. Cheers!
Peace be with you brother, in the name of Jesus. I am new to your site and I am richly rewarded.
Take your time to get better, all the best to you & yours. Couldn’t agree with you more about your “denazify the entire planet” opinion, it’s looked to me like that would be unavoidable from the start of the SMO.
Thanks ever so much for your work in the Vinyard. Never mind the turkeys, like the poor they are always with us. It’s important for all of us to ever keep in mind we are here working for peace and justice for the long haul, and must guard our health, mental and physical. Very best to you and all!
Andrei, I am so glad you are feeling better.
That is a very sweet picture of you and your wife. May you be blessed with many more happy years together.
You have done so much good with this site/blog…. teaching many people, opening our eyes.
Truly, like you, I have been stunned by the deep evil that is constantly displayed every day toward Russia and others in this world. The masks and pretense have come to an end. Seeing through the lies has lead me to revisit and question all previous so-called “history” we have been fed so many years.
Thanks always.
Thanks for the update Andrei and for the reply to my email! So glad to hear you are doing well. I am reminded of the instructions given to airline passnegers: secure your own mask first before trying to help anyone else!
Take good care and best wishes to you and your family, and sincere thanks to them for the obvious loving support they are giving you.
May God bless you all.
So glad to hear you are regaining your health! You are sorely missed and your return will be a day to celebrate!
Dear Saker, thank you for this update. I am so glad that you are on the mend, and that your health problems, though painful, were not life threatening. Take the time you need to take care of yourself and enjoy your family and other activities, and come back when you’re ready with a full recovery. Blessings.
Glad to know you are doing well in your much needed rehab. We all need it from time to time. The three shining personalities you mentioned are the go to for all Sakeristas.
Andrei, I have become far more educated in many regards on account of your efforts on this blog. I also hold you in the highest regard re: our brief musical collaboration. Your contribution to truth and the light are priceless and I consider you a brother and friend. God bless you during your recovery and on your continued journey, I’ll be here always in support of your efforts. Your friend Patrick Henry.
All the best!
Take care of yourself, Andrei, and à bientôt !
Somewhat off-topic, but possibly still of interest: For getting a sense where things are heading I think one should take a good look at the map of the borders of the Polish Second Republic, as well as the linguistic map of the same period.
As a broad and daring assumption I say Ukraine is done, and the main player know it and they use the last few months to maximize their personal gains. Zelensky (by now de-facto Polish Stadthalter of Galicia) seems to have moved his family outside, while he and his clique seem to have prepared their own departure with a nice stack of $$$ in the west. The 40 billion USD “aid package” is the last grift. Nothing of that money will ever reach Ukraine. Not one cent. It could be that the British find some stupid EU bureaucrats who keep riding that dead horse but the Empire is out.
So where from here? Until about recently I had a rough understanding about the natural resources and the industrial connections in Ukraine, and now I spent a good few days looking into details starting from 1880-ish. What a rich country! And looking at the industrial connections, the infrastructure, the population, etc I think realistically the new Russian – Polish border will be the border of the Polish Second Republic, very roughly following the 27th meridian. Before that I thought Chytomir – Vynitsa, but now I think the 1921-39 border. What happens in the southern part of now-ex Western Ukraine (Romania, Hungary) is not so important now. Poland will probably want them to take their share to not look too bad.
But what a can of worms!! A Polish eastward expansion in the southern sector its old borders will open the question of the Korridor, of Silesia, of Danzig, of southern Ostpreussen. That is only one part. And once borders start shifting in Eastern Europe – my God, where will it end? If Poland feels strong again Lithuania might have to start thinking about Wilnius? Also Western Belorussia is now rather exposed – provided the Baltics remain an Empire colony. The whole map might start sliding, and we might have another two or three generations of war and turmoil ahead.
Welcome back dear Saker as your absence was felt but to their credit the team did an outstanding job keeping up with the critical events and ensuring the blog keep to its high standards of analysis and news.
Best wishes with recharging the batteries!
Take care of yourself and your family Andrei and may the Most High YHWH, our Holy Father send Holy angels to watch over you and your loved ones and may He strenghten you and cloth you in love and humility and grant you and your family some well needed peace and bless you fruitfully in the name of our beloved master and King Jesus Kristus. Amen
Thank you so much for your blog and all your and your amazing team’s efforts to give us a platform to discuss and provide us with all the articles to feed us with knowledge and understanding, with His guidance.
Take care
Bonjour Andrei, je siuis content que vous allez mieux et que vous pouvez ” recharger vos batteries” comme vous le dites car cette guerre russo-ukrainienne risque de durée très longtemps.
En effet, il faut faire une analogie historique avec ce qu s’est passé entre 264 et 146 av JC dans le bassin méditerranéen. . C’est que l’on a appelé les Guerres puniques. C’est à dire la guerre entr la Phénécie via Carthage et la royauté romaine( ou la République) pour le controle de la Méditrranée.
Il suffit de remplacer, aujord’hui Rome,par l’OTAN ou plus exactement les States, et vous comprenez les simulitudes.
Transposons de nos jours..La premire guerre punique a été gagnée par les USA à la chute du mur de Berlin .
La deuxieme a débuté par la Russie le 24 févier de cette année..
Tout ce que je souhaite, c’est que l’Europe de l’Ouest ne soit pas entrainé dans ce conflit qui nous concerne pas. Mais vu l’état mentale de nos dirigeants, j’émets des doutes.
Bien à vous.