Translated and captioned by Leo

Among the fairy tales of the Kiev Maidan there is this one; striving to be in Europe, Ukrainian citizens couldn’t wait for their march for freedom from the previously accepted Viktor Yanukovych. This talk is in reference to the so-called “dictatorial laws” from January 16, 2014. And here now, pro-European Petro Poroshenko is getting ready to surpass them. But as for a new Maidan, it’s just not there once again for some reason.

The Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada [parliament] is reviewing a new law with an easy memorable number, 6688. Here is information on it from the official “European parliament” website. From a written list the law proposal was initiated by “patriots with references.” It seems like it’s the crazy Tetiana Chernovol and Dmytro (there are no Ukrainian losses) Tymchuk. And the document is promoted by the Commission on Issues of National Security and Defence of Ukraine. Which by the way led the acquiring of weapons to the snipers in the Maidan from the People’s Deputy Pashinsky.

It would seem that the patented Ukrainian “patriots” should initiate something that the augmented society would strongly support them. But no, they don’t support them. It is being talked about in social networks that the draft law 6688 is actually worse than the so-called “dictatorial laws of Yanukovych.”

Here’s an example: From the document’s text and comments, “patriots” say that allowing the draft law in effect would destroy the privacy on the Internet for citizens of Ukraine. That same opinion is held by Ukraine’s political scientists. Listen to the opinion of one of them, Vladimir Makarovsky.

“It is sadly known about this so-called draft law 6688, it is a law for concreting the information space of Ukraine. This is certain. In the guise of interesting things, in the struggle for state security and these wonderful things, there is in reality draconian methods in progress. Ones that compared to the dictatorial laws of Yanukovych, by and large is baby talk. Forgive me for this phrase. Here, and I also want to note that this law and so to speak the expanding of the president’s version of the “Ice Crown Citadel”, this is all the vision of one chain. This is a preparation for the cleaning of the legal information field, under a comfortable field for having parliamentary and presidential elections.”

For now, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada have resisted, refusing to make a bill already used by the relevant committee for consideration. But Poroshenko’s rating’s are smaller than a plinth, and he has nowhere to retreat. So he will either crush or buy himself votes. Especially since the SBU [Ukr. State Security] is hunting and crushing any freedom of speech on the Internet.

“The SBU considers that altering the current legislature in part for security of the information security and cybersecurity, will provide introduction of a right blocking mechanism for information resources (service) on the basis of the investigative judge and court’s reasoning in the criminal proceedings. The blocker is possible from the reasoning of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, brought into line with the Ukrainian law ‘On sanctions.’ Reconciliation of Russia in the walk of hybrid war, new technology against Ukraine has turned the information sphere and cyberspace into one of the key arenas of confrontation with the aggressor.”

How convenient isn’t it? The struggle against Russia is an excellent reason to shut the mouth of whoever that dares speak. Anybody that doesn’t want to voluntarily install encryption keys, by giving all of the traffic control to the Ukrainian Gestapo, then they are a Moskal’ [derogatory for “Russian”] and an agent of Putin.

In connection with all this, there is a question, “Where is the Maidan?” The same ones promised us from every iron about the highest self-organization of the “It’s Europeans,” that they will overthrow any “evil authority,” like with Yanukovych, if even slightly they get encroached on their rights and freedoms. And what, and where? Why is nobody bringing tea, beer, a good mood, umbrellas for the sun, and not going to set up tents near the administration of the Ukrainian president? Where are all these people with three foreign spoken languages, five higher educations and seven working businesses each? Ay?

After all, the blocking of websites specified in draft law 6688 by the decision of the National Security and Defence Council or even an ordinary investigator, this is “cooler” than the “dictatorial laws” of Yanukovych. In those without the court’s decision, access to Internet resources that disseminated “illegal” information or carried out the activities of the news agency without registration received only the National Commission for State Regulation of Communications and Informatization.

It’s a shame to admit that there was no “popular protest” that happened in 2013-2014, was it? That the “little Ukrainians”, like sheep, ran after the goats-provocateurs, and did only what they were ordered by people sitting in the Verkhovna Rada of Pashinsky?

As the Ukrainian saying goes; “Since your eyes saw what you have bought, you have to die, but eat it all up.” Now eat, Ukrainian “patriots”, you jumped at Maidan exactly for this.