by Auslander
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Sketch by Christopher |
I’ve read a lot of reports this morning about, according to The West, the ‘catastrophic defeat of the terrorists and rebels with massive casualties’ and the ‘glorious victory of the Ukraine army in evicting the terrorists from their bastion of Slavyansk’ sometimes followed with ‘the incredible destruction carried out by the terrorists as they retreated through Slavyansk’ and in one article ‘the freeing of the scores of hostages held by the terrorists in some cases for months’. And so forth. On the other side of the spectrum are ‘Putin has to act now to save Novorossiya or he’s done for’, ‘Putin is betraying the people of Donetsk and Lugansk when he said he would save them’, ‘Strelkov is a traitor’ and ‘Strelkov is a coward, he should have fought harder’. And so forth.
All of this is easy to say while we sit in front of our computers in relative comfort. We could just as easily sit here and argue that if Lee had listened to Longstreet and gone around the Yankee army gathering at Gettysburg he could have fought on ground of his choosing, beat the danged Yankees, taken Washington and won the war. We were not there, we were not privy to the conversations, we were not privy to the recon reports nor did we hear the supposed shouts from Richmond to ‘get on with it, win the war’ or the complaints of the citizenry to Lincoln about a rebel army sitting on the doorstep of Washington, just as none of us are privy to what Colonel Strelkov wanted to accomplish, what his information was, what his supply situation was and is, what his orders were and are, his conversations with his subordinates, nothing, nor are we privy to Mr. Putins plans long term and short, his conversations with his advisors and allies, his goals and ambitions.
Most of us only know what we are allowed to know and we know what we know generally after the fact. We can surmise, we can pontificate, but most of us know nothing of what will happen, only what has happened and precious little of that. What follows, and it’s pretty short and sweet, is what I know has happened.
Colonel Strelkov arrived up north in April. He had with him 20 or so men. That’s all. Not all were armed and some of the armed ones had bolt action rifles from the second war. This was the nucleus of what Strelkov built. In the first early weeks several hundreds of men rallied to the new colors and volunteered for service with Strelkov. It was with these men that Strelkov held off the first tentative attempts by the Ukes to enter Slavyansk. It was his men that took Karachun Mountain and it was his men who could not hold the mountain, to be specific the radio/TV tower that used to be up there, against a heavily armed Uke force that was determined to take it back. With the Ukes holding Karachun Mountain (in reality a long series of high hills) they could see all of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk and the surrounding towns and villages, rail lines, the local airports as such, and the main and secondary roads in the whole area. The die was cast. Was it a trap for the Ukes? We’ll find out when the memoirs are written in the coming years.
As the situation developed the Ukes poured in more and more troops to the Slavyansk area, both the regular army and the new ‘national guard’, which is nothing more that right sector under arms. Several of the Uke regular army units refused to fight against their fellow countrymen and one airborne unit surrendered and left, leaving half a dozen light tanks in the possession of Strelkov’s forces. At the same time, in a desperate bid to get more weapons for his burgeoning little army Strelkov’s men took several Militsiya (criminal police, pun intended) and DAI (traffic police, totally corrupt and useless) armories and managed to arm all his men with Kalashnikovs, light and medium machine guns and sniper rifles. Don’t ask me why two police organizations have a huge amount of weapons but they do. We did the same thing here in Krim when we armed up to defend ourselves and our north borders from right sector thugs on their way down here from Maidan.
As time progressed the Ukes began to make stronger attempts to get in to Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Each and every one failed with sometimes significant losses to the Ukes. It seems that Strelkov always managed to get a few more men where they were needed most at the last minute. At the same time small units began to stalk and hunt the Uke supply columns day and night in addition to small patrol units. In this way antitank weapons, automatic grenade launchers, medical supplies, large ammunition supplies and at least 3 towed twin barrel anti aircraft guns were obtained. Still, Strelkov was fighting on a shoestring and he seems to have known it.
As May ended the bombardments of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and other towns and villages began. The Ukes installed more and more medium and heavy artillery on the crests of Karachun, both towed and SP. Tanks by the hundreds arrived in the area as did troops by the thousands and BTR, BMP and BMD light armored vehicles in the many hundreds. And still, try as they might they could not break in to either Slavyansk or Kramatorsk although they tried, twice mightily. Each time they failed to enter either city the Ukes increased the level of bombardments. Almost all were not aimed at Strelkov’s men or areas, they were patently aimed at civilian infrastructure, the electric, gas, water and sewage facilities, civilian living areas including not only villages but large areas of 5 to 11 story flats houses, shops and industry. Civilian losses grew exponentially.
Air attacks started in June. In addition to the attack on the administration building in Lugansk on 03 June, two of Strelkov’s small units were savaged by Mi 24 ground attack choppers. Two days later Strelkov obtained air defense missiles of the shoulder fired variety and began to knock the Uke airframes from the sky. Did they come from Russia? How the heck would I know? Go up there yourself, find some discarded empty tubes and run the serial numbers. Same with the 5 T 64 upgrades Strelkov has and the now two T 72s. Run the numbers and tell me where they came from. I know their origin, the Uke army, just like every BTR, BMP and BMD Strelkov has. How do you capture tanks and other armored vehicles? Simple. When you own the battlefield, no matter how small it may be, after the fight you get the spoils. Poorly trained and motivated tankers and AFV crews are notorious for bailing out of their iron warhorses at the first loud ‘thump’ on the side. They’ll bail rather than risk burning to death in their iron coffins. The trick then is to kill the crew so they don’t simply go back to base and get another one. It takes under wartime conditions a week or less to assemble a tank. It takes six months to field a well trained and motivated tank crew.
As mid June approached, 80% of the entire Uke army was arrayed around Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. The fighting became more and more savage. Grad and Hurricane MLRS joined the bombardments of the cities and towns. Civilian losses were getting horrendous. The West was silent, literally hardly a word said in the MSM. Both cities and surrounding towns and villages were cut off and the critical supply of diesel and benzine was running out.
On 05 July Strelkov evacuated Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, pulling almost all of his fighters in. A very few small volunteer units were left in the cities to discourage any Uke advance to interfere with the evacuation (almost all survived and have returned to the fold). As it turned out a two kilometer long column of trucks, AFV’s, tanks, GAZ jeeps and civilian vehicles left well before dawn, taking every last piece of equipment with them and every bullet and weapon they had. Nothing was left for the Ukes. This was not a spur of the moment run for cover, this was a well planned and executed tactical withdrawal, I would say two weeks minimum in the making. Most of the fighters from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk managed to get their families out with the withdrawal. To the best of my knowledge the entire move was executed with 3 casualties, all civilian at the tail end of the column. My information says they all made it and the wounds were not life threatening.
AAR (After Action Review). For three months Polkovnik Strelkov tied down the vast majority of the Ukeland Army in his small area. His position was untenable from the beginning. He and his men persevered and fought. He commenced a well planned and masterfully executed evacuation of his forces and many civilians in the dark of night under the very noses of a force that vastly outnumbered him and that force was arrayed all around him. The evacuation column arrived to Donetsk in broad daylight. He arrived with 20 men in April and three months later left with an army of reasonably well equipped, very well trained, and blooded veterans after savaging many units of the Uke army. In the time he held the Ukes off Novorossiya was formed and the infrastructure put in place. I would say the good Tovarich Polkovnik performed his task rather well.
And one more link
Miccosukee Seminole, I think, though I say this because they met around the Okefenokee Swamp and moved to St. Mary’s Georgia where they raised their family among the remnants of a burned out plantation after the Civil War. The area is now Kings Bay Naval Submarine Station and a Union Carbide plant.
The situation here in America is similar to the situation in Ukraine – a police state government, widely hated, dysfunctional, extensive corruption, bankrupt political discourse, economic disintegration, heavily armed population. One big economic or environmental shock and the US will see chaos.
Guerilla warfare is the future of the planet.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret Mead
I’ve dubbed the “Russia we die but still believe in you” video with English sub-titles – “New Insight” did the translation for me. It’s a bit rough and ready but a still a powerfully evocative piece.
Who is the singer and what is the gist of the song anyone?
Latest on the gangster state
RT is reporting that the US have kidnapped the son of a Russian MP, perhaps for an exchange with Snowden.
Also, just after demanding France’s biggest bank to cough up 10 billion for dealings with Iran, the Godfather is now asking the German Commerzbank to cough up 500 million, or else. The French complied with appropriate submissiveness, and the Germans are expected to to as much.
The White House spokeswoman has recently said that Kiev has all the right to use its airforce to bomb its own cities.
@ Theodore Svedberg,
Yes, Dharma Doll is most definitely a “concern troll” sowing seeds of division and paranoia amongst those who are seeking truth. My 2 cents is that Putin uses the Oligarchs strategically when and were it makes sense to him — to further his aims — to support and protect Russia. He doesn’t seem like a guy who places “trust” in Oligarchs to do the right thing. If I were an Oligarch I’d be paying attention to Putin and watch my back. At this point it must be really tough for them to be certain which side will be on top in the years ahead. Oligarchs are a pragmatic bunch.
Golly. Strelkov is impressive. Yes, war colleges will be studying his strategies for years to come.
To other commenters: Washington freed his slaves. Not excusing slavery or Washington OWNING them. But in looking at strategic battlefield decisioning — Washington is still one of the great generals. Period.
While I understand the tendency these days of bashing of America and its “exceptionalism” on this site — those who do so from a position of superiority are really laughable. None of those folks (Hawaiians or American Indian tribes) were without their own barbarism. It’s part of human DNA to war and conquer. In that we all share. Not suggesting we whitewash America’s sins — or enable the fallacies of “exceptionalism” which is just more of the “chosen people syndrome” — particularly the last 50 years or so. But if you want Americans to “wake-up” to truth — you may want to take a different tack. Some of the comments here are purposely divisive. They tend to “turn-off” thoughtful Americans which is your intended audience. Just an FYI to those “bashers” who think everything Americans have done in the world is evil and despicable. At that point I just stop listening and reading. And you guys can have fun bitching about evil Americans amongst yourselves.
In the annals of guerrilla warfare this was indeed quite a feat.
How many years did it take Mao? Ho Chi Minh/Gen. Giap? The Afghan people? It might be a bit premature for the Ukies to celebrate quite yet.
Anon 8:45:
@Andrew part 1 & 2 [08 July, 2014 03:42] thanks for pointing out that Nationalism is just another divisive instrument. Let’s hope mankind can work free
of those shackles in the centuries to come.
The great virtue of both the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires (and before thme the Empire of Romania and the Empire of Charlemagne) was an absence of nationalism in their state structure, enabling many different peoples to live together in harmony and peace for centuries, sometimes in cities with multiple nationalities, and sometimes in provinces with villages side-by-side of different peoples.
Nationalism itself is a bacillus stemming firstly from the Conciliar Heresy in the western Church during the time of the Great Schism (Avignon Pope vs. Roman Pope), when the relations of the western states with each other, their own people, and the Roman Church came to be defined on the terms of a nation instead of the universal Empire – thus were born the first nations of Europe – France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, England, Poland, and Scandanavia. This social disease posited an identity between the state structure bearing a certain name, e.g. Germany, and the people who lived within the state who called themselves by the same name – e.g. the Germans.
There it sat for several centuries until the time of the Enlightenment and French Revolution when there came to be held that each state should be coterminal with its ethnonymic people, and that each self-conscious people should have their own state. The problems of this idea are obvious on any old map of European ethno-linguistic groups. These problems were multiplied by bigoted claims that various people were really another people who had simply lost consciousness of this connection, which was to be brought back in their minds by violence and re-education and denial of the rights of parents to educate their children in the language and culture of their choosing.
With this new festering sore in Europe then came after the Napoleonic Wars the 1848 Revolution, the Balkan Wars among the petty Orthodox States (Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania) of Turkish Rumelia (Little Romania), World War I, Wilson’s 14 Points Ideology, the Collapse of the Russian Empire, World War II, Stalin’s Collective Punishment Population Transfers, and the Population Transfers (ethnic cleansing) of Greeks and Turks in 1923, Germans, Poles, Czechs and Italians in 1945, and Serbs in 1995.
The current Ukraine crisis is as clear an episode of this lunacy as has been seen in a while in Europe. The absurd claims coming out of Maidan include that Russian speakers in Ukraine are being deprived of their Ukrainian consciousness by external Russian interference (as if speaking Russian is not a free choice) and require re-education to become Ukrainians (the reign of terror in Dnipropetrovsk by Kolomoisky’s mafia thugs is being presented this way as a “first love” of previously “oppressed” Russian speaking “Ukrainians” coming to discover their “real” Ukrainian nationalism and co-ethnic identity with Lviv). Most chillingly is the Orwellian demand I read on EuromaidanPR sometime back that “it is unnatural for a state to not control its information space” – i.e. allowing use of the Russian language in the popular press and culture of Ukraine has to end so that the Ukrainian national state apparatus can properly inculcate in the minds of the people who they really are – Ukrainians. Behind this mentality is also the two Phyletist schisms of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the Moscow Patriarchate, as if there is something oppressive and wrong in being in one Church with a brother people, or as if salvation is only possible through ethnic nationalism.
It’s understood that there is no central military command structure for the resistance, and maybe that’s a good thing.
Understood also that some ‘militias’ on the resistance side are just gangster hegemons who’ll occupy a city therefore more tied to static defense.
Strelkov might well be advised not to trust some of the localized ‘leaders’ or he might well end up like Ahmed Shah Massoud, sorry to say.
But mobile hit and run attacks on the Ukie army/national guard, interdicting their supply convoys, attacks behind the front lines, say Kiev?
Regrettably, it looks like a long civil war. Let’s see what happens as South Stream comes into play and winter comes.
1) If Strelkov justified his stay in Slavyansk (which involved depopulating it of over 70% of its inhabitants in one way or another) by claiming that it will be the place of the decisive stand against the Ukes, why did he abandon it without making such a stand?
Its the height of absurdity to blame Strelkov for this depopulation. During his first 6 weeks there, there was no depopulation, since there were no Ukrainian attacks on the people. The city was peaceful because its defenders were precisely that – defending what was theirs from external agression..
The depopulation was caused by Ukrainian Army shelling from Mt. Karachun after the strategic heights were lost in battle by Strelkov. Blaming the woes of the victims on their defenders is insulting to both, and lets the agressors off the hook completely. An analogy would be to blame Marshall Zhukov for the huge Russian population losses in World War II because the Soviets resisted the Nazi’s instead of throwing flowers at them when they invaded.
2)Strelkov publicly claimed he will defend Slavyansk, then abandoned it. Yet Strelkov worshippers have no problem with that. They do, however, have a problem with Putin, who has “abandoned” the South-East, even though he never specifically stated that he would defend it.
He did defend it and enabled essentially 70% of the population to flee from an untenable position caused by the loss of Mt. Karachun to the agressors.
So what are you really saying? That Col. Strelkov should never have shown up to defend Slavyansk, and the good Russian inhabitants of that town should have just rolled over, and knelt down, and licked the boots of Yatseniuk and Turchinov and Taruta and Right Sector in gratitude for being “liberated” by Maidan from Yanukovich and Russia and the oppressiveness of having to be Russians in Ukraine? That’s what it sounds like you are saying to me – the cause of the conflict is with those who resist Nazi oppression, not with the Nazi agressors attacking peaceful people who just wanted to be left alone and not be part of a revolution they were not involved in.
Paul II alluded to this article earlier:
It describes, from what I can get from my crappy browser translator, how the oligarchs in Donetsk had made deals with Kiev and were preparing to surrender, until Strelkov messed up their plans by leaving Slavyansk alive.
Is it possible for someone to summarize this for us english-speakers? (Thanks in advance)
Andrew said…08 July, 2014 03:42 & 08 July, 2014 03:42
“To your comments. Gen. Washington was a slave owner, and he freed his slaves voluntarily.”
Yes, he did, but long after the revolution.
“Slavery was a relatively minor institution in the US prior to the invention of the cotton gin after Independence.”
That is factually incorrect. For example, in 1720, the population of New York was around 7000, of which about 1500 were slaves. Wall Street was the marketplace where slave owners could hire out their slaves by the day or by the week. Not much has changed about Wall Street since then. ;) Slavery was hardly a minor institution in the American colonies. In many colonies it was the major economic factor.
I’m not going to take the time to go through the rest of your comment point by point like that, and I will summarise a few things instead.
Your portrayal of American history is a mix of some facts with mostly that “feel good about America” rubbish taught to American school kids as “history”. The idea that because Americans bought a little land from the natives that that means America wasn’t stolen from the Indians is ludicrous. Likewise, that the British imposed slavery on Americans the way you meant it, as the Americans who mainly had the slavery imposed upon them were the Native Americans, and it was imposed upon them by the European colonizers.
Your history about Russia is completely irrelevant with regard to Novorossia and their rebellion. Essentially a strawman. Comparing the American revolution to the Novorussian revolution doesn’t work because they are vastly different sorts of rebellions. The American revolution was essentially an armed coup by a minority of the population that replaced one set of oligarchs with another with no democratic vote prior. If you want to compare the America revolution to events in modern Ukraine, it matches the Kiev coup much better than to events in Novorossia. A minority of the population taking over, with a swapping of oligarchs at the top. Novorossia had a vote and has become an anti-oligarch revolution. As the rebellion is still ongoing, what the Novorussians end up with is unknown, but their platform seems to be a mix of all sorts of different politics and economics. I’m not sure what it can be compared to, seems rather unique so far.
Sorry about the harsh tone in my previous, but the attitude you expressed is one I grew very tired of hearing Americans express decades ago and its something I tend to get annoyed with easily.
I know that people would like to believe that Strelkov/Girkin/Ivanovich escaped out in the open with a 2 km long convoy and ‘fooled’ the Ukie Nazi-Wannabe army. It makes for a nice romantic story, good mythology, but if you were being realistic (and if the convoy story is even true and not another cover-story for how they really got out) it portends something far more sinister: The Ukies let them withdraw.
There’s no way a rational person can believe that such a vulnerable target would not have been subjected to multiple and heavy airstrikes to ‘wipe-out’ the ‘problem’ once and for all. Face it: The Lugansk and Donetsk resistance appear to be ‘relatively’ incompetently run (in comparison to Strelkov’s units). Letting him, his men, and all his hardware consolidate with Donetsk, is not something his enemies would allow if they were serious about ending this in the shortest possible time.
The Ukies (if they were serious about ending this conflict quickly) would sent in every air asset they had to take down this convoy; they didn’t. I personally don’t believe that they were unaware of the withdrawal, not with Western satellite and drone surveillance scrutinizing the area.
This raises the issue that someone on the Junta’s side/Germany/US-State-Dept. wants to prolong this conflict, they want the fighting to continue. Why? That is an open question for the readers and analysts here; I have my own theories but I’ll keep it to myself.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anon 11:08:
In order for the NAF to grow it needs sustained support from Russia. It does look more and more like whatever support is given will be from voluntary efforts, as it appears increasingly more obvious that the Russian establishment is not willing to foster what they perceive as a serious threat to the status quo. The rebels have started to talk about abolishing oligarchy in their territory and instituting direct democracy. You can bet the Russian origarcs don’t like this any more than the Ukrainian oligarcs
There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come. And here with Novorossiya it is the idea that people can live together free of nationalist poison and financial oligarchy looting. From what I have read from Gubarev and Boroday, they aren’t opposed to Akhmetov owning industry in Donbass, so long as he pays taxes to the Novorossiya government. They are clearly opposed to finance capitalism (and thus Kolomoisky and friends) being “king of the mountain” with all people and companies existing to pay the bankers interest instead of banking being a service instrument of the allocation of scarce capital towards productive enterprises to provide people a means of living in dignity.
If the NAF can weather the coming storm and survive into winter, the Kiev Coup government will have to start watching its back. Whether it can do this on its own will also determine if Novorossiya can exist on its own as a state. If Donbass cannot stand on its own while fighting and support its army, it certainly is not going to make it as an independent country.
AGS said
While I understand the tendency these days of bashing of America and its “exceptionalism” on this site — those who do so from a position of superiority are really laughable. None of those folks (Hawaiians or American Indian tribes) were without their own barbarism. It’s part of human DNA to war and conquer. In that we all share.
No we do not all share in this attitude of war. This is a common misconception put about by the psychopaths to put their type of thinking and behaviour onto everyone else and so be better able to hide amongst us.
Tribal societies (which mostly dealt with their psychopaths) did not wage war like ‘civilisations’ (who are run by psychopaths) do. War entails genocide through mass slaughter and/or complete absorption of land/assets and culture.
Native Americans, for instance, did not do this. For if they did, the Europeans would not have encountered so many tribal cultures. Tribes or ‘nations’ fought over territorial boundaries but they did not eliminate their neighbours. It was never total war as we see ‘civilisation’ wage.
If aboriginal peoples were familiar with genocidal war, they would have recognised what the Europeans were up to straight away and would have defeated them. They understood territorial disputes and thought that was what was going on till it was too late.
We see this in nature with animals. Within a species, members or groups will contest an issue till there is a winner and everyone goes home. Mankind is the only species that preys on itself and this is explained by the presence of psychopaths – something that no other species have.
So war and genocide is psychopathic behaviour and not human behaviour.
Identifying the psychopaths and their psychopathic thinking will identify the cause of wars and knowing the cause will go along way to eliminating the wars themselves.
AGS said…08 July, 2014 14:21
“While I understand the tendency these days of bashing of America and its “exceptionalism” on this site — those who do so from a position of superiority are really laughable. None of those folks (Hawaiians or American Indian tribes) were without their own barbarism. It’s part of human DNA to war and conquer. In that we all share. Not suggesting we whitewash America’s sins — or enable the fallacies of “exceptionalism” which is just more of the “chosen people syndrome” — particularly the last 50 years or so. But if you want Americans to “wake-up” to truth — you may want to take a different tack. Some of the comments here are purposely divisive. They tend to “turn-off” thoughtful Americans which is your intended audience. Just an FYI to those “bashers” who think everything Americans have done in the world is evil and despicable. At that point I just stop listening and reading. And you guys can have fun bitching about evil Americans amongst yourselves.”
The problem as I see it is not the “bashers”, but the Americans themselves, who tend to view criticism of America, and Americans, as bashing. I grew tired a long time ago of being Mr. Nice Guy and tip-toeing around oversensitive American sensibilities, only to be angrily told variations of the “America, love it or leave it” crap.
Americans better start growing out of that attitude and objectively understand why they are viewed so negatively around the world pretty soon, or they will find themselves eventually to be a very lonely ostracised nation of exceptionals. If they even survive as a country.
I am an American patriot who has studied the origins of my oppressed country carefully. It would behoove some of the commenters here to study that history more carefully. There was a real American Revolution, though short lived, led by the plain spoken, recent emigrant from England named Thomas Paine. This sincere revolution was quickly suppressed by the land owning, the slave trading and those looking for riches from dispossessing and extirpating the native peoples who were living under the protection of the English as their allies against the French.
The last defeat of the sincere, Paine led, revolution was Shay’s Rebellion which was crushed by private interests. Since that time the thoroughly authoritarian, anti-democratic monied elite have set out to conquer the world and used the myths of the real and suppressed revolution to create a false image of a progressive nation to cover the reality of a genocidal controlling elite.
That’s the way I see it as a proud Thomas Paine revolutionary American disgusted and outraged by the actions of those who hijacked our history to further their evil ways. I have no idea how many of us there are. You would have to ask the NSA and they NEVER tell the truth as a matter of policy. Occasionally I run into Americans into critical thinking who are brave enough to share their thoughts, but it seems there are fewer all the time. No wonder since our educational system teaches people to not think, but rather to listen blindly to AUTHORITY. SO SAD!
I’d like to commend Andrew for a brilliant post at 14:41, which I could not agree with more. The classic novel, The Radetzki March, by Jonathan Roth, is prime example of a multi-national, almost pan-national polity at its best, before things fell apart. The term Counciliar Heresy should be understood as applying strictly to the Great Schism of the Middle Ages. It is also loosely used nowadays by sedevacantists and their ilk to apply to whatever they don’t like about Vatican II.
I don’t know where to publish it except on Facebook, so, i am doing it here, the Declaration of Independence of Novorossia:
Dear Saker, please make a post, if you think it is valuable.
Thank you!
US State Department recognizes right of Kiev to apply airstrikes on civilians
According to US State Department spokesman Jen Psaki, the Ukrainian government defends the country, inflicting air strikes on civilians in the east of the country. She stated this today at a regular meeting with reporters. Psaki justified Kiev’s actions in relation to the militia.
@AGS 08 July, 2014 14:21
You can call me Northern Irish but it is an accident of birth,period. I’d rather you call me your friend.
The intention should be to to turn on [good] thoughtful people,period – I don’t care if you’re US American or Myan. Nationalism truly is an infantile disease.
Perhaps such a thoughtful person would already have realised their nationality was accidental. That’s not such a big step.
The bigger step is a fuller understanding of how evil/powerful people are controlling all our destinies in the West. That does take a little more time and research though (DNA doesn’t have to be war/conquer, it can be peace / love).
I hope you are right about Putin since he would then be, just about, the last friction to stop the machine .
However, I have just reviewed the site that Daruma Doll linked to and [with g translate] I do find Bagirov listed as a “Trusted Person” of Mr Putin.
So, please, more than your 2 cents, i’d prefer evidence to refute that which has been presented. That would settle my nerves.
From my very narrow view of some hazy information, I think Strelkov gets too much credit and too little credit.
He certainly formed effective units that fought and fight day and night. He did this rapidly, with no incentives other than his ideology excited the volunteers to his Army. They comprehended the simple message that they were doomed, that the region was a threat to Russia if not made wholly Russian. They fight to make it wholly Russian.
He certainly did not command all the battlefield. The Lugansk region and the border fights are doing a very good job, though late.
The border openings must be deals struck with Moscow and that might have taken time to arrange in such a way as to be “deniable”. They also serve as reverse bait. The Ukies are tempted to shell and shoot into Russia. These are provocations that will justify retribution.
Putin and the Military may be timing this for a strategic moment. Certainly, Putin is not taking it because he is afraid to reply. Preparation of the political, international and strategic are essential to a paralyzing response.
There is a big tally sheet in Moscow. Russians killed, borders shelled, sanctions induced, calumnies and political sabotage, unpaid gas bills, as well as the most important fact of all. Kiev and Banderastan is a destabilizing threat to Russia.
It will not stand. Moscow clearly believes that the project of Novorossiaya is not ripe for Russian direct and open assistance. The internal politics and lack of security, the undemocratic, self-appointed leadership replicates the junta’s illegal right to exist. And the military was not unified.
So a new reality is coming into place. Putin will judge it in the coming weeks, months, and respond.
Meanwhile, Mariupol residents are sending out very detailed info of the placement of the controlling forces in the city. Odessa has its first sniper shooting at roadblocks. A city in the West put up signs imploring brotherhood of Russians and Belarus and Ukrainians. Small indicators that may lead nowhere. But it took three months and soon real daily pain will manifest itself throughout Ukraine.
Pain is Putin’s partner in this war. Like Winter and gas, and despair over the growing poverty, psychological pain will equal the terror in the East. Dread of a hopeless life led by the corrupt and lunatic is not much different than the horror of the East under bombardment. At least there in the East, is attachment to Russia and men fighting back.
Ultimately, fertile ground will be found for pockets of rebellion. The repressors who sleep well now, will suffer insomnia when they realize that snipers and sabotage will cut them down sooner or later.
Putin will take Ukraine. I have no doubt that New Russia is not stillborn. New Russia is still in gestation. We think we see it born. No. There is only labor pains and some staining. That infant is still growing in the womb. The head maybe turning to the birth canal, but the baby is growing more each day.
Putin will be there for the delivery. He will take New Russia when it is ready to join Mother Russia.
Not a day too early. Not a moment when it can’t breathe on its own.
Putin understands destiny. He trusts in Russia’s eternal inheritance. The reason he is calm under all the pressures and problems is his mind and heart are anchored in moral truths and the word of God, not some ideology.
If he had responded with the military or supported Novorossiya before the mess gets cleaned up, it would have brought crippling counter moves against Russia and the structure of the rebellion might have been easily collapsed. Then he would have failed to remove the threat.
As of this moment, the West does not know what and when Putin will act.
But they know he will. Of that, no one has any doubt except the uninformed.
Putin will not “take Ukraine”.
Putin would’ve been glad if the Ukrainian problems simply solved, instead of continuously aggravating.
Putin IS NOT an imperialist, he’s not even a nationalist.
He is simply a manager in the Russian franchise of the global capitalism.
Russia’s Invisible Hand Drives Ukraine Conflict
The Moscow Times July 08
In the world of cosmology, the latest scientific evidence has revealed that 85 percent of the universe is made up of dark matter. We can’t see it, but it is definitely there. The equations tell us it must be, for nothing else explains the visible effects of mass on the universe.
Something similar can — cannot? — be seen in eastern Ukraine. Russia’s direct involvement is barely visible to the naked eye, but it can be discerned through examination of the evidence. No other explanation is plausible.
Russia is the only force with de facto control over border areas in Donetsk and Luhansk at present and it is demonstrably true that Russian citizens are crossing that border to fight in Ukraine, indicating that at the bare minimum Russia is letting this happen or that its border guards are incompetent to an improbable degree.
The “pro-Russian forces” operating in eastern Ukraine are precisely that — units doing Moscow’s bidding with Moscow’s backing. Their interests and those of the Kremlin are more or less aligned, although is conceivable that some of their followers do not even know they are the Kremlin’s puppets.
In addition to military proxy forces, the Kremlin is also using rhetorical proxies for the things that even President Vladimir Putin cannot say. In Russia he can turn to Aleksandr Barkashov, Leonid Slutsky, Sergei Glazyev, Sergei Markov and even Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya either to raise the stakes, or, as the occasion demands, to give the impression that he is a relative moderate. In Ukraine he has separatist leaders in the shape of Alexander Borodai and Igor Strelkov whom he can support or admonish whenever it suits.
However, Putin speaks the truth when he says he does not fully control them all, in part because doing so would mean taking responsibility for them. Putin has always regarded the uncouth with distaste, as he does now with Strelkov and Borodai. They are useful, but they can be embarrassing, and indeed incriminating.
The more direct forms of the Kremlin’s involvement are often covered up by a Russian intelligence service working overtime. What we know already is astonishing. Imagine what we do not know. What is certain is that Russia’s GRU, or military intelligence, has strong connections with and infiltrations into its Ukrainian counterpart, built up over many years. The Russians have never really trusted the Ukrainians — even in Soviet times — and the Black Sea Fleet’s presence on Ukrainian soil was a key source of espionage…etc
Hardware used by pro-Russian forces, including uniforms, vehicles and weapons, is often alleged to be of Russian origin, sometimes rather excitedly so by patriotic Ukrainians and leaders in Kiev. Quite possibly much of it is Russian, but there is little direct evidence. With about 5,000 separatists fighters currently in Ukraine’s eastern regions, ranging in origin from Chechnya to Crimea, it is impossible to disentangle what has been supplied and what purloined.
But as noted, the border is largely open and hard evidence of infiltration of Russian equipment is overwhelmingly obvious to everyone in NATO and the Western national intelligence services. Ragtag separatist “citizens” do not have access to anti-aircraft missiles and other precision weaponry, let alone the training to use them — especially as they are by and large too young to have received Soviet training…
read more:
Russia is doing all its possible to stop the war in Donbass.
Russia would like to keep Crimea and go back to business as usual with the West.
Problem is, the Ukrainian nationalists are so inflamed against Moskaly that they won’t accept anything less than a total victory.
Even if this means a complete Ukrainization of the South East of Ukraine, a territory which has been Russian for centuries, was Russian well before someone came with the idea of creating the so-called Ukraine.
Of course many people in rhe South East don’t agree with the Ukrainization imposed by the Greco-Catholic Gutsuls coming from the other side of the country.
Even if Moscow closed the border tomorrow (and it probably will sooner than later), Donbass people would still hate and despise the people of Halichyna and vice et versa.
A house divided won’t stand and Ukraine is divided more than ever.
And Russia can not unify Ukrainian population around an imposed illusory identity.
Hi to all, i can confirm that in Italy the saker blog is linked in a lot of sites
I don’t know where else except Facebook to share the Declaration of Independence of Novorossia, so, i am doing it here:
Lavrov has made it official – peace talks dead as Kiev refuses to honor the agreement they signed agreeing to an unconditional ceasefire and is insisting that the militia capitulate as a precondition. So that is some support for the militia at least.
БОРОН is asking questions about Strelkov’s withdrawal that I believe were answered in various statements from DPR and Strelkov.
1. To save the remaining civilian population from further bombardment and death.
2. The enemy can read public statements as well as anyone else. The commitment to stay had to be convincing and was likely the initial plan as there was hope that Russia would intervene before the city fell. It has been suggested that some folks in Donetsk who nominally support the DPR hoped he would stay and die there.
3. We will see if this proves to be a mistake. Likely the defenders judged they could not hold it and could better serve elsewhere.
4. Clearly the encirclement was sufficient to prevent easy/effective resupply for both the military and civilian necessities. It is also likely that Strelkov wished the enemy to believe the situation was more desperate than it proved to be.
5. The diversion was clearly perceived to be necessary otherwise why risk the men and armor? They had a plan to succeed and escape as well but it was stated that their commander made some error in carrying out the plan. I don’t know more than that.
6.see above and the explanation provided that it tied up important enemy resources and provided a place to train recruits.
I am sure, as in western Ukraine, public opinion is not homogeneous. The militia could not have stayed 3 months without the support of a majority of residents. Moreover very few would be willing to express support for the militia when the occupying force is in control – why put a target on your back?
In defense of daruma doll: we all sometimes make hasty or somewhat uninformed opinions/comments.
But at least he did back everything he said up with links.
Many things on this blog I have to take for granted too(for the time being), due to lack of background. I do try to read up on things. I try to be open, but believe nothing as a given.
When I started reading here, I had absolutely no clue about east European history for example.
Now I have no clue about the political snakepit of olicharchs and different fractions in the Kremlin and Novorossia.
I myself am afraid, that given too much time, the NATO puppets and their masters will get to much of a foothold, and only a major war can set things straight.
And quite some war criminals need instant justice, otherwise every hooligan, inbred nazi, jihadi, gangster or corrupt olicharch will think there is a golden future as a soldier of fortune for the empire!
Herb – Shay’s rebellion – the common folk against the oligarchs, the business class who switched allegiance and then used the aftermath to enforce debt slavery and the confiscation of property.
The Moscow Times… well what about the ‘invisible hands of the West? The instigators? Russia should not take an interest in a civil war taking place next door? One fomented by a belligerent force? Get real.
Many interesting comments and links the past few days. Thanks to our host and the contributors!
Anonymous BOPOH at 12.16, regarding the video “06.07 Славянск”, the words “actresses”, “orchestrated” and “enactment” spring to mind. Quite a number of the selfsame participants have apparently been observed delivering the same spiel in other towns.
My reply was to ВОРОН, not БОРОН. Apologies.
On 08 July, 2014 12:00 Daruma Doll wrote:
[a lot of links]
Now that’s something to work with.
Большое спасибо!
The Moscow Times is virtually Voice of America in costume of a cossack. Poor choice of reference material.
The militias are old not young. They are often veterans.
The exotic MANPADS and anti-tank missiles go to men with experience.
There is a good video of a T 64 getting blasted. Not lucky shot. Experienced.
Problem the militia had was no long range missiles to take down artillery.
And their failure to mine and use IED’s.
If they had used mines, the tanks could not encircle. Can’t clear mine field from inside tanks and APCs.
The test of Strelkov will be new tactics to break encirclement, keep supplies and manpower going and turning to attacking in the rear of the Ukies.
And the border. The border. The border.
The border is the umbilical.
And to all the Anonymice(plural of Anonymous?)
I am not going to check time of posting to differentiate you when I reply.
Use an avatar name for God’s sake. Initials or something that tells us you are worth our time.
Stand up. Be an individual. It’s liberating. You don’t lose anonymity. You can clarity.
To anyone here who describes me as being a troll
I know Russia (I was born in Moscow from people with Russian, Malorossian and Rusyn ancestry).
And you probably don’t (’cause even you’ve travelled there now, you have only a very twisted idea about how it was before 1991 or how it was during 90-ies).
I’ve lived through the demise of the Soviet Union, the rise of the post-Soviet nationalism and the plunder of the Soviet middle class by the organized crime united to the special services and the former Nomenclatura.
All this under the patronage and the blessings of the global West, which profiteered of the monies which moved from ex-Soviet territory to the western banks.
I am definitely cured of all my naïveté regarding human nature.
I am cynical, not a star-eyed idealist looking for a knight in a shining armour on a white horse, like some of the people who gather on this blog.
That is why you see me as a troll: ’cause I am mocking your illusions and having a laugh at your grandstanding pretense.
But I challenge you to disprove anything that I wrote here.
And I tell you: Putin only cares about the interests of the Russian chapter of the global elite.
He ain’t no Good Czar.
I like to say than when the Devil plays chess he plays on both ends of the chessboard.
It takes an Obama hypocritically talking about the “human rights” and a Putin paying lip service to “tradition” to fool the populace.
And while all the world leaders spout non-sense, the global cabal harvests the riches through an extractive economy…
Truth is:
Truth Is – Levellers:
Be well, good Sirs and fair Ladies.
c est marrant, Poutine ceci, Poutine cela, sanctions, restrictions, …. mais il ne bouge pas et les medias occidentaux ne parlent pas du genocide local, des maisons rases, de l exode des pro russes qui ne pourront pas revenir si les nazillons a la solde des US et de la CEE s accaparent des miens, de Shell, CHevron, Biden et autres consorts qui attendent pour faire main basse sur les richesses locales….
APres la Yougoslavie, le scénario echoue de la Georgie, l Ukraine !!!
Anon 16:47:
Ragtag separatist “citizens” do not have access to anti-aircraft missiles and other precision weaponry, let alone the training to use them
On the contrary, they do. It goes like this. Citizens with small arms take over police station, acquire modern rifles and submachine guns. Citizens with submachine guns take over Army weapons depots and acquire heavy machine guns, mortars, RPG’s, rocket launchers, and MANPADS as well as transport trucks. Citizens with heavy weaponry and mobile transport seize major Army armor depots and acquire tanks, anti-aircraft guns, howitzers, APC’s, and missile launch systems. This process is elementary, and by the time the armed forces react to it, it is too late.
As to the training, it is well known that the DNR and LNR militias are filled with veterans of Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, Transnistria, and other wars as the officers who are capable of training and leading men and planning missions.
To james@wpc: Uncle. The only people who war are psychopaths. That includes Romans, Babylonians, Vikings, Goths, Visigoths, etc., etc. and so on. You got me there.
Personally, I don’t have much stomach for war. Seeing the faces of young (mostly white Christian) soldiers in WAPO each week who died in the ME made me angry and sad. One wonders how many deaths does it take of ones enemy to justify these deaths. The answer is zero. You can never un-ring that bell. It tolls for our sins.
Jesus Christ was the antidote to tribalism. He was a threat to the entire basis of human beliefs and religion and government and all — then and today. We are surely at war against tribalism in all its formations. But to deny that this is a war from within — a war between DNA and consciousness — then we are not seeing the battle clearly or honestly.
I can’t argue with people who call me a psychopath. I’ve been called much worse by more impressive and powerful critics. We each get to choose the side we wish to carry. I’ll carry water for truth. If that makes me a psychopath — then so be it.
Colonel Strelkov arrived up north in April. He had with him 20 or so men. That’s all
Reminds me of North Vietnamese who started resistance to US army, snatched a carbine, called it “mother carbine” and erected an army who forced US army to flee in most cowardice fashion!
My salute to Strelkov and wish him and his people victory!