by Nick for The Saker Blog
“Terrorism is like a scorpion; it can unexpectedly sting you at any time”. Among the Western nations to discover the bitter truth of Bashar al Assad’s 2013 warning was Britain, when a Libyan suicide bomber killed 22 people attending a pop concert in Manchester. But while the UK media covered the May 22nd first anniversary of the massacre, not a single mainstream outlet so much as hinted at the fact that the attack was intimately linked to the attempt by the Cameron regime to use Jihadi terror as a weapon of foreign policy.
The truth emerged during the trial last December of Mohammed Abdullah, a Libyan national living in Manchester who was jailed for ten years for belonging to ISIS/Daesh.
Press coverage of the trial confirmed that Abdullah and his friends joined the terror group after fighting in Libya in 2011. But the same mainstream media carefully avoided the fact that the Manchester terror cell to which Abdullah, and his close friend Manchester bomber Salman Abedi, belonged was formed as a direct result of the British government and security services trying to use radical Muslims as weapons to achieve ‘regime change’ in Libya.
The Daily Mail was among the media outlets that reported on the conviction of Mohammed Abdallah:
“Footage has emerged of the jihadi linked to the Manchester Arena bomber fighting with militants in Libya before he tried to become an ISIS sniper.
“Mohammed Abdallah and his brother Abdalraouf were at the centre of a Manchester-based terror network which included Salman Abedi, who killed 22 at the Ariana Grande concert earlier this year.
“As unemployed former drug dealer Abdallah was jailed for 10 years today, footage showed him and his brother during a spell they spent in Libya fighting along militants in the country’s civil war.
“The brothers, who grew up in Manchester had dual Libyan nationality, joined the ‘Tripoli Brigade’ when the North African country fell apart in 2011.”
Hold it right there! Because the Tripoli Brigade was not some random bunch of Jihadi crazies. It was a part of the so-called National Liberation Army, the umbrella force organised to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. The NLA was the ground-force backed by none other than David Cameron, who turned the RAF into the air arm of the Islamist rebellion.
It was founded, organised and led by Mahdi al-Harati, a Libyan-Irish citizen. It was armed by the CIA, through the American puppet regime in Qatar. The brigade included officers who had lived most of their lives in English speaking countries including Ireland, Canada, UK and the US.
An article in Ireland’s Sunday World drew attention to relations between Mahdi al-Harati and an unnamed US intelligence agency.
According to the article on November 6, 2011, €200,000 in cash was stolen from al-Harati’s Dublin house a month previously.
The Sunday World reported that a criminal gang working the area found two envelopes stuffed with €500 notes during a raid on the al-Harati’s family home, October 6.
The article, apparently relying on police sources, stated that al-Harati, who has been a Dublin resident employed as an Arabic teacher for 20 years, claimed, when contacted by police, that the stolen cash was “given to him by an American intelligence agency.”
The article continued, “Astonished officers made contact with Mahdi al-Harati who told them that he had travelled to France, the United States and Qatar the previous month and that representatives of an American intelligence agency had given him a significant amount of money to help in the efforts to defeat Gaddafi. He said he left two envelopes with his wife in case he was killed and took the rest of the cash with him when he went back to Libya.”
When Abdallah’s brother was shot and paralysed from the waist down, he was flown back to Britain to get NHS treatment. But the UK’s aid for the rebels went far beyond the ‘health tourism’ we’ve all come to expect in Soft Touch Britain.
Middle Eastern Eye blew the whistle on what really happened on 25th May 2017, in a major investigation entitled ‘Sorted’ by MI5: How UK government sent British-Libyans to fight Gadaffi. This included the following revelations:
“One British citizen with a Libyan background who was placed on a control order – effectively house arrest – because of fears that he would join militant groups in Iraq said he was “shocked” that he was able to travel to Libya in 2011 shortly after his control order was lifted.
“‘I was allowed to go, no questions asked,’ said the source, who wished to remain anonymous.
“He said he had met several other British-Libyans in London who also had control orders lifted in 2011 as the war against Gaddafi intensified, with the UK, France and the US carrying out air strikes and deploying special forces soldiers in support of the rebels.
“‘They didn’t have passports, they were looking for fakes or a way to smuggle themselves across,’ said the source.
“But within days of their control orders being lifted, British authorities returned their passports, he said.
“‘These were old school LIFG guys, they [the British authorities] knew what they were doing,’ he said, referring to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, an anti-Gaddafi Islamist militant group formed in 1990 by Libyan veterans of the fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.
“Belal Younis, another British citizen who went to Libya, described how he was stopped under ‘Schedule 7’ counter-terrorism powers on his return to the UK after a visit to the country in early 2011. Schedule 7 allows police and immigration officials to detain and question any person passing through border controls at ports and airports to determine whether they are involved in terrorism.He said he was subsequently asked by an intelligence officer from MI5, the UK’s domestic security agency: “Are you willing to go into battle?
“‘While I took time to find an answer he turned and told me the British government have no problem with people fighting against Gaddafi,’ he told MEE.
As he was travelling back to Libya in May 2011 he was approached by two counter-terrorism police officers in the departure lounge who told him that if he was going to fight he would be committing a crime.
But after providing them with the name and phone number of the MI5 officer he had spoken to previously, and following a quick phone call to him, he was waved through.
“As he waited to board the plane, he said the same MI5 officer called him to tell him that he had ‘sorted it out’.”

The victims of David Cameron’s scorpion nest in Manchester
The Manchester Bomber’s own father first came to Britain with the help of the security services as a leading member of the LIFG. And the December 2017 trial confirmed that his close friend Mohammed Abdallah was a fighter with the Tripoli Brigade – David Cameron’s allies and “boots on the ground” in the war on Libya.
So we see that the terrorist cell which murdered 22 innocent people in Manchester were not a group who slipped in and out of Britain to wage terrorist war without anyone noticing. Rather, they were part of a terror gang deliberately encouraged and aided and abetted by the British political elite and intelligence services.
They were yet another example of the way in which Britain and key allies, including the USA, Israel and France, have continually treated Wahhabi-inspired terrorists as pet scorpions which they can drop down other people’s shirts in the hope that they will do their dirty work for them.
The Manchester bombing was a terrible and classic example of the accuracy of President Assad’s warning against this wickedly cynical policy. One year on, with defeated Daesh fighters using every possible route to try to escape final annihilation by the Syrian Army by slipping into Western Europe, the resulting danger is now worse than ever.
The West no longer even knows where its scorpions are. Its short-sighted political and media elites need to check their own boots!
Might be blowback. Or could it be MI5 duped the “suicide” bomber into thinking he was part of an exercise to test the security, and unknown to him the “fake” canister had real explosives and detonated by remote control? Weird how “ISIS” attacks occur during election campaigns and seem to help the right wing pro NWO types.
The first “ISIS” attack outside the ME was the Russian airliner going down in Sinai on Halloween 2015. Then Paris on Friday the 13th, then Brussels on 3/22, a major satanic holiday and on the Yale Skull & bones club logo, Every Islamic terrorist group attacks on satanic holidays.ISIS is a toy of CIA/MI6/French Intel/ Mossad in Syria and no doubt the masterminds of its terror attacks in USA/Europe.
The same terrorist attacks are also used to increase surveilence on citizens, as well as to overturn norms of freedom and democracy in the countries attacked. Funny how the dots of the terrorists connect to the same Deep State in countries that benefit from these new powers to surveil citizens and act without regard towards rights or liberties.
Excellent observation.
It further helps to (1) divide the already mixed citizenry, (2) distract them with this scapegoat and (3) to push the electorate into the hands of conservative (or flat out right-wing) parties, whose financial policies are neo-liberal.
Terror against civilians is a tool to foister and veil the installment of total surveillance NOT against those Terror groups (which are at the leash of MI5, CIA, Mossad) but instead against the population. If the AI-drones arrive late to the party, then the much cheaper masses are to be used instead and as a wanted side effect disposed at the same time. ISIS (Israely Secret Intelligence Service) was created in Iraq we all know it under the eyes of the US. Before it’s meteoric rise it’s supposed Leader conferred with Mc Cain in Syria. According to V.V. Pjakin the carefully orchestrated events also are a way the ruling elites show their power, because they always have special marks attached to them (9/11 being their masterpiece so far this century), the towers fall, and they do….
In case for instance the Las Vegas shooting (which was a very obvious hoax) they also serve to mix up local government structures and furnish changes in desired direction.
These photos are not of 21 separate individuals but duplicates or even triplicates. Note the guy top row middle and the two second and third row ends. This is the same man. Woman first photo second row and 5th photo last row are of the same woman. Look at the rest of the pics and match them up yourselves. They may have cropped the eyebrows or added glasses or different hairstyles but it’s easy to see these are multiple photos of individuals. So are there any real victims and if so who are they?
There are 21 victim photos posted in this article but most of these are duplicates. Row 1 number 5 and row 2 number 6 are the same woman. Rows 2 and 3, last man, are the same person. Row 1 number 6, row 2 number 4 and row 3 number 1 are the same person. There’s more, but you can figure it out yourself. Where did these pics come from? Are they “official”?
Many twins were targeted that day.
The “Manchester attack” is a lie. With 22 dead, there should be about 200 injured, many severely injured, which means maimed, mutilated, severed arms, legs – a horrible bloodbath. But there was no such thing. Same story for Paris Bataclan, Nizza truck, Berlin Christmas Market. Lies, lies, lies – subsequently carved out in excruciating but irrelevant detail in mainstream media to distract from big questions remaining unanswered.
Real terror attacks occurred in (or against) Russia, Turkey, Syria, but also Germany (alleged GermanWings pilot suicide on 3/24/15 and Bad Aibling train accident) Perps? F/UK/US!
And of course, the Las Vegas shooting, which epitomizes an important strand of Usanian culture, was real, not fake (as suggested in a comment above).
According to Nick Kollerstrom’s site ‘Terror on the Tube’ :
One on the MSM reports (Printed) stated of the Coronial Inquiry; “Nineteen of the concert goers died at the scene, while three including the youngest victim aged eight, were rushed to ‘the’ hospital but pronounced dead shortly afterwards.” “A total of 220 people received medical treatment as a result of the blast.”
Only one hospital?? Let us surmise that 50 % of those supposed casualties required surgery and other medical treatment, which would then require hospital beds, and Manchester Hospital was able to provide all of that? Without calling in emergency staff? or creating overtime.
Wow!!! What a system? And what hallucagenic drug am I currently on?
‘Ties to terror groups’: Academic warns govt repeating mistakes that led to Manchester attack
“In 2002, former MI6 agent and whistleblower David Shayler accused the spy agency of sponsoring the LIFG to assassinate the Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi. The LIFG were allegedly given $160,000 for a failed assassination attempt in February 1996. The UK government has denied the accusation, though a link between it and the group was admitted to last month.
The area of Manchester in which Salman Abedi grew up was home to a number of other LIFG members, including former senior commanders such Abd al-Baset Azzouz, who left Manchester to go to Libya and run a 200-300-strong militant network for Osama Bin Laden’s successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Azzouz is reported to be an expert bomb-maker.
This guy was a British government asset and he should have been classified as that. [His family] are all assets.
“This Manchester attack happened and finally the government admitted [ties to LIFG]. Tomorrow there could be another attack and it could take them another two or three years for them to admit it.
Derbesh added that, even though LFIG is no more, the UK government continues to assist other militia groups in North Africa and the Middle East – just like how it reportedly sponsored LFIG, the very group that indoctrinated the Ramadan Abedi and eventually his son.
“The British government has many ties with terrorist groups – Islamist and otherwise. The British government will never open up [about their links to such groups]. I wish they’d stop supporting militias. It’s a mafia led by the the British government –- they… [use] the excuse of fighting ISIS. Let’s stop this. It is not helpful.”
T.B.Liar, Camoron, Brown, St.Theresa; all traitors to England but faithful to the global Anglo Zio Capitalist hegemony.
By adding an obvious fake photograph of ‘victims’ of the Manchester bombing to this guest article the credibility its is seriously diminished if not totally undermined. Who is Nick?
Just Google it, there are many such images around, from “respected MSM”, doesn’t look like Nick is playing tricks (whoever Nick is)
Elten’s comments are indeed far too sweeping. The photograph is not Nick’s handiwork and if it is a fake then it only makes the Manchester bombing even more disturbing. Perhaps Elten would rather we turned our attention elsewhere.
This pattern seen in the Manchester bombing, of intelligence connected jihadis committing terrorist acts, was also present at the Boston bombing.The Tsarnaev brothers were the nephews of a man connected to Graham Fuller, a CIA operative who played a role in the recent attempted coup in Turkey. Does this mean the the US intelligence nexus was behind the Boston bombing? The answer is a qualified yes, but the bombing was also an elaborate hoax. There is zero doubt that anyone was seriously injured by either blast. The late David McGowan provides a detailed analysis of the facts here: So the question remains: was the Manchester bombing, about which we have very little hard evidence, also a hoax?
This YT channel provides plenty of evidence that it was a hoax;
I agree that the 1st bomb site in Boston was faked. I can’t find photos and info about the 2nd site to make a determination. Notice that there is much less publicity about the 2nd site and victims. it is hard for me to believe that a total hoax could be carried out. Too many health workers at the hospitals where victims were taken would be involved for them not to notice there were no real victims. That doesn’t mean I believe that Dzhozar did leave a bomb at the 2nd site. More likely the private Craft Security put a real bomb there.
This entire event was an orchestrated hoax;
As are many others, such as the Westminster Bridge hoax: