Tuesday: 572 Iraqis Killed, 6 GIs; 412 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 5:21 p.m. EDT, Aug. 15, 2007

At least 572 Iraqis were killed and 412 more wounded in the latest round of attacks, which included a major triple bombing in northern Iraq. Also, six GIs were killed and three more were wounded in separate events.

One American servicemember was killed and three others were wounded during combat operations in western Baghdad. Also, a helicopter went down during a post-maintenance check, killing five Coalition members.

Four suicide bombers, at least one driving an oil tanker truck attacked residential compounds belonging to Yazidi sect. At least 250 were killed and 350 more were wounded in three areas near Sinjar, with CNN reporting that over 500 were killed. Mortar attacks and more exposions were reported afterwards

In Baghdad, 15 dumped bodies were found. A roadside bomb wounded two civilians near Yarmouk. Two people were killed and four wounded during a mortar attack in Ur. Two civilians were injured in the Shorja marketplace during clashes between gunmen and Iraqi army. Gunmen in Jamiya killed one civilian and injured four more. In Shabb, three people were wounded in a mortar attack. Also, dozens of uniformed gunmen, driving official vehicles, stormed the Oil Ministry and kidnapped six people and a deputy oil minister; five guards were also wounded.

Joint U.S.-Iraqi forces killed four suspects and detained eight during raids in Sadr City. Police reported that four civilians were killed and five were wounded as well. A three-year-old girl and her uncle were among the dead.

In Kirkuk, a pair of coordinated roadside bombs injured three policemen and four civilians. Two policemen and a civilian were wounded during a separate roadside bombing. Two booby-trapped corpses were found yesterday on the highway to Tikrit. Another bombing, this one in Festival Square killed a policemen and wounded 21 others.

Fifteen bodies belonging to Sunni men were found dumped near a petrol station in Khalis.

Bombers destroyed the Thiraa Dijlaa Bridge near Taji, killing at least 10 people and wounding eight others.

Gunmen in Suwayra stormed the home of a police officer and killed his pregnant wife, his son and his brother. Yesterday, gunmen killed a policeman.

Gunmen attacked and killed four people who were sleeping on the roof of their home in Ghraiya; three women and a man were killed.

A drive-by shooting in Hilla left one guard dead and two others wounded. Witnesses said they saw U.S. forces shoot and kill a civilian yesterday.

A policeman was killed during a drive-by attack near his home in Diwaniyah.

A body bearing torture and gunshot wounds was found in Fallujah.

In Midhatiya, two bodies, belonging to a man and a woman were found yesterday. Gunmen also killed an Iraqi soldier.

A landmine injured a civilian near Safwan.

Sporadic violence, including several bombings and clashes, plagued Nasariya yesterday but no casualties were reported.

The bodies of three suspects were brought in to the morgue in Baquba.

Gunmen kidnapped the manager of an private immigrant aid facility in Basra. Militants in police uniforms stormed the home of a civil defense commander, but no casualties were reported. British targets also came under the usual attacks. Two civilians were killed and one was injured during a mortar attack in the al-Maqal

U.S. forces detained 31 suspects in separate locations.

In Mahawil, a roadside bomb blasted a U.S. convoy setting a fuel tanker on fire. Clashes followed the bombing, but no information on casualties was given.

Marines in Fallujah formally handed over full responsibility for the security of Fallujah to local police.

Compiled by Margaret Griffis