by Fulan Nasrullah
If you ask me I will tel you that America watched the Cancer of Al-Baghdadi and his Islamic State spread from Syria back into Iraq to create an excuse to bomb Bashar Al-Assad in Syria.
Remember earlier Obama wanted to carry out airstrikes against Syria’s government in retaliation for a highly questionable chemical attack, despite the fact that earlier in 2013 Iraq arrested over 150 Islamic State of Iraq affiliated takfiri terrorists who were preparing chemical weapons in Baghdad with chemicals imported from Kuwait, Germany and Saudi Arabia. Obama’s airstrikes plan was put on hold because the American an Western public saw through the flimsy sham. Instead of going to bomb Assad a little as punishment for using ‘chemical weapons’ on civilians, the American public understood he was going to use the cover of that to use the US Airforce to serve as the Free Syrian Army’s air force a la Libya where Obama used the lie of protecting ‘civilians’ to use the US Airforce to help the rebels defeat Gaddafi.
Anyways to save face after the American public opposed his adventurism in Syria, he claimed he needed Congressional approval to bomb Syria, thinking that McCain an Lindsey Graham (the two vultures that thrive on consuming corpses) would get it for him. Surprise! He would have lost in Congress, so Putin graciously offered him a way out of his rope I.e the agreement to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal.
After that what happened? Along came ISIS or IS as it is now known or Da’ash to the Arabs. Suddenly Obama authorized the transfer of scores of millions of dollars of heavy weaponry to the moderate ‘Syrian Opposition’ (what a joke!) knowing fully well the so-called moderate rebels were bed partners or unwilling underdogs of Da’ash and Surprise! Surprise! All of Obama’s weapons largesse ended up flowing first to Jabhatun-Nusrah and Islamic Front units which then took these weapons and defected to ISIS. In other cases ISIS simply showed up and raided the moderate and Islamist rebels and carted off their newly arrived American Candy Bars including sophisticated anti-tank missiles.
It was only a while but Al-Baghdadi’s ‘goon army’ showed up across the border to liberate their home base of Iraq with….wait for it… America’s contributions to the liberation of Syria in tow, including those million-dollar anti-tank guided missiles Mr Obama proudly sent forth to do battle on his behalf in Damascus.
With American weaponry and skills honed in Syria fighting against the ultra-skilled Hizbullah and the mediocre Syrian Army, Al-Baghdadi’s Army of the Goons bested the million man Iraqi security forces and captured more American weapons as they marched across Iraq seizing whatever caught their fancy. Meanwhile Mr Obama or Mr Yes-We-Scan (depending on what you are on this week) sat in his Oval Office and preened and smiled widely like a Cheshire cat as Al-Baghdadi’s Goon Army won one victory or the other, all the while making sure to scream and point hysterically like a pissed-off prostitute “See ISIS is becoming a threat to world peace”..
Then when he got tired of watching this charade play out, Mr Obama got down to the real purpose of his games in supplying weapons to the rebels in Syria in the first place: organizing a Coalition Of The Willing (remember them?) To Bomb The Hell Out Of Syria And Reestablish Control In Iraq. Or like I call them the Coalition Of Willing American B****es And Lackeys.
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art: Josetxo Ezcurra |
Mr Obama was incredibly aided or some would say he had the incredibly good fortune to have two Americans beheaded on YouTube by IS executioners including a British accented one now called Jihad Johnny.
Now the noise blast in the world’s capitals is that IS is a threat that needs to be eliminated before it strikes the homeland (America). And unsurprisingly the American public is buying it (polls show two thirds of Americans support airstrikes against IS in Syria and Iraq). All it took was two beheadings, a hoarse Obama screaming ‘Islamic Terrorists!’ and John Kerry and McCain conjuring up memories of 9/11 to get the American public to sign up for Airstrikes in Syria and Iraq and to put boots back on the ground in Iraq. Already there are over a thousand US troops in Iraq (so much for get out of Iraq). And then again Obama is also getting what he wanted in the beginning : regime change by US sponsored means. Maliki of Iraq who rejected a US military presence in his country that will not be accountable to Iraq has found himself out of office. Obama is already making plans for Congress to fund the so-called ‘moderate’ Syrian Opposition with billions of dollars until Assad falls, while the USAF will be flying over Syrian skies dropping bombs on IS at first, but imagine if another ‘Chemical Attack’ or ‘Staged Massacre’ by Assad’s forces or the Shabiha takes place? Will the World’s Police and the Defender of Freedom (ironic when one looks at the Patriot Act) and Democracy (Amusing if you consider Washington’s record of overthrowing Democratic governments globally) be able to stand by and watch when it has its jets over the area already? No it cannot! Like Mr Obama and his predecessors say ‘it’ has a ‘God-Given’ mandate to protect.
In summary whoever concocted the plan Obama is following far must really be an evil genius mastermind.. Unfortunately for Baghdadi and co, they are pawns in a far bigger game. But again even a inconspicuous pawn sometimes may kill a King..
Fulan Nasrallah
P.S Check this Al-Jazeera report below to get a clear picture of how things are shaping up:
Ok i got it.
But why you call Obama mastermind?
Why you give him so much price and honor.
Obama is just a puppet like all the other presidents.
The strings are pulled by the elites which Obama obeys.
Obama only knows to play golf and let others do the job.
Beside that i totaly agree with your article.
The puppet masters are the criminal zionist syndicate; who through blackmail, bribery and their propaganda machine control all three branches of the us government and the the minds of the vast majority of americans. I completely agree obama is in way over his head regarding foreign policy and international relations. What personal experience in those arenas does he actually possess? His greatest skill being reading from a telepromtor and b.s. oratory.
Since when is in-your-face-blatant aggression justified by patent lies proof of being “smart”?
Saker, will Putin allow the Syrian government to fall? If the government of Bashar al-Assad is toppled it will be replaced by one hostile to Moscow and Tehran. Russia will lose its naval base at Tartus and Iran another Russian ally will be surrounded by hostile entities and made ripe for regime change. These scenarios are not in Moscow’s favor, so what will Putin do? Better still what can Putin do?
S-300S and S-300S for Damascus and a Strategic Alliance with Tehran??????
Does a good job on who site is and ask why the hell do they get the beheading films first and put their mark on them. It should make us all go huuummmmmmmmmmmm.
The beheadings are much too timely and convenient to be genuine. They look fake because they are fake.
And who exactly is James Foley?,_a_Known_U.S._Intelligence_Front._Was_He_More_Than_Just_a_Journalist%3F/37674/0/38/38/Y/M.html
Russia and China will not fall. The coalition excludes the UK and Germany. Assad and the Russians will have S300 anti aircraft missiles and anti-ship missiles so any US ships will most likely be targeted and sunk. Putin has also said that if Syria gets hit then Saudi Arabia will be hit.
The Syrian Army is getting better and Hezbollah will wipe the floor with ISIS too. The neheadings are incredibly fake and have been done by the USA’s lackeys in ISIS. ISIS is totally fake and run by western intelligence agencies.
Even ten years ago, how many people would have believed this is the AZ Empire’s method of choice when Color Revolutions can’t get the job done? (Well, aside from Native Americans, Central Americans, South Americans, Africans, people everywhere in the Middle East or Southeast Asia, former-Yugoslavians, maybe some other folks in Europe here and there…) It’s just that we used to leave (most of) the place standing.
Wasn’t that Cannonfire piece something! I posted on the other thread that Rita Katz had previously been involved in a lawsuit against a chicken-farm in Georgia (the state, not the country) for laundering money for Al Quaeda.
Words. Simply. Fail.
But the worst part is, they seem to get away with it.
The Syrian army is superb. They have resisted a massive imperial attack on their country for 3 years. They have not cracked! There have been no significant defections.
The rise of ISIS and its attack on Iraq represents a change of direction by the imperialists. This change of tack is necessitated by their failure against the Syrian Arab Army.
Lets give credit, where credit is due.
Al-Jazeera is another fake news outlet!
Now that Qatar has dropped the brotherhood, Al-Jazeera would be worse than useless even fox, CNN etc would be more entertaining. Al-Jazeera also prints the same tripe from the US state department and adds comments to it to support their talking points. Do they even report real news from gaza? Maybe.. Qatar supports Hamas, but that was to get Hamas to drop support for Assad. I would not take anything they print as it will be just propaganda. They did not even cover the referendum in Syria without bias.
Also check out Thierry Meyssans latest at abt the 9/11 coup!
Anonymous 16 September, 2014 13:07
Since when is in-your-face-blatant
aggression justified by patent lies proof
of being “smart”?
Well it seems smart when you think no one else is smart enough to figure out what you are up to simply be cause you have wrapped the flag around it.
ISIS is a creation of the UK/USA/Israel, with all the senior ISIS leaders having been trained at British bases in Jordan and Qatar. This isn’t any form of secret.
ISIS (and Boko Haram- Hilary Clinton’s personal project) were created to construct Greater Saudi Arabia- the collected Whabbi-controlled States that will dominate the Muslim world.
The FAKE beheading videos (created by a CIA/MI6 team and purporting to show the death of known MI6 and CIA agents) were designed for a single purpose- to give the UK and USA cause to bomb targets in Syria. While the sheeple are told these targets will be ISIS, a few days ago Obama stated that the first time any Syrian air defence system locks onto an illegally invading US jet, the USA will declare war against Assad and his regime.
You’d need an IQ in single figures NOT to understand the usefulness of the fake beheading videos. BTW it is very interesting to me how certain people who CLAIM to be on our side push the idea that these videos are genuine. Not only are they fake, they fall over themselves to be as bad a fake as possible.
Why? Because within a year or so, the victims will turn up alive, and the governments of the USA and UK will declare that ISIS faked the videos (hence their crummy quality) in order to keep possession of high-value hostages for possible later negotiation. The ‘liberation’ of these supposed ‘dead’ individuals will be sold as one of the greatest acts by US Special Forces ever witnessed.
Edward Bernays (Goebbels’ personal Guru) stated that the sheeple are that easy to manipulate.
Obama and Cameron are just two of Tony Blair’s less bright dingle-berries. They are frontmen, who the usual suspects attempt to ‘sell’ as actual leaders.
PS the illegal West attacks in Syria are waiting for Putin to finally act in Novorussia. The West is holding Putin’s feet to the fire over Ukraine, and when Putin finally understands he has no choice but to act, his entry into Ukraine will be used to justify the entry of the UK and USA into Syria.
Putin’s Coterie of traitors- the ones who advised him to NOT send in peacekeepers into East Ukraine on Day One- will tell Putin he has no choice but to back off in Syria, allowing the Demons to finally give ISIS complete victory as the UK and USA bomb Assad’s forces into extinction. And Putin, sadly, will betray Syria, because Syria falls strictly in the lands defined by the Ancient Roman Empire, which is just about the same sphere of influence of the modern West Empire in Europe.
And Putin won’t care, because he BACKS the project to construct Greater Saudi Arabia, just as Putin backs the current unthinkably evil regimes in Israel and Egypt.
You want a ‘happy end’ to this story? Sorry, you’re living in fantasy land.
Putin’s turning out to be a complete disappointment.. Did he think he ‘won’ after securing crimea or what? Everything ever since has looked like feckless cowardice in the face of US agression
“If you ask me I will tel you that America watched the Cancer of Al-Baghdadi and his Islamic State spread from Syria back into Iraq to create an excuse to bomb Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. “
If you ask me and many others, we will tell you that ISIS is a creation of the U.S. among others. And your dissertation/analysis/rant or whatever you call it is unconvincing. “Obama’s Smart Syria Play” is BS
to anon:
“The West is holding Putin’s feet to the fire over Ukraine, and when Putin finally understands he has no choice but to act, his entry into Ukraine will be used to justify the entry of the UK and USA into Syria. “
“The West is holding Putin’s feet to the fire over Ukraine”
how is it doing that? what are your criteria?
“his entry into Ukraine will be used to justify the entry of the UK and USA into Syria.”
why is a justification necessary? never was necessary before??
“Edward Bernays (Goebbels’ personal Guru)”
when did they meet? i couldn’t find that, did you?
they won’t even make up some other stories about chemical attacks by assad, they will just bomb him and claim that they bombed IS. and the “free media” will not question it at all. alternatively, they will just shoot down one of their own planes and claim it was assad, or, given the current state of the media, will just make this up.
RT did a really good job in spreading the truth about syria last time also to “western” audiences, but the MSM got to gether to discredit them relentlessly over ukrain so that can be shrugged off much easier this time.
its a farce. if it was about IS, they could have armed iraq and just had to stop supplying arms to syria. they obviously withheld intelligence about IS from iraq, and they only armed some kurdish militias who are accually seperatists.
Putin has also said that if Syria gets hit then Saudi Arabia will be hit.
When did he say that?
Oh, rest asured it is a “god-given mission”, it’s just not the same god you’re praying to.
Well i have already done what I can you if you are a US citizen you can do the same. Call your congressman or woman and tell them not to support bombing or giving rebels weapons. One thing about how terrible the US has become is that now we openly are backing and giving weapons and aid to one side in a civil war against the standing government when did that become ok where is that in the constitution, how is any of that keep America safe?
Anonymous 15:17
“And Putin won’t care, because he BACKS the project to construct Greater Saudi Arabia, just as Putin backs the current unthinkably evil regimes in Israel and Egypt.”
Lots of Russian Jews living in Israel. Whether Putin backs the gov’t. there is irrelevant.
Egypt is an old Soviet ally. I hear Russians go on vacation there and do not need travel visas. There are many defense deals going down between the two. For Putin to get up on his soapbox, Obama-like, and get all preachy with some high-minded and long-winded rhetoric about “freedom ™ and democracy”, is highly unlikely.
Putin is not a busybody warmonger with a messianic complex who sees it as his duty to overthrow // destabilize govt’s. and bomb nations he has a problem with, in order to remake them in his own image (this is for the lunatics in the US – the God-given Light of the World lol). I don’t recall seeing that entailed in the job description as “President of Russia.”
As for Saudi Arabia, Russia can turn it into a glass parking lot and all but eliminate their energy competition in the ME, as well as a main source of terror funding.
Zio Occupied AmeriKa
The subject matter is too important for this article to be its lead and stimulus for thought and comment.
Following the excellence of AK’s outstanding article on Hungary, I find this piece sophomoric in style and inaccurate.
Obama never would use “Islamic” with “Terrorism”in the same sentence.
Obama: “Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim.”
The Syrian Army has been truly heroic and patriotic, and putting them down is wrong. In fact, in some of the worst battle spots Hezbollah did not fight alongside them. They have shown they are one of the great small national armies dedicated to their people.
It was the Syrian Army that went into enemy territory and fought to get the chemical weapons. Shameless to call them goons.
Facts matter, style matters and personal jibes and terminology are high school stuff on the Vineyard.
This piece is the weakest writing I’ve ever read on the Vineyard. It was a great idea done poorly.
The subject could have been insightfully developed. I fail to see merit in it and am perplexed why it saw the light of day in its present form.
Let me explain the Syria crisis:
People are missing the point of this “crisis”.
1) Iran cannot be attacked by Israel Or the US until the threat to Israel of the Syrian and Lebanese Hizballah missiles arsenals are eliminated or at at least degraded.
2) To do that, Israel has to attack Hizballah via the Bekaa Valley, as Colonel Patrick Lang pointed out after the 2006 attempt.
3) To do that, Syria has to cross into Syria and thus engage the Syrian military. While Israel could do that, it would not be an optimum strategy.
4) BUT IF Syria were ALREADY under attack by the US and NATO a la Libya (as well as by internal insurgents), Israel could do it.
5) Russia and China have blocked repeated attempts by the US to get Chapter 7 language in UN Syrian resolutions.
6) In response, Turkey and the insurgents have attempted to drag Turkey in by firing mortars into Turkey, so the West can bypass the UN by using a NATO Chapter 5 resolution to initiate a foreign military intervention.
7) But Assad has been careful not to provoke Turkey enough to justify this – so far.
8) Then Israel and the insurgents are tried to provoke Israel into responding to alleged Syrian “accidents”. That Failed, too.
9) Then we had the “chemical weapons” false flag operation which almost worked until Putin outmaneuvered Obama by getting Assad to give up his chemical weapons.
10) So now the “justification” is the old “we have to fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here” ploy, previously used to “justify” the US presence in Iraq for ten years. This time the US is using a terrorist group which THE US CREATED (by arming so-called “Syrian moderates” and allowing Saudi Arabia and Qatar to arm them as well) as the excuse. The US is blaming ASSAD for the creation of ISIS, and using this as an excuse to get into military conflict with the Syrian military.
The goal is not necessarily just to oust Assad, but to degrade Syria’s military – and then Hizballah in Lebanon – so they are not effective actors in an Iran war.
There is no way the insurgents can beat the Syrian military – or degrade Syria’s missile capability – without foreign military intervention. There is no way Assad can win as long as the insurgents have massive external support.
Therefore there MUST BE a foreign military intervention. This will be followed by an Israeli attack on Lebanon. And then an Israeli attack on Iran which will enable the US to “justify” a war with Iran.
This has been the plan from Day One. In fact, since at least 2006, when Israel failed to dislodge Hizballah in southern Lebanon. The plan really took off when the “Arab Spring” led someone to think of using insurgencies to destabilize Middle Eastern countries, and then when Libya enabled them to overthrow a regime under the “responsibility to protect” doctrine.
This would have happened to Syria already except for Russia and China vetoing the Chapter 7 UNSC Resolutions.
The end goal is a ten-year war with Iran in order to keep that $100 billion war windfall coming to the US/EU military-industrial complex.
The beheading videos are easily faked. Here is a fake “beheading” which required only a dull knife, fake blood and photoshop to make. The video also shows it was made.
Israel must be playing a part in the “new” attack on Syria.
eg. Look at the fighting at the Quenitra crossing (Golan heights, Syria Israel border) where the Fidjians were held captive. (out of the way – no need to call in the UN, even if the reason they were there was to form a barrier between the Syrians and the IDF). This was between Al-Nusra (ex al-quaida and a “moderate” rebel group according to the US), and Syrian forces.
With the Syrian forces out of the way, arms can flow freely across the border from Israel to “rebels”. Al-Nusra and ISIS have declared a mutual non-aggression pact so arms can be transferred onward to them. (I also think that Al-Nusra has stated that it wants to be taken off the US “terrorist” list.)
Add in the fact that the NSA gives information directly to Israel – all of of it, without any exceptions (EU gets “redacted” info), and it is a clear pointer to who may be blackmailing EU politicians. One or both.
You put the “blame” on Obmama or some other hidden mastermind(s). It could also be the usual self-appointed Corporate oligarchs or “families”. The “elite” who have decided to eliminate those that own the natural assets they want. This group cuts across simple “nationality”, and is the same that profited from WWI, WWII and so on.
I cant help thinking that the hegemon is making a grave strategic mistake in going into Syria.
I cant help thinking that if president Putin goes about things the right way Syria might just turn into Americas graveyard, after all what´s good for the goose……
The Pentagon knows exactly what it’s doing and fortunately, some bloggers have followed the trail of specific names & lineages for so long, they compile great reports. From 2007, al Baghdadi is identified as nonexistent here, among several other names who we know are nonexistent or Agents of The Usual Culprits:
In this part of the world, I might’ve learned more from Peter Chamberlin than any other. He has focused on the Mideast (as extended) since the 1980s, according to the personal profile he’d written. It’s a great blog, imo… deals with a variety of other things, too. I read every post every day until I became sidetracked by the Vineyard in October 2013. :-)
Back to ISIS, here’s an earlier one from Chamberlin that includes DOD info, Interpol, passports and so on, about a few troublemakers:
#Teleprompter’s smart Syrian play? Devious & cunning checker’s move by USNATO but not by the Teleprompter.
Great synopsis, but I’d argue that the geniuses who came up with this grand plan do see themselves as brilliant. And clearly superior to we mere mortals who choose to live in accord with ordinary human values.
Thierry Meyssan has written a very interesting piece attempting to make sense of the Qatar-Muslim Brotherhood whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
It left me just as confused as ever, but I’d be interested in your thoughts. Also, if you haven’t read this piece, you might want to take a look, bc it sure looks like a similar playbook to the one they’re using in Nigeria (and frankly, I believe they’re well under way with it here too).
@FSD,I Strongly resent your gratuitous and unjustified comment regarding the Syrian Arab Army.For the life of me ,I don’t know ANY army on this planet that absorbed coups after coups in the first year 2011-2012 being decapitated with the terrible terrorist attack on july 12 2012 and remained stedfast with no major defections and an admirable cohesion and then went on the offensive turning itself from a traditional army to an army who excels in guerrilla warfare .Hezbollah has helped ,yes a great deal but not on the whole territory but rather in and around Damascus and on the syrian lebanese borders.In the name of the ten of thousand of soldiers and officers who were martyred or maimed defending their country,I might ask you for an apology.It is extremely easy for you or me to play the armchairs generals but it would be extremely dishonest not to acknowledge the victories of the SAA.Because our enemies in their think tanks have time and again noticed the courage and foremost the new military doctrine SAA has created thanks to this horrendous war.
1990 CSPAN Clip – Author States Israeli Secret Intelligence Service ISIS
The great-grandson is Gebhardt von Moltke, Germany’s ambassador to NATO and formerly the political deputy – a position reserved for the German representative – of the alliance’s secretary-general. The nephew is Efraim Halevy, the head of the Mossad, Israel’s espionage agency, or as he is usually introduced in English, the chief of the ISIS (Israel secret intelligence service). SIS is the official name of MI6, the British version of the Mossad; Halevy was born in Britain and came to Israel as a youth.
With much apologies to the original poster of what I am about to repost here from the Guardian comments section but I am sure he wouldn’t mind.
I just feel this post has so much relevance it ought to be as widely read as possible :
“How much longer will the American People allow this to go on?
The jackasses in Washington are going to take whatever is left over after all the tax breaks and government handouts to big business and now dump what is left into a war.
No money for jobs, homelessness, health care, university education, but as much as needed for war.
This is an unsustainable system, it is madness. The Wall Street control regime in Washington must go”.
Yep something else and he has more up so stop and say hi to Joseph.
Facts matter, separating fact from opinion also matters. So do common manners, frankly. Your criticism may or may not have merit: it is your opinion and you are of course entitled to it. My opinion is that you stated it in an unnecessarily rude and condescending fashion replete with high school level personal jibes, all of which reflect far more on you than Mr. Fulan.
AK’s piece on Hungary was an excellent intro but contained more than a few personal biases, unsubstantiated assumptions and misstatements of fact. All three, in fact, were evident in his conflated use of the term Liberal to refer, among other things, to: a) to a particular form of political philosophy developed by John Locke which repudiated the Divine Right of Kings, set forth the ideas of representative government and the rule of law and stated well before Jefferson the founding in Natural Law of human rights to life, liberty and property; b) Neo-Liberalism, a particularly noxious development of capitalism benefitting the 1% following the ideas of Friedman and Hayek that has become the dominant form of the AZ Empire under which we are all currently beleaguered; and c) what he believes, with no proof, to be the putative social values of people on the left in America today, whom he blames, again with no proof (bc there is none) for the corruption, violence and over-sexuality prevalent in all areas of American society.
Oh fergawdsakes.
He sure does. I would urge everyone to head back on over there and take a look.
Anyone — Anyone. At. All. — who buys into this nonsense is a knave, a fool or both, to the nth degree.
The whole ISIL, ISIS, IS farce was concocted to attack Syria, Hezbollah and Iran. The so-called Free Syrian Army was a jihadist death-squad from the beginning. The German intelligence in 2011 reported to Merkel that the FSA was ‘a-Qaeda’. The massacres, beheadings and atrocities began immediately, ignored by the lying vermin of the Western MSM or falsely attributed to Syrian Government forces. The first videos shown on TV were all accompanied by the lunatic braying of ‘Allahu Akbar’ the takfiri butcher’s trade-mark, not the exclamations of joy of ‘doctors and pharmacists’ as the filthy Yankee propaganda made out. IS is as much a US/Saudi/UK/Israel creation as was al-Qaeda, to the same ends-sanctified butchery, (th Imperial thugs being death-worshippers), geo-political aggression, control of the hydrocarbon riches of the region, and cementing Israeli dominance, preparatory to creating Eretz Yisrael, ‘from the Nile to the Euphrates’.
Richard Steven Hack, I like your exegesis muchly. The end point of this incessant aggression (predicted so clearly by Seymour Hersh in his ‘The Redirection’ of 2007)is Oded Yinon’s Zionist Plan for the Middle East, ie Full Spectrum Dominance of the region for Eretz Yisrael, ‘from the Nile to the Euphrates’ to be established. Unfortunately, with the dominance of Israel by Talmudic religious fanatics riven by goy-hatred, the massive civilian casualties, already in the millions, are not just unimportant, but seen as ‘mitzvahs’ or good deeds. The Yesha Council of Rabbis and Torah Sages made plain during the Israeli blitzkrieg against Lebanon in 2006 that killing civilians was religiously sanctified under Judaic Law, and numerous other similar fundamentalist authorities, before and since, have concurred.
Fulan, are you certain that the two Americans and the Brit really had their heads cut off? I can’t say because I refuse to watch such videos but I’ve seen the comments of others who have who seemed to think it was all a psyop (and didn’t really happen). All I know is that there have been several similar psyops here in the US that didn’t really happen (Sandy Hook, Boston bombing, some mass shootings).
Just curious what you say about this.
I do not know if this is true or not, I read it either here or on RT as a comment by a pundit, I posted it on The Guardian, and it got banned, then my account got censored,
then I posted it on The Independent, but it stayed,
as on RT, they censored it even before it appeared (with their new filters I guess):
This is what was revealed from an Intel source:
Intelligence sources have confirmed the identity of the ISIS khalifah AKA Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi aka
Shimon Eilot
Real Name: Shimon Eilot
Designation: Senior Mosad Agent
Operational name: Ibrahim bin Awwad bin Ibrahim Al Badri Al Radawi Al Hussaini
The Mission: penetrate the military, Intelligence and security infrastructure of the countries that form a security threat to Israel and destroy them to protect Israel.
The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist
organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.
NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.
According to documents released by Snowden, The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.
Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides
courses in theology and the art of speech.
I will be interested in reading counter-intelligence to the veracity of the above.
I think the SBU worked with the CIA to end the peaceful protests in Eastern Ukraine and rachet them up to armed rebellion in order to justify the ATO.
In Luhansk on April 6th, the SBU both armed separatists who had stormed the SBU building without resistance AND gave false information to reporters regarding bombs and hostages. I believe this was how the word “terrorist” came into play in connection with the pro-Russian cause. Later the reports of hostages and bombs were discredited but it was too late. Not only had the desired impression been made via the presstitute media but when the truth was revealed Kiev speculated that disloyal SBU had coordinated with Russian intelligence to provoke an armed insurgency. This began a consistent pattern of blaming all their misdeeds on Russia.
CIA director quietly visited Kiev on April 12th and ATO was launched on the 13th in response to the armed occupation of the SBU building which lasted a few days and rather sketchy reports of armed rebellion breaking out near Slavyansk. Do you see how the “armed rebellion” short circuited the growing popular protest movement? It brought out the radical elements, those willing to take up arms who were relatively few in the beginning- hornet’s nest.
The east responded with outrage to the ATO and the rebellion began to take shape. If you recall, it took a little while and repeated provocations from the west to get the fire going but soon took on a life of it’s own and was probably crawling with Kiev agents until Strelkov got there to clean it up.
They defiled Easter Sunday with this ATO garbage, remember?
Because they halted the popular protest by pushing it to the next level, they could later claim that there was never any widespread support for the anti-Maidan cause in the east and that it was all due to “Russia’s actions in Ukraine” (despite voting maps of the last 22 years that contradict this). In addition polls funded by all the usual suspects confirmed the lack of popular support although I’m pretty sure the terror of what happened in Odessa had a lot to do with intimidating many of them into apolitical silence. M17 was yet another spectacle for the masses.
So you see it is all done with smoke and mirrors these days. It’s all theatrics to mold public opinion to support whatever travesty is next on their agenda. Scary isn’t it? I often feel I’d be better off if I was a bobble head with no critical thinking skills.
One more time:
It was Iran which agreed to allow Operation ISIS to occur in the first place.
Were it not for the Rouhani regime’s cynical gamesmanship and secret deal making over Iraq, NONE of this would have been possible.
The primary reason for Assad’s confidence that the Arab Spring ‘revolution’ would not be brought to Syria was his belief that years of generous co-operation with the Anglo-Zionists and Israel including the torture of ‘suspects’ like Maher Arar guaranteed his security.
What a complete fool. He and his wife expected to be feted by the globalist internationalists in places like Zurich and Davos but were shocked — just shocked — to discover they were as disposable as diapers. Poroshenko and Rouhani will soon discover they are in exactly the same boat.
Assad is as stupid, corrupt and venile as the current leadership of Iran, Saudi, Jordan, Kuwait, Turkey — take your pick.
I cheer for the people of Syria and the whole ME, not their despicable political leaders. I am guessing Putin’s calculations take this into account, as did the decision not to send S300’s to Iran.
As for evil geniuses — ALL of this was entirely forseeable and if you check back you’ll see I and several others predicted exactly this outcome. Let’s instead turn our thoughts to the willing fools who still argue all is for the best and ISIS must be destroyed.
Speaking of ISIS…
ISIS is the Mother of RA, Sun/Son of God. ISIS was named as such specifically to evoke thoughts of an apocalypse and the coming of an anti-christ. AZ planners always work mythology into their most devious plots. Nothing compares to the resonance one gets from tying your regime change operations to the ancient beliefs of billions of people.
The only way to counteract them is to stop playing along.
ISIS is heavily Masonic as well. Chew on that.
The “Putin bashers” have it all wrong. The new meme is Putin created ISIS so he could stab Syria in the back for China (BTW, MH17 was shot down by a Russian/ISIS team as a practice exercise). But since Putin is naive, he doesn’t realise that China is a closet NWO member and is intending to stab Russia in the back and eventually turn that country over to the UK – who in the meantime will have risen up and openly recolonized the USA, and Scotland, of course.
вот так
Hey all,
this is for sure a nice way to bring back the “humanitarian bombing” but to be hornest there is an easy way to get rid of the thread to Syria.
Assad can just call Russia for help (like Iraq called for US help) and Russia can send bombers, drones and “military advisors”. If this would be done the regime change crowd would be in serious troubles and they would be in danger of losing their precious fighters (Al-Nusra, ISIS and the other fools). Maybe Russian aircraft could “make an error” and “mistake” moderate beheaders for IsIs members and “accidentally” bomb them ;).
This would even be in accord with international law.
Iam no genius and i guess the plan of the “humanitarian murders” is a good but its not hard the counter if there is a will to do so.
They aren’t waiting for Putin to go into Ukraine to go into Syria – I actually think it will turn out to be the other way around.
Putin is waiting for US strikes on Assad to justify moving into Ukraine/ Novorossiya.
MK’s post lead me to this
For those who wonder what the AZ conspiracy is. Empire makes it sound too grand. It reminds me of John Nelson Darby. Most people have no concept what so called Fundamentalists really believe.
Nora is right about the various things called Liberalism. America’s Conservatism is called Liberalism by those with an older point of view.
Richard Steven Hack said…
Let me explain the Syria crisis:
Great post – I agree entirely. Which is why if Syria is attacked, Iran & Russia (and perhaps China and North Korea) must respond immediately and forcefully – otherwise they are letting themselves be progressively destroyed.
Iran in particular must close the Persian Gulf immediately. It would be good if they said something along these lines soon before any military intervention is initiated in Syria.
If they don’t understand this game-plan yet and their imminent danger – particularly in Tehran – I have to despair for their strategic know how.
If they think they can negotiate with US/UK/NATO/Israel to avoid a confrontation they are hopelessly naive and deluded.
Surely they understand the growing risks, but why don’t they say something???? Setting out a clear red line against a Syrian attack is needed to get the message through to the Western Press (and Western civilians who might pull their politicians back from war-mongering – as they did a year ago in Syria lest we forget!
Hopefully when this comes before the UN next week Iran/ Russia/ China make explicitly clear what will happen should Syria be attacked.
Will they?
And the other thing is – don’t just say it once – KEEP SAYING IT REPEATEDLY SO THE GOLDFISH IN THE WEST KEEP HEARING IT.
It appears to me Iran/ Russia don’t seem to understand the need to REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT the same statement over and over and over. They seem to think saying something a few times will be remembered.
It won’t.
Talk about “punitive battalions,” that name describes the opposition to the Al-Assad regime. The Syrian Arab Army has never wavered, even when poorly led, in loyalty to the people.
As for the “evil genius,” Obama’s masters only wish that this were so. They’ll screw it up or there will be a leak that undermines the whole thing. The military isn’t in favor of this nonsense (they undermined the original bomg Syria plan).
As for the “majority” of people in favor of this nonsense and afraid of ISIL, that’s a function fabricated from Hollywood.
The lopsided polls with a majority horrified and fearing ISIS came from Pew (an NGO by any other name); Washington Post, and the three major networks plus CNN. All of those are stenographers. Their results are b.s. The Quinnipiac Poll, more independent, surveyed this question in June. The question was:
“Do you support or oppose the U.S. sending ground troops back into Iraq to help the Iraqi government defeat Islamic militants?”
Support 29|Disagree 63%|Don’t know 8%
The swing from 63% opposed to 60% in favor of taking on scary ISIS is simply unbelievable.
The plausible scenario the media masters put forward is based on citizen shock at the beheadings. Sorry, that’s flimsy.
One way to take that down is a leak. The Times (London) ran an analysis of Tape 1 and said it was fake. We’ll see about the others.
This move by the administration/war party may look slick but it’s really schlock.
Nice analysis. To get the ball rolling in Syria a USAF plane “will” be shot down by Assad’s forces necessitating the destruction of command and control of the Assad forces. Unless of course Syria has sophisticated ground to air defenses that can prove costly enough to get the incredibly stupid American main stream people (MSP)activated against more war.
RE: mediocre Syrian Army
As “Observer: posted, the mediocre Syrian Army is pretty much all dead or has become part of the Free Syrian army.
And as Robert Fisk wrote, Even Israel is now very concerned about that mediocre Syrian Army. After 3 years fighting a western trained mercenary force with western arms and tactics, that mediocre Syrian Army is now a battle hardened formidable Arab army of veterans. Hezbollah did train them on fighting in the cities. But Hezbollah themselves will only fight to secure the border areas. And Hezbollah does not fight alongside the Syrian army. They either clear the area and let the Syrian army man the check points or they provide intelligence and logistics support to the Syrian army.
As Iran found out the hard way, you cant just drag people off the streets and train them to go up against western tactics in Iraq. They would not even be worth the cost of feeding them. Hezbollah also learnt that the hard way in Syria. Fighting modern wars require careful training in tactics over many years and cohesion. In fact almost everyone has figured this out by now as all the recent battles in the last 2 decades have shown. You just can not take thugs into battle and do well. Its very easy to kill them off with the firepower thats available with modern weapons. Considering Hamas killed like 12 in 2008 and 65 in 2014, seems even they have learnt that training counts a lot more than being ready to die. Although weapons count the most, of the 50 tanks hit by Hamas only 11 damaged, 4 were totaled and only 1 was destroyed with the crew killed. Those semi new K4 Russian anti tank weapons dont seem to pack the punch of the K5 NAF army and Hamas loses would be over 100 trained men for 1 tank.
Observer he was calling the ISIS mercenaries goons.
Mrs Nora…
Read the Syncretic Studies article on pravi sektor as Ukraine’s ISIS. Sounds convincing but as I am no expert on Ukraine I will not pretend to know how workable it is. However it seems like the classic CIA playbook of creating an extreme element to whip public support for whatever misguided war or covert campaign the US Government wants to undertake next in the area. you are right about it taking place over there in the US vis a vis the renewed media interest in so-called Sovereign Citizens movement as an extreme ideology.
Fulan Nasrullah
Richard Steven Hack’s post is about as salient as you can get on the whole issue.
Putin IMHO can’t stand on the sidelines if he intends to maintain a strategic foothold in the ME.
Syria should formally request Russia’s intervention.
Russia would then need to get a substantial operational military presence within Syria, assisting with coordination on the ground, military ops, etc.
Otherwise it’s only a matter of time before American sorties are destroying Damascus
Anonymous 19:44,
Oh Dear Heavens, I never thought of that!
If you’re still around, would you please post that on one of the newer threads? It’s something people need to consider bc it sure does make sense, doesn’t it?