by Ramin Mazaheri crossposted with PressTV
It is amusing that one of the first people I spoke with in Kenosha, Wisconsin – as I filmed a car dealership whose entire inventory had been torched – was a French journalist, considering that I have been posted in France for over a decade. It really is a small and interconnected world….
The situation in Kenosha is a microcosm of the United States in 2020 – tragedy on top of tragedy on top of tragedy:
A Black man wantonly paralysed by cops, his three sons forced to watch, ethnic-based violence deteriorating a community already gutted by anti-patriotic neoliberal economics, shops frantically boarding up their windows after having been shuttered during a pandemic lockdown, a 17-year old shooting and killing two protesters – there is just a complete lack of security everywhere over here.
The failure to provide physical security for their citizens is the ultimate failure of any government, no? Providing physical security is the primary reason anyone ever elevated a king, president, tribal elders, communist party, whatever. In the US, however, insecurity is as rampant in real life as it is absent from their seemingly innumerable, slick television shows.
There is no security for Black men here. There is also no security for the home of the cop who shot Jacob Blake so savagely – locals told me they expect his house to be burned down shortly, and that his street is now full of strange cars at night. There’s not going to be any security for that 17-year old shooter when he gets to prison – I can’t see how he’ll survive in a US prison where ethnic-based gangs are seemingly encouraged to proliferate.
Security for Black men, security for prisoners, security for protesters, security via basic health care, security from total economic ruin – these are all things which governments could provide but which are cruelly withheld from the American people. This perpetual insecurity perpetually creates tragedy on top of tragedy on top of tragedy in a country which is most definitely not poor.
Reporting on the United States for this election season/Civil War II is going to require the constant presentation of contradictions, most of them impossible to reconcile (thus “Civil War II”). One guiding idea should prevail, however: the leaders on both sides are so inherently reactionary, power-hungry and arrogant that there is no side which can be chosen with a full heart.
That’s not me calling for (so-called) “objective reporting”, but simply reporting how Americans already feel: Polls reveal that 60% of Joe Biden voters support him only in order to stop Donald Trump, with just 30% voting because they actually support Biden (for his performance or temperament).
This is nearly exactly the same as in France, where in 2017 precisely 24% of the electorate voted for Emmanuel Macron’s proposals or personality – nearly half of his voters only wanted to block neo-fascist Marine Le Pen. In both Western countries voters somehow get stuck with trying to block a far-right candidate, which is to say they are manipulated into voting for a right-wing, aristocratic privilege-protecting candidate who only works to ensure the security of his 1%-er backers.
The problem is not the Western people themselves – the problem is baked into the Western liberal democratic system, which obviously creates and protects a self-perpetuating aristocracy which leans drastically to the political and economic right-wing. Western liberal democracy is seemingly guaranteed to produce political cynicism, distrust and disunity.
This has culminated in a widespread perception in the US that an American maintains his or her security only as long as the government remains uninvolved – this anarchic view is not some sort of universal value but a somewhat logical response to the insecurities perpetuated by the West’s essentially aristocratic (bourgeois), pre-1917-inspired systems.
However, in a time of major crisis a degraded, neglected and neglectful government is unable or unwilling to respond, and that explains why the dog-eat-dog, decentralised US system has had such a terrible pandemic response; that explains why even their small towns are up in flames.
The governor of Wisconsin required four days to finally visit Kenosha – I guess other parts of Wisconsin were making international news/burning down? Or perhaps he put his own safety and interests first. Local law enforcement has been appallingly tight-lipped regarding information on the shooting – above all they want to protect their own little cop aristocracy, even though this lack of democratic transparency drastically inflamed tensions and almost certainly led to the tragic shooting of protesters.
In America there is a constant and often hysterical desire for self-protection – to protect your job, your often meagre “benefits”, your property, your body, etc. – no matter what the cost to anyone else or to society. This is a direct result of the American’s system guaranteed inability to fulfil the primary directive of any type of government: to provide security.
This is not some sort of sad inevitability, as neoliberals and libertarians insist. And although they insist otherwise, there are indeed alternate choices to the American/Western system of societal construction. However, when it comes to nations with alternative views and inspirations – Iran, China, Cuba, etc. – prominent Western politicians lie about these nations just as easily as Trump lies about Biden, or as much as Democratic leaders obfuscate in general.
Craziness in Portland, Minneapolis and Chicago – perhaps to be expected in America, but in Kenosha? Shocking… but not when you think it over.
Will the selection of Trump or Biden end the average American’s crazy, endemic instability amid so much wealth and resources? Not likely.
Americans know that all too well, and it helps explain why there is so much rebellion going on.
Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for PressTV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism’as well as ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’, which is also available in simplified and traditional Chinese.
Oh Ramin, Please focus on the actual “Virus ” that is causing most Societal diseases Worldwide. The Media, Banking and Academic venues have been infiltrated ; and are controlled by Kazarian ” Talmudic” so Called ” viral” Jews. Translate the Kol Nidre Prayer that they recite ; {several times for emphasis} on the eve of Yom Kippur. Better yet….read Benjamin Freedman’s short and factual book titled : ” Facts are Facts “. Dancing around problems ; and missing their Causes is futility.
Facts are facts is available for free in the link above Hr Mazaheri, is a interwebz treasure😊
“The chickens are coming home to roost.” – Malcolm X.
What they have been doing to the rest of the Americas since the 19th century and to the rest of the world since WWII they are now doing to themselves.
Would that they had the memory power and education to understand that. But they don’t. In all the world there are no more anti-intellectual people than Americans. They hug their ignorance to themselves like a precious resource, and self-awareness is anathema to them.
”In all the world there are no more anti-intellectual people than Americans. They hug their ignorance to themselves like a precious resource, and self-awareness is anathema to them.”
Excellent conclusion, Biswapriya. I should feel in inclined to say that an average Pindo’s ”personality” stands out as the template to Hitler’s personality: rabid anti-intellectualism, zero interest in foreign languages, sense of entitlement to other peoples’ natural resources and labour output, and infatuation with sadist violence and militarism.
The Pindos are morally bankrupt as a people.
“The Pindos are morally bankrupt as a people.”
Nussiminen: In large part yes.
But the same goes for many people the world overquite a few of whom actually desire to come here to live, believe it or not.…. but may as yet suffer less (at this time) from ego inflation and lack of concern for the rest of humanity………..than most Americans of a higher standard of living…….. than what makes them want to emigrate from where they live presently, in the first place.
A generation or two after they arrive……….. IF American Society rebounds ……or just declines slowly, instead of precipitously…….and they prosper…….. most of them as well may no doubt pat themselves on the back for being so smart as to make the move….and care less and less, on average, for anyone else in the world, including their fellow Americans!!
This egocentricity is the prevailing condition of humans….planet wide. But, of course, there are RARE exceptions almost everywhere.
SO: In large part, you are correct. but in totality, top to bottom????…..NOT SO.
Here’s one American who speaks a multitude of languages and understands a multitude of cultures and is taking on the Evil Ones, like her former boss John Brennan:
pick any portion of 6 or so ones I have cued up on a variety of topics I describe……….that may interest you, and decide if throwing the baby out with the bath water is so wise……….even though the idea excites you.
Same with Binney, Bergey Ann Vandersteel interviewing those two and many others. They are less valuable to the anti-Empire cause than the average clueless human inhabiting anywhere on this planet????
At least try giving a break to them……and maybe a few Finnish Americans, to boot.
This is Empire Malady is like brain cancer…………..and in brain surgery you need a delicate scalpel……not a meat cleaver.
Vladimir gets it.
Ramin makes a variety of gross oversimplifications about Kyle Rittenhouse and other details are similarly whiny and inaccurate….IMHO…..lacking and completely ignoring the context for the Deep State Operation which TORE covers quite well in the first link within the Cafe link……regarding the chaos…….which .Kyle AND the 3 felons with rap sheets that attacked him….2 now DEAD…….. had no business foolishly serving as cannon fodder..
Kyle was too young to go into a war zone like that, for sure.
Too save your own life, you don’t want to be put in the position of some police and military….and kill two men assaulting you……as a boy of 17 ….and when you are on your back in the street being chased by rioters who are armed (one with a hand gun whose arm was subsequently shot by Kyle…it’s in the video…and lived) and another with a skateboard that smashed Kyle in the head with it ….subsequently shot dead, in self defense.
If you are unable to keep running away in such a situation, flat on your back but armed with an AR-15…’d better regain the initiative FAST…or a swarm of attackers will mess you up very fast….or take your life
Let’s see how black Officer Tatum breaks it down:
Kyle Rittenhouse was wrong?
336,578 views•Premiered Aug 26, 2020
Brandon Tatum: “There is enough video for me to judge the end of this fight…the beginning not so. But I’ll tell you one thing: You don’t take a skateboard to a rifle fight.”
First time posting on one of your articles, Mr. Mazaheri. Like you, I am a Socialist, although to be sure I ground and inform my Socialism in my Orthodox Christian faith. I have been a student of your country’s history and development ever since I had the occasion in 1979 and 1980 in talking to both pro-shah and anti-shah/pro-Islamic revolution students, somewhat older than I was at the time. I have also read a little Ali Shariati.
Although I have extreme difficulties with American foreign policy and with America’s socio-economic system, I remain in my own manner a patriotic American, and I would suggest that despite their often reflexive anti-Iranian animus, American common working people of a socially conservative sort, nationalist and populist, I think will surprise you and both not allow their country to fall apart, and will accelerate the trend towards benevolent American neutrality in foreign policy as was the situation regarding the Old World and American relations from 1776 to the Spanish-American War (for the most part).
No doubt hysteria rules the day here in America Ramin.
And the facts are cloudy all day too. Long after the public trial we will probably see a person wanted by the law, resisting said same law, and trying to get away in a stolen car to clear his good name.
If he had done so and reports of the incident are true, it would have been a clear signal that law on the streets at night, simply doesnt exist, (and it may very well not w/17 year olds brandishing AR-15’s and hand signals to the unwitting cops), and not that I care for I sleep at night.
The Civil War has started, it has not been declared openly, or acknowledged, but it is there. Trust me, I used to live in Yugoslavia, emigrated in 1995. We see part of the USA supporting federal government, and the other part supporting state governors and city authorities. States have control over police and National Guard, Trump supposedly controls the US Military forces. Protesters attacking federal buildings, FBI sent to protect the buildings, state governor wants FBI out of “their” state. Police waiting to see what happens next, occasionally shooting people in the back. We saw black people marching to Mt. Rushmore, fully armed. We see white people, actually people of any color lighter than black taking law and order in their hands, protecting properties and their own security. People are moving out of big cities to suburbs. Local communities self organizing. Oh, yes, open attacks on “the other side” politicians (Rand Paul anybody?). No go zones controlled by God knows who (Seattle it was, right, no go zone?). Celebrities taking sides.
Technically, it may not be war, but in reality it is a war. That is how it starts. “Small” incidents, then many of them so nobody counts any more, then bigger massacres, as people get desensitized to blood and death.More than one party involved. Just like Yugoslavia. Provinces competing for power with federal state. At the end, everybody fighting everybody: in Slovenia, Slovenians against federal army; in Croatia Croats against federal army and local Serbs, who were in part supported by Muslims in some areas, and of course Muslims supporting Croats against Serbs and federal army. In Bosnia, Muslims against federal army and Serbs, local and from Serbia, but also Croats against Serbs. However, in very Sarajevo Serbs and Croats were cooperating – against Muslims. In central Bosnia, severe fights between Croats and Muslims , Serbs watching from the side. German volunteers (individuals) coming to help Croatia, Russians coming to help Serbia (volunteers), Iran (Shea, supposed to be good guys, but nope), of course Saudis who are Sunni, sending special forces to help Muslims, Kurdish fighters coming on their own. Last but not the least, Turks who believe they are liberating Muslim brothers – after all they spent 400 years ruling the very same Bosnia. Then we have British SAS on the ground, directing USA air attacks. To be fair, one of Croatian Serbs heroes was either SAS or Australian special forces officer, of Serbian background. UN is there as well, NATO, Dutch “protecting” Muslim troops in and around Srebrenica (demilitarized area), Canadians of course, and quite few from Africa. For those who did not know, Muslim commander of Srebrenica, Naser Oric, before the war was a security person, bodyguard, guarded Slobodan Milosevic as principal body guard. Federal army disintegrates, gradually in multi ethnic cities and towns (they were ALL multi ethnic with this or that people in slight majority) separate into clear ethnic zones, not necessarily connected. And they all have snipers on the roofs. Criminal gangs take initiative and control over some areas where no other power is allowed (Seattle free zone?)
All of that will happen in USA. By comparing two paragraphs above, one can see which things already has to happen. Soldiers and Marines will be saying farewells, leaving ships and bases and going to help “their” side in the war. Sad, sad, sad. And we ain’t seen nothing yet, this will snowball in no time, corona virus or no corona virus.
Halo? What are you saying? Germany as well? UK? France is not news any more. I see. Poles and Baltic states, Belarus, Russia, you must be kidding. No? O sheet.
Anyone supposing the hard right in this coming civil war is all sweetness and light and goodness and not part of the problem at all, should read this amalgamation of a Twitter thread from an individual who lives in Portland.
this too shall pass as most peeps are forced to wake up to the destruction to their respective communities caused by the cultural and original marxists, maoists.
you know who you are…
Kyle Rittenhouse’s rightous deeds are the modern day shots heard around the world.
There are older videos of Kyle Rittenhouse sucker-punching a girl multiple times from behind. Hope the guy rots in jail
Mod: Link???
After the girl kept frantically hitting an other person who was there with Kyle Rittenhouse according to a comment I read. She initiated the violence and invited a violent response.
My rule is don’t fight people unless they start it and continu to be violent. No (sexist) discrimination.
What you did is similar to the west saying Russia annexed Crimea. And leaving out the preceding events that let to the point that Crimea left Ukraine and rejoined Russia. Just picking a point on the timeline of events that makes the other side look worse then they were.
Wrong. Watch the effing video!
And what do you even mean with ”you”?? Why are bringing in Crimea?? That’s off topic!
Btw, I was all for Russia integrating Crimea!
There you go. The kid in the blue and red crocs and the blue and red shorts
Anon. The “but several years ago he did a thing” argument you managed to spew out say a lot more about you then it do about that kid, it do not shine a positive light at you😉
Even if he hit that gal with no reason it do not matter in the case where he was forced to defend his life.
I hope the law will prevail and not your seemingly much loved #democratlawfare.
Ordinarily a good analyst and writer, the author gets off to a bad start by characterizing the shooting of Blake as “wanton” and embellishes this silly, uninformed opinion with the assertion that Blake’s children were “forced” to watch. I’m white and fairly privileged and I have zero doubts that had I comported myself as did Blake I would’ve been shot, too. If a convict of any race, but especially black convict in the US today, whose baby momma has called the police on him for violating a domestic violence stay away order is being followed to his car after fighting with police in order to retrieve a weapon all the while the highly excited police follow him pointing guns and shouting commands to stop and surrender to arrest, but said convict still persists in retrieving his weapon, the only wanton behavior involved is said convict’s stupidity. As for 7 shots, well, does anyone really need any more evidence that 9mm Luger ammo is unsuited for police work?
This is the America we live in. This kinda superiority complexed bigoted world. This is what I have to say:
“For claiming itself to be leader of the free world, USA is a feudalist society. Such an utter disgrace”.
Thank you!
Mr. Mazaheri normally writes some fairly decent analyses, but in this one he has swallowed the BLM drivel like sacred holy water. Tell us, Mr. Mazaheri, if you were a policeman and were trying to apprehend a criminal who resisted arrest, what would you do? And more so, what would you do if the criminal was not subdued with tasers and was then reaching into his car presumably for a weapon? You seem to be suggesting that if criminals don’t behave like gentlemen the police should simply walk away.
There are tons of things wrong with America, especially its foreign policy and imperialism. But America as a society is not racist. Immigrants from all over the world – Iran, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Vietnam – immigrate there and make it their home. Many of them do well in life and prosper. America elected a black person as President and he was one of the most powerful Presidents that America has had in recent history. That doesn’t reconcile with accusations of “systemic racism”.
The BLM agenda and the political, money, and propaganda power behind it has to be analyzed critically, not taken at face value.
In 1948 vaccines killed countless American children, the vaccines were ultimately made to stop using the heinous saturated poisons. Many of those children who did not die from that poisonous “coctail” are in their late 70s and early 80s. Tragic how the US “medical system” has caused serious disorders of innumerable people. American lives are according to Heinz Kissinger, “useless eaters”. Time to globally PRAY for our planet and all species.
Ramin Mazaheri reporting from the U$A 2020: “a 17-year old shooting and killing two protesters….”
Oscar Wilde reporting from the U$A 1883: “We talked about opera. When I told them Rossini was dead they asked, “Who shot him?”
“A Black man wantonly paralysed by cops, his three sons forced to watch . . . ”
I’m sorry but the police had just responded to a domestic violence call from a woman who had been sexually assaulted. There was a restraining order on Mr Jacob Blake and he had broken it (by going into the woman’s bedroom and demanding his “stuff”). I don’t think women should be forced to live in terror because their ex partners can defy a legitimately obtained order of the court. The man was not affected by a taser which suggests that he was high on drugs. He reached inside his car – what were the police supposed to do? Blake had already been violent with them. It is reasonable to think that he might have retrieved a weapon or that he might have driven off with the children. He did not have custody of them at the time.
At the risk of sounding harsh, Mr Blake will not be raping any woman in the forseeable future.
So what. Jail him. You don’t put seven in his back, coward.
Mr Blake had a knife. He had already fought with the police, a fact that suggests jailing him peacefully was already thrown off the table by Mr Blake himself when he reached inside his car. Leaving aside the fact that knives kill many (come to London and see) he could have been going for a gun, or he could have been planning to drive off with children while in an state of intoxication.
If the police officer is a coward, then what does that make Mr Blake, a man who raped a woman? Seriously, rape is not a brave act.
His knife was in the car and was absolutely no threat. How stupid do you have to be to think a man would want to stab police officers who are holding guns at him?
Someone reported that at some point in time he had a cop in a head lock, had a knife in his hands, he probably threw the knife in the car so as to not up the possible additional charges against him and then tried to get in the car to flee altogether.
Something is not right on both the offenders side and the cops side.
Tsar Nicholas
The USA Police Kill/massacre more citizens than any other police in the world. (q) Why? (q) Is it a question of training (q) Are the USA streets more dangerous & Police unfriendly than all the streets in the world ? (a) Not really. (q) Are the USA criminals (citizens) more violent & non-compliant than all people in the world ? (a) Not really.(q) Why then does the senseless slaughter of citizens by police in the USA continues unchecked and (q) Why does it divide the citizens as opposed to joining them in collective condemnation for acts of indifference to human life ?
I have seen British police and many other civilized police in the world handle far more dangerous cases than Blake without guns. I have also seen ordinary people performing what is called ‘citizen arrest’ on far more dangerous case than Blake, without guns. (q) Why can’t the USA police do the same thing, after all police are there to protect life, not to take it.
The cop could prevent him from entering his car if he was empty handed. It’s obviously hard to point a gun and wrestle someone at the same time. The question is, why would cop holster gun and fight the guy with bare hands? Once he pointed the gun it was up to the criminal to sober up, rise his hands and do what he’s told. Did he have to shoot 7 times point blank? Probably not. But it’s hard to tell how many bullets from hand gun is enough to stop a zombie that ignores taser. Everyone is smart after the fact. But the cop had less time than it took to write this sentense.
Indifference to human life is pure evil. 6 Million Jews lost their lives in ww2 due to criminals who were indifferent to human live. That people are different from you does not negate their humanity and it is not a license for murder. The USA police kill 3.5 people per year, a statistics which is clearly indicate a massacre.
Initially empires inflict the worst suffering and violence to those in the fringes of society but eventually the victimizing moves to the center as exemplified by the case of the collapsing middle class. So laughing while others are victimized is imprudent for you (child/relative/friend) can easily be victimized by the police .
we have in fact a paralyzed Black man shot by a policeman 7 times in the back!
is there any dispute about this fact! none at all! right!
was the Black man shot in the presence of his children, did they see the act of the policeman shooting their father!
from what I gather they may or may not have been in the back seat of the car as the shooting took place. I have not found any either or verification on that aspect of the issue.
in the USA there is due process of law…DUE PROCESS! that Black man was not given any due process.
look here! no other consideration mattered or can be reckoned into the equation period. it does not matter what this Black man may have been accused of in the past, no matter what dirt there is on him…in relations with the police only due process is required
that said…the accusations of rape on the victim are not true..are at the very least clearly of and in dispute. no one here, commenting on this issue, has any proof, evidence or right to castigate that Black man for the reported dirt on him, as a rapist etc., fr that is all it is unsubstantiated reportage. there has been no conviction of that man of such crime..or any crime..established by any source that I have found so far. none at all!
the policeman who shot that Black man is guilty of a crime against the law and should be arrested and charged on the clear evidence recorded of his criminal act f shooting an unarmed man who did not pose a threat to him or to anyone at that time
Wonderful news that Ramin Mazaheri is reporting from the US! As the saying goes, we didn’t know you were missing, Ramin, until you were here.
Your perspective seems almost unique among the many commentators – thank you for this brief sketch, which even in its bare bones carries the value of any monthly-magazine essay. What a valuable observation, to note the basic insecurity that suffuses the culture of the US, and thus gives rise to all that we see.
Much gratitude! Thanks for being here in the US, Ramin Mazaheri. Sorry it’s such a shit show.
Hi, Coming to a country near you, how the international corporations plan to “do us”:
You probably won’t find many footnotes describing this though.
”In all the world there are no more anti-intellectual people than Americans. They hug their ignorance to themselves like a precious resource, and self-awareness is anathema to them.”
Excellent conclusion, Biswapriya. I should feel inclined to say that an average Pindo’s ”personality” stands out as the template for Hitler’s: Rabid anti-intellectualism, zero interest in foreign languages, sense of entitlement to other peoples’ natural resources and labour output, and infatuation with sadist violence and militarism. They are morally bankrupt as a people.
Mod: I ain’t a gonna take that personally… :) :)
“A Black man wantonly paralysed by cops, his three sons forced to watch…”
“There is no security for black men here.”
These comments are so utterly ridiculous and without factual basis as to resemble parody. Unfortunately this writer is serious. And deluded.
More reply than it deserves. Can’t read anything past the first five paragraphs.
Karmic Justice is claiming dues. How many people has the evil empire massacred, annihilated, decimated, tortured in the whole of Asia and Africa? This is only the beginning. Eye for eye, Limb for limb, Life for life. Yes, KARMA is REAL. As I have mentioned, This Is ONLY the Beginning. Wait till the morning of November 4. We, the victims of the evil empire are watching everything with Schadenfreude. This is our right. No one has the right to moralize us, especially the citizens of the evil empire. Watching everything with ice-cold beer and perfectly roasted peanuts.
More correct to call it “Dharma Justice” — not “Karma”, which is for the next life. Dharma works on one in one’s own life here and now,
The denial of service attack on this site and other alternative news sites this morning is proof enough that the PTB absolutely do not want issues like this discussed in an open forum. Sadly, part of the plan.
What we’re witnessing in Kenosha is street theater, pure and simple. It’s being brought to you by the same dark entities that emerged in Minneapolis and Portland, only this time these attacks on ordinary citizens were timed to happen during the Republican convention. They’re meant to terrorize business and property owners, the whole country really, into voting for a “law and order” president. Don’t be taken in by this obviously orchestrated street violence. It’s like 1933 in Berlin all over again. Looks like we’ll be electing a new Hitler in November.
First we must be sure that you and I are speaking the same language, and that we agree on the definition of “security.” Today’s adult child includes unearned income as a necessary part of “security.” They also regard that doctors and nurses, who are providing their services to earn a living, must provide those serves to them for free as part of their “security.”
Given their definition of “security,” it is impossible for them and me to hold a meaningful conversation about “security.”
“the West’s essentially aristocratic (bourgeois), pre-1917-inspired systems”.
Just a minor comment on terminology. Usually non-Americans like the author do not make this confusion. The Online Etymology Dictionary tells us:
“aristocracy (n.)
1560s, “government by those who are the best citizens,” from Middle French aristocracie (Modern French aristocratie), from Late Latin aristocratia, from Greek aristokratia “government or rule of the best; an aristocracy,” from aristos “best of its kind, noblest, bravest, most virtuous”
There is no rule of the best in the West. The oligarchy/plutocracy (not aristocracy) dumbed down the educational system and privatized everything. All is bondage. “Aristocratic” and “bourgeois” are opposite concepts. The European royals are not aristocrats, they are bourgeois plutocrats.
The distinction is important, in the sense of “aristocratic socialism”. Real socialism demanded rule of the best as well, for instance, even if the CPC can be too materialistic, it still functions as such. People like Suleymani and Chavez too.
If we import this “Americanism” where aristocracy = plutocracy/oligarchy, we would see what I too often see in Latin American socialism: that everything should be “democratic”, peaceful, egalitarian, all should voice their opinions etc… theoretically beautiful but revolutionarily castrating.
Iyy; I appreciate your distinction between aristocracy and the bourgeois ruling class. The bourgeois rule by assuming the historical mantle of traditional aristocracy and its entitlements, whilst betraying the very soul and purpose of real aristocracy and turning the concept on its head. That is the English formula. You cannot have functioning aristocracy if it is run on behalf of collective egoism, as does the bourgeois class. Any real aristocrat knows that aristocracy holds itself in obedience to divine intention, in the process of ruling. Such being totally beyond the capacity of the ego bound bourgeoisie.
If we dig into the role of the divine forces at this time we discover that the divine feminine is instigating socialism. This means that the real aristocrats (the best people with the highest motivations) in the world today are working for socialism on the basis of spiritual motivations. So we have the real aristocrats assuming the role of advocates for the proletariat. Whilst those who appear to be born into traditional aristocratic privilege tend to adopt a pro-bourgeois outlook and work to sustain the dominance of egoism. Boris Johnson anyone? That is a Satanic power. Confusion of roles indeed!
So the inevitable necessary result of this confusion can only be an aristocracy of socialism that proves itself by its ability to inspire the consent of the governed. Real aristocracy comes from an enlightened heart. China has already got this equation working. That is the real key to its success.
Since Kyle Rittenhouse will be the talk of the day, please check the comment from a lawyer, black guy on that topic.
The case should be rested for a while.
Very interesting video. It certainly does appear that Rittenhouse will be able to make a strong case for self-defence, in my objective and non-legal opinion.
But this is just one part of this huge story, which contains so many tragic angles and evidences of long-standing structural & historical inequality. We can talk about the individual Rittenhouse angle all day, but the larger issues necessarily affect more people negatively.
Well said Ramin.
The underlying problems of an outdated 1930s era criminal justice system, and eco system where the rich dont pay taxes enough to reallocate to those in need, directly or indirectly. And corporate leechs are bleeding the average persons with costs be it via interest on debt, medical insurance etc…
America needs reform and if Trump is smart enough he will make some sensible changes.
His advisor Roger Stone has proposed them but hard line old guard Republicans and even some Democrats block attempts at reform because of outdated ideas or corrupt payments.
Nonsense. Jacob Blake brought his kids to a woman’s house. There was an active warrant for his arrest for previously sexually assaulting this woman. He harassed her, threatened her, stole her car keys and attempted to steal her vehicle. This is why police were called. Blake then assaulted police officers and was tazed. Blake disobeyed lawful orders and resisted arrest while leaning into vehicle to retrieve a knife. He was shot 4 times by a police officer.
… shooting in Portland, a few hours ago….
There is in particular no security for black men who resist arrest and make threatening movements. Yes, there are people who die from police excesses, in particular the unconstitutional practice of no-knock raids. Yet for some reason the media glorifies those black “victims” who least deserve sympathy.
would appreciate if you would buy a nice big Dominoes pizza or some burgers & drink and go to the local jail and give them to little Kyle Rittenhouse who took on street thugs (rioters looters arsonists) last Wednesday shooting 3 of them who chased and attacked him.
He and his amigos were guarding a car dealers workshops – the only thing the owner had left after rioters had smashed and burned all the cars in his yard days prior. And they had also stopped a group of them burning down a church.
The kid probably needs some comfort food.
He’s only 5’4″ and battled 20 BLM thugs who tried to kill him.
His legal defense fund is here if anyone wants to donate
Send me the bill for the food and drink.
He may even give you a brief interview for The Saker.
With these riots the proper BLM people are not the ones doing the violence.
Its a Soros paid ex-cons that have infoltrated them and are causing all this trouble – as police on Kenosha later found out-of-state vans there and made several arrests. These people have been bused in.
This is why Democrat states are releasing en-mass those in jail for violent offenses – recruiting an army.
Both shot by the Rittenhouse had criminal convictions, and the first one was from Arizona.
Forgive me my friend for what I’m about to say.
You don’t know what the *bleep* you’re talking about. You live in France not the USA. The Saker has lived here for a long time. He knows America and he knows Americans. This is not some *bleepin* socialist popular uprising. This is being orchestrated from the top just like the color revolutions in the former Soviet Union and the attempted one in Iran.
That 17 year old All American Boy didn’t shoot three protesters (killing 2) he shot three violent criminals (and Leftwing Radicals) who would have killed him without a doubt. Those three men were not “protesters” but violent looters and rioters with criminal records. What is happening in Kenosha is not a protest. Small businesses aren’t burned to the ground in a protest. As you know from Iran a violent riot is not a “protest”.
You seem to be under the impression that Jason Blake and George Floyd before him were innocent victims of police brutality and “systematic racism”, but that is not true. If a white man had been high out of his mind on fentanyl, violently resisting arrest he would have been taken down by the Minneapolis PD the same as Floyd was if not sooner. If a White Felon wanted for sexual assault had resisted arrest in Kenosha and then reached for something in his vehicle like Blake did he too would be shot in the back 7 times (yes with his kids looking on). The police in these incidents were trained to respond in this manner. They were following legitimate police procedure.
In America the Black Man is giving everything on a silver platter. Cash Aid (Welfare/Free Money), EBT (Food Stamps/Free Money for groceries), government subsidized (or free health care), Section 8 (highly subsidized or free housing) and on top of that many states offer them free tuition for college and preference in employment. They get all this and guess what? They remain at the bottom and why do you think that is? Is it the White Man’s fault that the Black Man does not use these tools given to him to better himself? Is it the White Man’s fault that the Black Man prefers a culture of laziness, underachievement and criminality. We gave these same tools to the Asian immigrants and guess what? In a generation they were wealthy business owners and property owners better off than most Americans who’s families had been here forever. I’m sure African immigrants are similar because their success in America draws envy and jealousy from Black Americans.
Going back to the rioters let me say that the Blacks aren’t running the show. White Anarchists and Communists are running the show and these would be Revolutionaries are overwhelmingly NOT from the proletariat (the working class) but from privileged homes. Us in the American working class (which includes me) can often find our way to a middle class existence via a skilled trade and/or a labor union. The working class people I have known worked hard, saved their money and bought property. Yes it isn’t as good for us as it used to be but we sure aren’t starving and neither are the Black (and White and everyone else) in the welfare recipient underclass. Everyone in America has food on the table and a roof over their head unless they are too strung out on heroin, crack, meth or fentanyl to know the difference.
Maybe the Covid induced economic crisis (which also seems planned) and the possible collapse of the dollar will result in real revolutionary conditions for hundreds of millions of Americans but the America I was born and raised in was (and for the time being still) is the land of plenty.
Last but not least how could this be a Black American revolt when it is apparent for anyone to see that White Communists (and not Blacks) are the vanguard of the revolution? You add in the complicity of the Democratic Party (who is tied at the hip with the Globalist Elite) with the riots at every level of government (including the courts) and you can see this whole damned thing was planned.
The best coment I have seen across the web these days. Good points to remeber.
When police in USA stops your car, the first thing is to put your hands “where I can see them” – on top of the wheel. If you want to reash for the licens, you have to annonce it and slowly do it in a way not theratenig. This is perhaps not nice, but I assume it is necessary in USA, due to long time experience. If one reaches unannounced they will be shot at, white or black or lation or asian, no difference.
My famili was visiting friens in USA, maybe 15 years ago, who lived in a gated community. we were all in a van – 4 adults and 4 childern, ages 2 to 8. Two year old was restless at teh back seet and two moms could not keep him quiet. AT one point, a female cop jumped behing a bush on the side, right in front of still moving van (slow moving, it is 30 kmh limit in some residential areas). So she jumped in front of the van, holding gun in both hands, legs apart to be stable if she shoots. There was a the sequence of events was just as I decribed: put your hand on top of the wheel, nobody else make a move, even 2 year old got quiet. Slowly my friend managed to explain and show his license, which the backup cop checked. The lady cop was standing in front of th van, gun in both hands, pointed at the van, windshield i assume. It was confirmed that we were about 100 meters from friends, house, and we eventually were issued a $200 ticket for “having unrestrained child in the vehicle”. Then we parted ways as friens, and th gun was holstered, the lady cop even smiled at us and at the kids.
What is the take from this episode? Do as cops tell you. No sudden movements, no nothing that could be interpreted as threat and most of the times all will go well. Was it unpleasant experience, sure it was. Was it all necessary? According to cops’ training, it was. After all, we were in a gated comunity, with additional security. And they are trained and EXPECTED to shoot at you, by law, on very broad discretion. The law is bad, not necessarily the cops. Do we need to change the law? Would be nice, but that is a very different story, and no people are ever rady to do tat. It takes lots of pitcforks to change teh law, and blood as well. It is called revolution. USA is not ready for it.
As kids growing up we were taught, when dealing with cops, “yes sir, no sir, three bags full, sir”. I always told my kids “best way to deal with cops, stay away from them do not interact with them.” My youngest got the boots put to him by cops last week, he was whinning about it, so I reminded him that if you interact with cops and your an asshole around them, you’ll get what they think you deserve. Not sure if they kicked any sense into him…………here’s hoiping.
But yes, Zidar, when dealing with cops, regardless, swallow ones pride, and comply. Once when younger, I had a cop scrape his hand cuffs across my teeth saying if I didn`t open my mouth he`d smash my teeth out, so I opened my mouth. He put his fingers in and I bit the son of a bitch. Cost me $150 in a fine, turns out, back then, had I beat him, the fine would have been the same.
Cheers, M
“A Black man wantonly paralysed by cops”
No use reading past that. Anyone who could type and publish that sentence is at best deluded and an outright malicious liar at worst.
The ticket to ride this society is pretty cheap: all you have to do is follow the orders of the man with the badge and gun. That’s literally all it takes.
When the lawful authorities are lawfully pointing a gun at you, giving you lawful orders, and you not only refuse those orders but make an overt move to grab for something concealed in a car, the ONLY reasonable assumption a cop can make is you are getting a weapon to kill them. That is the ONLY reason someone in Blake’s position would refuse orders: to get a weapon to kill the police.
Ramen is neither a credible nor reliable source of information or opinion and the fact that he is allowed to publish his nakedly bias misinformation speaks to the general decline of this blog over the last 3 years. Very sad to watch knowing what it was like when the Saker ran it.
Just a little news. The Saker runs his blog, daily.
Ramin has been writing for this blog for years and the earliest I find with a quick search is December 02, 2016. I have been working here since early 2017 – nothing has changed.
Because Ramin has a different view than you, does not mean that there is anything wrong with the blog. It simply means that not everyone agrees with you, no?. Fair statement?
It also means this:
“Reporting on the United States for this election season/Civil War II is going to require the constant presentation of contradictions, most of them impossible to reconcile (thus “Civil War II”). One guiding idea should prevail, however: the leaders on both sides are so inherently reactionary, power-hungry and arrogant that there is no side which can be chosen with a full heart.”