Translated and captioned by Leo.



In 2015, the Ukrainian authorities said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces could not bring down the Malaysian Boeing because of the lack of Buks. However, last weekend the Ukrainian Buk SAM launcher crashed into the wall of a shopping center in Kiev in preparation for the parade.

The fact that the Ukrainian authorities are lying like they breathe is not news for a long time. Remember that one of the officials said 3 years ago, when Russia was charged with the destruction of the flight MH-17?

Adviser to the President of Ukraine, Igor Smeshko, at a conference on security in Brussels said that Ukraine sold the last missile complex Buk to Georgia long before the plane crash in Donbass, Interfax-Ukraine reported.

I quote, “As far as I know, Ukraine sold the last Buk to Georgia,” he said.

And here is a link to a Ukrainian source. If Kiev sold the last Buk to Tbilisi, then what was it that hit the wall of the shopping center in the Ukrainian capital on August 18?

*Video of Buk accident plays*

Here is some more footage from a different angle so that there wouldn’t be any doubts in what really happened.

*Another video plays*

On the video are “non-existent” Ukrainian Buks. One stays, not aligned to turn, another – passes by. How do you like that, advisor to President Poroshenko?

Even if we set aside the question of the lack of professionalism of the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, because of which such an accident was generally possible, there is still room for conversation. But for understandable political reasons, the West will deny to the last that it was the Ukrainian military that was brought down by the Malaysian Boeing.

Since to recognize this means to admit that the campaign, which has been dragging on for several years, on blaming Russia and the DPR militia, is an act of information war. Therefore, the Kiev accident of the Buk is quietly closed, as are uncomfortable questions about whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces has any Buks.

However, it seems that there is one point that Western sponsors of Ukraine are not going to hover, because it is connected with the saint for every American and European phenomenon – which is money.

Here’s what lawyer Andrei Smirnov said on August 19 in Facebook, at one time he was the first to learn from the sources about the rest of Petro Poroshenko in the Maldives.

I quote: “Friends, do you remember this winter I was the first to report on the Maldivian holiday of Poroshenko? The same friend called again. Yesterday, the Federal Court in Washington handed over to the pre-trial check and verification of financial special documentation for persons involved in the theft of US public funds and organized criminal traffic of funds derived through fictitious government support programs.”

It is about the means of the US federal budget and the funds allocated within the framework of the IMF’s target program to support countries with nascent democracy.

The organizers are the Ukrainian side – Petro Poroshenko, from the side of the Republic of Moldova – Vladimir Plahotniuc.

Another important aspect. Since Poroshenko has a residence permit in Switzerland (Canton of Zug), and Mr. Plahotniuc has Romanian and Russian passports, the FBI has also joined the case.

The materials of the case already contain the resolutions of both Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo. The audit will take from 25 to 60 days under federal law, after which the materials will be returned to the court and the proceedings on the merits commence.

In short, Moldova as an emigration zone for the president also disappears. Throwing in or not throwing in – time will tell.

Here you go. While the “non-existent” Ukrainian “Buks” cut through Kiev, touching the walls, clouds may possibly hang over Pyotr Alekseyevich [Poroshenko].

No, it is not at all necessary that Poroshenko will get to the same place where former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavel Lazarenko was sitting. Just having a lethal compromising information about embezzling American money can make the chocolate president even more manageable.

And who knows what target will then be fired at by the “non-existent” Ukrainian Buk?