Several of you have posted links about that in the comments, but I want to confirm in a separate post that the murderous thug I mentioned a yesterday has been identified. Here is the info Russia Insider posted about him:
Apparently he was arrested on charges of violence during the melee, and held for a while, but then released. During the court proceeding deciding his release, pro-Kiev activists demonstrated in support of him in front of the court buildings.His name is Vsevolod Goncharevskii (middle name: Eduardovich). He is a lawyer, and well-known pro-Kiev activist. 47 years old, a resident of Odessa. Here he is speaking to local TV stations (in Russian). Here are three news stories (in Russian) reporting his arrest, trial, and release.
So the authorities new about him and even put him on trial but then let him go. But that is hardly the most interesting fact. The most amazing about this story is that Goncharevskii is STILL not only an activist of the Euromaindan movement, but even a leader!
After the brutal assault on the Parliamentarian Nestor Shufrich yesterday, the leadership of the Euromaidan movement organized a press conference today to explain that it was all Shufrich’s fault because he had not business coming to the city of Odessa in the first place. This is the standard Ukie notion about “Euro-democracy” and “free speech”, so that is not what is amazing. But take a look at the video and guess who is sitting second from the right?
Yup! It’s Vsevolod “Seva” Goncharevskii himself.
[By the way, the mayor of Odessa, Palitsa, has also declared that Shufrich is a provocateur and that he assaulted the Right Sector thugs. But then, Odessa now “belongs” to Igor Kolomoiskii, so all that is par for the course.]
So not only are the Ukie Nazis blaming a victim for a brutal assault, but they are quite happy to sit together with a well-known murderous thug. And I am not talking about some minor Nazi gang or some Right Sector people here, not at all, I am talking about the very mainstream and “highly respectable” Odessa Coordination Center of the Euromaindan movement. It don’t get more mainstream then that. At least not in Nazi Banderastan.
In fact, Seva Goncharevskii is all over the news in Banderastan. Here, he demonstrates with his Right Sector pals in support of the Ukrainian armed forces. Here he is helping volunteers did trenches around Odessa. Here he is being interviewed and protests he persecution by the authorities and claims, in perfect Russian, that he is totally innocent.
This example is a perfect illustration of the true face of the Euroukraine which I call “Banderastan”. An ugly, racist, unapologetically Nazi and thuggish face, the face of a “Ukrainian Interahamwe” – a monster created by the West, nurtured by the West for centuries, and a monster which is now armed and free to roam the Ukrainian land.
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Ukie mob justice in action |
This is what they did to a couple accused of dealing drugs:
In the meantime, the “popular lustrations” (mob attacks on people deemed “disloyal”) continue, and even though they are completely illegal, the cops do nothing. Over the past 24 hours, many people, including at least one hospital director, have been brutally assaulted, tossed into trash containers and forced to sign letters of resignation.
On a semi-comical note, the Rada is now proposing that only those who have been officials in the previous administration for more than one full year be “lustrated”. Why? Because Poroshenko served as Minister of Trade and Economic Development for Yanukovich for a little less than a year.
In reality none of this is funny in the least. It is, however, significant because all these are clear signs of a society falling apart, of a social order basically destroyed and replaced by a rule by violence on all levels. This is most important because a society which goes down that road cannot do anything but comprehensively collapse because, truly, it ceases to be a “society”.
It is an open question as to whether there is really any kind of “authority” in the rump-Ukraine. While Poroshenko appears to have some control over Kiev while Kolomoiskii “own” Odessa, it is only the Right Sector which has branches in all of the rump-Ukraine and enough activists to scare any official or civil servant from Lvov to Dnepropetrovsky and from Chernigov to Odessa. This all begins to look eerily similar to Afghanistan, Libya or Iraq were one group (more or less) controls the capital while the rest of the country is completely out of control and run by various armed gangs.
The Ukraine was always a historical fiction, a completely artificial entity, originally conceived by the Papacy but which truly acquired a material form only thanks to Lenin and Stalin (they Ukies should be not be tossing down their statues, they should honor them as their “founding fathers, really). But from 1991 through 2013 it did exist. It was very imperfect and it suffered from many problems, but at least it did exist. Now that Ukraine is gone forever. If you boil an aquarium, it is easy to make fish soup out of it. But you cannot turn a fish soup back into an aquarium. What we are observing today is this process of “social boiling” from which there is no way back.
The Sake
I like your comment comparing Kiev to Baghdad and Kabul
The Americans only deal with the elites in the capital and let anarchy reign in the rural areas. Democracies are messy and unpredictable. Much better to set up a strong man and his cronies.
John Perkins Confessions of an Economic Hitman gets into this quite well
I blame the mainstream media like NYT and Guardian for minimizing the Nazi bonafides of the spasms of right wing violence. That’s a pesky detail that doesn’t fit the script of plucky emerging Western “democrats” freeing themselves from the yoke of Russian Imperialsim
It’s almost as if Pol Pot Shenko is a legitimate ruler
Akin to lies of omission
Collection of videos of the Ukie garbage movement.
Meanwhile in Germany the state tv-channel now officially admits that it has made mistakes in its reporting on the Ukie crisis. Some of the reporters now also admit mistakes — but of course they said it only on their internet site, where nobody will read it.
Of course I’m not holding my breath that anything changes. Just today during football halftime break they showed a report that bombs fell on a bus and a school in Donetsk, they didn’t say that the Ukie nazi-army did it, they only said that „Kiev blames the separatists“.
Ukraine under the Junta may be the most despicable project of the Hegemon, US Liberal warmongers, in its notorious criminal history of secret wars and de-stabilzations.
The US> government has programmed 40 million Ukie people to live in hatred of Russians and Russia. It has ignited a demonic war against civilians. It has unleashed the most base ideologies, straight from Hell.
And it is prepared to supply war material, weapons, special trainers and billions of dollars to foster an endless war across the border, if it can.
It clearly is the biggest ‘secret war’ in scope, scale and danger to world peace.
Americans have no concept of this reality.
Though today, Ban Ki Moon had to speak out about the artillery attack in Donetsk that killed parents, teachers and children at a school.
He probably will be reprimanded for this statement by his Washington keepers.
Yesterday someone commented saying there was no point in singling out individual crimes while another was upset about being forced to endure the imagery. Of course it’s your choice to watch or ignore a video (Saker is good with warnings and frankly I almost always avoid) but what is unacceptable is ignoring or forgetting the victims. People are suffering the most terrible indignities and they should know that the good people insist on cataloguing the crimes and seeing that justice is done.
This is your responsibility and accepting it will help to sustain you if you are ever unfortunate enough to find yourself in a similar position.
Impunity will not reign. It will not be permitted.
Vsevolod Eduardovich Goncharevskii, you are a war criminal. We will not forget you nor your crimes and we promise there will be justice for your victims.
Saker — keep after the lying bastards at Interpreter Mag too. They’re insisting that because one Agence France Presse reporter claims that a shell is wedged in a particular direction they can geolocate everything an ‘prove’ that the shellfire that killed the kids at Donetsk school couldn’t possibly have come from the Ukie-occupied Sergey Prokofiev International Airport. In somewhat contradictory fashion, they also insist the school was near the airport and therefore may have been hit by NAF rounds that fell short, while simultaneously insisting all Ukie guns were out of range. In other words, typical CIA psyop contradictory bullshit illustrated by the ‘Ukraine at War’ ‘geolocating’ crap Brown Moses style which in reality is just a Ukie propagandist drawing lines on Google Earth images.
It’s clear while Lavrov may have misunderstood Purgin that all 400 bodies in the Donetsk morgues to which Purgin referred came from mass graves, it’s clear there are far more than 4 bodies uncovered thus far contrary to the lying MSM swarm led by Tom Parfitt of the UK Daily Torygraph. There are also signs of continued pysops of ‘introduce a false image by hook or crook, and then insist it debunks the entire story’ psyop many supporters of Novorossiya have observed. The BBC in particular tried to claim that because REN TV erroneously used an image of bodies gathered from the MH17 crash in a story about the mass graves left behind by the Ukies, this debunks the entire Ukie massacre story. They are using all of their sophisticated techniques and clearly pulling out all of the stops to exonerate Ukie mass murderers and cover up.
These Ukie massacres and random shelling from Donetsk airport stories
are clearly hurting the Kiev propagandists and their State Dept./CIA psyop backers. The State Dept. spokeswoman (don’t know which bitch it was today) even stated that the rebels should allow investigators to reach the area, even though the OSCE already has!
Stay on them Saker and Russia Insider! You’re clearly hurting the bastards in the info war!
Good work! Some links to the articles and you are unmasking these lyers perfectly!
Vsevolod Goncharevskii is often seen with a 18, now 19-year old Praviy Sector thug named Mikola Dotsenko. He was the one that kicked Rada member Nestor Shufrych in the face in Odessa yesterday. He was also one of the killers at the Trade Union Building massacre on May 2. He was videotaped throwing Molotov cocktails at windows and smashing people who managed to escape the burning building. See here for our investigation.
The reason all this extrajudicial violence is happening is that Praviy Sector “owns” the Interior Ministry, the prosecutors offices and the Supreme Court. Most importantly however, Praviy Sector is the state police of modern Ukraine. They are the law!
What exactly is the difference between the “official” Euromaidan movement and Praviy Sector? In Dnepropetrovsk they share offices, along with the Dnipro-1 Battalion
Parents,teachers and children killed today in Donetsk.Parents,teachers and children killed today in Homs,Syria.Coincidence?though there are no coincidence in politics that are applied by terror.
Yesterday someone commented saying there was no point in singling out individual crimes while another was upset about being forced to endure the imagery. Of course it’s your choice to watch or ignore a video (Saker is good with warnings and frankly I almost always avoid) but what is unacceptable is ignoring or forgetting the victims. People are suffering the most terrible indignities and they should know that the good people insist on cataloguing the crimes and seeing that justice is done.
Totally agree Where Wolf. In America the reality of war is sanitized thus making the people detached and unwilling to connect the govt destruction to the death and destruction in the name of “freedom” which makes the survivors swear vengeance
In America the casualties of war are only shown on video games as entertainment
I look at all those videos on Cassad’s website to force myself to recognize what is at stake in Syria and Ukraine
Why is that photo of the pregnant receptionist murdered and strangled in the Odessa Trades Building not as “viral” as the Hollywood beheading of James Foley?
If the Kardashian Post is saying it, here is some good news
The Ukraine is a creation of the German General Staff during WW1. The aim of this German colonial project was to disintegrate and loot Russia. It’s the old “divide et impera” principle.
The following article explains it very well:
“By this time, the Germans had already taken large numbers of prisoners of war following the 1914 defeats of the Russian army. They identified about 50,000 of these POWs who based on their birthplaces and dialect might be convinced to become Ukrainians, separated out the officers and sergeants, and put the remaining proto-Ukrainians in special reeducation camps. These proto-Ukrainians were exempted from work, given better treatment, and put into classrooms, where they were given intensive courses in Ukrainian national identity, farming techniques, and the need for socialist revolution.”
German ambassador Dietmar Stuedemann and advisor of Yushchenko promotes Ukrainian nationalism in 2006:
“It is not so important in my view to answer the question whether you share the same roots with Russia from Kyivan Rus. It is more important that you have something distinctive in your traditions, customs, in the variety of your regions and in something modern, for example, when people went into the streets to fight for their prospects [during the 2004 Orange Revolution].”
The German nazis also used this strategy to divide and conquer Eastern Europe:
Heinrich Himmler on the handling of the foreign people in the East
When handling foreign people in the East we will have to take care as much as possible to recognize different kinds of people and to promote them
I would like to add that we not only have major interest not to unite these people from the East, but on the contrary, to split them into as many as possible small pieces and splints.”
Washington Post: Rebels make gains during ceasefire with map.
Right Sector = CIA/MI6/Mossad; well-organized, fully supported brainwashed force with tons of logistics, implying a lot of time was needed to put such a nazi-like force into the society.
While they were being created in Kiev & elsewhere in the EU, with the american embassy as the main center of coordination, what was the staff in the Russian embicy doing at the time?
Apparently, the answer is . . . nearly nothing.
A country of 40 million, with more than a half of the population speaking Russian, was taken over by a force of no more than a dozen of thousands well-zombified thugs trained by the thugs from foreign services all the way across the ocean; i.e., all advantages to create a counter-force to this coming (not if, but when) catastrophy were on the russia’s side. If that is not shame & failure, I don’t know what is!
Zionazis are simply creating another nazi-style mess that the Russians will have to take care of (like of the Satanist’s first creation, the nazi Germany) one way or another. But, the longer this hell lasts, the more Russia gets exhausted, until it gets ripe for the fall itself.
There must be something there I am missing, but my mind fails to understand the Russia’s unprepairedness for this mayhem–especially after so many almost identical scenarios played before on her by the great zionazi satanists.
Sad, confused, angry, ashamed…
Thanks Saker anyway for this blog; a little ray of light in the darkness.
“The Americans only deal with the elites in the capital and let anarchy reign in the rural areas. Democracies are messy and unpredictable. Much better to set up a strong man and his cronies.
John Perkins Confessions of an Economic Hitman gets into this quite well”
Yes, and this is even happening in the 5 eyes as the empire consumes itself. Several rural areas in New Zealand have been abandoned to anarchy and the depredations of drug gangs or tribalists who specialise in livestock theft and petty thuggery.
The globalist puppet political/media class only care about Auckland. And Auckland itself is scarcely a culturally Kiwi city anymore. More than 200 ethnic groups are recorded as living there. Auckland is considered more diverse than London or Sydney, with 40 per cent of its population made up of different overseas ethnicities (non-Maori and non-European).
Lacking any cultural cohesion, urbanites care primarily about money, which is just what the globalists want. Which results in nonsense like this:
Our youth have lost hope. A global awakening is desperately needed.
Maybe those in the Russian embassy were also dreaming about a “European future”. That, and arranging all the groundwork for all the bribes that make things like gas and the bases in Crimea go smoothly. Apparently, something like the opinions of the people in the country or radically anti-Russian groups are not something to work on. In fairness to them, Russian elites have been unable to agree on things that require strategy, only on tactical solutions to specific problems, and the Ukraine required a strategic approach. Even now, many argue that the Kremlin’s approach is not really one of strategic design, but a tactical solution of making both the EU/Atlantic business types happy by avoiding sanctions while not angering the more nationalistic types by keeping Novorossiya alive. One can do well in chess with strong tactics, but there is a saying that “a bad plan is better than no plan”.
As I have stated in previous posts:
At the end of WWII State were created by the victors along lines that would lump cultures together that had a history of clashing. They were more manageable that way by the victors. They were designed to be semi failed states that were in a state of perpetual tension and thus were rendered politically stagnant. All statesman understand this if they took political science 101. The US and EU obviously understand this, having created most of them as they set the terms of the new world that emerged at the end of hostilities (WWII).
Likewise, they also understand that a spark will send such states into turmoil. Historically, they used sparks when a state was showing signs of progress in the wrong direction. This is what state sponsored racism and religious fanaticism is all about (ISIS, Banderastan, Iraq, Syria, etc). However, if sparks go to far and bloodshed occurs on the scale that it has in the Donbas, Syria, Gaza, Libya, Iraq, etc …this will Balkanize the “stagnate state” permanently and irrevocably. There are still divisions in the US from the civil war. Therefore, and contrary to whatever spin or Jedi Mind-trick the empire is selling, Ukraine no longer exists as it was prior to the ATO –Kaput –Istoriya!
My concern is this: Novorossia was able to organize and protect themselves against the ATO armed thugs. However, the other regions, unlike the far western and far eastern regions, the central regions of Ukraine, with a 50/50 political makeup, may become a river of blood.
A little off topic, but something’s up in Argentina, or like Ukraine, The Argentine.
Greetings from Singapore:
Washington financed NGOs’ are good in organizing ‘colour revolutions’. See Kiev and now Hong Kong. I think is time Moscow starts doing likewise around the World, if they wish to win this info war.
@7Sokenekos said…
There must be something there I am missing, but my mind fails to understand the Russia’s unprepairedness for this mayhem–especially after so many almost identical scenarios played before on her by the great zionazi satanists.
@Joy said…
Our youth have lost hope. A global awakening is desperately needed.
Not taking away from the absolute value of the other contributors here but the two above can be combined a bit easier for a potential answer.
If we step back a bit and if we ponder the way “elected” politicos are viewed by the masses, both to the east and to the west of the current borders of Ukraine, we may see how the way things may play out.
First we must ignore the MSM “coverage” since we all know those propaganda spins as do many others.
The majority of the EU politicos along with the 5 Eyes politicos west are pretty much despised by the masses and supported by the minority of globalists and those to the east are admired by the masses and opposed by the minority of globalists. This is quite telling and shows a level of awakening.
Sokething that seems to be missing from pretty much any/all conversation is the level of simmering discontent and real issues percolating within the “West” while the focus seems to be on the ills of the “East”.
It may well be that since the junta has utterly failed at subduing their mission, the ultimate mission will not be allowed to fail. Many have seemingly connected the dots to the way the NAZI’s operated as time progressed and the way the junta operates. The difference is that the NAZI’s were a well funded and modern “professional” military and the junta is a rag tag group of mercenaries that just happen to have the keys to an obsolete military that won’t start nor function with any level of efficiency.
Now that the eastern “front” has been cut short and has been dug in, the western front will be established. The junta has their eyes on the lands that they feel were taken after the WW’s and will certainly take advantage of this. Since they are funded from abroad, this plan will sooner or later become evident and begin to play out.
What can be plausibly presumed is that over the next few months or so, the ultra-nationalists within the EU will begin to mobilize. This will begin as the market driven economic condition deteriorates and as the war-mongering anti-Islam propaganda ramps up. Keep in mind that the “West” has decided to simultaneously wage and aggressively sell a war against an invisible boogyman/strawman while promoting violent infused peaceful protests as necessary.
If any of the above makes sense, one could understand why the RF seems to be holding its cards close to their vest and why China will let the Hong Kong paint itself into a corner since at the end of the day Hong Kong’s losses will be Shanghai’s gains.
Both countries seem to be very interested in investing in their youth and the future by way of arts, hope, pride, math and science with some sport and entertainment for balance. They are not willing, it doesn’t appear, to endure yet another lost generation like the speculators of the West that focus on nothing more than fear, consumption and entertainment.
In other words, both the RF and China have put a monkey wrench into the machine that cannot be turned off and the collective West will be stuck in a quagmire of their own creation for a generation at least.
Another way to look at this is that the Babylonean’s have created the ultimate cauldron in Mesopotamia where the USD and the Evanvelical minions will willingly go to slowly die a slow and painful death…
Is Medvedev a member of the fifth column? Some argue that advisors and such to Putin want him to get rid of all things Medvedev.
Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution.
Completely a CIA-MI6 program.
It will hurt the economy, the good jobs for young people, convince Beijing that the people in Hong Kong can never be trusted with self-rule (just as the British knew).
Thus, Hong Kong will lose out and begin to descend vis-a-vis Shanghai as the financial center.
Hong Kong will always be a great port, both inner and outer at Lamma Island. But, aside from logistics, the great future will be destroyed by this Occupy fiasco.
Beijing will never use force and will never give in.
The Umbrella Revolution also will never gain traction on the Mainland. Stability is the social imperative and destroying the economy is the last thing any Mainlander would trade for a vote.
100,000 students will eventually figure out that they pissed away their future and a better Hong Kong by listening to the Hegemon.
Those students may get visas to the U.S. and U.K. but they will miss a great future in Asia.
Ultimately, the residents left behind might grow to hate them for picking a hopeless fight and turning their back on their own people and home.
Of course, they will be spoken of glowingly in the Liberal West, as long as that Cult lasts.
Rule by violence, robbery permitted and biggest gun prevails, total lawlessness, winner takes all, the criminals rule, uber-criminality revered as ‘successful’,and above all – Orwellean ‘truth’ of blaming the victim IS THE STANDARD SET BY US & WESTERN ‘CIVILISATION’.
For what was the War on Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Gazan’s, Novorussians, ‘ISIS’, Drugs, War OF Terror, …. we even have a war on the US patented ebola virus with 16 000 more troops deployed – all probably singing a McCain ditty “Bomb bomb bomb Ebola” and cussing the Cubans and Chinese for their foolish deployment of medical teams.
Saker, I don’t know why this was censored, so I’ll try again:
Russia ships anti-aircraft missiles to Syria
The problem is … all the prophesizing to the contrary notwithstanding, Banderastan appears to have no inclination to disappear. “They will be gone by September” was the mantra. Yeah, right.
Likewise, some seven years ago, scores of prophets were confidently predicting the end of the USA by 2010 (and I am not talking only of prof. Igor Panarin…) … and before that, Maoists were predicting the imminent demise of world capitalism … and before that, Jehovah’s Witnesses were predicting no less than the end of the world itself, giving even an exact date… And so on and on.
While there has never been a shortage of prophets, the facts enjoy thumbing their noses at the prophets.
So, one of the leaders of Euromaidan is actually a MURDERER or at the very least a brutal monster who smashed away at helpless people who just jumped out of the windows of a burning building.
And the EU is supporting these despicable criminals. And on top he’s still running around in Ukraine instead of sitting in prison.
It is such an outrage that the Ukie army is raping little girls on a regular basis, torturing and murdering people, and abduct people from their homes, etc.
How long can the EU keep up this sharade of simply ignoring the most terrible crimes of the Ukies all over the country?
Surprise, surprise.
The Hong Kong “Umbrella Revolution”(TM) is yet another American-instigated Color Coup D’Etat… I mean pro-demoncracy revolution.
Now all the Hong Kong protestors need is Victoria Nuland to handout baked goods to them and also hire some unemployed Ukie Maidanites to join in the protests.
Hong Kong’s “Occupy Central” is US-backed Sedition
US Now Admits it is Funding “Occupy Central”
Does Obama’s ‘Pivot to Asia’ Include Regime Change For China?
And of course, the giveaway is how the Western and Anglo-controlled free press are media-pimping these protestors with glee–just like they did with Ukraine and other “Color Revolution” targets.
Western Media Coverage of Hong Kong Events Biased Like Kiev Maidan Coverage
German Foreign Minister Steinmeier’s UN speech: War propaganda cloaked in pacifist phrases
I like this psychopatic speech. He started with core of the world’s problem= western imperialism; then he turn it upside down and pointed finger toward Russia. Simply. Germans know to do propaganda. BTW situation at west must shaky as they drop UN, tool of their imperialistic taste.
Hi Saker !
I hope you’re admin work is not driving you crazy !!
I am reminded by this article that you predicted this would happen…that rump Ukraine would fall into violence. I hope that the coming days are not without end of violence, which seems to be the case with Libya.
What do you predict ? Is it true the “store” is closed ? Is that because of the fifth column in Russland ? Is Putin losing his grip on things over there ?
Putin and the great spiritual being standing behind him, who is the soul of Russia will prevail. The future still looks bright. The Guardian holds his torch high…
Larchmonter I’m glad to see you in this thread – for one thing it helps offset the terrible gloom and despair from so many comments here (whether authentic or contrived, who can say?)
But also I know you study China so I hope you’ll be able to find time to keep us up with Hong Kong. I greatly appreciated your perspective in your last comment at 03:14
Despite all the weak nerves among the commenters here, I continue to see an amazing new world opening up that didn’t exist for me a year ago. This comes from the strength of Russia and all the things that country has done right under Putin’s hand in the last decade or so.
No person and no organization is perfect, and the world is composed of persons and organizations. And yet people place their perfect wishes up against the imperfect achievements that do occur – and are always disappointed or in despair.
Evil, as has been noted, is banal, and tends to run on mediocrity more than inspiration. With every new color revolution or dirty deed performed by the empire, it’s clear that the US is playing one more card out of its diminishing hand. It won’t be getting any new cards, and it won’t be getting stronger. Every move it makes depletes its life force, and simultaneously acts to awaken more of the world to its tricks.
Putin with the repatriation of Crimea has delivered to the Zionist movement the first significant defeat it has ever suffered in its more than 100 years of existence. Against this epochal event, all of our minor impatient frustrations should be measured.
Yeah. I like your take on things.
What’s interesting for me in that foto of the Euromaidan video is how FAT these Ukies are . . . like their Yankee Masters!
Pretty soon, Eastern Ukraine won’t have to fight Kiev ~ just let them eat McDonald’s GMO “food”!
@ Walter Sobchak who said…
Q. How long can the EU keep up this charade of simply ignoring the most terrible crimes of the Ukies all over the country?
R. As long as USSA tells them to.
Good versus Evil worldwide now.PREPARE etc.
Saker .. Please listen at 1.05 …an assertion that Hebrew being introduced as a 2nd language.
Please be cautious in using pictures. In addition to the true pictures and photos of atrocities committed by the ukr. side, there are also a lot of false images flying around for anti-ukr (which are unwanted as there are plenty of true pictures of atrocities committed) propaganda purposes. Please use only images that are verified or seems to be not false by common sense. As a person who follows your analysis, please use pictures wisely. The blood on the people tied with ropes does not look real. It seems as if it were sprayed with paint, especially on the ladies hair. Also the color is also not convincing. Using such pictures that defies common sense, will only degrade the credibility of the author.
It’s up to the Ukrainians to decide for how long they are willing to suffer under the Nazis, everyone has a breaking point. When that happens, and the entire country raises up against them, the euromaiden will look like a Sunday picnic compared to that.
About tearing dow Lenin statues by Nazis in Kharkov.
“Lenin, Ukraine and fake patriots” (by Basque Country-Donbass solidarity committee)
…all these are clear signs of a society falling apart, of a social order basically destroyed and replaced by a rule by violence on all levels. This is most important because a society which goes down that road cannot do anything but comprehensively collapse because, truly, it ceases to be a “society”.
This all begins to look eerily similar to Afghanistan, Libya or Iraq were one group (more or less) controls the capital while the rest of the country is completely out of control and run by various armed gangs.
I know I’ve posted it here before, but it’s very apropos in this case, so for those who haven’t read it, here it is again:
Joaquin Flores, over at the Center for Syncretic Studies, speculates that, now that the Euro-muppets can no longer ignore the Nazis and Baderites in western Ukraine, they may be used as a sort of boogie-man to justify a direct NATO intervention in W. Ukraine. He compares the situation to the ISIS brou-ha-ha over in the ME.
Saker, can you recommend some books or resources on the Papal involvement with the creation of the idea of a “Ukraine” – the when/how/why of it, etc? Thanks.
The utility of anger is typically a function of activation, concentration/dissipation and targetting.
Activation is typically evidence of suspension of acquiescence – transcending inertia.
Dissipation is typically evidence of a process towards acquiescence.
Concentration and dissipation are evidence of prior activation.
Active anger is volatile giving rise to the possibility of change of targetting and blowback.
Igor Berkut ( Leader of the Party “Great Ukraine”) about today’s state of Ukraine
His words support NATO views: Reduce population of Ukraine by 90%. Democracy in blossoms as during Hitler’s era
Society falling apart has many aspects. There can be law and order but it is only applied selectively and to those who are not the elites. If we go by that definition then the US society has fallen apart for a while now. I just saw a video where a young black guy was talking on the phone in side wallmart, he had an air pistol in his right hand he picked up most likely to buy and was talking to someone when cops showed up and shot him dead. He did not move or do anything and we see him falling over dead. The judge said there was nothing to hold the police responsible. This happens so often.
What would be the difference here between Ukraine and the US? The same corruption goes on in both places. But at least there is some aspects in the US where we have the chance to reverse this descent into madness but it does not seem to work or that not enough people care. I said in another post that as long as lawlessness starts at the Top, the bottom will just follow. Only the degree is different between countries. Its the same thing thats happening in Iraq and Syria as well.
By the same token when thugs allow soldiers to act like barbarians, they often go home after their tours and act similarly towards others. After all, whats the difference between your neighbors and the people in another country?
Folks need to stay balanced, focused on their beliefs. The world is in turmoil, and always, in such times there are scant rays of light and hope.
Russia and Putin remain the strongest source of high hopes, and so, fear and tremors at any sign of weakness or hesitation seem to shake some observers.
China has suffered half a million NGO’s over its 35 years of opening up. Most are benign but many are treacherous. Hong Kong has always been a nest of vipers since the hand-over in ’97. Both the British and U.S. have thousands of ties at all levels of society. They can stimulate a hundred thousand into the streets over anything. The language difference (Cantonese versus Mandarin) is huge and helps keep the divide.
And now, Shanghai has ascended as the financial center for the Mainland. Over the last year the Shanghai stock exchange has surpassed the Hong Kong stock exchange. These are just not evolutionary, but deliberate policy because Hong Kong indicated several years back that their institutions could not be trusted to serve the nation. So the marginalization of Hong Kong was begun by Western interference. The center of gravity of finance and banking has shifted. The West thus can shake things up like with Occupy, but they can’t affect the Mainland.
Russia is being shook up financially with sanctions, but Putin has options and is turning to them. Facing eastward and building internally will take some time for results, but Russia will survive and prosper.
Remember this about Russia: for most of the 23 years since the end of the USSR, the West has raped the industrial and finance sectors of the nation. They have stolen natural resources and made Russia jump through hoops, all the while tearing away Ukraine as a source of manufacture for technological and military goods. All that has to be replaced and rebuilt. Putin is doing this.
Both China and Russia are developing nations, not mature economies, though huge nations with huge potential. They are rising while the West is declining. But, both are infiltrated and subject to de-stabilization projects.
Luckily, both nations have not gone into a shell; neither have they lost the big picture that inspires them. They both understand that the whole world is rooting for a new international setting of peace and cooperation.
It won’t be easy because terrorism is a new tool of the Hegemon. And maybe, pandemics are another. But, even though we face a lengthy journey to a better world, every day Russia and China are doing good things that keep weakening the stranglehold of the Hegemon.
I would have never thought that Daoism, Confuscianism and Russian Orthodoxy would inspire a better life for the West. But when you see Russia and China get intimate, and China and India get close, you realize the paradigm is shifting.
NAF have finally taken Donetsk airport:
Saker, I don’t know why you are surprised about this: this is what they DO. Just like criminals act like, well, like CRIMINALS, this is what one should expect, and simply act accordingly.
The nazi madman Lyashko is still grandstanding and kidnapping people. This creep needs to be stopped and hopefully he will experience some karmic justice.
I pray that he may convert or die or be stopped and punished as soon as possible!
Yesterday’s post that disappeared:
Ukrainian soldier admits killing civilians in Luhansk — Investigative Committee.
ITAR-TASS: The private from the Dnieper battalion received remuneration from Ukrainian tycoon Ihor Kolomoyskyi, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin says
MOSCOW, October 1. /TASS/. Sergei Litvinov, a private of the Dnieper battalion has admitted killing women and children in the Luhansk region for remuneration offered by tycoon Ihor Kolomoyskyi, Russia’s Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said on Wednesday.
The Russian Investigative Committee has brought official charges against Sergei Litvinov for murdering innocent civilians during the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine
“Litvinov has testified that he personally killed peaceful civilians, including women and children who were not linked to the military conflict, in the villages of Melovoye, Shirokiy, Makarovo and Kamyshnoye /in Ukraine’s Lugansk region/ on the basis of information provided by anonymous sources,” Vladimir Markin, the head of the Russian Investigative Committee, said, adding Litvinov had received remuneration from oligarch Igor Kolomoisky’s personal funds for committing the murders.
Seizing his properties and revenues in early September was too late
. . . . . . .
Wanted: for Ihor Kolomoyskyia, couple yards/metres of hemp from the branch of an oak tree. Sending him to a war crimes court is a waste.
Very encouraging, Novorossiya is going ahead with its divorce
After the atrocities, who can expect a re-unification! Unless you do this in Las Vegas, Nevada, a big Divorce takes time before one gets the final decree.
Issue of unification of Luhansk, Donetsk republics may be raised again in 18 months’ time
October 02, 12:45 UTC+4
We have already created a confederation of Novorossiya and its inter-parliamentary assembly, head of DPR’s Supreme Council Boris Litvinov says
DONETSK, October 2. /TASS/. The issue of uniting the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics (LPR and DPR) may be raised again in eighteen months’ time, the speaker of DPR legislature Boris Litvinov told TASS in an interview.
“We have already created a confederation of Novorossiya and its inter-parliamentary assembly. Each side is represented by 30 deputies, but this idea has not been developed further yet,” he said.
Litvinov explained that no legislative base was in place at the moment for translating the idea of unification into reality.
“At the same time, we have enough supporters of implementing this project in the future. One should bear in mind that we are at different stages of establishing our own statehood. We have already formed our own parliament and are in the process of creating a Supreme Court. Our counterparts lag behind somewhat. In principle, we have the same goal but we have taken slightly different roads leading to it,” Litvinov said. “In any case, the Donetsk and Luhansk republics must go through elections and also restore their historical borders. Then it will be possible to raise the unification issue again.”
. . . . . . .
Yes, and a deep VickiNu’s FU to Porky and Yatz.
Hooray! Putin comes to Belgrade on the 16th of October to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the city liberation from Nazis by the Red Army.
I have to admit, it was a masterful move on his part: he proposed a military parade of Serbian & Russian soldiers together. The local Fashingterna servants couldn’t refuse it–knowing much too well the feelings of the Serbian people for Russia, & for Putin in particular, despite relentless 24/7 anti-Putin PRopaganda by the ZIA-owned media in Serbia. Hahahaha!
And the zionazi hyenas are already fuming!
Even FBI is expressly sending its staff to “help Serbia’s law enforcement agencies.”
Russia should establish one media (at least a radio) in Serbia on the national level, & that will swing the pendulum to our side so that we can liberate ourselves again.
Here (my translation) is what one of the most odious jewrnalists, Tim the Judah, said in a radio interview to the most despicable PR zionazi outpost in Serbia, B52, I mean B92:
“The visit of the President of Russia, Putin, in combination with the military parade, might cause bad reactions in the West.” He emphasized that those reactions might come because the West regards Russia responsible for the military intervention in the Ukraine. As a participant of the Belgrade Security Forum, he said that in case of an escalation of the crisis in the Ukraine, Serbia wouldn’t be able to continue switching between two chairs, i.e., it’ll have to choose between Moscow or Brussels.
“The visit itself is not particularly interesting, but if a large military parade is organized for a president of a country, which just has used its military to destroy the Ukraine, will, I have to say, look quite bad.” [Shamelessly states zealous advocate of the 1999 ZATO bombing of Serbia.]
To the statement that Serbia isn’t able to organize a large military parade, he retorted:
“Even a small one! You don’t organize it for anybody else. I assume there will be no military parade when Edi Rama comes. For David Cameron, if he were to come, there will be none either. . . Here in Serbia, you have an official policy of opposing violation of territorial integrity of the UN members.” [And what about Kosovo, Judah?]
Judah regards that the military parade may be negatively interpreted regardless of the circumstance of being organized within the scope of the seventieth anniversary of Belgrade’s liberation.
“You know, parades do exist. The French make them regularly; everybody does them. But when a parade is organized so that it coincides with the Putin’s visit, thereby, showing him symbolically special honors, I think it looks bad.”
“I suppose that Serbia may continue with the balanced approach which can pass by, but only if the ceasefire in the Ukraine holds & grows into a peace process, in other words, if the Ukraine disappears from the front pages. However, if the Russians decide not to stop; if they want to establish a ground corridor to Crimea, further to Odessa, or even all the way to the Rumanian border, which would be a huge military operation, then Serbia wouldn’t be able to keep switching between two chairs. And the only person who can decide about this is Mr. Putin. From what I hear, there is now a discussion in Moscow on how much have they achieved in making something like the RS [= Serbian part of Bosnia] inside the Ukraine, making it, thus, a dysfunctional state, or should they go on even further. The debate, AFAIK, is continuing, & the only person who will decide is Putin.”
From the late 12th century until 1809, Finland was part of Sweden, a legacy reflected in the prevalence of the Swedish language and its official status. It then became an autonomous Grand Duchy within the Russian Empire until the Russian Revolution, which prompted the Finnish Declaration of Independence.
When being part of Swedish Kingdom Finland was always buffer suffering terrible wars and famine. As a part of Russia those nightmares were all over probably saving Finnish language and Finnish population.
Now – after 70 years of peaceful relationship with Russia(USSR) there is certain tendency to change that thing and bring that buffer status back for Finns which is amazingly stupid idea swallowed by some think tanks of pro-west faction.
Personally i have never seen Finland with very bright future as a part of that western coalition towards Russia. That kind of independence is a trap. It will lead to disaster, no doubt.
Larchmonter445 said…
Do not make such generalized statements as you make in your commentary.
“Americans have no concept of this reality.”
I am one and I believe I have much more than a concept as to the who, and what is amerikan foreign policy (sic).
There are many here among us who are fully disgusted by us and western policies. We do not all sit idly by munching pork rinds and watching faux news and other sources of MS bull shit.
You might have stated the vast majority of…….. or something to that effect. Yet you choose to disparage all. Sort of like how the UKIE propagandists work, no?
British citizen turns himself in to Scotland Yard; says he has been declared a danger because he is an independent thinker and doubts the UK and US governments word.
British author Nick Kollerstrom hands himself over to Scotland Yard. He tells the police that he is a law-abiding British citizen who has doubts about the 9/11 and 7/7 bombings, which according to British prime minister Cameron means he is as dangerous as ISIS terrorists and should be arrested. He said he has come to the police station to comply with the prime minister’s declaration.
Watch the video:
A different meme
#JSIL: Activists come up with new ISIS-inspired name for Israel
The Jewish State of Israel in the Levant – that’s how some pro-Palestine activists are now referring to Israel. With the allusion to the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), tweeters are enjoying sharing the joke. (maybe not such a joke)
Sokenekos said…
Hooray! Putin comes to Belgrade on the 16th of October to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the city liberation from Nazis by the Red Army. … Even FBI is expressly sending its staff to “help Serbia’s law enforcement agencies.”
Would that be the same FBI that assassinated Martin Luther King Jr in 1968?
Saydayev Islam, a Chechen political analyst and journalist, was one of those who were called “Russia’s enemies” ten years ago. And he was: ardent separatist at the time when Jokhar Dudayev was the Chechen leader, one of the ideologists of “Ichkeria” (the independent Chechen state), and deputy head of the information center for the rebels. In 1999, he fled to Georgia, where he lived for almost ten years in close contact with the Georgian special services. He witnessed many dirty deeds and even wrote a book on the subject, “Muzzle the witness.” He has radically changed his views since returning to Chechnya, where he works currently in the government, following the amnesty. It is a usual story in modern Chechnya. Former militants who laid down their arms are far more ardent Russian patriots today than, say, the Moscow “Parmesan” liberals. Chechnya has had to pass through two wars, to understand that no country, other than Russia, needs it.
Saydayev – one of those who were called “Russia’s enemies” ten years ago
– “De jure and de facto Chechnya was independent five years between the two wars,” says Islam Saydayev. “We thought that after having separated from Russia, we would live as in Dubai. For five years we controlled the oil production and real money, only true patriots and religious leaders were in our government, and in all that time we did not build a single mosque not even mentioning the schools or hospitals. We had everything, even foreign sponsors, but we did not do anything except being at each other’s throats. The open military confrontation began among us. Time has shown that we could not survive as a state outside of Russia.
– That is, Russia has given you the law?
– You could say so. Believe me: if Russia leaves now Dagestan, a month later there will be a fierce civil war. And Dagestan or Tatarstan are naive thinking that they will survive without Russia. Leave Russia and seasoned swindlers, ordinary bandits, will come out of the shadows. But we have had enough of that. If the Caucasus could be self-sufficient, states would have appeared here years ago, when Russia was not even close. But only isolated tribes or small principalities unwilling to grow and to build a state lived here. In short, it was a complete lack of integration.
– Why the Chechens fought against Russia after perestroika?
– It was the part of a big game. Someone tried to destroy Russia using Chechnya. All these people that appeared here, like Dudayev and Udugov, they were sponsored by such “patriots” from Moscow as Berezovsky. I too once believed in the independent Ichkeria and collaborated with NGOs, funded by the West. But this funding was conditional on the premise: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They gave you money, but they wanted the results. Nobody said it directly: formally, we worked towards building up a democracy. While it was profitable, they called us patriots and sponsored. And when the game was over and the militants fled to the Pankisi Gorge (Georgia), they declared them terrorists and arrested. But it was a calculated move too.
For example, a gunman sits at Guantanamo, then he is released, and soon he commands a unit in Libya, as a fighter for “democracy” against “tyrant” Gaddafi. All those militants arrested by the Georgian, British and American intelligence agencies sooner or later emerge in Iraq, Syria, Libya, with a new legend, money, and the heroic past. […]
Full article:
Does anyone know why is no longer being updated?
I can access the Russia insider site already!
Thanks Saker!
David Cameron raps the truth
Did you notice these beheadings? If it is true, that one was sent in a box to the mother, I would like to be the legal executioner of that devils!(if they don’t confess sincereley to a priest)
Where-Wolf said…
‘This is your responsibility and accepting it will help to sustain you if you are ever unfortunate enough to find yourself in a similar position.’
These words are very true. Even the act of seeing and empathising with the victims of atrocious crimes is of immense value.
They are not alone, these martyrs, they have suffered for all of us.
If one is emotional and sad and frustrated I believe this blog is a place where one can share that too, why not?
The incredible depth of analysis and information that is daily presented here is not undermined in the slightest by comments that may appear less sophisticated or objective.
Despite the horrors, and they will increase, one must never lose hope or courage to speak ones own truth.
Fear, depression and apathy are the worst enemies of all mankind at present, but there will always be art and beauty and words of
truth, such as these, on Sakers home page:
To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.
Arundhati Roy
Charles Fasola
Criticism accepted. I could have said ‘many Americans’. However, I think you assumed I meant to say ‘all Americans’, which would be ludicrous of me. Then you make a wild hyperbolic criticism which made your initial comment ridiculous.
(Ukie? Really?)
Again, I’ll be careful about generalizing without defining more exactly.
Sorry I hurt your sensitive feelings. It was not intentional.
Gabri said… @09:42
“As a person who follows your analysis, please use pictures wisely. The blood on the people tied with ropes does not look real. It seems as if it were sprayed with paint.”
Yes, they were spray painted and humiliated in other ways. Unfortunately for me I don’t understand what was being said, but here is the video.
It was linked from Graham Phillip’s twitter site.
Преветено на српски / Translated into Serbian:
The Saker: Рибља чорба “Бандерастан” | Ћирилизовано
Saker .. Please listen at 1.05 …an assertion that Hebrew being introduced as a 2nd language.
Eretz Ukraine. The new Israel when Jews throw in the towel on Israel once Iran gets the bomb /s
The fact that the US Congress gave the leader of this atrocity multiple standing ovations makes me ill beyond all measure. I expect Obama to lie and praise the wicked, but for the entire legislative branch to not just applaud, but STAND UP to give a rousing salute to the leader of a bunch of nazi thugs is truly remarkable in the worst sense of the word.These people have no honor, and know no shame. I hope this comment goes up soon, for this from Washingtons Blog, if no one has mentioned it yet, reprinted in full with link to original:
Ukrainian Separatists Urge Immediate World Attention to Block a Mass-Execution by Ukraine
Posted on October 2, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.
Eric Zuesse
The pro-Russian website,, issued yesterday the following bulletin, which has just now been confirmed as authentic, by the southeastern-Ukrainian democratic leader Oleg Tsarev; so it’s passed on:
Citizens’ Union of Ukraine — WARNING !!!
Please Immediately Spread the News !!!
In the town of Starobilsk near Lugansk, at area18, the Ukrainian Army is now holding 70 of our militia as prisoners, torturing them, and digging a pit to hold their corpses. 30 are to be shot by Saturday at the latest.
The execution-list has been prepared. It includes Komarnicki, Andrew M., born in 1975, who is Chief of Staff of the reconnaissance Severodonetskoye militia.
If you spread this news, these guys’ lives might be able to be saved.
Please especially contact the Investigative Committee of the Public Chamber, Russian Federation, and ask them to urge international organizations of which they are a member, to intervene.
Please hurry, because we have [as of Wednesday October 1st] only 2 to 3 days in which to bring enough public attention to this that might stop it!!!
Gabri said…
“The blood on the people tied with ropes does not look real. It seems as if it were sprayed with paint.”
Anonymous said…
Yes, they were spray painted and humiliated in other ways.
I wonder how long they remained tied to the tree. Perhaps anyone untying them (before the Right Sector thugs out of the goodness of their hearts did so) would risk a beating.
Anunnaki said…
Eretz Ukraine. The new Israel when Jews throw in the towel on Israel once Iran gets the bomb /s
I heard years ago that many Jews were (are?) in Patagonia, preparing for when Israel is no longer habitable (or at least, habitable by Jews). You could hardly get further away. A bit chilly in winter, though.
Well, it’s the same evil breed. They are not coming to help; that’s for sure. Their greatest help would be not to help at all!
Joking aside, it’s the UZA ambassador to its newly-added colony, Serbia, Michael Curby, who is lately not even hiding in the shade; he comes on [one of his] TV channel & tells us what’s to be done.
E.g., he (through his locally-hired slimebags) initiated a law to punish all of those with Serbian citizenship fighting abroad. Notice it came after Serbs started joining the DNR & LNR forces. OTOH, when local Albanians & Muslims went to fight in Syria, it was complete silence.
Then, he was publically protesting against the Putin’s visit, but after it backfired, he probably came up with this idea just to spoil the party.
And that idea is to bring in the agents of the FBI for the next few months “to help in building the institutions.” You know, the most humane to help the inhumane stuff.
It’s not tied to the Putin’s visit, per say — he tried to prevent it at first — but to the recently held LGBT “pride” parade in Belgrade, when the city was literally under siege; helicopters, & armored vehicles on the streets along with multiple cordons of police protecting them from the people. They were placing flag, & nothing else for, that is one of the conditions on our way to join the EU concentration camp.
They are doing everything to insult us in every way possible, & we stand little chance against the local zionazi junta. Oh, I could go on for a week of Sundays, but what else is new?
@Paul II
I agree that this Russia’s fight looks more tactical than strategic. E.g., I was arguing with Saker about Yanukovich simply because I refused to believe that Russia would not have a response to Maidan, & it was buying the time with him until the games in Sochi get over. But knowing that the Russia’s ambassador to the Ukraine until 2005 was that scumbag, Victor Chernomirdin, who sold us to ZATO in order to get support from Al Gore in the 2000 elections in Russia, probably not much was to be expected anyhow. And that’s where my criticism points to; nothing was done through NGOs in drawing the future borders of Novorossiya & preparing for the worst that was coming. Even if Russia’s goal is to make another RS in the Ukraine, making it thus dysfunctional state, like Bosnia, it could have been done for cheaper & quicker were they to work on it long before the Maidan.
I mean, if you want to win, you talk with the enemy from the position of strength, & Russia had all major factors on its side in the Ukraine vs. the zionazi scum (Crimea is a good example). I even think that Nuland et al. got surprised at the success of their thugs. Common people, however, simply didn’t realize what was coming, & they always go with the one who controls the discourse. That’s why I think the Russia’s approach is wrong; it’ll play like with the nazi Germany; their sponsors will let them do as much damage as possible as long as possible while keep Russia under constant pressure, let them be finally run over by the Russians once they get pissed off enough (like with Sakashvilli), come to some kind of agreement with Russia, send in “truth commissions” to cover up their own crimes (like in Latin America & former YU), & Russians will be thankful it’s over. Most of all, nobody else but Russia will have to pick the tab for those people, for, to the zionazis,they are like beer cans; use it & throw it away.
Or, we could be missing something from the picture, who can tell?
Actually,more than 99% of lawyers are scum, but you rarely get to see one actually beating an innocent person to death with an iron bar.
Actually,more than 99% of lawyers are scum, but you rarely get to see one actually beating an innocent person to death with an iron bar.
Eric Zuesse in Why Obama Lost His War in Ukraine suggests that the war in Ukraine is essentially over, because, unable to crush the Novorussian resistance, Obama “quit”, gave up, abandoned the attempt to take over the country.
Put simply, he [Obama] wasn’t able to exterminate enough of the ‘enemy’. His extermination-program ran out of money, long before the people who live there ran out of their will to fight against it.
Zuesse seems to believe that Obama is in charge of the Ukrainian operation. If Obama does not control the CIA (and since the JFK assassination no U.S. President has ever done so) and it’s the CIA and the psychopathic AZE which are running things (as Brennan’s visit to Kiev in April indicated), then Zuesse’s view may be unduly optimistic.
But he may be right in claiming that the Ukrainian operation has become too expensive for the US/NATO to continue with it (especially since rump Ukraine will soon collapse economically and socially). OTOH, the US can simply print as much money as it needs for this (unless doing so would further endanger the credibility of the US dollar).
@ Annunaki
please, a bit of sense — Hebrew as 2nd language in a country where nobody speaks it??? and this from a site that then goes on to seriously discuss ALIENS being among us? Please, if you can’t recognise that level of crazy, leave it up to others to select the videos that are worth watching.
The rule of thugs, ie of force, is unavoidable under capitalism. For capitalism to persist it must accumulate capital forever, by maximising profits. This, of course, involves some increases in ‘productivity’ through technological, scientific and management advances, but primarily it comes through rentier extraction and ever greater exploitation of labour (ie ‘other people’ the capitalists’ eternal enemy)and natural resources.
Alas, as Marx forecast, the rate of return on capital has dropped over the years, but the capitalists’ insatiable greed has only grown. So the capitalists more and more have resorted to financial exactions as a preferred source of profit, which mostly requires ever greater debt. The debt can only grow, like a cancer, thanks to the ‘magic of compound interest’ which the ancients soon discovered and so they introduced ‘Jubilees’ of debt forgiveness.
The modern capitalist of the financier tribe, being psychopaths and psychologically and religiously seeing others as inferior, mere animals, do not hesitate to exploit their victims to the point of death. ‘Jubilees’ are only for the brethren. The debt crises in the poor world caused massive suffering and death, and the destruction of vital social infrastructure, as we see taking a hideous toll in West Africa as devastated health systems fail to arrest Ebola. The same misanthropic extractions are rendering life misery in ‘austerity’ afflicted societies, and, increasingly, countries are being subverted, attacked, sanctioned and in the end destroyed, if they resist the financiers stand-over men of the US military and the NED, US Treasury and other genocidaires. And the debt bomb just goes on growing, the ecology of the planet collapses, inequality grows like topsy and war and misery spread, all to further enrich a tiny few. The cure is really quite obvious, as is the alterative-global genocide of the very many by the very few.
Social boiling good analogy.
Hey, what can one expect form Israelo-American bum bandits…
Expect such sources will be warped in the zio-gay direction. Always.
Am I prejudiced? Hope so. ;)
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