by Marko Marjanović (author of the new Checkpoint Asia site) for The Saker blog
Pushing for the US to start an air war against Syria in 2012 Hillary Clinton argued in her emails that Russia would not “stand in the way”, just as it had done “little more than complain” when the US and its satellites bombed Yugoslavia in 1999:
The second step is to develop international support for a coalition air operation.
Russia will never support such a mission, so there is no point operating through the UN Security Council.
Some argue that U.S. involvement risks a wider war with Russia. But the Kosovo example shows otherwise.
In that case, Russia had genuine ethnic and political ties to the Serbs, which don’t exist between Russia and Syria, and even then Russia did little more than complain.
Russian officials have already acknowledged they won’t stand in the way if intervention comes.
What Hillary failed to appreciate was that Putin was not Yeltsin, that comeback Putin who had returned to the presidency after a Medvedev abstention at the UN allowed the Empire to unleash an air war against Libya in particular was not Yeltsin, and also that even Yeltsin had done quite a bit more than just “complain” in 1999.
As the NATO-Yugoslavia war was concluding Yeltsin ordered the 300 Russian peacekeepers in Bosnia to make a dash to the Priština airport in Kosovo and occupy it before NATO troops moved in from the south which they did. Wesley Clark then ordered the British general Mike Jackson, and the only reason we do not remember 1999 as the biggest clash of Russian and NATO arms ever is because Jackson refused to carry out the order. Yeltsin then, realizing flying in reinforcements over pro-NATO countries would be near impossible, relented and conceded the airport anyway.
So yeah, in fact Russia did a lot more than merely “complain” in 1999. It attempted a disorganized and ill-conceived, but sincere last-minute move to secure a Russian occupation zone in Kosovo for the Serbs’ sake. It came up short, but that is distinct from not making an attempt at all.
As we know Russia did a lot more than just complain again in Syria. Contrary to Clinton’s expectations of three years before Russia in 2015 entered the war in Syria. I am the opinion that what made Russia’s intervention possible for Moscow was America’s own intervention against ISIS which started the year before. Since 2011 the CIA had been backing the Islamist rebellion against the Syrian government. But following the ISIS-rebel split of late 2013 and the rapid ISIS expansion into western Iraq in early 2014, America’s Pentagon entered the war against ISIS, first in Iraq and a few months later also to a lesser extent in Syria.
This allowed the Russians to present their intervention to themselves, to the world, and to the Americans as not being directly opposed to American goals, which indeed it was not. The Russian military, Moscow could point out, was there to do what America’s own military was doing, namely to fight ISIS, albeit the Russians would be more thorough and would also fight al-Qaeda and its allies. Instead of the Russian intervention being directly opposed to the American intervention it was — because there were in fact two separate US interventions working at cross purposes — instead at a 90 degree angle from what the US was doing.
In fact I think Moscow went into Syria as much to frustrate US regime-change plans as to force the US to engage and deal with it, and acknowledge Russia, no matter how resentfully as a partner in some limited respect. A strategy which showed some promise initially as Russia created some good will internationally by fighting ISIS as the latter hit Paris, and then again when Lavrov and Kerry in September of 2016 hammered out a deal to jointly expand the war against al-Qaeda, but which was then sabotaged by actors inside the Pentagon, specifically the Air Force. In retrospect this strategy of forcing the Washington to engage was never going to work, but it was worth a shot with the information available at the time.
Nonetheless, the fact was that Russian intervention did run directly against the efforts of the CIA (and to a much lesser extent also the Pentagon) in arming the rebels. It also went against the hopes and dreams of western cruise missile liberals who deceived themselves as eagerly as ever the jihadi rebels were worth supporting and an improvement over the secular government.
It is also a fact that Russians won this contest and that the jihadi-spearheaded regime-change was beaten back. Simultaneously ISIS was eliminated so that today Russia and Pentagon no longer share a common military goal, making the two forces much more clearly opposed to one another than they started out.
The difference between the Russian attempt to have a say in Yugoslavia in 1999 and in Syria in 2015 was then not in then in their boldness. It was arguably more daring to try and block NATO from the airport and northern Kosovo than it was to start beating down on ISIS more than twelve months after the US had started to do just that.
The difference between success in Syria and failure in Kosovo was timing. Despite Hillary’s argument that Russians had “genuine political ties to Serbs” that simply wasn’t true. Belgrade and Moscow were not allied during the Cold War and were not allied during the 1990s as Yugoslavia spent the decade as a pariah and Yeltsin as a Washington stooge.
Any last-minute attempt in 1999 to frustrate NATO and do a solid for the Serbs was going to fail because there was nothing in place beforehand. An airlift over pro-NATO countries was never going to work. For Moscow’s dash to have a chance at all there should have been troop transporters already anchored in the Adriatic. But that would have required the kind of foresight and independence which did not exist among Yeltsin’s administration in the 1990s.
In Syria by contrast there was less urgency but also importantly unlike the fictional Russian-Yugoslav ties, Russian-Syrian ties actually existed. Both of these factors meant that Russians became involved while there was still plenty of time to turn things around.

Small, but crucial, Russian military presence
This is why I think the recent small Russian military mission to Venezuela is so important. In Yugoslavia Russia moved in after NATO had already done so and lost out because it was already too late. In Syria, Russia had likewise allowed the Empire to move in first but then nonetheless prevailed because the circumstances were different. However it appears that in Venezuela Russia has no intention of allowing the US to move in first. Instead this time the first military on the scene is Russian.
The Russians say this is a regularly-scheduled visit under a decade-old defense-industry agreements, but the Russian media cleverly pointed out that if that were true surely it would have been more usual to fly in civilian technicians from the defense companies, and not the Ground Forces, and temporarily even their Deputy Commander. More likely, military personnel was sent because this is a military mission.
I am certain that Russia will not extend any sort of war guarantee to Venezuela (like it did for Cuba in the 1960s), nor do I think it will send any number of combat personnel to prop up the Venezuelans against a possible US invasion, not the least because doing so would be completely in vain, as well as counter-productive.
But I think it is very possible that Moscow has decided to frustrate a direct US military assault, or even better, to help deter it, by backing up the Venezuelans the same way the USSR backed a number of African militaries during the Cold War. That is with a very limited number of skilled specialists to fill key force-multiplier non-combat roles.
The Americans themselves are guessing the Russian troops include cyber-specialists and S-300 repairmen. Electronic warfare and signals intelligence specialists are another possibility.
But more important than what role exactly the Russians are there to fill, is the fact that this time around they are there before the Americans. It doesn’t mean they’ll stay there forever. If things settle down, or the Russians feel the point has been made they may well leave, but what to take from this is that Moscow seems to have drawn a very important lesson from Yugoslavia and Syria — allow the Americans to move in before you do at your own peril.
This time around when considering a US air war or some such Mike Pompeo will not be able to share the illusion of his predecessor from 2012. He’ll know the Russians will likely be there in one role or another. And with a surprise or two up their sleeve like always.
Marko Marjanović is the former deputy editor at Russia Insider of four years. Before that he ran a blog on Eastern Europe for five. He now publishes the news site Checkpoint Asia which serves delicious Empire hatred!
Trump Regime war criminals plot the American Empire’s next war of aggression (disguised behind standard US lies about defending democracy and freedom):
US Military Attack on Venezuela Mulled by Top Trump Advisors and Latin American Officials at Private DC Meeting
Welcome, Marko.
Excellent analysis explaining Russia’s moves in Venezuela based on the historic lessons of Yugoslavia and Syria.
China, too, is digging in its position backing Caracas and aligning with Russia on Latin America.
Some very fierce Foreign Ministry talk from Beijing, directed at Madman Mike Pompeo.
An interesting article, but one which needs some clarification. Russia in the 1990’s had it’s internal troubles after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It introduced liberal capitalism and found out the hard way what the results were. This was very painful, leading to severe economic and social problems. However, this had one supreme advantage. It educated the Russian people to the dangerous predatory methods of the West and opened the way for Putin, who reversed the situation.
Russia in the 1990’s could not sufficiently help Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), and for the reasons explained. This led to the NATO air campaign of 1999, the intent being the total encirclement of Russia.It was a strategic defeat of NATO, as the UN never recognized the phantom “Repuiblic of Kosovo”. Russia made it’s contribution. No question about that.
We are now in 2019. NATO would never dare repeat it’s methods of 1999, as Russia would not allow it, just like it did not allow the overthrow of Assad in Syria, so that a Caliphate would be created for use against Russia.
I have to disagree with the author that Russia learn’t from it’s mistakes. I don’t think it made any, like allowing the US to move in first. What Russia is capable of doing now is not what Russia was capable back in the 1990’s.
As for Venezuela, Russia does not need to send any expeditionary force. The specialists it sent, spetsnats troops included, are quite enough. The specialists upgraded the S-300 missile systems. The spetsnats are rendering training and tactical advice. The aim, obviously, is to make any US invasion of Venezuela costly and it’s stay in the country next to impossible, as the world reaction would be intense, the US facing another Vietnam. Will the US invade Venezuela ? It depends how desperate it is to do so, bearing in mind it’s current finances, which are none too rosy. However, if it does invade, the consequences for the US on the world stage would be virtually fatal. It’s European allies would be driven even more towards the East.
I agree…the number of S300s in country, plus top notch Russian specialists would make any US air attack very costly and probably futile without a land invasion…
It is important to grasp what the real strategies of those ruling the USA are.
1- Kosovo is and was a great success for them. It is the point where the heroin of Afghanistan comes in to Europe. The Albanians and the Italian mafia do a great job distributing it. That is why the USA will never leave Afghanistan unless it has an exclusive right to buy its opium and heroin. BTW, that was what the “Golden Triangle” was all about. The French secret service used it to supply Europe with heroin. Later, the Americans took it over. When they lost in Vietnam, they needed a new supplier. When the Taliban reduced supply, they had to be replaced.
2- The deliberate destruction of so many oil-exporting countries is deliberate. They want the Europeans to have to beg for oil from the USA – from the incredibly expensive-to-produce fracking areas. Fracking has been a monumental drain on capital. The only way to make it worthwhile is by propping up the oil price. Propping up the oil price is only possible when the supplies of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran and Venezuela are curtailed.
Obviously, Russia also benefits from strategy 2. That is why Russia is not making a big effort to help Venezuela export its oil. China is doing so as its interests and those of Russia do not coincide as regarding the price of oil.
“The geopolitics of oil in the Trump era by Thierry Meyssan”
I don’t agree that what Russia is doing in Venezuela mounts up to a fight against the US or imperialism in any way or color. Russia has some financial interests in Venezuela and therefore deployed a minor contingency for a possible US military aggression, in order to protect own assets against plunder. That’s about it. I also believe that Russian deployment is strictly negotiated with the US beforehand (just a belief considering US did not make much of a fuss). Syria and Russian actions in Syria was probably closely linked to Venezuela. What I mean is that Russia is supporting Israel in Syria, turning a blind eye against the continuing bombing of Syria by Israel, provided a military buffer zone in between Golan Heights and Syria proper, even supported Netanyahu before his election by exhuming fallen Israeli soldiers in Lebanon which were killed a few decades earlier. Russia is hand in hand with US and Israel and vehemently tries to avoid a clash and worse a 3rd WW.
There is a new article by Andrew Korybko detailing Russia’s recent actions vis a vis Syria. I think it is another eye opener regarding Putin and Russian geopolitics.
“No, Assad Didn’t “Win” The War, He Was Compelled By Putin To “Compromise””
Korybko is a US /=Israeli puppet journalist (located in Moskov though ), one shouldn’t rely on .
Why do you concider Andrew Korybko a US/Israeli puppet ?
Did he criticize someone you like, or did he have views opposing your own?
“Why do you concider Andrew Korybko a US/Israeli puppet ?
Did he criticize someone you like, or did he have views opposing your own?”
That attack technique is a derivative of the one known as “have you stopped beating your wife”? The attacker isn’t interested in facts or the victim’s actual reasoning, it is only interested in forcing the person to defend themself against the spurious accusations the troll made.
Agree Robin…Korybko is a joke…
Korybko is useless US/israeli puppet that is a fact, thanks Robin!
Robin, FB & Jordy
Agree. Good that people are seeing through the psywar. Have not seen ak pieces at RT or Sputnik for a while, before he was a regular, that’s good news, as well.
Andrew is a brilliant young man who has changed his “line”.
It is seemingly for no discernible reason.
Perhaps, he is confronted with loss of income, loss of websites to work for, etc. It reads like it is personal.
He has become a rejectionist.
This is an amazing transformation of his work. And from my POV, sad. I admired his prodigious work output and his scholarship. For several years, he was highly reliable.
Whatever, he is now anti-Russian geopolicies and anti-Putin.
Such ‘mysterious’ about-faces are common enough, and proof positive of a vicious lack of strength of character and personal opportunism, and, almost certainly, of corruption. Think Christopher Hitchens for a particularly nasty example of the type.
Andrew is a brilliant young man who
has changed his “line”.
It is seemingly for no discernible reason.
Add to Andrey Korybko’s education
“Master’s Degree Program in International
Affairs, from September 2013 to June 2015
Ohio State University, Colombia
ru. Университет штата Огайо, Колумбия
Anyone who has ‘studied’ in the West, particularly the Anglosphere, MUST be suspected of being recruited, by bribery or blackmail, to the Real Evil Empire. Why would anyone travel to the West to be ‘educated’ in the first place? The idea is ludicrous.
Korybko is simply plain wrong.
It happens to the best of us.
By the way, this “Putin works with the Zionists” is part of a systematic demonization campaign. There has been a flurry of similar articles, this is not a coincidence.
The Saker
I read you all. Not going to defend him. But the fact remains that AK works for Sputnik. He is employed there. His immediate superior is Russian, of course. Hope no one tells me that Sputnik works for Israel or some other nonsense. AK refers to it as ‘Israel’, he explains it as a question to its legitimacy. AK also does a lot of good work for multipolar Chinese Silk Route, Pakistan and African connections, etc. From what I read, it seems he is American, of Polish descent or Polish born. Yes, he has changed his line to being pro Russia-Israel ties, while seemingly softly disapproving Russia-Iran ties. This is undeniable.
My point? It is impossible for AK to do all this without his superiors at Sputnik knowing and approving his work. This is Ria Novosti. It is state owned. It operates under orders from the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media. Impossible that they will not know what one of their journalist writes. This begets considering him as proceeding under the lines of Russian Information Warfare to create some sort of Media Maskirovka and obscure what is really happening.
Obviously, when I suggest this possibility, I do not do it for AK’s sake. He does not matter at all. Actually, I suggest it because it shows that Russia is onto something deeper than what media portrays and we should be able to analyze it.
It kinda seems to me that ever since the II-20 when MOD closed Israeli airspace and IDF was forced to send surrender military missions to Moskva… Russia has been forcing Israel to accept certain new conditions… of course, all this masked behind Israeli missile attacks against Syria, which are clearly useless in the strategic sense.
Anyway, just sayin’.
“… But more important than what role exactly the Russians are there to fill, is the fact that this time around they are there before the Americans. …”
One way to understand this would be: that the U.S. pindos will hesitate to bomb (their favourite method) Venezuela, lest they kill Russian soldiers, and so, supposedly, risk a world war.
But what if the pindos “call the bluff”, bomb Venezuela anyway – even kill some Russian military personnel – and the Russians do not respond, again “not to risk a world war”? (Which, indeed, knowing some of Putin’s prior conduct in Syria and Novorussia, is not entirely beyond imagination.)
Popular opinion is what can stop agressive parties: Puti is a master strategist and will let popular opinion set in where war measures would only give the agressors what they need to justify more agression. Given enough rope the USA will hang herself on the International stage and at home,which is happening as we speak. This “eye for an eye………..” is a pre Christ construct suitable only for the ashbin of history for 13th. centuary ideologies and NAZI leftovers. More war is not the answer.
pre-emtive psychological warfare. How`s that?
Putin is sane, and the monsters in Thanatopolis DC and Tel Aviv and Riyadh are not. I am certain that Putin needs to bear in mind always that there is not only the danger of miscalculation by a regime that contains more than a fair share of Evil, imbecile, psychopaths, but even deliberate aggression by End Times seeking religious lunatics or the religious fanatics that rule those not so closeted allies, Sordid Barbaria and Talmudistan.
There may well be some Special Forces troops in the mission as well – intended to help Venezuelan counter-intelligence find and neutralize US-supported subversives, the sort of subversives who may be sabotaging Venezuelan services to put pressure on the Venezuelan government.
The US undoubtedly has CIA operations officers and perhaps others from the countries supporting the US in the region against Venezuela inside Venezuela. Russian intelligence operatives and Special Forces would be useful against these, perhaps insuring that some of them meet “accidents” or are arrested and deported back to their home countries.
I doubt Russia “negotiated” anything with the US about Venezuela, except perhaps notifying the US that the Russian mission would arrive. If Russia has sent counter-intelligence people there, they wouldn’t tell the US.
Thanks Marco. Clearly expressed!
The new site is doing well and has become a quick go-to for me to scan things that are developing fast. Don’t forget to add him to your bookmarks.
in my opinion , from my humble arnchair,
what russia has done/is doing , has created the conditions whereby if the US want to go in to venezuela they will have to put boots on the ground. And then US military is tied up in a major front and bogged down for a looong time.
i’d say , that’s a nice move on the part of russia/china.
they set up a nice trap here.
I rather believe that the ‘cruise missile liberals’ don’t prefer head-lopping jihadists to a secular Government under which all Syrian communities lived in peace. No, these genocidal vermin are Zionazis and their Sabbat Goy stooges who do what their Zionazi Masters tell them. And their aim, using the most Evil and murderous death-squad army ever assembled was to destroy Syria, break it into fragments and kill as many Syrians in the process as possible, as mitzvot, burnt offerings to their psychopathic God, and His Representative on Earth, Bibi Satan-yahoo.
Amen brother … Marko Marjanović your analysis and commentary not only warm the cockles of the heart of many members of the Saker community. They also ring true and will, in their small way, help to bring this unpleasant geopolitical situation to a satisfying conclusion for the vast majority of humans and other living beings … TMWNS
This author’s take on Syria is just silly…Putin marched into Syria with a lot of resolve to stop the US regime change…his body language during that famous 2015 Kremlin meeting with Assad said that loud and clear…a line was drawn in the sand…and that line was never challenged…
This mealy-mouthed bs about Putin not wanting to confront the US in Syria…but supposedly coming in through the back door as some kind of anti-terrorist ‘partner’ with the West is so ridiculous that it leaves me speechless…this guy is out to lunch…next…
FB Sure Putin wanted to confront the empire – you are quite right about that. That I agree is obvious.
What I think you are missing is that the approach described by the author of this post is an issue of tactics on Putins’s part. Not intent at all. For obvious reasons, which perfectly align with Putin’s martial arts skills, he disguised his larger confrontational intent towards an empire he has openly condemned by disguising his tactical method as well as possible all in order to make his operations against the evil empire less likely to provoke a response he is seeking to avoid. It is called “winning” against a powerful and obviously dangerous opponent.
BF very well clarified geo-political context 30 years ago and what are relation of power now .
What happened in Yugoslavia was a historical misfortune . Serbs tried to resolve old problem
of the Balkans without careful observation what is going on in Russia ( only possible ally ) and
trusting too much Western politicians . Price was huge. Russia can help , but every nation or
state must first help themselves . Cuba , Syria , Venezuela are strong and sovereign state with clear
idea who is enemy and who is a friend and possible ally .
US fighting ISIS is the most laughable claim. US satellites didn’t notice a train of gifted white Toyota trucks heading west across the desert into the desert? Under the US fight they somehow got modern Western weapons and expanded to the size of Texas. The logistics of keeping such an entity alive needs intensive support that rebels and revolutionaries could never achieve without some big state backing. White washing blood stained hands is unacceptable. A small Russian contingent immeditiately shrunk this ISIS state. Something that could never of existed without the US.
I know. I wrote about the Toyotas a few years ago, speculating on who bought the damn things!
Hopefully, Russia is not alone in supporting Venezuelan sovereignty and other countries will help, as occurred in Syria.
There was no Yeltsin. That SOB was a crypto. His real surname was Jeltzmann. He didn’t fail to do anything. He deliberately did what was best for the tribe and worst for the Slavic “cattle”. His 5 worst acts were:
1. Let the North Atlantic Terrorist ZioOrganization (NATZO) crush Yugoslavia. Two of the most evil atrocities commited by the ziodemons there were: first, bombardment with Depleted Uranium, so the Slavs will have genetic mutations; and second, setting up orphanages from where the Khazarian pedophiles could select their preferred victims, specially the blonde children.
2. Putsch against the Soviet Government and against the Soviet Duma. This crippled the transition into a social democracy or at least into a China style system.
3. Give the assets of the state to Khazarian stooges. The Rothschild demons love when their Mafiosi run the countries. Besides, according to the Talmud, the “cattle” cannot have personal possessions.
4. Give all the Soviet gold reserves to the Rothschilds. This theft was also applied when they dismembered my country Latinoamérica. So it became inevitable to be raped by the financial ziovultures.
5. Prepare and collaborate with the dismemberment of the Russian State.
Hybrid-war and noumachia —a battle of cognition, and a cosmological conflict.
Has Russia failed before, in Kosovo, and been successful now, in Venezuela? Or, has she been blindsided into this Venezuela war-threat that was “designed” as the virtual reality war game with her specially in mind? Since the analysis on this site suggests that these hidden hybrid tactics are total in scope, which means they impinge on all the elements of internal governance, and not just obvious external factors, it is beyond challenging to understand the how or why. Is Venezuela a confrontation in the works, or is it a Skripal-esque chess-piece, and a move to paint Russia into a corner again—with other moves to come in other arenas? The empire, it is said, has already seized the Venezuelan virtual wealth, and continues to push somehow to control the various trade assets with threats and sanctions—to whatever ends. By drawing in Russia, have they now legitimized, in their eyes, their theft and hostilities? It seems that this idea of virtual war, although convincing, isn’t really too provable beyond the realm of the broadest conjectures, because it is a “game”, and therefore a charade, and there must be many faux-moves, feints, misleads and false ends, before any actual results become overly apparent— at which point the plot was lost long before in the craziness of the narrative. At least we have some models to build-off: first Serbia, of course; Syria and the prelude—the Arab Spring; and now, perhaps, in baby-steps, the Macron governments attempts to create a “paradigm change”, and much thanks to our Press TV correspondent for this genuine insight.
Russia has done so much in Syria? It’s learned its lesson? That’s a joke. You mean like allowing U.S. and NATO forces to launch cruise missiles and airstrikes? Allowing the Israeli’s to conduct ongoing, unopposed attacks? Allowing U.S. forces to control portions of E. Syria and arm and fund Al Qaeda and ISIS fighters? Allowing the U.S. to kill Russian fighters? (Pompeo bragged about this.) Russia will do absolutely nothing if the U.S. launches military action in Venezuela. Just like it has done nothing to help ethnic Russians in E. Ukraine who are fighting for their lives against U.S. backed Ukro-Nazi’s.
Most people fail to recognize the fact that back in the NATO invasion of Yugoslavia, Russia was a fairly destitute country. It’s economy was in the process of being raped by western oligarchs. They knew they couldn’t go head-to-head with US/NATO. By the time the Syrian crisis had arisen, Russia was once again a force to be reckoned with. Let them try it again in eastern Europe. Russia won’t be so accomodating!!
The America threat against Venezuela ratchet ups, particularly against the backing that the nation has received from Russia, China, as well as Cuba.
Pentagon ordered to draft military plans to counter Russia and China in Venezuela
Excellent piece of work. I would add some comments. The UK initially refused to get involved in Syria, with the parliament delivering a narrow ‘NO’ vote. Why this happened is interesting, but it did reflect that the suspension of disbelief in the country was ending. A similar vote and outcome took place in the US Congress.
This gave Russia some room to manoeuvre, and Putin was willing to put the Russian Navy in harm’s way when the USA moved to declare a no-fly zone. The USA seems to have assumed that its plans would eventually succeed, despite the obvious fact that ~30,000 jihadis really needed air cover to avoid a massacre. The US DoD and the CIA at cross purposes on this plan ensured its failure.
I’d guess that the way that the US thinks about war, is : Step 1 – establish Air Superiority.
They are not going to have a free run at that in Venezeula, hence if they attempt that, there will be casualties, and an overt war. The Europeans will not rush to join a coalition as they have no interests there. Other South American States, if they have any sense, will see that it is not in their interests to intervene on the USA’s side.
Hence while Trump says all options are on the table, a War of Attrition is the most probable future for Venezeula. In different circumstances the USA would simply say that Venezeula’s oil is a strategic objective and invade, whatever the cost. It may come to that, but I do not see that happening under Trump.
The world is changing and the USA looks spread somewhat thin across the South China Sea, the Middle East, Africa, and now sees push-back in Europe. A war in its backyard is something it could well do without.
This is what is done all the time UN “allows the Americans to move in before you do at your own peril.” Exactly what that criminal Cheney said ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” the war criminal Cheney also said “If you want to “create” such a reality, you can “fix” the intelligence to make the case for war, as we now know happened. ” And of course lets not forget Churchill who said “History will be kind to me as I intend to write it”. They did that with Yugoslavia, and of, course the lesson, which I think comes from a Russian proverb that has not been learned even in Russia much less in Serbia ” fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”
Americans in government don’t give a “shit” about International Law or their domestic law either so they make law as they kill people all over the world and justify it by vilifying the victim. Russia has been a victim of the West including USA and many Russians wasn’t to be like Americans where majority are brain dead, mentally tribalized and living in a society where morality is “Pussy Riot” and Sodom and Chamorra.
My Serbian friend what is your point . You first need to clean your own mind and understand that Russia protected you since Catherine the Great started cleaning the Turks from Slavic lands. . How many times did Serbian blood save Croatia? In WWI they wanted a Yugoslavia while a year or so before they hung Serbs on every telephone pole from Mostar to Dubrovnik. I don’t need to remind you what they did during WWII but when they saw the Red Army enter Yugoslavia they all of sudden became patriots and started joining the Partisans only to save their ass and borders .
History teaches lessons which you can forgive but not forget. Many Serbs have forgotten that in Russia they always had a friend including now. Remember “use i u svoje kljuse” first .
@ Mарко Марјановић
I would like to add few words as clearing a picture you painted …
” as nato serbia war was concluding yeltsin ordered rusian peacekeepers in bosnia ”
During those years yeltsin ruled rusia
his american friends and advisors from west
mercifully stole 3.000 bilion $ from rusia ,
in minerals , ores , gold ,… under very yeltsin eyes , so it means with his approval..
So , if yeltsin let american bankers stole that enormous money from rusia , roberry in fact , he was great enemy to rusian people , and he could not be considered to be helper to serbs.
He was enemy too serbs , also.
Then ,
who send those ” rusian peacekeepers ” , close to firemen maybe , to kosmet ?
Very likely group of rusian patriot officers from ranks of military and intel.
They were not doing it with offical approval , probably some desperate action , performed secretly from politicians in moscow. It was not expected , nor organized.
…. ” yeltsin … then relented and conceded airport anyway … ”
Yes , when liberal politicians in moscow learned what those officers completed ,
they ordered them to go back and leave area to nato…
Not to make yeltsin american friends angry for such irrational officers action.
Cost of keeping rusian contigent in kosmet was estimated to 20 milion $ ,
but rusia did not have that money , because all money went to west bankers ,
or yeltsin did not want to intefere with nato ocuapion of serbia.
If rusians kept their soldiers in kosmet then , situation in serbia would be different.
Probably montenegro would not enter nato , and probably not macedonia.
Rusia would have much stronger cards in balkan today.
…. ” so , yeah , in fact rusia did a lot more then merely complain in 1999 … ”
Rusia , official rusia , did nothing to help serbia during nato war against serbia.
There were teams of serbian army officers trained to operate s300 complex ,
only to complete delivey to serbia , but yeltsin asked for payment in gold.
Aware that serbia can not complete it , in fact denying delivey , letting nato bomb it.
So yes , as you say : ” yeltsin … as washington stooge ” ,
did everything to please his masters from west
pushing rusia into ambys , destroying rusian army and defense ,
helping west to create fifth column in rusia ,
that now got titles ” oligarchs ” , becoming rich robbing rusia and its citzens.
And today rusians are not able yet to deactivate those traps placed by yeltsin team.
The fact that Russia deteriorated under Yeltsin was a tragedy, not only for Serbia , but also for the world that will take decades to recover. .
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
I cannot blame Yeltsin the fool he had a mental illness characterized by delusions of why would anyone expect rational decisions about Serbia when he as unable to be rational in his own daily life. The security services of Russia failed the world not Yeltsin.
@ Pisano
… ” fact that rusia deteriorated under yelcin ” …
Yes , that was very true and sad. Just word “deteriorated” is rather mild , neutral.
Rusia was almost destroyed , in knockdown ,
by actions of combined efforts of western intel and khazar bankers from new york and london city.
Destruction of rusia is long and ruthless effort , starting at least from 1900 year , with first efforts to kill rusian emperor.
mi6 placed agents and work on destruction begun.
Intels and bankers organized first color revolution _ ” Red revolution ” ,
implanted comunism into rusian peasant society , and destruction started.
High ranking officers , police , especially secret police members, were british agents. Khazar bankers from NYC posted khazars inside rusia in highest political positions , ” political comessars ” and mercilless killing of rusian begun.
Milions were killed , who knows when would khazars stop killing rusians ,
if hitler did not start new war against rusia , to kill more and more milions of rusians.
And all those critical and tragical years for rusia , head of all rusian intel services , merciless lavrentiy beriya , was in fact highest ranked british spy inside rusia.
We may say rusian contra_intel failed, but with british agent on top of tops , who dared to question his loyalty.
And how many other mi6 agents are left after , and new brought into service on wave of liberal new world order doctrine still present in rusia high ranking bankers , politicians , oligarhs,… Coruption present on high level of bureocracy.
So , during those tragic years milions of honest , good , inocent, patriot rusians were killed , and bad , criminals , british spies , were left to lead politics in rusia.
Negative selection of cadres in full action of destruction.
Nowdays in form of liberals and antlantists.
It is not suprising than that such creatures as gorbachov and yelcin were also implanted to serve their british intel and khazar masters bankers , and gave their best efforts in destruction of rusia.
And they succeded , probably 99 % of rusia government still libeask infected.
Then nato made mistake , and started war against serbia , in 1999.
And small group of remaining rusian patriot army , intel officers , and probably few patriot politicians , realized that yelcin ” american friends ” ,
are just first testing attack options on serbia ,
that in fact they are preparing for real war against then weakened rusia.
So , yelcin and his american masters are to be stopped at once.
And as response , Putin was immidiatelly assigned to start work :
Make Rusia Great Again.
Hard and lenghty job.
Difficult with so many western liberals stil in highest positions left.
Putin was result of nato war against serbia. Else , under yelcin rusia would colapse.
… ” also for world that will take decades to recover ” …
Yes , you are right.
People throughout world are for , at least for 5 or 6 decades , under very strong psyops , gmo poisons , plenty harmfull chemicals , combined media lies from west ,
and are in fact like zomby creatures.
Zomby can not add his efforts to make life better , life of a free man.
So , unfortunately it might also take 5 or 6 decades to recover world picture.
… ” fault … in ourselves ” …
Yes , present day man is from his own side , from his own will , time is money rule,
disconnected from God , left his life to currents of demon forces ,
and is unable to fight for recovery of mankind and earth.
We are left with old folk wisdom , for centuries proven in hard and difficult times :
” u se i u svoje kljuse ” , or more nicer written : ” у се и у своје кљусе ” …
So , help us God ,..give us strength , we should ask , in decades to come …
You are right that this time the russians do not the gringos go first. But I think they will stand by side of the venezuelan if something go wrong. Russia try desperately not to increase the wars and use mainly the diplomatic way to solve the politics and their business .