[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
When I wrote my recent article “Deconstructing Islamophobia” I expected a rather outraged reaction from the usual circles, but I have to admit that the actual level of outrage and even pure rage really surprised me. In fact, I never realized that hatred for, and fear of, Islam had reached such a level, especially in the USA. From time to time I write something which really rattles the cages of those who like their reality simple, black and white, and who have a profound aversion for analysis, nuance or any form of complexity. But I have to admit that the article on Islamophobia is probably the one which resulted in the most hysterical outbursts of a weird kind of impotent rage. I therefore want to revisit this topic and give the other side a chance to respond to some of the absolutely unavoidable questions which western Islamophobia at least should elicit in the thinking person. Here are a few questions to which I would love to hear some fact based or logically developed answers.
But first, let’s make a few key assumption purely for argument’s sake.
- Islam is a religion of violence, it was spread with violence and it condones violence, including for religious reasons. In fact, Islam encourages violence in its followers.
- Islam is a medieval and barbaric religion. It is completely incompatible with western values.
- Immigrants from Muslim countries represent a clear and present danger for western societies and if their number exceeds a certain percentage they can take over a western society and impose their religious values including Sharia law.
Now, I think that even the most rabid Alt-Righter is at least vaguely aware that Islam has several schools of jurisprudence and theological interpretation, even if, by our definition, these schools are all equally “bad”. Which brings me to my first question for my detractors:
The question of discrimination
From their own words, it appears that Islamophobes have come to the conclusion that all this talk of different “strains” of Islam is totally useless and potentially self-deceiving. The truth is, at least according to the Islamophobes, that all of Islam is evil and dangerous, maybe with some minimal variations here and there, but only on the margins. Okay, if I take the point of view of the Latin Papacy towards what they called the “Photian Schismatics” (aka Orthodox Christians), there are three “solutions” the Latins came up with to “solve” the Photian Schism:
- Convert 1/3rd of the Orthodox Christians
- Expel another 1/3rd of the Orthodox Christians
- Murder the remaining 1/3rd of the Orthodox Christians
Since the Latin Papists are probably the most advanced and experienced “genociders” (not sure if that is English or not) in history, let’s apply their wisdom to the “Islamic problem” and offer the same “solutions”:
- Convert 1/3rd of 1.8 billion Muslims
- Expel 1/3rd of 1.8 billion Muslims
- Murder 1/3rd of 1.8 billion Muslims and, just to cover our bases
- any combination and ratio of the three solutions above
Yes, genocide, as a concept, was invented by the Papacy which was also the first to engage in it.
True, the leaders of the West never hated Islam as much as they hated Orthodoxy – hence their recurrent “ecumenical war coalitions” à la “Crimean War” or à la “NATO War Against the Serbian Nation”
So much for the so-called “Christian West”…
Now if that is our plan, then I suggest that discrimination between the various Muslim groups would be absolutely crucial. If you really and sincerely believe that you can convert, expel and/or murder 1.8 billion Muslims then I would like to also sell you a few bridges in prime locations on our beautiful planet, really. In fact, I would also offer to sell you the Moon, Mars and Venus for one cheap price since, truly, you apparently have no ability to think critically. Because, let’s be honest here, anybody with a minimal knowledge of history would immediately see that this plan is simply not doable, regardless of how much hatred one has for Islam and Muslims.
I submit that whether you hate Islam or not, the ability to discriminate between various “strands” of Islam (which is one of the things I have always advocated) is crucial irrespective of whether you think that Islam is a religion of peace or a religion of war.
So here is my first question: are you seriously advocating taking on and declaring your intention of aggressively dealing with a religion which has a total potential of 1.8 billion people closing ranks and resisting your aggression?
Next, comes the question of positive values
This is another basic and simple one. If you condemn Islam or even oppose it vs some western values, you should at least have a rough list of such western values which you want to defend and in the name of which you will oppose Islam in general and the potential actions of Muslim immigrants in the West. I mean, you cannot at the same time declare that Islam is “homophobic” AND declare that you are defending the values of the “Christian West”. Likewise, you cannot ban Sharia law for corporal punishment AND support torture in your own jails. Finally, you most definitely cannot accuse Islam of advocating the crushing of pluralism and free speech when you yourself use all the power of the state and the power of the corporations (which, in reality, own that state) to crush free speech and pluralism in your own country. If you prefer, you cannot oppose Islam BOTH in the name of Pope Pius XII AND Conchita Wurst.
So here is my next question: in the name of what, and with which values, do you propose to deal with Islam? what alternative model can you offer the Muslims which they might find as an attractive alternative? What are your (so-called) “Western values”?
If, say, “family” is a western value, who do you think did more to destroy it, the French themselves with the rabidly anti-religion and anti-family 1789 Revolution or the Arab Muslim immigrants (which the French capitalists deliberately imported into France, even with their entire families!). For all the (partially true) accusations of homosexuality being present in some (true, but not all!!) Muslim countries, who do you really think does more to show “understanding” and “an open mind” about homosexuality (even going as far as allowing homosexuals to adopt children!) – western Christians or Muslims?
Think carefully!
Next, the question of the dangers of what I call “ignoring Bismark”.
Bismark once famously wrote that “politics is the art of the possible”. I fully agree and I submit that this also applies to how non-Muslims ought to shape their relationship with the Muslim world. Next is the issue of intention vs capability. I call that:
The question of the commensurability of goals and means
Again, that is a very simple one. Whatever you propose to do with Muslims and Islam – first you need to make sure that you have the tools needed to implement your plans. Let’s take a simple example: France. According to a research paper from the Pew Foundation as of mid-2016, there were 5.7 million Muslims in France (8.8% of the country’s population) and Islam is the 2nd religion in France after Latin Christianity. Also check out this graphic from the same article, as it gives you estimates of the number of Muslims living in Europe.
In reality, however, the real number of Christians in France is artificially bloated because, just as in Russia, these figures simply include those who identify themselves as “Christians”, including in the cultural sense, and who, in reality, are not practicing Christians at all. I believe that since the proportion of Muslims who take their religion seriously is much higher than in Christianity (including Orthodox Christianity) and so if we really could compare the figures of God-fearing and pious Muslims versus God-fearing and pious Christians then the first religion of France (and probably Russia) already is Islam and not Christianity.
Still, since I cannot substantiate this in any way, let’s stick to the official figures and allow me to ask a few basic question about France (but they are valid for most western countries).
When you propose to expel Muslims from France, are you seriously contemplating the deportation of almost 6 million people?
Did I hear you say “oh no, we will only deport two categories: illegal immigrants and religious extremists”. That is all fine and well, but let me ask you how many people currently living in France qualify under these criteria? And, no less importantly, how many Muslims are there in France who do NOT qualify under your criteria, but who WOULD vehemently oppose the deportation of their family members, friends, members of their cultural or religious communities? How many of these “good Muslims” will demand due process in each case? How many of these “good Muslims” will also collect funds to oppose Islamophobic policies and propaganda?
Because one thing is clear: if you want to deport only illegal immigrants and all religious extremists, then maybe you have a chance. But if you declare “Islam per se” as the threat, then all you are doing is uniting all Muslims to resist you and your hatred of their religion. Not very smart, to put it very gently.
Alternatively, when you propose to curtail the religious rights of French Muslims, what tools of the state do you plan to use to enforce their compliance? The special services (intelligence? counter-intelligence? counter-espionage? counter-terrorist?). The police forces? The armed forces?
As somebody who has personally dealt with exactly that question (how to deal with mass social explosions of the future based on past experiences) from the inside I can tell you that this was one of the tasks which was often discussed in (strictly confidential) meetings between military, internal security and police experts in all western countries, even those who would never admit it. Furthermore, western powers also engaged in numerous (very interesting) command-staff exercises in which the issue of how to deal with explosions of social unrest were also modeled, tested and evaluated. I cannot discuss the details of our findings, but I can tell you this: neither the intelligence community, nor the police, nor the military are the correct “tool” to deal with such issues. Why? Because typically the intel community is already busy with other issues and has neither the manpower nor the finance to start seriously monitoring millions of people, especially when many of those millions speak a different language and have a very tightly knit community.
Neither are police forces a solution. They are much better trained in law than security or military personnel, but they lack both the expertise and, literally, the firepower needed to deal with severe social unrest or, even less so, a full-scale insurrection.
As for the military, it has plenty of firepower, but it is trained to destroy enemy forces. If the 92% majority chooses to unleash its armed forces against an 8% minority that is called a civil war and, by the way, that is EXACTLY what happened in the Ukraine and the Donbass. Do you really want that for your country?
In theory it is really simple: ban halal killing of animals (but don’t touch kosher animal killing), ban halal butcher shops (but not kosher shops), ban Quranic schools (but don’t touch Ulpanim or Yeshivas), ban mosques (but not synagogues), ban hijabs (but not sheitels, shpitzels or yarmulke), etc. If asked about this, the simple reply is that Islam is a medieval religion which is a religion of violence and wars whereas Rabbinical Judaism (aka Pharisaic Talmudism) is a progressive religion of love and peace, that’s all. Heck, the so-called “Christian West” has now even officially adopted the so-called Noahide Laws which declare Christianity a form of idolatry! Last, but certainly not least, wage war on as many Muslim countries as possible and allow Israel to turn you into a voiceless colony, proud of its host status, at least for the Judaic parasite.
Reality is very different however.
First, being the Judaic’s/Zionists’ “bitch” usually makes you hated and despised everywhere, including in Israel, by the way. That also inevitably alienates a big chunk of your patriotically-inclined population. But let’s ignore all that. In fact, let’s forget about the Middle-East and let’s assume that 92% of the French people are totally united behind a plan to “de-Islamize France”. Now think it through and you will immediately see the problem.
Even if only 1M of the 5M Muslims in France actually resist, your combined security/police/military forces could not deal with that kind of resistance without a huge bloodbath which will ruin your country (again, this is exactly what the Nazi-occupied Ukraine tried after the Euromaidan coup!). Furthermore, civil wars tend to radicalize people. Thus a mass deportation of Muslim immigrants will inevitably generate a sense of outrage combined with a much revived sense of what the French call “communautarisme”: a type of identity politics centered on the clan, the tribe, the ethnicity. In other words, those kinds of policies will only serve to create more, not less, crazed jihadis! Is that really a good idea? Civil war with a simultaneous rise of extremism? How smart is it to advocate for this?
Besides, are you really sure that you got the right target?
The question of cause and effect
When I was a small kid I was taught that pre-1917 Russia was some kind of Russian Orthodox heaven on earth. Everybody was heroic, kind, brilliant, the Russian people loved the Czar and the Court, they even loved the aristocracy and the intelligentsia. In other words, Russia was happy and if it wasn’t for the evil Jews and the evil Germans, nothing at all would have happened in 1917. When you are 10, that kind of narrative makes sense. But not when you are an adult (at least one would hope so!).
Simply put: there is simply no way that the thesis that Jews and Germans destroyed Russia can be sustained; it is prima facie ridiculous! Empires don’t simply collapse because of some foreign agents, that is counter-factual. Besides, if you look at which Russian social class did the most to destroy Russia, it ain’t the Jews or the Germans, it is the Russian aristocracy, especially the (comparatively) new Petrine aristocracy. Simply put, Russia has been under various degrees of foreign occupation since 300 years now, from Peter I to Eltsin. And the only reason why the Bolsheviks could seize power so easily is that all the Bolsheviks overthrew was the terminally incompetent regime of Kerensky which itself only came to power by means of a (absolutely illegal and immoral) coup against Nicholas II organized by, you guessed it, the Russian aristocracy and intelligentsia! Bolshevik Jews overthrew a totally corrupt, oligarchic regime which was Masonic through and through and which was no less russophobic than the Bolsheviks themselves.
There is a moral, social, cultural, psychological and even spiritual equivalent to AIDS. This is also an immunity disorder, but rather than affecting our biological immune system, it affects our moral, social, cultural, psychological and even spiritual “immune systems”. Pre-1917 Russia was suffering from “spiritual AIDS” (that category includes all the others, at least in my terminology) and probably *any* foreign hostile agent could have taken over in 1917. History decided that the Russian monarchy would collapse under the treacherous actions of the Russian elites, and that Russian democracy would collapse under the (no less treacherous) actions of the Bolsheviks. But if these had not seized power, than some other group, any group, would have eventually seized power. The ugly truth is that pre-1917 Russia was already dying and except for a (sizable and therefore important) minority of Christians which chose death over apostasy, most Russians by 1917 were spiritually blinded (if that topic interests you, read Solzhenitsyn, especially, his “Red Wheel” saga or any book by Ivan Solonevich and, especially, his “The Grand Fraud of February” (assuming you read Russian or can find a translation). Memoirs of those who actually witnessed 1917 are also most interesting.
Bottom line is this: empires fall when they are weak and that fall always begins with a loss of identity.
Now, Alt-Righters & Co. blame others (Jews, Muslim, Blacks, immigrants, whatever) for what they perceive as a loss of identity for White westerners. They are both right and wrong. They ARE right when they observe a loss of identity of White Westerners, that is quite true, but they are naive to the extreme when they attribute it to “others” (whatever “others” happen to be blamed at that moment). The truth is that many factors have come together to de-Westernize the West. And yes, the West was mostly White. I find racial categories poorly defined, thus useless and even misleading. But even I won’t deny that Europe is a White continent. I just don’t think that color is what defines it, or makes it different from other parts of the world, but the notion that other races played a major other role in European history (other than that of victims of European imperialism, of course) is rather silly. Okay, the Arabs (if you want to think of them as Brown as opposed to White), did contribute a lot to the rediscovery of antiquity by a Europe which was mostly ignorant, but even that influence should not be exaggerated either. And yes, the Judaics were successful in infiltrating and subordinating the Vatican to their ideology, but most of that really only happened after WWII.
What Alt-Righters & Co. fail to realize is that most European borders are completely artificial, along with some of the main European countries (Germany and Italy for starters!). Furthermore, Europe always lived through wave after wave of immigrants (just like Russia, by the way), and none of them made Europe weaker. If we want to be really honest we would admit that those who did the most to destroy Europe were the clueless European ruling classes which committed collective suicide during WWI. Only then came the man who did even more than anybody else to destroy Europe, and he was a famous European nationalist: Adolf Hitler. In a way, Europe did with WWI what Russia did in February 1917 (suicide) and Europe did in WWII what the Bolsheviks did to Russia (rule of fanatic extremists). First came the clueless “democrats” and “liberals” and only THEN came the tough SOBs.
When I see the USA today, or the EU, I see a civilization which committed suicide long before any immigrants, foreigners, heretics, or any other “other” came to use a opportunity which presented itself.
The real traitors to Russia are first and foremost Russians themselves (say the Russian aristocracy)
The real traitors to the United States are first and foremost US Americans themselves (say the Dems and the Hillary & Biden gang of Neocons)
The real traitors to Europe are first and foremost Europeans themselves – say those who first bomb barrier nations to immigration, like Libya, and then whine when a tsunami of african immigrants crosses Libya and the Mediterranean to find a better life (by the way – these countries are in a shape Trump would refer to as “shithole” primarily – even if not entirely – courtesy of the collective West who turned these parts of the world into shitholes in the first place!).
I find it hilarious when US Americans complain about Hispanic immigration. They don’t realize that these immigrants from Latin America are a real blessing: they are family oriented, hard working people who do not contribute to criminality at all (Ron Unz proved that a long time ago) and who are much more Christian than most US Americans. If you really want to defend your “Western Civilization” then the first step might be to completely open the border with Mexico and declare that all Latin Americans are welcome to live in the USA. And if the US is concerned about too many Latin American immigrants coming to the USA, then the first thing to do to stop that trend is to stop Yankee imperialism in all its forms and finally give the countries of Latin America a chance to prosper in peace.
Instead, US ‘patriots’ want to keep their country Christian and White by reducing the amount of Hispanics currently living in the USA. All I will say is this: be careful, very careful, for what you wish for!
So are you really so sure that Mexican or Salvadorian immigrants are such a big threat to the “western civilization”?
Is it not high time for what is left of the so-called “West” to decide once and for all what it stands for and what kind of immigrants it wants or not?!
My humble suggestion is this: define once and for all what your so-called western values really are, then have the courage to stand up for them, always, and you might find that Muslims or immigrants are really not a problem at all. Or keep hating the wrong people and witness the end of your civilization by suicide.
The last question: and what about those pesky and evil Russkies? What have they been up to recently?
Well, very much UNLIKE the West, the “New Russia” of Putin has made major efforts to forge an alliance with traditional Islam against the western-backed Takfiris! I cannot discuss it all here, but I covered this issue in my article “Russia and Islam, connecting the dots and discerning the future“. I will summarize it here by quoting just the key part of the article:
Russia is also a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) which brings together China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan , Russia , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan , India and Pakistan. Let’s look at the approximate number of Muslims in the SCO countries: China 40’000’000 , Kazakhstan 9’000’000, Kyrgyzstan 5’000’000, Russia 10’000’000, Tajikistan 6’000’000 , Uzbekistan 26’000’000, India 180’000’000, Pakistan 195’000’000. That’s a grand total of 471 million Muslims. Add to this figure the 75’000’000 Iranians which will join the SCO in the near future (bringing the grand total to 546’000’000) and you will see this stunning contrast: while the West has more or less declared war on 1.8 billion Muslims, Russia has quietly forged an alliance with just over half a billion Muslims! Russian nationalists (as opposed to Russian patriots) did try their best to infect Russia with her own brand of Islamophobia, but that movement was defeated by an absolutely uncompromising stance by Vladimir Putin himself who went as far as stating that: “I need to say that, as I have repeated many times before, from its beginning Russia had formed as a multiconfessional and multiethnic state. You are aware that we practice Eastern Christianity called Orthodoxy. And some theorists of religion say that Orthodoxy is in many ways closer to Islam than to Catholicism. I don’t want to evaluate how true this statement is, but in general the coexistence of these main religions was carried out in Russia for many centuries. Over the centuries we have developed a specific culture of interaction, that might be somewhat forgotten in the last few decades. We should now recall those, our national roots.”
By the way, this trend was also noted in the Alt-Right & Co. circles which then penned articles such as “Putin May Look Like an Ethno-Nationalist, But He’s Too Cozy With Russia’s Muslim Minority” I consider the entire Alt-Right movement a pure creation of the US Deep State and I consider most of what these folks claim to be counter-factual and illogical nonsense. But in this case, the author is *spot on* about Putin. He indeed is way too sophisticated to engage in ethno-nationalism. But what the author completely fails to realize are two basic facts:
- Russians are not, and have never been, ethno-nationalists
- Putin is a pure product of Russia’s history, he is not a fluke or an exception
By the way, there are also Muslims out there who broke free from the Neocon narrative (the Takfiri narrative IS a Neocon-promoted narrative) and who now seek an alliance with countries like Russia. The best known Islamic leader who openly advocates this is, of course, my dear friend Sheikh Imran Hosein. But he is not alone. In Russia Ramzan Kadyrov has embarked on the immense task of convincing his fellow-Muslims that Takfirism is not Islam and that Russia can be the ideal protector of true Islam. Why? Russia is unique in several ways:
- Russians don’t fear Islam (even if they remember 12 wars against the Ottomans!)
- Most officials of the Russian security services are either atheists, or agnostics or Orthodox Christians (they are thus much harder to infiltrate with crazed jihadis)
- Most Russian Muslims are Sunni (Shia Muslims are the traditional #1 enemy of Takfiris, but this issue is more complicated in Sunni countries and communities).
- The kind of Islam practiced by Russian Muslims is very traditional and conservative, which is very much “in tune” with the rest of the (mainly “culturally Orthodox”) Russian society.
I believe that mix to be unique to Russia (please do correct me if I am wrong!) and that unique historical mix means that the Sunni community of Russia is the best protected (by the “almighty FSB” amongst others) and at the same time the least likely to be seduced by Takfiri theories!

Ethno-nationalism at its best…
As for the outlet which posted that article, I would simply note that it is not a surprise for me to see such inanities posted by folks who run their donation campaigns with photos of Nazi soldiers…
In the past they censored my use of the word “Zionist”. Now this: True, genuine, ethno-nationalism at its best, I suppose…
Russians typically hate all of that, especially Nazism. No wonder when you consider the price Russia paid for crushing about 80% of Hitler’s forces (but not before the latter killed 27+ million Russians and declared us all to be “subhuman”).
Back to the real world now: the Kremlin is not naive about how much power and influence the AngloZionist Empire still has, especially over Takfiri terrorist groups. So next to this defense of traditional Islam, the Russians have also developed a tool to deal with BOTH influxes of illegal immigrants AND Takfiri terrorism: the Russian National Guard. In 2016 I wrote an article “Putin creates a Russian National Guard” in which I outlined the structure, function and purpose of the NGR (National Guard of Russia) and I won’t repeat it all here except to give you a few figures of what units/subunits were used to form this internal security force:
- Troops of the Interior Ministry (about 170’000 soldiers)
- Personnel from the Ministry of Emergency Situations
- The OMON riot police forces (about 40’000 soldiers)
- The SOBR rapid-reaction forces (about 5000+ soldiers)
- The Special Designation Center of the Operational Reaction Forces and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs including the Special Forces units “Zubr”, “Rys’” and “Iastreb” (about 700+ operators)
In my 2016 article I added that “so we are talking of a total force of about 250’000 soldiers which will probably reach 300’000 in the near future”. In fact, the latest current figure is 340’000!
Simply put, that is a force which CAN deal with any refugee crisis and “lock” the Russian border, especially with the help of the superbly trained 170’000 Border Guards, bringing the total of highly trained professionals who can lock any segment of the Russian border to over HALF A MILLION (510,000 exactly)!
Just for perspective sake, the armed forces of France total only 302,700 personnel on active duty (including the Gendarmerie) backed by another 87’300 reservists and 17’000+ “deployed personnel” for a grand total of 407’000. And I won’t even go into the training, equipment, rules of engagement, etc. issues.
So on one hand we have the West, in free fall since at least 2001, unable to even close its borders, never-mind protecting them. This same West wants to be White again and while it really ditched any pretense of Christianity decades ago, it finds it expedient to expand its hatred from “just immigrants” to Muslims and Islam in general.
Russia, on the other hand, currently with the most powerful military on the planet, AND one of the very best and most effective internal security forces (the FSB and the equally formidable FSO ) still found it prudent to field a large and very powerful internal security force like the “Federal National Guard Troops Service of the Russian Federation” (full official name of the RNG).
Why is that? (that is also an important question!).
I will just mention in conclusion that Muslims form a large minority among Russian special forces, anti-terrorist forces, military police, etc. They are still often supervised by non-Muslims, but that is mostly for political reasons. If the non-Muslim Russian special forces (or anybody else) had real problems with Muslims, they would never agree to go into combat with them. The reality is the opposite. By the way, Czarist Russia had Muslim units, as did the Soviet Union (including the famous “Muslim Battalion” which participated in one of the most amazing operations in the history of special forces: the seizure of the Amin Palace in Kabul in 1979).
And now I will conclude with my last question for western “ethno-nationalists” and other islamophobes:
Are you sure you are strong enough to take on Russia AND China AND Iran AND the entire Muslim world? Considering your advanced state of decay (which Alt-Righters deplore, therefore also implicitly admit), do you really think that by declaring urbi et orbi that Islam is evil and a threat to your “way of life” (nevermind local converts to Islam, a rapidly growing segment of the population of the West) you are doing yourself or your country a favor? And beware of the Dunning Kruger Effect :-)
One thing is sure: Russia will never become an Alt-Right or otherwise Islamophobic country. So don’t count on Russia to support you in your war against Islam.
The Saker
My disgust with this 5th Crusade and holocaust against Muslims has been expressed in other articles here. My Western values are pretty simple. They are the Western values that have been destroyed by the government and the power brokers. My Western values would be to return to the constitution and its amendments and other specific solutions expressed in the past by me. They have nothing to do with religion, race, or ethnicity. If someone were to take a look at who has successfully managed to impose their will on America and exploit evryone else, no sane and rational person could argue that Muslims have successfully done that, unless they would be referring to the petrodollar and support of Saudi Arabia, which was not a Muslims idea, but Nelson Rockefeller’s and Henry Kissinger’s who are and were not closet Muslims, or open Muslims either.
Evidently the Hoverment ( intentional ) and power brokers believe that corruption and global and domestic terrorism, war, and human rights abuses are western values.
The crusade was of course a defensive action after Islam had subjugated several christian countries throught conquest, rape and genocide, as Islam does even in the west today. Mass-rape of white children is now everyday in the western world.
Including crusade against north-eastern christians and then against Catars in France?
Those also were defensive actions against Islam?
That is quite an unusual take on things, considering how far Rome is from the Middle East! Even Jesus fought Rome!
‘Render unto Caesar….’.
Yes, the bible does say that Jesus said that but actually, Jesus strongly opposed Rome and tax collectors, which is what the actual readon of his crucifixition was. He didn’t think that people should pay taxes, and tax collectors were referred to as sinners. Jesus was a radical. He opposed oppression, government, and taxes.
Luke 23
Then the whole assembly led off by Pilate. And they began to accuse him saying, “We have found this man who subverted our nation. He opposes payment of taxes to Ceasrand claims to beChrist King.”
This is why it is important to look at the big picture of his message, which so many fail to do. Things also to take into consideration are that this is a different era. But the overall message of non-violence, kindness, love, forgiveness, charity, compassion, and truth and also rebellion against oppressors, are what the over-all message is, in my opinion.
@ Andrea Iravani
“But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.” Mathew 17:27
When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!” Matthew 27:24
How can anyone say Jesus was a radical that opposed the Roman authorities and who moreover would take the words of the Jewish Sanhedrin and Pharisees over the words of the Roman leaders who found no fault in him?
Further Jesus was homeless hardly the kind of individual who was busy working making a life for himself money wise:
And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” Luke 9:58
It’s all rather simple for me . If the only choices I have as Gods representative on earth are A – Jesus Christ , the Prince of Peace , who said to “ love your enemies and thou shalt not kill “ or B – Mohammed, who ordered , and maybe even participated in , the killing of people who opposed his movement then it’s not even a choice . The answer is obvious . Of course you can reject both but that’s another debate which will end with the same answer .
The Pharisees didn’t demand Jesus’s crucifixion because he was opposed to paying taxes. They sought his death because they hated him for calling them out on their hypocrisy. (See Matthew chapter 23.) When Jesus said “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, and to God that which is God’s,” He was telling His followers not to confuse our obligations to God with our obligations to the government. The “big picture” of Jesus’s message is summed up in a few words He spoke in John 14:6.
How far was Rome from the ME? In the time of Jesus, six days of navigation. But Rome WAS in the ME. The ME was Roman, became quickly Christianized and remained so for 600 more years.
BTW, Jesus did not fight Rome, “give Caesar what belongs to Caesar”, “My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now, My kingdom is not of this realm.” “Then You are a king!” Pilate said. “You say that I am a king,” Jesus answered. “For this reason I was born and have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to My voice.”
Very interesting exegesis, Saker.
Shall be interesting to see who climbs up onto the saddle to ride this challenge.
My view of Islam is filtered by looking at the billion or so Muslims who don’t live strange lives with strict rules and who get along with non-Muslims.
Contemporary Islam has been radicalized, and from listening to many Muslims who really care about their religion, they yearn for religious reform. All religions of major consequence have gone through reforms. Islam is still unreformed, thus, it can be a dangerous ideology. Just as all the other religions have demonstrated.
Reform as in changing original teachings of Islam and or replace them with new ideologies that suits “Westerners” and also fits the “new era”? Please kindly explain what you mean by reform in religion. Thanks.
“When I wrote my recent article “Deconstructing Islamophobia” I expected a rather outraged reaction from the usual circles, but I have to admit that the actual level of outrage and even pure rage really surprised me. In fact, I never realized that hatred for, and fear of, Islam had reached such a level, especially in the USA.”
American national identity and indeed national unity itself are based on hatred of the Other.
That is the only thing that truly holds America together–not any concern with freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law, Constitution, blah, blah, blah. These so-called core American values exist largely as meaningless propaganda slogans to be regurgitated like a well-trained parrot.
It is hatred that unites the United States.
Islam is only of many objects of America’s Two Minutes of Hate, particularly in the context of the USA’s (fake) War on Terrorism.
Latino immigrants are another hate object, in the USA’s undeclared war on illegal immigration.
And of course, hatred of Russia and now China are increasing to a fever pitch in America’s New Cold War.
Then, there is America’s traditional–though now more politically incorrect–hatred of African Americans.
Americans are a very sick nation–violent, sociopathic, belligerent, and filled with a fanatical belief that only they (along with the Anglos or Zionists) are the Exceptional people and Indispensable nation.
America is Oceania.
And its Two Minutes of Hate are now 24/7.
iIt is hatred that unites the United States.
-This is true, but it is of course hatred for heterosexual, conservative white Christians, especially heterosexual white male Christians that unifies the American elite. Just like in all western countries Latinos, and all other non-whites are given privileges by affirmative action and such.
The western state could be called genocidal states since the only function of their government is the destruction of their white founding population.
“By 2050, the US will be a ‘majority-minority’ country, with white non-Hispanics making up less than half of the total population.”
“Census reveals white Britons as minority in capital for first time”
Yes, the American regime is putting conservative White Protestant Heterosexual male citizens in immigrant concentration camps and their kids in cages…. oh wait, the American regime is doing that to Latinos and their children.
Immigrant Kids Keep Dying in CBP Detention Centers, and DHS Won’t Take Accountability
A Border Patrol Agent Reveals What It’s Really Like to Guard Migrant Children
White Victimologists really love to stand reality on its head and have a Pity Party for the poor oppressed Anglos, Zionists, Americans–in order to conceal their own crimes.
Hatreds in the USA are multilateral, one group against others. Heterosexual, White, conservative, male Christians, can be pretty hateful of others, too. And even of one another and themselves. However some of these paragons are undoubtedly free, completely or relatively, of hatred of others. It takes all sorts, as they say.
and filled with a fanatical belief that only they (along with the Anglos or Zionists) ar
-Anglos are an ethnic group that is hated by their governments and quickly made into marginalized minority thanks to massive state sponsored programs of mass-immigration.
Zionists are Jews nationalist.
What on earth does anglos have to do with each-other? Anglos are hated by Zionist, anglos are an ethnic group while Zionist are a ideological group.
IMO Islam has reached critical mass. There’s no more a doubt about its survival or flourish. They should get off that mindset and live in peace with others. It’s a very simple and straight forward religion, that’s why it would gain so many followers in such a short time. Go back to the basics and kick all these mullah’s with their fatwa’s out. It needs to be localized now onward to survive. If not it’ll meet the same fate as Catholism, and I think that’s what all the trouble makers want. To collapse under its own weight.
IMO Islam has reached critical mass. There’s no more a doubt about its survival or flourish.
No muslim fears about the survival of islam, as the Quran states ” …. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you.”(47:38).
They should get off that mindset and live in peace with others
If you come to our lands with guns and state openly that you will ‘bomb us back to the stone age’, why do you think that we will not look at the west negatively.
Go back to the basics and kick all these mullah’s with their fatwa’s out.
Our mullahs were our guides since centuries (the were slaughtered en masse, mass hangings tied to the canon mouth and blown up by the British in the subcontinent because they were the first to oppose british colonialism). Back then the used to fear allah and not the lack of green papers. Iran wouldn’t have been what it is now had it not been for the ayatollahs, the afghan resistance to NATO occupation wouldn’t have been there had it not been for the mullahs. Yes, there are religious leaders who misguide muslims but we read our scripture regularly and have good knowledge of our religion as compared to the average jew or christian to point out a religious leader who leads us astray.
It needs to be localized now onward to survive. If not it’ll meet the same fate as Catholism,
You see us with your western lens, our golden age came when we followed our religion collectively and with unity, your golden age came when you (the west) rejected your religion (Catholism and it’s various strands) and engaged in nationalism. Localization can never happen in muslims as it goes against the basic teachings of islam
This essay is an interesting and rare example where “painting the picture” in broad strokes, even in slightly crude strokes, is more accurate than giving a zillion details.
Saker really got to the point, mentioning the centrality of the collective suicides of the Western elites 1914-1918, and the utter failure of the Russian elite 1894-1923. The other big issue which Saker touched on indirectly, is that the leaders of the various Christian religions in the West are frauds – mostly agnostics or atheists. If they were real Christian believers, they would never have allowed the destruction of Christian communities in Palestine and Syria, nor would Mr. Bergoglio, who performs miracles of white-washing, refer to Jews categorically as “elder brothers.” Someone needs to write a book or pamphlet about how to unmask non-believers who occupy high church offices. Four decades ago, I met a student at a big seminary run by a very mainstream Protestant church, and he said that all the students – at least every student he knew personally which was several dozen – were simply atheists, as were all but one of his professors. He wanted to be a minister because it’s a well-paid job with short hours and benefits such as free housing and company car.
In the last two decades, Catholic priests have intentionally been recruited with the “carrot” of social prestige. Humble followers of Christ, like a few old priests I’ve known ? Not at all. Are they atheists ? If they were, they wouldn’t dare say so. A friend was a nun; having seen the hypocrisy of the Maryknol Order up close for 25 years, she lost her faith. Her superiors counseled her to say nothing and to quietly keep working, because losing faith was a very common problem, and if she admitted to having become an atheist, the order would turn her out into the street. She got out when she turned 50, and started a new life. It was a very good thing it didn’t take her 35 years to wise up.
It’s worth noting that atheism does not pose a crisis within the tribe of Jews because their goals and their reason for cohesion, post 1942, have become political and material, not religious. You can also say that about the tribe of Mormons.
The fact of suicide of the elites, and fraudulent church leaders are two big “elephants in the room” and that stench must inform any attempt to answer the old question of “What Must Be Done?”
Replace the word atheist with devilworshipers, and you have got it right!
The source of the current wave of Islamophobia is israel and its zionazi support network. This is where the cure needs to begin.
Spot on… the zionazi support network is vested in the media networks who feed Alt.right with Islamophobia. BTW their main tool is the argument that Islam is not a religion but an ideology. This makes it easier for Alt.right (and the ignorant brainwashed masses who consider themselves to be part of an imaginary Judeo-Christian value system) to nurture their hatred of Islam.
Well let’s see.
1.) The USA only exists as a mercenary army for Israel, thus it makes sense to have the hair-lips hate the Muslims, as that is who Israel wants killed. Trump, Bannon, alt-right all this is/was manufactured by ANZ, you don’t send an army to die&fight, unless you first demonize, and de-humanize the ‘enemy’ ( of the week I might add )
2.) The CIA created the EU, to largely do the same thing they did with USA, to make all of Europe into a Merc-Army owned by Israel.
The question beg’s to be asked, after they have killed all the muslims, will the quit, or go after the russians?
U decide??
Operation Paperclip,
Regarding your assertion that the CIA created the EU, do you have any evidence to support that? The CIA creating the EU does not make any sense, not that the CIA ever does anything that makes sense, but if one were to assume that that CIA exists solely for the purposes of The MIC, Federal Reserve, and fossil fuel industries, the CIA creating the EU would harm all of those, not help them, so it seems hard to believe that the CIA would have created the EU. I would agree that maybe the globalists like Soros created the EU, and Zionists, for protection, but the EU was designed for the purpose of competing against America, but we have a government that colluded in the 9/11 attacks, so who in the hell knows what these diabolical treasonists are really doing!
You can rest assured that they have plenty more up their sleeve that hardly no one knows what they are really doing. P.S. But 9-11 wasnt one of them.
It was reported by Telegraph 3 years ago that EU was created by the CIA. It’s known news. The Telegraph is the one most respected newspaper in London.
It would be like NYT admitting that the USA was owned by Zionist-Israel, that USA was a dog on a leash, held by BIBI.
This is the main reason people voted for Brexit, is that they didn’t want to be under “CIA Control”, even though the City of London actually controls the CIA ( OSS was British ).
Everybody knows that the EU was created by CIA, this is the reason for Brexit. To not be under the CIA yoke, joing the EU in first place legitimized the EU, but long term British Elite never intended to live under the CIA administration of Europe.
The reason CIA created the EU, was to do exactly what they have done, destroy Europe, just like they have destroyed the USA.
The CIA is the “Corporation”, it is the “South Sea Corporation” that never died from the 1600’s, just like anglo-zionism, its been around forever and treats all country’s as colony’s.
Thanks for the information Operation Paperclip!
This was news that I had never heard before.
I think that the DNC, RNC, and Federal Reserve must be under supervision of the Kremlin and KGB. There has been a history of transfers of assets between the two governments and parties and banks, in addition to colluding together in World War 1 and World War 2.
Kennedy also met with Kruschef, and Ronald Reagan met with Gorbachev, so it all adds up.
I said it last article, I’ll say it again, Islamiphobia is a Western, City of London, Five Eye MSM construct, period. The views are not held by the majority of western people (zenophobic red necks aside). Islamiphobia is fed 24/7 by the newscycle, and everyone with a wit of intilligence (fewer that one might expect) knows who owns the ‘news’. Why not call out the people who own, control, contort, the media cycle. Why conflate the issue with an us vs them when it’s a smoke and mirror construct designed to divide. What group of people (animals in my book) would do such an evil thing…………….would you support people who report the shooting of pregnant women or shoot children in the head as some type of sport. Support people who sit on hillsides and cheer as bombs drop on innocent men, women, and children.
Time to stop pissin’ around the bush.
Absolutely. Trace almost any Islamophobic rabble-rouser and you will see that they are Zionazis themselves, or are financed and promoted by Zionazi elites. And if you dare to even hint that you think Palestinians are human beings and their eternal repression, oppression, murder, torture, dispossession and humiliation by Israel is a crime against humanity, then, like Corbyn, you will be inundated by filthy lies that you are an ‘antisemite’, an accusation for which there is no defence allowed anywhere in the West. Indeed attempting to defend yourself is a sure sign that you are a ‘Holocaust denier’, peddler of ‘blood libels’ and an admirer of Hitler.
Short of invoking the holy war, and staying at the safe zone of “purely for argument’s sake”
this is a unbelievable GREAT analysis!
This is definitely for the adults in the room and I fear, may cause mental disturbance to the children :)
Still there is so much to learn and ponder from your very spledid piece here, Saker.
Traditionally and historically, china has been doing business with the muslim for ages too!
Its unfortunate the is a component of extremism of world conquering doctrine in there… personally I blame the heat in the desert when it was penned…
SUPER thanks for taking time for this post.
I shall re-read it many times over again in the weekend! Much to think about The Coming Future :)
Thank you Saker, for my part your writings are hugely helpful.
With all due respect to what The Saker has written, but I beg to differ in attitude. The first Muslim invasion of Europe was in the 8th century, when Arab Muslims invaded Spain, butchering 480.000 Spaniards who refused to convert to Islam. After that the Arabs invaded France, to be defeated by Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 732. Th second Muslim invasion of Europe was in the 14th century, instigated by Ottoman Turks, who on two occasions, in the 16th and 17th centuries, besieged Vienna. The third Muslim invasion is the current one, where false “migrants” and “refugees” are invading Europe, abusing international conventions. Just to point out that in the past 100 years the populations of Africa, Asia and the Middle East have increased by ten times, creating immense social and economic problems for those regions. The answer is emigration to Europe, including the US, Australia and New Zealand. Saudi Arabia, for example, has refused to accept a single “refugee” from the Middle East, even though it has 100.000 air conditioned tents with kitchens and bathrooms, which can accept 3 million people. However, it has very generously offered to finance 400 mosques in Germany. We now have no-go zones in Sweden and France, where Sharia law is practiced. Muslims assimilating in European cultures ? No way. They want Europeans to assimilate to their ways. That is the unfortunate truth, as attested by the situations in France, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, etc.
“…when Arab Muslims invaded Spain, butchering 480.000 Spaniards who refused to convert to Islam.”
And how many Spaniards were there when the Muslims first landed in Iberia? Do you know?
I’ve read this tripe before on this blog; only then you said that that was the number of Goths/Spaniards killed in a battle but never mind.
What were the other European powers doing during the period of Ottoman advances into Europe going as far as Vienna? Why, they were busy advancing into the Indies and Americas of course. The Portuguese came to my neck of the woods and colonised various parts of it as did the Spanish, Dutch and English. And they were successful too in converting the natives, so much so that the formerly Muslim Philippines is now the only Catholic country in the whole of South East Asia. I don’t suppose the people of the Americas picked up Portuguese or Spanish through their love of Romance literature, do you?
But all this is unimportant. The main thing is, if you substitute Muslim for Christian and Ummah (nation) for Europe, you’d sound exactly like a seditious maniacal mullah inciting his clueless congregation to commit an atrocity somewhere. You and he would be two faces on the same coin.
Most wars between Muslims and Christians were motivated more by vulgar lust for power and riches rather than seeking ‘remissio peccatorum’. This is true for both Muslims and Christians. Even during the Crusades, there were alliances between Christians and Muslims against other Christians or Muslims. You’d be surprised to learn that Alexius Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor who requested help from the West resulting in the First Crusade — though that was not his intention — allied with Qilij Arslan, a Muslim Turkish ruler, to see off Bohemond when the Norman (and original First Crusader) decided that the Balkans (Alexius’s) would make a fine addition to his realm in Palestine.
So you see BF, there’s lots of greys, not just black and white, in this increasingly complex and contentious world of ours and that’s what the Saker is trying to do with this fine article — to help us better to see the greys and perhaps recognise the real enemy of mankind, the agents of the Antichrist, the zionazis.
Stand Easy
You stated “I’ve read this tripe before on this blog; only then you said that that was the number of Goths/Spaniards killed in a battle but never mind”. I never wrote that, ie. that 480.000 Goths/Spaniards were killed in battle. I was talking about civilians.
The zyonazis seem indeed to be behind the spread of Islam around the world. If so, they may be planning the submission of all humanity to their command, and for this reason chose Islam as their tool. It may work…
Should I tell you the history Nigeria where I come from?
When the European Christians came to our land, they murdered our men and converted our women to Christians, then they changed our political systems, our education systems, rewrote our history and gave us a new story to believe.
Now my question is: just like The Saker asked, how are the Arab Muslims who invaded your beloved Europe different from the European Christians who invaded my beloved Africa?
Yes, genocide, as a concept, was invented by the Papacy which was also the first to engage in it.
-And here I thought genocide was a part of human history since the beginning of time, I guess there was no genocides than before Christianity huh? You better inform the historian that Wu Hu genocide and Punic genocide and other genocides that preceded the papacy actually didn’t happen.
Regarding genocides, read Deuteronomy.
The principle is well established there.
The oldest extant descriptions of the ways and means of genocide, and insistent incitements to its use, are in the Torah/Old Testament. There may have been earlier such ‘religious’ depictions and demands for genocide, but they have been lost to time.
“As of today, the Scandinavian country has 29 troubled areas, which are all characterised by a high share of immigrants and formally classed as ghettos.
Over 11,000 people will have to find a new place to live in the aftermath of the Danish government’s plan to eradicate ghettos, Danish Radio reported.
In addition, over 5,500 will have to be temporarily resettled due to reconstruction issues.
In a bold attempt to weed out social problems such as unemployment, crime and segregation, associated with a high percentage of immigrants, billions of kroner will be spent on demolishing public housing and reshaping entire areas…..”
Sputnik article
How about the fact according studies that only 5% of Muslim population in Netherlands are practicing Islam religion daily and staggering 80% hardly at all? Or than according German studies 40% of Iranians living in Germany had no idea about religion of Islam at all. More than western people (and Saker) are thinking: large proportion of Muslims in Europe are actually more or less passive with their religion. As mostly just about 5% of people generally are taking religions very seriously.
BTW, friend of mine (agnostic) married French-Sub Saharan black Muslim woman and none of her friends have never treated that couple during their about 8 years marriage. Muslim religion and Muslims really are demonized in west.
Saker…. Whatever happened to treat others how you would like them to treat you Regardless of religion, skin colour, ethnicity, age, sexuality, homeless or a millionaire, whether someone has spent the last 3 years in jail.
If I come across as ‘utopian’ sobeit, as there is so much divisiveness and hatred on this planet now. Much of it deliberately stoked and propagated by the 0.01% so their rule continues unimpeded while we’re all arguing amongst ourselves. Needlessly.
I have no problem if someone is Muslim. What business is it of mine? I do however have a major problem if someone tries to push their religion onto me. This almost always comes from Christian fundamentalists.
So, what role has Neoliberalism played in the impending downfall of Western civilisation? Or did the rot begin before the introduction of this parasitic dogma that greatly increases inequality and has unleashed greed as a virtue upon the World (Gordon Gecko).
Also, as someone who opposes Neoliberalism and imperialism, I believe that a form of Ecosocialism would be a vastly fairer, more humane and equitable system as opposed to the social darwinian ponzi scheme we have now that is screwing so many.
I have noted the accusations at numerous sites that the Bolsheviks were actually agents of the Rothschilds, Warburgs and Rockefellers. Is this true, or is this an internet conspiracy theory?
> Whatever happened to treat others how you would like them to treat you
Simple maxims are limited in their applicability.
Would you like to be treated by BDSM gay exactly how he himself wishes to be treated?
> I do however have a major problem if someone tries to push their religion onto me
Public rituals – are them pushing or not?
Faculty or mandatory lessons in schools?
Demands on code of dress and conduct of service workers?
Requirement for public services like groceries to have religion-approved food in the shelves?
Can religion be a matter considered when applying for job? Even if it is intimate jobs like babysitter? Even if it is job in religious institution?
What about Mormons and their marriage habits, tolerated century ago and no more? Were them being victims of our “humanistic faith pushed onto them” ?
Where is it exactly, where “your freedom ends” ?
Forgive me if I am mistaken. I am not trying to cause offense, but your questions and the areas of ‘conflict’ you present here appear to me as part of the infection which has been deliberately engineered into the west through media, education, etc. It is this promotion of all manner of bizarre lifestyles which is to be accepted and if you don’t, you are intolerant, except the ones who are really intolerant are those who demand you accept their bizarre lifestyles.
Where does one’s freedom end? perhaps when it violates another’s conscience and tries to force onto them what they would not normally accept.
I could pick anything from your list but let’s take applying for a job, for example a job in a religious institution (or any other institution). They have certain standards that are sacred and must not be violated. What gives you, for example, the right to work for them and violate and offend their standards? They have every right to their freedom within their own institutions. Look at it from a more secular point of view. Say I run a business that involves much interaction personally with the pubic. I have every right to demand a certain form of conduct and dress if you are going to work for me. You represent my company and me. So, if you come to work stoned or you are a habitual thief, expect to be fired.
I am an Orthodox Christian. Should I be offended if I see Muslims walking on the street all decked out in their particular clothing? It is up to them how they dress. They are not trying to force me to follow what they do. If their dress or lack thereof violates all decency then it should not be allowed. Of course, the west is now in such decay that now such public moral conscience is almost gone and what I consider an offense to pubic morality is accepted as normal and I am vilified as intolerant. I wear a cross. I say short prayers and cross myself a lot. If that offends you, too bad. You don’t have to do the same.
Arioch: thanks for your reply.
I ignore public rituals I am not interested in. Its that simple.
Regards your example of ‘religion approved foods’ I don’t see Any problem with that, and whether it’s Halal or Kosher is irrelevant to me if it tastes good. And I’ve eaten both before many times and I’m not Muslim or Jewish.
The same with the Mormon religion. That is their religion and their beliefs. I don’t have Any problem with that.
The point of my comment was simplicity and tolerance of others regardless of Who they are.
You do have to worry about the ‘humanity’ of death by throat-cutting for animals, in Judaism and Islam, and that Male Genital Mutilation known as circumcision.
Gezzah was only quoting Jesus of Nazareth, and numerous other religious figures over the centuries.
Thanks Mulga. Way way too much division in the World and way way too much hate; with lots of finger pointing and demonising.
One of the reasons I loathe identity politics.
Judge not, least ye be judged.
However, that dosn’t apply to the psychopathic blood drenched 0.01% who have the deaths of countless millions on their hands.
=Religion is division! =
Lucifer was very creative!
Great deal of western people after more than 50 years Cultural Marxist brainwashing have not really serious values at all. What we let’s say in 1970’s were thinking about sexuality, marriage, family, religion, institutions have mostly either vanished or become irrelevant. There is a huge rage against God in western MSM. However i take things quite pragmatic way. This is nothing new in history. All great cultures have their life cycles. So called Western Culture (or even Western Civilization) is now living deep darkening era of autumn. What’n new something special is the speed of embrittlement. On the other hand the demographics is speaking its own solid story. Europe and some parts of Asia too will be near in future (about 500 years) repopulated by Africans. Those who have the demographics will replace those who don’t have it.
I don’t demonize anything. I hear what people are talking but i only take seriously what they are doing. Western people are voluntary deciding to make their suicide. We must understand that this is just one story of evolution. When culture lost meaning of live it will vanish.
I still believe in results of culture evolution scientists Erich Kaufman (Berwich University) and Michael Blume (Jena University) when their two separate independent studies got same results: evolution favors strongly religious culture enclaves and rejects atheist, agnostic and secular ecosystems. Unlike western intellectuals are thinking, abandoning religion/faith is the path to cultural decline. Just think about music. The real classic music is not classic music we are thinking. The real classic music is old ecclesiastical/church music. In the core of every real culture there is always religion/faith. If not that culture is just civilization and easily wiped out by real cultures (which have faith).
The Saker makes some excellent points, particularly in how Russia has dealt with Islam. As I’ve posited before Judaism, Christianity and Islam can’t all be right, so is one right or are they all just partly correct, a notion that wouldn’t appeal to fanatics of any creed. Let’s leave Buddhism and Hinduism aside for now, but they also have their issues.
When we look at the incomprehensible complexity of the universe and life, things we still only partly understand, seems that whatever created it is beyond our intellects to possibly grasp. And yet our religions all talk of Gods with human personalities, frailties and personality defects. Some even see them as bearded old white men. Jealous, angry, lightning wielding Gods, how could what created all possibly suffer from our hateful insecurities? It is unlikely our intellects could even conceive of the creator and yet we claim to know him, indeed even chat with him. One mad sect even claims to be a chosen people with a whole range of infantile stories to try and support such an absurd claim.
All religions attempt to teach a moral code which is a good thing, however I would suggest they all only have part of story, the parts that no doubt suited their early propagators for their own reasons, one of which would have been a control mechanism. The solution to the over-exuberance of Islam is the same as that of Catholicism of old, people in time will start to question the logic and rebel. Sadly keeping people poor and uneducated is and always has been in the interests of religion, it minimizes dissent. Holy wars are just solutions provided by sociopaths, and there is nothing holy about war.
There is probably only one thing where western nations and western people have evolved to better direction: question of races. From lynching era, genocide of Africans, hatred and despise of 1500-1965 we now have moved to more sympathy and care. When new DNA studies finally in 1989 managed to destroy old race theories there is not much room for racism AS IDEOLOGY.
That’s why it’s also necessary that any social media person should not try to play that game whether it’s question of Serena Williams vs. Maria Sharapova or anything else to try to claim that “other race” is more ugly and stupid. It’s so funny to believe in myth where all Russian females are virtuous Orthodoxs while females of “that other race” prostitutes and lewd.
(there are quite a lot reasons to believe that some white men are right when claiming that modern African women are far more feminine than their western counterparts… besides the demographic change itself will change that old idea where white = feminine and black=masculine)
” genocide of Africans, hatred and despise of 1500-1965″
-What about african genocide of Europeans during the occupation of the Moors? Or for that matter, what about Africans genocide of whites today in Zimbabwe and South Africa? Seems a bit more relevant that made-up genocides hundreds of years ago?
“From lynching era,”
-You do know that the “lynching myth” is just that, a myth. More whites were lynched than blacks. Blacks were lynched to the proportion of their population. It was nothing targeted specifically against blacks. And given that black on white rape ratio today, we can probably figure out what a lot of those lynchings were about.
“You do know that the “lynching myth” is just that, a myth. More whites were lynched than blacks. ”
Some 70% of lynched in U.S were black though their share of population was average 12% during 1880-1925. So blacks were 17 more likely lynched than other Americans. Besides as scientists have confirmed, The Jim Crow was adopted by Nazis when they created Nuremberg Race Laws in 1935.
That’s six times, not seventeen. Otherwise, you’ve brought facts to a bulldust fight.
Pretty nassty stuff. I’ve not seen apologias for lynching for some time, or the invention of ‘genocide’ of whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Everyone should read studies of Walter Scheidel who have studied civilizations since last Ice Age. He found that only thing leveling is catastrophe. When there is peace, stability, no famine, no bloody revolutions, the consequence of inequality is inevitable. In era of nuclear arms, fake of real democracy, high level health care etc – there are restraining mechanism to prevent the great leveling. That’s why we might live long period of growing inequality while quite good living. The only thing might level is great immigration from poor countries.
The ecological collapse means that we do not have a ‘long period’ left, for anything at all.
Wow, I wish I could find a Muslim brother or sister who could write as well as the Saker. Thank you Saker. I admire a person with your level of knowledge and intellect. Keep up the good work. God bless you.
“while the West has more or less declared war on 1.8 billion Muslims, Russia has quietly forged an alliance with just over half a billion Muslims…”
The “West” here is mostly U.S Deep State and it’s puppets. Not much doing what huge majority of ordinary western people are thinking. In reality, just like thinking about Africans, most of white people are thinking daily just 6 seconds about so called Muslim world and Africa. Most of people are living their life of own relatively small circle. We mostly don’t think globally.
“Most of people are living their life of own relatively small circle. We mostly don’t think globally.”
True, only the Stammtisch or the professional cheaters in powerful interests, do think ‘globally’ but likewise in the psychic world of the unconscious are the wells of soundness which to me are to be seen in the 4,6 Billion years of our existence with our star and our ‘Sun’-family, this is as complex birthmark in each of us and we all are children of time. Time is the mirror, mirroring psyche in matter. (confer: Carl Jung-Wolfgang Pauli, ‘Atom and Archetype’).
The holy potency of God’s creation, visualized by the 12 ‘persons’ of the zodiac, waits to unfetter the gift, which is spiritually personified by the zodiac. The consciousness of our common origin in our 12 ‘persons’ and 10 rhythms is waiting to become recognized as being spirit mirrored by nature.
Its great, to accompany the zodiacal man (of a hemisphere) of the earth. It’s a kind of Earth/Solar Confucianism, by doing the daily Earthly solar yoga, by watching, considering, meditating the actors. It’s great because a quarter of a circle belongs to the future, like a bud of a coming mercy, nobody knows today. Your horoscope tells you all about this quarter.
I’d like to assure you, I find it infinitely relieving to live for that 4th quarter. And miraculously, I am
happy and poor, without dept, and with a good sleep with wife and family in an unconscious ‘orthodox’ mind, a secret eurasian mind and the invaluable fortune to view the Earth by times from outside as a special (like the yolk to the egg white) spinning member of the entire spinning family. grooving through the circle of the 12 ‘persons’ which make a year, united making the true or wholly or zodiacal man.
His adventures, which the good and the bad in us are unconsciously sensible for, are the unconscious preconditions which can be so dangerous, if seizes and inflates persons to ride their waves. We have to know our collective fate, to avoid it. And never forget, by growing a mind in cosmic dimension your ego has to become little likewise.
The study of the 20th century is waiting for the scholars of our cosmic family. As I wrote yesterday,
a lot of “incredible, that cannot be” is waiting. And my chronicle is a stock of 12 years, containing all I know of history and of the way to that kind of knowledge.
And my weekly Wednesday-attempt, to catch the ‘script’ of a coming week is every week again a new meek kind of listen, to what it is speaking in one’s self, if it is watching the current autumn/winter adventure of northern mankind.
Mundo, reading your astromundanediary posts is like reading the I Ching. Great job!
Brother Blue
This is certainly a very interesting survey of history. I do believe in conspiracy and so I don’t have difficulty in the conclusions of some of Paul Craig Roberts articles in his review of history books. For example, Hitler never intended to start a world war but was manipulated into it by the actions of the west. But I think the point is accurate that it is the aristocracy, the ruling class, the money people, the billionaires who orchestrate so many disasters such as the Russian revolution. And there are enough players involved who also share the blame.
I certainly agree that the alt-right is a work of the deep state, the secret rulers. I say this because it has become obvious with the message they push, they have become conveyor belts for the U.S. State Department, spreading their lying hysteria. Trump talks about ‘shithole’ countries. The U.S. created them! Just like they have now created a nightmare in their latest victim-Bolivia. And he calls this a great victory for democracy!
These wars against Islam are all part of a greater conspiracy of divide and conquer. They didn’t just come up with the Patriot Act, either you are with us or you are with the terrorists line in a day after 9/11. It was already prepared, waiting for the event.
Of course, the Latin Papacy has been involved in a lot of slaughter and intrigue. After all, as Rome went deeper into apostasy, not only did they demand obedience to the Pope by all Christians, but they also decided that the Pope was head over all nations and their kings. They seem to have forgotten that Christ God said ‘my kingdom is NOT of this world’. So with the robber council of Florence when there was an appeal that Rome sends troops to help defend Constantinople from Islam, they said they would do so only if they bowed to the Pope. Thankfully they resisted this, believing it was better to live under Islam than the Pope. Rome has continued to this day to meddle in the affairs of other nations and trying to submit the Orthodox Church. Now they meddle with Ukraine and have a willing helper in Black Bart in Istanbul. It’s not the first time this sort of thing has happened and after much pain, they will again fail.
I do try to live by what Christ’s Church has always taught.
(Galatians 3:28 [ESV2011]) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Christ’s Church is not white only. He came for the salvation of the world.
So much is recorded about God’s care for the orphan, the widow, the homeless and persecuted. If God Almighty cares for such, we darn well better also. And we better not be involved in creating them.
In these two statements, my conscience tells me what is good and what is evil. What I can and cannot support regarding the conduct of my own country or others.
I don’t expect there will be a cure for the west. The people’s minds are all screwed up through years of conditioning. I don’t want to say what I expect regarding the damage they may yet inflict on other multiple nations but their tyranny is most likely to fully turn inward upon their own people.
Capitalism’s engine is profit, enrichment at the expense of the other. How could any religion survive under capitalism, if not just to brainwash the people into a submissive behaviour for the benefit of the winners of the system? Isn’t this what Christianity does? Certainly, this is when Islam works better: I met many poor Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Sudanese, Yemeni and Palestinian Muslims years ago who worked for rich people in the Middle East, and they were totally submissive… Spreading Islam around the world would BENEFIT THE VERY RICH ONLY — by creating a homogeneous, submissive, devout world population…
Papists as genociders? Sounds like a Jehovah Witness talking about Christians …
There’s a way of criticizing Roman Catholicism that is pure and simple caving to antichristian discourse.
This and the previous Saker article provoke deep thought on the issues.
While reading it I thought of Syria that held out against the biggest weapons and jhadi running operation in history. In spite of the best attempt of the West to destroy Syria the people stayed united. The Syrian army is mostly Sunni with Shia, Christians, and others fighting together to drive out the western backed vermin. Syria has shown the world the evil nature of the US and its Anglosphere and EU vassals. That the Syrian people stood against seemingly unstoppable evil is the miracle of a united people that was not guaranteed even with the support of the Eastern Allies.
Syria is doing what Russia is doing as Saker describes. It puts the lie to the neocon, neoliberals, and alt-right that cast Islam as the enemy. In fact, they in the West are the enemy. They aided and abetted the war on Syria and its multi confessional society. They did nothing to aid Christians in Syria. Seeing the Syrian army and Hezbollah fighting to liberate and protect Christian towns blew up the Muslim demonizing narratives in the West.
Absolutely,Syria has shown to the world how hypocritical the west is .If you are alternative right and you are for real,I have few questions for you.Who gave isis Captagon ,Toyota Tacoma with TRD Package,Toyota Hilux,78 and 79 Series Landcruisers.Who modified the Chassis so you can mount a 23mm Gun ? Who gave them Sat Phones including accessories to charge in a country with less than 5% electricity coverage ?Who gave them all these bores they used to dig under the Syrian Arab Army and attack from behind ?Who gave them more than 5 million of cement to built fortifications ?
You have no right to hate anything but yourself. How can you talk about migrants when you destroyed the most advanced country in Africa . The collective west will wash itself by repenting or it will wash itself with blood. So much for teaching the Children how to “humanely “ slay a fish but not a peep about daily murders in Palestine.
To the Sakers
First i must that i highly appreciate your aanalyses and thinking. It’s very good to have somebody like you in the USA.
However i have some comment about your article. I mostly agree with you that there are many forms of Islam.
I had the opinion that Islam killed the great arab civilisation directly inherited from the greeks.
I am a great fan with regards greek philosophy, sciences., litterature,….
Then we had in France the exemple of what happened in Algeria
To summarise briefly, the french colonialism in Algeria had all of the feature of french colonialism. Which is very different from english one and moreover of north americancolonialism. Yes there have been the exploitation of algerian ressources, agricultur, gas,… and à direct exploitation of the manpower. But the great majority of the “pieds noirs” was not concerned by these thefts.
They were postmen, railways employees, teacher, physiciens, ingeneers, shopkeepers…
They made from nothing because Algeria was not an independant and united country, à country with a very positive futur.
Political absurdities, like OAS, which in fact was mainly controlled by the CIA and had the secret objective of overthrowing the french gouvernement, fanatical wing of the FLN, resulted in about three millions of french in Algeria for some générations returning to France, together with Harkis, algerian who have stayed at the french side.
Both France and Algeria cary this burden.
A potential very rich Algeria had immédiatly been overwelmed with integrist muslims. From the brotherhood.
I share your thinking that it is not possible to return the algerian, who are french, and for à large part descend from the Harkis, in Algeria.
They are french not only when they play soccer.
But the role of the brotherhood a wary branch of Islam, which is protected by many french politiciens, could not be let acting freely
“I had the opinion that Islam killed the great arab civilisation directly inherited from the greeks.”
The “great arab civilisation” was Islamic. Bagdad the place where in the times of the great Abbasid caliphs in the ‘Bayt al Hikmah’ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Wisdom) the antique Greek wisdom was copied and translated.
Before Islam, the arabs were considered as dirt. The Byzantines and Persians didn’t even consider conquering the arabian peninsula despite clashing regularly in the levant, this was the level of arabia.
“In a way, Europe did with WWI what Russia did in February 1917 (suicide) and Europe did in WWII what the Bolsheviks did to Russia (rule of fanatic extremists). First came the clueless “democrats” and “liberals” and only THEN came the tough SOBs.”
Very insightful. I would go even further to say that Russia’s Yeltsin years of the 1990s are the equivalent of the European currency union years (from 2002 until today). Not surprisingly both periods have been overseen by a drunk (Yeltsin, Juncker). Unfortunately, I do not see a European Putin anywhere..
I agree with what you write, Saker, that the biggest damage to Europe is inflicted by the European elites. It is these people who have hollowed out European culture, identity, industry etc. I have just finished reading a book by Philippe de Villiers (a French conservative politician) who wrote about the European Union ( “J’ai tiré sur le fil du mensonge et tout est venu”). His thesis is that the entire political caste in Europe, those who created the EU were pawns of the CIA and various other US organisations such as the Ford Foundation. He claims the biography of Jean Monnet was faked as was the idea that the EU was a utopian antiwar movement in response to the devastating destruction of Europe.
The book is in French but 1/3 of the book consists of source documents, most of it in English, correspondence, financial receipts, between Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman with their various US sponsors. It’s jaw dropping stuff, at least to me.
It is important to identify who these people are. Are they Freemasons? What do these people strive for? What is the point of destroying countries in the Middle East along with their own ? They cannot possibly gain anything from it.
It is Maurice Schumann.
I assure you it is Robert Schuman, founding member of the Council of Europe, EU and NATO.
In the book there are several letters addressed to him from the US as head of the “Mouvement Europeen” which also included Winston Churchill, Count Coudenove Kalergi, Konrad Adenauer…
Truly Western Civilization is disintegrating very rapidly, One symptom is the attempt to expand everywhere, taking on Russia, China, the non Wahhabi Islamic World and various other countries. Of course when the religion of the elite is Luciferian Freemasonry and/or Cabbalism, which is antagonistic towards traditional forms of Christianity the whole country goes to war with itself. The stinking corpse of Western civilization has little attractive power so the west can no longer assimilate other religions or cultures.
I would not say that muslim immigrants when over a certain proportion can take over a western society. I think not.
But if I were a congressman or legislator in one such western society of course i WOULD NOT vote or accept anything over 10% of such immigration on any given present or future time. Clear restrictions would be applicable.
Why should my society be the guinea pig for the test?
Oh lala lala a pieds noir.
Here is the deal, about your “french colonialism” that totured to death 50 000 people in 6 years.
We want the skulls of 78 men women and children exposed in the musée de l’homme de paris for the past 150 years.
Oh how i love these types of mental gymnastics:
-(jean-charles-marc-jules) we came here, we saw such great potential. We build “roads” and “railroads” and spread puppies and rainbows wherever we went!
-(abdel hak)oh yes, why thank you. Without you, we would still be ignorant monkeys jumping from treetops. We would have never discovered “roads”. certainly if we haven’t discovered them, in the last 7000 years of our civilization, we won’t now!
I know we are such difficult people, stubborn obstinate and difficult to reign in.
-(jean-charles-marc-jules) yes! Now you know why we need to go about murdering plundering and raping men and women. Honestly its such a bother! It is so much work and Id rather be drinking wine and stuffing my face but here you are mounting a resistance and fighting back. Why must you be so difficult! Don’t you know that all this violence is for your own good?! Someone, has to beat the ignorance out of you and drag you kicking and screaming to the enlightened road of “civilization”. Plus we already divided the cake. I hear the indians are much more pliant. I knew i should have gotten them instead if being stuck with your breed of third worlders. But i wanted my own empire like the English, but I had to settle for second rate people-to-subjugate and the English had all the best picks.
-(Abdel hak) hey don’t pout, it doesn’t look quite as well on you as murderous bloodlust. Shouldn’t you be busy “making-the-dessert-bloom” or whatever, oh wait that not your line, is it?
-(jean-charles-marc-jules) No, its not my line! Its the line of our great overlords the Zionists!Dont look at me like that! Its not my fault they took over my country while i was busy murdering my way through your lands and participating in two world wars.
-(Abdel hak) you know someone might say karma is a funny thing.
-(jean-charles-marc-jules) exactly! After all i have done for you, after a century of “education” i still have received no thanks!
The saker when he blasts the roman latins (I am both of them) proven historical re cord of violence and “gun point” conversions is talking about a span time of over 700 years… And one where for most of the period we, roman but not always latins ” enjoyed” a wide technical, weapons and sea warship and transport superiority…
That s what made the violent process at all possible.
The muslims did conquer Iberian peninsula by war and were expelled by war as well. I don t know of a war that excludes violence.
The muslims, both when invading Spain and the mediterranean and now in the 20th and present century of course lack any resemblance of it. So the analogies induced or invoked are N/A, not applicable.
The question I would make the author is worthless because it is a mere hypothesis: What IF those muslims had a real big military, tech or maritime superiority when they came?
I realize that Tulsi Gabbard talks a good game about wanting peace, but so did Obama, who maintained two wars, started five, and walked off with the Nobel Piss Prize, but Tulsi Gabbard is a Senator’s daughter, and appears to have spent her entire life being groomed to become president. Tulsi not only rushed to judgement to enlist after the 9/11/01 U.S. government collapse of American society, but she re-enlisted after saying that the Iraq war was a mistake.
The military has less freedom to speak the truth than the rest of society, and because of those reasons, I think that Tulsi Gabbard is unfit to serve as president. Maybe she is young and naive, but considering that she is a Senator’s daughter, it seems doubtful, but even if it is true, she is apparently too young and naive to be president.
Tulsi is also a Hindu of Indian decent, and the conflict between the Hindus and Muslims has been lengthy, with extreme anti-Islamic prejudice within the Hindu community. She may not share those prejudicial beliefs, but the other reasons are readon enough to believe that she will be an enormous disappointment to her supporters. If she happens to get elected, I hope to be proven wrong.
For us, the thankless, hatred, purely bigoted hatred, is the only unity, as all else merely divides further. So, where to direct our vengeful stares? to have no common foe, means our envy is only for our closest neighbors, but to find a common enemy unites the lonely, and the wicked-worm of loneliness is not so insufferable, self-destruction is postponed, by the worm of hate. Hoorah, for men more wicked than ourselves!
For the proper enemy, I suggest Genesis 3:1.
Sorry Mr. Saker, but our history of the Muslims in India teaches us a different lesson. And lessons must be learnt to preserve our culture and religion for the future without discriminating against Muslims. Forceful conversions, destruction of our temples, destruction of the most advanced university and library in the world, murder of people resisting conversions – were all done by Muslims. I don’t think you are familiar with Indian history, and it is nice of you to stand up for the Muslim religion – very noble. There will always be fanatics who will find enough material in the writings of Islam to revert again and again to “fundamentalism”. And that must be resisted. What has happened across the Middle East in the last few years was supported by Governments of those regions and cannot just be passed off as deeds of fanatics. Maybe you need to take off your rose-tinted glasses and re-evaluate.
I agree with you although i am a muslim. There can probably be peace between muslims and orthodox both being Semitic Abrahamic monotheistic religions, but never between muslims and hindus, the latter being aryan polytheist religion.
I dont know about the proportion of balkan muslims being of foreign origin, whether slavs or not, but a substantial number of muslims in the indian subcontinent have turkic, pashtun, persian and arab origin making them different from the local indian population. The languages are different, the scripts are different, muslims write in Arabic script while the hindus use Devanagari scripts. The muslim culture, architecture, language, cuisine and genetics differ from the hindu (which ironically is a word that is of foreign origin, Persian to be more precise).
I know of the efforts by the saker and sheikh imran hosein to foster a bond between the muslim and orthodox world, i dont know if they would succeed or not but the same efforts if replicated in the subcontinent is doomed to fail.
A few things about some points mentioned in the article.
Russia and the revolution:
Russia was certainly rapidly decaying in 1917 (hard capitalism, Raspoutine, war etc…) but was also confronted with the strong and well financed Bolshevik agenda that specifically targeted Russia due to the Jewish hate for the czar. No other country had to confront such a hate, with such a big jewish population.
Russia and muslims
Not pertinent to compare with Western Europe. Caucasian regions have been muslim for centuries, while Western Europe was devoid of muslims 50 years ago. Russia is a federation, with a lot of territories.
France and muslims.
According to some datas (coming from some specific medical records), 45% of french newborns have an African ascent (whether it be from subsaharian Africa, north Africa or Antilles). It should be 50% around 2025.
That means that (not taking into account immigration) the young native french adults will be a minority around 2040-45. Should be well before with the immigration. So we are not speaking about an 8% muslim minority, we are speaking about the perspective of a majority of muslims if nothing is stopped. Some progressive pundits already publicy acknowledge that France will become Muslim in one or two generation , and say that there is no other choice.
So the problem for the native french with a rich (decaying) cultural heritage is: do we want our children or grand-children to live in a muslim country? Will we have to destroy cathedrals and churches and replace it with mosques?
That is where we are now, and why people are getting crazy about Islam. And I genuinely think that the zionazis who publicly preach haste of Islam want a civil war in order to destroy France as they destroyed Russia.
European fertility rate has been between 1.5-1.7 since mid 1970’s and will stay on that level (if not even going down) this century. At the same time first Muslim countries have sharply shrinking fertility too. For instance Iran (about 1.8), Tunis (about 1.7), Turkey (about 1.9). Remarkable decline has also happened in Saudi Arabia which in 1970’s had about 5-6 fertility rate but nowadays about 2.3. Unlike myth makers are claiming, non-African Muslims are not fast replacing western nations.
Only continent where fertility rate is still very high is Africa, namely Sub Saharan Africa (about 5). I checked the latest figures of children 0-5 y old. Whole Africa: 196 million. Europe: just 39 million (of which many are offspring of immigrants). There is now 1:5 rate between children (0-5) but in 2040 likely 1:10 which is likely also the population rate between Europe and Africa in 2060. No wonder why China, EU and USA are focusing Sub Saharan Africa. It’s the only continent where mainstream commodities surely have fastest growing markets. All the others are more or less facing stagnation or even decline. Europe (including Russia) is becoming nursing home: old, slow, tired.
Another important number regarding muslims in France:
According to different polls, between 20 and 30% of the french muslims would like sharia to be implemented in France….
In the article, and the comments there upon, as seen so far, there seems little or no mention of the texts upon which Christianity and Islam are based. Comparing the current degenerate manifestations of both belief systems is a fool’s errand, if the New Testament and the Quran are left out of the discussion.
Sadly, much of what was Christendom is in a state of apostasy, where the Gospel, and the teachings of Christ are largely discarded, while the Quran has a positive vision. It is quite clear about the requirement to subjugate all infidels, either making them Dhimmis, or dead. The total opposite to Christ’s agenda.
Islamophobia is a silly term. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. There is nothing irrational about being opposed to the teachings of the Quran, and the term is an insult used to smear an critic.
I am sad, as an Orthodox Believer, that Christianity has fallen to it’s current level, and that too many “Christians” generally do not follow Christ. I am also glad that the great majority of Muslims do not follow the more perverse and violent teachings of Mahommad.
What we see demonstrated by the conflicts on the world stage, are the outworkings of the greater battle between good and evil.
And that is something both Muslims and Christians will agree on.
It is worse when Christians make apologies for Islam while disparaging their own Tradition.
Dear Peter
With all due respect, your comments reflect a misinformed view about the fundamentals of Islam especially in the context of human relationships.
The Qur’aan (the final unadulterated divine revelation of the One God) as well as the authentic teachings of the final messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) make it quite clear that our (Muslims) default approach towards all of creation is one of peace and harmony.
The Islamic ideology holds the establishment of justice as a non-negotiable endeavour because without justice long term harmony and peace cannot be established.
In confronting oppression permission is however given to physically fight the corrupt influences but only as a last resort after all attempts at peaceful resolution have been exhausted. Even in the cause of battle, Allah (The One God) has set out strict rules of engagement to avoid any unjust harm to people and the environment.
I suggest you study the Qur’aan directly so that you can understand for yourself what the Islamic ideology is really about. A potential reference is the following website: http://corpus.quran.com/.
You can also engage with the following book by Sheikh Imraan Hosein, entitled “An Introduction to Methodology for Study of the Qur’ān”: http://imranhosein.org/n/an-introduction-to-methodology-for-study-of-the-quran/
The miscreants out there/the forces of Satan and the Anti-Christ (Dajjaal) are hell bent on waging war on Islam including a propaganda war that involves out-of-context selective quotations/misquotations of the Qur’aan and attributed sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to misconstrue the real image of Islam. Even the historical narrative of Muslim peoples and civilization have been subject to distortion to serve their nefarious agenda. Don’t fall for their trickery and deception!
This is not to say that Muslims have never erred. Muslims, like many other human beings are bound to err given our intrinsic character frailties. However don’t mix the wrongful actions of certain Muslims with what the reality is of the ideology of Islam.
As an aside, in Islam the greatest struggle (jihaad) is that of the internal dimension which entails confronting/subjugating the base desires that call towards misguided and short-sighted conduct.
“The Islamic ideology holds the establishment of justice as a non-negotiable endeavour because without justice long term harmony and peace cannot be established.”
People can, and do, have very notions of what “justice” entails.
That is, in any given case views will differ as to what is just.
Not only individuals will differ, but various groups will also differ.
In many situations, what women consider just differs from what men do.
“In confronting oppression permission is however given to physically fight the corrupt influences but only as a last resort after all attempts at peaceful resolution have been exhausted.”
This doesn’t sound good to me!
So, bring on the rack until this person “confesses” or “converts” or sees things my way (Assange/Belmarsh) or “retracts” or “sees error of his/her ways” (criticism and self-criticism), etc. etc.
No one, no religion, can self-appoint as the arbiter of justice.
BTW, “God appointed me” doesn’t count!
There will generally be a self-serving aspect of any pronouncements regarding justice.
This is the reason for the phrase, and the concept, “justice is blind.”
Dear Katherine
It appears from your response that pre-conceived misinformed notions about Islam are clouding your understanding of what Islamic ideology is really about.
I suggest reread and reflect more deeply on my previous comment in its entirety rather than cherry picking and misinterpreting selected passages.
If I may also add: a devout Muslim’s concept of justice is not based on his own whims and fancies but rather on the divine instructions as outlined in the Qur’aan (the final unadulterated divine revelation of the One God).
The Islamic concept of justice is NOT about forced conversions! Allah Most High makes crystal in the Qur’aan that there is no compulsion in the way of life chosen by His human creation. Notwithstanding, each and every human being will need to answer to Allah Most High on Judgement Day for the choices they have made.
To affirm the non-compulsive aspect of Islamic ideology, refer to Chapter 109 of The Qur’aan entitled “The Disbelievers/Rejectors/Concealers of the self-evident Truth from Allah Most High”. The chapter is loosely translated as follows:
“Say, “Oh Disbelievers/Rejectors/Concealers of the self-evident Truth from Allah Most High!
I worship not that which you worship, nor will you worship that which I worship. And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping. Nor will you worship that which I worship. To you be your way of life, and to me my way of life (Islamic Monotheism).””
In contemporary times some of the key social aspects of injustice that we as an Islamic people need to tackle include:
– the deeply corrupt usury-based monetary and banking system that has its origins from the West, which serves to economically subjugate all of Humankind.
– the corruption of the West of the natural order of male and female and the transitional/sound family structure
– the destruction of the environment and the endless wars being carried out by the West and its minions.
– And the list goes on…
Best regards
Abu Ismaeel
It seems to me that the Islamic religion is good for the old world, but not so good for the new world. It limits woman’s ability to contribute to society and once woman’s issues are brought to the fore, there is a radical side to its religion which must destroy this new world progress in favor of the old and traditional ways of thinking. When taking the one god mind set into account, does it ever occur(or state) that that one god might be a woman? And if not, and if so, well, you can see where the discrepancy’s exist.
Of course the “one god” is a woman.
Only a woman can give birth.
It’s that simple.
I think the Christians’ “virgin birth” is a roundabout way of acknowledging this point.
Recall that in those days or yore, when the earth and all living things—the whole universe, in fact—had been “created” almost within living memory, none of the “creators” really had a grasp of how the whole thing worked and where babies actually “came from.”
The idea that a male god “created” life on earth by, basically, waving a magic wand (ha!!), is ur-megalomaniacal thinking, or, rather, feeling/imagining.
Of course siliest idea of all is that there is just “one god.”
“It appears from your response that pre-conceived misinformed notions about Islam are clouding your understanding of what Islamic ideology is really about.
I suggest reread and reflect more deeply on my previous comment in its entirety rather than cherry picking and misinterpreting selected passages.”
I suggest that you reread my post and reflect on the main point.
The attitude expressed here, undoubtedly utterly sincere, is dumbfounding, and serves, I believe, to reinforce my orig. point.
Why do these issues only come up in the context of Christians, Muslims and Jews?
Why are there no similar discussions regarding Confucianists, Taoists, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists and others?
What is unique about these theologies that makes it necessary that they cannot accept each other but rather have to tolerate each other? i.e. suffer in silence until you have the upper hand and then do to them what they did to you.
Compare Buddhists (or Taoists or Confucianists) and Islam. How does the level of violence associated with the spread of Islam compare with the level of violence associated with the spread of Buddhists? Why are the spread of Christianity and Islam invariably linked with the spread of empire?
I suggest that there are fundamental differences in the core theology of Christians/Jews/Muslims compared to other religions such as Confucianists and Taoists which causes an inordinately high level of violence in the conduct of these religions.
What are they? Maybe someone who has studied them all can provide some clues.
Maybe because China was an long established Empire (by appalling violence)?
“Why are there no similar discussions regarding Confucianists, Taoists, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists and others?”
Because we are discussing the role of religious (or non-religion) within the West vs Russian vs Islam context. Obviously if you are going to discuss China vs Japan vs India….you will get other discussions.
“I suggest that there are fundamental differences in the core theology of Christians/Jews/Muslims compared to other religions such as Confucianists and Taoists”
You suggested correctly :-) ….you can Google these fundamental differences.
“Russia has been under various degrees of
foreign occupation since 300 years now, from Peter I to Eltsin. ”
Jesus I Came to the same conclusion, Pyotr Velikiy was a great monarch that set russia in a path to smash sweden poland and the Ottomans but in the long term his iconoclastic tendencies did more harm than good, his westernized aristocracy with a deep hated of russian culture has persisted and in my opinion weakened russia, the very western-centric Bolsheviks did worst ,In my humble view Russia is the most special of societies, given that it is the only potential unifier of eurasia,but for that russians need a different political elite and culture,not looking to either extreme of eurasia but centered on the greatness of Russia HERSELF.Some russians think that russia is a western counttry but the reality is than anyone versed on the defining historical evets of both regions since the dark ages knows thats not the case, and the pursuit of acceptance by the west has seriously weakened russia.In the end it might be that given the chronic westernization of russian leadershii and people she might not attain its great potential.
Without Peter the Great Russia would have ceased to exist. It is thanks to him that Russia attained her great potential. Look what Dostoevski said about him:
“For what is the reform of Peter the Great to us, not merely for the future, but in that which has been and has already been plainly manifested to us? What did that reform mean to us? Surely it was not only the adoption of European clothes, customs, inventions, and science. Let us examine how it was, let us look more steadily. Yes, it is very probable that at the outset Peter began his reform in this narrowly utilitarian sense, but in course of time, as his idea developed, Peter undoubtedly obeyed some hidden instinct which drew him and his work to future purposes, undoubtedly more vast than narrow utilitarianism. Just so the Russian people did not accept the reform in the utilitarian spirit alone, but undoubtedly with a presentiment which almost instantly forewarned them of a distant and incomparably higher goal than mere utilitarianism. I repeat, the people felt that purpose unconsciously, but it felt it directly and quite vitally. Surely we then turned at once to the most vital reunion, to the unity of all mankind! Not in a spirit of enmity (as one might have thought it would have been) but in friendliness and perfect love, we received into our soul the geniuses of foreign nations, all alike without preference of race, able by instinct from almost the very first step to discern, to discount distinctions, to excuse and reconcile them, and therein we already showed our readiness and inclination, which had only just become manifest to ourselves, for a common and universal union with all the races of the great Aryan family.
Yes, beyond all doubt, the destiny of a Russian is pan-European and universal. To become a true Russian, to become a Russian fully (in the end of all, I repeat), means only to become the brother of all men, to become, if you will, a universal man. All our Slavophilism and Westernism is only a great misunderstanding, even though historically necessary. To a true Russian, Europe and the destiny of all the mighty Aryan family is as dear as Russia herself, as the destiny of his own native country, because our destiny is universality, won not by the sword, but by the strength of brotherhood and our fraternal aspiration to reunite mankind.
If you go deep into our history since Peter’s reform, you will already find traces and indications of this idea, of this dream of mine, if you will, in the character of our intercourse with European nations, even in the policy of the state. For what has Russian policy been doing for these two centuries if not serving Europe, perhaps, far more than she has served herself? I do not believe this came to pass through the incapacity of our statesmen. The nations of Europe know how dear they are to us. And in course of time I believe that we — not we, of course, but our children to come — will all without exception understand that to be a true Russian does indeed mean to aspire finally to reconcile the contradictions of Europe, to show the end of European yearning in our Russian soul, omnihuman and all-uniting, to include within our soul by brotherly love all our brethren, and at last, it may be, to pronounce the final Word of the great general harmony, of the final brotherly communion of all nations in accordance with the law of the Gospel of Christ!”
Beautiful! I hope all Russians love their Dostoevsky as much as I, an Indian, do. I find his thought very similiar to our Rabindranath Tagore, who always sang the song of forgiveness and forgiving your enemies, diving deep with love into the golden heart of every civilization that earth has produced. Its vital not to get lost in the degeneracies, but go for the essence, always.
” Pyotr Velikiy was a great monarch that set russia in a path to smash sweden poland and the Ottomans but in the long term his iconoclastic tendencies did more harm than good,”
I really do not think Peter did more harm than good, if one considers the alternatives.
Peter had a thirst for knowledge combined with the wiliness and personal drive to achieve and maintain power.
Peter walked the talk in terms of acquiring knowledge he, and Russia, needed.
He got out into the world to learn.
This Wiki article describes in some detail Peter’s “grand embassy,” a learning trip he undertook to Western Europe, technically incognito.
It certainly looks to me as though the counterfactual—if Peter had not had the personal strength and intellectual wherewithal, as a very young man, to gain and keep control of the Russian state (in this Catherine resembled him)—would have left Russia more akin to the Golden Horde—or perhaps the Ottoman Empire itself: an agglomeration destined to fall apart and disappear except from the history books.
“It certainly looks to me as though the counterfactual—if Peter had not had the personal strength and intellectual wherewithal, as a very young man, to gain and keep control of the Russian state (in this Catherine resembled him)—would have left Russia more akin to the Golden Horde—or perhaps the Ottoman Empire itself: an agglomeration destined to fall apart and disappear except from the history books.”
Its not a good point given that in the end all societies inescapably “fall apart and disappear except from the history books.”.Indeed the ottoman empire was a highly successful society that remained powerful in eruasia for nearly 4 centuries(1500-1770 or so) and was still holding on until WWI in comparison most of the european empires collapsed way before getting to that old age.It only seems like a failure because we live way after its demise and hence it has joined rome, macedon,mongolia etc in the dustbin of history as russia(as great as it is) will one day.
As for peter, whatever ” thirst for knowledge” did not necessarily merit the westernization of his country,the enslavement of the peasant-folk, and attacks on the church,but also the formation of a culturally alienated elite.When one takes both sides of historical figures as opposed to romantic views one can better graps their True impact.
best wishes
“When one takes both sides of historical figures as opposed to romantic views”
This thread seems to offer a temptation to mansplaining.
I have, actually, read quite a lot of Russian history. However, as a shortcut I’ll refer to Wiki.
Re Westernized aristocracy,
“Peter’s distrust of the elitist and anti-reformist Boyars culminated in 1722 with the creation of the Table of Ranks (Russian: Табель о рангах; Tabel’ o rangakh), a formal list of ranks in the Russian military, government, and royal court. The Table of Ranks established a complex system of titles and honorifics, each classed with a number (I to XIV) denoting a specific level of service or loyalty to the Tsar. The origins of the Table of Ranks lie in Russia’s military ranking system, which was also significantly modified and revised under Peter’s rule.
The establishment of the Table of Ranks was among the most audacious of Peter’s reforms, a direct blow to the power of the Boyars which changed Russian society significantly. Previously, high-ranking state positions were hereditary, but with the establishment of the Table of Ranks, anyone, including a commoner, could work their way up the bureaucratic hierarchy with sufficient hard work and skill. A new generation of technocrats soon supplanted the old Boyar class and dominated the civil service in Russia. With minimal modifications, the Table of Ranks remained in effect until the Russian Revolution of 1917. ”
Peter did indeed strengthen the system of serfdom, although he also made some aspects of it less onerous.
Your comment re the Ottoman empire is irrelevant. Of course I know how long the Ottoman Empire lasted. And I repeat that it was an “agglomeration” that did not survive into the modern era. Russia is still here.
Case closed.
And, you have not yet hazarded a response to the question as to the counterfactual better alternative than Peter’s reforms that he introduced to strengthen the Russian economy, administration, and state. I guess you think the Boyars should have continued to run things.
You have, however, acknowledged that all historical developments and figures have 9at least) two sides and unexpected consequences.
Your comment re the Ottoman empire is irrelevant. Of course I know how long the Ottoman Empire lasted. Don’t be silly. And I repeat: it was an “agglomeration” that did not survive into the modern era. Russia is still here.
Case closed.
Most historical figures of the stature of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great who changed the course of their countries’ histories had extraordinary intellects, egos, intuition, ability to inspire loyalty, lusts, physical strength and stamina, etc.—that is why they are “the Great” and not “the Forgotten.”
“Your comment re the Ottoman empire is irrelevant. Of course I know how long the Ottoman Empire lasted. And I repeat that it was an “agglomeration” that did not survive into the modern era. Russia is still here.
Case closed.
And, you have not yet hazarded a response to the question as to the counterfactual better alternative than Peter’s reforms that he introduced to strengthen the Russian economy, administration, and state. I guess you think the Boyars should have continued to run things.”
It seems you did not get my point
1-“Russia is still here.” yes she is still TODAY indeed but is possible that it will not be for someone talking about her in say 2400 AD.It we were talking in 1700 AD the Ottoman empire would “still be here”.
2-Agglomeration? explain yourself here please .From my realist conception of the world in reality all societies are actually agglomerations of different elements rather than really homogeneous masses.
3-As for the reforms of the state administration and the checking of boyars etc.Anybody familiar with eurasian history in any significant depth would recognize the pattern in many societies of enacting centralizing reforms that weaken nobilitty and regional power brokers at the benefit of the Center/Monarchy, has happpened over and over in many regimes throughout eurasia, there is nothing special about Peter in that and indeed he did not need to westernize Russia for that given that the west did not invent that move,also he damaged the life of countless regular people in the process.Again a non romantic view of the man with a deeper grasp of eurasian history helps discriminate between myth and reality.
Best wishes and MERRY Christmas Katherine
France. Former interior minister Gerard Colomb floated the idea of civil war before tendering his résignation. He mentioned serious troubles within 5 years.
Today, some ministers used the very same words.
Civil war is no longer à Taboo.
Formation those who understand French, you Are most welcome to follow Aldo Sterone, Papacito, Piero San Giorgio, read Laurent Obertone, etc
Its interesting how this article is more about the decline of Western Christianity than about Islam or Islamophobia. But still interesting how this decline is showing in the form of Islamophobia among other issues. Good points made by the Saker.
The rise of Alt-right nationalistic Western groups is a natural outcome of the general decline of the West and part of a general ignorance to how the economic and political show is run in the West.
As Western values, morals and power naturally declines….people will hopefully wake up.
One more very explicative analysis. Who could not agree with the Saker’s main thesis here:
“empires fall when they are weak and that fall always begins with a loss of identity.”
However, who would not agree also that, particularly at the modern level of globalization of power-structures, there is much more to the question than just internal collapse.
To further understand even the contrieved “Islamophobia” question, just take this today’s article from the HM site, to further amplify what really happened to the Russian people (even to the Soviet Russia Version 1.0), to the German people, and now to the American people, and all the others as well, beyond the any other reasonable arguments on “internal collapse”:
The “British” Used “Appeasement” to Trap Hitler in a Two-Front War
“Hitler was groomed and funded for the purpose of destroying German nationalism and providing a pretext for the State of Israel. The only question is, was he in on the plot? I think he was. Like Donald Trump, he was a Judas Goat charged with leading his country to destruction.
The Illuminati starts wars to destroy nation-states, demoralize humanity, consolidate power and produce huge profits and debt slavery. This cult, which has a stranglehold on thought and expression, pretty much defines reality. Our best course is to find our truth from different sources and define reality anew.”
Addendum by Brian Mitchell “Ex Insider”
“Hi Henry, The new article on WW II is excellent just two small mistakes, you neglect to point out that Rothchild appointee Lord Cherwell who was inseparable from Churchill in WW II was probably the most important Freemason in the country, second only to Herbert Morrison, Home Office minister who oversaw all war dept contracts going to Jewish firms.
Morrison as Peter Mandelson’s grandfather was in daily contact with Seif in Hampstead, the base for Jewish support of the Russian war effort.
Nevile Chamberlian spent 4 years with a team of experts who were allowed into every German factory. Chamberlian believed Britain should join with Germany against the Soviet Bloc, which is why he was slowly poisoned by Churchills doctor Lord Moran. Lawrence Burgis Churchills secretary spoke of this on the record before his death.
You constantly push the lie that Hitler was part of the plan. You say Illuminati; it was just jews and their pawns, and in fact, Rothschild’s explicit order was no goy to be a major player, only Jews. Hitler had no choice but to attack Russia before they attacked him, Hitler was not Illuminati as you claim. Finally, a great article in many other respects”
Robert P writes:
World War 2.
“We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” Winston Churchill. 1936 broadcast.
“Germany becomes too powerful, (Economically) we have to crush it.” Winston Churchill, November 1936 speaking to US General Robert E. Wood.
“This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany.” Winston Churchill, Autumn 1939 broadcast.
“The war wasn’t only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn’t want to.” Winston Churchill to Truman. Fultun, USA March 1946.
“Germany’s unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system, and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world finance couldn’t profit anymore. We butchered the wrong pig.”
Winston Churchill. The Second World War, Bern, 1960.
“We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler, therefore we couldn’t disavow it after the war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So we were forced to play our part in this diabolic scenario after the war. In no way we could have pointed out to our people that the war only was an economic preventive measure.” US Sec of State, James Baker. 1992.
“The enemy is the German Reich and not Nazism, and those who still haven’t understood this, haven’t understood anything.”
Churchill’s chief counselor Robert Lord Vansittart, as said to foreign minister Lord Halifax, September 1940
Churchill who, despite his drunkenness and patent corruption, was not stupid (you are not the dominating personality in world politics for half a century if you were). He knew (he was a historian in his free-time – as he quipped ‘history will be kind to me, for I intend to write it’ – he actually made it beating Germany in two wars) that Nazism was nothing else than the continuation of the German Reich and its ‘Weltmacht’ policy, which emerged as a threat to the British Empire and to the cherished British politics of ‘Balance of Powers’ on the Continent.
Having been a Saker fan and avid reader for some time, I’m puzzled by your questions that need answered…Some are indeed important and need answers, however the answers are neither complicated or difficult to ascertain.
1. The question of discrimination? The answer to your question is that we need not discriminate at all. We should simply ban immigration from cultures/nations which are not readily assimilated by the American population and strip the citizenship and residency status of those that are already here. We don’t intend to convert any, but to expel or otherwise remove ALL OF THESE ALIEN PEOPLE who have been introduced into this country against the wishes of the american population by a corrupt and antiamerican government in Washington.
2. I agree that we need to be very clear about what positive values we are fighting for. This is however not a difficult question to answer either. Traditional Americans, the progeny of those who founded this nation and those who came after them and assimilated into the American nation, already have a creed and “values” to rally around. Those are the Constitution and Protestantism. Of course Christianity has been seriously undermined in the US (if not as much as in Europe), but the true American nation remains a clearly Christian group culturally, even if piety is getting more difficult to find amongst Americans. I understand that there are also Catholics, Orthodox Christians, etc., in the US in significant numbers…but it is not Catholic or Orthodox culture that was the dominant religious/cultural tradition that lay behind our success and it is back to that cultural tradition we must return (even if people continue to ascribe to their Catholic or Orthodox faiths). Those for whom Protestantism is “offensive”, I can only suggest that you move to a country more to your liking as in the future there will no accommodation for sensibilities of non-White or non-Christian people residing here.
3. The question of the commensurability of goals and means. Here within the USA, which is my primary concern, there is no question of means, we clearly have the means to remove these people today. Those who act as if it is simply impossible to transfer such large numbers of people are dramatically inflating the difficulties. In the first place, these people were moved into this country from somewhere else…Essentially we are looking at simply reversing the process. Traitorous immigration policies (and a defacto open borders policiy) were used to flood this country with these aliens. There is no reason we cannot use the same processes to reverse the flows.
Back during Eisenhower’s administration, over 2 million Mexicans were forcibly deported from the US southwest without much trouble at all. The means are plentiful, all that is needed is the will to utilize them.
We don’t need to dominate, convert, rule over or kill 1.8 billion Muslims. We need only insist that they remain in their own countries where they are free to conduct their affairs anyway they see fit. Americans simply do not care how Afghans, Syrians, Iraqis or Iranians want to run their countries and I think the reverse is also true. I do not believe that such a policy will mean a global struggle against Islam. Certainly not with regards to re-establishing the traditional American demographic and cultural norms.
4. The question of cause and effect. It is here that your analysis really fails. I cannot speak for the events leading to the collapse of Czar Nicholas II, but I can assure you that the destruction of the traditional American nation is a direct result of Jewish machinations. True enough, a more pious people might have generated politicians that couldn’t be bought off so easily, but the cause and effect are simply undeniable. Organized Jewry (I know I hate the term also, but for lack of a better one…) having regained control of the US economy with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which gave a Jewish controlled international banking cartel the exclusive right to create unlimited amounts of US dollars (in secret if they so choose) and distribute these dollars to themselves. This gives them unlimited access to unlimited money. They have used this money to advance Jewish interests ever since…those interests seem to concentrate on the undermining and eventual destruction of the American nation and its transformation into a polyglot state within which there will be no common dominant culture, but rather a disparate groups of ethnic groups within which anti-white sentiment has been nurtured for decades and decades now.
Jewish led/funded movements that have undermined traditional America:
Feminism, Communism, Homosexuality, Transgenderism/sexual deviencies as yet to be invented, pornography,
anti-Christianity and of course usury among others. Without organized and coordinated Jewish efforts, the US would not be in the situation it finds itself today. That is simply undeniable at this point.
5. The last question: and what about those pesky and evil Russkies? What have they been up to recently?
This is the easiest of the questions. I am finding it difficult to find any legitimate conflicts of vital national interests between the US and Russia. There is, in fact, every reason why the US and Russia should be on very friendly terms. The truth is that the only reason why the US maintains an aggressive anti-Russian foreign policy is that this policy is firmly controlled by Jewish interests (some will say the MIC, but really, is there a difference any more?). Remove Jewish influence and restore traditional American demographics and culture and there will be no “Russian problem” to solve.
6. Finally, I realize that your questions were broader than just the USA and included the entire West, but the answers will be similar in each Western nation reflecting the local traditions and situations. But the argument that the West, anywhere, needs to convert or rule over non-Europeans INSIDE OF WESTERN COUNTRIES is simply false. That we lack the means to give effect to these solutions is also not true…regardless of the European/Western nation in question. All that is needed is the will to act.
What needs to be done is becoming glaringly obvious to everyone now. This ongoing permanent state of insurrection by democrats and the deep state has “pulled back the curtain” for all to see the truth. This is clearly a Jewish coup…and once it is crushed, we should show no mercy…we should not stop until Jewish influence in the West has been completely and utterly stamped out. Only then can we get back to rebuilding our societies.
What gives you the right to expel an “alien” that was born in the same land as you? Because you are Western and he/she is a Muslim?
What gives me the rightt? Because my parents, grand parents, great grand parents, great great grand parents…going back to the mid 1700’s on my fathers side and perhaps a few thousand years further on my mothers! Read the founding documents of this nation… This country was established by my forefathers for them and THEIR PROGENY.
My people have consistently and overwhelmingly voted against immigration into this country by non-white (and historically non-Protestant) people…The US government has consistently denied the will of the people and engaged in open borders policies designed to attract huge flows of non-white immigration. In fact, since 1965, maximizing non-white immigration seems to be the dominant theme in actual US immigration policy. In 1986 this situation came to head and the “compromise” solution was that we would give citizenship to those who were already here, but that no more would be allowed in. So yes, ANYONE who came here illegally after 1986, along with their progeny, are not legitimate US citizens and should be excluded from US elections and be subject to deportation. The legal grounds for this are rock solid no matter how many Jewish judges you can find to say otherwise.
And what should we do with the European aliens who took over the American continent en genocided the indigenous populations ? ….Nuke them ? lol :-)
Your artificial America is falling apart at the seems buddy and its about time it did.
Your question is just silly. Look, no nation has a “right to exist”. People, everywhere, established their nation states through conquest…without exception. My Native American ancestors (and no I’m not Warren, I actually have Native Americans in my family) lost this land to the European settlers who came here to build a new nation. Those that would not accept it are dead. Those that have accepted it have the opportunity to join this new nation.
If we Whites do not fight to defend the nation we were given by our parents, then we too will lose this land. These notions of social justice or equity are not applicable to the struggles between peoples of this world for the limited resources available.
You will lose it since your parasitic sense of entitlement is no longer protected by your elites. Unlike people enduring imperialist oppression, Pindos are only united in being, as you say, exceptional and indispensable. Ever since 911, I have had the firm conviction that your 1% is seething with overwhelming hatred and contempt of its nominal US compatriots. Waving the flag and screaming ”USA, USA” won’t help. Watching Pindos cannibalize their own society will make for top-class, gun-toting entertainment.
@ Nussiminen
Going to lose it??? We already lost it….we are talking about regaining control at this point. Those elites you talk about are all either Jewish or bought and paid for by Jewish interests. What remains of the old WASP elite survives only through their acquiescence to the ongoing rape of their homeland by an alien Jewish elite. In todays America, just as in almost all of Europe, the bankers rule.
I cannot predict the outcome of this struggle, but I can assure you that before the American people go down, there will be a bloodletting the likes of which have not been seen in this country since 1865. The stage is set right now. The Jewish controlled left is in a state of open insurrection against the duly elected government of the USA right now. A large percentage of Whites, perhaps as high as 65% expect civil war in this country soon. A sizable percentage of those are heavily armed and expect to fight… Anyone who doesn’t understand that large numbers of Americans are actively preparing for this fight. All that is needed is the spark to set it off.
Discussions about who will “win” in 2020 are for the delusional and the blind…it really doesn’t matter at this point. No matter who “wins”, the other side will not accept it and violence will spiral out of control quickly. I expect the Spring of 2021 to be a bloody one on American streets.
Hopefully I am wrong…but where is the evidence to suggest so? I’m just hoping to ride the storm out on my farm, hopefully keeping my family safe and far from the violence. Stack it deep boys! And get right with God, we are all about to be tested.
How about you kick out all your unwanted immigrants and the rest of the world kicks out all your army bases? Is that a deal?
By the way, just like you I am white (as in fair skinned) and Christian. We also have a problem with illegal aliens in my country: American citizens at Camp Bondsteel Kosovo are illegally occupying my ancestors’ land, which they fought and died for, long before the US even existed.
@Serbian girl
I would take that deal in a minute. Americans have no legitimate interests that require military bases around the world. The troops are going to be coming home no matter what else happens. We simply cannot afford to continue supporting this massive drain on our resources for which the actual American public receives little if any benefit.
The subject that you are not permitted to talk is the role of Jewish machinations in the collapse of Czar Nicholas II (actually in the revolution).
Another thing you are not permitted is to say is that Czar Nichols II was not the arch-villein responsible for all the calamities which befell Russia.
Nicholas II had the misfortune of being unmasked by the accidental course of history as the weak, incompetent ruler that he was. The Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905 and, on a truly massive scale, WW1 proved it irrefutably. True, inept Royals are commonplace but in the case of the Romanovs with all their divine pretensions, such disasters are revealing in the extreme.
@ Bob
your point 5 about the Russkies and the Jewish influence you are correct but I’m afraid what you have missed is the almost total and complete belief among the American Evangelical class which believe and takes almost across the board as gospel that Russia is the great Magog of Ezekiel 38 and 39 along with Germany being the Great Gog of those same chapters. Until this has been totally and completely debunked and completely repudiated by the church in America lock, stock and barrel nothing will change America’s relationship to Russia or Germany. Nothing! One need only look at that unbelievable conversation that is public knowledge now between Bush and Chirac.
If a politician believes this how much do you think his motives go into producing its result? Even Trump surely believes this nonsense and guess what his pastor lol when he goes to her for counselling what do you think she whispers in his ears? Love thy neighbour as thyself?
I am serious about this and thankfully Gerry Fox has a book out on this subject too Lies, all Lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not believe that religion, certainly not Christian religion, has had much influence on the decisions of the elites in this country for a very long time. There may be exceptions, but I believe this to be generally true.
As to evangelicals and their positions, they have simply been misled. But, the religious right of old is no more. The power of that group was its ability to exploit elderly (and much more pious) Christians for $$ and to influence their voting behavior. Of course, everyone by now should understand that actual voting in the US had no real influence on US policy.
This is not a religious issue, it is one of national survival and a future for our children. I am not a pious person in the sense of being an adherent to a particular strain of religion. I am culturally Christian, but am disgusted by the state of organized religion (in fact, I envy Muslims in this regard). That being said, it is our churches which have historically provided social cohesion to our communities and allowed us to organize effectively to defend those communities. So I don’t want to say that religion is not important, but sadly it is not as big a factor as it once was…but if it were, it would be a net plus for us.
I appreciate the Saker’s stance regarding the freedom of religion in Russia. However, isn’t religious freedom in Russia a farce?
“A new Russian law known as the Yarovaya Law targets believers, and is designed to oppress Christians in the name of ‘extremism’.”
@ Lumpenkönig
Given what Russia has experienced over the last century can you blame them really for such oppression. Trust is never given but earned.
I got to tell you when I first learned the truth about the ministry of Robert Shculler and the Crystal Cathedral it left me with a very sour taste. When he first arrived in California and needed funds for the establishment of his so called ministry guess who he sought out? The Freemasons who helped him build his glorious empire. He then spent a considerable amount of time in the ministry lauding the books ands teachings of Norman Vincent Peale a Freemason and his bulldung of the power of positive thinking etc etc. It was then that I learned that that Cathedral was little more than a masonic temple in Christian garb. That is why it didn’t surprise me in the least that when he retired and his son took over who happened to be I think a true Christian and started teaching the gospel of Christ the benches started to dwindle and dwindle until it was a shell of its former self. It got so bad that his father got angry with it all and tried to resurrect it. Laughingly, all those empty benches were probably in the past reserved for freemasons and were there out of respect for the former Schuller and Peale.
Dr. Walter Martin the Southern Baptist expert on the cults who wrote the book on the subject castigated Schuller for his nonsense this power of positive thinking etc etc.
Christianity I’m afraid has been subverted and what gets me the most about freemasonry is the incredible unity they have among themselves. A true brotherhood spanning across borders the world over. That amazes me floors actually because what was it that Christ said:
“A kingdom divided against itself will never stand,’ and this kingdom of freemasonry is a testament to the work of idolatry which is just Satanism.
Compared to Christianity which is a divided kingdom and stands really as a testament to little really and shames Christ we best had better start learning the truth of his prayer ‘that they may be one even as we are one.!!! Next to this of course are the words ‘they will know that you are my disciples if you love another!!!!!!!!!!
@‘they will know that you are my disciples if you love another!!!!!!!!!!
Correction: “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love ONE another; as I have loved you, that ye also love ONE another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:34-35).
It is not any ‘another’, but the Christians, the members of His Church:
“I am not asking on behalf of them alone, but also on behalf of those who will believe in Me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22I have given them the glory You gave Me, so that they may be one as We are one”(John 17:20-22).
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. 7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. 12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. 13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit. 14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. 15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:1-16).
“Simply put, Russia has been under various degrees of foreign occupation since 300 years now, from Peter I to Eltsin.”—A few other references have been made that Peter I so-called westernization was against the grain of the true Russia. Could someone please give more details,—what was Russian society supposed to be without this westernization, in terms of government, economy like to what extent rural, urban, pastoral?—education, science and technology, literature, architecture, art, and religion would of course be Christian Orthodox that is given. But what about all the other details?
And “Western values” at this point seem to be more “what they are not” rather than “what they are”—in other words, the Western values stand for a society where no one would be forced to believe anything in particular or live any particular lifestyle and not live any other particular lifestyle, or do anything in particular with one’s life,—just live as one pleases as long as no physical violence or drastically unsafe behavior is being done.
It is the ideology of “individual freedom”. Join whatever group or culture you want, or stand alone and apart.
Have a job or be a bum. Eat whatever you want, sleep wherever you want, stay celibate or indulge in almost any sexual activity you like as long as there is no physical violence or threat to public safety. And so on…
Any Orthodox Christian or Christian in general who protects Islam forgot centuries of rapes, slavery and oppression we lived under them, West is bad I may agree but Islam in no shape or form is better, you are just denying Christ Saker, I consider you an apostate and if the Russian elite thinks like you, I pray West prevails again
I am an apostate for asking questions which, I think, need to be asked?
Okay. Looks like in the West, the Inquisition sometimes can dress up like an Orthodox Christian.
This is really sad.
The Saker
Both Islamic and Christian nations supported slavery. “Christian” countries have little to be uppity about. England banned slavery in 1845 after an infamous case where hundreds of slaves were drowned for insurance money. The US only provisionally abolished it as early as 1862, but the practice of slavery was not a crime until after WW2 started and someone was actually prosecuted for slavery in 1942. France profited from slavery in Haiti by the blackmail of the Charles X Ransom (link: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/restitution4haiti/ ) which has a present-day value of $ 40 billion. That’s why Haiti is poor and France is rich. IN 1900, 80% of the Haiti state budget went to paying this ransom. France has never offered to repay a Euro of that blood money even though there are groups trying to force France to make whatever amends are possible.
Yes, Muslim North African slavers raided the coast all over the Mediterraneum and as far north as Ireland, and East African slave trade began long before the prophet Mohammed, and lasted until maybe a hundred years ago. But the West African slave trade, done for European slavers, killed far more people in 250 years because it was done on an industrial scale, with many people dying for every slave delivered to “market” in the Western Hemisphere. After 1800, the Europeans largely took over the East African slave trade from the Arabs. So there is no historical ground for any collective moral “high ground” based on slavery.
I don’t pray for anyone to prevail, except to prevail over their own ignorance and excess egotism.
Interesting, but Saker greatly inflates the problem of, what I call “misplaced populations”. We Whites have all of the means necessary to defend our birthright and restore the traditional demographics in our countries. There is no need for deep understandings of Islam or for making distinctions between strains of Islam. The problem is not one of location, but of misplaced populations. Populations of aliens, who are not ever going to assimilate into anything resembling a traditional American, have been transferred into our countries and their very presence is destructive to our societies and the only cure is their removal and repatriation to their native lands where the peculiarities of their various religious and cultural traditions cause us no harm.
These population flows were created by a combination of corrupt “open borders” policies and the 1965 Immigration Act boosted by perverse economic incentives that encourage mass migration. These very same tools that brought these people here can be used to remove them…you just have to reverse the policies to reverse the population flows. We should strip the citizenship of EVERYONE who entered this country illegally after the 1986 amnesty along with their progeny. First and foremost these aliens must be removed from the body politic. Following that measures can be introduced to make life for these people as difficult and undesirable as possible. Mass roundups are not necessary to remove the vast majority who will self-deport with the proper incentives. Those that dont? Well those will be physically removed as their presence is brought to the attention of local/state law enforcement. Those that wish to physically resist? We crush them utterly! No quarter! Those people are a threat to the republic and must be exterminated whenever and wherever they may be found within our borders.
Where Muslim populations are a majority, there are only two valid options… Either you must expel these aliens and re-establish White majorities there or those lands should be ceded to those aliens that must be considered the new natives in those regions while repatriating Whites to White lands. Any talk of the benefits of multiculturalism must be rejected outright. Homogeneous White populations are required to have safe and healthy communities. Mixed populations ALWAYS reduce social cohesion and create high crime / low trust communities like those that predominate in the USA today.
We already know what works…We already know the values that made this country great. We need only return to them…and summon the will to act.
how about not invading and bombing muslim countries?
” Simply put, Russia has been under various degrees of foreign occupation since 300 years now, from Peter I to Eltsin. And the only reason why the Bolsheviks could seize power so easily is that all the Bolsheviks overthrew was the terminally incompetent regime of Kerensky which itself only came to power by means of a (absolutely illegal and immoral) coup against Nicholas II organized by, you guessed it, the Russian aristocracy and intelligentsia! Bolshevik Jews overthrew a totally corrupt, oligarchic regime which was Masonic through and through and which was no less russophobic than the Bolsheviks themselves.”
I have identified the hidden key in the above passage: ”various degrees”. There is indeed a huge difference between Peter the Great and Yeltsin; the latter being a weak clueless alcoholic much like the last Romanov while the first Romanov was a ruthless autocrat in the loyal service of Russia. As for the insinuations about ’Russophobic Bolsheviks’, they do apply to the very tiny minority of Trotskyites, forever sucking up to the great and glorious West and its supposed tender, loving care for Mother Russia. Lenin and Stalin fought back the West’s genocidal invasions. This is what resonates with contemporary Russia as does the stunning successes of the last 20 years under Putin’s reign. The Bolsheviks overthrew a 100% incompetent Western puppet government and put in place a totally different one which pulled Russia out of WW1 and declared the huge debts owed to the West by the Romanovs null and void.
The question is still left open about what Russian society was to be like without any “westernization”:—
“Simply put, Russia has been under various degrees of foreign occupation since 300 years now, from Peter I to Eltsin.”—A few other references have been made that Peter I so-called westernization was against the grain of the true Russia. Could someone please give more details,—what was Russian society supposed to be without this westernization, in terms of government, economy like to what extent rural, urban, pastoral?—education, science and technology, literature, architecture, art, and religion would of course be Christian Orthodox that is given. But what about all the other details?
Futile exercise in counterfactual history. And please do tell what exactly amounted to Western occupation — apart from German Nazi dregs — in Stalin’s time? Also don’t forget to answer the corollary question why Stalin is revered in Russia and forever slandered in the West.
About Stalin, he is revered by persons with a certain mentality of cult-followers, as Stalin in effect was the ferocious leader of a very bloodthirsty cult. Such persons will even be proud to be slaves, like Pushkin reportedly once proclaimed proudly that he might be a slave of the tsar but this tsar was master of the cosmos—“tsar vselennoy”,—so he was proud of being a slave.—People in the West tend not to like leaders of cults, but then if you say Stalin was “slandered” then do you have proof that the bad things said about him and his behavior were false? Many were the witnesses of people who fled his regime, and surely not all of them were “fascist war criminals”.
By the way, you might want to check a book written in 1958 entitled “The Lightning and the Sun” where this whole movement of European so-called Aryan racism is explained as a very extreme radical environmentalist movement. The idea was, that certain noble animals, the big predator types like lions, tigers, etc., pound for pound stronger and faster than any human, were superior to humans, and the human population should in fact be very drastically reduced worldwide, so that only a small number of “perfect Nordic Aryan types” should be left,—but they were to be very ferocious and warlike so one would expect they would just kill each other off anyway,—and the planet should just go back to wilderness and animals. Well, according to this book, the main reason why Jews were the ultimate enemy of “truth” and “light” and “Nature” was because they were a race-less community,—maybe racist in a tribal sense but not in an absolute genetic-bloodline sense—since anyone can always convert,—and from the start, beginning in Book of Genesis they raised and followed the concept of humans first, over all the animals and other things on this planet, so they would preserve even the “most inferior” human life, leading to degeneration and decadence of humankind. So it is a weird non-human anti-human spirit that possesses these assorted “fascists” as they want to drastically reduce human population overall and just preserve a tiny minority of the racially pure and perfect and “most beautiful” and also most ferocious-warlike types presiding over some new “golden age”.
The second paragraph of your response appeared rather cultish and not to the point. And your bold assertion to the effect that
”About Stalin, he is revered by persons with a certain mentality of cult-followers, as Stalin in effect was the ferocious leader of a very bloodthirsty cult.”
illustrates precisely the cultish arrogance of Western public opinion. Russian public opinion is based on much more sensible attitudes.
Youve nailed it right on spot may Allah protect you.Zios busted
Dear Saker
You say “…but not before the latter killed 27+ million Russians…”
Did you mean to say 27+ million Soviets?
Have you checked the first link is this article?
You can’t be against the “deep state” in everything.
“A resident of London, during WW II he operated a radio station called “Radio Freedom” broadcasting to occupied Europe. He was the author of over 20 books, including the best-seller The Vatican in World Politics, which went through 57 editions and was twice Book-of-the-Month. He was a great Briton who risked his life daily to expose some of the darkest secrets of the Papacy…”
He is here to tell us the truth about the Holocaust….it was the Pope. Is that it?
Is this a joke? A guy who runs a radio station from London to the occupied Europe and have talked with Eleanor Roosevelt I a reception and THAT confirm that the rumours where truthful.
Dear Saker,
when you bring up history a quote from cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York may bring some perspective. The Cardinal stated in summer 1914 that the coming war had the goal to destroy the ruling dynasties of Europe to make sure that the capital had no superiors. States are to be run as banking operations.
This is my loose translation of a quote from the video “Fremdbestimmt – Der Vortrag” by Torsten Schulte. He claims to have checked his sources.
The task described seems mostly accomplished.
“Noahides” is also a term used by some high degree freemasons who accept this Jewish law and at least implicitely rabbinical leadership since the rabbis are experts in this law. If this woud be an old boys club so what but the connections go from high finance to top level politicians. Their agenda is not exactly friendly to mankind.
In the old days it was playing dynasties and today it looks like they want to play “wahabi islam” against “western christianity”
In other words the old game if divude them to rule them.
Peace to all
Would be a legitimate question to ask how come that a ‘de-radicalized’ jihadist, i.e. taught the ‘real Islam’ went out to kill on the London Bridge?
Don’t expect an answer to such an inconvenient question. Complaints about the London Bridge attack have been deemed ‘racist’ (if not ‘islamophobic’).
Hi. I just went through these playlists from logosmedia
called Demystifying Islam (exposed)
It was a bit startling and I got some new perspectives. Would like to share and read other people perspectives.
Peace requires sacrifice. Apparently that’s a “natural law”?
As is death. We ought each be most well advised to consider the end.