CrossTalk: Unsourced Syria (+ two articles on the “Russians are coming” PSYOP)
Also please see here: Russia Is Not Fighting in Syria: There Is a Disinformation Campaign Underway A Russian buildup in Syria? The propaganda machine strikes again
Also please see here: Russia Is Not Fighting in Syria: There Is a Disinformation Campaign Underway A Russian buildup in Syria? The propaganda machine strikes again
Dear friends, I am exhausted, I feel sick (flu?) and I have a backlog of things I need to attend to, including at least two interviews for the blog which I am sure you will find most interesting (teaser: one will feature a Q&A with a very interesting and well-known US politician) I need to pace myself, so I will be taking a few days off. Maybe until next Monday.
by Ghassan Kadi There is a lot of myth about ISIS, its roots, and relationship with America. To unravel the mystery, we need to go back to some basics of human behaviour, more specifically, to basics of human behaviour of psychopaths and sociopaths. In order to understand the current impasse between ISIS and the USA, and to be able to assess if there is indeed an impasse at all, and
by Andrew Korybko Russia has taken the lead in supporting Syria this summer, actively initiating efforts to bring a diplomatic resolution to the country’s crisis and assemble an inclusive anti-ISIL coalition. The rapid pace at which it’s working is due in large part to the looming specter of a joint American-Turkish invasion force which hangs ominously over the Mideast. Disturbed at the success that Russia has had so far in
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Dear friends, The 9th podcast is out: you can download all my podcasts from the Saker Podcasts download page: or you can directly go to the 9th podcast download page here: If you wonder why I promote these download pages it is because they have one of those nifty PayPal button which, I hope, will remind you that one of the purposes of these podcast is to remind
Dear friends, I have to honestly say that I am totally discouraged by many of the reactions I got to the column by Catire about Venezuela yesterday. As I have written it in my introduction, I knew that this would get some people really angry at me, but I have to admit that I did not expect such a nasty and primitive reaction. I won’t even got into the insulting
By Youssef Hindi Translation: Brahim Source: Russia is not only a great military power, an old nation, which, from the arrival of Vladimir Putin at its head, has endeavored to balance the relation of geopolitical and economic forces. It is also a natural bridge, to varying degrees, between Europe and Asia, West and East. This bridge, some want to destroy it for over a century, notably by means of
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If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at
Foreword by The Saker: from time to time I post something which gets people really mad at me. Today, I am doing “one of those” – a post which will anger all those who support the values of Bolivarian Socialism, of Chavismo and of the anti-colonial, anti-US liberation struggle of the people of Latin America. Before you get personally mad at me and before you conclude that I am a
By Andrei Sorokin, September 4th 2015 Translation: TB Original article: Once upon a time in the West, there was a science called “sovietology”. It was concerned with researching the secret plots of the Kremlin through examining the positions taken by the members of the Politbureau on the Mausoleum tribune during workers’ marches and military parades. Based on this, it made conclusions and gave its valuable recommendations to the Western
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SouthFront commentary: The US-backed coalition have been expanding Yemen war by exercising more airstrikes and deploying 1000 additional Qatar troops, preparing to advance the Yemeni capital. Pro-Saudi military faced the deadliest battle incident ever. Yemeni forces declared the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) cities a military target. September 2, ISIS Wilayat Sana’a exercised a dual bombing at an al Houthi-run mosque in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a. One suicide bomber
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon. Go ahead, please. Question: Looking at today’s Eastern Economic Forum, do you think it has been a success in sounding out some growth spots? What sorts of prospects do you see opening for the region? Vladimir Putin: This region has tremendous potential and so there have always been areas of growth and development here. Our task though is not to simply find individual
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The (real) Europe I love so much and miss:
by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi The human tragedy in Syria is one thing, and the hypocritical manner in which the West is dealing with it is an absolute shamble. To begin with, it was the Western sphere of influence that destabilized four states in the region over the last two decades; namely Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. One may argue that Afghanistan had been a hotspot before the US-led invasion,
Dear friends, I would like to record the next podcast this Tuesday evening, September 8th. I am going on yet another long car ride through the boonies and I hope to have the energy to record a postcast while behind wheel. I have not made a Q&A for a long while, so let’s try that again. Please send me your questions before Tuesday morning 8AM Eastern Time Zone (or 12:00
by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Who is a terrorist? Undoubtedly, what comes to mind is Daesh (ISIL), al-Qaeda, MKO, Boko Haram, etc. What is terrorism? The events of 9/11 and the gruesome beheadings carried out by Daesh shape our visual perception of terrorism. What is left unmentioned and unrecognized in our collective psyche is the kind of terrorism that has been deliberately obfuscated: sanctioned terrorism or terrorism with a license – sanctions.