TEHRAN (FNA)– Iraqi Special Forces said they have arrested several ISIL’s foreign military advisors, including American, Israeli and Arab nationals in an operation in Mosul in the Northern parts of the country.
The Iraqi forces said they have retrieved four foreign passports, including those that belonged to American and Israeli nationals and one that belonged to the national of a Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) member-state, from ISIL’s military advisors.
The foreign advisors were arrested in a military operation in Tal Abta desert near Mosul city.
Last year, a senior aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Mossad of training ISIL terrorists operating in Iraq and Syria.
Alexander Prokhanov said that Mossad is also likely to have transferred some of its spying experiences to the ISIL leadership, adding that Israel’s military advisors could be assisting the Takfiri terrorists.
Prokhanov said ISIL is a byproduct of US policies in the Middle East.
ISIL is a tool at the hands of the United States. They tell the Europeans that if we (the Americans) do not intervene, ISIL will cause you harm,” he said, adding that Iran and Russia are the prime targets of the ISIL.
“They launched their first terror attack against us just a few days back in Chechnya,” he said, stressing that the ISIL ideology has got nothing to do with the Islam practiced in Iran and some other Muslim countries in the Middle East region.
Prokhanov said the United States and Israel are one and the same when it comes to supporting a terror organization like the ISIL.
No sources or evidence?
Next time, do your own Googling.
That isn’t a source, it is the exactly same article posted on a different website. I could easily setup a blog, and post rubbish and have half the readers here believe it.
Same evidence showing thousands of Russian soldiers participating in Ukraine?
The Saker article was an abbreviation of the FarNews report.
The link I posted included at least two additional pieces of info: one, that the original source was the Iraqi news agency Sama. So, no, not exactly the same to anyone who can read.
I would trust such sources in the M.E. a damn sight sooner than ‘WMD’ New York Times.
It will be interesting to see if the MSM picks this up. It certainly seems to signal a CHANGE in Iraq re current alliances: not good news for the Hegemon.
@ Marc
Yes thats what the BBC and CNN do. Interspersed with some factual articles to provide cover for their proUS/Nato propaganda. At some point you have to decide for yourself about the likely truth of an article. This becomes easier as time goes on and the truth or otherwise becomes more obvious. The Saker has been 100% correct about MH17 and who was winning in the Ukraine conflict whereas the western media has been proven wrong. Believe what you will .I go with proven performance.
@ Marc,
Q: I could easily setup a blog, and post rubbish and have half the readers here believe it.
R: That’s very true. CAMERA, DEBKA and the Jewish Internet Defense Force are prime examples of such a Machiavellian approach.
Massage the masses and who knows what you can get away with, eh…?
He’s right, you know: the Whitehouse, Senate, NY Times, Pentagon, Washington Post, UN, many others — they all set up websites and post rubbish on it all the time. Even the US presidents get on TV and spew rubbish all the time.
Not to mention all the rubbish from the army of trolls on the Internet…
I’ve found Fars news agency ( http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13931216000838 ) to be much more reliable than those empire sources (well most everyone is more reliable than them).
Add Shoebat too, that bullshit site!
So what you are saying Marc albeit with subtle nuance is that because there is no source from MSM then the piece is rubbish. My problem with that is MSM use their government as a source to report their ‘news’ and Oh yes further sources to back up government spin. So while you speak denigratingly about lack of sources you really need to provide evidecne as to why you think MSM is a reliable source.
No, I never once said that I put any trust in MSM or said I was looking for a source from them.
I am skeptical of a article that makes serious claims in a few paragraphs and provides no other information. This is the internet, I think I am justified, thank you.
The same sources and evidence that are apparently sufficient for thousands of Western mainstream media reports. “The government said…”
Or are you suggesting that some governments are more truthful, and some media more skeptical, than others? Of course that is true, but perhaps not in the way that you think.
You dont google much there at the Hasbara call centre, do you Schlomo?
It’s Iraqi media, man. You never heard of the Chemical Ali school of Journalism?
TEHRAN (FNA)-….means farsi news agency. just follow the link and you will get to the source.
How much did Victoria Nudelmann pay to you today, Mark?
In Kiev she paid up to $30 per day.
Argumentum ad ignorantium
We are all aware of the Hasbara trolls, the Wikipedia Jews and the Israeli Neocon smear outlets
Hasbara Troll attributes
Supreme point of view
The Hasbara troll knows best
Condescending & Patronising
Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
Internet experts
Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
Control freaks
Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
‘Moral’ Guardians
Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
Adept with social networks well trained on IT
Does the USA provide sources and evidence ?
This report appears “questionable”. It states, “It was reported….” By whom ? It does not say. Neither do any of the other reports (which look all the same). I looked at several articles, including news from the Mid-East.
I found one article, POSTED by one person, who added their name. Other than this, no author’s name appears, no reporter, no substantiating statements or references, no collaboration from a seperate, autonomous news agency, making this appear to be a re-cycled, Xerox copy of a “supposed” news story. In other words – It smells like mis-information or propaganda.
No sources or evidence for the article?
Marc, the following are sources which demonstrate that ISIS is DIRECTLY a tool of the US/NATO:
To say that there is something strange about ISIS is perhaps the understatement of all time. Can we call them “The Not Very Islamic State?” What they seem to have is friends, people who give them intelligence help, satellite photos, people who train them to operate complex American weapons, people who shepherd their personnel around like diplomats. What they also have are business partners, partners who are clearly above the law. Who has that kind of influence?
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2014/12/31/something-strange-about-isis/
“The Redirection: Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?” by Seymour Hersch is the first source to disclose US intentions back in 2007.
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article40347.htm Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) published a video report of immense implications – possibly the first national broadcaster in the West to admit that the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) is supplied not by “black market oil” or “hostage ransoms” but billions of dollars worth of supplies carried into Syria across NATO member Turkey’s borders via hundreds of trucks a day.
The report titled, “‘IS’ supply channels through Turkey,” confirms what has been reported by geopolitical analysts since at least as early as 2011 – that NATO member Turkey has allowed a torrent in supplies, fighters, and weapons to cross its borders unopposed to resupply ISIS positions inside of Syria. [It’s not so conclusive. 18-wheelers come from “Western Turkey” and freely cross the border into Turkey. The airport is there, so Cartalucci assumes these are NATO cargos.] There is a long pause in the middle of the video which you must wait thru; it’s not over.
Haven’t time to read these now, but thanks for links. Big fan of Hersch.
You’re wasting your time on this site – the posters are at least two standard deviations above your combined average.
1. The CIA funnels much of its drug-trade through ISIL. 90% of North Americas dope is from Afghanistan. The local warlords do not have the means for that level of penetration: it’s clearly systematic. Ever wonder what the US really wanted there? It doesn’t have oil.
2. The SWIFT system contains algorithms which launder the traffic., probably through select NSA cells: Ever wonder why that Russian Jew got jailed for posting improved open source code back on the net? Or what the FBI was doing investigating ‘intellectual property theft’ for Goldman Sachs?
Or why the Russian IT specialist was also arrested on espionage charges? Or why Russia was threatened with exclusion from the SWIFT system?
3. Ever think it strange the ‘leader’ of ISIL was actually professional actor? Or the level of online accounts – at least 50,000 – would require system access not usually found in a war situation, much less a ‘spontaneous’ uprising across large regional spaces? The Ukrainian domain was much more localised and yet had a far more intermittent and chaotic online presence characteristic of destabilization..
Guess you folk are not the wondering kind. This is not the site for you.
“1. The CIA funnels much of its drug-trade through ISIL. 90% of North Americas dope is from Afghanistan. The local warlords do not have the means for that level of penetration: it’s clearly systematic. Ever wonder what the US really wanted there? It doesn’t have oil”.
Too true . Since US forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001 opium poppy production has just sky rocketed reaching an all time high in 2013. According to a UN report :
“Opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan reached a sobering record high in 2013. According to the 2013 Afghanistan Opium Survey, cultivation amounted to some 209,000 hectares, outstripping the earlier record in 2007 of 193,000 hectares, and representing a 36 per cent increase over 2012. Moreover, two provinces that had previously been declared poppy-free, Faryab and Balkh in northern Afghanistan, lost this status. All in all, opium production in 2013 went up to some 5,500 tonnes, a 49 per cent increase over 2012. The hazard this situation poses to health, stability and development, and not only in Afghanistan, is well documented and has been internationally recognized frequently”.
We are well and truly f*ck*d as a race. How did such evil scum ever get into positions of power that affects the vast majority of humanity ? These people are a global mafia pure and simple, and they are enemies of all humanity who will end up causing the destruction of mankind.
@Know the truth
Thanks, you have nailed well this topic
Yeah its bad, but don’t lose hope. Opium has been around for a long time. I was addicted to it as a teenager and got over it myself. And I’m stronger, saner and more able to look after myself now, because of my flirtations with “evil” in that form at least. Know the Truth.
All things can be a positive influence eventually.
Lot more on US support of terrorists. We only have to look back to Chechnya,Bosnia Kosovo.
According to Iraq’s Sama News Agency, three of the arrested advisors have American and Israeli passports, and the fourth is a national from a Persian Gulf Arab state.
The foreign advisors have been captured in a headquarters responsible for the control of ISIL operations, located in the northern province of Nineveh.
The report also added that a number of other ISIL fighters have been killed in the operation, codenamed the Scorpion Sting.
The detained foreign advisors have been transferred to a security center in capital Baghdad.
You are repeating yourself. Those who do so already know the answer. They are not looking for facts; they just want confirmation of their prejudices.
A point or two for getting the first comment above, and yet marc/Marc needs remedial training.
No sources or evidence?
isn’t sufficiently different from…
No sources or evidence for the article?
…to quality as two separate identities. ;-)
Give him a break.He’s only been at GCHQ for a few days.Jeez.
I am not sure if I should laugh or feel sad about your paranoia. I live in Ontario Canada, not a CIA base.
Actually there is. It’s PR from Farsnews.
Links are in the purple grey square.
Es obvio/EEUU e ISRAEL estan trabajando junto con los SAUDI para crear la guerra que afecte a Rusia
Translation: It is obvious / US and Israel are working together with SAUDI to create war affecting Russia
The triad of evil.
Dear The Saker,
And so they will be exposed…….
Japan and China each claim ownership of the uninhabited islets — known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China — that are administered by Japan. The dispute has been cited as a factor behind an almost 39 percent drop in Japanese investment into China last year, even as China was Japan’s top trading partner in 2013
@ [ redacted ] Anon,
Q: Japan and China each claim ownership of the uninhabited islets
R: Those islands belonged to China, were snatched up by Japan during its expansion wars and promised [by the US] to be handed back [to China] after the end of WWII… The US wouldn’t be lying now, would it?
Tibet and the Uyghur lands were snatched up by China, when does China plan to return the land to the rightful occupants (Tibetans and Uyghur)?
Those Islands (uninhabited mostly),have a long history of obscure ownership.But mostly were considered Chinese.Until Japan seized them during the period of China’s weakness.That is also true of the Island groups claimed in the South China Sea area.Though some of them are closer to some other states.The historical claims all favor China the most.I think the best would be to divide them.And for China to give up claim to the ones closer to other states,while keeping the ones closer to China and those at equal distance apart.Maybe make agreements to share any resources found on those given up by either side.But China feels because they were lost unfairly that they should be reclaimed.Personally I think,a diplomatic solution would be the best result.Since they are mostly uninhabited in the first place.Though I see China’s point on the subject.
soros not done with rousseff yet.
March 4 – BBC: “Brazil’s chief prosecutor has asked the Supreme Court to investigate 54 people, including politicians, for alleged involvement in a huge kickback scheme at the state-run oil firm Petrobras. Investigators allege firms paid inflated prices for Petrobras contracts and money was funnelled to the ruling Workers Party (PT) and its allies. This has been denied by the party and President Dilma Rousseff. The politicians’ names were not released by prosecutor Rodrigo Janot.
Yes, Anonymous, Brazil’s Dilma Roussef is in real trouble still even tho she gave in:
12/14/14: http://www.globalresearch.ca/brazil-and-the-politics-of-neoliberalism-president-rousseff-declares-war-on-the-working-class/5419732
Brazil’s Dilma Roussef has captitulated, naming as econ czar Joaquin Levy,l follower of neo-liberal supremo Professor Milton Friedman, former economic adviser to Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet. As a former top official in the International Monetary Fund (1992 – 1999), Levy was a strong advocate of the harsh austerity programs which a decade later impoverished southern Europe and Ireland.
embrace of a new strategy of vastly increasing the profits of foreign and domestic finance capital, in the hope of attracting large scale investments to end economic stagnation. . . the entire economy must be directed to gaining the “confidence” of the capitalist class.
The social policies which were implemented earlier are now subject to elimination or reduction. [Cause of the econ meltdown: previous IMF agreement & strictures: read more.]
another bit of trivia on brazil–notice how these politicians everywhere never get the point of looking down the road of time just a little to see what will be their “reward” for being complicit.
some smug hypocrite humor from hillarity:
In July 2011, Clinton gave a speech in Washington to inaugurate the Open Government Partnership, which her State Department co-chaired with Brazil.
“When a government hides its work from public view, hands out jobs and money to political cronies, administers unequal justice, looks away as corrupt bureaucrats and businessmen enrich themselves at the people’s expense, that government is failing its citizens,” she said. “And most importantly, that government is failing to earn and hold the trust of its people. And that lack of trust, in a world of instantaneous communication, means that the very fabric of society begins to fray and the foundation of governmental legitimacy begins to crumble.”
Ahha! Hilarity channels Montesquieu and Frédéric Bastiat.
Brazil is in the BRICS. The appointment is possibly a trade-off for less squeezing on the alleged kick-back scam.
Prelude to a default, methinks.
i didn’t even give the scheming squealing front-running pigs errrh i mean banksters enough praise & credit a few days ago!
check out this longer-term weekly euro (in $us dollars) view to friday 6th, noting again that the eu qe easing money (60B E/month to start) starts next week sometime.
but now look again—how far in time exactly is this from the euro’s introduction jan1/1999??
Yesterday the meme in the US media began that Iran was complicit with AQ for years. That Iran allowed and facilitated transit between Iran and Afghanistan and Iran and the Islamic State strongholds in Iraq and Syria.
So we have this media war. The US military wants a piece of Iran since 1982 and Lebanon. And it would correct to say that probably 90% of the American public who were alive and sentient in those days wouldn’t mind seeing Iran getting a taste of American bombing as payback.
Not many want a war, and Americans tend to think bombing in retaliation is not warlike. Witness Reagan and Libya. That was okay by most American standards.
Understandable that if the US bombed Iran it would be for the acts of Hezbollah and for the IED technology Iran introduced into Iraq and Afghanistan. It accounts for most of the deaths and injuries to US personnel during the two wars.
So, we have this counter-stroke by Iran today.
I think I see Russian Intel also. The Russians are assisting in Iraq, which means they are working with the Iranians.
And the US is firing up chaos for Central Asia. Trouble in North Africa is another front Russia is joining along with Libyan government and Egypt.
The geopolitics will come into focus when you see the various locales as linked.
Ukraine, Iran, North Africa and Central Asia are now part of the geopolitical Hegemon versus the Double Helix (Russia-China). Soon it will be the expanded SCO (India, Pakistan to join fully with Russian, China and Central Asian stans), and Russia is trying to accelerate Iran into the organization.
Then it will be SCO versus NATO, straight up for Eurasia, North Africa and Southern Europe-East Mediterranean and non-Wahhabi ME. The blocking action of the SCO will be the greatest challenge.It must contain NATO and the Hegemon, put out the terrorist fires, and develop the Eurasian belt. All the Hegemon has to do is generate more war and chaos and outlast Putin and Xi. That’s just another ten years of hell for humanity. The Hegemon can do that with one arm tied behind its back.
serbia, too!
Brussels’s Next Balkans Ersatz State: Vojvodina
by Wayne Madsen
The United States and the European Union are preparing to end the war which they waged against Serbia in 1999. After having amputated it from Kosovo, they are now seeking to take Voïvodine. In order to do so, they are currently modifying its population, setting up a new team in power in neighbouring Croatia, and buying up all the Serbian media.
Joe, here’s a tiny bit more on Serbia, so people don’t have to look it up. That Soros sure is a busy troublemaker.
SERBIA. Vojvodina is an autonmous province of 2 million people which comprises the northern third of Serbia.
2/16/15 http://m.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/02/15/brussels-next-balkans-ersatz-state-vojvodina.html Madsen Excerpts:
“If the Brussels-based European Union and NATO have their way, the Serbian province of Vojvodina will join Kosovo, previously carved by the European Union and NATO from Serbia as an ethnic Albanian state run by the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), as the next ersatz independent state in the Balkans.”
“Already, Vojvodina is being referred to by Soros-financed media and NGOs as the «Hungarian Kosovo,» even though 66 percent of the population of the province is Serbian. With 25 ethnic groups, Vojvodina is one of the most ethnically-diverse regions in Europe. For the NATO war planners and Soros demographic engineers, Vojvodina represents a fertile ground for ethnic conflict and further «Balkanization» of the Balkans.”
I think the Russians may have already made some statements about supporting the Serbs.
NATO makes all these noises about current borders being sacrosanct so far as Crimea and E Ukraine are concerned, but somehow this doesn’t apply to Serbia.
Ziel und Wege. – Viele sind hartnäckig in Bezug auf den einmal eingeschlagenen Weg, Wenige in Bezug auf das Ziel. – Nietzsche
Larchmonter, there is some good news. The overall strategy is to convert US/UK/EU versus Rus/China into US/UK versus EU/Rus/China. EU need not come all the way into the peaceful fold; it need only become multipolar in recognition of its own interests. Look at today’s good news:
3/7/15 “The European Union today is extremely realistic about developments in Russia. But we will never be trapped or forced or pushed or pulled into a confrontative [sic] attitude,” the EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini told the media on Friday, following an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Riga, Latvia.
“We still believe that around our continent – not only in but around – cooperation is far better than confrontation. We still argue for that,” she added.
Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said the EU’s goal in Ukraine is “a ceasefire, not an escalation.”
“The statements [on Ukraine] from our source do not fully coincide with the statements made by NATO and the US,”German FM Frank-Walter Steinmeier said after the conference. “We are interested in not allowing it to grow into a misunderstanding.”
The German Spiegel magazine reported on Saturday that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government suspects the US and NATO of trying to derail the EU’s mediation effort in Ukraine.
The EU says it wants to increase the number of OSCE observers on the ground, doubling its current ceiling of 500.
@ Larchmonter 445.
Q: The US military wants a piece of Iran since 1982 and Lebanon. And it would correct to say that probably 90% of the American public who were alive and sentient in those days wouldn’t mind seeing Iran getting a taste of American bombing as payback.
R: Yeah, let’s forget about The 1953 Iranian coup d’état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953, orchestrated by the United Kingdom (under the name ‘Operation Boot’) and the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project)
How were the TA beaches? Sandy Hook… or even less bloodless?
Larchmonter, I suppose the necessity to control US military adventurism will result in econ warfare against the dollar, when it becomes the least risky form of warfare. But I still think the key is prying EU away from military participation– and even political cover.
Wish I could judge how important Zionism is to all this.
More documentation on the origins of ISIS, including the little-known Gul-Powell contract. Atlantic Council is Soros-funded, may be above Bilderberger.
http://nsnbc.me/2014/06/15/isis-unveiled-identity-insurgency-syria-iraq/ Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : The ISIS/ISIL offensive of June 2014 in Iraq and any political or military responses to it cannot be understood without first “unveiling ISIS”. ISIS/ISIL brigades seized Iraq’s northern city of Mosul and most of western Iraq within days. Iraqi military withdrew from Iraq’s second-largest city after no more than token resistance. Unveiling ISIS, all trails lead to the royal house of Saud, CIA headquarters, and their shared network for global mercenary and terrorist operations called Al-Qaeda.
Origin of ISIS/ISIL as Al-Qaeda in Iraq – Weaving the Veil of ISIS. ISIS / ISIL is a successor organization of the former Al-Qaeda in Iraq, allegedly established by Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi. Al Baghdadi, however, was a creation of Al-Qaeda, a publicity figure with the function to endow the Saudi-U.S. creation “Al-Qaeda” with an Iraqi face, whom radicalized Iraqi Sunni Muslims could identify with.
Green light for the war on Iraq with ISIS was given behind closed doors, at the sidelines of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 22 – 23, 2013.
The war is the implementation of the Gul-Powell Contract, which provides for the break up of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. Gul is [was] President of Turkey, and has admitted on TV that he signed the previously secret document.
The Gül – Powell Contract. On 3 April 2003, then acting Foreign Minister and current President [2013] of Turkey, Abdullah Gül, signed a secret two page, nine item agreement with the then U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell. The secret document was signed in Ankara, and Abdullah Gül has since then, openly admitted the fact at thirty-four different occasions.
Gul now resides in the US and is the principal behind the Gulen Schools here.
Der philosophische Mensch hat sogar das Vorgefühl, dass auch unter dieser Wirklichkeit, in der wir leben und sind, eine zweite ganz andre verborgen liege… – Nietzsche
Maybe, following the techniques of empire of chaos, an enhanced interrogation would be benefitial.
Just to understand better their plans and desired outcome..
The link to Seymour Hersh’s “The Redirection”. The 2007 article which first broke US intentions to use Islamic extremists as US proxy forces.
US will probably demand release of “american citizens” or to be handed to US authority in Iraq.
GARY who posts here has persuaded me that Varoufakis of Greece may indeed be trying to have Greece escape austerity and part of its debt. This brief Michael Hudson video explains.
International finance as war
The Ukraine-IMF debt negotiation shows is why finance has become the preferred mode of geopolitical warfare. Its objectives are the same as war: appropriation of land, raw materials (Ukraine’s gas rights in the Black Sea) and infrastructure (for rent-extracting opportunities) as well as the purchase of banks.
The IMF has begun to look like an office situated in the Pentagon, renting a branch office on Wall Street from Democratic Party headquarters, with the rent paid by Soros. His funds are drawing up a list of assets that he and his colleagues would like to buy from Ukrainian oligarchs and the government they control. The buyout payments for partnership with the oligarchs will not stay in Ukraine, but will be moved quickly to London, Switzerland and New York. The Ukrainian economy will lose the national patrimony with which it emerged from the Soviet Union in 1991, still deeply in debt (mainly to its own oligarchs operating out of offshore banking centers). –Michael Hudson
any economic power is potentially military; and any military power may enable other countries to pursue their own interest rather than subordinating their policy to U.S. political, economic and financial aims.
Real News video Michael explains why the Syriza vs EU battle is class warfare.
thanks penelope. great video…michael hudson makes it so clear. I hope verofakis wins his 4 months of educating the greek people !!
Saker, we should evince just a bit of skepticism in this case, for the same reason that we rejected Porky’s ludicrous claims that they had confiscated Russian passports from invading soldiers. CIA and Mossad field agents operating in such an environment are highly unlikely to be using real passports. At Mossad, for example, it is standard practice to have their field agents take out false passports from other countries. I assume Langley has the same policy.
Of course, at a higher level, I have never doubted from the start that ISIS is a big US/Israeli/Saudi dupe-group. But Fars is in business to spin the news no less than the pro-NATO press.
But the real significance is that the Iraqis are not keeping the info under wraps – true or false.
It seems to me they are signalling a pivot away from US: that’s the point.
That’s true, but it’s nothing new. Baghdad has been turning against Washington ever since Maliki became PM back in 2006. That’s why Iraq shot down the US’ proposed oil law and demanded that they leave the country. Iraqi Shiites have no use for America, which betrayed them in 1991. They are loyal to Iran.
Was ist also Wahrheit? Ein bewegliches Heer von Metaphern, Metonymien, Anthropomorphismen, kurz eine Summe von menschlichen Relationen, die, poetisch und rhetorisch gesteigert, übertragen, geschmückt wurden, und die nach langem Gebrauch einem Volke fest, kanonisch und verbindlich dünken: die Wahrheiten sind Illusionen, von denen man vergessen hat, daß sie welche sind, Metaphern, die abgenutzt und sinnlich kraftlos geworden sind, Münzen, die ihr Bild verloren haben und nun als Metall, nicht mehr als Münzen, in Betracht kommen. – Nietzsche
Komm zur Sache, Mensch! Was hat dieses Nietzsche-Zitat mit dem Thema zu tun?
Thank you, Saker.
Here’s another interesting one…
Back from the dead… ISIL fighter realizes wrong purpose after being denied access to the gates of Heaven.
i just use a simple foolproof indicator of the authenticity or fraud of a supposed event.
i call it the squealing stuck pig indicator, where a forum is hit with all kinds of insistent, never-heard-from before anonymous trolls protesting & insisting it’s all propaganda.
worked awful damn well for this story, i’d say.
something here on maduro/venezuela i wasn’t aware, simply because i know he got in under 2 years ago, so i thought he was safe for 2-3 more–not so!:
Maduro alluded to the possibility of destabilizing actions by his enemies in the run-up to the elections but said he has faith voters will hand the government a big victory.
The opposition is hoping to sweep the legislative vote, which must take place before year’s end, and then launch a recall referendum in an effort to force Maduro from office sometime in 2016.
“the squealing stuck pig indicator” – brilliant!
I like this blog – except them squealing piggies-
Trollin, trollin, trollin – Keep them piggies trolling
From this and a few other articles in the media over the last month, it seems the Iraq government, installed as a US puppet, is now starting to cut the strings to the puppet master.
What now? Will ISIS be hailed as moderate rebels that require backing, or is a new creation required?
somehow, i doubt the term “jihadi george” (a common greek first name) will arouse much fear of anything in the rest of europe.
even lesss if it’s “nikos”= nicodemus, one of the sanhedrin.
This time it was its foreign minister and leader of the Independent Greeks party – Syriza’s junion coalition partner – Nikos Kotzias, who showed how to bluff like the best of them, when he threatened that “there will be tens of millions of immigrants and thousands of jihadists, if you take out Greece” the minister said on before EU foreign ministers meeting in Riga.
I for one don’t need any more evidence than that already provided. They are training so called moderates in Jordan, they never attack Israel, Israel provides medical aid to these scum, the US has been providing training and weapons to so called moderate rebels….they drop material aid in the wrong spot, they allow them to work on the internet without bringing them down when they monitor every key stroke we write, they follow anything over 10,000 dollars if you want to send it anywhere and these guys transfer millions-they are running this psychop before our very eyes and we are letting them get away with it that is what is wrong with this world. If anyone believed anything they have read about ISIS in the Western Press they need their head read as far as I am concerned.
The Iraqi forces said they have retrieved four foreign passports, including those that belonged to American and Israeli nationals and one that belonged to the national of a Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) member-state, from ISIL’s military advisors.
The foreign advisors were arrested in a military operation in Tal Abta desert near Mosul city.
This is a very nice catch. I wonder if it was known beforehand these scum were there, or just good luck?
Assassination attempt on Mozgovoy. He survived.
Saw it on Twitter.
Mozgovoi about the attempt to kill him
Boko Haram Allegedly Pledges Their Allegiance to ISIL
The Nigerian fundamentalist Islamic Group has pledged their allegiance to the so-called Islamic State according to an audio message. The message was posted on Boko Haram’s Twitter account and appeared to be created by the group’s leader but remains unconfirmed.
The announcement comes on the heels of a devastating series of attacks in Nigeria that left 54 dead and nearly 200 injured.
During the 8-minute audio, the narrator says “We announce our allegiance to the Caliph of the Muslims Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim al-Husseini al-Qurashi and will hear and obey in times of difficulty and prosperity.”
The narrator explains the call saying that “the Caliph” represents “Allah’s Rule” and “fights the enemy of Islam and those who fight the Rule of Allah.”It goes on to pledge to “not to dispute about rule with those in power” and calls on “Muslims everywhere to pledge allegiance to the Caliph and support him, as obedience to Allah.”
“This is the completeness of the religion with the book that guides and the sword that favors,” he says. “Having to rule the people is one of the greatest duties of the religion.”
Boko Haram started in northern Nigeria in 2009 as an effort to impose Islamic rule there. They are believed to have killed more than 5,000 civilians between 2009 and 2014 in attacks occurring mainly in northeast, north-central and central Nigeria but which have also spilled into neighboring states including Chad, Niger and Cameroon.
So BH confirms they are one Israel-America’s proxy terrorist armies.
Turkish Governor Confirms ISIL Commander Being Treated in Local Hospital
An Islamic State commander injured in a bomb attack in northern Syria is being treated in a Turkish hospital in the border province of Antakya.
Emrah C., a Turkish national, was admitted to Pamukkale University Hospital on Feb. 28, according to a statement released by Denizli province Governor’s office.
The statement also confirmed the Turkish ISIL commander has full rights to health services benefits in the country.
“Judicial procedures regarding his injury were carried out when he crossed into Turkey from Syria. His treatment is still underway in Denizli in accordance with the right to receive medical attention, just like a normal citizen,” the statement said.
Turkey has been heavily criticized for allowing foreign fighters to pass through its territory to neighboring Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State. It has also been facing backlash for its reluctance to join US-led coalition efforts to fight the militant group, indicating an ideological link between some Turkish officials and the ISIL.
Last September, Turkish daily Aydinlik reported that the AKP (Justice and Development Party) government opened a 75 bed-capacity hospital in the southeastern Turkish province Gaziantep to treat jihadists injured while fighting in Syria.
RT has additional info, as well info on the Turkish hypocrisy with regard to treating injured Kurds who are victims of ISIL.
ISIS commander treated in Turkish hospital ‘like all other citizens’
Authorities in Turkey have confirmed social media reports that an injured Islamic State commander is being treated in a Denizli hospital, saying the militant has every right to receive medical care as he is a Turkish citizen.
The man, identified as Emrah Cakan, has reportedly been recovering in a hospital in Denizli in southwestern Turkey since February 28.
He was among 1,000 Turks, who joined the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), and quickly rose to the rank of a senior commander.
that ‘gaffe’ about 10 days ago by erdogan stating loudly that isis is run by israel & the neoconazis can clearly be seen as his bragging about it, not any astounding revelation whatsoever, since he is their owned b!tch also.
he’s just carrying on the work of his predecessor gul, with that gul- colon poo hole agreement of 2003.
this perincek guy better be wearing an iron man suit everywhere.
Perinçek called to mind that Tayyip Erdoğan visited Saudi King Selman the other day, stating: “They agreed on exporting terrorism to Syria. We also talked with Bashar Al-Assad and agreed on ending separatist terrorism in the Middle East.”
He went on to say: “We are ashamed of our government and we see it as a calamity in Turkey. Every one sees Tayyip Erdoğan administration as an organization provoking terrorism in our neighbors. They want us to get rid of it. […] Those who burn our neighbors burn Turkey.”
Bombing of Islamic State by US Coalition Ineffective – Syrian Minister
The Deputy Foreign Minister of Syria, Faisal al-Miqdad, said airstrikes against ISIL are ineffective in combating the militants.
The Deputy Foreign Minister of Syria, Faisal al-Miqdad, said airstrikes by the US against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq seem “superficial and characterized by small scale,” reported Japanese media.
The deputy minister urged that “the most effective way to combat” Islamic state “are ground operations” similar to what Syria and Iraq are doing themselves in order to combat the militants.
He stressed that the training of anti-government forces conducted by the United States will prolong the conflict and spread it to other countries.
Al-Miqdad in his interview to the Japanese media urged Japan to cooperate more closely in the fight against terrorism. According to the deputy head of the Syrian Foreign Ministry, the opening of a Japanese Embassy in Syria, which was closed three years ago, will allow a mutual cooperation for restoring the social order in the region which is directly linked to terrorism.
He further said that Syria has accumulated a large amount of data on the terrorist organizations and is ready to provide this information to countries willing to cooperate with Syria.
The deputy minister further promised the Japanese government to provide information regarding the place of burial of the Japanese hostages executed in late January by ISIL, as soon as the Syrian officials are informed about the location.
Sally Buzbee, head of Washington DC AP complained at the beginning of the US “anti-ISIS” bombing that there was to be absolutely no press involvement. They weren’t allowed to see the planes take off, talk to the crews, or even know how many sorties or from which airports. This was months ago, when it was just beginning.
Re: Boko Haram. They’ve long been known to be NATO assets.
“Is it another case of the West supplying both the problem and the solution. The Nigerian Tribune reported Boko Harm’s funding was traced to the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia, specifically from the Al-Muntada Trust Fund. In 2005, The Center for Security Policystated “Al-Muntada has, incidentally, been particularly active in promoting Wahhabi-style Islamism in Nigeria… Al-Muntada… pays for Nigerian clerics to be ‘brainwashed’ in Saudi universities and imposed on Nigerian Muslims through its well-funded network of mosques and schools.”
“The US and French governments want to assure themselves that the new Chinese leadership will not continue its beneficial relationships with resource-rich African nations that have been a success in the past. Therefore, the ‘War on Terror’ will create instability and will disrupt China’s economic growth
I don’t have time to look it up, but if you want more on boko Haram, search within either Globalresearch.ca or nsnbc.
Even wikipedia has there funding sources.
>Boko Haram has broadened its funding by drawing on foreign donors, and other ventures such as fake charity organizations.[169] In February 2012, recently arrested officials revealed that while the organization initially relied on donations from members, its links with Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb opened it up to funding from groups in Saudi Arabia and the UK<
Berlin “Stunned” At US Desire For War In Ukraine from…Der Spiegel via Zero Hedge
If this news is true, Iraq needs to immediately disseminate copies of the passports and all relevant information to as many countries as possible, including the United Nations general assembly. This information needs to also be handed out to as many world news organizations as possible. In the age of the information war, all available tools must be utilized immediately, especially the INTERNET, and social media outlets. Iraq must not allow this information to disappear !
Why? What would that achieve? The UN and 99% of major news corporations are tentacles of the Creature. Giving them the information won’t result in many (if any) people seeing it.
It would be far more effective for Iraq to simply post all the information and documents directly on the net. On a site of their own, not bloody Wikileaks or other Rothschild ‘dole it out in tiny vetted serves’ fake opposition sites.
General Phillip Breedlove, warmonger of NATO.
When I say most American generals and admirals are frauds and not really warriors of the combat sort, men or women who have fought, had bullets and rockets shot at them, seen death and destruction and collateral damage up close, read this biography of his military career. Then you will know he is a fraud and would “reposition” NATO HQ in Iron Mountain if the Russians really came in force into Ukraine or against NATO in the Baltics or Black Sea.
From Wikipedia:
“From March until August of the next year, he was in pilot instructor training at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. From August 1979 to January 1983, he became a T-37 Tweet instructor pilot, evaluation flight examiner and runway supervisory unit controller at Williams. He then became a F-16 Fighting Falcon student pilot at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida until September 1983. After that, he transferred to Torrejon Air Base, Spain, from September 1983 to January 1985, where he was the F-16 aircraft commander and instructor pilot for the 614th Tactical Fighter Squadron.[8]
Breedlove became an air liaison officer from January 1985 to March 1987 with the 602nd Air Support Operations Group, Kitzingen Air Base, West Germany. He later transferred to the 526th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ramstein Air Base, West Germany, from March 1987 to January 1988. Eventually, he was Chief of Flight Safety, 316th Air Division, at Ramstein, until August 1988. For the next two years, he became first a F-16 flight commander, then assistant operations officer of the 512th Tactical Fighter Squadron, also at Ramstein. From August 1990 to July 1991, he was a student at the Air Command and Staff College located at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Also in that year, he earned his Master of Science degree in aeronautical technology from Arizona State University. Beginning in July 1991 and going to May 1993, he was the Chief of Air Operations, United Nations Command and Republic of Korea/United States Combined Forces Command, Yongsan Army Garrison, South Korea.[8]
Later career:
Starting in May 1993, Breedlove was the commander of the 80th Fighter Squadron at Kunsan Air Base, South Korea. This position lasted until July 1994, when he became a student at the National War College, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington D.C.. In June 1995, he became the operations officer, United States Pacific Command Division, Joint Staff, The Pentagon, Washington D.C., where he stayed until June. That next month, he became commander of the 27th Operations Group, Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico. In June 1999 and going to that next May, he was the executive officer to the Commander, Headquarters Air Combat Command, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia. For the next year, he was the commander of the 8th Fighter Wing, Kunsan Air Base, South Korea. Beginning in June 2001 and lasting for the next year, he was the senior military assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Headquarters United States Air Force, Washington D.C.[8]
From June 2002 to June 2004, he became the commander of the 56th Fighter Wing, located at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. Then for the next year, he became commander of the 31st Fighter Wing, Aviano Air Base, Italy.[9] He then became the Vice Commander of the 16th Air Force at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, from June 2005 to October 2006. His next assignment, which lasted until July 2008, had him as the Vice Director for Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Staff, The Pentagon, Washington D.C.. From July 2008 to August 2009, he was the Commander of the 3rd Air Force, located at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. In August 2009, he began serving as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans and Requirements, Headquarters United States Air Force, Washington D.C.[8]
On January 14, 2011, Breedlove started his term as Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. His promotion to general also was effective that day.[8][10]”
Motorola can out-general this joker.
This is why the Germans went ballistic over Breedlove stirring up war talk in Ukraine.
They know the American echelon military is a paper tiger.
They know the generals don’t even want to engage ISIS out in the open with ground forces. They don’t have the know-how to maneuver. They have technology and billions in equipment, but they are failures taught by failures taught by frauds. Been going on since post-Korea.
Only elite special forces and some heroic men and women in various specialties are real warriors.
These guys who bellow on TV and in the media, just run a quick check on their “career”. Nearly all have no real wars in their background. Just the ludicrous Iraq Gulf War I. And if they go back to Vietnam, they were nothing there. Zero.
The Iraq II and Afghanistan, well, again, nothing on theatre scale, nothing on large unit warfare. It was mostly, grunts, SOFs, close-air A-10 and helo people. That is not generalling a war.
The US military cruise missiles, bombs from high altitude and takes months and months to prepare for it. A fast war coming there way is out of the question.
So they can’t handle the concept of Russia on the land.
And Breedlove will be in charge of all NATO troops. The last generals to get that away from him would be German. Unthinkable. There has almost always been a US Admiral or AF general, one Brit for 8 months, one French AF general for 2 years. All American control since IKE, #1.
But if you look, it is mostly Air Force and Navy. 2 or 3 since Ike have been land warfare generals.
So, when I say the Hegemon can only fight from carriers and distant based missiles and bombers, look at the history and the wars it fights.
Russia terrifies because its air defenses, nukes, and land warfare superiority.
And apparently, invisibility and politeness.
FNA: [Alexander Prokhanov] “a senior aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin”
A controversial figure, Prokanov in Russia is seen by some as a spiritual leader of the opposition movement, and condemned by others as a purveyor of extremist nationalistic views which formed the ideological platform of Zavtra, the ultra-conservative newspaper he’s been the leader of since 1993.
Well, well, well.
I wonder why the American “free press” hasn’t reported this very important bit of news that Americans and their allies have been caught “militarily advising” the ISIL terrorist group?
It’s because America is a nation of flag-waving, Support-the-Troops inbreds who refuse to admit that their precious American Empire is the greatest sponsor of terrorism on the planet from CIA asset USAma Bin Laden to Al-Queda to tjhe Libyan Islamict Figihting Group toAl-Nusra Front to ISIL/ISIS–all of whom have been “advised” (i.e., armed) by the self-styled Land of the Free.
It’s long overdue that other nations give America a taste of its own medicine and start supporting militant groups inside the belly of the American Beast…like the Black Panthers, New Afrikans, La Raza, Native American and other indiginous independence movements against the United Snakes.
The Ameris cannot stand to get a taste of their own medicine and will cry like little bitches.
As Malcolm X once said about the JFK assassination: Chickens will come home to roost for America.
I am totally in agreement with Seamus Padraig, but wish to elaborate.
My first thought upon reading this article was, “Where is the evidence?” Exactly the same thought as the accused troll. Group think is dangerous, whether it’s “theirs” or “ours.” It’s how propaganda propagates. Regardless of whether Marc/marc is a troll or for whom, he was right about the lack of evidence, and none of the links provided so far trace the information back to the source. This is an intelligent community. Please don’t discourage legitimate debate.
I was trained in old-school journalism – you know, when naming sources was required, and just because somebody said something, you didn’t print it without checking it out first. When I say I want the source, I want the primary source. This is a particular problem with Internet news. Articles are repeated in multiples, whether in the original form or some variation. Apparently that was the case here. Linking to an article that quotes “Iraqi news agency Sama” is not sufficient. There are “news agencies” all over the world that pump out official government spin, and many of them present themselves as independent and objective, blahblah. Ukrinform is a “news agency.” Are we supposed to believe Sama merely because it’s Iraqi? Who are these people? Where did they get their information? Did they independently verify it? Does anyone else not think these are valid questions?
I wanted to know. So I did a search for the “Iraqi news agency Sama.” The first two pages of hits were all news sites that picked up this story. (Saker, you’ll be happy to know you were in the top five hits.) Eventually I found a Sama News. I translated the site with Google. No mention of captured foreigners. After a lot of wasted time, it became apparent that this was a different Sama News, in Palestine, apparently no relation. There also was a Samaa TV. Pakistani. After exhausting the possible combinations of search words, I switched from English by typing various keyword combinations into the translator and using the results to search. Although the hits came back in Arabic, the site names and dates were in English. It took three freaking hours, but I finally found the original article:
So, now we’ve got the original story, and we know that it comes from a “statement” (usually code for press release) from “a source in the fight against terrorism,” who says that Iraqi special forces captured the advisors and took them to Baghdad. Unless something is terribly lost in the translation, they reportedly also killed their families. So how does this “source” know all of this? How was he able to confirm that they were advisers to IS? That the story sounds plausible or that I believe ISIS is a front is immaterial, as are all the other sources linking ISIS to the CIA, Mossad, Turkey, Gulf States, etc. All of that could be 100 percent true, and this story could still be wrong. Or it could be right. Under the old-school rules, it would have been considered irresponsible to run a story like this without substantiation.
After a few more hours of searching, I wasn’t able to find out anything about who owns Sama or whether they’re affiliated with the government or a particular bloc. If anyone is able to find out, that would be useful information. If it turns out they’re comparable to Ukrinform, we can thank them for the fine bit of entertainment.
This may seem like overkill, but I needed to say my piece. We’re in an information war, and to survive it, we need to know how to discern good information from bad.
Excellent comment, PQ
Trying to bring rational thought and analysis to a topic that feeds on conformation bias and belief is nearly impossible as you will see when the name calling begins.
I have been following the propaganda from Iran on this subject for months and very little of it is documented or followed up but that isn’t necessary when, what one ME reporter called “Baghdadi Denial Syndrome” has taken root. This repeating meme is mostly aimed at ME audiences but the virus has spread to susceptible Western audiences looking for simple answers that reinforce the denial of the importance and power of the growing revolution in the Muslim World.
We may be witnessing the beginning of the greatest revolutionary movement in history and many people are understandably frightened and confused which can lead them to cling to illusions of control and safety. The new reality will eventually destroy these illusions leaving many people angry and even more confused.
Mark got a point. Imagine that you have to write an article in the most accurate way. If you take the news about the Isis’s foreign advisors, you have to check the facts. Are there any names? Any passport numbers, any photos? No, so you have to be prudent. Here at stake there is an article about a single fact, not the problem who is behind the Isis if any. The nature of Isis is a complex issue. We can say that it is born from Al Zarqawi Al Qaeda between the two Rivers, that it was exploited and helped by many nations. More directly from Turkey, more indirectly by the Americans, by Gulfs states and maybe by the Israeli that have a strong presence of intelligence in the Kurdish region since the Shah’s times. (Israel’s link with Al Nusra seems clearer). Isis was born as anti-Shiite tool and was transformed into a global cinematic actor. But these are interpretations if we consider the episode in question a lot of caution is welcome.
Just as Poroshenko held up some allegedly Russian passports, this story about American and Israeli passports does not have to be true at all. It can’t be ruled out, but it is certainly not proven in any way by this news report. Generally, I am skeptical about the idea that the US would be behind IS, as if they would be able to remote-control this fanatical group and steer them in whatever direction they like. Do the IS fanatics not believe in their own ideology? Do they not believe that they represent a caliphate that recognizes no other political entities and that is going to take over the world? If they do believe in it, then why would they bow to foreign interests?
To be sure, the US has indirectly helped to create IS, by funding “moderate rebels” that have later on deserted and joined IS, but this does not mean that Obama wanted this to happen. It just means that they thought they would be able to control the rebel groups, and it turned out they couldn’t, the way it usually happens. The notion that the US are controlling IS and can use them however they like, direct them against Iran or Russia or whatever, seems very dubious at best.
“I am sceptical that the US would be behind ISIS”.
Thats what they count on, that for the majority of people such a concept would be too enormous and far fetched for them to believe. And while we are at it can we kindly get rid of this artificial and contrived seperation between ISIS and Alqaeda, they are both one and the same and any “seperation” between the two groups is just the evil swine in Washington playing psychological mind games to fool the population.
Try doing some critical thinking. Have you or anyone ever heard of ISIS or Alqaeda ever threatening Isreal in any way shape or form ? , let alone actually carrying out an attack against Israel ? In the last Israeli genocide against the Palestinians who are also lest we forget Sunni muslims and in which roughly 2000 Palestinians were killed these jihadi scumbags were conspicuous by their deafening silence, not one peep out of them on the issue, and immediately afterwards they issue a statement threatening……..Russia !
Fact : these takfiri scum have on numerous occasions received help from Israel who has on several occasions even acted as their airforce when they
have been getting their asses kicked by Assads army. They get transferred to Israel to be patched up in Israeli hospitals and even the UN issued a report documenting active co-operatoon between the jihadis and Israeli troops on the Golan heights and you are still sceptical the US is behind ISIS ?
ISIS is a creation of US/UK, Israeli, Turkish and Saudi intelligence services to destabilize the axis of resistance of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah against Israeli hegemony in the region.
There is more than circumstantial evidence that many western intelligence units work inside ISIS cells directing them. This not just a rumor. Pictures of people high up in western politics getting their pictures taken with ISIS members are fake? I think the plausible deniability went out the window with that. Now we know that special forces were leading the terrorists charge in Libya using nato air cover. And here you doubt things.. Israel providing passage to Jordanian trained terrorists via the Golan heights, providing them medical aide, shooting Syrian jets and artillery strikes on Syrian positions in support of terrorists. UN documented Israel handing over large boxes to terrorists in the Golan heights.
The only people fighting the Syrian government are now terrorists, if there are any Syrians in there, they are getting funding directly from nato allied sources.
There is no ifs and butts here. ISIS is now directly controlled by the US command. This is far closer than CIA control of Al Qaeda. CIA did not have embedded intelligence agents in al Qaeda. French and British intelligence agents inside ISIS have been documented. Would not really matter if they even get pictures out. We now know they were therein Libya.. So what? The Libyan revolution was pure nato and nato allied countries. There is no question to answer there.
One thing which has concerned me to no end is the very weird obsession shown by all the Muslim forces and factors arrayed against the USA, Israel and Europe, as to imposing as much as possible overall separation of the adult male population from the adult female population, the furious opposition to sexual thoughts and feelings between men and women, no doubt based on fundamental feelings of rage, disgust and shame at all sexual attraction and contact between men and women, including opposition and disdain for any “love” between men and women,—why all this? Much of this started, I am informed, with the writings of one Saiid Qutub, a founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, in the 1950’s, who was eventually put to death by Nasser, the Egyptian leader, for plotting to overthrow him and kill him.—But when you consider the Taliban,
the Boko Haram in Nigeria, the Wahhabists and Salafists, the Daesh “ISIL” movement,—they are
all committed to fomenting maximal feelings of mutual terror and rage and disgust between adult
men and adult women, wherever their authority reaches.—This looks like some overall effort
to oppose and sabotage heterosexual attraction in general, and to discourage men and women from being friends and showing any sort of love toward each other.—Could it be some objective
to sabotage and discourage natural human reproduction altogether? If enough men and women come to hate each other and fear each other, they will not be falling in love, will not be having sexual contact, will not be bearing any children, the population will start decreasing and dying out.
And perhaps the preferred method of reproduction will become scientifically eugenically guided
programs controlled by the government, using artificial insemination and/or cloning. I came across
a hint of this idea that human reproduction should become artificial, in the so-called Iron Mountain Report.—Thus, maybe the hypermilitarized regimented society envisioned by the “Sharia law”
of militant Islam would be seen by some persons out there as the very suitable model for the regimentation and militarization of all humankind, and the production of a very ferocious and warlike type of human,—like humans into demons, and proud of it.—Otherwise, as I mentioned,
I am very much perplexed about this obsession with fomenting distance and hostilities as much
as possible between adult men and adult women. The point is, that today reproductive technology exists which makes men and women “falling in love” and reproducing by sexual contact as no longer necessary, no longer the “necessary evil” as it was in the eyes of the very flawed religious leaders and very flawed “church fathers” of the past. Religion is almost everywhere the main source of the code of acceptable conduct regarding human family life. So here we have religion discouraging in a very basic way the behavior of natural sexual reproduction. This is not good!
—It is not good that the leadership of Christianity was taken over by self-afflicting ascetical monastic cadres, given that Lord Jesus, may peace be upon Him, never lived an ascetical- monastic type of life, and it is not good that Islamic family morals seem to be taken over by a system based on fostering fundamental disgust and rage at sexual attraction between adult men and adult women, and fostering hostility, fear, distance and separation between adult men and adult women.
know the truth:
Yes, it seems credible that Israel and IS are cooperating in various ways. This makes sense since they largely have the same enemies – the shiites of the region, who according to IS ideology are apostates and should be killed. (Jews and Christians can be allowed to live if they pay extra taxes.) But this still does not mean that Israel, and certainly not the US, are behind IS, as in *controlling* them. The lack of support for Palestine discredits them as being any sort of legitimate Muslim resistance group, but if you think about it, this also makes sense, because neither Hamas nor Fatah of course recognize the IS Caliphate, and so they are simply enemies according to IS.
Critical thinking is exactly what I am engaging in. Consider also that the US have dropped thousands of bombs on IS, killing many militants, destroying tanks etc. Israel and the United States are not the same and may simply not be aligned with each other in this fight. This article seems informative on the subject.
I quote:
“When the United States began operations against ISIS, Israeli high command seemed reluctant to give any support and called the move a mistake. The support of ISIS fits in with Israeli concerns in the region, namely that of Syria and Iran, and U.S. opposition to ISIS has put the United States in the awkward position of once again arming the enemies we will be fighting tomorrow.”
My bad: The article I referred to actually claims that the US were funding IS as well, as an attempt to help overthrow Assad, although the author seems to mean that they are not doing so any longer. It is bad enough if they *did* fund it, to be sure, just as they have been funding other extremist sunni groups in the region. However, since they are now *bombing* IS, I would guess the funding part is over, no?
I have seen a few photos where John McCain poses with alleged IS members, but this does not mean that the US has IS in its pocket today, if they ever had. The most realistic explanation I can see is that they sponsored Sunni rebels that later on turned out to be impossible to control.
I would need some strong evidence to convince me that the US is today on the side of IS, or even directing them. If anyone has such evidence, feel free to post it.
Z, the link to addictinginfo shows just how facts morph into fiction and myths are propagated. If my recollection is correct the UN report stated that the IDF was in contact with so called moderate armed groups on the Syrian border such as the FSA but there is no direct reference to the Islamic State or al Nusra. This fact doesn’t seem to stop later reporters of these contacts from inserting their opinions whatever their reasons.
The Israelis in their ignorance and arrogance may think they can handle the Islamic State at a later date and profit from their attacks on Hezbollah and Assad but I think that is hubris.
The John McCain picture with Syrian rebels is another example of projection of a meme because the leaders pictured there were the leader of the FSA and another group, the man in the background looks somewhat like al Baghdadi, possibly ten years ago, but is sold as proof of IS/US collusion.
The only use the Caliph might have for McCain , after his capture, is to use him in an execution video and possibly offer his public blessing to his executioner.
The strong evidence is HISTORY.
” Consider also that the US have dropped thousands of bombs on IS, killing many militants, destroying tanks etc.”
Haha ! And do you have any independent and verifiable sources for this statement or are you just relying on press releases handed out by the white house to its presstitute MSM ? Going by the many statements of Iraqi, Syrian and Iranian officials as to the lack of effectiveness of the US so called “air strikes” against ISIS I very much doubt this as the only effective forces carrying the fight to ISIS are the Syrian Arab Army with the help of Hezbollah and it now looks like the Iraqi army most probably also with the help of Iran are now starting to make some gains. But still if it makes you happy to carry on living in denial that is your choice but it makes me happy to see more and more people now waking up from the opiate of western MSM who do realise without illusions what murderous psychopaths are now in charge of the west.
Good to see a few others being sceptical of ALL media reports without checking. Certainly the US media has become an uncritical mouthpiece of US Government, but Iranian media are no better.
This article from Fars consists of 3 sentences about Iraq and then a piece tacked on the end quoting something said “last year” by Alexander Prokhanov, who is describe as “a senior aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin” when he is, in fact, the editor of Zavtra and a fierce critic of both Putin and Obama.
This ultra-right shit-stirrer is only being quoted by Fars because if fits the Iranian line. That they would make out he is influencial by lying about his closeness to Putin, casts doubt on the veracity of the original claims. It doesn’t prove the claims are wrong, but it should be put in the “fog of war” basket.
The McCain-ISIS connection was long ago debunked. This is another example of how rumors take hold with people who already subscribe to a particular belief and refuse to admit their error when presented with the facts. It’s unfortunate, because the real story behind the photos that started the meme is just as damning, if not more so.
Before the photos of McCain with “terrorists” went viral, I already had seen them as part of my research into the strange case of Elizabeth O’Bagy, the 20-something “Ph.D. Syria expert” who was being trotted out in TV news interviews to support the case for arming the “moderate” opposition to Bashar al-Assad. At the time, she was an analyst with the Institute for the Study of War, the founder of which is – get ready for this – Nuland’s sister-in-law. They are married to Robert and Frederick Kagan, two long-time neocons of the most insidious kind. Robert Kagan was an adviser to McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.
During the congressional debate in August 2013 on arming the Syrian opposition, O’Bagy wrote an op-ed piece for The Wall Street Journal that was cited by both McCain and Kerry. Suddenly, reporters started questioning how a 20-something could be a Syria expert. Busted! The official cover was that she lied on her resume about having a Ph.D. and that her employer was oh-so-disappointed but had no choice but to fire her. I don’t believe that. Although I have no proof (and wouldn’t be able to find it), I suspect that ISW knew full well that she hadn’t have a Ph.D. but chose her because she made good TV – young, attractive, articulate, and not a Kagan. They had to “fire” her to keep up appearances. Lo and behold, it wasn’t long before McCain hired her on his staff.
While she was working for ISW, O’Bagy also was working for a Washington group called the Syrian Emergency Task Force, which was lobbying for aid to the Western-backed opposition. It was in that capacity, allegedly, that O’Bagy arranged McCain’s trip to Syria. He was accompanied by the group’s director, another 20-something, one Mouaz Moustafa. Moustafa is the smiling guy in the keffiyah in the foreground of the photos with McCain. The guys in the background are opposition leaders. When that information came out, a new rumor started, that the serious-looking guy in the background was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS. Side-by-side photos started circulating the Internet as “proof” they were the same guy. Sure, they have a resemblance; they’re both dark-skinned Arabs with dark eyebrows and a mustache. Ironically, the first time I saw a photo of al-Baghdadi, I immediately thought how easy it would be to fake him. I had the same thought about Osama bin Laden, who I suspect was long dead of kidney failure by the time of his alleged assassination (again, no proof). Like department store Santas, they’re easy to replicate. That people are so lacking in discernment and ready to believe they’re the same guy makes the illusion that much easier to perpetrate.
As I see it, the real story here has to do with how Moustafa’s group was funded. It was receiving State Department grants, hidden by layers of contractors and subcontractors. That’s how they do it. This is one of the clever ways that the U.S. promotes propaganda to support the regime change du jour. In their budget justification, they call it “supporting free speech” and training “citizen journalists.” This is how they fund NGOs, and it’s also how NGOs like the Soros groups create even more layers, all very difficult to trace back to the source. A common theme is heavy use of the Internet and social media, obviously targeted at younger audiences.
What’s more, Moustafa’s group was lobbying Congress, so in essence, the State Department not only is using taxpayers’ money to create support for its foreign policy objectives, but it’s lobbying Congress by proxy. Moustafa went on to make a “documentary” promoting the Syrian opposition. There’s no mention of funding, but the production company’s Web site lists the State Department among its clients.
That’s all disturbing enough, but for me, the most troubling aspect of this whole episode is not McCain’s supposed links to ISIS, but that both he and Kerry cited O’Bagy’s WSJ article. That’s simply too much of a coincidence. I’ve long suspected that the noisy charges and countercharges, duly reported and dramatized by the media, are all for show. It keeps the populace arguing with each other, while behind the scenes, these guys are all working together. I’m starting to believe that the same is true with foreign governments. For whose benefit, it’s not hard to guess.
Exposing how consent is manufactured in Amerika with its byzantine structures and Machiavellian intent is an interesting if safe pastime but I tend to target smaller windmills that are churning out their own version of the Grand Wurlitzer.
Just as many Amerikans are susceptible to manipulation by the Gov/Press so too are many people in the ME easily manipulated.
What is interesting and confounding to me is that some people here and at other blogs can be very critical and analytical when addressing US propaganda but discard all those skills and swallow, hook, line and sinker almost anything coming from Iran, Syria or Hezbollah.
Iran, Syria or Hezbollah and humanitarian bombings people in new York and sending cannuck terrorists across the border to plunder your sister and rape your nuns?
Palestinian Parody about ISIS and Israel
So ?? They have modified their name ? From Israeli Secret Intelligence Services to, Israeli Secret Intelligence Legion !
The evil West and allies have more sides to them than a hexagon. Cannot say fighting one thing one minute and continue to support and fund the evil helped create the next.
israel passports confiscated by iraqi authorities were of israeli arabs illegalljy
serving within the da’ash (isil) terrorist org.