By now you all have probably heard it: the newly appointed Ukrainian Minister of Defense has officially pledged to re-take Crimea and to organize a victory parade in the streets of Sevastopol. His statement, made in the Ukrainian Parliament, was received with a standing ovation.
Needless to say, the notion of the Ukraine re-taking Crimea is ludicrous. The Ukrainian Defense Minister knows this, and so do the Parliamentarians. But what is important here is not that he would make such a statement, but that it caught the attention of the international media as if this was an exception. Sadly, I assure you that it is not. The sad and hard to imagine reality is that Banderastan lives in a total “la la land” in which literally everything is just as ludicrous as the idea of the Ukrainian military somehow kicking the Russians out of Crimea. As somebody who follows the Ukrainian TV (through the Internet) on a regular basis, can tell you that this kind of nonsense is absolutely the mainstream norm. The disconnect between the real world and the imaginary world in which the rump-Ukraine (aka “Banderastan”) lives in today is total. The best image I can think of is the orchestra of the Titanic playing music while the ship was sinking, except that the disconnect between reality of the situation of Banderastan and what the poor people in Kiev and the rest of the Ukraine hear on TV is even bigger. This is not just “propaganda”, it is really insanity, denial and delusional thinking at its most extreme. Even tonight I have heard respectable looking Ukrainian politicians seriously discussing how the Ukraine’s “civilizational choice” will usher a new era in which, I kid you now, the “Ukraine will re-join its West European destiny”. In the meantime, the Ukie solidiers in Luganks have shot all the stray dogs they could to feed themselves.
Banderastan, the junta in Kiev and, frankly, the zombified Ukrainian people are now in the situation of a person falling from a skyscraper and who, passing by the 15th floor in his fall, thinks “so far so good”. The inevitable impact will be terrible. Part of me feels sorry for these people, but part of me is also disgusted with their capability to believe not only ludicrous lies, but ugly, nasty, ludicrous live.
Today I was listening to the intercepted radio conversations of the Ukie bombers which have basically erased the town of Stanitsa Luganskaia from the map. Guess what? Just like the pilots who shot cluster munitions at the Lugansk city center, these pilots spoke Russian with their FAC. I was trying to imagine what kind of person could shoot at his own people while pretending to be part of a different nation. I think that this guy is the prototypical Ukie: a Russian-speaking russophobe who is willing to murder his own people in the name of a fiction which he knows is based on a lie.
![]() |
The proud daddy with his baby |
Of course, denial only works for so long, eventually reality always prevails. But for the time being, this is the Golem the EU and the US have created: a hateful and insane entity which is deeply paranoid, completely amoral, with no sense of right and wrong, which has no “real reality” but only nationalistic facade and whose worst and most self-evident lies are greeted with a standing ovation of other such type of creatures. Kolomoiski is a monster, Liashko is a buffoon. Poroshenko is repulsive. Timoshenko is evil. Iatseniuk is pathetic. And the list goes on. But in reality, aren’t they all the same? A disgusting freak show which exists solely because of centuries of western efforts to create such monsters?
I will agree with one of the key theses of the Ukie propaganda: even if they speak Russian when off-camera, these people are not Russian. Being Russian was never an ethnic category, but always a civilizational, a cultural thing. And so yes, these Ukies truly are not Russian in any way. They have completely expressed the Moskal out of their identity and they have made a kind of “civilizational choice” – not to be Russian. After so many centuries we are witnessing the ethnogenesis of a new culture: the Ukie. I don’t think I have ever felt such a sense of total disgust for any group. Banderastan is born – a zombified people lead by ugly evil freaks. They won’t last very long (the impact on the ground is getting close fast), but while they exist they truly are a sight to behold. I know I should, but I can find it in me to feel sorry for them. When the end comes for them – because it definitely will – I think that I will only feel relief.
The Saker
This document is a little bit of from Ukraine, but at the same time this is the confirmation where the Empire get us. It is only on us if we are going to accept this or not.Please watch this document till end
The film follows the story of
programming prodigy and
information activist Aaron
Swartz. From Swartz’s help
in the development of the basic
internet protocol RSS to his
co-founding of Reddit, his
fingerprints are all over the
But it was Swartz’s ground-
breaking work in social justice
and political organizing
combined with his aggressive
approach to information access
that ensnared him in a two-year
legal nightmare. It was a battle
that ended with the taking of
his own life at the age of 26.
Aaron’s story touched a nerve
with people far beyond the
online communities in which he
was a celebrity. This film is a
personal story about what we lose
when we are tone deaf about
technology and its relationship to
our civil liberties.
(Video: 105 minutes):
I’d be willing to bet that the average Ukrainian has a pretty cynical view of his government and its actions. Compare that to the average proud American who has no idea that his government has been on the wrong side of everything for its entire history.
Sad indeed pilots speaking russian on their way to a bombing run. This proves how a concerted campaign of psychological warfare can completely destroy a country in 20 years. Today Kiev tomorrow another european recalcitrant european capital. The ukies are now living on the ”capital” of the soviet union or what’s left of it. Even the oligarchs will find it difficult to rollover their debt obligations. They will probably start to cannibalize each other pretty soon. To think that the vast majority of the ukrainian population wanted to remain in a loose union with the rest of Russia after the disintegration of the USSR. They have not seen the worst of it, the IMF conditionalities and the genocidal auterity cuts will demolish what’s left of the state. What a waste…
Banderastan: national flower— a cluster bomb.
We have seen its illegitimate birth in Maidan.
We are watching its sulphuric (and phosphoric) eruptions. Long cannons belching death at innocent civilians.
Soon, we will see its military death throes.
Later, its minimization as a splintered state, land-locked and sealed up in its cocoon of hate and death, like the carcass of Chernobyl.
And next door to Banderastan, a glorious and successful resurrection of Novorossiya, Crimea and Mother Russia.
Eventually, the most degraded part of Banderastan will be swallowed into Poland, like a Komodo dragon takes a small deer.
A sub-culture language, twisted religion, perverted morals, corrupt economy, brain-washed education, and blood-stained populace. A devil’s brew of madness and evil. Unsustainable violence as national goal. Triumphal delusion of each and every leader.
The only thing that is missing for a happy ending is the Kool-Aid with cyanide and a Jim Jones to doll it out when they realize the game is up.
Maybe Biden and his son can handle that task.
Saker this is is a very important post. It’s a large piece of a global puzzle: how do we as humans become propagandized into something we really aren’t, and more to the point, what can be done – in practical terms – about propaganda, and the degrading effect this has on us all?
I don’t have the stomach for the mainstream, so I applaud those like you who can monitor these things. Like so many people here in the US, and around the world, the extent of the devil’s lies that fill our modern world is increasingly revealed to me, and the question of, “How to counter this?” increasingly consumes my thought.
And this new defense minister must be the person that John Kerry demanded be installed into the office, when he demanded that Kiev appoint a minister of defense. He is no doubt selected by the Americans in order to maintain political discipline over a Ukrainian armed that is probably near to falling appear.Its likely that what the Americans and their client oligarchs in Ukraine most fear is another coup from right sector gang
“Banderastan, the junta in Kiev and, frankly, the zombified Ukrainian people are now in the situation of a person falling from a skyscraper and who, passing by the 15th floor in his fall, thinks “so far so good”. The inevitable impact will be terrible. “
Im not so sure of that. With the right amount of state terror applied in concert with non stop propaganda, maybe the Ukrainian people will be able to eat out of garbage cans and live with it, as long as they are constantly told that its oatmeal. They are COMPLETELY isolated from the larger world – the New Iron Curtain and this drapery was hung by the American. As long as they don’t know which direction is up how will they know they are down ? And when millions are out of work and homeless families are begging door to door, then they can just use the American “free market” propaganda that Ukraine is the freest and best system on earth and if anyone is starving its because she wants to or because he is lazy. They should try harder. They can fill up their prisons and build 3 times as many more – Im sure the IMF will “loan” them money to triple the prison population – as long as German companies get the contracts.
The majority of people have no idea of how to interpret reality. I just saw a very interesting debate Filmed at the Royal Geographical Society on 23rd May 2013, called: Putin Has Been Good For Russia
In my opinion, the pro-Putin debaters clearly had all the facts, numbers and philosophies on their site, while the opposing dudes had some ‘amusing” stories without any supporting facts. After watching this debate, I thought, any healthy minded human being would obviously be swayed into Pro-Putin camp and yet to my astonishment – it did not happen. It could be because half of the audience was NGO paid stooges, or it could be that the general population is in such deep state of media hypnosis that they’re simply incapable of comprehending any facts.
All of that to say, is that common sense, truth or reality is simply invisible to the people who were manipulated to death, for long stretches of time by the western, mainstream media. The Ukrainian people are like broken hard drives that need to be formatted, defragmented and only then prepared to accept a brand new, healthy and functioning OS.
Repost from previous thread:
I know saker, Larchmonter 445 and a few others seem to have unshakable believe that Putin is performing flawlessly. I agreed until I saw NAF still lack proper tools to take out UKR artillery and tanks. If RF is really helping, she is not doing a very good job, as she was from the start. She is falling behind curve. All the action off the field taking by RF so far this last month are wonderful, However, it still not change the fact NAF is out gunned, and civilian is dying in drives. It is not time to patting self on the back, for how much you have done, but it is time to re-access and how to do it more effectively. Unless some one really think more suffering is good for some geopolitical purpose, if so, that some one need to be shot.
While people here think Putin is doing great, he is, but the rest of world does not know, and does not care. Yes, the day will come, maybe very soon for truth to be known to masses, but that is not going to happen by putin’s time table. So all he did may be for history books, for after thoughts after the war, but it at least had not turn the public opinion to RF side, in that sense, Putin has lost.
I have saying this from beginning, RF need to show the world, stop mess with me. All the ground work has been laid so far, brilliantly. However, the ultra-most important part of the message is send on the ground, by wining the war. Destroy those enemies, break them in pieces, and never able to get up again (accomplished in court). This message also need to be send timely. What is the point to kiss Merkel while her puppets kill your people in thousands? How about turn the table around, take Merkel out cheerfully while your big guns taking her puppets out one by one,. I bet that will be a lot more satisfying date, and it will get a lot more traction in any future negotiations too. Time is not on RF side. The message need to be send soon.
By the way, I believe Strelkov is at where he is, say what he is saying for a reason as Andrew state may time’s before. I think he is doing great job.
This Website has created, in real time going back to around fall 2013 at least, a true diary of the events as they have unfolded. I don’t know if you have the time, but you might consider incorporating them, by chronological order into a history of the overthrow of the Ukraine and the subsequent US driven war. You could include commentary illuminating the various personalities and provide the subtexts and verification, citations and corroborations to prove it is the true narrative. Quite a project but it might be of great use to posterity – for the war crimes trials after the global finance capitalist oligarchy is overthrown
Saker: “The disconnect between the real world and the imaginary world in which the rump-Ukraine (aka ‘Banderastan’) lives in today is total.”
In fact, such a disconnect has long been part of the postwar situation fostered by anti-Communists and capitalists. During the 1980s, I heard repeated stories from E. Europeans that TV in Communist countries was far more honest in its representations and discussion than TV in W. Europe and the US.
Back in 2004, an official of the Bush Administration even criticized a NYT reporter for thinking that “reality” had something to do with the actual world rather than what the Bushites designated it to be.
We live in a totally programmed world where fabricated representations have become more important than world itself. The MSM treatment of the Ukrainian crisis is only the latest example of this. The last major incident was the Trayvon Martin case in which the media tried to stir up anti-white hysteria.
Has anyone here ever visited Banderastan as a tourist or for business?
There are many movies about degraded, inbred hillbillies, with cruel intentions, drinking moonshine.
How are these Galician people when not being stirred up?
A good formula might be some strong TV broadcast from Belarus and Transdnestria, with LOTS of shows, recent movies, sports and entertainment, in Ukrainian, but with frequent short newscasts complementing, not fighting the ukie propaganda. One might also be tempted to dump some confiscated Afghan heroin between the stray dogs.
This article was very funny, I loved the sentence about the 15th floor.
As a religious man, you might leave it to God to feel pity and mercy for these people.
re: “A disgusting freak show which exists solely because of centuries of western efforts to create such monsters?”
If only it were so. Russia and those in the lands of the old Novorossiya surely can take much of the credit. As an example, many state that the Party of Regions actually promoted the radical threat, so that it would scare those with a Russian identity into voting for them. And whatever the Russian government was doing regarding the Ukraine over the last 15 years must be so classified that we will never know. They certainly didn’t create any groups to counter the radicals.
Even now, one can ask hard questions about what the Kremlin strategy was meant to be after taking in the Crimea. Did they even have a strategy, or was it all just based on hopes that the Europeans would change their minds about Kiev? If Russia wanted to turn the Ukraine into a type of Switzerland, but keep the Crimea, this seemed kind of incredible. They couldn’t get that deal earlier, and, anyway, how can you say you want to keep the borders as they are except for the Crimea, which you only care about because of the bases?
One imagines that Arabic-speaking pilots have been used in Syria or Iraq against Arabic speakers. There may be some broad civilization that they all belong to, but they are enemies in the war. Besides, those in the USSR who created a Ukraine that included Galicia and Transcarpathia were guaranteeing that the Russian image of eternal brotherhood between Russia and the Ukraine would be impossible. The Galicians tend to dislike Russians on a good day.
Another picture of the two, “marriage of in-convenience”, courtesy of South Front:
Saker & Larchmonter: Bravo. You guys nailed it and Larchmonter, you made me lol @ Poland as the Komodo dragon. What a fitting end that would be. I cannot wait to see the failed state of Ukraine lose ALL access to the seas, too.
So, this has me thinking back on that crazy bitch, Tymoshenko, saying she would cause another Maidan if she didn’t get the presidency. My impression is that nobody likes her but she might pander to the skinheads and do it. I’d like to see how the Anglo Zionists handle THAT.
I saw a couple of videos of the freaks in action and was hoping someone who speaks Ukie could tell me what they’re mad about. The first is a mob attacking some governor and the second is a mob attacking Pashinsky (I think his name is – one of the guys who ran the maidan sniper op):
Anyway, I’m enjoying the feeding frenzy as they begin to eat each other. This can only get worse.
I, too, find myself having complete disgust at Ukrainians (especially after the pro war demonstrations) though I know there must be some unfortunate souls who live in Kiev and other towns who don’t approve of any of this but don’t dare speak up.
“Eventually, the most degraded part of Banderastan will be swallowed into Poland, like a Komodo dragon takes a small deer.”
It will never happen. The US State Department likes keeping its client states small and easy to control, see the former Yugoslavia, North and South Sudan, South Korea, and so on. The Poles could sacrifice a million men in some theoretical conflict to smash Russia, and they would not get one square kilometer for their trouble. If Russia must be split into smaller pieces to weaken it, than the Poles must be kept at their current borders until such time they can be fully ‘digested’ into the EU.
Pilsudski was lucky he was born before WWI instead of after WWII. The US gov might have very well set him up to have an “accident” or had him deposed in a Polish version of the Maidan if he was running Poland today. That is something these moronic Russophobes in Warsaw and Vilnius do not seem to process: that they are only fighting for the privilege of being dismantled last. The White House will crush their native cultures and traditions in a way no Tsar or Commissar could have ever dreamed of. However for some reason this is totally acceptable because the guys doing it will be speaking English instead of Russian. This is in regard to the commoners of course; the elites are already paid off and do not care one way or the other. Such is the absurdity of Life.
On that note, the fate of Galicia and the whole of Western Ukraine are going to be one of the big issues confronting the Russian government for years to come. Stalin probably should have spun it off into another SSR, but there is no going back on that now. My own feeling is that it is far too dangerous to let them become “independent” because all that would really mean is that they would become a giant military base/terrorist recruitment center for NATO. Russia either finds a way to bring Galicia back into its orbit or it risks having another dagger pressed to its ribs. And despite the propaganda of the past few decades, there are still good people in those provinces that do not support Kiev, and some of them are outright Pro-Russian. To abandon them to be ethnically cleansed by whatever radical clique that would emerge in a rump Ukrainian state would cause Russia trouble for a long time to come. Ask India and Pakistan how well the Partition of ’47 worked out for them.
Vladimir Suchan has been arguing on Facebook that by not intervening in Donbass on humanitarian grounds Putin destroys the humanitarian and political justifications and reasons he used for acting on Crimea. I disagree; Crimea and Donbass are not the same. This is what I wrote in response.
1) Russia has no need to justify its actions on Crimea. All the Western talk and criticism is just hot air. The propaganda and sanctions have NOTHING to do with Crimea. They have always been aimed at preventing the creation of Novorossiya and Russia repeating the Crimea scenario there.
2) Legally Crimea is very different from Donbass. The Crimean Republic already existed as a state. Under international law (not Ukrainian law) it had every right to declare independence and ask for it to be recognized. The Crimean authorities were always legal. One can argue that they acted constitutionally even when they opposed the coup government in Kiev that they saw as unconstitutional. (The situation is very similar to when the Parliament of the Grand Duchy of Finland declared independence in 1917 after Russia descended into unconstitutional chaos after the October Revolution. *Local* constitutional order was preserved in both cases.)
Russia never sent troops to Crimea. They had always been there since 1783. Neither did they play any major role in critical events of February 28th. They showed up at the airport, but they never pointed a loaded gun at anyone. It can be argued that these action were within the limits of the Bases Agreement.
3) The necessary and sufficient condition for Russia’s action on Crimea was prevention of superpower war – WWIII or nuclear war.
Nuclear powers play by a different rule book – not because they can but because it is their responsibility. The “Prime Directive” states that they categorically avoid nuclear war. For this they must safeguard their conventional defenses as well as their nuclear deterrence. Russia has indispensable defense interests on Crimea, ones that it is ready to defend with tactical nuclear weapons if necessary.
Maidanite forces entering Crimea put Russia’s interest at serious risk. There was a clear and present danger of the conflict leading to war between Russia and NATO forces, one that could have led to nuclear war. If Russia had not acted, the Donbass events could now be happening on Crimea, even inside Russian naval bases.
Any change in the status quo can only be achieved by year-long negotiations between the nuclear superpowers, not by gun-toting neo-Nazis storming into a nuclear arms depot. Maidan and nuclear weapons do not mix!
There is one more point that may be revealed when the true history of these events is written. The Russian Black Sea Fleet has been at war with the US from the summer of 2013. It was the fleet on the Mediterranean with its authority to use tactical nuclear weapons that stopped the US attack on Syria. Euromaidan was a direct attack on the Russian fleet in the middle of a major war – one that had already seen the use of weapons of mass destruction.
Russia permits Kiev to butcher the civilian population of the Eastern Ukraine as if they were Western colonial subjects in Palestine or Africa or Syria.
nice one Saker!
Dear BobS
please be aware that I hope dislike comments with such a chauvinistic slant. I guess its mostly based on emotional exhaustion.
To give You a bit of a feel of the “real” Ukraine: I was getting some money from a Bankteller in Uzhgorod (W-Ukraine), walking down the mainstreet I heard somebody running after me. When I turned he gave me 4000 UAH (ca 500$) which had fallen out of my pocket (yeah I know Im a mess). Looked like a normal person so this was most likely more than he earned in a month. This behaviour was deemed normal by locals.
Another example from Nikolaev (close to Odessa): in a restaurant I recharged my brand new LTE tablet, having had some excellent georgian wine and cha-cha I payed and went out. Again the waitress ran after me for 500 meters and was enraged I forgot my expensive tablet.
Being an obvious stranger who was well-off for ukr standards never for a second did I feel insecure in Ukraine.
(cf. Ukraine
And regarding Ukr-Russ relations I can only agree with one poster: russia did nothing to alleviate the euro bug in its neighbour country.
see also Lvov
I suggest that the what has significance, but the why more significance.
Illusion has various uses including a prerequisite for bathos, and is part of the process of death.
If your opponent has illusions try not to complain, but use the illusions to destroy your opponent – some of whom may profit from bathos and some from death.
I agree: the remarks of the new “minister” of war (defense in not appropriate) of the “ukies” and the “standing ovation” of (what remains of) the “parliament are very interesting. That recalls the meetings in the final days of Reich, when Hitler and his associates planned impossible offensives with not existing armies,dreaming the use of “secret weapons” to turn the war.
He, however, could be right in some sense: a the “victory parade” will be held, but not in Sebastopol, ….in Kiev and not by the ukies army…
Il Discobolo
Dimitry Rogozin says that Ukraine is being supplied weapons by NATO members. Three consecutive posts on Twitter:
Due to failures of the bulk of Ukrainian weapons & mil equipment NATO decided to transfer weapons & mil equipment to it from Eastern European allies
Those are weapons of the Soviet produce. In its turn the US compensates these NATO newcomers’ “losses” by its own supplies. The US mil industry is happy
Btw, for NATO it’s common practice to put out the flame of civil wars with aviation kerosine
“Grieved said…
I don’t have the stomach for the mainstream, so I applaud those like you who can monitor these things. Like so many people here in the US, and around the world, the extent of the devil’s lies that fill our modern world is increasingly revealed to me, and the question of, “How to counter this?” increasingly consumes my thought.”
Dearest Grieved,
Don’t grieve but rejoice. God plans and satan plans. God is the Best of the planner.
In Islam, the only power given to satan is the “power of evil whisper”. This evil whisper can be within you or around you like the MSN, CNN …
But rejoice, we can counter this evil whisper with Good Whisper, and believe me you are doing it on a daily basis.
Keep up the good work. God bless you.
Best regards,
I live in Vancouver, BC. Through a friend, I had the opportunity to be introduced to an immigrant (western) Ukrainian family. It is hard to believe how starry-eyed they are at the prospect that their country is now part of the EU. They do not have a clue just how completely Poreshenko & co. have sold them down the river. Pitiful!
I love these posts.
beside mine and your political view, there’s something that i can’t understand. You always support russia and overcritizise usa, i just can’t understand why you are still living there. Could you please expain? Otherwise your blog it’s all a big nonsense.
Your generalisations on populations and their perceptions fortunately adopt some of the methods of the opponents – including possibly equating credibility/gravitas with dress sense, ” Even tonight I have heard respectable looking Ukrainian politicians seriously discussing …”
Neither of us has information from every “Ukrainian”, but as in any scientific experiment, the existence of corroborated contrary information at least questions the initial hypothesis.
Hence the hypothesis that “the zombified Ukrainian people are now in the situation of a person falling from a skyscraper and who, passing by the 15th floor in his fall, thinks “so far so good”” is questionable at best.
This is not a scientific experiment but war, so operational intelligence source data and methodologies are not published for “peer review” but shared on a need to know/ability to act basis.
Neither the populations to which you refer or those monitoring these populations are homogenous in their views, even within the same geographic locations, nor have they ever been.
As to the longevity of some, this will likely become subject to whether a drowning man suits the purpose, and whether the drowning man can be drowned with the minimum of blowback.
Todays headline “China to receive Merkel with military honours”.
That would explain the shift in the media coverage in Poland, Europe of the Ukrainian war towards more objective.
I suspect that Germany, Russia, Poland and other Central European countries have received security gurantees in case of a conflict with the AngloZioUS evil empire.
The New Silk Road will be very soon created against all the evildoing by the agents of the empire.
Expect “Enter the Dragon” soon.
What is history if we refuse to learn from it?
Ethnic and cultural cleansing in Ukraine.
> After so many centuries we are witnessing the ethnogenesis of a new culture: the Ukie.
… which is a shame, really. After all, beautiful old Kiev IS supposed to be the ‘cradle of Russia’, isn’t it?. Up to now I had been secretly hoping the good people of Novorussia would (with the help of some unknown benefactor) be able to repel the foreign sponsored assault on their republic, that at they’d be able to turn the tide, march west and establish a new border that runs from a little west of Pripyat straight down to the trijunction of Romania, Ukraine and Moldova (which would also solve Moldova’s troubles) and that anything west of that border can go to the dogs (Poles and such) and that everybody east of that border would live happily ever after …
… but I guess, the reality of the current situation and the meddling of the international community’s ‘peace specialists’ won’t permit such an outcome.
I’ve seen many Americans that Saker’s description of rump banderivtsy would fit like a clove. In fact, I’ve seen large swaths of American society behave in the same way. Denial of reality and living in indoctrinated fantasyland is the NORM for American people. What the ZPC created in the Ukraine could easily be created in any American state. And in the past, often has been.
I wish happy holiday 4th July to all American vassals.
Always enjoy reading your thoughts Saker.
I appreciate that Putin is playing a careful and cautious game to try and avoid the worst of the inevitable propaganda, when he finally reacts, but it is obvious that the US is making anything other than playing the Russian bogey man impossible. The US wants the cold war back and the end of military cuts. They will have their pound of flesh, so Putin may as well make sure he gets his moneys worth!
Greatly reduced participation in this year’s Black Sea NATO drill:
This year’s participants: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, and the US.
Last year’s participants: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine and the US, with France, Germany, Libya, Lithuania, Qatar, and UAE sending observers.
Does anyone know why the participation is lower this year?
Sorry, forgot the links.
Last year’s participants:
This year’s participants:
The end could be near for the pro Russian resistance.
Russian mil cmdr Strelkov: we’re surrounded, can’t get supplies. Unless #Russia helps Sloviansk will fall first & then rest of #Novorossiya
Video of Strelkov statement: we have 1-2 weeks left before we’re destroyed. I’m nervous. #Russia needs to help more
“a hateful and insane entity which is deeply paranoid, completely amoral, with no sense of right and wrong, which has no “real reality” but only nationalistic facade and whose worst and most self-evident lies are greeted with a standing ovation of other such type of creatures.”
Which is also a perfect description of what empire has turned the west into. I guess it shouldn’t surprise us that it’s now seeding the world with smaller carbon copies of itself.
I meant to post this comment here but sent it to a different thread by mistake.
I’ve read the Petras interview mentioned elswhere:
and it really does not give much reason to be hopeful. He insists on one thing that has seldom been discussed here, and that is the pressure of the Russian oligarcs on Putin. He says Putin is acting with great tact and has a lot of prestige internationally, is a reasonable man and his proposals of federalization are sound, but Petras detects a gap between Putin’s words and his eagerness to seek deals in order to avoid sanctions. Petras asssumes, resonably, that the big Russian oligarcs who control the Russian economy are telling him to keep a low profile, to stay out of it, because they know they will be damaged by the reaction of the West. So, as Petras puts it, Putin gives words to Novorussia and actions (i.e. non-action) to the oligarcs.
Petras comparison of this conflict with the Spanish civil war is also discouraging to the extent it may be apt. In that civil war, the fascists kept on receiving big material support from Germany and Italy, while the other side depended on international good will, and they were eventually abandoned. We know that the fascists won that war and were vicious, merciless with the other side. People kept on being killed for years after the war ended. Hundreds of thousands fled the country, mostly to France and South America, but a not insignificant number went to Russia.
I like to read posters like Larchmonter445 to try and absorb some of their optimism. But often I am very pessimistic. It is not inconceivable that the covert aid may prove insufficient and that Putin may find himself prevented from open intervention by the big Russian oligarcs, who after all must have some considerable power, I would guess.
If you go to RT and read what people write – it seems as American pisseur against Russia.
The fifth column is at work in Russia exactly as Evgeny Fedorov has described in this VIDEO
Helmets and vests stopped at the border of Poland with Ukraine
At the border crossing with Ukraine in Zosinie you revealed over the weekend attempt of export to the East of around 500 hats of Kevlar and 20 armor. Tried to get them out two Ukrainians. The investigation of the North, the husbandman, Obolon by the Prosecutor”s office in Zamosc. According to the Deputy ROBOT Stanislav high heels of seized things to be given Ukrainians, because otherwise “Russia is accused of taking part in the death of Ukrainian soldiers.”
Hełmy i kamizelki zatrzymane na granicy Polski z Ukrainą
Defense minister did NOT sign his oath.
Cheers from Croatia
Not only is the insanity of Banderastan insane, even many normal everyday things are insane too. Here’s one example, from EuroMaidanPR.
——> Ship a parcel of medical supplies to a recipient in Ukraine that will pass it on to the Ukrainian soldiers in need. Due to Ukraine’s customs rules, it is impossible to import them in large quantities and they have to be shipped in small parcels. Anybody that wants to support the Ukrainian army can do so by shipping necessary medical supplies to recipients in Ukraine that will get them to the frontline!
Although this is a very real attempt to help, I found a number of things wrong with this attempt. I’ll post them in a later comment…
What’s wrong with my previous comment…
1. The government can’t buy and supply basic medical supplies to their army?
2. They can’t get these medical supplies from Ukraine sources? They have to be imported?
3. You want to do the so-called “right thing” for the army, and spending your own money to do it, but Ukraine can’t suspend customs regulations and will penalize you if you do too much of the “right thing?”
Anonymous @ 04 July, 2014 05:16
All of that to say, is that common sense, truth or reality is simply invisible to the people who were manipulated to death, for long stretches of time by the western, mainstream media.”
Anon made an excellent observation after describing an audience who were presented with the truth but couldn’t see it for what it was.
The problem though goes deeper than the media. It goes back to the education systems in the world today.
We are not taught to think critically. There is a system to it and with this system anyone can teach themselves anything they have an interest in; including truth in politics and economics, of course.
If you don’t have a system for critical thinking, then you are largely dependent on what you are given in the way of information. Many, through applied effort, learn to “sift” information but it is not enough. This is one of the fundamental reasons for the mess we find ourselves in today.
To find out what we are not taught and to arm yourself with a real weapon, start by researching “The Trivium”
Speaking of insanity & lies, this coming down the pike to the EU & the Ukies courtesy of the IMF:
The most dangerous organization is the now French led IMF with Christine Lagarde at the helm, which has presented a concept report in which ‘debt cuts for over-indebted states are uncompromising’ and are to be performed more effectively in the future by defaulting on retirement accounts held in life insurance, mutual funds and other types of pension schemes, or arbitrarily extending debt perpetually so you cannot redeem.
Yes you read correctly, The new IMF paper describes in great detail exactly how to now allow the private sector, which has invested in government bonds, will be expropriated to pay for the national debts of the socialist governments. This far-reaching plan for the expropriation of savers, investors and retirees clearly shows the reality of socialism.
The socio-economic condition of Ukraine:
To various contributors.
It may appear discomforting but in many circumstances majorities don’t matter, even if they could be determined.
What is important is who can do what to which end.
As to “America’s wishes” their consideration is sometimes useful tactically and for reasons of politeness, but strategically those how can do what to which end, well, do what to which end, preferably well.
Dear Mohammed,
You are the dearest one here. Really. Truly. And you responded to Grieved exactly as I would have wanted to. “Do not be overcome with evil…but overcome evil with good…” Or as my grandmother would say — sunlight is the best disinfectant.
What we are witnessing is the chemical reaction of evil destroying itself. And while some are watching for its destruction — I tend to look-away and know that God is in control. Standing by the edge and looking for the bubbles is not our concern. Living a good and decent life is the purpose of existence.
It troubles me that its taken so long to see these truths. I struggle to be more patient with others who don’t see what I do. The way is straight and narrow because it only allows for one traveler at a time.
It’s interesting to consider why certain people can overcome or see through the miasma of lies that the Anglo-Zionists have constructed to obscure truth. I think most people are just too busy with the daily grind of life to seek truth. It’s easier to be spoon-fed fabricated “facts” which mesmerize populations. The ZIOs have great skill in deceit — and one must be ever vigilant.
I am so grateful for this site. It’s my belief that the purpose of church is encouragement. While the “straight and narrow” is a singular path — its made easier by the encouragement of others. Those who have walked-the-walk before us and on who’s shoulders we stand. It’s the moral foundation which humans require — no matter what they believe or think or know. In that way this site is similar. We encourage one another to HAVE COURAGE in seeking truth. It is in our DNA. And no amount of psy-ops or deception can change the fact that mankind is hard-wired for TRUTH.
I’m sorry. I tend to veer toward these larger issues. The strum and drum of Ukraine and Iraq and Syria are important battles in the war between truth and evil. Our job is to consciously rally TRUTH by living it daily.
I am grateful to you for your kindness and decency. And for the way you ENCOURAGE others on this blog.
Godspeed to you and yours…
zombify a nation is really not that hard to do, and does not take a generation. All you need is to fan some fire with some tight controlled propaganda. I bet it happened to every other nations on earth at least once. And to some extend, it is happening to US’s foreign relations right now, where no one can trust US will not turn its back on them, and in US where US government is actively sabotage its national interest, and at same time feeding the public lies.
What happening in Ukraine is it zombifying the country for foreign benefit.
Replacing the extremist in the government, jailing them, sending the rest flock to work where they can channel their negative energy to something productive, and flooding them with facts to counter the propaganda will be a good start correct it in Ukraine.
The real issue is how we people hold government accountable to do best for the country and its people, so this kind tragedy will not happen ever again. We should never assume the government, or it leaders knows best all the time, this should include Putin.
What USEUNATO tried to pull off in Ukraine was the final step over the line. They badly miscalculated, and even their media control has been essentially erased by Twitter and Youtube alone. And it’s a little harder to get away with killing blonde haired, blue eyed people in the heart of Europe under a Nazi banner. With this conflict, they have lost the youth, any remnants of the global left, the intelligentsia, much of Europe, and more. Germany is fragmenting day by day. They have created more hate, ill-will, resistance and terrorism than they know, but every day they are finding out.
In this sense the civilian casualties have a certain meaning, that they are dying for humanity, against imperialism.
Time is running short, the deadline to establish the contact group specified in the Berlin agreement is June 5.
Denial and lies are the norm. This is characteristic of US Foreign Policy. Not only that it is hypocritical, psychopathic and full of hubris. Therefore US client states and puppet regimes similarly exhibit the same character.
Denial and lies are the norm. This is characteristic of US Foreign Policy. Not only that it is hypocritical, psychopathic and full of hubris. Therefore US client states and puppet regimes similarly exhibit the same character.
Strelkov claims Putin is ready to establish a no-fly zone. (!!!)
On the border with Ukraine full combat readiness.
Everything depends on Putin: the state Duma is preparing for the meeting
04/07/2014 – 17:20 Crews are ADMS on the border with Ukraine is given in full combat readiness to provide no-fly zone over the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts. It is reported by the commander of militia Igor Strelkov, citing a source in the defense Ministry.
Some one need to take out national guard in Mariupol: 2 orphanage buses who were heading to #Russia kidnaped by “national guard” and brought to Mariupol. I hope no teen age girls on the bus.
Re anonymous’s question as to why the reduced amount of participation in this years Black Sea NATO drill. Apart from the fact that participation is needless provocation of Russia to absolute no benefit to that country, the big thing to note is the fact that Ukraine is not participating. Could it be that the crews of the ships have been shipped east to fight in the war there?
More on Mariupol on May 9 and Kolomoisky. Lots of interesting angles and facts.
Slayansk defenders ask for prayers to Christ, the Mother of God and All Saints to help them free Novorossiya from creul yoke of the Jews. Please pray for them.
I’m know they are thinking of Marranos Yatseniuk, Poroshenko, Timoshenko and of course of Kolomoisky and all the rest of the Coup Government opressors.
New website to share on the Orthodox uprising of Russian Spring.
Short Messages for Iranian FM
Article about Russia and the Ukrainian defense industry.
Croats like Ukies had considerable number of soldiers fighting on the Hitler side against Russians during WW2. After WW2 Russians did the same mistake as Serbs did, instead of punishing and isolating Ukie scum in their own country (with realistic borders!) they integrated them into their own state. Frustrated nations with inferiority complex should always be monitored with special care. Lately, AngloZionist, who have many similarities with Hitler, are using Ukies against Russians just as they did with Croats and Bosnian Muslims against Serbs.
Very nice article on Ukraine – the people, the tragic victims of this evil situation that resonates with my own feelings of sadness:
If people in civil war speak same language doesn’t matter. Remeber Jugoslavia, Spain, Greece. It’s really question of civilisation and political choice, and the most radical elements in ukraine society, who grab now the power, thinks, that everything bad is comming from Russia. This will continue until they will see results of policy of “west” and this will be in 2-3 years…
“Part of me feels sorry for these people, but part of me is also disgusted with their capability to believe not only ludicrous lies, but ugly, nasty, ludicrous [lies].”
You have to talk longer, face to face, with people to find what they really believe, rather than what they think is the right thing to say. And what you find then is that deep down few still believe the lies. What they do believe is the illusion TV creates of a world where everyone else believes them.
So keep the faith. The truth will still prevail. Maybe even in Lviv!
Since today is 4th of July, I’d like to offer the view of an ordinary American, family here since the 1640’s, ancestors in the American Revolution and Civil War, relatives in both World Wars, myself pre-Vietnam, a brother that died post-Vietnam from Agent Orange. All the sins of commission and omission you all ascribe to this country are likely well founded (who am I to say ? — a computer specialist, who learned Russian in the army, with a minor in Russian history up to 1928 — graduated one quarter early from lack of money). But this is still my country, my own, my home, my native land. I have no other. All my family lives here. We have nowhere else to go.
It’s hard to say when and why everything went wrong. Maybe it started very early, although here, in Maryland, Lord Baltimore’s people bought, not stole, our land from the Piscataway Indians, who valued the English as allies against the hostile Susquehanna. William Appleman William’s masterwork, “Tragedy of American Diplomacy,” explains a lot: we were an empire from the beginning, expanding across the continent through “manifest destiny”, when the frontier ran out in the 1890’s expanding world wide via the Open Door policy, to make the world safe for American capitalism. Why the empire and expansion, to begin with, is another question, maybe rooted in the cussedness of fallen human nature: We have it on the highest authority that “You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:19–21,24). We tried the latter, so lost the former.
What is to be done ? Keep one’s head down and hope for better times, I suppose. In Maryland we’re in the last year of Governor O’Malley, who really seems to care about the common good, first politician I can remember since FDR. His successor, however, where the primary usually means election, is another Obama, even looks like him, an empty suit who’s failed in every task he’s been given. Nationally we may have warmonger Hillary vs. Jeb Bush. While I detest the Ayn-Rand faction of Bush’s party, he himself may be different, more like his father with advisors Baker and Scowcroft, than his brother with Chaney and Rumsfeld. Of aristocratic (i.e., rich) lineage, Bush may have a strain of noblesse oblige like FDR’s, it’s too early to tell. Better than Romney, at least, who as a Mormon was reared in American exceptionalism. Bush on the other hand is a Catholic convert, likely in order to please his Hispanic wife, rather than like (ugh) Newt Gingrich, whose conversion seems to be purely political. If any of it rubbed off, Bush may realize, in a church that arose under persecution, to put not your trust in princes, as Saker’s sidebar proclaims.
— Happy 4th of July.
Since today is 4th of July, I’d like to offer the view of an ordinary American, family here since the 1640’s, ancestors in the American Revolution and Civil War, relatives in both World Wars, myself pre-Vietnam, a brother that died post-Vietnam from Agent Orange. All the sins of commission and omission you all ascribe to this country are likely well founded (who am I to say ? — a computer specialist, who learned Russian in the army, with a minor in Russian history up to 1928 — graduated one quarter early from lack of money). But this is still my country, my own, my home, my native land. I have no other. All my family lives here. We have nowhere else to go.
It’s hard to say when and why everything went wrong. Maybe it started very early, although here, in Maryland, Lord Baltimore’s people bought, not stole, our land from the Piscataway Indians, who valued the English as allies against the hostile Susquehanna. William Appleman William’s masterwork, “Tragedy of American Diplomacy,” explains a lot: we were an empire from the beginning, expanding across the continent through “manifest destiny”, when the frontier ran out in the 1890’s expanding world wide via the Open Door policy, to make the world safe for American capitalism. Why the empire and expansion, to begin with, is another question, maybe rooted in the cussedness of fallen human nature: We have it on the highest authority that “You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:19–21,24). We tried the latter, so lost the former.
What is to be done ? Keep one’s head down and hope for better times, I suppose. In Maryland we’re in the last year of Governor O’Malley, who really seems to care about the common good, first politician I can remember since FDR. His successor, however, where the primary usually means election, is another Obama, even looks like him, an empty suit who’s failed in every task he’s been given. Nationally we may have warmonger Hillary vs. Jeb Bush. While I detest the Ayn-Rand faction of Bush’s party, he himself may be different, more like his father with advisors Baker and Scowcroft, than his brother with Chaney and Rumsfeld. Of aristocratic (i.e., rich) lineage, Bush may have a strain of noblesse oblige like FDR’s, it’s too early to tell. Better than Romney, at least, who as a Mormon was reared in American exceptionalism. Bush on the other hand is a Catholic convert, likely in order to please his Hispanic wife, rather than like (ugh) Newt Gingrich, whose conversion seems to be purely political. If any of it rubbed off, Bush may realize, in a church that arose under persecution, to put not your trust in princes, as Saker’s sidebar proclaims.
— Happy 4th of July.
@ anon. 04 July, 2014 07:58
Because, as an evil soviet agent he can fuck you up much better!
Dear The Saker,
I hope Poroshenko ends up in the ICC along with the other murderers!
I hope the rumours of the army coup/split are true – this must end it is so utterly disgraceful.
Very sad, very sad :(. As we have been saying for months the lunatics are running the asylum.
And add Mr biden into the ICC too!
to anonymous @ 7:58
If this blog is a total nonsense for you then what is this?
or this
The big democratic USA?
@Andrew 04 July, 2014 15:30
Blatant propaganda!
Though ‘” hides under an “eu’ country code has their Registrant “NOT DISCLOSED” and is conveniently hosted in Gunzenhausen Germany they forgot to hide their name server in… Kiev!!!
(though they are ALSO physically hosted in Gunzenhausen)
ip-address: 2a02:2278:70eb:199::196:43
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created: 2013-04-08 22:19:45+03
modified: 2013-04-09 18:32:21+03
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% Administrative Contacts:
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contact-id: privacy-protect
person: Whois privacy protection service
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country: UA
phone: +380.442010102
fax: +380.442010100
mnt-by: ua.imena
status: ok
status: linked
created: 2013-04-08 22:19:45+03
modified: 2013-04-09 18:32:21+03
source: UAEPP
% Technical Contacts:
% ===================
contact-id: privacy-protect
person: Whois privacy protection service
organization: Internet Invest, Ltd. dba
address: Gaidara, 50 st.
address: Kyiv
postal-code: 01033
country: UA
phone: +380.442010102
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mnt-by: ua.imena
status: ok
status: linked
created: 2013-04-08 22:19:45+03
modified: 2013-04-09 18:32:21+03
source: UAEPP
From this and previous comments contents I surmise ‘Andrew’ is a psyop.
svd said…04 July, 2014 07:14
“comments with such a chauvinistic slant”
Well spotted. Thanks for pointing that out.
From this and previous comments contents I surmise ‘Andrew’ is a psyop.
You are hilarious Mr. hardcore. Saker knows who I am. I suppose if he thought I was a psyop, he could certainly delete or block what I write.