By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog

بسم الله . I shall try to make this critical essay reasonably short and to the point. Last week, during the annual visit by the members of Majlis, Ayatullah Khamenei, in parts of his speech, cautioned everyone about Iran’s and the Iranians’ vulnerabilities against the enemy. He said,

“Anyone who has a role to play in this management [of the country] must realize what an important and critical role he is playing. Well, firstly, we must be aware of our capabilities. Secondly, we must identify well our vulnerabilities; we must know both our abilities and our susceptibilities. As the common Persian adage goes we should discover the ‘Esfandiar’s Eye’* in ourselves. We should find out where we are vulnerable and be mindful. In addition, we must do try not to make mistakes, not to err. The enemy, more than being hopeful about its own abilities, is hopeful about our mistakes. That we would make mistakes. That, as the military folks say, ‘give our side to the enemy’. You are face to face with the enemy. If you become neglectful and the enemy curves around you; if it attacks you from the side, then, you can’t do much. One of the things military commanders are careful not to do in the battlefield is not to ‘give side’ to the enemy. We must be mindful not to ‘give side’ to the enemy.”[1]

*Note: ‘Esfandiar’s Eye’ in Persian poetry (Ferdosi) is similar to Achilles’ Heel in Greek mythology.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is now in its 44th year and its enemy is a wolf wrapped in a fox riding a unicorn and channeling a Tweety song, ‘I tawt i taw a Peddian tat.” Meanwhile, the revolutionary members of the Majlis (the legislative body), the revolutionary members of the Guardian Council (the body with oversight role over any and all legislations to make sure they are in accordance with the Constitution and in accordance with the teachings of Quran), the revolutionary members of President Raisi’s cabinet (the executive branch), and all other revolutionaries in the country appear to be impatiently, excitedly, and anxiously waiting to strike down any so-called pandemic treaty that would lead to a wholesale auction of Iran’s “independence, freedom, and Islamic Republic,” the basic motto of the Iranian Revolution since 1979, and any such treaty that would seriously and irrevocably endanger the wellbeing and security of the nation as a whole before it is signed.

Alongside the above listed entities, too, there are some others (let’s call them Nofouzi-ha, or the infiltrators) who are biting their nails and waiting in anticipation. The first set is waiting “to do” something. The second set is waiting (and hoping) for the first group “not to do” something. Both sides, however, are waiting in vain. By design, there will be no “Pandemic Treaty” signing of which needing to be stricken down by Majlis for the first set of people. And, for the second set of people, well they can continue waiting for that which they were waiting.

So, why would there not be a treaty to sign? Haven’t all free, fair, independent, informative, honest, transparent media outlets (in all their shapes and forms) been preparing everyone around the world for this from time immemorial? Didn’t the grand master magician, the Honorable Director General of the World illHealth Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, deliberately misdirect the attention of the world’s nations to a so-called pandemic treaty to be discussed at some later date, possibly by 2024?

The answer to these questions is implied in the following quote that must be written in gold and hung in plain eye view:

“Attention is like a spotlight. When it’s focused on something, we become oblivious to even obvious changes outside its narrow beam. What magicians do, essentially, is misdirect—pivot that spotlight toward the wrong place at the right time.”[2]

So, what is occurring, in fact, is an extremely sinister and morally unethical and corrupt. The United States of America’s proposed an amendment to the International Health Regulation (2005) that was discussed last week in the 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva last week (May 22 –May 28). One of the most unethical parts, at least from the perspective of the ethically-conscious scientists and researchers, is an insertion of a mechanism similar to that of a “Passive Consent” into the proposed amendment.

Just to clarify for the readers who may not be familiar, I would like to post an abstract from an official US National Institute of Health site about Passive Consent (bolding, italicizing, and underlining are all my doing):

Passive consent, which is ethically questionable, requires parents to sign and return a form if they refuse to allow their child to participate in research. Active consent requires parents to sign and return a form if they consent for their child to participate. To compare passive and active consent research projects, we evaluated 15 published examples (since 1995) of passive consent and the adjacent experimental article (active consent). Passive consent projects involved significantly higher response rates, more subjects, greater likelihood of being conducted in school rather than in clinical settings, but about the same age of participants as active consent projects. We recommend that: (a) Institutional Review Boards scrutinize all passive consent projects and consider whether the consent procedure is ethical for the research sample; (b) editors and reviewers examine all manuscripts for the consent procedure used; and (c) ethicists and researchers debate the appropriateness/ethics of passive consent.”[3]

Now, let’s take a look at segments of the amendment proposed by the US to IHR (2005) which was discussed last week. Article 59, Paragraph 1 bis reads:

That means, the countries need not sign anything. That means, if each member state does not send an official notification to the Director-General by the expiry date (within 6 months of the notification by the Director-General) rejecting the said regulations with all its new bells and whistles, that member state is a “party” to it. The default mode is not doing anything. By way of deception, thou shall obtain consent. Paragraph 2a of the same article also states the exception:

Here, I would like to discuss some potential scenarios of how some of the items nested in the proposed amendment would be operationalized for the Islamic Republic of Iran given our experiences in the past 44 years.

Screen image of Article 59, Paragraph 3 is shown below:

Simply put, if the Islamic Republic of Iran were to become a ‘party’ to this Amended Regulations, and if any of its rules, regulations, and policies in any way is not fully, utterly, and completely in accordance with the said Amended Regulations, then, the Islamic Republic of Iran must fully, utterly, and completely adjust its laws to those of the Regulations.

According to the new chapter (Chapter IV), Article 53 bis-quarter, the-newly-established -fully-paid-for-by-the- Iranian-tax-payers-and-Beytul-Mal Compliance Committee would be responsible to make sure Iran is in full compliance these Regulations! Now, if that does not constitute a fairy tale dream world, I do not know what does.

Things get even dreamier. According to Article 12, Paragraph 2, the Director-General could determine on his honest and wholesome own, regardless of what the Islamic Republic of Iran thinks, believes, and says, that a “public health emergency of regional concern” has occurred somewhere within the Iranian territory.

Let’s, just for the sake of argument, say that the Honorable Director-General has received a report from some confidential source, let’s, again for the sake of argument, call the source Monafeqin Khalq from Albany. It is reported that some suspicious symptoms in a funny-looking alley cat in Turquzabad has been observed. Turquzabad, for those who do not know, is a village made famous by Benjamin Netanyahu as he announced some uranium enrichment activities had been happening there but it turned out to have been a defunct rug cleaning outlet.

Anyhow, the symptoms, mentioned in the report, are suspected to be those of a Godzilla Pox or perhaps even a Dinosaur Flu. Both diseases, it is assessed, are highly contagious zoonotic diseases of international concern. The pathogens, let’s further suppose, are special gifts to the Iranians (and, of course, to the humanity by extension), courtesy of the United States biological weapons lab in Ukraine.

Certainly, the Honorable Director-General’s hand is wide open to accurately, ethically, scientifically, and humanely determine and announce a public health concern of international dimension, as stated in Article 9, Paragraph 1:

However, we should be fair in our assessment and judgment and mention that the Honorable Director-General may seek to obtain opinion and advice from the Emergency Committee to help him make a wise, fair, and prudent determination. “The Director-General shall, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 49, seek the views of the “Emergency Committee” on appropriate temporary recommendations.” How wonderfully democratic:

Now, there is an itsy bitsy issue for the Islamic Republic of Iran. The said Emergency Committeeshall be composed of experts selected by the Director-General from the IHR Expert Roster and, when appropriate, other expert advisory panels of the Organization, as well as Regional Directors from any impacted region,” according to Article 48, Paragraph 2:

The WHO region for the Islamic Republic of Iran is the Eastern Mediterranean Region that includes an illegitimate Zionist entity that has been masquerading as an actual state for decades and has recently been positioning itself as an “expert” of sort on pandemics. Well, how is that going to work?

Article 10, Paragraphs 1 thru 4, exudes excellence in verification process and oozes with master-slave command and control programming:

I could probably go on for a long time. But I promised a short essay. So, I will end with the following quote:

“This is what makes magic so difficult: The magician must sell people a lie even as they know they’re being lied to. Unless the illusion feels more real than the truth, there is no magic. Most of the time, the secret is that we’re gullible and our brains are riddled with blind spots.2]



[1] Ayatullah Khamenei, “Speech in Visit by the Islamic Republic of Iran Majlis Members,” Khordad 4, 1401 [May 25, 2022]. Accessed online at:

[2] Jonah Lehrer, “Magic and the Brain: Teller Reveals the Neuroscience of Illusion,” Wired, April 20, 2009. Accessed online at:

[3] Range L, Embry T, MacLeod T, “Active and passive consent: a comparison of actual research with children.” Ethical Human Science Services. 2001 Spring; 3(1):23-31. PMID: 15278986.