“Global Coalition of the Willing,” Ordinary Iranians’ Style: Resistance multiplied by Ethics plus Justice minus Oppression divided by Aggression
by Mansoureh Tajik for The Saker Blog
For a brief moment in human history, or what feels like only a fraction of a second now, the United States of America experienced a mirage of a position, dubbed a “superpower,” self-appointed1. Those who lacked ethical and moral imagination went along with that coronation2. Or, perhaps they were just humoring it until a better replacement came along3.
Internally and externally, the United States maintained its illusion of superpower status through the application of diverse tools, some hard and harsh, some soft, and some gray in nature. On the economic front, it mass produced an industrial-scale fiat currency4 as a trading tool and adopted games of chance, fundamentals of speculation5 and gambling as its “genius” economic principles. It manufactured large bubbles of debt6, mimicking a toddler’s birthday party, then divided and sold the airs within as investment bonds. The illusion of trust in an untrustworthy entity was the collateral. No worries though. Whenever the time got ripe and the bubbles burst, sophisticated air-capturing devices and adjustment tools were customized, nicely packaged, and were readied for retail. The hamster on the wheel of finance kept on running but never arriving; alas, the chicanery of economic progress was kept alive.
On the military front, the United States dropped two atomic bombs killing and genetically maiming hundreds of thousands of people for generations to come. In the Eyewitness Account of Hiroshima, August 6th, 1945, Father John A. Siemes, then a professor of modern philosophy at Tokyo’s Catholic University, concluded his remarks by saying:
“We have discussed among ourselves the ethics of the use of the bomb. Some consider it in the same category as poison gas and were against its use on a civil population. Others were of the view that in total war, as carried on in Japan, there was no difference between civilians and soldiers, and that the bomb itself was an effective force tending to end the bloodshed, warning Japan to surrender and thus to avoid total destruction. It seems logical to me that he who supports total war in principle cannot complain of war against civilians. The crux of the matter is whether total war in its present form is justifiable, even when it serves a just purpose. Does it not have material and spiritual evil as its consequences which far exceed whatever good that might result? When will our moralists give us a clear answer to this question?”7
While the “moralists” on whom Father Siemes pinned his hopes seventy four years ago were too busy theorizing about their own slumber, the United States of America stockpiled thousands of ready-to-be-deployed nuclear bombs, as fear-inducing threat tools. It deviated enormous amounts of world’s precious resources into the development of military hardware and software gadgets, using “defense” and “American interest” as its rationale8. It then created chaos and mayhem all over the planet9 as its pressure lever to sell death toys to teeny-weeny boys10—expensive batteries not included and costly -900- numbers for instructions on operations and maintenance11.
On the public relations and propaganda front, it used industrial-scale colorful media forms12 as its tool to lie, to cheat, and to fool. It is useful to remember that the United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, freely burnt alive and made melted charcoals13 of tens of its own defenseless and unarmed mothers, fathers, and children in Mt. Carmel, Waco, Texas14. It bravely broadcasted, live, the entire event on several television networks for days to nip it in the bud for its own agitated population exactly how low it is capable of sinking to maintain its clutch and subdue dissent. For sure, that trick alone silenced many for a few years, Timothy McVeigh15 and his disloyal company excluded, while it worked on another script for another terror-inducing spectacular performance. Too many tricks to remember and too many tools to recount in this short essay; but at last, the jig is up.
Internally, the house has fallen on moral, ethical, justice, and economic grounds, but has forgotten to collapse. Those who cannot see this need corrective lenses or the right standards to evaluate and measure things. Externally, and more relevant to our topic here, the structure of the world’s power relations and alignments are changing rapidly in a tangible and measureable way away from the United States’16 autocratic clutch. While the self-absorbed and the infatuated speak of dangers of a power vacuum, others are quite busy realigning themselves. Let us remind ourselves of Saxon White Kissinger’s poem about delusions of indispensability,
“Sometime when you feel that your going
Would leave an unfillable hole,
Just follow these simple instructions
And see how they humble your soul;
Take a bucket and fill it with water,
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out and the hole that’s remaining
Is a measure of how you’ll be missed.”17
Coalitions, partnerships, and algebraically aligned groups of countries around the globe, some with hybrid letter-number titles of “this plus that minus the other,” are emerging left, right, and center. Even multi-billioners, themselves cheerleaders and enablers of the Empire of Illusions, are busy, like rats, circling the globe door to door to release their poisonous capital in the hope of infesting another Titanic, another morality-free sinking ship into making. There is a buzz that George Soros is trying to establish his own anti-war ‘Code Pink’ group (should name it Code Navy Blue, perhaps). No doubt, the irony would not have been lost to George Orwell had he lived to see it.
Enough eulogizing. What do all these mean, or should mean, to ordinary people and local community groups around the world? That is, for what, where, when, why, and how should the very people who often shoulder the brunt of all the dregs that roll downhill prepare themselves? For the rest of us, too, no matter what positions we hold and what relationships we have with the rest of the world, the same questions apply. I and the local community groups with and within which I work are grappling with these questions on a daily basis. We are doing what we can to ensure that our short and borrowed lives on this earth is worth the breaths we take. Many of us find ourselves feeling increasingly fortunate to live in Iran where doing so many things in so many ways is possible. More fortunately for us, the general frameworks within which we ask questions, analyze situations, design solutions, and implement them are all intertwined and enmeshed in our culture and belief system: Quran, Our Prophet’s and Imams’ teachings, and an important element called “Al-Hekmah” or the Wisdom. So, how do we evaluate the current transformations in the world around us and how do we try to choose the correct position and make a difference? Here, I present a brief and simple snapshot of our local-universal eye-view.
Firstly, Quran’s ethical teachings, as exemplified through the words and deeds of our Prophet, Imams, and pious scholars, tell us that there is no separation of religion and politics in Islam. As Allammeh Seyyed Hassan Modarres (1249 – 1316 HS, parallel in date with 1870-1937 AD), a religious sage and one of the champions of Iranian Constitutional movement, said in one of his most famous speeches, and Imam Khomeini, the Founder of the Revolution, quoted, “Siasat-e ma eyn_e dianat_e ma, va Dianat_e ma eyn_e Sia’sat_e mast.” (“Our politics is exactly our religion and our religion is exactly our politics.”) The paragraph from which the line is borrowed reads,
“The source of our politics is our religion. We are on friendly terms with the entire world so long as they have not aggressed against us. But, if anyone aggresses against us, we will respond. Our politics is exactly our religion and our religion is exactly our politics.”18
Notwithstanding a particular religious belief and appealing simply to human logic, how would it even be possible for someone to have an authentic personal and private ethical and religious belief about, for instance, “thou shall not kill the innocent,” and live, work, and play within the rules and regulations of countries and political systems that kill innocent people to generate revenues and to maintain their national economic lifestyles of choice? Or, appealing to a more rudimentary level of human thought, how could we possibly afford not to be political, when the concentration of the very oxygen in the air we breathe, the amount of poisons with which our waters and foods are laced, the diseases we suffer, the so-called cures we are allowed to access, our fertility, our sexuality, our freedom to move from point A to point B are all determined by politics? Are we living with our heads buried in the sand?
Given these realities, for our people and local community groups here, being political is not a matter of choice but a religious obligation, a human necessity, and a critical survival instinct. Since we cannot avoid this, we do our utmost and take great deal of care to be well informed in order to be able to choose the right (as in correct) politics. People here take the trouble of going that extra kilometer so that, God forbids, they do not end up assuming they are on the right side and the followers of Imam Ali (the first Imam of Shi’a belief) and Imam Hussein (the third Imam of Shi’a belief) but, in fact, do things that are tantamount to carrying water for the turbines of Mo’avieh and Yazeed (Father and Son corrupt tyrants in Ummayyad dynasty against whose policies the Shi’a imams stood, resisted, and eventually got martyred).
Secondly, our religion and our pious religious scholars teach us that we should neither oppress others nor submit to oppression by others. So, our resistance has at least three dimensions: one, we must resist our own urges to oppress others, while at the same time, resist being sucked into siding with oppressors. Two, we must resist oppression against ourselves by anyone. Three, whenever and wherever we hear the cry for help of the oppressed people (Muslim and/or non-Muslim), we are obligated to respond and help, within our means and capacity to do so, and in a sound and appropriate way. Standing silently on the sideline and keeping quiet out of fear or greed is not an option for us. People here commemorate Imam Ali as the epitome of excellence in justice and in “qist” (particular form of justice). They commemorate Imam Hussein as the epitome of resistance against oppression and injustice. When you hear the chants of “Kullu Yau’men Ashura, Kullu Arzen Karbala” -Every day is Ashura, Every place is Karbala, it is useful to remember that today’s Karbala extends from Afghanistan to Yemen to Syria to Palestine to Nigeria to Sudan to Caracas and to any other place on the globe that people are fighting injustice, resisting oppression, and asking for help.
This stance is not just an isolated religious belief of some uninformed local community groups. It is written clearly into our constitution, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran19. In Article 2, Section 6.c, and in Article 3, Section 5,6,15, and 16, it reads:
2:6.c – the negation of all kinds of oppression, authoritarianism, or the acceptance of domination, which secures justice, political and economic, social, and cultural independence and national unity.
3:5 – the complete rejection of colonialism and the prevention of foreign influence.
3:6 – the eradication of all kinds of tyranny, autocracy, and monopolization of power.
3:15 – the cultivation and strengthening of Islamic brotherhood and general cooperation among the people.
3:16 – the organization of the nation’s foreign policy based on Islamic criteria, fraternal commitment to all Muslims, and unrestrained support for the impoverished people of the world.
Any of our elected and/or appointed officials who would tell you otherwise, is either ignorant of the very law he must uphold (in which case, shame on him) or he has gotten to his position by lying, cheating, and swearing to uphold the very laws he is deliberately breaking (in which case, he is a hypocrite and double shame on him). On a bright note though, the ordinary people in the trenches feel extremely blessed that the most senior person in their land, the Leader, is also the most steadfast champion and the flag bearer of the constitution. To put him on a sanction list means to put the Iranian constitution and millions of ordinary people in local communities on a sanction list. Of course, had the US done differently, we would have questioned our own authenticity.
More generally though, as the current situation in the world unfolds, it is useful to remember some basic facts. No imperialist, no arrogant power, no superpower wannabe operates in a vacuum. There are always cheerleaders, enablers, junior and senior accomplices, profiteers, and conspirators. Regardless of what their mouth says, their action speaks louder. Let’s consider a simple example. The Unites States was able to spend trillions in military adventures killing millions of innocent people around the world and expropriating their resources in two fundamental ways: 1) It shortchanged its own tax-paying population, the young, the retired, and even the unborn in all sorts of social and public rights and amenities. 2) It kept on issuing treasury bonds on its accumulated debt, currently about 22.5 trillion dollars20, with People’s Bank of China, Central Bank of Japan, and naïve citizens21 as its most devoted purchasers.
To speak inside a parenthesis and to be totally candid, the ordinary people here find Japan’s “I’ve-fallen-and-I-can’t-get-up!” attitude which has lasted nearly 74 years quite puzzling. Once upon a time, they lost a war. Who doesn’t at one point or another? Now that it happened, shouldn’t they stand up, dust off, and shake off this subdued and subservient house servant role and assume an independent position with dignity and self-respect? I am told. As Imam Hussein said, “If you do not have any religion and are not fearful of the Day of Judgment, at least be protective of your liberty and autonomy in your life in this world.”22 People hope and pray to God that hardworking and noble people of Japan will rise up and will one day free themselves of the US occupation. Again, regular, ordinary people here are genuinely willing to provide support, if the Japanese themselves are willing to fight for their independence.
We will assume being under occupation by the US is Japan’s excuse. But, what has been China’s excuse? China has been buying the US debt as an export-led strategy to ensure its economic growth23. Therefore, to the extent that China, out of self-interest, has acted as an enabler of the United States aggressions and wars, it, too, is responsible. Its development, too, is contaminated with the crime and injustice against, and the blood of innocent people proportionate to the amount of advantage it had gained through its indirect support of those acts. We will not even address its voting record, until just a couple of years ago, as the UN’s Security Council permanent member. Now that it, too, is a target, its change in behavior is not trustworthy enough because it does not appear to be based on ethical and moral principles. It would not be illogical to assume that the moment the direction of winds changes, it is likely that China’s current stance would change, too.
Therefore, for ordinary people in local communities here, that is, the very same people who are active, and who willingly volunteer their own lives and their children and spouses to go and fight alongside those who resist oppressions and hegemony by the US and the West, these and other critical points and lessons will not go unchallenged and unlearned. Only those who have a proven record of being honest and trustworthy, of acting on principles, and steadfast in their resolve fighting against oppression are worthy of trust and long-term partnership, regardless of their race, nationality, and religious affiliation. Others must work much harder, regardless of what they profess to be.
As the entire world is moving on, and as partnerships and coalitions are constantly dissolving and forming, and as the nuclear strike buzzes & hypes are being heard again, I would like link back to the beginning of the essay and re-insert, again, the quoted parts of Father Siemes’ remark, but this time, I complement the segment with a new twist in interpretation and prediction. He recounted,
“We have discussed among ourselves the ethics of the use of the bomb. Some consider it in the same category as poison gas and were against its use on a civil population. Others were of the view that in total war, as carried on in Japan, there was no difference between civilians and soldiers, and that the bomb itself was an effective force tending to end the bloodshed, warning Japan to surrender and thus to avoid total destruction. It seems logical to me that he who supports total war in principle cannot complain of war against civilians. The crux of the matter is whether total war in its present form is justifiable, even when it serves a just purpose. Does it not have material and spiritual evil as its consequences which far exceed whatever good that might result? When will our moralists give us a clear answer to this question?”7
I can guarantee anyone who reads these lines that ordinary people in local communities here in Iran are fully aware that what is currently going on is, in fact, a total war against their very existence. They also know there is no difference between civilians, soldiers, and [they add] our Commander in Chief (Seyyed Ali Khamenei). Should one, two, or more nuclear bombs be added to the United States’ repertoire of its pressure levers in its ongoing total war against Iran, unlike the Japanese, the ordinary devout Shi’as in Iran (who are quite significant in number), from all levels of the society, are not going to be sitting around philosophizing, musing, and theorizing about whether or not the total war against them was justified, where all the moralists have gone, or play the role of an obedient house servant. Furthermore, they are not going to enter into a shock & awe state, not knowing what to do. Bihawl’lallah wa Quwwatah (By God’s Power and Might), they will, however, make sure that will not end the bloodshed; rather, it will begin a very effective and exact bloodshed. From my reading of the population here, I can bet my life on that. Can the US, holding tight and fast to its nuclear Trump card, be equally sure of its own bet? If yes, Bismillah.
Mansoureh Tajik lives in Alborz Province in Iran. She has a background in teaching and research in the areas of community and environmental health, environmental justice, and media literacy. She collaborates with various local community members, groups, and organizations to provide support in addressing health and environmental problems, sustainable agriculture, and in design, implementation, and evaluation of relevant improvement projects.
1. Thomas Donnelly, Donald Kagan, and Gary Schmitt (2000). “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources for a New American Century,” A Report of The Project for the New American Century, September 2000. Accessed on 7/9/2019; Available online at: https://archive.org/details/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.
2. Fotios Moustakis & Rudra Chaudhuri (2006). “Counting the Cost of an American Unilateralist Policy: a Superpower at Risk?” Published By: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Conflict Studies Research Centre, Special Series, 06/43. ISBN 1-905058-88-8, August 2006, UK.
3. Jan Nijman (1992). “The Limits of Superpower: The United States and the Soviet Union since World War II.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 82, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), Pages 681-695. Published by Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of American Geographers.
4. Steven Russell (1991). “The US Currency System: A Historical Perspective.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, September/October 1991. Accessed on 7/9/2019; Available Online at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c909/a844511a78720c5d2800170c06109d797fde.pdf
5. Ricardo J. Caballero, Emmanuel Farhi, and Mohamad L. Hammour (2006). “Speculative Growth: Hints from the U.S. Economy.” The American Economic Review,” Vol. 96, No. 4, Pages 1159-1192.
6. Nathan Perry (2014). Debt and Deficits: Economic and Political Issues. A GDAE Teaching Module on Social and Environmental Issues in Economics. Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University, Medford, MA.
7. The Manhattan Engineer District Report (1946). The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Manhattan Engineer District of the United States Army under the direction of Major General Leslie R. Groves on June 29, 1946. Accessed on 7/25/2019; Available Online at: https://www.abomb1.org/hiroshim/hiro_med.pdf
8. Office of Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller) Chief Financial Officer (Feb. 2018). Defense Budget Overview, Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Request. Generated on 2018Feb02. Ref. ID: A-6E677F4. Accessed on 7/25/2019; Available Online at: https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/FY2019-Budget-Request-Overview-Book.pdf
9. Sarah N Pedigo (2016). “United States Interventions: Power Vacuums and the Rise of Extremist Groups.” Master of Arts (MA) Thesis, Sociology/Criminal Justice, Old Dominion University, DOI: 10.25777/86pc-ex82 Available Online at: https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/sociology_criminaljustice_etds/6
10. Zahra Aghamohammadi1 and Ali Omidi (2018). The Prospect of the United States and Saudi Arabia’s Relations In Light of the Khashoggi Murder. Journal of World Sociopolitical Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 2018, Pages 605-632.
11. Congressional Research Service (2019). “The U.S. Export Control System and the Export Control Reform Initiative,” Updated April 5, 2019. R41916· VERSION 49.
12. Sebastian Kaempf (2019). “A relationship of mutual exploitation’: the evolving ties between the Pentagon, Hollywood, and the commercial gaming sector.” Journal of Social Identities, Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 25:4, 542-558, DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2018.1514151.
13. Official Death Reports, Autopsies and Other Reports of the Davidian Dead. Accessed on 7/26/2019; Available Online at: http://www.holocausts.org/waco/death/reports/county-list.html
14. Timoty Lynch (2001). “No Confidence: An Unofficial Account of the Waco Incident”. Policy Analysis, No. 395, April 9, 2001, Pages 1-18.
15. Linder, Douglas (2007). The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Trial of Timothy McVeigh, University of Missouri at Kansas City – School of Law, Posted on Nov. 17, 2007. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1030565 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1030565.
16. Robbert Kappel (2015). “Global Power Shifts and Challenges for the Global Order.” German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, Policy Paper 2/2015.
17. Saxon White Kessinger (1959). “Indispensable Man.” Available Online at: http://www.appleseeds.org/indispen-man_saxon.htm.
18. Hossein Razmjoo (1366 H.S.). “Modarres and His Principle Non-Equilibrium in Politics.” Meshkaat, The Center for Computerized Research in Islamic Sciences, Dr. Shariati College of Literature and Humanities. Original in Farsi, Translated by the author.
19. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (English Version). Available Online at: https://www.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/en/ir/ir001en.pdf
20. US Debt Clock. Accessed on 7/26/2019; Available Online at: https://www.usdebtclock.org/
21. Kimberly Amadeo (2019). “Who Owns the US National Debt? The Biggest Owner is You!” The Balance. Accessed 7/26/2019; Available Online at: https://www.thebalance.com/who-owns-the-u-s-national-debt-3306124
22. Muhammad Baqer Majlisi (1403 HQ). Translation, by the author, of a portion of Narration (Hadith):
ان لَم یَکُن لَکُم دینٌ و کُنتُم لاتَخافونَ المَعادَ فَکونوا اَحراراً فِی دُنیاکُم
from Bihar ul-Anwar, 2nd Edition, Vol. 45, Page 51.
23. Ingvild Borgen Gjerde, DNB Markets (2019). “Why China will not sell its US Treasuries.” The Note, Market Matters, 15.05.2019. DNB Markets, a division of DNB Bank ASA. DNB Bank ASA is a part of the DNB Group.
“Firstly, Quran’s ethical teachings, as exemplified through the words and deeds of our Prophet, Imams, and pious scholars, tell us that there is no separation of religion and politics in Islam. …Allammeh Seyyed Hassan Modarres (1870-1937 AD)… one of the champions of Iranian Constitutional movement, …“Our politics is exactly our religion and our religion is exactly our politics.”
On the contrary, I follow Dante in advocating the separation between Church and State; it is bad when the one meddles with the other’s business. Admittedly the separation is tricky: the founder of Christianity was crucified for chasing the money changers out of the Temple; he should have applied to the civil authorities. And the Church ought to have excommunicated British prime minister TB.Liar for un-Christian acts of political treachery, mass murder and avarice (even though the avarice was “moderate”).
Well written my Sister! The world has witnessed enough injustice and bullying by the morally bankrupt Neoconservatives in the West, where their own people are experiencing the ravages of war and financial bankruptcy. I believe a War with Iran will trigger a revolution within the US, UK, and France. As Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death” at Second Virginia Convention in St. John’s Church on March 23, 1775 in Richmond, Virginia.
Patrick Henry didn´t day that! One of his slaves did!
I am sure you get it. It is a joke either way!
The true Yankee version is , ‘Give me Liberty (to steal your stuff) and I’ll give you Death’.
Appreciate your writing Mansoureh, thank you. I’m not Muslim, however found your comments really interesting, especially your views on China’s behaviour. Hypocrisy? I can believe the sense of community and inclusiveness in Iran would be vastly greater than the atomised, individualised neoliberal West, especially here in Australia, which is one of the vassal states of the Anglo Zionist Empire.
You also write that the Iranian people are fully aware of the full war being conducted against them. Here in Australia, its the complete opposite. The vast majority of people are not only completely ignorant of what is happening in the World, they don’t even realise Australia is not even independent; and is merely a sycophantic cog in the Empire’s machine. The West is both spiritually and morally bankrupt. All the talk about ‘international rules based order’ and ‘democratic norms’ and the very notion of international law…. meaningless.
Its just narcissism and hedonism on steroids, all for me me me. Reading your essay was almost like a breath of fresh air. Thanks.
The Iranian people are ultimately caught in a hegemonic struggle between Washington and Beijing. China with its BRI has vital interests to protect in the region, as does Russia. I feel for the Iranians for how they will bravely suffer when war breaks out. But they will not be alone in their suffering. The pattern of history points to another world war.
The chinese know too, that they theme are caught under the economic hegemony of the usa. The americans can crush the chinese house of cards in a blink of an eye, when they choose to. What do you think all the chinese talk about one road this and all that jazz about? It is their escape route!
One of the Chinese leaders says some 5 or 6 years ago that from that point in history onwards ”no external factors could hamper or impede China’s development.” That their development as a nation and as a homogeneous society became independent from what Us of A think, try or dream of.
What would they do against china? devalue the dollar? Beijing would recover from that in just one year.
I have always said, that China will succed in the end exactly because of it´s huge population. But until the day when China can base it´s economy on local consumption and taxes, they are at the mercy of usa. The chinese know it too.
US elite thugs openly stated a few years ago that the USA had a window of five to ten years only, to ‘bring China down’, as is and always has been their intent. The narrow window would be closed by Chinese scientific and technological advances. Hence the insane, racist, and vicious depths of hatred being directed at China by the Real Evil Empire, in its own death-throes, and its stooges like Austfailia. Here in Austfailia the racist imbeciles that our system places in power in politics and the media seem actually to believe that we can spit in China’s face, day after day, yet they must still give us 55 billion a year in trade surpluses, over one million high-spending tourists and tens of thousands of students who keep our tertiary education system afloat with their fees.
Yet for the racist psychopaths in Thanatopolis DC, that is not enough. The hyper-obese self-acknowledged liar, Pompeo, is here, issuing orders, and demanding that we join in Thanatopia’s trade war on China. In other words, cut our own throats in the service of White Western Judeo-Christian Civilization. It is well to remember here that we signed a ‘Free Trade’ Pact with Thanatopia under the war criminal Howard regime, the terms of which were set so far in Thanatopia’s favour as to be a virtual surrender of sovereignty pact. And in the twenty odd years since our trade deficit with Thanatopia has burgeoned, they have bought up much of our share market and we remain craven, bootlicking, serfs.
To add sheer suicidal lunacy to this debacle, after Pompeo threw his fat gutted weight about yesterday, it was being announced that we would allow the USA to position intermediate range nuclear missiles, targeting China, on our territory. The little Yellow Devils, if they dare to question this, will undoubtedly be uniformly abused by our scum media, as ‘interfering’ in our politics. It, of course, guarantees our destruction in any war launched on China by Thanatopia, and, one would dearly hope, some very swift Chinese economic retaliation in the meantime. But as Pompeo the Fat drawled yesterday, you can’t sell your ‘security’ for a pile of soy beans. The racist pig-thug didn’t mention that it was a pile worth 55 billion plus, a year, but he doesn’t do nuance, does he.
Jesus Mary and Joseph, Mulga. How much lower can Australia sink? I read part of the Ausmin ministerial statement last night, but didn’t read the whole thing as I suddenly had to rush to the bathroom. The amoeba’s in Canberra take bending over to a whole new level. Economic suicidal lunacy indeed. Where’s the outcry about intermediate range nuclear missiles being based here? Anyone? How many even know about this? How many even give a rats? How many just want to keep shopping and going on overseas holidays and buying a new ‘lifestyle’.
Events have moved on. The defence Minister, herself one of the large number of hard Right ‘former’ military in the Morrison regime, seems a bit less insane than others, and squashed the idea of basing US intermediate nukes missiles in Austfailia. BUT, that brief episode of sanity was quickly rebuked by the bufocrats (from Bufo a toad genus, that of the cane toad)including a mobile pile of lard from the ASPI. They seem only to employ obese Sinophobes, and are the ‘go to’ group for the ABC China-haters.
The ASPI is financed by Raytheon and Lockheed, among others, a fact that, naturally, goes unreported in the Free Press sewer, so the hyper-belligerent hatred towards China is no surprise. The toad rejected the idea that missiles ought not be based here, and suggested a RAAF base in the Northern Territory as a good place to put them. And the Murdoch cancer, the ‘Australian’ had the gall to promote the former PM Howard, a die-hard racist and, in my firm opinion, a mass murderer from his complicity in the destruction of Iraq, to applaud the compradore scum in Hong Kong and assert that such treachery in the service of the White Boss would soon spread to China. The creep, in my opinion a black hole of utter Evil, declared that we would always side with the USA because they shared ‘our moral values’-like Vietnam, Iraq, Korea, Libya, Syria etc. To make the point even more markedly, the adjacent letters page was replete with racists (the Murdoch base)spewing hatred at the Indigenous in this country and their requests for constitutional recognition.
My god… Its all like the last days of Caligula. On steroids. Howard in my book IS a war criminal and mass murderer for his role in Iraq. What evil resides in this country mate. And when nuclear missiles are stationed here on Australian soil, all pointed at China, how many do you think will be out on the street protesting? 6000 nationwide?
Still surprised they havn’t announced plans to send reinforcements to the Persian Gulf to ‘protect freedom of navigation’ and to show Iran who’s boss. Iran will not just sit back passively.
Of course if politics need follow religion, then who is right, Jews, Mohammedans Shiite or Sunni, Catholic Christians, Orthodox Christians, Evangelist Christians, Protestant Christians, Buddhists of various stripes, Hindus, Gnostics and the many others? Well of course we do all know without doubt that it is our own personal religion that is obviously correct and thus all other people should also live under its rules? Some might suggest that this assumption has led to much bloodshed over the centuries.
I did find interesting the comment about China, being the leopard that changes stripes and a co-conspirator in arming the war mongers. It is rare that country comes under criticism here. Some food for thought perhaps? Also interesting seeing an Iranian viewpoint, would imagine it would be quite stressful in the waiting.
Well Racid, I guess with all this excitement, one easily forgets the measure! How does one differentiates between a real Prophet of God and a fake one? How does one differentiate between a fake god and the real God? How can one differentiate between the path to God and God? Not all roads lead to Rome. If the teacher is as ignorant as the student, what is a man supposed to learn in this life?
On a pilgrimage I was listening to a clergyman, when a young man entered and asked a question. He wanted to know, why God had chosen to give our Prophet Mohammad purity form sin, knowledge and all the things, which are attributed to prophets. I asked him whether or not he considered this question the most pressing in our society with everything, that is going on in the lives of the people?!I gave him the titles of a few books to read, but he was not satisfied. He wanted the answer right there and now!
Every day some fool declares himself god or Jesus or Mahdi somewhere in this world. So how do we know? If somebody gives you an apple and tells you, that it is the 5 kilos, you paid for, how do you know?
All religions begin with monotheism and then greed, power, money, time and betrayal sets in. You even end up having despicable cast systems as a result, justified by it. Marx was right about that one!
Some take the easy way out. After all how is one supposed to know , which is which?!
The answer is the measure! If you don´t know the measure, you can try Kant!
Anybody, that knows about petrodollar, knows that we have been paying for the bombs, that have been killing and destroying our nations for decades. In fact without the plunder of this world, there wouldn´t be any superpower called usa!
This is an astonishing, beautiful, and powerful ‘thread of ideas’. If Mansoureh can write with this grace in English, then in her own language, every word must be a poem and a prayer!
Someone should send Trump a postcard, as that is all that he is capable of reading.
‘Please Donald, whatever you do, do not upset the Iranians’!
I’ve never met an Iranian I did not like. Living in rural central Ontario, Canada I even met a lovely woman who works at a small pharmacy in a tiny town nearby who is Persian, as she said. She caught my eye several times because I saw her wearing a cross. It turns out that was just a bit of jewellry. She isn’t Christian nor Islamic. She doesn’t like the Iranian leadership, and my understanding is that she feels they keep the people, force the people into a backward way of life. This saddens me, that anyone, whether from Iran, Russia or other Slavic lands somehow think the west is paradise. They don’t understand that the western leadership is infested by demons. A number of years back I came to a full stop one evening. As a then Protestant I couldn’t shake the conviction that something was terribly wrong…with everything. Protestant teaching is wrong. Western actions toward the world are evil all the time. I started to search to see if there still existed the Church as founded by Christ’s Apostles. I finally determined that it did indeed exist in the eastern Orthodox Church. I have been trying very hard to separate myself from western thinking since, having been baptized less than two years ago. I can agree with this writer regarding not separating my religious, spiritual beliefs and values from politics. If someone or party supports abortion, they don’t get my vote. If they are unashamed supporters of the Anglo/Zionist empire and their aggression they don’t get my vote. If they are hating on and threatening other countries such as Russia, Iran, Venezuela, etc., without cause, then they will never have my vote. We share in the deeds of those we support.
Without having control of this criminal and oppressive fake, debt-based monetary system, this evil empire could not continue their march for world domination. This empire should have died already but they control and have weaponized the monetary system. If enough countries gain some moral courage or even some common sense, they would abandon this system and start trading in other ways, with other currencies. And they would kick out of their countries the bankers who have enslaved their country. If a big war is instigated by this empire, it may well blow up the derivatives market and bring the entire system down. I think that is what the bankers want to do. They have something, even more, enslaving in mind for the world. Total control over whatever it is that they present as money. Total control over every purchase, where we will live and how what and when we will eat etc. I don’t know if this terrible series of events can be avoided but I don’t believe the evil plan will last long.
Appreciate your comment Craig. Am also baffled at times that people from other countries think the West is a ‘paradise’. The whole pathology of the Neoliberal economic system, and its consequences for the large majority; essentially dog eat dog and survival of the fittest, the levels of inequality and homelessness, the callousness and cruelty directed at those who have fallen thru the cracks. The power of propaganda, especially emanating from Hollywood….
Gezzah, it’s easy. Just brainwash basically stupid and ignorant people, every single day, through the entirely Rightwing fakestream media, PR, advertising (a very important factor in Full Spectrum Indoctrination)and ‘think-tanks’, police academia and expel Marxists etc, provide bread (ie metabolic toxic junk-food that promotes dementia and learned helplessness)and circuses (ie the human debasing horror of reality TV that promotes inter-personal hatred, treachery, back-stabbing etc as ‘normal’ behaviour)and purge all dissident thought from the public sphere, starting at schools. Voila-braindead mobile ingestion and excretion tubes that barely realise that they and their offspring are doomed, but boy, they certainly think that their excrement (ie their ‘society’) sure smells good. Not long to go, old boy, either.
Please don’t be mislead by the reasons and nonsense these overseas Iranians feed you. The primary reason for these Iranians to be in Australia or the US or Canada is because of money. They make and save more money than they ever can in Iran. that’s all. No other reason!
I have met several Iranians that I did not like, but that is neither here nor there.
What is relevant, however, is that most of the Iranians I have met were more or less decent people, and quite capable engineers.
Iran is a country. They respect the sovereignty of other countries. We should try doing that.
Craig, the most important thing about the iranian woman is not what she says or what she does. It is the cross., that she literally bears. Maybe it is more fitting to say, that the cross is wearing her! That is the key to her psychology. One can write entire books about the likes of her,without ever having met her, just using the cross she wears. One wears masks for different reasons. I had a friend a good friend once, who took the letters of his iranian name and created an entire western name out of it for himself. One does things to survive ones self in order to distance one self ……! Poor souls without selfvalue, full of fear and hate, belittled by their own image in their mirrors! Personally I hope all of these monkeys “go west, paradise is there, you will all, that you can eat, milk and honey over there ……!
“Total control over whatever it is that they present as money.” It seems as though it will be entries on our smart phones. It’s so convenient, don’t you know!
Thank you for this informative article
“Answered to Russia”: The Pentagon is testing a new rocket. The Pentagon is preparing to test the rocket, which should challenge Russia in Europe. media reports
“Answered to Russia”: The Pentagon is testing a new rocket
The Pentagon is preparing to test the rocket, which should challenge Russia in Europe. According to media reports, the new weapon will be the US response to the alleged “violations” of Moscow INF. Washington has left the treaty and expects to test a rocket in the near future, which could be the beginning of a new arms race.
The Pentagon began preparations for testing a new cruise non-nuclear missile, reports CNN, citing a source. According to the channel, the United States developed a rocket as a “response to Russia.”
It is a perfect ‘Through the looking Glass’ world that our Masters and their presstitute servants have created. Up is down, left is right, and Putin is the Red Devil, and Xi the Yellow Peril. The two shadow shoguns of really existing ‘Western Civilization’, Adolph Hitler, the Godfather of industrialised and computerised genocide and aggression, and Goebbels, the father of the Society of the Lie, had it worked out decades ago. From Hitler we get the Big Lie, the lie so audacious that the dumb and ignorant cannot believe anyone would be so morally debased as to lie so blatantly, and from Goebbels the technique of lying repeatedly, until it gets accepted to be the Truth.
Of course, in the name of efficiency and Western Moral Values and through simple Darwinian selective forces, the process has been refined over the years. Now they just lie, it is accepted instantly no matter how ludicrous it is, and there is no dissent from the lie allowed, other than other lies that do not challenge the original lie, but sit beside it and work with it in uneasy symbiosis. Trump lied his way to power, thanks to Cambridge Analytica and the Big Lie of the Clinton stolen candidacy, so the DNC-bots lie that he was put in power by Evil Putin, and is his pawn. Lies built on lies, spawning new lies, mutating and transfiguring until all is false, and even the sky is green-or soon will be.
Love reading your comments Mulga. I thought you might like this piece about propaganda and lies. The Germans (Hitler and Goebbles) did not invent the “science” of “manufacturing consent”, they were attentive students of those who came before. Also, as a way of explaining the misconception of America (what it stands for, it’s opportunities etc) by many in the World, it is interesting to look into the US/Hollywood “cultural” penetration of various societies since WWII…the absolute domination of all movies and TV shows everywhere except for the small French (styled on Hollywood?) and a (seemingly) healthy Bollywood.
Concerning China critique:
China applied to its politics some sort of philosophy. Philosophy out of millennia wisdom’s experience. It includes individual as well as political viewpoints.
China didn’t rise its voice for a long time. It’s like it waited until it will be strong enough.
As soon as it feels being strong enough it will confront some Western powers directly.
That’s what I think. Chinas philosophy is a wonderful wise way of life. A country struggling and doing the utmost to bring to its citizen prosperity is in itself something extraordinary – and to my knowledge no religion achieved it up till today.
I personally think and its my opinion that this kind of philosophy is way much much better as the prevalent Christianity especially in the Western Hemisphere.
Indeed, China has it´s right to take its time and its manners which have not to be the same as those of Iranians and Shi´a faithful.
I also got astonished by the author´s harsh critique of China, and, in comparison, soft stance to Japan, who has always been a US ally, or lackey whatever you would like, and have never criticized any US evildoing. One would say that she is even harsher with China than with the very US who has intended to destroy her country several times to date.
China, if I am not wrong, is voting in the UNSC the right way, with the most provocative actions started by USUK against any country, always in the same line than Russia. And I would even venture that China is helping Iran to its own way, discreetely, as they usually do.
One would think that this woman tries to antagonize China… Why, I wonder…. Were the Chinese to take note, which I fear they will not, since they will continue attending Iran´s Foreign Affairs officials´moves and declarations, they would feel somehow suspicious…
Attitudes like this, in case the author does not notice, only come to allign with US goal of isolating the members of the “Axis of Resistance” from each other, becoming every one an easier prey for the USUK´s predatory and evil instincts….Japan will not come in your help…More probably will be Russia and China, and, may be, even Turkey….
The principle aim of Chinese civilization has long been the desire for harmony, to be achieved through right actions. The principle aim of really existing ‘Western Civilization’ is dominance, as encapsulated in Genesis is the promise that the Judaic God made to the Jews, that they would have ‘Dominion’ over the world. Hence the use of the term ‘Dominionist’ for that school of American God-bothering that wishes to dominate the whole world. The two, the Chinese way and the Western, are, of course, antithetical, but only from the Western perspective. Chinese harmony can exist inside China and in its relations with other countries, but American dominance MUST be ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ and no country, no society, may exist that does not acknowledge US Exceptionalism, and its Manifest Destiny.
Whatever the philosophy of the Chinese, the critique is real and cant be brushed away.
The only excuse i take is that only 1 country has managed to take a moral decision to stand tall against the bullies of our time. Not Russia and nor China. And the fact that people seam to not care too much about this fact is in it self a fail. Good for the Russians and the Chinese that their citizen are getting better living standards, but fu everyone else, its not their responsibility as they keep saying. And i say it again: good for them! pff..
What is evident and has been for long is that the Chinese may have the economic power that can match the empire, but they simply don’t have a life philosophy, an universal thought like the westerns, giving answers to the most essential questions we humans have. They are copying western values and put a small made in china on them, thinking they will be safe when the westerners where not. Same is true with Russia, but i admit that lately some of their people seam to distance them selves from this path.
But again someone should answer how can the Chinese live with them selves knowing that they where the enablers of the empire for over decades? Buying fiat bonds that shackle the entire world?
What ever it is its weak, and somehow the Shia mantra is we don’t like oppressors, nor do we help oppress others for our own gain. Martyrdom is in our bones.
The assertion that the Chinese ‘..don’t have a life philosophy, an universal thought like the westerns, giving answers to the most essential questions we humans have’, is not only bizarrely ignorant of the multiple schools of Chinese philosophy, ethics, religion, ideologies are morality built up over five thousand years of civilization, and thousands of years of settled life before that, but is frankly dehumanising of one of the great civilizations of the planet.
Pff.. if you dont want to see reality cause it hurts, you are no better than most propagandized people.
What you dont get is that what you type has nothing to do with my text. My question to you is, so?? They have thousands of years of history and a long civilization big and small, but what does that have to do with today?
Its simply too stupid to even argue that the Chinese want to have universal value, when they them selves keep repeating that they only want to mind their own business. Are you ignorant of that? Their policy is “mind your own business and we mind our own business”.
I could say that the Egyptions have a long and old civilization, but seriously you believe because of that, they today have anything to say when it comes to moral values in today’s world??
Have you ever heard a Chinese lecture on moralities? Have you even followed what their policies has been? Have you ever been to china and talked with people? Have you ever wondered why they and their policymakers are in “love” with western “everything”?
No, you should try to answer the critique, where the chines NOT the enablers of the empire with their billions of US $ reserves? Have they in anyway cared about others than them selves?
Do their policymakers or anyone of importance had anything to say about the injustice of lets say the empire till this day? Have they voiced anything against tyranny? Please enlighten me, cause i read the news, i hear lectures i read so many articles on a daily basis and not ONE Chinese person has had the courage to call a spade a spade. Please link me to one person that talks about the grand scheme of Chinese values and thoughts about the current happenings in lets say Palestine, in Libya, in Venezuela, in Brazil. You wan tme to link you to lectures of Iranian and westerners doing that? Cause that would be easy…
So come again if you have anything to add to the the critique, otherwise you are another ignorant person on the other side of a monitor.
And besides go read something about the culture revolution in China, and maybe you too will come to the conclusion that the Chinese path can best be characterized as schizophrenic. They are a so called “communist” country, that at one point wanted to cut their entire civilizational history and banned what ever their people had as values, till they came a little to their senses and slowly opened the door to their heritage values. The values that you think only cause they existed in the past have any value today too. Its a joke honestly, and the one prime reason that China NEVER is going to be the center of world power is because their foundation as a communist country being more capitalistic than even western ones, in it self is a joke that not many want to address. Its the story about the naked king and hes servants.
I do fully understand that in today’s world where the empire is the biggest naked king on the planet, see their propaganda about their once mighty military might, most people see the Chinese, as you write it, “antithetical” of the empire. But you so mistaken. Their “harmony” bs is non existing. What harmony have they preached about anywhere on the planet? Even in their own country what harmony are you talking about? Their mantra is “one country”. If you had seen any Chinese movies and simply culture you would understand that they are mostly about, “lets keep people under one power so to fewer people get hurt”. Their martyrdom, in movies in fiction is depicted as a sacrifice of ones interests for the good of the masses. That is their “value” they preach day in and day out. And if you believe that is a sound moral value, well good for you. Its simply not good for me nor for the world that keeps getting bullied by the empire!
What is dehumanizing, is your and the “Chinese way of thinking” lack of understanding of what millions dead in Iraq, in Syria and Africa means. Its “numbers” i guess, when you have a trillion people in your own country?
Let me dive into that “civilizational heritage”:
“Of One Essence is the Human Race,
Thusly has Creation put the Base.
One Limb impacted is sufficient,
For all Others to feel the Mace.
The Unconcern’d with Others’ Plight,
Are but Brutes with Human Face.”
and please give me a Chinese answer for the peoples suffering in the world.
”Take a bucket and fill it with water,
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out and the hole that’s remaining
Is a measure of how you’ll be missed.”
That’s the most poignant piece of poetry I have ever read! Puts the world’s exceptional, indispensable peoples in a most sobering light. Mansoureh made a typo rendering the name of the poet as Saxon White Kissinger (= Satan, more or less), but down in the notes it’s correct: Saxon White Kessinger.
”So, our resistance has at least three dimensions: one, we must resist our own urges to oppress others, while at the same time, resist being sucked into siding with oppressors. Two, we must resist oppression against ourselves by anyone. Three, whenever and wherever we hear the cry for help of the oppressed people (Muslim and/or non-Muslim), we are obligated to respond and help, within our means and capacity to do so, and in a sound and appropriate way. Standing silently on the sideline and keeping quiet out of fear or greed is not an option for us.”
The resolve of Iran and her people such as Mansoureh Tajik is a crucial component of the Axis of Resistance. Iran is not ”just” a target of US aggression as of 40 years; it’s also a front state to Saudi Arabia. The Wahhabi scum probably hate Iran with even more fanaticism than the US Neocons can muster — the latter being possessed by mere narcissistic rage and pure greed.
”No imperialist, no arrogant power, no superpower wannabe operates in a vacuum. There are always cheerleaders, enablers, junior and senior accomplices, profiteers, and conspirators. Regardless of what their mouth says, their actions speak louder.”
The US is having a problem because it simply cannot function without its massive parasitism enforced by violence and lawlessness. One of its most ardent enablers and accomplices was the Shah, who was even more ruthless than his father as an oppressor of Iran’s people. The Iranian secret police (SAVAK) ran the country as a torture dungeon. When Jimmy Carter became Pindo President, his token commitment to human rights made him pressure the Shah into granting the Red Cross access to some of Iran’s prisons. It stopped at that. Iran, alongside Israel, was the West’s watchdog in the Middle East until the spring of 1979.
Bottom line: The Axis of Resistance shares common memories of the old bad days under the West’s stifling, murdering jackboot. That is a very significant part of its cohesion along with a sense of coming victories for the benefit of the world’s peoples.
As I see it, the US “superpower” status or their position of “global leadership that should be preserved and extended”, as advocated in the document referenced (1) in the article, is not really something self-appointed that the Americans always wanted for themselves, but rather a sort of pre-fabricated “manifest destiny” betraying the messianic aspirations and the nature of its progenitors. The euphemistically called Neo-Conservatives are essentially Jews; their real name should be Neo-Trotskyites or Neo-Bolsheviks, if we would call a spade a spade. They have no loyalty to America and are just continuing the World Communist Revolution by other means. Let us remember that the US Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776, time at which Enlightenment ideas were incubating in Europe and preparing the way for the great French revolution to come. Adam Weishaupt founded his Illuminati (Enlightened ones) Masonic order also in 1776. His doctrine already contained all the main ideological ingredients of Communism, as shown by N. Webster. The ‘light’ of the Enlightenment had a close relationship with the ‘light’ of the new Masonic ideas created at that time and to be disseminated in the world, as symbolized by the “Liberty Enlightening the World”, commonly called “Statue of Liberty”, official gift of French Freemasonry to their “brothers” in the new republic. “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” and the concept of Human Rights, were born in the Masonic lodges and destined to be the ideological foundation of the New World Order to come, the “Novus ordo seclorum” of the Great Seal of 1782. Its Masonic symbolism is an ownership mark, therefore the US represents a superpower, but only to serve its owners. The history of the “bomb” comes duly to confirm their will to provide their “champion” with the absolute and unchallengeable military might: the Manhattan Project was a Jewish project from A to Z.
Your quote from the Iranian Constitution mentioning the promotion of “Islamic brotherhood” brings to my mind the questionable relationship between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB shares its ideological roots with Wahabism and, most of its ideologues were Freemasons, confirming here also the same ownership mark. Here are a few questions arising from this relationship.
The MB and Al Qaeda were the two main actors of the so-called Arab Spring. Although Iran fought against the terrorist forces in Syria and Iraq, Iran supported the rebels during the overthrow of Qaddafi and in Yugoslavia was fighting the Serbs on the side of NATO and the Wahabi Salafist fighters.
I have also always wondered what was the interest of Shia Iran to employ Tareq Ramadan, grandson of Hassan Al Banna, to officially teach, on a weekly basis, his MB Islam on PressTV.
But the links to the MB seem to go back to the Islamic Revolution time: In his “Little Green Book”, chapter I. 3 The Islamic Republic, Khomeini writes:
“We have nothing against going to the moon, or setting up atomic installations. But we too have a mission to accomplish: the mission of serving Islam and making its sacred principles known to the entire world, in the hope that all the monarchs and presidents of republics throughout the Muslim world will finally recognize that our cause is just, and by that very fact become submissive to us. Naturally, we have no desire to strip them of their functions; we will allow them to retain power, provided they show themselves to be obedient and worthy of our confidence.”
Who is “we” in the sentence? From the context, Khomeini cannot speak on the behalf of Iran, but only on the behalf of the MB, a supra-national organisation, created by the Globalists to subvert the Muslim world. In the West, the same organisation is now even being used to subvert Christian societies through their Muslim minorities, aided in that by leftist agents promoting mass immigration. The Ahl Al-Bayt World Assembly in Tehran is also promoting Islam in Western countries and seems to function as a MB agent in the world.
Another argument in favour of a collusion between the MB and the Islamic Republic, is the status of Iran Central Bank. After the revolution the central bank was not nationalized, but the IMF affiliated Shah central bank was kept. Only a small cosmetic and useless reform was introduced, the Anti-Usury Law. When the MB took over Tunisia, during the Arab Spring, the Central bank was immediately made “independent” and Tunisia put under the yoke of the money-lenders. The same process was implemented in Lybia, even before the murdering of Gaddafi.
I’ll end my questioning with this last point:
Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī, also known as Sayyid Jamāl ad-Dīn Asadābādī, was a Freemason, a British agent, an early globalist and precursor of the MB and a sympathizer of the Bahá’í Faith. He plotted, with his follower Mirza Reza Kermani, the assassination of Shah Naser-al-Din. However, in spite of his, in my opinion, negative credentials, he seems to have become a national hero, having a square named after him in Tehran: the Asad
Abadi Square.
Thank God, that after 40 years of struggle, all that our enemies can do and say about us, besides the usual garbage, is what you write. Not bad but not good enough either mazetoo. Your entire comment sounds like one big twist of the truth like the supposed Ahmadinejad calling for the killing of all jews or the iranian support for Al Qaeda. Well in your case the MB!
I have overslept and must do my midday pray, so I keep it short. I will just deal with your obvious misrepresentations. It seems to me, that you take your queues more from pentagon than anywhere else accusing Iran of collusion with MB and al qaeda, not to mention as the enemies of the muslim world.
With regards to Gaddafi I must say, that there has never been any love between us and him. He betrayed us during the war with Iraq. He sold us a dozen missiles and a few Libyan technicians to help teach our solders how to lunch of them. Then he not only called his technicians back but also ordered them to sabotage the missiles rendering them useless, while Saddam was destroying our cities. Funny enough he came to us and asked us to overhaul and repair his missile inventory after the fall of the Soviet Union! But his biggest crime against us shia was the killing of one of our most beloved leaders Musa Sadr. Funny though Imam Sadr went to Libya in the hope, that Gaddafi would support the fight against israhell. But he instead killed Imam Sadr. Even today the Libyans are silent about the fate of Imam Sadr!
We did not support Saddam either, when the americans attacked him. As our Imams have always said, they will not support a dictator in favor of another dictator! Personally I have always said, that I will never shed a tear for the Libyans. Whatever comes their way is their own doing. They destroyed their country for the glory of the west. And to blame us for the ongoing destruction of their country with their own hands by the help and for the benefit of the west, oh well ……!
God knows, that I am personally thankful for the like you mazetoo. You are a gift to us, while thinking, that you actually are harming and fighting us. As long as you keep lying, you will fail. Anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of us knows about the strained relation between us and the Egyptians being it Mobarak or Morsi. Morsi openly pissed on us Iranians and shia, when he visited our country. Even George Galloway was angry at Morsi for his behavior. Egypt has at best never been our friend Not to mention the fact, that they are now ruled by a jewish general, the son of a israhelli spy. Whatever comes their way is their own doing including the shame!
It is a known fact that the organization called “Muslim Brotherhood” is to us what Freemasonry is to Christians. But still, you went too far exposing yourself, when you lie openly and call our desire for promoting brotherhood amongst muslims as support for “Muslim Brotherhood”! Ahmadinejad anyone?
Your second obvious lies is your Imam Khomeini having said “….. become submissive to us”! Oh well anybody knowing anything about Imam Khomeini knows, that he would never say “us”. To him submission was only to God and everything God´s will and for the glory of Islam and muslims of the world. Ahmadinejad anyone?
And when it come to Seyed Jamal, without him there would have never been a muslim awakening. He is in may ways the father of our ideals with regards to muslim unity. And he paid the price for it with his life. His only mistake was, that he trusted the muslim rulers of his time, thinking, that they would do the right thing!
Do you read a few lines from God only knows where like wiki and think you know something about a man like Seyed Jamal?
Believe it or not we muslims pray for enemies like you!
Questioning is not necessary only the fact of ennemies, it can also be the fact of people searching for truth. No government is monolithic, and, as you admit that the Muslim Brotherhood is to Muslims what Freemasonry is to Christians, therefore, both share a common enemy, the Synagogue, which controls both organizations. Since their subverting actions are invisible, we can only observe their effects. When Nikolay Starikov is questioning the status of the Russian Central Bank, he even wrote a book on the subject, he is not being an enemy of his country, on the contrary, he is a patriot who wants to see his country liberated from the yoke of the money-lenders and recover its sovereignty. If you are an Iranian patriot, and I don’t doubt it, the same questioning should appeal to you: why has the Iran Central Bank not been nationalized after the revolution?
I did not write that your constitution article calling for Islamic brotherhood was a promotion for the Muslim Brotherhood. Only that it was reminding me of the questionable relationship between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the point, in fact, that triggered my commenting.
If no government is monolithic, not all government actions always comply with what people generally expect from their government. When the Iranian government support rebels in Lybia, I do not say that it supports Abdulhakim Belhadj or Al Qaeda, just that it stands on the side of NATO and its Jewish masters. When the Iranian government sends troops and arms to Bosnia to fight the Serbs alongside NATO and Saudi Salafists, I also just mention on which side the Iranian government was standing.
You said that without Seyed Jamal, there would have never been a “muslim awakening”. This was an interesting comment, because this is exactly the term (bidari islami) used by the Iranian government to qualify the recent “Arab spring”. However, you can find abundant information on the subject proving that it was rather an “Oded Yinon” Spring, in order to put their main asset, the MB, in power in most of the Middle East. All those questions arise from facts coming in contradiction with the official discourse. I don’t have any enmity against Iran, on the contrary, but I am questioning all the facts that don’t fit, and we don’t have in Europe a single government that is free of Masonic influence or usury control.
I said that Seyed Jamal was a Freemason and precursor of the MB. This not a just Wiki fact, this is confirmed by the book of Tareq Ramadan “Aux Sources Du Renouveau Musulman: D’al Afghani A Hassan Al Banna, Un Siècle De Réformisme” or the book of Ali Rahnema, “Pioneers of Islamic Revival”. What was called Islam Reformism in the 19th century was performed in the Masonic lodges, this tells you clearly about the nature of the instigator and why today Israel is safe from any Al Qaeda attack. Seyed Jamal, Mohammed Abduh, Rashid Rida are at the roots of Muslim Brotherhood and Salafism, “the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria”, according to the declassified report of US military intelligence.
Am I a liar, just because I quote a sentence from Khomeini’s book that you also don’t like?
Am I a liar, because I am questioning the globalist nature of the Ahl Al-Bayt World Assembly organisation in Tehran? I came to this organisation after watching a video of a Muslim Party member talking openly about establishing the sharia law in Belgium. After researching his supports I came to the Ahl Al-Bayt World Assembly that I never heard of before. As an Iranian citizen, shouldn’t you also be concerned with what is being done in your name, possibly at the instigation of what you believe are your enemies? The devil and the Synagogue always hide in the details. Peace be upon you.
A short reply for now and hopefully another one later. Your logic is not sound. You are mixing things and judging people by loose associations, that don´t compute. We can agree on the fact, that at the core of it all, you find what you call Synagogue. We can agree, that freemasonry is jewish, Muslim Brotherhood is jewish, Nation of Islam is jewish, bahaism is jewish, wahhabism is jewish and so on. Do you think, that they just have their exclusive clubhouses and haven´t infiltrated every aspect of our lives in Iran. Look at what they promoted during Reza Shah or even his son. Look at what Faramushkhaneh stood for and did. Then you mix everything together. Even a countergang organization must have it´s manifesto, which must necessarily copying the manifesto of the targeted organization in order to destroy the real one.
I was saying from the very first day, that all of these socalled arab awakenings were counter revolutions directed from the west. I even kept mentioning Brzezinski, who during a trilateral meeting in Japan in the beginning of he 70´s suggested democratization in order to divert revolutions away from real political and economic change in their vassal countries. According to him the advancements in communication technologies and the availability of modern education would result in social unrest detrimental to the interests of usa. I even suggested, that the americans will repeat their success in Philippines in Egypt; removing a military dictator and replacing him with a temporary civilian figurehead followed by a military rule brought to power either by a coup or through elections! Mark my words, El Baradei is the man usa want to put in power next!
When it comes to Bosnia, she was being swallowed by both Serbia and Croatia. They were loosing the war. It was in fact, what the western powers wanted. The last thing they needed was a muslim country in the middle of Europe screwing things up for them. It is a matter of fact,that Bosnia would not exist today with the help from our country. The fact, that the western powers pretended to care for the bosnians, does not make us wrong in helping them. Personally though I am against muslim separatism in Kashmir, In China and in Russia or the former Yugoslavia. It is the stupidest thing to do. We are doing the bidding of our enemies in the west and creating enemies of those, who should be our allies!
With regards
Not to mix things together and risk judging people by loose associations, I will not comment on the Nation of Islam, Brzezinski, the Trilateral Commission, the Philippines, Egypt or El Baradei. Just one comment on Bosnia. You wrote that “The last thing they needed was a muslim country in the middle of Europe.” In my opinion, just the opposite is true: both the US and Iran wanted a muslim state in Europe. The Anglo-Zionist, to contaminate Europe with Salafist Islam (this has been thoroughly researched and documented by the German investigation journalist Jürgen Elsässer in his book “How the Jihad arrived in Europe” and Iran for reasons that can only be justified by interests other than those of the Iranian people. That explains why Iran was fighting on the side of NATO and the Saudi Salafists. Iran, under Rafsanjani’s presidency, had officially stated that they were welcoming the first Muslim state in Europe as a very important evolution. Izetbegovic, an Islamist professing a “Islamic religious renewal”, made at least 2 official trips to Tehran, where he received honours and support. I haven’t researched his affiliation to the MB, but the Islamic Declaration he wrote in 1990 seems to be consistent with their ideology. Iran probably regrets today her past adventure in Bosnia. Especially since Kosovo and Albania have become literally terrorists nests. The US have recently built a multi-billion base for the Mujahedin-e Khalq in Albania.
Your logic is flawed. It is ridiculous. Why this indignation? One can go way wrong in an analysis based on blind sight. From the first day the logo of the conflict was “Serbs, muslims, Croats”! Bosnians didn´t even count. Not to mention, that everybody know, what kind of animals muslims are; all terror and no play ….! If in doubt, read your own comment above!
As I mentioned above Bosnia war being removed from the map of the world, something that the enemies Croatia and Serbia could agree upon! The Bosnians begged the world to help them. We answered their call. It is our duty. So some salafies with their ideological fathers the Wahhabis helped them too. The same salafi, who believe, that killing 7 shia will guaranty them a place in heaven! The same salafi, whom we have been fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. It was no secret, the Saudi helped them financially and we gave them hardware and taught the how to fight. Did everybody in the world fighting the nazi do it because they were Stalinists? The americans wanted to destroy Yugoslavia. We wanted to save an entire people. What logic dictates, that we should have left our people defenseless and at the mercy of the American geopolitics. What logic dictates, that we must pack and leave, whenever America steps in. if that is the logic, then we shouldn´t have helped Venezuela, South Africa, North Korea, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria or Yemen!
So it was in the interests of the americans to turn off their radars allowing our planes to deliver weapons to the Bosnians. The same Bosnia, who kick us out as a condition to end the war. We were there to help and when the job was done, we left. The Palestinians have stabbed us in the back so many times, it is not even funny. But we are still helping them. Not to mention, that both the Palestinians and Bosnians are Sunni! You should ask the Bosnian leadership, why they allowed the errand boy salafi of the west stay, marry and have their salafi mini-me running around in Bosnia.
So a sunni Bosnian came to visit our country. Should we have kicked him or beaten him to please the Serbs who all are angles walking on water? From time to time some idiot calls for Sharia in some western country and feeds the antimuslim propaganda. As if by saying it somehow by some way of magic it comes true. He is an idiot. Why are you repeating it!
We didn´t help the Albanians in Kosovo. In a sane world that alone should be enough to prove our sincerity!
The question is, what is it to you? Are you a hasbara or do you just hate us?!
All the assumptions that I make are based on facts and they result only from my desire to understand the logic of the policies of the Iranian government. I had the illusion that an Iranian could explain to me all those points and dissipate the doubts that those stubborn facts are creating in my mind. This will be my last comment, because, so far, except for using ad hominem arguments, you have not explained or refute any of the points that I have presented. Without addressing logically and directly the questions that I raised, you are just going in circles and jumping to subjects irrelevant to the points, always misrepresenting or minimizing the points that I am making. For instance: Morsi or Izetbegovic were not just 2 sunni boys who just wanted to visit Tehran for fun. No, they did not visit Tehran: they were formally invited through the official government channels to come to Tehran. Why don’t you want to face the reality? All what you wrote about Bosnia proves that you don’t realize that, by siding with the Anglo-Zionists, Iran was on the wrong side of the conflict, on the side of the aggressor. Milosevic was even cleared, by the International Tribunal, from the accusations of genocide and ethnic cleansing, that were used to justify the war, this during the trial of Radovan Karadzic. You keep referring to your religion: what is Islam telling you about siding with the aggressor in a conflict and not with the innocent? And what is Islam telling you about riba? If those mere two points do not have any political interest for you, maybe your religious conscience will sharpen your curiosity and, like me, you will want to know the “why” of things.
Peace be upon you. Khoda hafez.
I have mentioned a movie called “thank you for smoking” a few times. There is a scene, where the father is trying to teach his son, how he can win an argument. The son says something like: it is wrong to smoke. The father answers something like: yes, but freedom of speech ….! The constitution guaranties ……! This is exactly what you are doing.
You are not asking, you are attacking and then pull back attack pull back with a little indignation and reverse psychology and then changing subject. Take a look at Napoleon battle tactics. You will find it familiar. It did work for him, but we are talking 2019. If anything, your comment only accuse us of being guilty by association like the rest of your comments. In doing so we have saved nation after nation after nation! There are some lies, that cannot be sold to the masses of this world and you have the honor of trying one! What is next: we did 911 too! Do you see, how easy it is to be you! Your whole argument is so transparent, it is oxymoron. We have been under threats the like of which their architects declare, are without parallel in the history of mankind. Our people are dying for the lack of medicine and we are dying in foreign lands saving people. God forbid, we make a mistake here and there. “Milosevic was cleared”, tell it to all the dead victims of the war. They will be happy to hear that! It this is our crime, we wear it with pride.
Riba (usury) really? Are you now going to jump ship again! As we iranians say: ”What does a fart to do with your forehead?” And when it comes to curiosity, well your cup seems already full!
This is pretty much war mongering talk… So, per your logic El Paso TX that is 84% hispanic should just join Mexico and CA/TX that will be majority hispanic should seperate and become become part of Mexico?
Or, does it only apply to Muslim separatism that you selectively choose to promote as a struggle and the rest are not worth the proleteriat?
Well anomymous, maybe we should learn from tiny countries like Russia and China doing so much more. It is amazing considering Russia and China have suffered so much the last 40 years!
If anything reeks of Trotskyism, it is precisely the urge to slander revolutions and/or revolutionaries that contributed to human emancipation. And it becomes better still when the forces of reaction are ”attacked” by being equated with their exact opposite, creating an upside-down, inside-out world of hallucinations and all kinds of weird noises, very much like the Kievan Rada.
At bottom, what we have here is a ”generalized” instance of Stalin/Hitler hyperbole. Case in point: The US Trotsky-cons allegedly carrying out the World Communist Revolution. If that were indeed the case, Trotskyist micro-”parties” and their 4th, 5th, N:th ”internationals” would be immensely more than just juvenile pastimes nobody cares about. Your slanders of Iran’s revolution are equally flawed.
As a rule of thumb, you can differentiate between revolutions simply by asking: ’What response did they elicit from the outside world?’ The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was greeted by a massive invasion of Western rabid murderers; the Iranian revolution got rewarded by Saddam Hussein’s army attacking Iran as per Western instructions, causing eight long years of bloodletting.
As a second rule of thumb, you should also ask: ’What kind of legacy has the revolution left in the part of the world where it took place?’ The legacy of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia is incredible: It transformed Russia from a poor, agrarian, oppressive society to a scientific and industrial powerhouse, capable of defeating Hitler’s hellraisers and then responding very appropriately to American nuclear blackmail. All this was made possible by Soviet Russia’s supreme education system open to all and free of charge. Iran’s achievements are highly impressive as well, as is evident from Ramin Mazaheri’s excellent blog posts here.
By asking suchlike questions, one has a very powerful antidote to conspirational fantasies, past and present.
What I find so bizarre and incredulous is that the Empire denies targeted countries even the right to defend themselves. The bully says “How dare you put up your hands to defend yourself? Stand there and let me sucker punch you”
They are cowards, and always have been.
Please, the single greatest political statement ever made by anyone at any time in any period of mankind’s history are these:
Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. Matthew 6:5-7
and if one wants to know how this plays out in history look no further than the nation of Israel:
41 As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it 42 and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. 43 The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle you and hem you in on every side. 44 They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the time of God’s coming to you.” Luke 19
This is all politics at work in a religious sense. Judgment was passed from the throne room of heaven upon the human race all of which found its ultimate fulfillment not in AD 70 but later in the year 363 AD when on May 20:
“The stones were piled high and ready. Costly wood had been purchased. The necessary metal was at hand. The Jews of Jerusalem were rejoicing. Tomorrow—May 20, 363 A.D.—the rebuilding of the Temple would begin! Suddenly, and without warning, at the third hour of the night… the streets of Jerusalem trembled and buckled, crushing two hundred years of hope in a pile of dust. No longer would there be any possibility of rebuilding the Temple.”
This earthquake as if anybody needed me to tell you was a divine act of judgment upon the Jewish people period!
And as if all of this wasn’t enough politically from the throne room of heaven what does any body think this was about?
22 They shouted, “This is the voice of a god, not of a man.” 23 Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.
God is not mocked and look instead of a nuclear weapon God decides that since Herod was such a glutton he simply starved the worms inside his gut to have a feast day of God Almighty!
Wonderful! lol
Lastly, I can never understand Deicide and how those who talk and mention it never bother to look at what Christ said about it being humanly impossible to kill him. No one had the power to kill Christ no one!!!! Jesus made it clear he laid his life down of his own accord and allowed himself to be killed. If Christ so desired he could have while standing in the Garden of Gethsemane picked Caesar up with his thumb and forefinger by the scruff of the neck and thrown him clear out into the street and closed the door of his palace behind him.
Unbeknown to people Jesus is a devastatingly dangerous individual of huge enormous power who can at any moment bring the world to an end.
Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? Matthew 26:53
and then we have the Moslems and their Jihad? Tell me does anyone in the right mind think that God needs any human being to exact revenge and in his name? Wow, I find that the most frightening picture of all. To use God’s name like that is dangerous, very dangerous. My word 18 year old children girls and boys strapping bombs to their person and screaming Allah is great? You have got to be kidding me! And how wrong Stalin was about the best revolutionary being a youth with no morals? The best revolutionary is someone who thinks that on behalf of Almighty God suicide of this kind is the best medicine for the infidels of the west? Yeah, I guess the promise of seventy virgins in heaven is a great prize. What heaven is a brothel really?
And what about climate change? Here I give you the Iraq War and Bravo Company:
“According to a radio newscast I heard while in my car during the Iraq war, a lone Moslem in the city of Baghdad had been screaming, “Hey, look what God is doing to the U.S. Forces.” Upon hearing this, I scoured the newspapers for any news about what this gentleman was talking about and came across a report about Bravo Company when they were some twenty-five miles from Baghdad. They were stopped dead by a series of storms that sprung up out of nowhere. The day had begun calmly enough, clear and sunny, but as they neared the city, they encountered a windstorm so fierce that it obscured the sun, turning the desert black. The wind was strong enough to batter and shake their tanks and personal carriers. After several hours, the sandstorm turned into a hailstorm with accompanying thunder and lightning. It turned the sand into mud, bogging down their vehicles and stalling their advance. They had to deal with the forming of a lake which almost swamped their vehicles.”
from the book Climate Change the Work of God by Gerry Fox pg. 93
the scripture reference too many to add here but this sums it up quite nicely
“The Lord will cause people to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail.” (Isaiah 30:30)
cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we are all being lied to that’s its about fossil fuels lol
Interesting comment Milan,
Do you really know, what Jihad is? Jihad is just a word for something, just like Allah is just a word for something. Did you know, that Christians in our part of the world also say Allah? You go to an arab country and the priests will say Allah this and Allah that! We Iranians sometimes use the word Khoda and sometimes the word Allah. Same difference as they say.
Would it put you at ease, if we used words like “the struggle to purify one´s body and soul from sin”? Would it make it easier for you, if we used words like “defending one´s country, home and loved ones from americans soldier going on gang rape Tuesday or Monday missions in Iraq, killing all the family members of small 10-15 year old girls, that they have just collectively raped and on top of that set them on fire too”. Would it make it easier on you, if these 18 year old survivors of your barbarity shouted “Kim Kardashian” instead before giving their lives for their fellow 15 year old “girl next door” not to get raped and burned by your bible holding, Christ loving soldiers 10 000 miles away from home, destroying entire nations!
Maybe you are fundamentally incapable of asking the right question bible in hand and all that jazz!
But when you are fundamentally wrong is, when you attribute vengeance to God to begin with. Everything God does is mercy!
If you are looking for monsters, no need to go far. Look in the mirror bible or no bible.
@minute by minute
‘my barbarity sir?
I am in no way part and parcel of the insanity. I am sorry and pray to Allah Jesus for the end of this madness and I am no American.
In todays news I see that much killing has occurred in the US. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/at-least-20-dead-in-el-paso-shopping-center-shooting-as-authorities-investigate-texas-man-and-manifesto/ar-AAFjJ35?ocid=spartanntp
America is a nation tearing itself apart from the inside out and revenge is sweet minute by minute there is no questions about that. However, 2 wrongs never make a right and I think the real issue is a lack of education in all things religion and God. Tell me if you knew for a fact that climate change was the work of Almighty God would that help you? Actually here is the important question does the Koran teach anything about climate change sir?
God says in the first person through his prophet Jeremiah:
“See, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked. The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will fully understand it clearly.” (Jeremiah 23:19–20)
A whirlwind is a tornado. Can you imagine something like this?
Written to us from the 6th Century BC and God says “in days to come you will understand it clearly!’
Go and read the book Climate Change the Work of God by Gerry Fox and believe me you will never again look at climate change like you currently do!
Further if there was one book just one that teaches everything about the power and rulership of God it is the book of Job. Imagine Allah is himself a military commander with his own weapons:
“Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of the hail, which I reserve for times of trouble, for days of war and battle?
and then there is this scripture:
“The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its people and their animals, even if these three men—Noah, Daniel and Job—were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness, declares the Sovereign Lord.” (Ezekiel 14:12–14)
The Jews learned this lesson well enough in the 6th Century and so did others.
this is all from the Jewish Old Testament however, minute by minute and in my ignorance of Islam tell me if any imam would take such scriptures as the literal word of Allah?
Lastly, I am not your enemy so please do not paint me with the same brush as the crazies who are rumbling in their tanks across the desert only to face a thunder hailstorm in the desert as Bravo Company did 25 miles from Baghdad! They should have turned around but in their ignorance of the bible they simply waited for the storm to pass and continued on? Big mistake I figure and looky here:
Allah Jesus be praised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all Milan, I owe you an apology. I misunderstood, what you were saying. I thought, that you were blaming the victims for the crime of defending themselves. Had you written it the way of your second comment, I would have responded differently.
I was once listening to a muslim clergyman talking about God. He asked whether or not God could intervene in human life. What came as a surprise to me was the answer of a few amongst them. They Said: No! I responded to them by saying, that we are after all talking about God the creator of everything there is. Of course God can intervene in our live. The simple definition of God in Islam goes like this: God is within everything without being a part of it, and God is without everything without being apart from it. God can not be the object of anything. If something is, that something is not God. Accordingly when we say God, we mean the angles of God.
What you are talking about is as old a discussion as it gets: determinism or free will. In Islamic terminology God has given soul to all of it´s creating including mountains, fish and trees, but only has given free will to mankind. According to Islam mankind is responsible for the earth! Will mankind bring upon himself tragedy through their actions? Yes. Is there a climate change? Yes! It always has! The problem is, that the globalists are using the activities of the sun as a weapon against us. On one hand they want to keep on keeping on keeping the developing nations down. Who needs the competition? On the other hand they want to use the climate change fraud to tax all nations of the world and by doing so financing their global dictatorship. Funny enough the father of the “Greenhouse theory” himself declared, that only 3% was caused by human activity.
I know this to be true, that I carry prayers and protection with me against demons, that I have been fighting for 2 decades. I know, that the only thing keeping me safe from them is prayer. Still I have a hunting knife made of iron out of it´s sheet besides my bed all the time. I once told one of them, that I was no longer afraid of them and wanted to kill them. He relied: “We will destroy you!”
With regards to the 72 angle thing, every religion or ideology must hook you sometimes because of a person, sometimes because of a tragedy, sometimes because of a story. Open any magazine, watch any commercial a sexy woman with open mouth invites to by all kind of poisons. But if God uses the same very powerful instinct to hook people onto the right path, well …….! The funny thing is, that one may even begin to walk the path towards God for the prize of the 72 virgins, but ends up an entirely different human being. Are there idiot killing us shia to go to heaven? Sure there are!
Thank you for not being our enemy. We need all the friends in the world.
” In Islamic terminology God has given soul to all of it´s creating including mountains, fish and trees, but only has given free will to mankind. ”
creating and giving soul (Ruh in Arabic / Islamic terminology) is different in Islam.
@ Minute by Minute
“I was once listening to a muslim clergyman talking about God. He asked whether or not God could intervene in human life. What came as a surprise to me was the answer of a few amongst them. They Said: No!”
You know I often find it presumptuous upon man to think that they have every right to speak about God some even going so far as to speak on his behalf and yet know nothing about whom they speak of or called by him into that position. I find it to be dangerous a thing. In fact imagine us doing that with a human king or queen for example? I mean really if I a no one decided one day to take up the cause of a human King or Queen like for example a Queen Elizabeth and proceeded to preach and teach on her behalf even going so far as to speak on her behalf would I not be in serious trouble especially if I caused his or her character to be damaged in some regard as a result of my words or actions. One needs to be called as an ambassador and know the one who you are speaking for! Yet in the world of religion any religion and all are guilty of this any Tom, Harry or Joe can take up the cause of God.
In the book of Job we find this:
“After the Lord had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has. So now take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly. You have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has.” So Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite did what the Lord told them; and the Lord accepted Job’s prayer.” (Job 42:7–9)
I like how Fox sums up this important lesson about leadership:
“They had been on God’s side, but they ended up in serious trouble. Why? Because unlike Job they failed to repent in the dust on their faces. That was a very serious offense given how they had condemned an innocent man; as Elihu pointed out, “they had found no way to refute Job, and yet had condemned him” (Job 32:3). And they’d done this while acting in defence of God. This showed God in an unfavourable light where His character and reputation were concerned. Note the seriousness of this! If you’re going to speak on behalf of God, you had better know Him and be called into that position. This is a serious and important lesson for anyone taking a position of leadership in a religious role. That’s why, in the cases of these men, these men made a payment of blood by sacrificing seven bulls and seven rams (Job 42:8); at the time, that was the method used for making reparation for one’s sins.
If man were left to pay for his own transgressions, there would be literally nothing left of humanity. Either that or everyone would be in chains or locked up in prison, to say nothing of the millions of animal’s dead. God made the importance of this clear when he said that there is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22).
Therefore, ultimately another Lamb had to die—Christ Jesus, God’s own Son. He paid the ultimate price for our salvation and freedom by providing a way out through His own blood and atonement—if, that is, we acknowledge His sacrifice and repent accordingly. Christ Jesus was the prophesied Lamb. Even Job prophesied this:
“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!” (Job 19:25–27)”
I fear a day of reckoning is coming wherein God will put an end to those religious leaders from any religion presuming to speak on His behalf and knowing nothing about Him really thus damaging both his name and reputation. This is a very dangerous matter.
Let us all remember the words “not deal with you according to your folly.’
In the world of religion “folly” is everywhere and wow the confusion it is creating. Wow, just wow.
You know, one of my big brothers told me a story about me. According to him I was sitting outside of our house by myself. He comes out and sits by me and I ask him a question: Is it true, that God has created everything? My brother told me, that he replies ”yes”. According to him I then have asked him: Who has created God then? I was 3-4 years old! The desire to know God is human nature and part of our creation. Some speak about God, because someone has to. Call it a division of labor. But what would happen if the teacher is as ignorant as the student? Without a guiding light, without the right measure, one can easily get lost in the search for the truth. Imagine being surrounded by real darkness, standing there, not knowing what ones next step will be, not having the slightest clue, without any bearings, simply paralyzed with fear and uncertainty. On the path to God we are all prey. There are hunters waiting for us. They even try to convince you, that you are special, that you are a prophet ……! That is actually why I realized, that those nice beings trying to help were demons. They approach different people differently. I am a religious person, so they used a religious approach towards me. For someone else it may be money or fame and they help them to achieve that. Once I realized that, they didn´t have to pretend and when I denounced them, they began torturing me. Believe me, when I tell you, that what they have put me through, cannot be understood unless, one has experienced it firsthand. While studying nursing, I met a few of those unlucky people in the psychiatric ward, that had given into them out of weakness, because it is hard to fight them day and night, day after day, month after month, year after year ….!
God gave us the prophets and the book to guide us. To think, that we don´t need guidance is a trap by the devil himself. We need the true believer priests to interpret things for us and guide us. We need religious rituals to form our identity considering the fact, that everything in the modern society is pulling us away from God. Without the guidance of true religious leaders we risk everything with every step we take. The fact, that the priest class is infiltrated by devil worshippers dressed in clerical cloth is only natural considering the enemy. Where else can they do the damage they do to people´s believe in God.
In Islam God invites us examine his creation and achieve certainty through it in order to be able to love him. God is one, but our understanding of it is different. The danger lies in interpretation based on personal whims and desires. If we stop talking about God, what would happen then?!
You have mentioned the Old Testament in the bible. What seems to be overseen by a lot of antimuslim scholars in the west is, that a big part of the Quran is actually a response to the old testaments distortion of the truth. I am sure, that you will want to ask for examples, so let me give you one; the false image of Gods prophets as thieves, fornicators and murderers. We muslims have the “disadvantage” of not being able to attack and lie about Jesus the same way, they attack our Prophet Muhammad. Not that we would ever do that. My personal love for Jesus has no binderies. I can hardly mention his name without crying. The first couple of years after seeing him, I cried a lot. I couldn´t help it. But we can never accept Jesus as God.
E. Michael Jones has on a few occasions expressed his dissatisfaction with us muslims not bothering with philosophy the same way Christians do. But the fact of the matter is, that Christianity needs philosophy in ways, that we muslims have no need for. Trinity!
We believe, that the sacrifice God foretold Moses about was the slaughter of our Imam Hussein. We also believe, that Jesus lives and will come back with our Mahdi. Funny you mention taking on behalf of God. I used to wake up in the morning and my apartment smelled like a rose garden. I never saw them, but I used to wake up to the sound of angle wings so loud, that it would wake me up. Before you think, that I think highly of myself, let me tell you, that I consider myself a disgrace considering the way I have lived. In many ways I am the proverbial “pearls before swine”.
One thing though that I have always found strange about you Christians is, that I have never understood the Christians constantly saying “God spoke to me” or “God told me” this or that! Because I agree with you, that the threat to both religion and one´s soul is real.
It has been a pleasure.
@ Minute by Minute:
But we can never accept Jesus as God.
I wonder what the Throne room of heaven would have to say about this?
More so though for me is if Christ Jesus is indeed God what proof would be required for the Moslem world to accept that?
that we muslims have no need for. Trinity!
AH’ the Trinity. What a problem that is going back even thousands of years. The truth of the matter however is it is quite simple really to understand. One need only look at Jesus prayer to His Father:
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. John 17:20-25
This minute by minute is the answer to the trinity conundrum and why you in the Moslem world take such a dim view of Christianity. If this prayer had been fulfilled in its entirety and there existed a unity between all Christians to the extant that no one ever killed another brother or sister and loved reigned supreme then you would have your proof of the existence of a trinity and that Christ is God. What a thought millions of Christians being untied in thought and practice worldwide. Why though has this prayer not been fulfilled? I guess that goes to the free will issue and submission. Until we as a people truly submit to God totally and completely and choose to do his will nothing will change until Christ returns unfortunately.
hope this helps.
I know you are talking to minute by minute, but i would like to respond.
“But we can never accept Jesus as God.”
This is one of those situations where Muslims and Christians will always disagree. To us Muslims, the Prophet Jesus(as) will only be a prophet and messenger of God(swt). This is not dishonoring Jesus Christ(as). As God(swt) is the eternal, absolute. Anything besides God(swt) falls under the category of creation. Now of course within creation there are levels, and no level within creation is higher then that of the prophets, messengers, and those chosen by God(swt). Of course the levels are determined by the proximity, or closeness to God almighty. So from the islamic point of view, within creation there isn’t a higher position that we can bestow upon someone then prophet or messenger. Even if that being is the closest thing to God almighty, it would never make them equal with God almighty. I say this because i was told before by people that we muslims disrespect Jesus Christ(as) by “only” calling him a prophet or messenger. So i was made aware that people don’t understand the importance of this position from our point of view. The prophets were one with God almighty in the sense that they faithfully carried out their mission, which was in obedience to God almighty.
This is part of a shia prayer called “Ziarat-e-Warisa”:
Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Adam, the chosen one of Allah
Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Nuh (Noah), the Prophet of Allah
Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Ibrahim, the friend of Allah
Peace be upon you. O inheritor of Musa, the one who talked to Allah
Peace be upon you, O inheritor of ‘Isa, the spirit of Allah
Peace be upon you, O inheritor of Muhammad, the beloved friend of Allah
and it continues like that.
You are right Ahmed, many christians are actually surprised with regards Moses and Jesus in Islam.
@ Ahmed
Thanks for the response.
@ MinutebyMinute
Some 10 years ago some guy named Hassnaduns murdered three 16 year old Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia and this a gift to god during the holy month of Ramadan.
If one wants to live by an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth fine! But tell me why do innocents that is those who have nothing whatsoever to do with the crimes of others have to pay? In the past God required those who are guilty to pay but all of this indiscriminate killing only fuels more and more retribution. In the end God will have His own retribution believe you me. As for Hassanudunas I can’t begin to imagine what God would have to say to him standing in his presence with those three children of his by his side? Or maybe Hasanuddans was gloating waiting to hear okay from God you can have your 70 virgins now? more like directly to the hell with you hasauddans.
Wow, if one of those children who were killed like that were my daughters? Wow just wow? I wouldn’t need a knife to take Hasanadunis head off. It would be my bare hands!!!!!!!!!!!
If plunder, torture, killing and genocide is the measure, we muslims have a long way to go to even reach nail tip. As we speak, how many muslim nations are being bombed and destroyed by those adhering to Christianity? How many millions of Christians have been killed by us? How many muslims have been killed by Christians? You talk of 3 children and I can mention 500 000 only in Iraq. The stupidity of a single individual is nothing compare the barbarity of entire Christian continents. To kill a person in the holy month of Ramadan is like taking a dump in the middle of a church. It does not compute. Regardless you Christians can never take the moral high ground considering the last 400 years. Have the American soldiers been doing God´s work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, Cuba, Guatemala, Chile, Nigeria, Congo, Chile, Iran, Nicaragua, Philippines…………………………………………………………………………………………..! Bettter not go there. Lets talk religion instead!
It is 5am.
@ Minute by Minute
In my youth nothing bothered me more than the question of why Christian nations have gone to war to kill another Christian nation? Christians killing Christians? What really stood out however was the American Civil War and how there was a visible division among brothers who just a few days earlier were in chapel together worshipping and praying to God. Wow, I thought too myself and then to learn a few years into the war these same men were mocking religion. What happened?
I then some time later asked a dear Pastor friend of mine if in our denomination we ever killed members of our own denomination on the other side of the front line too which he replied what are you getting at? Well, I said we are a missionary church. We send our missionaries to the four corners of the world in fulfillment of Christ message to evangelize and make disciples so I ask the question if after baptizing some foreign people and nation and then for some inexplicable political reason our countries end up going to war have members of our own denomination killed members on the other side? His reply in anger to me was “well I’m sure something would be done to prevent that from happening don’t you think?” I walked home shaking my head in disbelief at this mans ignorance?
I don’t know minute by minute mankind understands only violence. I mean just imagine in your own case if it wasn’t for Iran’s military buildup and preparedness you would mostly be an occupied nation. I work with an expat Iranian and we talk some and he says you can’t imagine how they train constantly their military.
Or look at Russia and her sabre-rattling. America! England, Israel, India , Pakistan etc etc etc etc Everyone is taking up a defensive position with America being the worlds policemen? lol Country after country place more faith in their military buildup than they do in God ultimately. Heck everyone even wants and owns their own nuclear weapon accordingly! So violence is the name of the game for the human race. Jesus himself understood this for why would he say:
He said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. Luke 22:36
and wasn’t it Solzenhitzen who was of the opinion if the Russian people all had swords or guns in their homes the story would have had a different ending?
Lastly this nature of our need for violence and war can be summed up quite succinctly here:
Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously”? James 4:1-5
I guess to this is why Christ Jesus said:
‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13
On that aircraft carrier in the gulf are men and women of probably many different kinds of faith with Christianity being the most dominant and what a hard question it is to deal with following orders from a Washington bureaucracy who cares little to nothing for the teachings of Christ?
I wouldn’t be one of those who think we are doing the will of God?
The Empire has no idea of what it is getting into by trying to intimidate Iran and make it bow down on bended knee. John Perkins in his book, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” confirms what Mansoureh Tajik is saying. In the chapter he describes his meeting with an Iranian Shaman that says the same as what is said here. They are talking about Nixon and his attempts at subduing Iran and the upshot is “You have no idea of what you are getting into when trying to deal with Iran”. Iran and Russia were both founded on the basis of their Religion. Russia’s basic principles are based on “Orthodoxy (Orthodox Christianity), Autocracy (bestowed by God to the Czar on the basis of Orthodox Christianity, the Original Christianity), and Norodnost-Nationality (of which there are around 150 Nationalities in Russia) but all consider themselves as Russians whether they are Slavs (the West) or Asiatic (the East) of Russia. The Empire, although founded on Religious Freedom, has now abandoned this for a new principle based on Neo-Liberal Economics, quick bucks, Profits for Wall St, rapacious plunder of the rest of Planet for the .00001%, the 000001% and the .0000001% run by the Deep State Pirates all based on unchained sexual desires and the Exceptionalism of ‘The English-speaking Peoples and their God-Given Right to Rule “their” World empire’.
@ William H Warrick
No question about it but here’s the real kicker there is a prophecy about Russia being disseminated across the West of being responsible for a third world war known as the battle of Gog and Magog of which Russia is believed to be the great Magog and the Germany the Gog? They along with their coalition are supposed to attack Israel and will come under the judgment of Almighty God raining death and destruction upon them. this in turn is supposed to lead to the arrival of the Messiah. It’s real frightening stuff i’m afraid with many important people believing this nonsense. Bush one of them:
I may regret posting this, but here’s an account of how George Bush tried to talk French president Jacques Chirac into supporting the invasion of Iraq:
Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”
This bizarre episode occurred while the White House was assembling its “coalition of the willing” to unleash the Iraq invasion. Chirac says he was boggled by Bush’s call and “wondered how someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs.” https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2009/08/gog-magog-and-george-bush/
I hope the book Lies, all Lies by Gerry Fox gets the attention it deserves. He fully describes this unbelievable nonsense and proves what the prophecy of Ezekiel 37 and 39 is really all about.
The Bush family are the descendants of Aliester Crowley. Blair openly declared, that he and his wife are into the occult being possessed by spirits. Mitterrand declined taking part in the Iraq war after seeing a soothsayer. Not to forget the Dutch royal family, the british royal family and the coccult, the Bohemina groove and satanic mad scientist working for them:
What is your opinion of Chuch Misselers version of christianity.
@ Minute by Minute
A better question to ask is do you know the prophetess Anton Sawyer a South African housewife who was told by God to go to America and tell her to repent.
God also gave her a message for the Church called Ichabod or Revival. http://www.newbeginningsknitwork.com/resources/The_Knitwork_Library/Anton%20Sawyer.pdf
She testifies that God told her the church in America is a disgrace to Him and His Son Christ Jesus. Amazing, and she had the courage to fully do it to. I however, like one paragraph that stands out from the whole message:
You know, as these demons were falling over, the Holy Spirit said, “There’s a tidal wave of deception flooding into the church, and My people do not know the difference between truth and error any more! They are eating any bait that is thrown up. There are hirelings standing behind the pulpit, and God help them, they’re leading people astray!”
God said, “I will bring a judgment on them!” I want to say to preachers tonight … “If you’re not called of God, get out from the pulpit, because if you know the judgment that is going to come upon you for standing in that position and leading God’s people astray, wake up before it’s too late, there’s still time to repent.!”
As for Chuck Missler only recently did I become acquainted with his work and after watching his video on gog and Magog I of course became quite incensed by it. In fact almost from the beginning when he at the 7:29 mark asks why does God use the names Gog and Magog he immediately starts talking about Petrograd as if the 2 had something in common? Any student of biblical exegesis knows you begin with the bible and ask who is Gog and Magog in the bible. You then proceed from there. Fox describes it well enough.
Going through the video makes me angry because its the same garbage that has been put forth for the last 100 hundred years. It deeply stresses me out and it has to stop period! Gog and Magog has got nothing whatsoever to do with Russia or Germany nothing! It also has nothing whatsoever to do with Israel either nothing!!!!!!!!!
Now if this guy got that wrong just imagine what else he has got wrong. Further to this that book the Late Great Planet Earth by Lindsey is nonsense to.
please Minute by Minute if you listen and take any of this as any kind of truth don’t. Don’t be deceived.
No Milan, I wanted to see where you stood. If one only listens to what one likes to hear, it doesn´t end well. At one point during our lives we decided for ourselves what is what. The rest of our lives we try to convince ourselves about the validity of our choices. I watch Trunews with their horrible news section. I watch pastor Anderson fighting for his faith, and anything else, that crosses my path. I am glad, that more and more Christians are waking up and see, what is going on. We muslims are bound by the word of God in The Quran. We cannot be allies to those, who are the allies of the jews/zionist. When it comes to gog and magog if anything britain, perhaps city of london, sounds more like it. I am a generalist. I gather information. I really do what to know about these people saying God told them this or that. How does it work for you christians.