(a big thank you! to Slava for finding this here)

CNN interview part 1:

CNN interview part 2:

CNN interview part 3:

ARD interview part 1:

ARD interview part 2:

ARD interview part 3:

UPDATE: I just found this info on the Internet:

“Free press” at work in Germany:

Only 9 minutes of the 1 hour interview with Putin were broadcasted by German state TV ARD. Also on thier website only the censored versions of the video and the transcript were released. The censored parts are critical of US/EU policy and for example are about who stated the war in Georgia.

On Russian TV channel Vesti-24 the interview was fully broadcasted twice.

ARD videostream:

27 minute version with English subtitles:

Full transcript:

When German politicians try to lecture Russia on “freedom of press” Russian politicians and journalists can simply point to this censorship on German TV.

Same on CNN, they only showed the part where he accuses the US of being involved in Georgia.

They show it over and over and over. They have to make sure that your averge “dumb as fu.ck” fat American understands.