The War of Ego and Ideology flared up in Yemen will change the Middle East features

Interview with Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah, CEO & Founder of Pakistan Movement for Justice, Peace and Human Rights International

by Nahed al Husaini for the Saker blog.

Nahed al Husaini: Excellency, Please introduce yourself to our readers?

Sasyyed Mohammad Murtaza Shah

Amb. Mohammed Murtaza Shah

Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: Actually I am defender and activist of human rights and peace working in this humanitarian field from more than 16 years , various International human rights and peace concerned organizations have nominated / appointed me as Ambassador / Representative / Diplomat , because of my humanitarian services. After many years working experience with different Organization I have observed that I can’t fulfill the needs and responsibilities as a human rights and peace activist because every Organization or Association or Commission has its own program, manifesto and interests, Therefore, I have decided to work independently without discrimination , no satanic , negative, criminality and violation will be accepted .

I have also written many article against terrorism, women rights, child rights, human trafficking , modern slavery and all concerned fields of human rights and peace. For that reason, I have established the Movement for Justice Peace and Human Rights International . If any of the so-called Islam followers has gone astray by killing people or destroying religious places in the name of Islam, it is my duty to condemned those acts with strong voice and writings . Moreover, it is also my responsibility to highlight his satanic negative conspiracy and violations . Moreover I have a belief in justice which is the key to all solutions , if you have established justice, you can get peace, human rights, and real brotherhood. I have created MJPHRI blog, If anyone interested about my profile they can check my LinkedIn page for my profile.

Nahed al Husaini: What is your perception of the war going on in Yemen Now?

Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: Everyone knows that Al-Qaida has already captured the largest part of the Yemen. Its purpose is to convert genuine Muslims into that their ideology, the ideology of killing, massacre, suicidal attack, bombing and destruction .the Houthis Tribes are now fighting and defending the Yemeni nation against al Qaeda. The Yemeni government is already under al Qaeda pressure, and mentally accepting its hegemony. When the Houthis tribes seized many lands from al Qaeda with the help of the Iranian government, their victory was not acceptable by the government and other foreign powers. in Yemen, there is a double standard policy applied by many countries, similar to the Syrian conflict. The Saudi-led barbaric airstrikes against Yemen are not acceptable, because they are performed against a sovereign country, besides, what happens in Yemen is purely internal affairs.

Nahed al Husaini: Pakistan is a staunch ally of Saudi Arabia, Do you think it will eventually take part in the war?

Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: The Pakistan Parliament is united on this issue that Pakistan will not interfere in this war, but our nation is religiously very close to the Holly Places. If, in the future, these Holly Harmain face any danger, the Government will fight for them. Now Pakistan can’t participate in this war, because Pakistan it has unpleasant experience by supporting Taliban and Alameda in the Afghan war, or USSR- US war.

Nahed al Husaini: How do you describe Pakistani-Syrian relations and Do you think that Pakistan is willing to re-open its embassy in Syria?

Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: Regarding Syrian Pakistan relations , Pakistan is very cautious now to strengthen its relations with Syria, but the Syrian government must take positive steps, and move forward, because Pakistan has experience in facing terrorism, and a diplomatic move will be helpful for this nation, which has been experiencing a raging war for Years, Moreover, sharing the experience and support will be good for both counties, especially for Syria.

Nahed al Husaini: Do you sense any change in US attitude towards the Syrian government after all the statements made by Secretary of State John Kerry and the CIA director? Do you think Obama Administration wants to restore its diplomatic relations with Syria?

Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: Syria’s Standing in this world, especially in Middle East, is very important, Therefore the US government and the Secretary of State John Kerry Will take make positive efforts, Because the US can’t afford fighting on many fronts and corners, Besides, it does not have now ideal relations with Israel. Therefore, the US wants to move forward, but the Syrians have also a responsibility to initiate a positive diplomacy for good bilateral relations.

Nahed al Husaini: Iran reached a memo of understanding with P5 plus 1 on its civilian energy nuclear program, do you think that the signature of the final pact will pave the way for a new era of stability in the region?

Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: Iran has a very important role in this whole region. This is an open reality, because Iran has presence in Lebanon, Iraq , Syria and Yemen. One can’t avoid Iran. The Americans have also accepted its regional standing. When the Yemen issue is settled, Iran will have a key role, and without its leverage no any agreement can be reached. Iran helped the US to maintain peace and stability in Iraq with a backdoor diplomacy as everyone recalls.

Nahed al Husaini: It is said that Yemeni war will be the gate for the emergence of the new Middle East map, are you of the same opinion, and which regional powers will be dominating the Middle East?

Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: If Yemen’s war continues for a longer time with foreign interference, the popular revolution will expand and the whole region will be reshaped. We can only stop it with positive diplomacy. But I think, the war of ego and ideology flaring in Yemen will change the scenario of the Arab world, if not halted immediately.

Nahed al Husaini: Are you of the belief of that there is unseen conflict between US and Britain on the Middle East regarding political influence and economic interests, and how do you describe the role played by the Europeans in this chaos storming the Middle East?

Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: Britain and US have almost the same interests. But, if there is any conflict on economic or power-sharing, they will decided. National interests are more superior than anything else. Therefore, the US will get the upper hand in this balance of power because of its world standings. But, in the near future, any conflict between them is unlikely, but France and Germany have their own policies .

Nahed al Husaini: Thank you very much!