[this column was written for the Unz Review]
First things first: let get the obvious out of the way
Homosexuality is a phenomenon which has probably always existed and which has often polarized society into two camps: those who believe that there is something inherently bad/wrong/pathological/abnormal with homosexuality (probably most/all major religions) and those who emphatically disagree. This is normal. After all, the issue of homosexuality deals not only with sex as such, but also with societal norms, reproduction, children and family issues and, most importantly, with love. What could be more mysterious, more fascinating and more controversial than love?
I am beginning this article with these self-evident truisms not because I find them particularly interesting, but because we live in a weird time when only one of these two views gets objectively and calmly discussed, while the other point of view is immediately censored, denounced and condemned as some kind of phobia. Now, the word “phobia” can mean one of two things: aversion/hatred or fear/anxiety.
Does this make sense to you?
Why is it that an opinion, a point of view, can only be explained away and dismissed as being in itself pathological/irrational?
Let me ask you this: can you imagine that somebody might be critical of homosexuality as such (or of homosexual behavior/practices) *without* suffering from any kind of phobias or without hating anybody?
If not, please stop reading and turn the TV back on.
For everybody else, I submit that this phobia-canard (along with the no less stupid “closet homosexual in denial” label) is not conducive to an intelligent discussion. It is, however, great to shut down any critical analyses and “ad hominem-ing” anybody who dares to ask the wrong questions.
Next, I also submit that there are those existing out there who do *indeed* feel an aversion/hatred/fear/anxiety towards homosexuals. These are the folks who feel their masculinity tremendously boosted when they get the chance to beat up (preferably in a group against one), humiliate or otherwise assault a homosexual. In my (admittedly entirely subjective) experience these are a minority. True, some homosexuals do elicit a strong sense of disgust from male heterosexuals, but these are typically those homosexuals who, far from being sequestered in some societal “closet” do the opposite: they ostentatiously flaunt their homosexuality with provocative make-up, dress or behavior. Again, in my (no less subjective) experience, these are also a minority among homosexuals. I think that there is a very natural explanation for the aversion these “in your face” homosexuals trigger in male heteros, and I will discuss it later below.
But for the time being, I would rather stay away from these circumstance-specific minority phenomena.
Next, let’s define the issue
In its entry for “homosexuality” Wikipedia writes “The longstanding consensus of the behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that homosexuality per se is a normal and positive variation of human sexual orientation, and therefore not a mental disorder”.
This sentence deserves to be parsed very carefully, especially since it uses a lot of frankly vague terms.
For starters, what does “longstanding consensus” refer to? In 1973 the US American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the DSM-II. The US American Psychological Association followed suit in 1975. This leads me to conclude that by “longstanding” Wikipedia means either 46 years or 44 years. In terms of human history, 44/46 years is close to instantaneous and hardly “longstanding”. There is also the issue of HOW and WHY these two associations decided to “de-pathologize” homosexuality. I will touch upon that later, and for the time being I will simply state that declaring a pathology that is henceforth to be considered as “normal” by means of a vote is hardly scientific.
Next, the statement above begs the question of what “homosexuality per se” is (as opposed to homosexuality “not per se” I suppose?). The intent here is clear: to decree that whatever co-morbidity (depression, suicide, substance abuse, violence, etc.) can be identified in homosexuality will always get explained away because it is not inherent to homosexuality per se. This is just another crude word-trick to suppress any discussion of homosexuality in the real world (as opposed to DSM-like manuals).
Then there is the notion of “normal and positive variation of human sexual orientation” which, of course, begs the question of what would qualify as an “abnormal and negative variation of human sexuality”. And to those who would say that I am being silly here, I would point out that while in the 1970s the issue was “just” homosexuality, we nowadays live in the society of LGBTQIAPK and that some even add an ominous + sign at the end of this abbreviation (LGBTQIAPK+) just to be truly and totally “inclusive”. And here is the obvious fallacy: since homosexuality is a “normal and positive variation of human sexual orientation” then it must also be true for the entire LGBTQIAPK+ “constellation”. I submit that unless your IQ is way below room temperature you surely must realize that what we are dealing with here is a free for all in which any variation of human sexuality is declared “normal and positive”. QED (technically, this would be a syllogistic fallacy).
By the way – do you ever wonder what that small “+” sign at the end of LGBTQIAPK+ really stands for? The answer depends on who you ask, of course, but if you ask Facebook in the UK, it’s no less that 71 (SEVENY ONE!!) genders (not sure if FB believes that UK users need more options than non-UK users…?). Turns out that this one small “+” is much bigger than the rest official acronym :-) And, just for giggles, here is what the full acronym (the original 10 plus the new 71 should look something like this:
AAAAAABBCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFGGGGGGGHIIIIIKLMMMMMMMNNNOPPPQTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTW+ (yes, I still added the obligatory “+” at the end so as to be truly “inclusive” should this list grow in the future (which, no doubt, it will!).
And anybody not buying into that fallacy is, again by definition, a “hater” and, as you well know, “haters will hate”, right? And if not a hater, then at the very least a repressed closet homosexual.
So far, how do you like that intellectual environment?
I sure don’t. In fact, I loathe it, primarily because it is freedom-crushing.
So I will proceed to discuss this topic with no regard whatsoever for the politically correct doxa that seems to have take over the entire western world. If you think that this makes me a “hater” (or a homosexual in deep denial) you can stop reading here, since everything below could be summarized by the one word “crimethink”, which would make me a thought-criminal.
[Sidebar: every since I began blogging, about a decade ago, I have really pissed off a lot of people who accused me of an endless list of ideological “crimes” ranging from being a Communist, to being an anti-Semite, a Jew (or Jew-lover), a Muslim, a Nazi, a CIA/MI6/Mossad agent, a Putin agent, an FSB agent (they meant SVR, but they don’t know any better) and even (my favorite!) a “traitor to the White Race”. Frankly, my most persistent detractors have been Papists and Nazis primarily because I had the nerve to tell them that neither the Papacy nor Nazism has any traction in Russia and that Russia will never somehow step in to boost their declining popularity or influence. The truth is that Russia has exactly *zero* use for anything even remotely resembling the Alt-Right or any other racist theories (nevermind the Papacy and its terminal degeneracy – whether of the ultramontanist or the sedevencantist persuasion). The Zionists also tried to “counsel” me to change my use of the expression “AngloZionist” but they pretty rapidly gave up. As did the Papists. The Nazis complained and moaned about my anti-Nazism (I was “unfair” to Hitler and his supposedly immensely kind and Russia-loving goons!), but they eventually also gave up. The French philosopher Alain Soral once stated that (in France) the Homo Lobby is even more powerful in France than the Israel Lobby. I suspect that this is even more true in the United States and I am under no illusions about the kind of reactions my article will elicit. That’s fine. I really don’t care anymore.]
The truth is that as long as we continue to use terms imposed upon us by the dictatorship of political correctness and as long as we leave the numerous assumptions of the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby unchallenged, we will either die of boredom or, at least, never understand why the society we live in (or why it is collapsing).
So let’s engage in some much needed crimethink!
First, let’s toss out all the stupid and ambiguous terms and expressions imposed upon us by the leaders of the Empire. For example, we could agree to ditch the value-loaded term “gay” and replace it by a value-free term “homosexual” (well, since homosexual is value-free, homosexual activists have declared it “offensive” and they demand that only “gay” be used, thus imposing a value-loaded term in lieu of the correct scientific designation). And if the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby excoriates us for doing so, we could always declare that from now on, “gays” shall only be called “sads” (primarily on account of all the pathology and dysfunction which typically come along with homosexuality: most psychologists and psychiatrists are quite aware of that comorbidity, but speaking about it would be a career-ending mistake for them). In fact, let’s try a little thought experiment.
Let’s imagine that we organize a public debate, a town hall meeting if you want, on the topic of homosexuality. And for that purpose, we establish the following rules:
- Homosexuals are only to be referred to as “sads”
- Those refusing to use that term will be immediately labeled “heterophobes” and “closet heteros in deep denial”.
How many people do you think would accept that?
How would you feel if you were told that you need to comply with such outrageous demands?
Well, then why would anybody expect us to accept the very same nonsense, only in reverse?!
And yet, in 99.9999% of cases in the western media and public discourse these ideological shackles are present and hardly anybody dares to use a different terminology.
[Sidebar: the parallels between how the Israel Lobby carefully crafted the public discourse on Zionism and Israel and how the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby succeeded in shaping the public discourse on homosexuality is striking and not at all coincidental: for a host of reasons these two lobbies strongly support each other and learn from each other].
Do you think that this “just happened”, and that this new politically correct terminology reflects some growing understanding and awareness of the issue at hand by the general public?
Think again.
Turns out, there is a conspiracy behind this, literally. See for yourself :
AUGUST 15th NOTE FROM THE SAKER: Since YouTube (predictably) censored this video, I am now embedding it from the Russian website RuTube where it is available here: https://rutube.ru/video/001452b19eb53652fd5235cf967f9909/
You can use this website: https://savevideo.me/ to download (and save!) the video
So here is the embed from Russia:
The truth behind the LGBT global revolution от rutube_account_6447329 на Rutube
This video is 44 minutes long and I highly recommend that you watch it in full for two crucial reasons:
- It will give you a detailed analysis of how the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby conspired to use its influence to shape the public perceptions of homosexuality in the West
- It will give you a good insight into the Russian objections to the ideology and methods of the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby
Finally, I will assume that those reading further will have seen and understood the information contained in this video and that this information forms an integral part of our discussion.
Next, debunking one of the silliest arguments used by the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby
“I was born that way!”
How many times have you heard this totally meaningless argument?
And, just for comparison’s sake,
How many times have you heard this meaningless argument debunked?
(My guess? Roughly 1000:0 – right?)
Like most LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby canards, this one is based on a misleading assumption that whatever you are born with is “natural” and even “good”. The problem with that is that this same argument can be made for every mental disease and even any criminal impulse. And without going into an endless battle of numbers, I think that we can agree that if somewhere around 1.2%-2.2% of humans might be born homosexuals and if sociopaths are 3%-5% of the population, then sociopathy is about as “natural” as homosexuality. In fact, we could even declare that sociopathy is a “ normal and positive variation of personality”. Would you want to live in a society which would proclaim that?
[Sidebar for Christians: this argument is even more ridiculous when coming from people trying to impersonate Christians (say, like these folks). The truth is that Patristic dogmatic theology is very clear on the dogma that the Fall of Man has not only corrupted the original God-given and perfect nature of Man, but it has really corrupted all of creation: “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” Rom 5:12. The problem is that Augustine of Hippo diverged from the consensus patrum on this issue and offered instead his own, misguided, interpretation of the dogma of the Original Sin. Later Anslem of Canterbury and, even more so, Thomas Aquinas further hopelessly corrupted the dogma of Original Sin and, as a result, in the West the original Patristic understanding of that dogma has been lost (generally, scholasticism has been the poison which killed western Christianity and turned it into the abomination we all see today). Due to a lack of space, I cannot offer a full discussion of this dogma here, but I will point you to this excellent article on this topic (or, even better, the original writings of Saint Maximos the Confessor and Saint Gregory Palamas). The point here is that Christianity unambiguously teaches that every single human being (including Christ Himself who was born fully human except for sin!) as born not with the personal guilt for the sin of Adam and Eve, but with the consequences of their sin: a pathological, spiritual, psychological and even physical nature, in which pathology and even death are always present and weighing down each and every human being, not only homosexuals. From a truly Christian point of view the notion that what we are born with is axiomatically declared as good and natural is sheer folly. If anything, the assumption is that the opposite is true or, more accurately, that the only way for a human being to recover his/her true, perfect, original nature is to reunite with the Church of God and God Himself in a process known as “theosis” (for a superb discussion of this term, please see here), which begins with the process of repentance and renunciation self-will. The so-called “Christians” in the West seemed to have completely blocked out the following words of Saint Paul “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind” (1 Cor 6:9). Either that, or they subscribe to the absolutely self-evidently stupid notion that Christ Himself was some kind of well-meaning hippie while the evil homophobe and hater
Saint“Paul” (sic. these folks never call saints “Saint”) perverted Christ’s original message and created some kind of “Pauline religion” instead. The facts that 1) Saint Paul was originally a vicious a persecutor of Christians and that 2) Saint Paul was surrounded by people who personally knew Christ (including the 12 and the 70) and His teachings does not lead these simple-minded people to realize that these Christians who personally knew Christ. These Christians would never let a former persecutor of Christians modify Christ’s teachings. If Saint Paul had tried to introduce any heresy, he would have been immediately condemned like all the other heretics over the centuries. Sadly, we live not in a Christian society anymore, but a post-and-pseudo-Christian one in which even the fundamentals of Christianity have been forgotten, perverted or both].
The argument that “I was born that way” is both infinitely self-serving and infinitely dishonest. But it also is a powerful illustration of how the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby not only seeks acceptance, but also that “regular” homosexuality is used as a kind of “gateway mental disorder” which is used to force a much longer list of sexual deviations (“paraphilias”) upon the western societies very much including pedophilia (by means of hebephilia and ephebophilia). It does not have to be, but that is how the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby uses that argument, so it is legit to point that use out and debunk it too (and this is what freaks like this one will use to demand acceptance, endorsement and even special protection!).
Next, debunking the canard that homosexuality and pedophilia are totally different phenomena
That is another deceptive core-argument of the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby. I won’t go into a long historical discussion of how the term “pederast” and “pederasty” have been universally used in the past. I will just point out that the first link above says that “pederast” is “a man who desires or engages in sexual activity with a boy” whereas the second one defines “pederasty” as “sexual relations between two males, especially when one of them is a minor” (emphasis added by me, VS)! See how “fuzzy” all this rapidly becomes? Not convinced, then just add ephebophilia, hebephilia and pedophilia to the mix and see the inextricable mess you end up with!
I am lucky to speak 6 languages and understand another 3 pretty well and I can attest that in many other languages the politically incorrect word for the root for pedophile and homosexual are one and the same (ex: Russian: педераст, пидарас, пидор; French: pédale, pédé ), which makes sense since the Greek word paiderastes means, literally, lover of boys.
Now, I am not, repeat, not saying that all homosexuals are also pedophiles. What I am saying is that, contrary to LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby propaganda, the boundary between these two categories is fuzzy and ambiguous and that it most definitely is nowhere nearly as clear-cut as the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby propaganda claims it to be.
Now having debunked a few (not all!) LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby canards, let’s try to look at what is really happening here.
The truth? We are being brainwashed
Shocked by my use of the term “brainwashed”? Fine. Use “conditioned”, or “trained” or whatever term you prefer as long as it reflects the following: there is an organized, well-financed and powerful effort made to convince you of a number of (highly controversial and dubious) things. That is not some invention of mine, and if the video I posted above was not enough to convince you, why don’t you make a quick visit to this website, a typical LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby propaganda outlet https://www.glaad.org and click on “About”. There you will read for yourself that the purpose of this organization is to be “Leading the conversation. Shaping the media narrative. Changing the culture. That’s GLAAD at work”. Of course, GLAAD is just one star in a much bigger galaxy and we can see that galaxy at work literally everywhere. Here are just one excellent example from Google:
Is Google selling phones or pushing the agenda?
Now, if that is the new consensus in the West and if folks here like that, I personally have no objection to this whatsoever. To each his own. But when that ideology is not only shoved on the Russian people but also used in political campaigns to discredit Russia, then I have a problem with that: not only do I object to this specific case of ideological brainwashing, I object to the very notion that folks in the West have some kind of right to impose their so-called “values” on other people. As far as I am concerned, the various advocates of gender-fluidity are welcome to add “Z” (for zoophilia) or “C” (for coprophagia) to their favorite acronym, but they are not welcome to impose it on others or demand that the rest of the planet endorse it as a “normal and positive variation” of human sexuality or gastronomy.

Another example of corporate sponsorship of homopropaganda
And, finally, western politicians are all trying to outcompete each other as enthusiastic supporters of homosexuality. This is just one example amongst many more:
At the very least, I find the Russian reaction to that kind of brainwashing rather refreshing, see for yourself:

Translation: Ladies in the EU, the USA and Russia
I also get some solace that there are still folks in the West who do understand that this propaganda campaign is part of a real “war on men” which has been waged for many decades already. Here is the example of a lady who makes minced meat of all the “transgender madness”:
And then there is Paul Craig Roberts, truly a fearless man who calls it as he sees it.
In fact, I would wager that most people in the West at least feel that something here really stinks, but that most keep their peace lest they be accused of some kind of homophobia or, more accurately, some kind of “LGBTQIAPK+phobia”.
By the way, there is also a lot of money to be made in transgenderism. Jennifer Bilek’s research has found that:
“Exceedingly rich, white men with enormous cultural influence are funding the transgender lobby and various transgender organizations. These include but are not limited to Jennifer Pritzker (a male who identifies as transgender); George Soros; Martine Rothblatt (a male who identifies as transgender and transhumanist); Tim Gill (a gay man); Drummond Pike; Warren and Peter Buffett; Jon Stryker (a gay man); Mark Bonham (a gay man); and Ric Weiland (a deceased gay man whose philanthropy is still LGBT-oriented). Most of these billionaires fund the transgender lobby and organizations through their own organizations, including corporations”.
She also points out that the kind of sums involved in the homosexuality/transgenderism propaganda are huge:
These men and others, including pharmaceutical companies and the U.S. government, are sending millions of dollars to LGBT causes. Overall reported global spending on LGBT is now estimated at $424 million. From 2003-2013, reported funding for transgender issues increased more than eightfold, growing at threefold the increase of LGBTQ funding overall, which quadrupled from 2003 to 2012. This huge spike in funding happened at the same time transgenderism began gaining traction in American culture.
I can’t vouch for her figures, but I think that it is obvious beyond reasonable doubt that the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby has immense sums of money to push its agenda. I know for a fact that many (all?) US embassies abroad are delivering funds to promote “gay rights” in many (most?) countries of our poor planet.
This is, by the way, exactly the same case in Europe: being mentally handicapped is the new “cool” apparently…
Russian men (and Russian women!!) don’t want to have anything to do with that toxic ideology, and this is why the most used informal term for “heterosexual” in Russia is “натурал”, meaning “natural” in opposition to the concepts of “гeй” (gay) – politically correct term – or any of the less politically correct terms used in Russia for homosexuals.
For a typical mainstream Russian reaction to the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby propaganda, I would refer you to Ruslan Ostashko (for a typically Chechen one, see what Ramzan Kadyrov has to say).
In contrast, in the Euro-compatible & Nazi-occupied Ukraine the reality is, obviously, very different:
Honestly? I feel sorry for the poor Euro-Ukrs…
So what is really going on in Russia?
Ain’t there Gulags for gays?!
Don’t the Chechens torture gays?
Actually – no.
Debunking the LGBTQIAPK+ Lobby lies about Russia
To say that homosexuals are persecuted by the state in Russia is a lie which any (honest) person who has ever been to Russia can debunk. However, what is true is that the Russian state and a majority of the Russian people do not accept the notion that homosexuality “is just like” heterosexual love. You might vehemently disagree with this idea, but do you agree that the Russian state and a majority of the Russian people are under no obligation to agree with your values any more than you are under any obligation to agree with their values? Next, the Russian state and a majority of the Russian people also believe that children need to have two, gender-differentiated, parents: one mother and one father. Again, you might vehemently disagree with this idea, but do you agree that the Russian state and a majority of the Russian people are under not under any obligation to agree with your values, any more than you are under any obligation to agree with their values? Finally, the Russian state and a majority of Russians believe that Russian children should not be exposed to any propaganda of homosexuality. Yet again, you might vehemently disagree with this idea, but do you agree that the Russian state and a majority of the Russian people are under no obligation to agree with your values any more than you are under any obligation to agree with their values?
Whatever may be the case, the laws in Russia currently support this majority Russian point of view. Hence, homosexual propaganda directed at minors is illegal and homosexual couples are not free to adopt children. And, last but certainly not least, the so-called “gay pride parade” have been banned in many Russian cities, including for the next 100 years in Moscow – something I enthusiastically support for reasons I outlined in this article.

Russian parenting summarized in one picture
But for the rest – Russia does not have US-style sodomy laws. Russia does not tell anybody what they can/cannot or should/should not do in the privacy of their bedrooms and, in fact, homosexuals have their own clubs, bars, websites, organizations, magazines and pretty much everything else all Russians (whether “natural” or not) enjoy.
Here is what is really going on here: militant homosexuals are far from being content with “inclusion” “non-discrimination” or any other laudable things they claim to stand for. No, what they want is a two-step sequence:
- Declare as axiomatic and self-evident that homosexuality “is just like” heterosexuality and then
- Declare that homosexuality is now therefore an accepted norm
It’s that simple, yet that important: Russia categorically refuses to place an “equal” sign between the concepts of homosexuality and heterosexuality. In fact, the Russian culture (secular, Orthodox or Islamic) likes to stress and emphasize the differences between genders and places a premium on masculinity in men and femininity in women. In other words, Russians reject not only Neanderthal-like macho men, but also what is known as “soy boys” in the West. Likewise, Russians reject men-hating feminists as much as they reject brainless bimbos à la cheerleaders. If I was really cruel I would suggest that you compare (looks and brains!) the Russian spokeswomen to their White House or Foggy Bottom counterparts: this really says it all.
There is something else which I mentioned above which I want to rapidly touch upon: male hostility towards homosexuals.
Setting aside the kind of degenerate thugs who feel the need to beat on somebody weaker then them, I do believe that homosexuality as a concept and homosexual sex as an activity is naturally repulsive to many, possibly most, men. I don’t mean to say that most men are degenerate thugs who will beat up anybody weaker they find, but I did observe all my life that most men seem to have at least some degree of repulsion towards homosexuality. I could go on and just claim that these men “can’t help it” and that they were “born that way”, but that would be too easy. I will attempt an explanation for this instead.

And when the AngloZionists had the nerve to accuse Russia of doping her athletes, the Russian blogosphere immediately reacted with this kind of demotivator (I translated the text)
I believe that repulsion towards homosexuality is a normal and positive variation of the healthy male psyche developed to strengthen the reproductive potential of any population. Yup, it is not popular to say so, and homosexuals go to great lengths to obfuscate that (by means of adoption and propaganda, mostly) but homosexuality is totally sterile. Thus there must be a powerful natural selective pressure not only for men not to engage in homosexual behavior, but also for men to instinctively realize that “something is very not right” with homosexuality. This instinctive feeling should not be used as a justification for violence (any more than sexual attraction cannot justify rape, or irritation justify murder), but it does explain the prevalence of heterosexual repulsion for all things “homo” (at least in males; many/most females also seem to be repulsed by (male and female) homosexuality, but the feeling seems to be less strong than in men and it does not lead to aggression).
The real question is what do we do with this kind of repulsion?
The answer depends on your culture, religion and worldview.
Even in the post-Christian West, most people know the saying “love the sinner, hate the sin” or some variation thereof. This point of view has a very solid scriptural basis. This approach, by the way, makes sense whether homosexuality has its roots in nature or in nurture. In fact, from a strictly Christian point of view, homosexual behavior is no worse than any kind of sexual immorality. This makes sense as the word “sin” originally means “missing the target” or, more loosely, “failing to achieve your full potential.” There have been attempts in history to classify and order sins according to their severity. This, again, is a typically scholastic attitude. The Fathers, in contrast, sought to develop a complete dogmatic anthropology which truly understands the struggles of each human being to achieve his/her full potential (theosis) and warns about the consequences of failing to do so. Thus “sinning” is not pissing-off some bearded old guy sitting on a cloud surrounded by harp-playing overweight angels, but the failure to realize your full potential. In such a context, “hating the sinner” makes no sense at all while “hating the sin” is quite logical. Especially since the Fathers believed that the One Church of Christ is a “hospital for sinners” in which all sinners are welcome and where they get the spiritual medicine needed to achieve their full potential as human beings.
From a secular point of view, there are really only three options which I have outlined in the past:
- declare that only one specific form of sexuality is “normal”
- arbitrarily discriminate between various forms of sexuality with no logical basis for it.
- declare that any form of sexuality is “normal”
Most developed countries have opted for the second option, making a completely arbitrary, illogical and absurd list of “normal” and “not pathological” sexual behaviors. By the way, the same dumb approach was used in dealing with sexual practices between consenting adults (the so-called “sodomy laws“) or the codification of a legal age of sexual consent. Even a cursory look at these laws clearly shows that they are based on nothing except political expediency: they make absolutely *no* logical sense whatsoever.
Most religions and traditional societies have opted for option #1. Modern secularists initially leaned towards #2 but they are now gradually caving to the LGBTQIAPK+lobby’s pressure to accept #3.
Conclusion: this discussion is far from being over, and it won’t be suppressed either
As I said at the very beginning, the topic of homosexuality is a controversial one. It is also fascinating on many levels (biological, psychological, ethical, moral, religious, medical, societal, etc.). The main religions have, over the centuries, developed their “answer” to this phenomenon, but most of our planet nowadays lives in a secular, sometimes even atheistic, environment in which religions have lost much of their traction, especially in societies which were corrupted by centuries of western imperialism (made worse by the bizarre phobia – yes phobia – the Latin Christians have for everything and anything sexual – hence their effeminate looking and smoothly shaven priests, wearing lace (at least the “traditionalists”!), singing with an effeminate voice and thinking that this represents some true Christian tradition!). You want to see what the original Christians looked like? Look at any traditional Orthodox icon and you will see for yourself. Or visit a true Orthodox monastery. You will immediately see the difference, I promise!
For most people – religious or not – this topic ought to remain one which can be freely discussed in an intellectual and ideological environment which does not immediately place the label of “hater” on every person daring to dissent from the officially imposed dogma. Real scientific research (as opposed to ideological votes by professional associations) ought to be encouraged and regularly reviewed.
In political terms, the topic of homosexuality is just one amongst many others which have been given a One And Only Officially Politically Correct narrative by the AngloZionist leaders of the Empire. Other such officially “dogmatized” narratives include the truth about 9/11, the truth about the so-called “Holocaust”, the truth about Zionism and Israel or the truth about Latin Christianity (there are many more, of course). These are all topics in which dissent is totally taboo and dissidents dismissed along with any or all of their arguments.
If we really want to stand for freedom in its most fundamental essence, we cannot accept to be herded into the intellectual cages of the “authorized” political discourse. All the lobbies which ceaselessly endeavor to silence dissent and impose their views and agenda upon us ought to be clearly identified and denounced as a danger for all of humanity. I see no reason to make an exception for the
lobby, regardless of how many letters will be added to this acronym in the future.
The Saker
Dear Saker,
thanks for your honest philosophical, moral, religious, sane, human, earthly essay/discussion/statement.
I am gay/homo/queer/pede… whatever the terms I have heard all my life.
I know what sex is with a woman, I know what sex is with a man.
I have no questions about what I prefer, and have had loving relationships with men.
I accept that I “might” be sick, pathologically inept, deranged, a weirdo, whatever.
And yet, at my age of 66, I know what it is to love and know that love is not based on race, gender, color, moral values, whatever. To share my intimacy with the one I love is one of the greatest gift human beings have. If sexual intercourse was used for procreation only, then your point would be well taken but I’m afraid a lot of heterosexual sex is not based on procreation only but has a lot to do with pleasure too.
Love is love. It’s a virtue like Beauty, Harmony, Peace. Can’t really describe them and they don’t need human beings to prove them, describe them. They simply are… beyond time and space.
When human beings can “know” what it is to be a “spirit in a body, a human body”, when they really know what “spirit” really is, there will not be anymore arguments about gender, color, shape, race, genome, species.
Religions, which are man-made-belief systems based on teachings, are not direct experiences of the Infinite Consciousness/Universal Consciousness/God.
Human race is not there yet. Only a few have had direct experiences with OM/All-That-Is. Because of control, not much teaching is given for human beings to discover “spirit” directly. Someone has to “show you” what it is. Which is a fallacy. We are spirit, always were, always will be. The challenge is to become “aware of it”.
I love you just the way you handle subjects, your blog and your honest opinion. And all the people who will hate me.
Love and Joy,
the seagull
Dear seagull
Thank you so much for your comment and very kind words. I think that your input is particularly important since you speak “from within” and I speak “from the outside”. You have shared with us your beliefs about love and harmony and I thank you for that.
May I ask you for a favor: could you please very honestly and very bluntly indicate to me where in my article I where was wrong, what did I misunderstand or, worse, misrepresent? Please also tell me where you disagree or where you think I misunderstood something.
To me an honest but kind dialog and exchange of views is just about the best way to come closer to the truth. I think and hope that you can accept that invitation.
Kind regards
Dear Saker,
I will reply to your asking about sharing on my views and yours but I need time to reread and let this simmer.
My answer came from my guts… and usually that is my “true” center.
One sure thing: you did not go wrong on anything and you have a clear view of the subject. The process of media/manipulation/indoctrination is part of your expose.
But, but, it is one thing to “mentally/intellectually” dissect, philosophy about a subject, especially love/sexuality, and living it with emotions.
Then, and this is where the challenge is, “who are we really”?
From my own experience and short lived passage on this Earth, my “knowing” tells me that we are so much more than the physical. Quantum Physics point to that. If an atom is a “cloud of possibilities” and we are made up of atoms… what are we?
The infinite possibilities of Universal Consciousness is so beyond anything human beings can derive with/from their perceptions/deductions.
Infinite variables? Possibly.
As far as I’m concerned, I “know” that if I cannot open my “heart” to accept “ALL” possibilities, then, I haven’t understood Universal Consciousness which is what I am made up of.
Gay? Homo? Trans? Hetero? Animal? Rocks? Frogs? Birds and Bees?
Human beings want/need absolutely to know/define/understand because it “secures” them. The Unknowable is scary.
I’ll let you simmer this until I get a more appropriate answer to your essay. Because I do understand that my answer is vague and not useful for human minds. More useful for human hearts. But, then, what does that mean? To perceive with the heart? It’s more than emotions!
the seagull
Dear Seagull
Thanks so much for your reply! And, yes, by all means, let me think about it and when you want to write more, you know where to find me :-)
Kindest regards
The Saker
I think that your(and your kind of) blind spot is the word “love”. You have no glue about the real meaning of love. And don´t ask me to explain it to you. It´s like trying to explain a color to a blind. I don´t mean to insult you, as Saker above, I appreciate your interesting and honest comment.
I wonder does the New Age undertone of your comment point to the source of LBGTQ+ agenda?
Sorry, typo in my comment: clue, not glue. But I´m sure you all understood that:)
If love is something, it’s measure is it’s productivity. Hence my admiration for the Saker
is an admiration of the immensity of love he’s got to throw at his Vineyard by his excellent eyes
and sharp claws of logic, and likewise to be a working family-father.
Hence no reason for your “word love”. Forgot to pro think before spelling?
Love has sharp eyes.
Love is not a ‘virtue’.
“Love is a natural inclination of a will towards its object. It is the fundamental operation of will. Where there is will, there is love”. You can love the good, the beautiful, or you can love the bad, the ugly. You mat love God and his righteousness, or you may love the Devil and his un-righteousness.
Hate is the the opposite inclination.
“or you may love the Devil and his un-righteousness.”
True, child usually loves his dad. Yes, maybe it´s better to talk about Gods love, or righteousness. God is righteous, Satan is un-righteous, a good point from you.
So much for the “shared human experience” or any similar BS. I think that what`s going on now, is a separation process. Humanity will be divided permanently and eternally after all this.
When it comes to homosexuality the discussion isn’t about love. Platonic love or even the love between to friends, of a man for his mate is something of the heart and the soul – something admirable and to be desired in people. What conflates all of this is sex and sexual expression of ‘love’. It is in the sex act that all the values of societies – positive and negative are involved. At times sexual behaviour has been considered good or evil, or even criminal – some sexual activities still are.
There have been social ‘taboos’ attached to some human activities -sex being one of those. The real problem in removing taboos is the same effect revolutions have on laws. All too often the resulting disorders from exercise of ‘license’ require the imposition of strictures that sometimes are worse than previously.
For instance to-day we have scholarly discussion of the possibly positive attributes of cannibalism. We have already seen the effect of feeding animal tissue to herbivorous animals. Can it be long before there’s a Soylent Corporation recycling the dead to feed a dystopic over-populated World?
From where i sit, the LGBT+ has added little of value to the human experience but more varieties of silly – cannibalism is just the latest.
Appreciate your comment Gabriel, thank you from a fellow traveller. I had a Catholic upbringing, but now my spirituality is not based on any religion or dogma, but more the Universe = Mother Earth = Gaia. I believe that everything is interconnected, and we are all part of the whole. I do feel attracted towards Taoist and Buddhist ways of being and living. Thats as close to religion as I get. Peace and good wishes to you🙏
The Russian video is the most important piece of information on the topic in decades.
On the normalcy of the abnormal, the Russian solution makes the most sense. Protect the children, secure the family, and allow private behavior by adults.
All the rest of the topic is really a fight for social power to transform society into a “anything goes” carnival.
Common sense suggests that the goals of the organized homosexual movement is aimed at breaking down all norms of behavior and blessing the deviant.
No country in history can survive such a state of social chaos.
Brilliantly worded Larchmonter445 and Saker.
Great article and yes it will be challenging for some…. and about time we had some common sense debate without emotional clap trap shutting down views.
Two quite different physical bodies – male and female.
But what goes on in our heads ?
Now thats where the medical world needs to work….
suicides plus have not dropped since all this “acceptance” thus there remain much to learn.
Thank you Saker
“Common sense suggests that the goals of the organized homosexual movement is aimed at breaking down all norms of behavior and blessing the deviant.
No country in history can survive such a state of social chaos.”
Sharply formulated, true, and this is just a part of it.
The goal is destruction of tradition, society, and eventually nations. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi is highly praised in the EU, though in silence, and Angela Merkel has an award from his foundation. But what he proposed is simply insane. If you don’t believe me, read his book ‘Praktischer Realismus’. It’s about the breakdown of society in order to make it ‘easier’ to rule.
Just an overview: https://www.hist-chron.com/judentum-aktenlage/zionismus/op/Kalergi/ENGL-Kalergi-plan.html
61 genders, mass immigration a coincidence? I don’t think so.
Cheers, Rob
Rob…..thanks for this post. Never heard of this man.
This guys biography reads like the antichrist.
The flag of the Pan-European Movement of 1923 displayed in your link looks like a pre-cursor to the current EU flag. A coincidence? I don’t think so :)
We are constantly subjected to a barrage of things evoking cognisant dissonance (also termed gaslighting), and are distracted by a ‘Jeffrey Epstein’ moment or a ‘Bill Cosby’ moment just as something important is being unveiled or started.
The distraction is usually an emotionally-charged situation that defies logical discussion and leads minds to wander far away into ‘star culture’ ether than being allowed to contemplate things that really make a difference to our lives, and to the future welfare of our families.
There is an excellent overview of the reasons why gay and women issues are not a problem in Russia – outlined by Paul Kindlon, an academia man who has long lived in Russia – and I completely agree with him. It is that simple – Russians are private and sort of shy, they don’t go verbal about physiology in public (or even with close friends).
Dr Kindlon wrote a very brief essay (half a page prhps) “What you didn’t know about women’s rights and gay rights in Russia” at https://theduran.com/didnt-know-womens-rights-gay-rights-russia. Do take a quick look
Is it possible that homosexuality is a relatively recent glitch in nature? What if all those historic “facts” are false in this regards. According to some theories (read Russian academic Anatoly Fomenko’s book “The New Chronology”), history is a made up construct to justify current modes of governance. Saying that something always existed has a powerful effect on the way humans view life. “Making love” into a bodily part that is designed for waste disposal, cannot be what nature had in mind…Just a thought.
Fomenko belongs to the mad-house. It should be returned there.
This is off-topic here but a quick comment – I know many just hate Fomenko, but perhaps those are the ones that did not read his many works. He makes sense in many respects – but it takes a lot of time to figure out what his story is, and I had to update myself on mathematical constructs. Usually the religious cannot stand the man.
But no, homosexuality is not recent in my view and is not a glitch – it happens that someone is ‘born that way’ but the percentage of the community that is ‘born that way’ is relatively small in terms of percentage. What seems a good path of research is to go figure if the poisoning of our food sources in the West is perhaps ‘growing’ or increasing those born as homosexuals. In my experience sometimes people make the choice and few are ‘born that way’.
Even if Fomenko’s ideas are flawed (though, I don’t think so) His approach to history opens up a whole other dimension of thinking and questioning of historical narratives. We’re forbidden to doubt any historical time lines that are injected into us from the day we’re born. Yet, even carbon dating, that costs untold amount of money, is a fraud. Fomenko was the first one to say that, and now, more, and more people seem to agree with him.
My favorite book of all times is by Étienne de la Boétie “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. Those who read it would be much more accepting of Fomenko’s line of thinking. It certainly helped me. In other words, how can we be certain that homosexuality is as ancient, as we’re told? How do we know that those Greek stories are not placed there to ease our acclamation to yet another level of acceptance? What if none of it is true? Look at how Hollywood is tirelessly massaging these notions into our kid’s reality, slowly eroding their resistance to what is, at least, questionable. Clearly, they’re not doing it out of compassion – they’re doing it to distort our reality.
One of the more accurate explanations of the whole phenomenon seems to me the work of the biologist Calhoun, who tried to create utopias for rats and mice, with no worries about food etc. The mice began to show all the present day urban social ills, including aberrant sexual behaviors. It ended every time with an eventual complete collapse of the population:
“My favorite book of all times is by Étienne de la Boétie “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude.”
Thank you for referencing this book! I’ll find a means, if it’s translated in English, to order the book. Sadly, I don’t read French (?)
“…….how can we be certain that homosexuality is as ancient, as we’re told? How do we know that those Greek stories are not placed there to ease our acclamation to yet another level of acceptance?”
I have a very close Italian friend who attended prestigious Italian high schools & universities. He studied this aspect in one of his favorite subject matter – ancient Greek/Roman culture/politics, etc.
He told me that in Ancient Greek times, homosexuality was practiced by *some* who were wealthy. It in no way had the stigma is has now, post Christianity. HOWEVER, other Greek cultures did NOT agree with these lifestyles. At the same time, we have lost innumerable written/oral treasures of that time, so we have to be cautious about this issue.
On a different topic – an Italian scholar in early Medieval Ages history found written sources explaining how Italian farmers who lived up in the hills of Italy would often have sexual dalliances with one another. No big deal, but as the power of The Church grew, they made a big influence on these folks regarding what the Church was regarded as a major sin.
Here is a link to a free copy of this book:
The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
It was written in 1552 and greatly influenced such writers as Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Hagel, Kant and many, many others Personally, I think that the clarity of this book is absolutely unparalleled. Essentially, he explained how we (humans) are nurtured and conditioned (mostly through education and falsified history) to voluntary pay for our own enslavement. He said that if one is “educated” within the confines of any established institution, one will never be able to navigate this world independently; this forced restructuring of one’s perception would often result in a permanent damage of one’s natural intelligence. He was part of the elite and clearly knew what he was talking about. It is simple, clear and profound. As I mentioned in another thread, historical doubt is a very healthy state of mind. Moreover, in many books that detail how the CIA, Mossad and many other agencies operate, it is often mentioned that creating falsified back stories in order to justify current events is a perfectly normal thing.
Leonardo da Vinci (homosexual) said that in order to ascertain the reality of things, one has to touch this reality with his own hands again, again and again, then put it away, come back to it later, and touch it again. In other words, never accept other’s people stories as reality. BTW, I used to talk to a Jesuit monk (they’re not all perverts) who spent most of his life digging through some ancient libraries and he said that the notion of Leonardo being gay was added to his “biographical notes” much later….long story but it could be yet another historical hook to massage our acceptance In the desired direction. Fomenko’s theories are much more radical, and this is why I usually recommend to start with Étienne de La Boétie, study some manuals, confessions and memoirs of those who used to be involved with the CIA, Mossad, KGB etc, etc. BTW CIA online library is very impressive. In my view, historical consensus is a very fishy thing.
The sentence “history is a made up construct to justify current modes of governance”, is absolutely true, and far from mad-house.
@ Prospeller
Wow. The number of commentators here in favor of the article who then pull a bat straight out of the libtards locker.
Advocate ‘history is a social construct’ and you advocate letting go of knowledge itself. All of it. As LGBT+ lets go of identity itself.
Me. I like my roots. No leaves, no fruit without roots. No society, family, no path to God without anchored knowledge. No standing on the shoulders of giants.
May a Cathedral fall on you.
If your identity has to rely on any form of false history, or “facts” that are presented to you by your masters, then your roots might end up firmly planted in a plastic desert. The idea is not to disregard our past, but to know it by other means, in ways that are not “approved” by some “preapproved” propaganda pushers. Personally, I love history but I relate to it in my own way.
@ the real history
you are paving your way to ruin.
Sure, history is often an opinion, but sweeping statements about researching and constructing your own history is precisely the same as constructing your own sexuality.
You need to see, as a matter of urgency it would seem, that the fiat world born between Einstein’s relativity and Keynes’ economics has permeated all aspects of the west and unrooted everything.
This is the age of fiat everything – it is whatever I say it is.
If you are genuinely interested in history, look at the Fiat liberal west as a deliberately constructed equal and opposite counterpoint to soviet communism. One was and the other still is a thoroughly sick and twisted view of life. Your statement marks you as an unwitting adherent of the latter intellectual, cultural abomination.
We are at peak liberalism and it is as mad, controlling, polarizing and illogical as the peak of soviet communism. Whereas one has gone, we in the west still cling to a historical social experiment which is the forefather of all your thoughts about ‘history is whatever you make it to be’.
History is a reality, not a relativism. You can trip over it and bark your shins on it. Whether or not it is twisted like Richard III’s back in the play for contemporary gain, even the act of distortion stands like and edifice. Where it is in error, one brick or wall might be taken away and reassembled, not the whole lot.
As it is now in Russia, the period in which we can say that history, or currency, or anything is whatever we say it is will soon be …… history.
Interesting article, succinct, well thought out and masterfully presented. Since I have lived in Russia for some years, some would think I have adopted Russian ideas and philosophy about what is, in my mind, deviant sexual behavior. Nothing could be further from the truth, said truth being I ‘adopted’ nothing, I came to a culture and society that thinks the way I do and left a culture that thought the way I thought up until about 25 years ago. I’m standing here and watching a growing and vibrant culture whilst at the same time I’m watching my ‘old’ culture morph in to an unrecognizable and seething Charlie Fox. To paraphrase an old saying, ‘those whom the Gods will kill they first make mad’. Sums up ‘western’ culture to a ‘T’.
Here is a brief synopsis of Russian, and in general ‘old Soviet’, read Russian Empire, thinking and Culture. No one cares what you do behind your closed doors as long as you have a signed and notarized release from the goat and sufficient insurance on the Buddha vase, velencia dancing slippers, the three Perry Como records and the sterling silver tongs and hammer, and keep the noise down.
Public displays of affection are deeply frowned upon beyond a kiss on the cheek between men and women. Excessive public displays of ‘affection’ will draw an instant reprimand from anyone in the general area and homosexual behavior in public will get you immediate attention from the police, if the police get there before the locals. If not, the locals will handle the situation, thank you very much. Publicly prancing around dressed as the deviants in ‘the west’ will get you a trip to Yellow House. Public demonstrations of any kind without a permit will draw the crushers, too, and this includes any homosexual ‘demonstrations’, marches and organized ‘protests’, although anyone with a lick of good sense would wonder what the homosexuals are actually protesting. Perhaps their mental condition? I don’t know.
For those who wake up one morning and suddenly discover that they are a man trapped in a woman’s body or a woman trapped in a man’s body, that is a sure sign of the onset of mental illness. Period.
Now that I have thoroughly ticked off a few of our readers, let’s talk a little about erudite and polite discussion of differences between we ‘two legs’. I don’t do, and will never do, ‘social media’. Won’t happen ever, ergo I am not ‘subject’ to someone from the other side of the globe ‘shaming’ me in twitter, titter, nofacebook or whatever. If you can’t calmly discuss whatever differences we have then you have a rather severe problem with your beliefs. I will defend to the death your right to politely say what you want (you have no right to behave as you wish in public), but I will fight to the death if you try to forcefully shove your beliefs down my throat. I stress, you have every right to discuss your beliefs with others, you have no right to scream, rant, rave, attack either physically or economically someone who does not agree with you.
Let me give a touch of varnish to your nice (and true!) last alinea, with words of the late Persian poet Rumi:
“Raise your words, not your voice. It’s rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”
Cheers, Rob
Thanks for debunking arguments on this topic too often subjected to censorship in our West countries. I admit that for a part of my life I trusted them, that demonstrates how they can be persuasive if one does not seriously think about it.
There is another argument often used, that is homosexuality of animals. That should demonstrate that is “normal” since other animals, like lions or bonobos, have these behaviors. However, this is a fake argument, since animals can have homosexual intercourse but they are not homosexuals, unless you show me a band of lions led by a female individuals since male lions abdicate their masculine role. Animals having homosexual intercourse maintain the role defined by their natural orientation.
Homosexual acts observed in lions, bonobos or any other animal has more often than not occured in zoos – unnatural habitats where these animals are kept. Just like heterosexual human males in prisons who commit homosexual acts, these animals resort to abnormal practices because they are in an abnormal environment. Stress, poor nutrition, intimidation, isolation, violence etc lead to psychological changes that not surprisingly result in abnormal activities.
I like the article a lot, it’s very thought provoking and more importantly, very, well… ah whatever, I’ll use the word brave, feels appropriate in light of how people who have views such as these, or dare to question the imposed consensus, are treated.
I have one tiny issue with it, and I voiced it in a comment on this site previously, it’s the term soy boy. I simply hate it, not just because it is ridiculous, but mainly because it’s completely and utterly inaccurate and misinformed.
Soy contains a form of estrogen, which is where this new phobia comes from. Simple minds hear estrogen and jump to their simple conclusions. I did say FORM of estrogen. It’s phytoestrogen, a plant based estrogen which behaves differently from the estrogen REAL men consume when they drink REAL cows milk, you know, manly stuff like that.
Soy estrogen binds with estrogen receptors in the liver and REDUCES real estrogen levels in both men and women. It doesn’t mean women will become more like men when they consume soy. Too much estrogen is a destructive force even in women, which our consumption of various forms of the mothers milk of a different species leads to, like butter, cream, cheese, yogurt or just plain milk. Estrogen can be a huge factor in women developing breast cancer and on the flip side, soy can prevent that from happening and even aid in the battle against it.
In reality, there is no such thing as a soy boy, well, technically that’s not true. If you somehow had the capability to consume 25 Kg of soy (about 55 pounds) each day, after a while, the estrogen would act just like the real female hormone and you would really become a soy boy, anything less than that on a daily basis and you should be fine.
Interesting point of view, o defender of Soya!
I was raised with three sisters, a mostly present homemaker mother and a mostly absent working father.
I was studious and sensitive…. but cautiously adventurous as a young boy. My two sisters older than I were given piano lessons, but I was probably the one that should have gotten them.
My middle sister was a tom-boy in her youth (initially far more bold than I….later in life..the opposite!) and athletic, but never the least bit dykish. She dominated me physically (competitive swimmer, big shoulders) until midway through highschool, when I got bigger and stronger than her and broke her arm defending myself.
Sex was never on my mind until the onset of puberty, in which it was mostly a source of confusion, the first year. Why erections were occurring seemingly without cause or purpose was perplexing and almost annoying. The absence of girls in the boys prep school plus coincidence of male children with softer features (soft facial fuzz) with involuntary “boners” (a word classmates began to use….lol) making it awkward to stand up, if the teacher requested it… led to some fleeting association with the confusing physical eroticism and a slight very fleeting “crush-like” gazing at one other boy in class….ONCE…for a few minutes which never came close to lasting as any sort of “love” thereafter. A classmate, period. Not even a friend or more than a casual acquaintance.
It was more like. “What the hell is going on with my body…….. and other classmates, and where are the REAL girls?”
Like an incestual dream (my youngest sister was a LOT prettier….but not one action ever, in that direction….) I just let it pass.
Today, my 13 year old and 17 year old sons, I know, face a far, far more confused environment. They, in my similar position might be sucked right into someone’s social engineering experiment, rather than sorting the confusion of puberty out for themselves….at their own pace.
That’s one of the reasons I made a point of roughhousing with them from before the time they could talk. I never had that (or needed it, frankly, but I might have liked it!) They absolutely LOVED the wrestling, mock fighting and other such sensual physical nonsense as being rolled up together in the king-sized bedcover and pummeled into a “silly enchilada” which ended with them both squealing in terror as I rolled it off the edge of the bed, slightly breaking the drop to the floor with one knee or thigh. But an audible thud, none the less!
They’d beg for another round, but their mother would plead for their safety and I’d eventually chase them out of the master bedroom, as they tried to dodge me, and stay, demanding a repetition of the highly physical completely un-gentle and opposite of “soy boy” roughhousing.
They both receive piano lessons from a Russian teacher, currently visiting her daughter in one of the “Stans” and the most memorable glowing comment from her after one public recital, to my eldest, when he was 15 was, “Well done! You played that piece like a man!
This feminine, Russian appreciation of masculinity……in the arts…I find very, very culturally telling!
However, I have no phobia of tofu and have noted that the Taiwanese have soy milk as a drink but very, very little dairy, declining butter which I offered at a brunch potluck to dress up bagels someone brought and I toasted. The whole stick of butter was untouched, though the bagels were eaten!
I see more gender normalcy there in that subset of Asian-Americans, but I wonder what effects the “one child” policy has had in mainland China….on this whole topic, unbalancing, through abortion……… the natural male to female ratio?
To end, I think the elites have sown enormous confusion, grief, and needless crotch identification because it suits their agendas of depopulation and mind control, pure and simple. Personal stories of individual emotions, loves, lusts, derangements or whatever else people have experienced or identified with……SORRY! are small potatoes in comparison to those evil and unnecessary social engineering EMPIRE motivations. and what is better and freer for the whole of the human race ….than the moral degeneracy of Empire…simply outweighs HANDS DOWN “personal preferences” and supposed emotional and sexual “choices” or nonchoices (“I was BORN queer!”) as interesting as Gore Vidal, Oscar Wilde and other homosexuals might be…as writers ………or interior decorators.
One can have empathy for their humanity and sensitivity and worth as human beings…….without approving or being embarrassed at disapproving of the attempt to spread something that is just unfortunate even if kept relatively discrete….compared to Caligula marrying his horse……..or publically consummating that union in the center of Rome to the cheering of the “Do what thou wilt!” Empire Mob.
Which kind of tells you where it can all end, in absolute and very literally “Empire” insanity if no one can pipe up and say, “Not in MY civilization, my tradition, or even MY house.” for fear of the weight punishment by slavery promoting “elites”.
‘Soi’ (ซอย) in Thai means side street, and it has become associated with the Thai sex industry (Soi Cowboy etc.)’ Soi boy’ refers to the male prostitutes of Boyztown (Soi 3 Pattaya). So ‘soy boy’ is likely a mistranslation.
Thanks for the info, you’re probably right. But still, in the west, these wannabe manly men refer to the consumption of soy when they use that term. Paul Joseph Watson even made a video pointing out that a handful of feminine men drink soy milk and extrapolated a conclusion from there. My annoyance with this stupid nonsense is that soy has a, the complete opposite effect and b, actually helps with some forms of cancer “real” milk is causing. It’s the perfect anecdote to the state of western society.
I wasn’t going to read this article, but after initially feeling much anger at seeing the title, I changed my mind. I try not to stick labels on myself, in fact I mostly try and avoid saying I’m gay. I realised I felt attracted to other males as a teenager. I have never felt sexually attracted towards females. I had a Catholic upbringing, including going to Catholic schools. I have been disowned by my own family, I have been verbally abused many times, and I have been physically bashed twice, including at my workplace where I was repeatedly punched and thrown down a flight of stairs. Numerous times when I attempted to make friends with people (males) when I reluctantly disclosed my sexuality, they broke off contact. Yes Saker, I’ve also been thru substance abuse, rehabs, and even darker episodes. Why would anyone put themselves thru this? I agree – everyone is entitled to their views and opinions. I read your article, and realise you made a good attempt at balance and fairness from someone who is not a ‘sad’. Not all gay people go mincing down the street wearing drag and makeup. We are all different. I oppose Neoliberalism and the Anglo Zionist Empire. It disgusts me what is being done to Palestine and Yemen and Syria. The real enemies of humanity are the 0.1℅, those vampires raping and pillaging the Planet. There are gay people who oppose this.
Not all gay people go mincing down the street wearing drag and makeup. We are all different. I oppose Neoliberalism and the Anglo Zionist Empire. It disgusts me what is being done to Palestine and Yemen and Syria. The real enemies of humanity are the 0.1℅, those vampires raping and pillaging the Planet. There are gay people who oppose this.
Yes, you are absolutely correct. There are plenty of homosexual couples who are together for decades and who never act like the freaks in the “gay pride parades”. And, frankly, how they live their lives is their business and it’s between them and God. These are obviously not the kind of people I am writing about. My article is not so much about homosexuality itself, as it is about the political instrumentalization of this topic.
Kind regards
The Saker
Thanks Saker. I fully believe (as I’ve said here and elsewhere) that the whole Identity Politics thing has been deliberately unleashed on society by the ruling elites to create division and animosity and fragment us at a time when we need to be unified, especially given the geopolitical situation in the World. I also understand how the whole PC thing is used as censorship and to limit people’s speech. Those behind all this want to keep us divided. The old dictum ‘divide and rule’. Much appreciate your analysis, Cheers.
Even homosexuality is only the thin end of the wedge.
We already see the aggressive promotion of transvestites/ transgenders.
Paedophilia is next in the pipeline, followed by incest, bestiality, and probably even more disgusting and degenerate forms of perversion that people cannot yet imagine.
This is only a matter of time, and things are moving very rapidly.
Imagine a man takes his 10-11 year old son to a strip club, where he sees some topless women.
Social services and child protection would be on it like a ton of bricks.
He would be threatened with prosecution, having his children taken into care, and much else.
If he takes the same son to a gay parade, where full nudity is on display, sex acts between men, and the most extreme forms of sexuality, then he is an “enlightened, liberal” parent. If he allows his son to join in, dancing around suggestively in a skimpy outfit, encouraged and ogled by adult homosexuals, that is even more praiseworthy.
I have as much of an aversion towards The Guardian type ‘liberals’ as I do with sex acts in public. Both are just wrong. I’ve been to one (1) gay pride parade in my whole life; which I didn’t like. I don’t even support gay marriage, and you’ll be surprised to know quite a few gay people don’t either. Check out a site called Against Equality and another one called LAGAI. Both are also anti imperialist and anti capitalist, which is also my outlook. We are all different Mark. I fully agree that the whole Identity Politics crap has been deliberately foisted on society by the 0.1℅ – the elites as a divide and rule tactic, as a way to fragment opposition to their rule. Fully agree that it creates animosity.
“And, frankly, how they live their lives is their business and it’s between them and God.”
Saker, I agree. However, one of the biggest problems in this conflict(yes I see it as a conflict) is that some influential elites, you mentioned LGBT-lobby in France, are trying to change our views of God. It´s a direct attack against God, and that´s why I think that it´s basically a satanist agenda. True satanism is a rebellion against God and his commandments.
There´s no other source than the holy scriptures to understand something about the mindset of God. The best source is Jesus, his words in the Bible.
I understand that individuals like Gabriel and Gezzah has not necessarily nothing to do with this evil agenda, but would God take part to this conversation he would be moderated, I think so.
“There are plenty of homosexual couples who are together for decades and who never act like the freaks in the “gay pride parades’.”
There’s much merit in this observation. Perhaps folks here who are gay/etc. have observed a socio-economic connection to those who attend these gay pride parades and others who never do.
What’s the data on this?
Can it be said that behaviors are directly related to: the higher economic scale you fall in, contrasts greatly with the rabble-rousers on the street?
If anyone knows of credible studies on this, please share. It could have very interesting implications in terms of the niavety/ignorance of those in the parades.
Saker, I’m happy to read that your “article is not so much about homosexuality itself, as it is about the political instrumentalization of this topic”. I think you have a point, the usual suspects are definitely using this sex agenda to manipulate people. But If you don’t pay attention, you can be pushed to play their game. Sorry If I sound rude, my english is bad, I ‘ m not able to say what I think very politely. I really like what you write. But I hope this anti-lgbt campaign will not change you like It did to this irish journalist, who was so good and now is some kind of a follower of a fascist catholic bishop.
Hi, thanks for sharing a part of your story.
I accept you for who you are and i try and love all equally.
I feel that the homosexual cause has been highjacked for nefarious purposes.
An excellent point that saker raises is when he says , does russia go and tell so and so in whatever country what values and morals they need to follow ?
No Russia does not do that, but we in the west are doing it to Russia and have been doing it for a.long time!.
Russia is for Russians to decide not us!
I resent that good people that are gay ( i know many, some a loved family friends, collegues ect) are being lumped in with the loud militant gays( lack of better term i apologise) that dont represent the majority of gay’s . Using their platform to fulfil their masters political.missions, all under label of sexual rights.
Freedom of speech goes both ways, this consensus is being eroded by these same militants i have mentionned above, in order to erode our freedoms for the 1%.
Thanks for taking the time to read my opinion.
Hi Michel, appreciate your feedback, thank you. My whole philosophy is treat others how you’d like to be treated by them – regardless of race, religion, age, sexuality…. we are all human beings at the end of the day. Perhaps because of my past history: the physical assaults, the verbal abuse, being ostracised, losing people when a friendship was developing, etc, I acknowledge its made me very sensitive around this subject.
There’s a site called Against Equality (other gay people) who oppose the agenda of the militants, tho they come from an anti imperialist anti capitalist point of view, which is where I sit also.
I cringe and want to hide under a rock when I hear people like Elton John loudly condemn Russia. Its the same scenario as Richard Branson going to Venezuela to deliver aid and stage a concert. Its done to attack those countries the Empire has targeted for ‘regime change’. Its ultimately about full spectrum dominance.
I loathe Identity Politics Michel – in all its various guises. It has divided and fragmented opposition to the rule of the Masters Of The Universe, the elites at the top of the pyramid. I understand why it has been unleashed on society. Divide and conquer.
Thanks for your feedback Michel, have a good week mate.
“there must be a powerful natural selective pressure not only for men not to engage in homosexual behavior…”
We are offered a religious story and an evolutionary. On the evolutionary, I find I have to defer to the scientists even as I try to understand what they say. But clearly the logic of evolution has not precluded the persistence of homosexuality in a small proportion of the human population (and frequent instances in other species).
You clearly don’t understand how selective pressure works. A trait (or a mutation if you prefer) can manifest itself, it does not mean that it is desirable from a evolutionary point of view. Some of us have very bad eye sight, that does not mean that “the logic of evolution has not precluded the persistence of bad eye sight in a small proportion of the human population”
The Saker
And the argument that revulsion against it is natural comes up against what the article earlier points out, that natural doesn’t mean acceptable. Evolutionary theory combines biological evolution with cultural – and what is acceptable is an open question, as is whether what is once deemed acceptable or unacceptable must always be so.
One small piece of pedantry: if you want to see what the original Christians looked like, you have to seek out images from the first century in what “Westerners” parochially call the “Middle East”.
Any you know that how exactly?
The Saker
@ Ewan
Not exactly correct. And you should not defer to the scientists, but understand and pull apart what they say. They are not gods.
Take religion and social dimensions out of the discussion and you end up with what ‘mother nature’ deems homosexuality to be, or its evolutionary significance.
The desire / will to survive is all (for your biological self). After 4.2 billion years of evolution, storms, floods, climate upheavals, migrations, predators, deformity, infection, my bloodline has not once failed to breed. Not one single time. I / you have an unbroken lineage since the start of life.
Mother nature does not switch that impulsion off with no reason. That is where a discussion on the natural phenomenon of homosexuality begins. Involuntary sterility of healthy adults who are prohibited by their nature from raising the next generation.
This leads to a non-accusatory recognition of the fact of homosexuality that also helps us understand it.
It is fascinating, something can exist till the existence of literally all human culture and can permeate in all aspects of life, yet it will still be called controversial in today’s even most refined platforms like this. It is quite sad for a blog of this caliber. And still, biologically it is almost beyond proof -if you call biology science- some mammals, including monkeys and apes, exhibit homosexual behavior. The argument that you basically hold homosexuality equivalent to sociopathy does not add up; that is irrelevant, you can make the same arguments for heterosexuals. If you want to judge a group from the damage it does to the society, please forgive me but nothing can get close to sociopaths or men in general without any strings attached – heterosexual or homosexual.
You can be certain that there are as many gays in Russia as there are in any other part of the world. Whether your government or media shoves it into your throat or not on a daily basis, is an entirely different subject. Gay people’s issues should not be on the priority list of a state agenda or media. This is what separates Russia from West in this subject, and nothing else.
It seems you accept there might be born homosexuals – then it is beyond choice – and since when people are judged on what they cannot choose?
If homosexuals are, indeed, born homosexuals then, obviously, they did not chose to be born that way, just like all children have no choice as to how they were born. But, once they chose to ACT ON IT, this is not a condition, this is a BEHAVIOR and, like any behavior, it is a CHOICE. Many of us are born aggressive or with anger management issues. But we don’t go around the world murdering people because “we were born that way”.
You are conflating two totally different phenomena.
The Saker
So true Saker….. This is about behaviour after birth.
Not a biological manifest.
Way more work needs to be done in the world of behavioural science.
But you are trying to correlate unrelated behavioral outliers in humans by comparing them as if they are from the similar degenerate conditions without giving any credible reason; sociopathy and homosexuality, or aggression and homosexuality. This is a dangerous assumption and there exist many outliers in human behavior that are not harmful, some even beneficial – it is not the case that you try to correlate those with homosexuality, which makes your piece in my opinion biased.
You also do the same in your piece by saying that sadness is more prevalent in homosexuals, but this is just a correlation and does not try explain the real reasons why the homosexuals are sad and instead rests on the assumption that the root cause of sadness and homosexuality is the same thing – which is presumably a condition related to how brain functions.
Homosexuals are sad because deep down they know they are sinful (i.e. in error, sin=ἁμαρτία, from ἁμαρτάνειν hamartánein, which means “to miss the mark” or “to err” – homosexuals literally miss the ‘mark’ of sex) but they don’t want to admit and correct it. Depression stems from unconfessed sins.
Quem sabe, a homossexualidade foi um presente (BIOLÓGICO) dado para o homem, para que eles não se multiplicassem e se espalhassem pela terra infinitamente…
translation: “Who knows, homosexuality was a gift (biological) given to man, so that they would not multiply and spread over the Earth infinitely….” Mod.
Pois…. Mas parece que esse “presente biológico” não tem preenchido a sua tão bem pensada função de reduzir a expansão da espécie humana…
O que nos leva a outra (inquietante) pergunta: E a GUERRA, terá sido ela um presente dado à Humanidade para, muito inteligentemente, restringir a reprodução da nossa tão predatória espécie?
E mais poderemos nós perguntar: serão a homossexualidade, a guerra, a fome e a doença os quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse dados à Humanidade (sabe lá por quem…) para sabiamente restringir a expansão de espécie tão daninha quanto a nossa?
Google translation,MOD:
Because…. But it seems that this “biological gift” has not fulfilled its well-thought-out function of reducing the expansion of the human species …
Which leads us to another (unsettling) question: And the War, has it been a gift given to Humanity to, very intelligently, restrict the reproduction of our so predatory species?
And we may ask: will homosexuality, war, famine and disease be the four Knights of the Apocalypse given to Mankind (know by whom …) to wisely restrict the expansion of a species as harmful as ours?
“But, once they chose to ACT ON IT, this is not a condition, this is a BEHAVIOR and, like any behavior, it is a CHOICE”
This seems to imply a puritanical approach to sexuality and a sentence of a life without any sexual pleasure for those who are attracted to the same sex.
Just pour cold water on it until impure thoughts go away.
Or scourge yourself if a fantasy escapes into a conscious part of your brain.
One of the (for me) memorable scenes in Brokeback Mountain is the one where the Heath character effs his wife and you know that actually he is fantasizing about the guy. And you known that she also knows something is not right. He is doing his conjugal duty, but they both know that something is not right.
That is a fiction film, so maybe such a scene—such a sexual dynamic, one that is fundamentally dishonest—never occurs in reality.
That sexual dynamic, that is fundamentally dishonest, that you mentionned above does happen in reality!
Its happenned to me around 20 years ago, a confused young man will do such things when looking for Mrs right, not my greatest moment but its part of the path i choose haphazardly for myself.
If it happens in heterosexuals it happens in homosexuals as well for we are all “human”.
This is all.part of divide and conquer, were all humans and we can get along when we really try! I recognise that this issue is used as a wedge to kick the polarization process of our societies into overdrive.
Thank you saker for this thought provoking article. I dont agree with everything , but we see the same puppet masters pulling the strings.
Keep.challenging the consensus please , you are very good at it.
Some of us believe in reincarnation; which means to me, “We all choose to be incarnated”.
If as you say, “they did not chose to be born that way”, then their actions would not constitute an act or a choice, but an impulse, and an unconscious impulse at that!
Psychology is: The Study of Behavior.
A natural impulse is a complex, not strictly a behavior; for a natural impulse, that is truly outside of one’s control, or as you say, “they did not chose to be born that way” is always a balance of unconscious and conscious choice. The only individuals who are fully conscious and never unconscious, also never sleep, for sleep is all about being unconscious. So, while on Earth, we all participate in unconscious activities (sleep) and when we awaken, some of us bring our unconscious with us while awake and conscious, for we remain unawares of our motivations.
All behaviors are not a choice, they are an option. Which means, you can opt out if you want, but that would not be a true choice, since some amount of subversion or intimidation preventing the full expression of emotion would have had to be present. And if some amount of coercion is present, then one’s full humanity cannot be present either – for the danger of self-expression offending someone and consequences resulting.
I would replace ‘aggressive’ with ‘temperamental’; Many of us are born temperamental – and with proper parental or familial or teachers providing instruction in patience and sincerity can learn to be tolerant and avoid aggressive behaviors. And I would replace “Many of us are born with anger management issues” to: ‘Many of us are born without coping mechanisms for dealing with stress – yet with proper parental or familial or teachers providing instruction in patience and sincerity can learn to be tolerant and avoid aggressive behaviors’.
Murdering anyone is a loss of perspective. Your problem won’t go away after you killed anyone. So logic here would be preferred to emotion.
[Please replace my edited post with this post, thx, Stuart]
Saker: “If homosexuals are, indeed, born homosexuals then, obviously, they did not chose to be born that way, just like all children have no choice as to how they were born.”
Stuart: “Some of us believe in reincarnation; which means to me, “We all choose to be incarnated”.”
If as you say, “they did not chose to be born that way”, then their actions would not constitute an act or a choice, but an innate impulse, and an innate impulse would originate in the realm of the unconscious.
It is our “Unconscious Desires (we all have)” which so frightens the Saker – for our unconscious is vast, unreal, and at times psychotic too; yet in our unconscious, is also our remembrance of ourselves. To end our unconsciousness, we must bring forth who we are to consciousness – to evaluate if we want to go forward that “behavior (or sin) or not”. So MOTIVATION (OR DESIRE) is not so simple as observing BEHAVIOR.
Saker: “But, once they chose to ACT ON IT, this is not a condition, this is a BEHAVIOR and, like any behavior, it is a CHOICE.”
Stuart: “Psychology is: The Study of Behavior.”
A natural innate impulse is a complex, not strictly a behavior; for an innate impulse, that is truly outside of one’s control, or as you say, “they did not chose to be born that way” is always a balance of unconscious and conscious choice. The only individuals who are fully conscious and never unconscious, also never sleep, for sleep is all about being unconscious. So, while on Earth, we all participate in unconscious activities (sleep) and when we awaken, some of us bring our unconscious with us while awake and conscious, for we remain unawares of our motivations.
All behaviors are not a choice, they are an option. Which means, you can opt out if you want, but that would not be a true choice, since some amount of subversion or intimidation preventing the full expression of emotion would have had to be present. And if some amount of coercion is present, then one’s full humanity cannot be present either – for the danger of self-expression offending someone and consequences resulting.
Saker: “Many of us are born aggressive or with anger management issues.”
Stuart: “I would replace ‘aggressive’ with ‘temperamental’; Many of us are born temperamental – and with proper parental or familial or teachers providing instruction in patience and sincerity can learn to be tolerant and avoid aggressive behaviors. And I would replace “Many of us are born with anger management issues” to: ‘Many of us are born without coping mechanisms for dealing with stress – yet with proper parental or familial or teachers providing instruction in patience and sincerity can learn to be tolerant and avoid aggressive behaviors’.”
Saker: “But we don’t go around the world murdering people because “we were born that way”.
Stuart: “Murdering anyone is a loss of perspective. Your problem won’t go away after you killed anyone. So logic here would be preferred to emotion.”
“But, once they chose to ACT ON IT, this is not a condition, this is a BEHAVIOR”….while pedophilia in practice must involve a child, which is weaker and more vulnerable than an adult and therefore needs protection, I don’t know, what’s wrong about two adults acting on mutual consent to express their affection, maybe even love sexually? Who is suffering from that, apart from the two involved? Would be more beneficial to them to suppressing their feelings for a lifetime? Is such suppression of one’s own feeling what you call an “achieving a full potential”? While in case of adoption of the children it involves other people- even children who as I already pointed needs protection I reckon this usual argument of LBGT lobby “we want just the same rights as you have” as entirely false because it omits rights of the one who’s adopted completely, but without pretending to create family I do not know what’s wrong on “ACT ON IT” if nobody else is directly involved?
Apart from these questions I’m not fully convinced about your explanation of men’s instinctive repulsion of homosexuals as an inclination towards keeping mankind reproductive. My thoughts about the matter lead me to believe that man’s behavior toward reproduction is mostly competitive, where gays are even less competitive than physically weak and intellectually inferior competitors, therefore they are not worth of any energy spending. My own feelings about such repulsiveness of gays between straight men is (just trying to interpret here why my own guts share this feeling too) that an act of sodomy performed on someone is deeply rooted within our collective memory as an act of dominance over the one sodomized. It is observable in some animal’s groups too. So repulsive feelings may have come from the fact that the person admits publicly his will to sodomize other man. Disgust comes from even slightest possibility that the person may exercise such things on you.
Homosexuality is a tough one. I grew up instinctively disliking them, then worked with many for years and found them to be quite witty and amusing, I changed my aggressive dislike. Bringing religion into is also problematic as there are so many religions with so many views, and of course we all know the one we follow is the correct one. But lets take it as a given that God is enormously powerful and vastly more intelligent than we are. If so then why did he allow homosexuals, they are either part of the design or he messed up. Which seems more likely?
Many gays also don’t like the militants or the push for transgenders, seems that a lot of all this PC BS is getting shoved down the throats of both straights and gays. It does seem there is a cultural push to move us in a direction of anything goes debauchery, and I doubt its for reasons that will benefit us. Seems the pendulum has swung too far, when that happens there is generally a push back.
God never created homosexuals…..
God created man and woman perfect ……
In a perfect world.
Down to DNA thus early man and women lived 100 s of years under a universal climate devoid of harmful sun rays…..
But if one does not believe in creation then folks will have different answers or comprehensions.
Throughout 1000s of years and generations we “earthlings” have morphed: deeply influenced by out dirty environment thus that may be the cause of different behavioural patterns ….
There is argument in that nonetheless but not conclusive…..
But the stuff today being rubbed in our faces publically is sad and offensive. As Auslander has already cited above what is done privately is that persons choice just dont insult others with public displays.
I found it very easy to assess homosexuality from (my understanding of) a Protestant Christian perspective. It’s spoken of in the Bible as something which shouldn’t be practiced, it’s against God’s creation, his design for humanity, against the Heavenly Father’s will for his people. Then I read a book where a lesbian Christian woman gave an honest account of her life as a lesbian woman who never expressed her sexuality. She described the incredible loneliness of her life, and how God would have to hold, caress and soothe her in her afterlife for a long time to make up for all she’s never experienced during her lifetime. What kind of a God condemns one of his children to that? Call me a pseudo-Christian (which I’m not, by the way) but I’d rather attend the Gay Pride parades. Admittedly, that is off-topic from the Saker’s analysis. I fully agree with the concerns about gender and sexual questioning as expressions of mental illness (or some kind of mal-development) and the politicization of the whole thing. But isn’t addiction similar? And we let adults travel that path if they choose it without going on about how corrupted they are (pretty sure on some level they’re aware of that.) I will confess that I have more serious concerns about homosexual parenting — it is unfair for an innocent child to be raised with the expectation that homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality. But that’s assuming that their parents would instill that concept in them.
Talking about phobias, obviously one of the most persistent is the instinctive revulsion we feel for feces (the first reaction is to throw up). Most animals do and they hide them. Besides that, feces are carriers of diseases. All cultures worldwide view the contact with as the supreme pollution. The most grievous insult is to throw (if only verbally) feces at your enemy. Defecating in public is an offense.
That’s the primary reason why homosexual coitus is ‘disgusting’ (anal coitus with women is as ‘disgusting’ for the same reasons) and people avoid it ‘naturally’. Associating love with feces is a blasphemy against God’s creation. We heard about the fate of Sodom.
There is a strong case to be made that homosexuality (at it core) is actually an illegal act, lesbians are different b/c woman are twice as complex and old as men are. The case starts w/a question and ends in silence from the gay and gvt community.
The question is “Do children wake themselves up sexually? Or does some other entity (a parent or sibling) aid in the discovery of love? Like a drug test, there is also a test for this question, and at the end of the day, it lies in your pants(or shirt for females) and is not only easily discoverable, but as is the case for homosexuality,(and 1/2 as much for guys w/vaginas) leads to a whole host of societal problems and wars.( It is what makes us ideologically different). This is a politically offensive question and follow up, ergo the silence from the gvt and educational institutions, they are not only a guilty party, but an offender of the laws of nature.
32 million chromosomes combining on conception does lead to siamese twins,trans,downs,etc, this is a risk we take when multiplying, and our own children may end up that way too. Instead of curvy women some may be attracted to hairy men, the last British census identified them at 3% of the population. But the jew has seized on this “free resource” and enlisted the gays (and they are disproportionate in media) to hiss HAMAS at every opportunity in return for using their political/media power to give em gay marriage,etc. Historically everyone has had relatives in the closet over the ages, but this business of parading on the High Street is a bit much, and Putin has been wise, “keep yer buggery from influencing the innocent children”. That is the way to go but the jew synagogue of satan will lose a powerful ally.
While I appreciate this topic and find a real discussion on it is appropriate I miss very much the point what does the environment do with us – us the homo sapiens sapiens.
Moreover, it seems that almost nobody thought it deeper to the point that ‘you are what you eat’ and take it into his/her chest in earnest.
However, the manipulations especially with hormones and antibiotics are going on already on a longer “while” and practically everybody should be aware of it yet.
So, together with that we, as the Homo sapiens sapiens should have been much wiser in the past and if it is not already too late should try to do in our ways of life and toughts on a daily basis within our society.
Moreover, nature doesn’t put everything into a “norm” as we do. There are always exceptions in nature.
And speaking of our days: too less is maybe here discussed about the influence of all the technical developments, or better to say electromagnetics which are widely used?
The trend goes – as can be seen with the use of “selfies” – especially nowadays within Western societies – individuals don’t care at all about the society in which they live.
With this in mind people abstained from a social society way of thinking that we are responsible, that we should take much more care etcetera, etcetera, and are therefore easily manipulated. Just look how politicans behave. Look, what did Hillary Clinton say: “disposable”. Is that correct?
For manipulation its good to get any population to a certain way of thinking; its good to give them other “food” to think about instead of real important ones. For example of a different kind of “bath rooms” or “toilets” we use to say in Europe. “Masses” don’t need to think for themselves, they have to be manipulated, influences whether it is through religion, believes or political manipulation. Masses are ‘disposable’ – as our earth shows us nowadays.
In my opinion: the homo sapiens sapiens got in some ways too lazy – up to the point that the destabilization of societies goes along with the destabilization of our environment.
But we need a functional society where everybody will feel responsible for what he/she does as well as an environment we can live on.
It is the sum of everything and not only one point – behavior, laziness in thoughts and therefore no action/mobilization, easy use of everything which is bought to us on a ‘silver tray’ (mostly through mass media, what we should use, how we should think etc.).
What will become of us when everything has been devastated, demolished??
Is there somewhere a translation of what the Russian law covers, We heard about the deleted scene of Rocketman, or Lara Fabian (lol) being threatened with Jail snetences if she’s caught again, but is there a state watchdog (like French CSA) to actually impelment it?
I ask this with some of the TV shows I (and everyine watch) like GOT, Walkind Dead, even now Stranger Things SE3. I mean Season after season they’re doubling down on steroids with more of this.
I forgot to mention the biology of Homo sapiens sapiens:
by the “crossing-over” – act when the genes of sperm and egg start to combine each other the possibility that something goes wrong is given.
You have to count that 8.4 by 8.4 millions (i.e. 8.6 by 8.6 in billions for Americans I think) possibilities are given.
Therefore, in biology and molecularbiology etc. this fact is very well known.
There have always been exceptions to the “rule”, and a body differently from the brain-way isn’t such a big thing. Could happen and it is said that at least 5 to 6 percent of any population does it have. And as we Homo sapiens sapiens are overpopulating our earth more “exceptions” have to be expected.
PS: however, I don’t like those “rainbow”-parades. Let people live and I think that until any individual finds out that his/her brain is different than his/her body it must be pretty difficult to adapt – even in our days. However, the permanent influence especially in USA where parents already start with hormones given to their child is totally wrong. Children have quite often days and phases where they think differently. Its the normal way of growing-up.
What is never addressed in these discussions in the West is that what is important is a healthy society. No society that cannot successfully bear and raise the next generation can be considered healthy in any real sense. It seems obvious in order to rear and raise the next generation that you must have strong families…Men (fathers) and women (mothers) working together to achieve this goal. This is why traditional gender roles existed in the first place…because they were (and still are) absolutely necessary to successfully rear and raise children.
Homosexuality is not just a sin, it is antithetical to the very notion of a healthy society…it is a genetic dead end.
It is one thing to tolerate homosexuals who understand discretion, it is quite another to accept as normal that which is known to be abnormal and destructive, both to self and to society at large. Homosexuality is not only self-destructive for those who engage in it, it is harmful to the society as a whole and hence can never be considered “normal” in any healthy society.
Gender fluidity? What utter nonsense. Look if we structure our society in a way that makes children confused about their own gender, how in the world is that conducive to a health society?
Look, any healthy society is by definition one that is “pro-family”. Therefore societal norms in a healthy society must also be “pro-family”. This is going to be true regardless of the religion or lack of religion practiced in any given society.
Thank you Saker for helping to further this much needed discussion.
@ Bob
Good comment about the genetic dead end Bob. To me, that is one of the crucial points of this “gay” brainwashing. The other one is the fact that homosexuals (or Pederi as we call them in Serbia) have de facto become “untouchable” in the degenerate Western societies and they are trying hard to achieve that throughout the Anglo-Zionist sphere of influence. Coincidentally (or not), there is only one other group of people that has that status – Jews, To what end have those two groups achieved that status? Does that indicate that there is a more sinister conspiracy at work here? Cui bono?
The West celebrates and pushes diversity of sexuality, but doesn’t allow diversity of thought.
One must really be lonely to waste their time reading this or writing this column. There’s more morons in this world than now than ever.
What you fail to realize is that if you can make any statement about this column you must have read it. If you did not, you are just spewing nonsense. And if you did, then you yourself qualify as “moron of this world” by your own definition.
See how ideological cages make you stupid?
You are not even used to think logically any more.
All you can do is condemn, censor, accuse, label, smear, etc. etc. etc.
All in the name of “love”, of course.
The Saker
Jerry ever heard the expression “Stepping on a rake”? Go look it up. It’s right up there with face palm and hypocrite much as well as “shooting yourself in the foot”.
Especially, political economic diversity – taboo in the schools of economics these days.
It is interesting the way the West is using the whole LGBTQblahblah+ … and I do mean using. Over the last 10 years or so, thanks mostly to the internet and growing general population awareness, the West truly has been exposed as the human rights abusing genocidal maniacs they really are. Their version of history has been exposed to the light and even if we look just at the last 70 years of post war US hegemony it is a continual flow of death, war, sanctions, repression, support of dictators, torture, rendition, assassination etc. We all now know to some extent or other that the West are no longer ‘the good guys’ thus there is little to distinguish us from the propagandised ‘enemies’ we are told the West constantly faces. We can no longer call others out on human rights as we have now been exposed as being at least as bad as everyone else (but really in terms of scale and intensity much much worse)
The last and only stick the West has left to beat ‘the bad guys’ with is the LGBQTblah+ stick. ‘The Eurasians are terrible, look how badly they treat gays’ we hear (or the Russians, but really just insert ‘enemy’ country name) The West has become so collectively ill and dementia ridden that it postulates mental illness, serious pathology and emotional disorder as the ‘norm’ by which we should be judged, perhaps they know that no one else in the world would be so insane as to follow them? Thus being forever able to call someone the enemy they so sorely need in order to function (if there is one thing we all know the West cannot function in peace, it’s whole existence requires enemies – doesn’t matter who, doesn’t matter where – without them the West is neutred and headed for the knackers yard.) I’m pretty sure that the big money and the normalisation via legal gay marriage and gay civil union etc, is all to this end, leaving the West using their own sickness to judge the rest if the world by and then using it as the excuse needed to demonise/sanction them. What else can you do when you’ve been shown to be the biggest abusers of human rights in history? In relative terms the West has only recently legalised being gay and in the UK rescinded Section 28 – the equivalent of Russians no gay propaganda for kids law. I think war criminal Blair struck it from the books in the early 2000s
I look forward to the day when the leader of the Western world is a trans with a beard, a penis and breasts, dresses like a woman and is married to a man whilst having 3 children via surrogate womb, that’ll really show the world who’s boss.
Meanwhile, Marvel studios just announced the arrving of their first Gay super hero….
I think the line ‘watch my back’ will soon disapear from hollywood blockbusters :)
A homosexual super hero – that is SOOOOOOO US American, LOL!!
One can recognize and respect gays’ basic rights but cannot accept their strutting on roads and conducting as they like and also forcing others to accept their vulgar conduct, extracting moneys, etc. Whatever they do in their own private premises is of no concern to us, but in public spaces they should not be allowed to do any such nonsense.
The “rights” issue is a canard too. Homosexuals should have exactly the same rights and obligations as any other people. No more. Not less. Just the same.
The Saker
Then marriage as a legal construct must be considered. Taxation, health care and other things that are ‘conveyed from on high’ by being married. That opens a massive can of worms. I am not saying the can should not be opened – it may just be so that we have to look at marriage as what it is, instead of a state institution.
Marriage like only two genders is a legal construct, not a psychological construction (let’s play we are married, you the dad, me the mom . . .).
Marriage is society’s most imperative security next to military security. It creates the basic economic unit and provides stable social growth of individuals (children) and communities.
The equity position for gays in relationships is civil unions, not marriage.
These are partnerships within which all property rights (economic basis of the union) and civil protections (from domestic abuse, etc) are codefied as equal to heterosexual marriage rights.
This isn’t complicated. Homosexuals get all the protections and rights in their partnership. They don’t have to role play the male or female equivalent. They don’t suffer any diminution of equity.
The state is a stakeholder in marriage, procreation and public health (the restriction of marrying no closer in blood relationship than second cousin is a rational biological rule). You can’t have no rules about marriage. Thus, the state is the licensor. A few thousand years of experience tells us why.
We have long passed the Age of The State of Nature where there is no society, few people exist, and individuals make their own rules of survival and existence.
If you look closely, that is what the whole Homosexual Stonewall Movement has moved toward–“Anything Goes”.
Ironically, written by Cole Porter, a sophisticate genius of a musician and homosexual.
All reasonable people know there are only two genders; male and female – as God created them.
In the perverse times we live in it takes a long time for this German politician to mock political correctness when he addresses his parliament in 60 different genders;
This is not entirely true, it can also be easily proved that homosexual behaviors can also find a way to create nasty cancers, this private function then become a public menace that then finds a way to raise the cost of everyones health care(its called sympathy treatment b/c we remain ignorant to the cause but sympathetic to the treatment), rather than just the offending party’s cost of health care
Não consegui terminar de ler a quantidade de bobagens.
Google Translate:
I could not finish reading the amount of nonsense.
Well, if you do not do me the courtesy to at least read my arguments in full, I don’t see why I should read your comment either. This is why I trashed the rest of your comment.
Respect is a two-way street. You want to treat others with contempt, don’t expect to be treated with courtesy.
The Saker
Se o amigo não o leu, como pode dizer que é bobagem?
My friend: if you dont read the article, how can you call it silly?
Intelligent piece. Thanks Saker!
In Serbia we have a lesbian prime minister. She marched in the Gay parade in 2017. Here is the reaction of GLIC (Gay lesbian Info centre) to her (surprisingly reasonable) speech at the time.
“Speaking at the 2017 parade, Ms Brnabic (Serbian prime minister) said that LGBT rights would be addressed only after important problems such as inflation, pensions and the standard of living had been resolved.
“It was a scandalous statement,” Predrag Azdejkovic, the head of GLIC, told the BBC.
Militant homosexuality, just like militant feminism, militant “victim cults” seem to think that their own (minority) needs somehow have priority over the needs of general society. It’s a sick form of narcissism. This is what really annoys me about these groups more than what they actually advocate for.
Militant homosexual / feminist/ victim/ cults are also used to promote and normalise vulgarity in society, both in appearance and behaviour. Serena Williams (militant feminist and race victim cultist) is the perfect example of this. Her on-court rages, raquette smashing, diva behaviour are somehow celebrated, not to mention her extremely vulgar outfits. She has missed several doping tests, and has “therapeutic exemptions” for taking banned substances. In the meantime, the lovely, elegant Sharapova, Ivanovic and other tennis players who could be excellent role models for young girls are completely ignored by the media.
@ Serbian girl
… ” we have lesbian prime minister …. ” …
But one should not forget she was educated in usa and selected for assigned role ,
as she later worked for usaid , civilian department of cia. She acts as cia orders.
So she was prepared by cia to take this position ,
as example for serbs that their traditional value of family as core of society has to be destrucded and replced with lbgt course and role in cia , and their masters ,
of new position of man , without family support and strength as single unit , vulnerable , and ready to follow orders from masters. New kind of slaves.
One should consider all these talks about lbgt as preparation of new kind of slavery for future generations . Single person slave , not like those in roman empire era.
Anf ,lbgt creature , similar as kapo boss in concentration camps in hitler ww2 reich.
There should be more and detailed explanation of role of cia in lbgt movement.
It is core to understanding plans of world masters with unfortunate , sad , lbgts
Beli Orao,
I know. My anecdote is not at all an endorsement of Brnabic or any of the other so- called “leaders” . In addition to your comment re CIA, I would add Soros Open Societies as well. Be well. Pozdrav!
@ Serbian girl
Yes , i know you know
I just wanted to bring light to dark role of cia activities bringing lbgt themes in public, through media magazines , tv , hollywood movies , internet sites. All cia.
Only 20 or 30 years ago nobody mentioned lbgt , since that term did not exist , until cia coined it and spread out into media circulation.
Few homosexuals lived their lives behind their doors , and nobody talked about them.
Than cia activated their machinery , as ordered by their ” usa deep state ” masters ,
coined term lbgt and stories started to appear everywhere.
Cia battle for lbgt rights and role just begun. Lbgt is cia brainchild.
Lbgt and its role as new rullers of world.
And pride parades started to be most important role in any government that wanted to be considered as ” democratic “.
But at the begining , many governments resisted that role forced to them by cia.
And cia increased pressure upon them. Year by year , 5 , 6 , 7 years of cia pressure through their cia agents in those governments , and pride parade was organized.
Those who paraded were paid actors in front of tv crews , documenting that xy country government has reached required level of ” cia imposed democracy “.
But , i am not sure if lbgt pride parades were organized in saudi arabia , uar , quatar
or any other muslim country.
Just in former christian countries ! ? Strange it may be .
Just christian countries with lbgt pride parades.
As if cia role worked to demolish christanity ?
As if lbgt is movement intended to destroy traditional man_woman family and post new family without parents , just no1 and no 2 member of family.
And child has no parents.
And surogat mother to replace old fashioned role of real mother.
But surogat mother is just paid to give child to some lbgt parents , and real mother has feelings towards her child , protection and education for life in front of child.
Remember old story of two mothers that came before Christ claiming that that child is their. And how Christ solved problem ? Difference between mother and claimer.
And , yes , poor soros and money given to him to pretend to be rich man.
But he is not rich , just cia banker.
Fascade of banker. He became ” rich ” after some cloudy financial speculatuons that cia organized to make him rich , so he could pretend to be independent banker supporting ” cia democracy ” through his cia open societies , operating in countries cia has task to destroy.
Does soros has his ngo in saudi arabia , england , canada ?
So soros is just unfortunate poor man , but cia assigned him role to be rich…
When Soros and the CIA decide what is ”progressive”, ”moral”, and ”civilised”, you’d better comply. It was really amusing last year when Sweden’s top ”patriotic” celebrity, to wit the leader of the SD party Jimmie Åkesson, declared — in no uncertain terms — that same-sex marriages and LGBT adoptions should be included as parts of the party’s Principal Programme perfumed with some nonsense about cutting Swedish foreign aid to countries that ”discriminate against homosexuals”. A Zio-capitalist party in its full, magnificent glory indeed.
It’s the Agenda being pushed. What’s next? Necrofilia? Beastiality? Might need to add a few letters to that acronym. The Homo lobby, saker, is part of the overall Zio lobby, they are not seperate lobbys with the same interests. Just one more of their tools………er, fools perhaps. Homosexuals have been around since forever, it’s how it is being militerized against the majority of the population.
And just to have the cajones to publish this, you rock dude.
Cheers, M.
1. Beyond homosexuality the globalist left are pushing paedophilia and genderphobia.
2. Genderphobia is the hatred of gender and denial of people the right to affirm their masculinity and femininity. It is in its embryonic stages but ultimately the occult globalists that rule the US are working for the abolition of gender and criminalizing it. They will attempt to do this in stages but already I do see an increasing resistance to it.
Hi MD, absolutely true. Sexual liberation has been only the tip of the iceberg. Now we start to see how huge that iceberg really is.
”This is, by the way, exactly the same case in Europe: being mentally handicapped is the new ’cool’ apparently”
The mental state of the Euro-trash and the ensuing sense of awe are nothing new, mind you. Bourgeois culture = Mental illness, as the Soviets correctly noted.
Dear Saker
There are actions or things we do in this life which may be so vital and important- that they might vouch for us, they might save us on that great day when we need saving and Gods mercy the most. I feel (Allah knows best) that this article of yours has achieved that status. Congratulations.
Thank you very much for your very kind words!
The Saker
Un paquebot s’est jeté sur un iceberg parce qu’en le construisant on avait oublié un miniscule morceau de fer dans le compas. Ce morceau de fer attirant imperceptiblement l’aiguille, la direction est faussée, et après des kilomètres et des kilomètres, le paquebot s’était considérablement écarté de sa route…
Quelle comparaison pouvons nous faire entre cette boussole et le cerveau de l’homme d’aujourdhui, tellement surchargé, dévié, détraqué ? Il n’arrive plus a trouve la direction idéale afin de s’orienter correctement. L’humanité est actuellement dans la position de ce paquebot. Elle se dirige vers l’iceberg contre lequel elle va buter et sombrer. Si on ne laisse pas le gouvernail aux Sages qui eux, savent faire le point en commencant par la tête, cette boussole, pour y infuser la vraie philosophie, les homme courent à leur perte…
extrait de “Qui est le Maître Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, de André Jehan.
“A liner threw himself on an iceberg because when they built it, they had forgotten a tiny piece of iron in the Compass. This piece of iron imperceptibly attracting the needle, the direction is skewed, and after Miles and Miles, the steamer had considerably strayed from its course. …
What comparison can we make between this compass and the brain of today’s man, so overloaded, deviated, deranged ? He can no longer find the right direction to orient himself properly. Humanity is currently in the position of this liner. She’s headed for the iceberg where she’s going to hit and sink. If we do not leave the rudder to the wise men, who know how to take stock by starting with the head, this compass, to infuse the true philosophy, the men run to their ruin…
excerpt from “Who is the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, André Jehan.”
There was a time when the old CIA created and funded things like The Red Faction Army and the Red Brigades to instile fear about the comunist ideology in the europeen minds. In truth, these terrorists groups had nothing to do with marxism-leninism and the USSR: they where composed by young bourgeois that are deeply confused and wrong about the marxist ideology and the politics of class.
We can say the same thing about this madness called “identity politics”. Aparently when we refer that “gender struggle” we talk about leftist values. Nothing more far from the truth: when we talk about it, we are really talking about the old divide and rule mantra. As long as the 1% can trow the 99% against each other they will prevail. The LGBTZXYUV…+ movement is a usefull tool in the hands of the Empire. (Pardon, please, my poor English)
Zumbi, I totally agree. Divide and rule, and spread hate. I’ve been seeing this all the time, now. There is something really fishy (and creepy) in the trans agenda, that must be investigated. To many young children being lead to believe that a radical transformation is necessary to their well being. It’s weird. But apart from that, anti-imperialism must choose its fight. There are people who are straight and there are people who are gay, we can get used to It, don’t we? We have bigger problems.
Lara Li:
Thats it: we must come together and fight against the war, the exploitation, the scarcity and the famine. One (or, by the way, one thousand…) sexual inclination dont describe the human being. What describes us as human beings is the will to fight, together and incessantly, for a better and happier world for all the mankind.
Quite a bit of territory covered here.
It’s quite troubling that you suggest sodomy and the engineering of an artificial culture of sexual perversion and confusion is “Western.” Can you justify this by Augustine’s misunderstanding of original sin? (A misunderstanding doesn’t permit extreme reversal.) or by the basic premise of America – do what thou wilt, so long as you do no harm to others. Invariably, doing as you please harms others because others are around, living.
Poo holes for sex is not Western. Ugly fat women deciding to take hormones and have their chests cut up is not Western. What consensus, Saker? People are given opinions to have. Our social world is being ruthlessly altered with artifice by Satan. His is a liberal culture whose inhabitants side with whichever great light bringer appears to have the brightest flash light. When bestiality is presented as normal, they will accept it. Sex with dead bodies: “it’s all good.” Bowing to secular power is normal in America. But that doesn’t make it American, nor Western. If the consensus can make sin natural, Augustine must be correct. Are you suggesting man is inherently sinful or not?
Not too long ago, most sexual perversions were rightfully opposed. Now poo hole sex is presented as love. Up is down. Wrong is right. The publicist can make you a cannibal and probably already has. Still, it’s not Western. The West is a misunderstanding in motion. But it’s not inherently evil.
The Orthodox faithful have no obligation to the great lie. The father of lies has no more right to operate in America than Russia. Stop hedging, Saker.
Stop hedging, Saker.
If you think that I am hedging anything, you either did not read what I wrote, or did not understand it. Or both. Either way, you should re-read what I wrote before commenting. And, one more thing, please stick to what I actually wrote and not what you believe I might be suggesting.
Are you suggesting man is inherently sinful or not?
Again, instead of asking me what I am suggesting, why don’t you simply read what I wrote.
You want to defend the West? Fine. But at the very least, understand the criticism before kicking down an open door.
The Saker
I wouldn’t describe any sexual variations as being positive, but that doesn’t mean they are all negative. There are some negative variations on human sexuality (for examples: pedophilia, both hetero and homo, sadism, rape and violence). Leave the words normal and natural out of the discussion. I would also submit that there is more bisexual attraction or feeling (not necessarily behavior) among humans than most people would care to admit.
Some further comments:
1) My understanding is that the name “gay” is applied to sodomites-homosexuals in the sense of being “carefree” and rejecting any sort of deeper commitments in sexual escapades. The notion of stable family is rejected. The pursuit of same-gender marriage is fake, a veneer, or for economic benefits.
2) Same-gender attraction cannot be inborn, because since such persons are overall childless, any such genes would have been bred out of the population a long time ago.
3) A very potent cause for same-gender attraction is the dominant hostilities existing between adult men and adult women overall, throughout centuries, in almost all societies. Much of this hostility is caused by mutual feelings of anger, disgust, fear and shame at sexual attraction and contact and these feelings spill over even into marriages, and they also affect all aspects of human reproduction, including menstruation, pregnancy [in Spanish “embarrassment” means to be pregnant], childbirth, men’s sexual functions, the whole area, and specifically the pain, distress, mortality of childbirth itself came under divine curse according to the original sin story, and the “good and evil” in connection with the “tree” [original Hebrew word can also be translated as “vault”] which Lord God forbade the partaking of it, refers by all indications to the morality system of “pure” versus “impure”, or “clean” versus “unclean”. Sexual conduct first of all as between men and women tends to be enforced by feelings of rage, disgust, fear and shame, and thus by some customs “honor killings” are being done all the time even now. Many if not most women in the West now view men as dangerous predators who will likely beat them and mistreat them as part of the rage of shame having sexual contact with them. Those men would rarely if at all strike their mothers or sisters or women where no sexual elements exist in the relationship.—And so for many this ongoing climate of hostilities between men and women lead to turning toward alternative of same-gender rather than go the way of solitude and celibacy as would be favored by the so-called “church fathers”.
4) I suspect there are two basic mutually hating camps of homosexuals, one being the effeminate types now on display, the other being militaristic types like the Sacred Band of Thebes in ancient Greece or the SA organization in early Hitler’s Germany.
5) There is strange correlation between homosexuals and so-called “artistic types” or who fancy themselves as artists,—perhaps because women as a rule do not like men of that type and want nothing to do with them.
Have interviewed a homosexual on his viewpoints.
His strong belief was that “all” men are gays! And he found evidence to support his argument in every conceivable place. It appeared to me, based on his gay-defense, that this belief acted as a twofold justification for his desires: his heretofore forbidden lusts were thereby made “natural”; other men, who condemned his lusts, were manifesting a certain jealously, because of the suppression of their unfulfilled desires—thereby proving that they are gay too!
Must say, this interview was carried out over the course of many years, and in time I began to form a rather strange “Freudian” theory as to a causation factor behind his behaviors. All-though i will not divulge any particular details, I will say that I eventually began to believe in a “pattern of events” leading to this strange result. Years later my idea was reinforced by a masseuse who admitted that, in particular, his gay clients, invariably disclosed severe abuse and trauma, whereas other clients, when talking about themselves and their injuries, did not have such high levels of emotional trauma as the gays. This masseuse agreed with my suggestion that homosexuality was an emotional/psychological trauma induced disease, and felt strongly that this was the case.
Such a complicated issue… and very little hope of resolving it in the West any time soon. How much does our poisoned lifestyle contribute to the utter mental, spiritual and intellectual confusion and degradation? What part do vaccinations and their impact on DNA, GMOs, chemtrails loaded with aluminum and barium, residual of enriched uranium bombing worldwide, fluoride, etc. play in this chaos? How much worse will it become with 5G?
Could it, in large part, be the result of 200 years of increasing science-without-conscience and unbridled mercantilism?
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
The problem is not with homosexuals. They have always existed, and always will. It exists in the animal world as well.
The problem is with militant, aggressive, politicised, campaigning homosexuality. There is a difference.
This follows a staged, pre planned programme. Start off with a foot in the door, the thin end of the wedge. The rest will follow in sequence.
1. Toleration.
“We’re not harming anyone, we’re just different. Let us get on with it. It’s nobody else’s business.
2. Acceptance.
Homosexual relationships are just as valuable as heterosexual ones. This has to be accepted, and all kinds of laws have to be changed and accommodations made.
Civil partnerships and same sex marriages.
The right of homosexuals to adopt children.
All kinds of minor bureaucratic changes, minor in themselves, but significant over a period of time. Such as forms involving parents being changed from “Mother’s/ father’s details” to “Parent 1 and Parent 2” to accommodate homosexuals.
3. Celebration.
Enforced active and enthusiastic celebration of homosexuality by non homosexuals.
Funding gay parades and homosexual programmes with public money.
Politicians and public figures openly supporting and associating with homosexual organisations.
4. Compulsory participation.
Aggressive promotion of homosexuality to primary school children required by law.
Drag Queen events in schools and public places.
Children and other non homosexuals required to participate in gay parades.
Official or unofficial quotas for homosexuals in certain jobs.
5. Punishment.
Those who fail to comply subjected to punishment in the form of prosecution, disciplinary procedures, loss of jobs or livelihood.
Parents who object to the indoctrination of their children threatened with prosecution.
People like firefighters disciplined and fined for refusing to join a gay parade.
A council employee sacked for saying on social media (in his own time) that he thought gay marriages were “a step too far.”
Most people have no particular wish to persecute or harm homosexuals. But toleration, even acceptance, are no longer enough. Active, enthusiastic celebration and participation are required, or else punishment follows.
It sounds like a plan made by the devil and demons!
(In this reply ‘they’ refers to the alphabet soup people+)
I hope they do not make it compulsory ……. : (
First, out of the closet and into my face, relentlessly.
Then, normalisation ….. it ain’t
The future …… compulsory to try?? : o
(The video from Russia was an eye-opener)
They are hijacking the alphabet (alphabet soup people+)
They stole two innocent words, gay and rainbow.
Their agenda is relentless and it would be naive to think it will stop. What IS their ultimate goal?
I remember the debate in Australia about legalising same sex marriage. I remember that a worry was that people who did not agree (did not OBEY the law) would be subject to legal proceedings on the grounds of discrimination. They laughed, ho ho ho, and said “don’t be silly, we would NEVER do that, we just want to be treated like anybody else”. The first threats of legal proceedings occurred shortly after it was legalised.
They have control of the agenda. What next? What next?
Will it contribute to more litter on the streets, when it becomes too dangerous to bend over and pick it up?
What next? You have the case of Israel Folau.
Just for the record. First 13 of the 14 Roman ’emperors’ were gay or bisexual. Its been there since dawn of this gregorian calendar.
to Anonymus on 13rd 2019:
You are totally wrong.
Life is varied and diverse. And as soon as the Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens sapiens evolved these exemptions were given. Simply, because nature itself is the “giver” of it.
As I stated already in my posting above, the “crossing-over” process during the exchange of genes includes that something within the genes-exchange could go wrong. It’s the same as for example Trisomie etc.
If you just read little bit about biology or molecular biology for laymen, than you would know.
We are living in the 21st century. The earth population at our times is growing. And so are these “crossing-over” failures during its process growing. Not more and not less. It goes automatically with the number of the different populations.
Plus not to forget: our already much damaged environment as well as the manipulations (especially concerning chemicals used) within what we eat.
Plus the widely “accepted” consumption of alcoholic beverages (also some drugs, even if its a prescribed medication!!) which also have to be added (which is already well known that it can lead to failures on the “crossing-over” process of the genes).
PS: I mean your sentence of “since dawn….” Not only the Roman Empire had such men, also other cultures. The “exception” of the “rule” is no exception at all.
So it turns out their leaders were as sick as the current political leaders of the west. Not exactly a badge of honor for the powerfull!
Je vis avec une femme. Je me sens non concernée par tout ce qui se passe autour du lgbt..+ ou de manifestation style féministe. Je trouve cela trop extrême. Voilà. The shaker merci pour le blog.
Google translation,MOD:
I live with a woman. I do not care about anything that happens around the lgbt .. + or feminist style event. I find that too extreme. Here. The shaker thanks for the blog
Dear Saker, I’m an old man (82) who grew up in a healthy environment where men were men & women were women. I went to an elementary plus boarding school for boys only. At college & university I enjoyed dating girls but while in the Dutch army I was confronted for the 1st time to homosexuals who were then beaten up by some guys, the same happened on military exercises with the UK army – where most officers were homosexuals – in Germany & fights were common. In the fifties homosexuality was considered exceptional. Today it seems – in the age of liberalism – that homosexuality is a way of life & that ‘straight’ people = women & men should take NO offense when 2 homo’s have sex in a public park in frront of children which seem to be common in LA!! Homosexuality goes back to the old Greek & Roman culture, bi-sexuality also caused the spread of AIDS so you will understand that I am NOT a PRO-homosexual individual. But having lived in NYC for 10+ years I had some ‘queers’ as friends! However, in the Netherlands it’s now legal that 2 homo’s or lesbians even can adopt children which I believe is unhealthy, but then I get the argument when straight couples beat up & abuse their children, what then?
Whilst I completely accept your right to express your own views and beliefs about homosexuality (I’m absolutely no fan of the divide and conquer sophistry of identity politics), I’m puzzled by your belief that homosexuals are dysfunctional – a cursory glance at history shows that some extremely high functioning males were homosexual (Turing and Tesla to name but two from thousands); my own experience of homosexuals males (being one myself) is that they are, generally speaking, more intelligent and more successful in their chosen professions than their heterosexual colleagues and live happy and productive lives.
Here’s a short piece I wrote on the subject of homosexuality that you might find interesting – ‘what’s the point of homosexuality’?
Homosexuals, for goodness sake, what is the point of them? saaaa-shaying down the street with expensive clutch bags and tight jeans and looking so good in their satin and tat and bipperty-bopperty hat.
If you sway towards some people’s point of view then you’d conclude that there is absolutely no point towards homosexuals at all: they are morally degenerate individuals who have deliberately, with malice aforethought, chosen an evil and repugnant lifestyle and gone against God’s word (because, obviously, these same people have an inside track into God’s mind and they know what he’s thinking better than He does himself… and never mind that God made all of his creatures with a purpose and all of his creatures have a purpose).
But let’s give these ramblings a few seconds of examination. So….some poor 14 year old gay boy who has been subjected to heterosexual propaganda 24 hours a day for his entire life, who has been mocked by his peers, who understands the word “gay” to be mostly a term of derision…so this kid wakes up one day and thinks to himself, “oh, you know what, it’s a tuesday so I think I’ll make my life more difficult than it might otherwise be by becoming one of those morally degenerate homosexual characters: now where’s that clutch bag…”.
I don’t think so….
If, however, you think like me, you’ll probably accept the idea that homosexuality is increasingly believed to be genetic in origin. It’s not a choice, it’s hard-wired into a person’s DNA.
I’m a firm supporter of the “gay gene” idea. Why? Because its a bloody useful, and really very clever. I believe it helped us climb beyond being mere hunter-gatherers and set us on the road to where we are now.
Think about it. In a hunter-gatherer society how useful would non-breeding, or “spare” if you like, males and females be: they could assist with child-care or take the place of ill or dead mothers, be teachers, story-tellers, warriors and they would return the catches of any hunting/gathering they did not to their own family (they’re not breeding, remember) but to the tribe as a whole. In evolutionary theory, it’s these kind of small, incremental advantages that make the difference between being a successful species or being consigned to the fossil record.
Where did you get the idea that Tesla was gay?
Where are we now? Beyond the hunter gatherer? Is this utopia, this world, right here?
The world of men is clearly not right. Our health, genetic health, is not any better—instead, mankind is rapidly, increasingly, genetically degrading. The manifestations of human genetic decline, beside lowered birth rates and unhealthy offspring, are yes, possibly homosexuality. Mental illness is also an recognized inheritable illness.
a cursory glance at history shows that some extremely high functioning males were homosexual
yes, and some humans are albinos, this does not prove that all humans are albinos.
have our contemporaries totally forgotten even basic logic?
It is extremely sad that many posts here are in such a way of thinking like during the Middle Ages and mostly initiated by the Roman-Catholic Church (at least in Europe and within the “cultural spread” of colonization).
However, we are living in the 21st century.
We already know that there is in outer space the possibility very strong that other intelligent individuals exist.
What is so difficult to accept that in biology the “crossing-over process” can have failures ? What is so difficult to accept that some failures are leading to really very intelligent (and positive giver to any society) individuals ?
And why doesn’t taken into account, that in our times, where money plays a big role those “rainbow-parades” are done for economic reasons (very often organized by non-homosexuals or lesbians) ! Remark: I personally don’t like them however, I see their economic looting.
And why most posts don’t consider manipulation in the mainstream media in order do cover-up other aspects in political agenda and power and money grabbing politicians ?
And why isn’t more considered that our more and more technical use and economic disfunction in some countries/states lead to the point, that families aren’t having more children because they wouldn’t be able to have enough income? And if they have more than one child they experience difficulties !
That families are mostly destroyed lies purely in the economic “warfare” against a homogenous society and depicts the power-and-money-way thinking of “ruling” politicians. And from one legislation to the next in order to be “taken” as leading political.
The propaganda is – in my view – very useful to avoid that any population think more in practical ways of their society and economy and what would be really needed.
Was waiting for more on the Gabriel Seagull discussion – according to their latest comment looks like its in the future.
so — to get on with my weekend and get closure – made a template of the original Seagull statement (below) into a series of statements and also claims.
i am not allowing myself an opinion on the authors Statements but on the Claims: personally, i found myself disagreeing with the author over Claims 3, 4, 5, 6.
i did not find the surrounding statements sufficiently compelling or even linked to support these.
my thought: humanity has been around for a while and believe religions we currently have are already based on the “to be discovered” oneness, etc.
66 years or even 166 years of life are not enough (in my view) to support the claims made.
claim 9 – i actually found annoying – same could be said of any field of expertise – for example – ancient greek, or mathematics, or music or physical strength… isnt that just the definition of expert ?
was hoping for some nugget here — to allow myself some excuse or basis to just surrender to the new culture (easier to just give in, right?) — but came away with the essay amounting to:
“look! a squirrel”.
– this sojourner will just continue to trudge on with the old culture as best i can…
———— template of original statement ———
Statement 1: Appreciates + knows about:
honesty, morality, religion, sanity, humanity, earthly-ness (not sure what this last is…)
Statement 2: Appreciates and knows about:
(implicit) the gay/etc. experience form point of view as victim (of judgement by others?)
Statement 3: Appreciates and knows about:
physical act of sex
Statement 4: Appreciates and knows about:
their own likes and dislikes
Claim 1:
loving relationships between men exist. (generic use, no definition provided)
Statement 5:
re-iteration of statements 1 and 2
Statement 6: Appreciates and knows about:
life experiences
Statement 7: Appreciates and knows about:
emotion —> specifically love (generic use, no definition provided)
Statement 8: Appreciates and knows about:
intimacy (generic use, no definition provided)
Claim 2:
shared intimacy exists (this may be a poetic reuse of statement 8)
Statement 9: Appreciates and knows about:
humanitiy’s gifts (generic use)
Claim 3: Note: likely that this is the first actually intended Claim of the stream:
procreation based sex is a subset of pleasure based sex
Definition 1:
usage of term love is tied to archetypes (beauty) – referred to here as virtues (may be poetic) – other reality (may be poetic)
Claim 4:
human beings actually do not know about spirit.
Statement 10:
human setting is a generic archetypal set-up
Claim 5:
religion is man made
Claim 6:
there is a true (better) religion to be experienced (unclear if also made by man or not)
Claim 8:
really a reiteration of claim 4 (likely poetic intent)
Claim 9:
few experts on subject of claim 6 exist (unclear if author is making the case for their own expertise here or not)
Statement 11:
reiteration of statement 1
Statement 12:
reiteration of statement 2
Seems to me that being born homosexual is “natural”. It might even be considered “good” if it’s natures’ way of limiting birth in an over-populated world, (not that I think the world is over-populated).
If everybody was gay though, civilisation would die-out in a generation, so maybe too much of it would be a bad idea.
Perhaps homosexuality is being used as a tool in the destruction of our cultures -along with forced immigration and political correctness and hate speech being just devices to quash resistance.
Of course it’s being used as a tool, there is no question or doubt, what is the agenda, that’s the question.
What is the agenda? The agenda is a very old but always effective one: divide and rule.
We must ask why such things as ecology, global worming, gender (I dont like the word because there was a time when that word only belonged to the linguistic studies, when the word came out of the linguistic studies closet, well… you know what started to happen), virulent feminism, race and animal activism are tools to try to block the development of the so called Third World and are tools to try to destroy the countries that have achieved social solidarity, education, modernisation and economic power outside the neocolonial control and cultural colonisation.
The social and cultural debacle of the 99% is the wet dream of the 1%. That 1% will always rally behind the two gods that he trully woreships: Money and Power.
“…a phenomenon which has probably always existed …”
How do you know? Research on homosexuality in other cultures and primitive tribes does not support the propaganda. It is/was/has not (been) found everywhere, in all cultures, at all times in history.
I can’t speak to the religious element in this latest propoganda, but from a social aspect in the US.
Without any question, some very powerful $ wealthy individuals have spearheaded this nonsense. It’s sole purpose is to divide and disunify the US culture. You have to be armed with lots of money to bombard us daily with using this divisive tool.
This is an effective, socially-engineered device perpetrated against the American people as their character has been perverted by decades of PR – Anti-Russia, Anti-Communist/Socialist messages. The US media is the chief conveyer promoting this idocy.
The American people are, these days, easy prey in this regard – they are geo-political illiterates extremely niave about propoganda. They have no idea how Big Business criminals have destroyed the nation, as well as perverted most all US federal, state institutions.
Thank God a lot of us have spurned this nonsense. It’s “a sales job” common sense people simply won’t “buy.”
Thank you again; this is an incredibly provocative article, and since it is so, it is much, much healthier for society that it be discussed.
Regardless of what side of the fence one is on, their is extremely compelling historical records for an approximate constancy of homosexuality throughout human history, and I believe that people who come to determine that they have this orientation, should be free from discrimination in society.
Of course, the opposite should also hold true, that the overwhelming (upon which the species is dependent) biologically-based masculine behavioural characteristics of men should not be discriminated against either.
But in our increasingly Kaftkesque imperial society, biologically-based masculine behavioural characteristics (in men) are being discriminated against.
Who is the bad guy?
It is certainly not the guy, who emerges to realize that they prefer sexual relations with same gender partners, is it?
They are the messengers.
But in participating in the hetrosexual-bashing, become what they are ostensibly fighting against, oppression, based on sexual orientation.
I just read, yet another Voltaire quote, on a comment at the Occidental Observer, which is appropriate, I paraphrase, One who can be convinced of absurdity, can be convinced to commit atrocity.
And while the imposition of this current era of ‘thought-correctness‘ tantalizes the sincere alternate-sexuality cohort with social ‘emancipation‘, we can see, yet again a cohort being enslaved (cognitively) to inflict hatred and harm upon otherwise, (mostly) innocent bystanders (of the heterosexual male community, ah… the language is hilarious, in and of itself, non?!)
This is clearly (to me) another campaign to undermine risk.
Biologically-based male masculine behaviours and orientation contain the strongest revulsion against enslavement, and thus, as a demographic, include the most likely cohort of resistance against the new world order enslavement of humanity, we are therefore experiencing disenfranchisement in order to subordinate this cohort, and lessen the risk of resistance and rebellion.
It will fail.
But millions of innocents will be slaughtered, as usual, a disproportionately small number of the actual enemies of humanity and architects of these crimes (against humanity, this one focused on the masculine half of humanity).
By re-positioning the perspective of the controversy of sexual orientation rainbow rights, we can clearly see yet another divide-and-conquer program being implemented against humanity, this one aimed at (literally) neutering the cohort of humanity most likely to lead resistance against the social marxist hegemony of the empire’s controllership collective/quorum.
Resistance is not futile
The manner and the mode of resistance is relevant.
Again we find the mass perception management industry, the mainstream media and the cyborg ‘social media entities‘ driving the sick, dysfunctional social dynamic.
So the primary target for mitigation efforts should be directed at this organ of the empire’s controllership collective/quorum elites, and not the first victims, i.e. the men and women who have successfully been psychologically absorbed into the hate-collective’s sick war against humanity.
I may have mis-attributed the Voltaire quote, now having read it (likely again) at Andrew Joyce’s excellent article, also available here in the vineyard (/disproportionality-as-schizoaffective-disorder/),
It would not be a good idea to be eating or drinking something when you read this.
Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do
Simply unbelievable. I have never ever read anything so disgusting than this. Good point at the end of the article:
“Homosexuals are sexually troubled people engaging in dangerous activities. Because we care about them and those tempted to join them, it is important that we neither encourage nor legitimize such a destructive lifestyle.”
Clearly the writer thinks that Putin is on the right track in Russia, with his law that tries to limit the homo-propaganda. IMHO, we need even stricter laws against this activity.
“homosexual activists have declared it “offensive” and they demand that only “gay” be used, thus imposing a value-loaded term in lieu of the correct scientific designation)”
I read the link.Well, the first paragraph.
I cannot believe that adults are being told what words to use and not to use, and that they are putting up with this.
in particular adults who prefer to use the word “gay” in its original meaning, and therefore not to use that word to mean “homosexual.” If the homosexual –same-sex community doesn’t like the word “homosexual” then they should invent a new word. Not grab a perfectly nice word, “gay,” and ram down the throats of the rest of us that it must be used.
This is presented as an analogous case with “negro.” Please call us Black or African American. That I can understand.
But I don’t think it is analogous.
I won’t write any further. I’ll get a headache!
The hell with this “gay” nonsense. I will not use that word because ordered to do so. I am aghast that any publishers have allowed themselves to be dictated to as to their style guidelines.
People can practice whatever sexual practices they want to, but they cannot demand that I practice language acts that I consider abhorrent.
There has been some talk among friends of mine about why Toronto, Ontario and Quebec regions of Canada are suffering from so much terrible weather, Huge rainstorms, tornado’s, windstorms, hailstorms etc. etc that never seem to stop and I said well lets see what turns up in the news maybe that will provide some clues because as some us know climate change is the work of God in relation to the pollution of sin and not the lies we are being indoctrinated with industrial pollution and lo and behold:
A big discovery made in Toronto, Ontario:
June 25, 2019 (Everyday for Life Canada) — A child pornography ring operating in Toronto was busted this week by Toronto police. The computer servers were housed in a building in North York. It’s frightening to think that families live in a neighbourhood while this evil and demonic activity was routinely taking place. The worldwide Internet service made hardcore child pornography available to customers for a fee. The police referred to the activities as a “big box store” and described the computer files as “really, really horrific.”
In total there were servers with a capacity of 1,000 terabytes. That is huge. The number of global registered users was nearly 60,000, but only 12,000 have been identified. The operation reached 116 countries and the number of pornographic files uploaded was close to 400,000. The 19,000 child pornographic files were downloaded 19,000,000 times. Canada had 331 users, America 2,027 and Europe 3,806.
It is this paragraph that is most troubling:
The police investigation is one thing but there is another important question that needs to be asked: why is this sexual evil so widespread in our society? Why sexually attack and victimize children who are innocent and know nothing about sex? These questions have no simple answer. However, we have managed to hyper-sexualize our society over the last two generations, starting with the sexual revolution. Many have pushed for every sexual orientation and pleasure to be normalized. The United Nations and our public schools are doing the same thing. It’s all about “inclusive and diversity” education. There is a fallout in promoting a sexualized society without limits. Children too get sexualized. They get hurt and abused. So, will the next step be to legalize pedophilia? Let’s hope not. We need to protect children from being over-sexualized and exploited.
Next up is this:
MassResistance mothers expose what really happens to children at LGBT “Youth Pride” events
Kids given materials for homosexual sex, transgender body mutilation
Lessons in how to become a “drag queen”
Parents harassed by both local police and rabid Antifa activists
Have you ever wondered what REALLY goes on at “gay” high school and middle school clubs and other “youth pride” programs for schoolchildren? We’re constantly told that it’s all about tolerance, anti-bullying, “AIDS education,” and especially feeling “safe.” We’re told that we must trust the adults running these events – who are unsupervised and lacking background checks. Virtually all of these programs take place at schools or offsite locations where parents (and the public) are easily excluded.
The short answer is: It’s a nightmare – and it’s anything but “safe” for children!
“Teen Pride” event planned at a public library
But on Saturday, June 22, the local LGBT groups in Renton, WA scheduled a “Teen Pride” event at the local public library.
In early June when some parents in Renton first noticed the library promotion for the “Teen Pride” event, they were very worried. Among other things, it advertised “safer sex presentations” and a “drag show,” as well as an introduction for kids to local LGBT organizations. They also were shocked that it was advertised for “teens and tweens.” This can include children as young as 9 years old and as old as 19.
Yes Saker, it is the political instrumentalization of this topic. Why????? Why are they doing this?
“Many have pushed for every sexual orientation and pleasure to be normalized. The United Nations and our public schools are doing the same thing. It’s all about “inclusive and diversity” education.”
Keep it up world and you’ll learn sooner rather than later when tornado’s, hailstones destroy your homes, business’s, and lives.
God is not mocked and it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.
The LGBT ++++++ agenda and propaganda strategy is quite clearly outlined by homosexual activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in their 1989 book: “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s.”
A synopsis of that book here:
Real History said:
“In other words, how can we be certain that homosexuality is as ancient, as we’re told? How do we know that those Greek stories are not placed there to ease our acclamation to yet another level of acceptance? ”
I don’t think that Greek vases were inserted into archaeological sites to make moderns accept the idea that there was some measure of homosexual activity in ancient Greece.
See, e.g.,
It is obvious from vase paintings and other sources that homosexuality was very much a part of the social scene at least in Athens. I think the Theban “companions” were homosexual bonds. It seems to be accepted that Achilles and Patroclus had a very close bond, a bond of love. Whether they actually “did it” cannot be known.
My thoughts on reading about the features of social life in Athens are that basically women counted for zero in public life. Unless they were haeterae (intelligent, high-class call girls, kind of like geishas—of course, not all ancient Greek prostitutes were high-class). It seems to me that the existence of the practice, even tradition, of sexual liaisons between older men and young boys (as shown on the vases—older guys are the ones with beards), is related to the poor public status of women in Athens, the most culturally “advanced” Greek city-state.
Aside: In classical Athens it became a fashion for men to shave off their beards. According to Mary Renault, this was derided by warriors of other city states. Athens was the most “sophisticated” and politically advanced city-state in ancient Greece.
But, to return to my main point, I do think that oppression of women and their banning from the public sphere has something to do with the man-boy thing. It looks to me like the boy is a substitute for a young woman. But young women were not allowed to circulate socially and of course sex with them was verboten. Men have to have sex with someone. From the writings of Mary Renault—whose books, fictional recreations of episodes in ancient Greek history, have been widely lauded by scholars and academics as being based on extensive and impeccable historical research, and the ‘best introduction to Greek culture”—I infer that a man could have very nice long-standing relationship with a hetaera, even he had to share her with others. A hetaera could provide a level of intellectual and sensual pleasure that regular Greek women had no idea how to provide. The boys, too, were probably also intellectual companions to the men, since they attended symposia etc. where there was ‘couch sharing.”
Thus, to stay on track with my thoughts on this, I believe there is a relationship between a culture of accepted homosexual practice and the social suppression of women. Boy = woman substitute. To take another crude example, in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the MENA, women are socially very confined, and we see the bachebaze phenomenon. In these cultures that are strongly *binary* in the sense of having clear lines between what men an dwomen are and can do, do the men who are ostensibly hetero and masculine actually *prefer* boys to women? Is it the “clubby” aspect of making young boys dress up like women and dance like women that he men enjoy? I.e., glorified circle jerk? (See https://www.bbc.com/news/world-south-asia-11217772)
Or do like boys because women are so “protected” that they basically know nothing about sex and can’t provide an exciting experience for a man? Whereas a man has a basic understanding of another man’s sexuality and knows how to make it more exciting or even “rougher”? This last idea was expressed to me by a boyfriend of mine who I think was maybe a little AC-DC, was very attractive, sleder, a dancer-type, and I am sure had been approached by a number of men (also, lived near P-town—that’s Provincetown, Mass., for you uninitiated! ). So he implied to me that sex with a man might just be more exciting, maybe he meant rougher. (He never admitted to me that he had had any sexual experiences with men but obviously he had thought about this. )
In the USA and other Western cultures women are not socially suppressed and we are seeing a growth in the sphere of “socially accepted” homosexual culture. I have no way to interpret what this means. Why do we see a growth in open homosexuality when there are plenty of women available for sex?
Esp. when there are not enough men to around for the women who want to partner with men even *before* thousands of men take themselves off the market. In a way it is kind of mean. Perhaps this wave of open homosexuality, far from resulting from women’s oppression of men, man hating, or whatever, actually is a form of open withholding from women. Which in other contexts would be called passive aggression.
I guess I am rambling.
I think there is some relationship between the role of woman in a society and the prevalence and profile of homosexual culture.
I think there is some relationship between the *type* of sexual experience men are looking for an the abiity of women/a woman to provide it. I think this last point might be relevant to men who are more or less bisexual or have that potential (an issue not raised by the Saker in his essay, but there are plenty of eman and more women who are bisexual).
One last point, regarding the disgust level elicited by the thought of homosexual or lesbian sex:
I think some sexual researchers or surveys or whatever have established that when it comes to looking, *both* hetero men and hetero women prefer to watch two women engaging in sexual activities than to watch two men.
Dear Katherine, I’m not convinced at all about the theory of “young boys as substitutes of girls” in ancient Greek culture. There are lot of examples in which the pederast love is regarded as a completely different affair from heterosexual love, first and foremost Plato’s “Symposium”. It’s more likely that the two practices had different aims, and were interpreted somehow complementary.
Wow. Dr. Michelle Cretella cuts to the chase in a very clear way.
You wouldn’t allow a person to have an arm or nose cut off.
Why penis or breasts??
I wonder whether allowing people to dress up as the opposite sex has encouraged them to tailor their bodies.
Or, whether the desire to tailor the body arises from not allowing people to just dress like the opposite sex, in day-to-day life, not a costume parade.
Of course here is a big asymmetry, since it is OK for women to dress like men but not OK for men to dress like women. I think there is something important concealed in this particularly asymmetry, but I don’t know what it is. Could it have something to do with a woman being morphologically more like a child, also relatively hairless.So a woman can dress “up” to look like a man, but a man dressing “down” to look more like a woman/child excites disgust and ridicule? ????
Although not “the” foundation of America, the founding/discovery of Florida by Ponce de Leon, whilst on his quest to discover the Fountain of Youth, certainly speaks volumes to this debate: the New World idea to search for unending physical happiness, and hence an elixir of youth; versus the Old World belief of an expiating acceptance of an unavoidable suffering and death, for the sake of spiritual transformation and true freedom. Just who has this idea now, the idea of unending and unbounded physical pleasure, it goes without saying the homosexual lobby have supremely usurped all normative notion of what constitutes pleasure. Usurped to the point of making a mockery of their own selves by turning everything and everyone up-side-down, inside-out, and beyond all re-straightening. Forgetting consequences, ie., death as the consequence of every disease, and pursuing every possible short-term satisfaction to its grotesque termination, this modern, new age quest for bodily pleasure has finally approached its maximum zenith with total human destruction. What is a human? We don’t know—but the transhuman shall shortly be extinct!
There is an important geopolitical facet to the LGBTQIAPK+ issue.
Namely, the West, particularly the Anglo-American Empire, is weaponizing the “LGBTQIAPK+ Rights” issue as a way to propagandize against or even politically destabilize their geopolitical opponents–who tend to be more traditionalist societies than the Liberal Democratic West and so-called Free World™.
Just as the Free World™ has manipulated issues like Weapons of Mass Destruction, anti-Terrorism, anti-Corruption, Human Rights, Freedom, or Democracy, it is now weaponizing “LGBTQIAPK+” to advance its moral and political imperialism.
P.S. One question that begs answering is how does the LGBTQIAPK+ lobby actually decide how many genders there really are in the world? Is is based on science–or only arbitrary whimsy?
Saker’s views of the West and the Catholic Church, and also his historical interpretations, seem very close to, if not the same as those of the American theologian John S Romanides.
John S. Romanides
The Works of Fr. John Romanides
By Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos
Is Romanides accurate?”
“Was Romanides accurate? Bis! Not very much at all!”
Romanides: A Sympathetic but Critical Reading
Some of Romanides’ views have been considered very controversial:
AGAINST ROMANIDESA Critical Examination of the Theology of Fr. John Romanides
Big list of downloadable works:
Certainly, Fr. John Romanides views are “controversial” for certain modernist Orthodox Christians.
Romanides was himself a bit of a ‘modernist’ cum ‘ecumenist’.
Word “Sex” is shortened/derived from scientific term/definition – “reproductive sexual intercourse”. When one see entire scientific term, one can conclude that it is an act described and defined as:
2. Between sexes, including both!
Mentioned above dismisses any form of LBTQA+ perversion activities as being “sex” but only perversion.
Just meddling with words, and meaning of words.
Heterosexuals practice reproductive sexual intercourse, aka sex.
Others practice perversion, and they do not practice sex.
Simle as that.
dear Saker,
thanks for the article. being a faithful reader of your blog, i wanted to chirp in and provide another comment from a homosexual, like myself.
as several people already commented, i wanted to add that being a homo does not mean any of the following:
1) being effeminate
2) supporting gay marriage
3) supporting gay adoption
4) supporting genderism or any other LGBT idiocies
5) practicing sex that mixes “feces with sperm” (as you once put it)
i understand that heterosexuals can be disgusted by the idea of homo relationships and i don’t try to impose my views.
however, i do want to say here that there are homos that can have a very masculine appearance (look at the “bear” community; many of them have an appearance similar to yours :-) and can be attracted by men with similar look and attitude, and can have very conservative worldviews, and can practice “sex” by engaging in a very virile activity such as wrestling.
of course, we don’t have offspring and our existence may be perceived as sterile and futile exercise, but that does not make us chronically depressed or “sad” and does not give us suicidal ideas or makes us psychopaths.
another thing i wanted to say is that, being a faithful reader of E&R, i doubt that Soral has ever said that the gay lobby is more powerful than the crif (or if he has, it must have been jokingly), the reason being that i have never witnessed much solidarity among gay people. it is actually quite the opposite.
that would be all from my side for now. i will keep coming to your blog and read your analyses with lot of interest. all the best.
Let’s just be clear, and yes, I see your heart, but let’s be clear — I cannot remember any moment when The Saker actually said this: “5) practicing sex that mixes “feces with sperm” (as you once put it)”
It is very clear in the link that I posted … here: Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do
But no, The Saker never said that. Its just a point of order perhaps …..
I never said that, it was some kind of comment. But I will only say that it is factually true.
No, Saker never said that.
I was the culprit of that ‘hate speech’: Anonymous on July 12, 2019 · at 6:58 am EST/EDT
I have no idea what Soral has said about the homo lobby, but on the other hand I have no reason to doubt Saker. So, it´s your doubt against mine.
But that´s not important. Homo lobby is very powerful in most of EU countries. Since you have never witnessed much solidarity among gay people, I can tell you that the homo(gay) lobby is not really a homo lobby. It´s only a part of something much bigger, or a tool for specific purposes: to destroy everything that´s original and beautiful, to destroy cultures, to destroy Europe and national states etc. In a nutshell, to destroy everything God created and replace it with an entirely artificial reality.
After that men are not men anymore, women not women, no genders. Nations disappear, no nations, religions or races. Even your soul will be replaced(if you still have it). Everyone will have one connected hive mind. No think-crimes anymore. Humans will be like ants or bees. Sounds far-fetched? No, believe me, it´s not. It´s becoming reality(or better anti-reality) and fast.
My dearest Saker,
I wanted to applaud you, and confirm my ardent support for you in writing this article!
there are many of us like me and my Dad who wholeheartedly agree with you, and are deeply edified by reading this. And for those of you fortunate to not live in the West, please pray for those of us who do. Pray that we will have the strength to continue to resist the path of degradation and be lights, be witnesses and stand strong. Many of us are stuck here, were born here and cannot leave. BUT, we can join together and FIGHT!!
As a fellow Orthodox Christian on the path to theosis i want to share that I have seen first hand how our Church as a Hospital takes people with struggles (whatever you may have) and gradually transforms them back into the original, sinless Adam….. and then BEYOND the original, sinless man into the New Man (Christ).
Saint Athanasius the Great says “God became man so that man can become God”. For those of you who are not Orthodox he is not saying we can actually become God in essence, but in energies. For a more thorough understanding of what this means please read Saint Symeon the Theologian or Saint Gregory Palamas. i do not want to say more because i am very sinful and you should read our Saints, those Holy Fathers to understand.
I just want to add (conclude) with an edifying, firsthand experience. A dear friend, and member of my wedding party struggles with homosexual desires. but, within the Church I have seen how this struggle has been transformed. He does not question why he has this struggle, or complain, but daily he gets up and fights it. his life is truly remarkable and as Saker says he is becoming what God intended for him on the path to Theosis. In order to not betray my friend’s trust i will not say more on this public forum, but only add this as a testimony to what Saker says in this article. My friend’s reward, for his great struggle will undeniably be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.
My love to all of you! Let’s continue to love and support each other in this struggle against the satanic hegemon… we may not win in this life but be assured if we fight to the end in the next life we will be rewarded!
Millions of people emigrate and have emigrated in the past, with or without money. As refugees, as workers, as missionaries, as travelers, as explorers, etc.
Quran 4:97
When the angels take away from their bodies the souls of those who have wronged themselves, they will ask them, “How did you live?” They will reply, “We lived on earth in weakness and oppression.” The angels will say, “Was not God’s land vast enough for you to go wherever you could live in peace?”
the video explains a lot. As an American I was wondering what was happening – I remember as a kid in the 1980s being a homosexual was considered a mental disease or perversion…and now it is celebrated.
Now I see what happened.
I remember the same as a kid in the 80s……
The biggest insult was to call someone a queer or faggot. Now it is an honor! Black is white and white is black.
The video Saker refers to in the article explains I guess. Lord have mercy!
meanwhile in the UK…
Homosexual behaviour etc is not about sex. Sex is the intentional act of trying to create offspring. IVF is closer to sex than all this erotic play, which is all these behaviours are.
Is erotic play without an underlying desire to create kids bad? Not particularly. It is materialistic, and reduces your other side to lumps of flesh, but without the intention to do harm or deceive, it is just erotic play.
Anything political with respect to erotic play, and not open and honest, is deceptive.
Anything erotic to do with prepubescents is naturally deceptive, at the least – they don’t have the natural hardware that the hormones if puberty bring to have any experience (software) get uploaded as biology ‘intends’. You can shove their pre-erotic brains to accept what you want of them, but that is by its nature deception, and even really force.
As for all human thought, speech, and action, it is only whether force or deception partake, that should delineate right morality from wrong morality.
This is not so for erotic play between consenting adults, at least away from the political element. Yes because it engages with materialism, the rates of spousal abuse go up a little (from 1.5% to 2.5% as I read), but that is not enough for the hammer of law. In this case Russia is correct for allowing personal freedom.
But for kids and young adults (and a human body is physiologically ready for childbirth at 14-15, but only psychologically mature at 23-25), the force and deceit argument is still very strong – you only need to consider that ‘power corrupts’ to understand that in a relationship between a 14 year old and a 30 year old, the power dynamic opens up avenues for abuse.
Force and deceit. Judge every intentional action by these factors. Everything else is secondary.
A note of gratitude from the Global Sustainability Movement.
To all LGBT+ participants: Thank You For Your Sacrifice!
By failing to create more people like you, you reduce the number of humans that would otherwise consume scarce resources, generate pollution and damage the natural environment.
While recognizing the growing success of LGBT+ to the Global Sustainability cause, we should also recognize the contributions by others…
To Women of Choice, who by terminating your own “products of conception” reduce the possiblity of live births leading to population growth: Thank You For Your Sacrifice!
To All Career Women who have forsaken the possibility of family: Thank You For Your Sacrifice!
To Incels, who by promoting a lifestyle that excludes female companionship, thus reducing the possiblity of new live births: Thank You For Your Sacrifice!
To Divorcees, whose broken relationships increase social family damage in the children: Thank You For Your Sacrifice!
To those KIA serving in Wars Without End (WWE), including Post-Traumatic Suicides, whose direct contribution directly reduces the global population by at least one living human: Thank You For Your Sacrifice!
To the living veterans of WWE, those no longer unable or unwilling to support a family after having witnessed and participated in its horrors: Thank You For Your Sacrifice!
And finally, some words of gratitude to those organizations that continue to fund, educate, execute the vital work of Global Sustainable Population Management, such as Planned Parenthood, Public Education, Corporate HR Departments, LGBT Youth Centers, Social Media Companies and US Military Recruitment Centers, as well as many, many others: Thank You For Your Service!
The Grateful Prince
“The crazed British government has legalized lies and made it a crime not to believe lies.
If a 6-foot tall bearded man tells you he is a woman, and you don’t believe it, you can be fired from your job.”
The Complete and Total Collapse of Truth in the West
Just checking in to see how much hate mail you’ve been getting)))
Great article Saker. It’s good to shine as much light as possible on this cancerous mental disorder.
Dear Saker,
You say that:
“The point here is that Christianity unambiguously teaches that every single human being (including Christ Himself!) as born not with the personal guilt for the sin of Adam and Eve, but with the consequences of their sin: a pathological, spiritual, psychological and even physical nature, in which pathology and even death are always present and weighing down each and every human being”
However the decision of the Council of Calcedon (451 AD) states the following:
“Following, then, the holy Fathers, we all unanimously teach that our Lord Jesus Christ is to us One and the same Son, the Self-same Perfect in Godhead, the Self-same Perfect in Manhood; truly God and truly Man; the Self-same of a rational soul and body; co-essential with the Father according to the Godhead, the Self-same co-essential with us according to the Manhood; like us in all things, sin apart; before the ages begotten of the Father as to the Godhead, but in the last days, the Self-same, for us and for our salvation (born) of Mary the Virgin Theotokos as to the Manhood; One and the Same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten; acknowledged in Two Natures unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably; the difference of the Natures being in no way removed because of the Union, but rather the properties of each Nature being preserved, and (both) concurring into One Person and One Hypostasis; not as though He were parted or divided into Two Persons, but One and the Self-same Son and Only-begotten God, Word, Lord, Jesus Christ; even as from the beginning the prophets have taught concerning Him, and as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself hath taught us, and as the Symbol of the Fathers hath handed down to us.”
Lord Jesus Christ is “like us in all things, sin apart”, this is why I do not agree with your affirmation that every single human being (including Christ Himself!) is born not with the personal guilt for the sin of Adam and Eve, but with the consequences of their sin: a pathological, spiritual, psychological and even physical nature, in which pathology and even death are always present and weighing down each and every human being.
Kind regards,
to Loan-Laurentiu on 16th July 2019: your last paragraph:
Any entity superior, called God or else, cannot be born like human sapiens.
That’s for sure. To believe something like this is in my opinion an extremely severe discrimination of our wonderful universe, our extraordinary nature we live in and everything what this universe, we live in, comprises. Full of wonders! You denigrate extremely this wonder of our universe. You denigrate everything either is or coming into being (whether by nature itself or a base for everything – could be like it has been found the “God”-particle in CERN) through an superior entity or some sort of God etc. It is pure condemnation and denial of the wonders this creation of our universe comprises and if you assume that human beings are born with a “sin” it would point to belittle/disparage this superior entity (or God, or whatever called) !
Creation of the human being with some sort of “sin” is something which cannot simply happen.
Why? if some superior entity (or God or whatever you might call it) laid out the basics for the creation of our universe it would seem as it doubt its own superiority and creation. A superior entity (if any, as this isn’t proven, in physics particles are created out of nowhere, even an empty space and practically all religious scriptures have been written by humans!!) has no need for an applause by our species, nor it has any need to create species with “sin” – this would become some sort of ridicule at itself (the superior entity). Its illogical !!
And the question: “Why” should be said.
What can be happen is that during the crossing-over process (during the “mixing” of sperm and egg) genes of both sexes go wrong. It could be happen, that through drugs, chemicals etc. some sort of chemistry in our bodies goes wrong and with it the behavior of the humans. Moreover, children could be brainwashed since their youth or didn’t experience proper care and an objective and time based education (we live in the 21st century). This could also add to some behavior.However, we should never forget that our brains are in itself also some sort of a wonder.
A superior entity, if existed/existing doesn’t need a mother, doesn’t need a son. A superior entity (named it God or else) is superior in everything and not like human beings.
If you believe in any God, you should have much much more respect for the creation of our universe and everything living in it inclusive Homo sapiens sapiens.
” Creation of the human being with some sort of “sin” is something which cannot simply happen.”
But when the Lord God breathed into Adam’s face the breath of life, then, according to Moses’ word, Adam became a living soul (Gen. 2:7), that is, completely and in every-way like God, and like Him, forever immortal. Adam was immune to the action of the elements to such a degree that water could not drown him, fire could not burn him, the earth could not swallow him in its abysses, and the air could not harm him by any kind of action whatever.
” A superior entity, if existed/existing doesn’t need a mother, doesn’t need a son.”
First of all, a superior entity IS a Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Structural, if I can say.
One God in 3 or 3 in One God. Because God IS Love. And Love is not when somebody loves himself,that is a terrible sin. That’s why God can not be one in One.
And then the Wonder of wonders!
“Creation of the human being with some sort of “sin” is something which cannot simply happen.”
“Any entity superior, called God or else, cannot be born like human sapiens.
That’s for sure.”
Dear Monnalisa,
You seem to not have much knowledge of Christian teachings (generally Christian not even Orthodox). 101 is that God did not create sinful H Sapiens, he created creatures with free will, due to God’s love that does not force His will onto mindless slaves, but allowed Man the choice to listen to His will out of Love or not with clearly spelled out consequences. Than He incarnated into human form to allow humans to be saved from a bad fate they chose, also because and through Love. This is highly respectful and full of awesome wonder. Of course God does not need a mother or a son, WE needed them to understand the nature of our Maker and the relationship He wants with us. Family. He wants humans as His children. Christians have the deepest respect for all God’s creation and especially for every human being, created in the image of God. You make the most extreme assumptions based on your own understanding of what God should, would and did do. An all-knowing and all-capable Creator is not bound by the constraints of our limited understanding. He chose a plan of redemption and you or anyone else thinking He should have acted differently is “illogical” and small minded. The so-called “God particle” is just a fancy name for a basic particle unit. It has nothing to do with a Creator God in the Judeo-Christian sense. It’s scientists big-noting the importance of their own “discovery” and using artistic licence. LOL. In my personal experience and all the research I have done, those who love God the Father, the supreme and Loving Creator, are the MOST respectful of humans and His creation.
The Muslim view of Christ is more profound than Saker’s opinion, and has the advantage of being a Prophet’s view: Christ and the Virgin Mary are the only two who were not touched by the “devil” at birth; and Quranically, Christ is identified with the Spirit of God.
Saker’s opinion of Aquinas, like those concerning Scholasticism, seem more than a little controversial:
The Dumb Ox and the Orthodox
A review of Orthodox Readings of Aquinas by Andrew Louth
Dear Gregory
Please can you explain in layman terms why Scholasticism is considered ‘bad/corrupt’ by some [Orthodox] Christians? As Muslims we generally hold Scholasticism in high regard, of course there have been ‘corrupt’ scholars and ‘corrupt’ scholastic methodologies in post Muhammadan ﷺ Islam but this does not mean to throw the ‘baby out with the bath water’.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Dear Saker,
I want to add one more aspect to the long discusdion. Somebody pushes the LGBT+ agenda and at the same time Wahabi Islam that is extremely restrictive.
Could it be the plan to over time present two choices, either complete immorality or absurdly strict morale with no women’s rights?
to Gunther on 17th July
I have too the opinion that in some Western countries politicians (with the help of mainstream media) are pushing it.
To me it seems (as I stated above) to keep the population somehow “busy” in order to avoid as much as possible any thoughts concerning neglects of really important topics (which should be taken care of by our politicians). And as in past times, especially USA “needs” some sort of enemies. Therefore, useful are countries with different cultures (and other religious believes and quite often far away). By this way how “superior and developed” is its own populace (and vassal states in Europe are following this “concept”). Most people like to be told “being superior”.
It isn’t new in political agendas. And it goes conform with Hillary Clintons remark during a speech (I think some time 2016) that US citizen are to be “ignored”. Shortly afterwards she corrected it somehow in a speech.
The sad thing is that the Saudi ruling clan doesn’t even realize how much damage has and is done to citizen of Saudi Arabia. Its sad because UNO rules are usually ignored by US (and a few other countries, mostly European) politicians and therefore other countries could be (and were in past times) affected .
Zionazis govern by information chaos. The internets and the so called media platforms are nothing more than direct access propaganda tools – the medium is the message in that there is no real content rather an automated disinformation matrix.
The anglo/zionist Orwellian reveal of sex crime serves the purpose to distract the public from the very real crimes and consequences of capitalism – creating a dumbed down corporatist consumer lackey society – willing to switch off as the occultists run the planet into the ground. The fire sale has already begun in the US. However, the majority are never truly convinced – only Intimidated and repressed by the chaotic and nonsensical propaganda.
The west is numb – but victory for humanity is already assured in the resistance across the ME. The occultists are finished no matter how many wars they start or how much social programming they dump on the masses. The degrading and deconstruction of western society by the chosen demonstrates a desperation within the elites exposing their inability to maintain long term control.
Perhaps homosexuality could be seen not as a moral phenomenon but rather as a disability, as blindness and deafness are. Homosexuality could then be described as ‘social(ly)-reproductive disability’. Homosexuals are as fertile as the rest of the population, but within the rules of their order, they can’t produce offspring. When they do reproduce, they cheat, and that’s why the society feels taken advantage of. The society would never license blind drivers and deaf 911 phone operators, and the governments concur. Many governments got taken over, and taken in, by the fable of homosexuals’ equality as to their ability to create normal family life. The fable is foisted onto society which knows it is false, but cannot defend itself against its government. Here, the governments are ahead of their societies – not a good thing for both governments and societies as historical examples, such as the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, show. Normal societies would never license homosexual marriage, let alone child adoptions by homosexuals. Societies that do are either ridden roughshod over by their governments, or are no longer normal enough to know what is normal.
I’d love to know if there is a hidden agenda to all this topic, but other than that, I’m not a conservative, I fully support the demolition of ancient cultural paradigms in order to evolve, create new ones, make mistakes, grow. I don’t need to believe in things or beings, I’m not scared by my finitude. Culture can be reassuring, cohering, but can also be a big drag, a distortion, become an irrational tale. Change is the only constant I recognize and value. Not mindless, but change. Not for the sake of it, but accepting it’s necessary. Change is to be embraced as long as it doesn’t threaten life.
The LBGT flag and the Star of David.
Look at the flag in link. Do you see it? It’s there.
Make your own conclusions. I did.
I posted a much longer comment that hasn’t been moderated yet, but I will say here that, if you read the explanatory text accompanying the image of the flag, the star of David is a personal addition of the artist. It is a way of acknowledging that his is both homosexual and Jewish. The standard pride flag does not carry the star of David as a feature. It is just the six stripes of color.
The argument that weighs a ton is that, of the 3 possible options, of declaring just the heterosexual way normal, accepting all deviations, and drawing a line between positive and negative sexual deviations, the last one has no objective basis.
I would add that, similarly, you would think that people open to the “sad” way of life (that was another good one from this article!), are relativists who don’t believe in a universal morality. Yet, they are claiming universality for their values, just as if it came from a supernatural law-giver.
Makes you wonder who this law-giver is.
Something that strikes me too is that the lgbt lobby is not about the wellfare of homosexuals but all about using frustrations of homosexuals to implement a revolutionary agenda, just like Marxism wasn’t about social justice but all about using frustration from social injustices as a crowbar to destroy civilization.
Dear Saker,
[added this to the top here because this comment really did get very long. I could go on for many thousands of words about this post. I will stipulate I have only watched part of the 44-minute video and I plan to go back and watch the rest, so none of my comments should be construed as answering that. I hope you will do me the honor of reading this in its entirety]
Kind of late to this discussion; have been behind lately in some of the reading I like to do. I also debated the value of posting any comment, late or not, on this post at all, for various not-really-important reasons, but I decided to do so.
As you said, first things first, and I do want to say: I don’t remember now how I found my way to your blog, but it provides a valuable perspective to me, especially on Russia. I know next to nothing about Russia and like most other people of the USA have been drilled with negative propaganda about it practically since birth. I don’t always agree with you, but mostly do, or at least don’t diametrically disagree with your posts.
So then, part of my comment would be: what Gabriel the Seagull said. Pretty much, anyway. My spiritual beliefs don’t exactly match his, but I think his initial comment was quite beautifully put.
I’m not going to really go into any of the arguments here about homosexuality being bad or good or whatever. I am not unwilling to do that, in a kind, respectful and reasonable discussion, as you put it; it’s just that it is not my intention in this comment. If I had to characterize your post in one word, it seems to fit what is sometimes termed the “tolerant” point of view, as opposed to an “accepting” point of view regarding homosexuality. I can work with that. At one time, I would probably have reacted very angrily and ignored or dismissed you much as you refer to in the post. Time has changed me somewhat. I am an oldish and somewhat tired gay or homosexual man, and not inclined to want to get into arguments. I mainly am going to mention a few thoughts and sources of information that might be interesting to you and readers. I am taking your statement completely in good faith, as I hope you will take mine.
First, it is very important that the words gender and sex not be conflated and confused. Unfortunately, this happens almost universally anymore. A lot of people will say, “Its important not to confuse these terms,” and then proceed to do so immediately, in the very same essay or speech! I’m pretty sure you used them correctly throughout this post, but many of the commenters, not so much.
Gender is a human social construct. Sex is a biological attribute. And yes, in sexually reproducing species, of which humans are one among millions, it is dimorphic and binary. Yes, there are some interesting variations in the process of sexual reproduction in a few non-human species that might, with some stretching, be called exceptions to the dimorphic and binary rule. But mostly not.
Gender, as Kilombo Zumbi noted upthread, was once mostly a term in linguistics. The story of how it came to be more-or-less synonymous with sex is a long story. I know some of the reasons, or at least think I do. It is a topic I have been thinking about doing some more research into, but have not yet made the time.
However it happened and when, I do think that the conflation of these terms has caused enormous damage to our culture and our thinking. Unfortunately, I think it will be next to impossible every to correct the common confused usage.
Speaking of words and linguistics, I have no real objection to the word homosexual. Generally, I use the word gay and I think it is valid to use it to mean homosexual for various reasons, but again, not going to go into that here. I loathe and despise the word queer used either in the older sense, as a slur for homosexual people, or as it has been “reclaimed” by the LGBTQetc activists. In the case of the first, it used to be, as one writer in a gay newspaper once said, “the last thing you heard before the baseball bat slammed into your skull.” The modern usage is also obnoxious at the same time that it doesn’t really mean anything.
If it’s not clear from the preceding paragraph, I don’t really care for the “alphabet-soup” designation either.
Transgenderism. No argument here; it is a monstrosity. I wasn’t always that strongly negative about it. You may be surprised to know that it was primarily radical feminist writers and speakers who were able to explain the gender-critical perspective to me. Or maybe you would not be surprised as you read very widely and you posted the link to the Jennifer Bilek essay. Here is a guy named Matt Walsh who gives one of the best and most concise critiques of transgender ideology that I have heard (I probably would not agree with him on much else). I find it interesting that even he makes the mistake of the gender/sex interchangeability a time or two in this vid clip.
Stonewall, Pride, etc. You mentioned that homosexual people in Russia are allowed to have bars, clubs, etc., where they can go discreetly to hang out and socialize with each other. Again, I know little about RussiaI but I hope that is the case. That is originally what the Stonewall bar was. It was basically a hole-in-the-wall dump in a dodgy part of town, not an elegant venue hosting Presidential candidates (by posting that video, you induced me to watch almost 3 minutes of Creepy Uncle Joe Biden. Yuk! You owe me for that LOL!)
The Stonewall Riot, and many other such disturbances, happened because authorities were not content that homosexuals carry on privately and discreetly in their obscure bars and clubs. Speaking of Stonewall, you might find the 1985 documentary <a href=“https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088782/?ref_=nv_sr_1?ref_=nv_sr_1"Before Stonewell interesting. I have not watched it for years, but am pretty sure it does not contain any extremely graphic images, and there is a lot of background on how homosexual people had a lot of trouble over the years and why they started to organize. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to get.
Here is an interesting recent essay posted on Feminist Current about the issue of Pride celebrations. I agree with a lot of it. Again, the perspective might be surprising, or maybe not. The Feminist Current site in general is an excellent source of gender critical commentary.
I could say more, of course, but I need to cut this off. Apologies once again for the length.
sounds like pre ww2 Germany
A query I have on the subject of LGBTQ+ and an answer to which I didn’t find in the article is: just what is driving the LGBTQ+ phenomeon? I think there is some suggestion in Marx etc that all social (and cultural) phenomena are grounded in the material level of societies. To quote a quip: “politics is about who gets what, how, and when”. A John Laughland, on RT’s ‘Crosstalk’ some time ago, offered what I think is the most persuasive answer I’ve heard to date: briefly, the extreme social liberalism we have today in Western countries is there to mask the extreme economic conservatism of the current period. Whereas once social liberalism and economic re-distribution were the unitary provenance of the broad ‘left’, and social conservatism and economic conservatism were the provenance of the broad ‘right’, today parties of both the centre left and centre right stand for extreme social liberalism and extreme economic conservatism. Historically extreme definitions of social freedom which have arrived in a very short timespan (gay marriage, gay adoption, LGBTQ+ etc) are meant to signify how liberal, free and enlightened Western political systems are, while those political systems practice extreme economic austerity on their populations and hugely distort economies in favour of the entrenched speculator class (ref Tariq Ali’s ‘extreme centre’). The conflating of economic ‘freedom’ (narrowed to mean chiefly the freedom to invest, speculate and extract (for the rich) alongside the freedom to consume (for the poor)) with social freedoms makes ‘freedom’ a powerful expansive catch-all slogan while it puts it in the service of a very limited narrow ideology. Perhaps it is as witness to the death throes of our economic system that these words and categories have been pushed way beyond reasonable meanings, so that the previous left-right political discourse has broken down, and the ordinary citizen has such difficulty in getting much purchase on what is ‘really going on’. But that is the purpose if extreme social liberalism: to mute the population while the 1% canabalise the economy.