It’s not hard to imagine the United States’ reaction if Chinese diplomats met leaders of Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter or Never Trump protesters.
On Aug 6, Hong Kong media reported two meetings between a US political counselor and separatist leaders. Julie Eadeh, who works at the US Consulate General in Hong Kong, was caught on camera meeting with opposition figures Martin Lee and Anson Chan.

Later that day, Eadeh also met Joshua Wong, one of the leaders of the illegal “Occupy Central” movement in 2014.

But long before those reports, there was growing evidence of a deliberate US hand in the worsening of the situation in Hong Kong. US politicians have met with Lee and other Hong Kong opposition leaders, including Jimmy Lai.
Those meetings have only added fuel to the criminal deeds jeopardizing Hong Kong.

China has repeatedly asked US to stop interfering in other countries’ domestic affairs but it seems the latter has no intention of withdrawing its “meddling hand”.
The protest’s messaging, and the groups associated with it, raise a number of questions about just how organic the movement is.
MintPress News, a US news website, has reported that some groups involved in recent rioting in Hong Kong received significant funding from the National Endowment for Democracy, which it described as “a CIA soft-power cutout that has played a critical role in innumerable US regime-change operations”.

Although it promotes itself as a “non-governmental organization”, the NED’s website says it “receives an annual appropriation from the US Congress through the Department of State, to help the US government”.
“NED’s NGO status allows it to work where there are no government to government relations and in other environments where it would be too complicated for the US government to work.”
NED was founded in 1983, when the spotlight on the CIA was so intense that new methods — without a clear connection to the US state — had to be found to promote US interests in foreign political systems.
Presenting itself as an independent and private NGO, its function was to take over the CIA’s political regime-change programs.
“We should not have to do this kind of work covertly. It would be terrible for democratic groups around the world to be seen as subsidized by the CIA,” NED President Carl Gershman told the New York Times in 1986. “We saw that in the sixties, and that’s why it has been discontinued. We have not had the capability of doing this, and that’s why the endowment was created.”
In 1991, The Washington Post quoted another NED founder, Allen Weinstein, as saying “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA”.

NED doesn’t hide its support for “democratization” in certain Asian countries, proclaiming on its website: “In 2017, the Endowment prioritized countries in Asia … where the NED was positioned to have the greatest impact. Building upon NED’s strategy from previous years, programs continued to be concentrated on key countries within each sub-region.”
Voice of America interviewed Louisa Greve, then vice-president of NED’s programs for Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, in 2014. It said the organization had been funding programs in Hong Kong for about two decades, with grants totaling several million dollars. Greve said the level of support had been consistent during that period.
VOA said NED’s three partners in Hong Kong were the US-based Solidarity Center and Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, which received grants of around $150,000 and had been working in Hong Kong since 1997, and the US National Democratic Institute, which had a $400,000 grant.
MintPress News said NED funding for groups in Hong Kong actually dates back to 1994, with HKHRM receiving more than $1.9 million between 1995 and 2013.
The NED’s website shows it granted $155,000 to SC and $200,000 to NDI for work in Hong Kong, and $90,000 to Hong Kong Justice Center in 2018. NDI received $650,000 from 2016 to 2017, and SC received $459,865 from 2015 to 2017.

Through the work of its three partners in Hong Kong, NED has had close relations with other groups in the region.
An episode of The News with Rick Sanchez on Russia’s RT TV network in July disclosed that six organizations are taking money from and working with NED.
They are the HK Institute of Human Resource Management, the HK Confederation of Trade Unions, the HK Journalists Association, the Civic Party, the Labor Party and the Democratic Party, whose founding chairman is Martin Lee.
They are all members of the Civil Human Rights Front, a coalition Hong Kong media, including the South China Morning Post and Hong Kong Free Press, say is the organizer of the anti-extradition law demonstrations.

In an interview with the Fox News show DEFCON 3 in 2014, Michael Pillsbury, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, said the US holds some influence over political matters in Hong Kong.

“We have also funded millions of dollars of programs through the National Endowment for Democracy … so in that sense the Chinese accusation (that the US played a role in Hong Kong protests) is not totally false…” he said.
It is inconceivable that the organizers of the current Hong Kong protests are unaware of the NED’s ties to some of the coalition’s members. In her interview with VOA in 2014, Greve said activists knew the risks of working with NED partners, “but they still say ‘international cooperation is legitimate'”.
In March, US Vice President Mike Pence met Anson Chan and opposition lawmakers Charles Mok and Dennis Kwok in Washington.

Two months later, Lee visited the US and met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and participated in an event organized by NED.

Early last month, Lai met with US politicians including Pence, Pompeo, National Security Adviser John Bolton and some Republican senators.
The same sequence of events occurred in the illegal “Occupy Central” movement in 2014.
Lee and Chan discussed plans for “Occupy Central” with Greve in Washington in April 2014, telling her about the movement, its key players, agenda and demands.

Two days later, Martin Lee and Anson Chan met then US vice- president Joe Biden.

NED, described by American historian William Blum as an organization that often does exactly the opposite of what its name implies, has never stopped its global meddling. It uses the tool of democracy to fan “color revolutions” around the world.

The South China Morning Post says it commits more than $170 million each year to “labor unions, political factions, student clubs, civic groups, and other organizations”.
In the 1980s, it funded “democratic forces” in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria to agitate for “regime change”, according to a Washington Post report in 1991.
More recently, it has sought to influence elections in Mongolia, Albania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia and has built “anti-Russia movements in… Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Serbia, Kosovo, and Bosnia-Herzegovina”, according to Stephen Kinzer, an international and public affairs specialist at Brown University, who said the organization should be more properly called the “National Endowment for Attacking Democracy”.NED has also given money to “civic groups” in China’s Xinjiang Uygur and Tibet autonomous regions to sabotage the region’s stability.

Zhang Guoqing, an expert from the Chinese Academy of Social Science told Global People that NED is an old hand at planning “color revolutions” around the world, especially in Middle Asia, the Middle East, and South America. These kind of “revolutions” have become a major political tool for the US to subvert state power, said Zhang.
It claims to be safeguarding democracy around the world, but is, in fact, bringing destabilization to the countries it targets at US taxpayers’ expense.
China should deal with those in Hong Kong working with the US like the FBI did with Butina (who did much less). Everywhere I look there is the US stirring the pot of chaos, putting others at each others throats to make an opening to plow and plunder.
This is a really good report.I read an even better one,and much longer,about Ukraine in 2014. But just like that report,it does absolutely no good to just report on these criminal actions against China.While they stand by and do nothing to stop them and punish the guilty. Hmmm,if only China had something like national sovereignty,or a police force,intelligence service,and courts that put people on trial. Wait,wait,they do have those things.So then the question might be,why are they standing by and recording their own murder,instead of preventing it. This report here alone,by itself,shows many of the guilty.Round the traitors up,perp-walk them to jail,try them,and punish them.Declare the NED funds receiving NGO’s as enemies of the state and arrest those involved.And close them up.Declare the US diplomats involved as no longer welcome and expel them. Even better,remove the US and British Consulates from Hong Kong.Any legitimate business they do can be done right across from Hong Kong in Shenzhen.There is no legitimate need for them to be in Hong Kong.If the Chinese really want to stop the riots in Hong Kong,these ideas are a good start for them.But doing nothing,or thinking that reports like these will get the US to stop their actions.Then they don’t know how the US operates,the US could care less,as long as that is all China does.
Uncle Bob,
I agree its an excellent report. It’s obvioulsy been released as a message. But I do not see the need for a heavy handed approach.
These protests are not threatening the viability of mainland China or the central government (this is not a Ukraine Maidan situation).
These protests are only threatening the reputation of HK as a stable financial center in Asia. The Chinese have built up Shanghai financial center as a rival to HK. Shanghai will welcome any business fleeing the HK turmoil with open arms.
I do not believe the Chinese leadership will be too sad to see Shanghai strengthened at HKs expense. Not sure they trust this ex-british colony with an anglo-american financial center that allegedly served as a money laundering center for wealthy chinese…
I guess China will clamp down if things get too out of hand. But right now there is no need and the protests might fizzle out on their own..
“These protests are not threatening . . . “
Feathers are ruffling; and one may speculate that a certain amount of “universal consensus” is now being generated. Conceivably, the propaganda question of the moment, is as to how this supposedly, foreign-NGO influenced, consent shall eventually crystallize?—into a pro-intervention, patriotic euphoria?
This latest “news”, which reads more like a mid-level intel-report, ties in similarly with the recent Moscow protest, as far as perceived outcomes and direct consequence, because both directly heighten and strengthen the collective national powers of state, by educating the populace regarding a positive active repulse of a negative foreign invasion.
(Can we speculate?—is this a “colour revolt” for hire; and it seems the pendulum swings both ways too, because full advantage is presently taken in the West, to reinforce the same old battlecries and slogans. It’s us against them, after all, so you shouldn’t complain to vehemently about your . . . fill in the blank . . . )
Educating the populace about these foreign financed agents is very important and information campaigns in secondary schools and universities are necessary!
In Serbia, OTPOR (a CIA financed group that was responsible for the colour revolution which brought down Milosevic) was recruiting underage adolescents who clearly didn’t understand the political activism they were getting involved in. When Milosevic hit them hard, it caused a backlash and sympathy for these youngsters.
I cannot tell how old the HK protesters are from the photos but they look pretty young to me.
Simple information campaigns e.g. where these groups get their funding from, should be enough to put anyone off them..
Forgive me for nit picking, but: Cash trumps all! In this sorry life at least. Education is a byword.
Sourpuss, if cash trumps all, then the good news is China has lots of it: Chinese, HK and Taiwanese celebs expressing loyalty to China and hoping HK protests to end.
The US hires underage teenagers, China hires high profile movie stars & singers. The contrast couldn’t be more stark…
Serbian girl, what you wrote about OTPOR in Serbia has been happening in Hong Kong too. There is a main difference between Serbia and Hong Kong though: Hong Kong was a colony for a long time, so the Hong Kong counterpart of OTPOR has an easier job than OTPOR.
You wrote, “Simple information campaigns e.g. where these groups get their funding from, should be enough to put anyone off them.” This applies to people who are reasonable and reasonably well-informed. Unfortunately a lot of people are so brain-washed that their knee-jerk reaction is to not to believe the information campaigns. Moreover the mainstream media in Hong Kong is under so much control by colour revolutionaries that the campains would not be very effectively, especially among supporters of the colour revolution. The campaings may not even be reported.
Let me give an example which may show why the information campaigns may not be effective. On 13 August a mob at the airport beat up a tourist and a reporter from mainland China. The mob tied them up and held them for hours. They took off the pants of the reporter. They stole most of the money in his wallet. Someone took his credit card and swiped it. When ambulance staff finally managed to take him away on a stretcher he was already half unconscious, but a man kept trying to hit him with a US flag. The disgusting scenes failed to change public opinion in Hong Kong, certainly not much.
TN, that sounds pretty bad and perhaps the police should have intervened to help those who were attacked.
The reason I mentioned education is that, in Serbia at the time, it was not known that Otpor was a CIA/ Stratfor outfit. This all came out in Wikileaks several years later. Popovic, the local figurehead of Otpor, was passing on info about the activists to the CIA without the activists knowing about it… When it all came out, people became very angry. Otpor now has a very bad reputation. By the way, they have re-branded as “CANVAS”.
My point is, if people are educated in advance about who they are dealing with, then it would become more difficult for these organisations to recruit their agitators.
Serbian girl, the police should indeed have intervened to help people who were attacked, but they might not know what was happening in a crowd. Moreover they are oten outnumbered. They are under strict orders to use minimal force, so numbers matters a lot. I suppose the government wants very much to avoid having blood on its hands. When a mob trashed a train station last night the police fired a single rubber bullet there. Today in a press conference a police spokesperson explained, half defensively, that it was legal and appropriate to fire the bullet. This is the “brutal” police that the Western press is portraying.
I mentioned Hong Kong being a colony because the education you wrote about doesn’t work for a depressingly large proportion of the population. For them, the Americans, the British, the CIA, the US marines are the good guys and the communists are the bad guys, period. Idealogically Hong Kong has remained very much a colony although it rejoined China 22 years ago.
The following is off topic. A couple of days ago I watched the Russian-Serbian film Balkanska međa. Some scenes are brutal and disturbing, but it is certainly a good action film.
Just an historical note that adds to the “black hands” of the US manipulating the “protests”.
In June 1989, Operation Yellowbird was put into motion to “rescue the student leaders” of the Tiananmen protests.
It was based in Hong Kong. It had the colonial government and elites’ money, and CIA-Mi6 handlers on the mainland.
If you notice the “leadership” of the present revolt has already moved out of Hong Kong, to US, Britain, Canada and Taiwan.
The criminality associated with this protest carries some heavy prison terms. The few suckers who will stand trial will take the heat for the “leaders” who will get jobs and books deals, like many of the Tiananmen leaders who escaped the reach of the Central Government back then.
The Anglo and Chinese deep state’s are tied at the hip. The protests began just after Pompeo visited Beijing, then Hong Kong, where he intentionally ‘implicated’ the US as supporters of this psyop/protest.
In other words, the Chinese and Western elite are running an Occupy operation together, not just to defuse tension, but ultimately to discredit all protests.
As usual, globo elites have far more in common with each other than they do with you or me. When the protests are finally over no one in China will even dream of going out into the street to protest anything, same as after Occupy ran it’s course in the USA.
Globalists engage in fake wars to subdue the masses of all countries, same as Cold War I. Without such conflict they would be unable to bring down the jackboot of a security state upon their subject peoples because their would be no justification.
We ask kindly, present some proof of your opening assertion.
If you knew anything of factual matter about China, it has always escaped your comments.
There are protests and local hell raised regularly as well as fierce Internet protests in China.
Corruption, crimes by the rich and their families, safety concerns and violent crime are topics of outrage regularly expressed freely inside China.
Stop posting your imaginations as if they are sourced in facts.
China has no deep state. The last persistent hand of outside government power was the Shanghai power of Jiang Zemin. He was completely “dethroned” during President Hu’s term and left with zero influence with the rise of Xi.
No one would ever say Zemin’s power group was a deep state. It was an infection he attempted to leverage for some scraps of power. It had a rival, Hu’s political group, the Youth League. Both are no longer relevant social groups.
President Xi is a singular vector of power. No secret group exists nor could it. The CCP is the source of all power. The Politburo is the smallest grouping of advice and consent representing the CCP. It totals 18 members. They select the Standing Committee, made smaller than ever by Xi, now, just 7 people.
No Deep State. No MIC. Everything flows from CCP to Xi. And from Xi to the nation.
You want proof Larchmonter, ok:
Yale group spurs Mao’s emergence
Why did Yale and the United States government provide such critical support to Mao, and indeed abandon the Nationalists in favour of the Chinese Communist Party in the late 1940’s?
This is a matter of history you apparently know not. Chiang Kai-shek and his wife went to the graves muttering about US and British ‘betrayal’ of the Nationalists.
Why did most industrial production in the Anglosphere get relocated to Communist China after the infamous visit of Nixon to China? Why did Mao’s successor Deng Xiaoping subsequently declare it is glorious to grow rich?
This is a matter of more recent history you emphasize not. Only Nixon could go to China indeed, do you get the inside joke?
There are long standing ties between the British Empire and China going back to the Opium Wars of the early-middle 19th century. The British needed to sell opium to the Chinese but required the help of locals to do the job of street level drug dealing — and that is the origin of globalist organized crime in China and of Triads in particular. Not long after this relationship between Anglo and Chinese criminals began, Chinatowns began springing up all over the Anglo-American space, because the elite that controlled the Anglosphere, and who built their empire literally on trade in Opium, found Chinese gangsters to be most useful partners in Crime.
Globalists, by definition, have no loyalty to any country whatsoever. Their primary loyalty is to money and power and so they conduct themselves as such, rising to the top of all systems just as reliably as scum always floats to the top.
There is nuance of course. There are Nationalists in China, as there are Eurasianists in Russia. Gangster-Globalists do indeed compete on some levels, because they are greedy and unscrupulous people, after all. Globalists and criminals have never been shy about playing the Nationalist card in any case and in China the situation is more complex still, because Northern Chinese gangster-elites generally support the CPC, while southern Chinese gangster-elites harken back to long standing relationships with the Anglosphere.
What is not arguable is that Globalists, from whichever country they may originate, have more in common with each other than they do with the common people over which they preside. When it comes to deciding who will take the hit, Globalists always agree it should be the serfs who take it on the chin, meanwhile opposition to Globalization, in alt-media for example, mostly consists of not opposition but support for Globalization and Capitalism – so long as it includes so-called Chinese characteristics.
Globalists organize Colour Revolutions for multiple purposes, not just to overthrow supposedly unfriendly governments. Sometimes they run Occupy-style colour revolutions to defuse public anger on the one hand, and at the same time turn the non protesting segments of society against the protesters, thus diving a society straight down the middle. When these sorts of protest were run in Russia, they caused the people to run into the arms of the government. When they were run in the Ukraine, they set the conditions for the overthrow and replacement of the local Yanukovych regime, who despite garnering support from mainly Russian speakers in Ukraine was still Gangster and Globalist to the core.
The current protests in Hong Kong pit Northern Mandarin Chinese speakers against southern Cantonese Chinese speakers, two languages that are mutually unintelligible. There is almost no support for the protesters outside of Hong Kong and the Cantonese speaking part of China. tEven in Hong Kong protesters have long over stayed their welcome with only Black Block types still attempting to engage with Police, with most locals now tired of the disruption and fearing they may be fingered as supporters of US sponsered regime change operations.
When the protests in Hong Kong have run their course, Chinese will be no more enthusiastic about supporting any protest whatsoever, legitimate or not, just as Americans no longer supported protests after the Occupy Operation had run it’s course. Chinese, especially outside of Hong Kong, have an additional problem because with the Sesame Social Credit System already in place. Having the wrong opinion can get you fired from your job, kicked out of your apartment and unable to board a train to get to the next jurisdiction and start a new life. Most people who are socially excluded in this way will end up killing themselves or emigrating to the West, which is again useful to Globalists wherever they may be.
If people cannot protest against their elites for legitimate reasons, or address genuine grievances, then we will have allowed a hitherto unimaginable kind of fascism to take root and we will have no ability to oppose it when the gangsters predictably begin going to far.
Your “argument”–if you want to call it that–involves pushing a propaganda meme that effectively minimizes the threat of American regime change machinations, whether that be against China, Ukraine, Russia, etc.
This is a backhanded and indeed deceptive way of pimping for America by claiming that all these nations that are targeted by America are actually working with it to allow their own destabilization and subversion!
Most importantly, your “arguments” also are not based on any actual on-the-ground evidence pertaining to current American regime change operations in Hong Kong and indeed the rest of China but rather consist of assertions without evidence or aping slogans about “globalists” reminiscent of the ravings of Alex Jones or similar American propagandists.
Indeed, who benefits from this type of propaganda in general?
The American Empire–of which you appear to be yet another internet agent of influence.
It’s also curious that, just as this China Daily article comes out and provides concrete and photographic evidence exposing America increasingly naked regime change ops in Hong Kong, you pop up to muddy the political waters and sow confusion.
As Mike Pompeo once admitted about his time as CIA Supremo: “We Lied. We Cheated. We Stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.”
Perhaps, you are demonstrating what you learned from one of these perverse training courses, eh?
Neocons See Hong Kong as China’s ‘Soft Underbelly’ – Daniel McAdams
My argument stresses that nations are irrelevant to Globalists, except when it suits them to play the Nationalist card, and that maintaining their own Class Power is the primary determinant of what guides their perceptions and strategizing.
It is not a thing called the ‘USA’ which has caused so much misery but a group of people who have seized it and use it to further their interests. When Kissinger negotiated detente, and offered to export US industry – lock, stock and barrel to China, it was an offer made not on the calculation it would benefit US proletarians, but rather the people he represents, which are indeed Necons, if that is your preferred description of them.
It is not so hard get the gist of what I am saying but instead of contending with it you come with information that demonstrates nothing. I do not care about the how of Colour Operations but about the why, and that is something you should address instead of accusing me of deception and screaming dogma! my face.
“If people cannot protest against their elites for legitimate reasons, or address genuine grievances, then we will have allowed a hitherto unimaginable kind of fascism to take root …”
Agreed in general, but the mob in Hong Kong has never protested against the main elites: the real estate oligarchs. They’ve attacked police stations, police quarters (No, the mob doesn’t spare children or old people), the legislature, which they trashed, but never anything remotely connected to the oligarchs. Not a single word of protest was directed against them in more than two months of unrest. In fact I’m not the only one who believes that at least some of them have supported the colour revolution.
If you have really followed the actions of the mob then you’ll see that it is similar to a fascist mob. It is extremely intolerant and xenophobic, for example. “Xenophobic” isn’t exactly the right word because the mob is Chinese but it hates the Chinese, as if its members think they belong to a local chapter of the KKK.
The word you are looking for is autochauvinism. They are Chinese yet they hate Chinese with a passion. In Serbia we have the same ailment. Empire likes them gullible like that. What they do not realise is that in the event of a victory for their masters (destruction of human race is more likely than that), they will be considered unwanted witnesses and we know those never fare well.
Truly a sound and diverse showing in this comment section; very pleased to find such a high quality of criticisms. From reading this blog occasionally, I am beginning to form the opinion that, despite the utterly continuous blackhole of needful information, that there is a smallest-window of observation remaining open to the uninvited/uninitiated; although one, perhaps, much smudged by a perpetuating befuddlement and stink. My question to none/all: is there any longer a USA? Not, does it still exist as a country, but, does it exist as an Empire? I am under the impression that the empire was bought and sold, its chips are cashed in, and it lives, if you will, as the mistress of a great vile secret—not her own, but anothers.
There are many very insightful opine here…
I am sure theirs is way better than my unfounded IMAGINE-NATION
but maybe one of these boring low days at the Cafe…
maybe we may have some spicy juice and tough cookies :)
A bit of the taste – From the east you know we are all about history records and if nit-picking, UNBROKEN history records w artefacts and reliable written records OPEN in DISPLAY
So before the question “is there any longer a USA”, the east would question does USA ***ever existed?
If there were no birth, who is is person in front of us, saying ‘I am real’?
Spicy enough?!
IMAGINE-NATION totally unfounded?!!?
One of these days… maybe in the Cafe… maybe NOT… and unnecessary… and unwarranted… and really pointless anyway… If we, which of us, given the no beginning and therefore cannot be an end, are indeed original here… and not holo-graphic-fractals?
Neo-Running Dogs
At a minimum, China needs to round-up all those associated with these groups and hand out stiff prison sentences to everyone of them – bar none!
They are sowing chaos and subverting the rule of law in the territory, while on the payroll of organisations affiliated or fronting for foreign intelligence agencies.
If Russia or China should attempt a stunt like this in the US, people would be carted off to jail and denounced by the MSM as spies and stooges.
They are useful idiots for allowing themselves to be manipulated by the US, and China should decisively move against these running dogs.
To read more about what China and Russia are up against regarding 5th column US and NED subversion of both countries, the Stalker Zone has some excellent reports.
And expect a ‘death’ soon in the Moscow protests…
A great and eye-opening article. Thanks for the contribution!
Thanks for the interesting summary.
On a different note, it is interesting that the protests in Hong Kong started because of the intended signature and ratification of an extradition treaty with mainland China. Protesters say that such treaty would endorse the submission of the Hong Kong authorities under Chinese rule. In fact and contrary to this interpretation, such treaties are signed among equal, sovereign states in order to deal with cross-border criminality. If at all, the signature of a mutual extradition treaty with China would solidify the one-land-two-systems approach.
As usual, the western-oriented side is incapable of reading diplomatic road-signs correctly. As a result, protesters in Hong Kong are currently gambling at the poker table and decided for an all-in despite an empty hand. Well, good luck with that.
YES! YES! YES! I didn’t think anyone notice the finer details and deeper implications… dear Marcel Leutenegger, are you working in that sphere of influence? You read Chinese well.
If they have signed the ‘deal’ that could possibly put at least a subtle objection to the final unification in 2047… that would truly achieve true one country 2 systems… singed IN LAW and better, IN CHINESE LAW! To refute that later, is like CCP slap itself on their own face… and better, under Xi’s china. The significance is profound.
So currently, its like the current CCP saying ‘currently we prefer or will allow one country 2 systems model in perpetuity…”
and the clowns just killed it for themselves… their children and their future generations!
Thus the dumbest protesters in all history… They literally just gave the entire HK away!
CCP can or feel they can afford to do it, currently, because of the unique signs of time currently. (KEYWORD: currently). They want to uphold the IMAGE of Benevolent Gov at all cost, or a very very high cost. That’s why they have been VERY VERY restrained and willing to spit a lot of money to ‘win friends’. Plus there are more doves in CCP structure, currently.
That can change and HAS CHANGED… ready to get forked?!
Somebody is playing some serious high level Art of War here -> Let me give you the best cut and let you doubt it is poisoned because of the hatred (and deceit) you have within you. Don’t say, when the curtain is down, I didn’t love you, once before. I came with peace, once before.
p/s it is known Xi is a master student of history and have very ‘beMUSEd’ insights into the art of war (not the western translation ver btw)
China should shutdown the Hong Kong consulates of ALL 5 eyes countries, France, & any other EU country supporting the riots, as well as Japan. In fact, China should be proactive & shutdown those consulates in Macao as well!
Speaking of Macao, a criminal investigation/audit is long overdue for casinos owned by Trump, & the “American” Sheldon Adelson.
Economic penalties against those countries that should happen immediately is a ban on rare earth metals, tariffs on Hollywood propaganda, & ban on Boeing aircraft due to737-MAX danger.
Finally, in response to Western support for separatist movements, Beijing & Moscow should actively support unification movements for Ireland, Cuba, & Korea with funding, S-400s, and anti-ship missiles.
In this video on Youtube, HK legislator Regina Ip explains the “Extradition bill” and how it is being used as a pretense by Martin Lee to engage the support of the US.
This one [by The New York Times] goes over tactics used by the protestors. All activists should watch and learn!
In conjunction with the above, read this article translated by Eva Bartlett on how protests are organized in Moscow.
This article reveals that HK protest leaders have been communicating with Ukrainians and have been watching the movie”Winter on Fire.” There is a Free Hong Kong Center in Kiev [huh?]
And what powers the NED? Why … the U$D of course.
What was once a “good idea” is now a monkey on your back. Only when the US dollar is “not accepted” outside the US, will US influence be “not accepted” outside the US.
Until then, human nature – which is worldwide – prevails upon the world.