15:50 – July 16, 2014 – Briefing From the Militia
translated by Gleb Bazov
Marinovka has been taken by the Militia. The punitive forces have been totally encircled. The southern cauldron has been firmly sealed. The Ukrainian forces have only one chance to survive – to surrender to the Militia or to be interned on the territory of Russia.
On other areas of the southern front, the Militia also continues an active offensive. Artillery attacks on the Junta columns are being conducted. The Militia periodically uses Grad systems.
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Marinovka just north of the Russian border |
Between a rock and a hard place, finally!
Can´t say i feel sorry for the poor death squads left without anything to kill but themselves. Good idea btw, take each other out while screaming glory to whatever! Like the suicide squad in Life Of Brian.
Retarded freaks.
So yesterday I heard the white house is babbling again about unilateral US sanctions. I guess it’s because their Nazi minions are about to get a serious drubbing. You can almost set your watch by sanctions talk.
“Irreversible consequences.”
The foreign ministry of the RF said it.
The Militia is making it happen.
The Ukies are experiencing it.
All support to Novorossia!
– from Nazi-occupied Amerika
Ukrajinska televizija EspresoTV iz mjesta Izvarino u regiji Lugansk izvještava da su pripadnici ukrajinskih snaga sigurnosti u potpunom rasulu i da se već četvrti dab pokušavaju izvući iz okruženja, a vojnici ni sami ne razumiju zapovijedi svojih pretpostavljenih.
“Vojnici ukrajinske 72. mehanizirane brigade, koja se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini Izvarina u regiji Lugansk, četvrti dan su u okruženju i trpe teške gubitke. Zbog jake vatre terorista ne mogu evakuirati mrtve i ranjene. Ljudima je ponestalo streljiva i ne mogu se se probiti iz okruženja. Napadači sustavno naše vojnike gađaju topničkom vatrom i višecjevnim raketnim bacačima. Situacija je kritična, vojnici nisu sigurni da će ovo izdržati”, kaže jedan od nižih časnika brigade.
Vojni izvori navode da je zapovijed da se ne čini ništa drugo, nego da se pokuša razbiti opsada i pokušaju spasiti preostale snage u okruženju.
Croat and Russophile
Strelkov sounds very confident here. Strong statemets. They are going to rid Kiev of pedophiles and freaks. Galicia is “reserved” for the “nezalezhnaya”. Some generals will be hanged from aspen trees. Wow.
10:45 – July 15, 2014 – Commentary from Igor Strelkov
– regarding the Austrians’ claims to the lands of the former Ukraine:
Igor Strelkov: They won’t get Galicia, they will get jack-all. Galicia is reserved for “nezalezhnaya” [Note: Ukrainian for independent, here referencing Ukraine]. You don’t really expect us to give Ukies Kiev, the “mother of all Russian cities,” do you? The liberation of Kiev from the occupying gang of pedophiles, cultists and other scum is one of the foremost tasks of our campaign.
At the same time, I do not rule out that the liberation of Kiev will be accomplished through a joint operation of the Novorossiya Militia and the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Once, of course, a few of the most fervent admirers of Ukrainian nationalism among the generals get hung off aspen trees.
Large numbers of prisoners present a significant logistical problem for the militia. The prisoners have to be held securely, kept fed and safe (assuming the Geneva Conventions are followed). All of this will take manpower, food and water resources that may be very limited, if the Ukies continue their blockades. They can’t be released and sent back home. Either the fascists will take their fury out on the soldiers or the soldiers will return, or be forced to return to arms. Could they be interred on ‘neutral’ ground e.g. Russia? But why should they bear the costs of hosting the prisoners? Problems, problems – but good problems.
Looking at the known behavior of rabid Fascists, I am sure no prisoners would be taken if the positions were reversed.
The militia have taken the high ground (physically and metaphorically). They have to keep it.
youtube (Vice dispatch #56) showing Lyashko and his henchmen:
Dear The Saker,
Good news :). The USG/Junta freaks/EU really under estimated the resistance.
I just hope their response isn’t something illegal and vicious….they hate to loose.
Авианалёт Национальной гвардии на мирно спящий город Снежное начался в 6:30 утра 15.07.2014. Крылатые убийцы прилетели со стороны дислокации украинских военных и сбросили на жилой квартал 4 авиабомбы.
Одна из них попала в здание налоговой инспекции, другая в 5-ти этажный дом, в результате чего полностью разрушены 2 стояка. Есть жертвы – 10 человек. 2 бомбы так и остались лежать, не разорвавшись, вызывая особую тревогу снежнянцев.
Сотрудники МЧС, скорой помощи и жители города самоотверженно разбирали завалы, надеясь найти живых людей. Спасён 7-ми летний мальчик, который передан в руки медиков.
Это зверство совершили украинские каратели — нелюди, которые утверждают, что несут мир на Донбасс.
What about the CIA/NSA pedophiles? I want Strelkov here, in America, to nail all this dirt to the dust bins of history. Jail all these wall street reptiles for the crimes against humanity. Is there anyone like Strelkov in the US?
The neocons are now in a desperate situation, and that is when they are at their most dangerous. Having lost Syria, lost control in Iraq and now losing their little game in Ukraine, what will they do next in their hopefully futile attempt to maointain hegemony?
I expect a major false flag event in the next week or so; quite possibly in Hungary, where that old Nazi collaborator Soros is getting involved and is trying to paint Orban as a fascist (quite the inversion of reality!).
If you have friends in Hungary, warn them. Mercenary squads have been reported in the last fortnight.
For anyone who doubted Putin’s actions: do you think this reversal on the battlefield was not engineered on his desk?
I know many wanted to see 100,000 RF soldiers come over the border and swarm the Ukies back to Poland, but Putin had options.
I know the next round of American sanctions will be harsh. Probably, no Beyonce concert tickets sold to oligarchs, and Russian soldiers will definitely not get autographed photos of Obama playing golf sent to them any time soon. And Putin is officially off the Kwanzaa/Christmas mailing list.
Also, the State Department is looking into the very real possibility of refusing to play any Russian composer’s music in concerts or ballets performed in American theaters.
Google will soon refuse to translate from Russian to English, too. Though to keep the Internet free from censorship, they will translate from English to Russian. (Sergey Brin insisted.)
Anonymous 17:12
Colonel David Hackworth would have fit the bill. He’s gone.
We have no one. Plenty trained. But they think their loyalty is to government, not the Constitution.
Americans keep confusing country with government and their fealty is misplaced.
The tyrant has mind control. Americans see a flag waving and they go to sleep. The vast majority of today’s Americans would have voted for George III not George Washington.
Excellent news. What will the Fascists do?
If they surrender this is a huge embarrassment for Porky. Imagine the propaganda value watching several thousand Fascists marching off in abject failure
If they fight it out they die like flies. How can they fight! They must be starving and dehydrated in the summer hear
Will this end. Porky’s regime to be replaced by Kolomoisky’s cutouts?
Slavyansk was a brilliant move. Coughs the Faxsists over confident
16 wounded Ukie Ministry of Interior troops have crossed into Russia and have been hospitalised in Rostov region. Earlier, two Ukie border guards did the same.
There are also reports of Ukie troops around Saur-Mogila shedding their camos and taking off towards the Russian border.
“Russia ‘to reopen Cold War Cuban listening post used to spy on America’
Facility at Lourdes was the largest Russian listening post abroad
It was mothballed in 2001 after relations with the U.S. warmed
Hopefully Kolomoisky will be swinging from the end of a rope too.
My guess is he never sets foot in Ukraine again
Grind them to dust Strelkov.
Give Secretary of Perpetual War, John Kerry his just desserts as an unindicted co conspirator to murder and genocide
For Saker readers unfamiliar with Joaquin Flores, now is a good time to get acquainted.
looking at maps, the “southern cauldron” looked rather like the open mouth of a giant. And the Ukies wandered in there willingly – and are surprised to be chewed up and swallowed. Maybe the mouth should temptingly open up again.
False flag since only Adolph Merkel appears to be taking up Obomber’s weak sauce sanctions threat
1. Crimea
2. Hungary- since they want Russian gas and won’t be pulled in like Bulgaria
Some of you may have seen this clip, a militia man taking a call from a Kiev bank trying to call in its loan. A little light relief.
Apparently, Swedish Neo-nazis are fighting alongside the Ukrainian Nazis
–From Naijaa_Boy
The vast majority of today’s Americans would have voted for George III not George Washington.
You have it backwards. Those asleep still hail Washington. Those awake realize what a mistake the American Revolution was.
Rusi su pomagali cijeloj Europi mnogo puta.
Danas su Rusi ti koji podmecu ledja da Anglo-Cionisti nebi porobili cijeli svijet.
Rusi su pomagali Srbe…Rusi nisu nikad odmagali ni Hrvate a mogli su, Rusi su pomagali i Hrvate.
Rusi su pomagali i Zhidove za vrijeme drugog svj. rata.
Ima razloga zasto je Izrael podigao spomenik Crvenoj Armiji.
Rusi su pomagali svakoga i Kineze, Britance i Amerikance.
Nitko nije vise puta bio izigran od Rusa.
Ipak pitajmo se mi Hrvati sto smo ikad dobrog napravili za Ruse…i vi Srbi pitajte se jeste li dovoljno napravili za Ruse u zadnjih 100 godina.
Budite iskreni i zapitajte se jeste li mogli napravi vise?
Mi Hrvati smo zgrijesili naspram Rusa, poslali smo 10 tisuca dobrovoljaca na Staljingrad i nikoji narod to nam nebi oprostio…a Rusi su oprostili i zaboravili.
Neka Bog blagosovi ovaj napaceni i ugrozeni slavenski narod na sjeveru Europe koji se zove Rus !!!
According to Ukrainian information minister Poebbels: Eleven more Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the space of 24 hours while hundreds of bodies of rebels were found in shallow graves in a former separatist stronghold, the army said.
“We are winning and our brave men and women… It is a matter of hours now…” – CIP Porky
[CIP = Coup Installed Person]
Let’s start calling him Baghdad Bob, oops I mean Kiev-Coup-Bob.
@ Larchmonter445,
Q: The vast majority of today’s Americans would have voted for George III not George Washington.
R: Does GW hail from that famed Cartra$$hian family too, with lots of semi-colored offspring?
C’mon, Bubba, focus on shrimps…
Anon 18:29
I think not about what’s backwards. America is not the problem the world faces. The Elite running America is the problem. The American Revolution was an economic revolution, colony breakaway for commercial reasons. The Constitution was a remarkable attempt to try to contain the tyranny of government.
We are waiting for a better way. I think everything else tried is just ideological or cult-based thinking. I reject both.
Meanwhile, blaming people for the madness of their government is hollow. Are Russians to blame for the tyranny of the Communists and madmen who ruled them?
It is pretty clear whose fingerprints are on the death machines of history.
I am careful about focusing on government as the tyrant. The Elites run the governments. Right now we are in the age of Putin. It is benevolent and wise. But what follows?
Should we be ready to damn all Russia if it goes off the path of righteousness later?
Swedish freak with the Ukies:
“”It’s all about how you see it,” he says. “I would be an idiot if I said I did not want to see survival of white people. After World War Two, the victors wrote their history. They decided that it’s always a bad thing to say I am white and I am proud.”
Mr Skillt believes races should not mix. He says the Jews are not white and should not mix with white people. His next project is to go fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because he believes Mr Assad is standing up to “international Zionism”.
This appearing on the BBC could indicate some feelings of ambiguity. I daresay that the BBC is not a Nazi organization.
Mikael Skillt is a Swedish sniper, with seven years’ experience in the Swedish Army and the Swedish National Guard. He is currently fighting with the Azov Battalion, a pro-Ukrainian volunteer armed group in eastern Ukraine. He is known to be dangerous to the rebels: reportedly there is a bounty of nearly $7,000 (£4,090; 5,150 euros) on his head.
In a telephone conversation from an undisclosed location, Mr Skillt told me more about his duties: “I have at least three purposes in the Azov Battalion: I am a commander of a small reconnaissance unit, I am also a sniper, and sometimes I work as a special coordinator for clearing houses and going into civilian areas.”
As to his political views, Mr Skillt prefers to call himself a nationalist, but in fact his views are typical of a neo-Nazi.
“It’s all about how you see it,” he says. “I would be an idiot if I said I did not want to see survival of white people. After World War Two, the victors wrote their history. They decided that it’s always a bad thing to say I am white and I am proud.”
Mr Skillt believes races should not mix. He says the Jews are not white and should not mix with white people. His next project is to go fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because he believes Mr Assad is standing up to “international Zionism”.
@ Naijaa_Boy,
Q: Apparently, Swedish Neo-nazis are fighting alongside the Ukrainian Nazis.
R: Anything taken out of mankind’s gene pool can only be cheered at, like the dude on LSD who thought he could fly. Take off from the ground, not the 14th floor of a building.
RIP, Bill Hicks.
The war in the South East Online 16.07.2014 Chronicle of events (post updated)
A lot happening. The banderivtsy sending reinforcements, still using air power and still getting shot down. Careful attention to detail should see the banderivtsy forces in the “cauldron” eliminated in the next few days. Hopefully, the Novorussians will be able to interdict the reinforcing banderivtsy forces while they are on the move and the most vulnerable. Break their morale before they get to “front” and have a chance to “dig in”. That is the problem at the airports, the banderivtsy have been able to fortify their positions there and are tough to get at.
вот так
Ternopol – Ukraine on July 15. Mothers tried to prevent sendings their children for the war, the reservists of the Ukrainian army called on ten days, but now they were being sent as volunteers.
“Everything which is happening in Ukraine has been planned by Russia since 2004. Putin has a clear plan and that is to destroy Ukraine and establish his influence over post-Soviet space,” – Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk leveled harsh criticism at Russian President Vladimir Putin. LINK
Yats, dude, this ain’t Palestine. These guppies in a barrel shoot ff-nig back. Got that, Mr. ‘I Take a Bullet to the Forehead’ Nuland?
15 Ukies surrender to Russia proper, plead for medical assistance; it is granted:
Распад южного котла (The collapse of the South boiler)
http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/1673656.html (trans) http://translate.yandex.net/tr-url/ru-en.ru/colonelcassad.livejournal.com/1673656.html
“According to information from the source only recently returned from the territory LNR.
1. The total number encircled junta about 5 thousand people, of them bespodobno about 2-2,5 thousand
2. Some departments already completely lost control and just run away, the greatest fighting efficiency are part of trying to get through the Marinovka (primarily paratroopers of the 79-th brigade). In one of the parts (the number of teams is not given, like the 24th mechanized brigade) fled the General part is completely lost control, communication channels violated.
3. Today, dozens of soldiers of the junta drop weapons and fled across the border in Russia, today 20 rapid going to Gukovo, coming just for wounded soldiers of the junta. The total number ran across by the evening approximately exceeded 100 people. Send them in the hospital and the hospital, with healthy working competent authorities.
4. In General, the grouping of the enemy begins to show the tendency to collapse, will obviously not all, the losses will be significant, according to eyewitnesses whats the natural p…
The greatest losses shall be 72nd separate mechanized brigade in the area Birukova-Gukovo, the brigade acute shortage of ammunition, fuel, food and water, much of the equipment in a state unfit for combat.
Estimated time of existence of the boiler 3-5 days – all that will not be able to go through the neck Saur-Grave, will be lost for the junta. Significant forces militias, which are currently constrained by blockade surrounded forces will strengthen other areas and closer to the end of the month will be followed by new blows on other directions.
In General, one can state that the defeat gradually turning into a catastrophe. About its consequences in a separate material – its consequences will be much larger than anyone could seem at first glance.”
With photos.
вот так
This is interesting.
Apparently this video shows a Russian Grad attack on Ukrainian positions from within Russia.
Град Гуково,Ростовской обл.,Россия по Украине | Russian atacked Ukraine from Gukovo,Rostov Oblast – YouTube
here is the approx location on Google maps.
“The leading figures of the regime (including the president-elect) are of Jewish origin; strongman and chief financier Mr. Igor (Benya) Kolomoysky is a prominent Jewish public figure, the builder of many synagogues and a supporter of Israel.” – LINK.
If Palestine is anything to go by, I’d fight myself to death before caving in to these monsters.
Info on the 2 Russian paras killed:
Вести с границы (News from the border)
http://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/1672648.html (trans) http://translate.yandex.net/tr-url/ru-en.ru/colonelcassad.livejournal.com/1672648.html
“Operational information from the Russian border with LNR.
1. Still 2 Russian troops were killed indeed. Moreover, it was not fired from abroad. A group of Ukrainian insurgents (supposedly “Right branch” or algardia) appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation (not known – either accidentally or on purpose) and shelled the location of the stand at the border of paratroopers, 2 of them were killed. On departure from the Russian territory by the attackers had worked militias, most of the attackers killed. Some details unless asked not to disclose, but in General the perpetrators of punishment suffered and already warm the earth.
2. In the area of Gukovo the Russian side again came under fire (mortars and allegedly incomplete packets MLRS), about the victims have not, some people evacuated (there near the border refugee camp), observers noted that to the place of fire moved up to 20 rapid and reanimobiles, suggesting that there are victims. The military value of these attacks certainly have no powerless rage punishers defeated rather symptomatic, given the fact that the border they’re not long is.”
Obviously, the ZPC/NWO are doing this stuff deliberately, using special troops specifically for these provocations.
вот так
The USA’s 1787 Constitution resulted from a coup that destroyed The Articles of Confederation that most certainly did “contain the tyranny of government,” which is why they were tossed. Furthermore, that Constitution codified Terrorism: Chattel Slavery and Genocide of Natives, with an absolutely unrestricted Executive. The USA has always been an Empire, and has always acted like one when it comes to extraterritoriality and genocide.
As for US soldiers obeying their Oath of Service, only Chelsea Manning was brave enough to do so, although perhaps some of the military lawyers defending Gitmo kidnappees might be considered as well.
What the USA needs is an actual Seven Days in May that abolishes the current constitution and its form of government so a new constitution in line with international law and human rights norms is drawn up that creates new institutions that cannot be controlled by the 1%–literally, to destroy the nation’s foundations in order to save it.422
Anonymous said…16 July, 2014 18:59
“Mr Skillt believes races should not mix. He says the Jews are not white and should not mix with white people. His next project is to go fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because he believes Mr Assad is standing up to “international Zionism”.”
That right there exposes the purpose of that Israeli disinformation passed through their BBC subsidiary. The part about wanting to fight for Assad makes it beyond obvious.
вот так
US ‘sanctions’ DPR/LPR. Ha ha ha what a joke. US has sanctioned itself. The ultimate purveyor of violence in the world today.
All support to Novorossia!
– from Nazi-occupied Amerika
Well, you have to admit that we are witnessing the execution of a war plan – in response to the USEUNATO war plan – both of which are variants on war plans that have existed for more than decades now.
But there are clear moral, social and economic issues involved that makes Novorussia into a revolution as opposed to the cynical execution of a war plan.
The USEUNATO war plan relies on division, ultranationalism, fascism, capitalism, neoliberalism, etc. for its execution. Novorossia relies on the exact opposite, and that is why it rocks.
“His next project [after joining zionist banderists’ forces] is to go fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because he believes Mr Assad is standing up to “international Zionism”.
LOL. I don’t belive that someone could be so stupid. Russians should send him immediately on-way ticket to Syria.
Well, here’s a little more American history generally never taught in school. As part of the Seven Years War (known here as the French and Indian War), France aligned with various tribes to encroach on British holdings here and Britain ended up with a huge debt, a large chunk of which came from protecting the colonists. They also made some stupid decisions to keep soldiers here bc of the political connections of some of the officers but the New England merchants in particular seriously resented the cut in their profits caused by the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts even though it was really only fair that we shoulder our share of the burden. And the “representation” part of it was also a bit dodgy, or at least, like the taxation part, open to varying interpretations. Meanwhile, the abolition of slavery in the UK was proceeding apace, and Southern plantation owners hadn’t the clout to stop it and knew their livelihoods depended on keeping that system going. So instead of just loving freedom and fighting tyranny and all that good stuff (George III may have been crazy but he really wasn’t all that bad; Britain’s had quite a few who were a whole lot worse), the good old profit motive was (sigh) a primary motive in the Revolution. Not the only motive, of course, but pretty darned high on the list. And since the elites running the show here feared nothing more than demogoguery (defined then as unscrupulous leaders appealing to the baser instincts of the masses and culminating in mob rule), “freedom” per se referred only to their ability to keep on doing what they had been, not anyone else’s to do much of anything. I.e., very class-based.
But it gets a bit more complicated bc the Articles of Confederation really set up a very different political and economic system than the Constitution which replaced them. In both cases, white, male property-owners were the only people who had any real representation or rights, but under the Articles of Confederation each state could issue its own money, etc., (they were really states in the sense of being separate nations, not states as we here think of them now), and not only were the results utterly chaotic but they also favored debtors rather than those holding the (very large amount of) war debt. So, in brief, the Constitutional Convention could, if we wanted to, be seen as a Second American Revolution, and clearly one that favored — here we go again — the wealthy even more than the Articles of Confederation. And as I remember it (haven’t looked at this material for a while), the votes both for delegate selection and ratification were in some cases quite dodgy. Soooo, yet another myth at least semi-shattered… hey, did you know that Jefferson is credited with the first indoor plumbing in America,,, when all he did was rig up a system with a slave and a pulley…
@ PaulC: “maointain hegemony” – what a nice misspelling. It’s true, though…
US unilaterally widens sanctions on Russia over Ukraine.
I guess something ain’t going according to plan in the Ukraine…
I don’t think the western media has received their instructions as far as how to portray ‘Novorossia’ . . . so far they’ve only concentrated on insulting the DPR/LPR. I don’t think they can quite handle the formation of a new state called ‘New Russia’ . . . certainly they don’t understand it . . . they don’t want to . . . it will be hard to define Novorossia as a ‘terrorist’ ‘entity’ as it reincorporates more territory, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. It will be hard for the west to accept a Novorossia financed by the BRICS NDB, internationally recognized by many countries, armed to the teeth by Russia, and functioning as more of a bridge to the west than the state formation known as Ukraine was.
Obama introduces more sanctions
Sure sign that the way the war is being reported here is correct. On the other hand, it makes no sense. Russia was not prepared for more sanctions? Russia can magically wave a wand and stop the fighting (I truly doubt this, yes, they are helping, but they are not the actors). This will decrease Putin’s popularity? This will increase Porky’s popularity? Or, finally, it will effect what increasingly looks like a relatively immediate, inevitable outcome?
Anon @ 18:55 said:
“This appearing on the BBC could indicate some feelings of ambiguity. I daresay that the BBC is not a Nazi organization.”
Of course BBC is not a Nazi organization. It has been telling us for decades that the means of existence of the British people, namely territorial integrity and self-rule, are hateful and bigoted. To be a loving person, you must accept the racial displacement of the British people. Or else be demonized and possibly jailed.
As I expected, with the failures of their nazi quislings, now starting to see the anti-Russian hate in the ZPC media ramped up again. And along with the propaganda blitz, the “head quisling” of the ZPC/NWO fascists, the U.S. regime, is increasing sanctions against Russia.
These psychopathic drama queens (with the emphasis on “queen”) will be getting much more hysterical and deranged, I’m afraid.
вот так
To Naijaa_Boy 16 July, 2014 18:25
“Apparently, Swedish Neo-nazis are fighting alongside the Ukrainian Nazis”
Afaik, there is only one Swede shaming his country by fighting for the Kiev Junta. He is a member of a very small extremist party.
I hear about many more volunteers from other countries. I don’t want to name these countries so as not make people angry with millions of innocent people.
The situation is tense. I can well imagine how the people of Novorossiya and Russia react to this kind of news. This mercenary must not, by his acts, be allowed to put blame on his own country and good people.
I am Swedish, not Russian, though I speak very simple Russian. Many in my country understand what is really going on in Ukraine. Thanks to the net, not the media, as the regulars on this blog know well.
The Junta has lost its mind and that is a problem for everybody living in the country. I understand the Novorossiyans, but I suffer with all the people of Ukraine after all they have gone through since the fall of the USSR. That is the Christian way.
A Homeland Security goon actually opened fire on Palestinian activists in L.A. on Sunday while several pro-Israeli thugs assaulted others and the Palestinians, of course, “were booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon” described as wooden poles which unsurprisingly turned out to be the posts with which they held up their posters. Posters of Mass Destruction, I guess, but at least the Homeland Security goon was placed on administrative leave, fwtw.
rob said…16 July, 2014 20:34
“This is interesting.”
No it’s not. Another time waster, just more ZPC disinformation and does not depict what “rob” claims it does.
вот так
They desperately want to bring Russia in. Now they are turning to direct, murderous provocations.
Good luck.
Mark Sleboda sees the new set of sanctions as the last drop. Russia must disconnect with the West.
Unilateral sanctions without UNSC approval are an act of aggression against another state, a violation of international law and the UN Charter. https://twitter.com/MarkSleboda1/status/489512362785779712
I, for one, am quite pleased to see the illegal new unilateral US sanctions with which the US has attacked Russia for not just accepting their regime change in the Ukraine. And I truly hope the EU follows suit. Its time to call a spade a spade – we are in a new geopolitical “Cold War” against an aggressive, failing, and overstretched Western Hegemon with which no compromise and no sovereign and independent relations are possible. The battle-lines and stakes are clear. There must be no more “return to normal” with the West which would allow Atlantic-integrationist 6th column Russian political and business elite to return to influence and undermine the state. Instead the sanctions will help Putin to purge and reconsolidate the Russian elite, become more self-sufficient, and further hasten our own “Asian Pivot”. Russia should stop all but the most necessary and perfunctory economic relations with the West. And end those as soon as possible. Russia must disconnect and end her economic and social interdependence with the West. Go cold-turkey, if you will. And go East and South and join the Rest of the world and the multipolar future instead.
Seriously love the site BUT could you chose a better template.
Hard to read and navigate. There are much better templates available. If you need support let me know.
Better still move over to your wordpress site you can transfer all your posts and redirect this one to it…
As a minimum you could just transfer your posts and keep them synced.
Q: The USEUNATO war plan relies on division, ultranationalism, fascism, capitalism, neoliberalism, etc. for its execution. Novorossia relies on the exact opposite, and that is why it rocks.
R: I naturally root for the underdog, but in this case it has become the top dog. Fascist west Ukraine cannot and will not win this war [or whatever one’s supposed to call it]. You can dent the spirit of a free people, you can even torment them for years on end, but one day the soul of the brave will be victorious and the brazen beasts…
I wish I could continue this rant, but I’m reminded of both the French revolution and the day we became independent.
Looking back, we’ve f***** that great opportunity up big time. The American Dream… what a ff-ing nightmare that’s turned into…
May you learn [as you’ve clearly done] from ‘our’ mistakes.
I always enjoyed the stiff, conceited use of terms like “self-proclaimed”, as if an independent State could be such when proclaimed by someone else (innit, Kosovo?).
But the new sanctions are exhilarating: cutting off Russian firms from US sources of financing! No more green leaflets. Maybe they can use toilet paper instead. And who will finance the financers?
Some humour at last in all this story!!!
Sorry just found your fall out shelter. You could chose a better theme.
anyway please consider an alternative layout theme..
A change in format is as good as a fresh approach and spring cleaning
Hey, is anybody familiar with Alexander Zhilin? I’ve heard the name before, I think.
вот так
Nobody’s blaming the people. The American elite in Washington’s day either erred in judgment or were quite devious. The point is that “self government” never works. It’s always trumped, among the people any way, by the leadership principle. See Putin.
Подготовлен список бойцов батальонов “Азов” и “Днепр”, участвовавших в уничтожении мирного населения в Донбассе (The prepared list of fighters battalions “Azov” and “Dnepr”, participated in the destruction of the civilian population in Donbass)
http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1826290.html#ixzz37fs5GorA (trans) http://translate.yandex.net/tr-url/ru-en.ru/regnum.ru/news/polit/1826290.html
“In the hands of the armed forces of the Donetsk national Republic (DND) obtained documents about the involvement of servicemen of Ukraine and the fighters of the Ukrainian nationalist movement “Right branch” (leader Dmitry Yarosh) to the murders of peace inhabitants of the Donetsk region during the forces of the armed forces of Ukraine punitive operations in the area known as “ARO”.
So, militia DND received lists of soldiers ‘ battalions “Azov” and “Dnepr”, which participated in the above mentioned punitive measures and killed civilians Donetsk national Republic. In particular, the militiamen became known the names and other data about 70 soldiers of the battalion “Azov” and 35 soldiers of the battalion “Dnepr”, involved in the killings residents DND.
Israel agreed to a humanitarian truce for a few hours
Chizhov said that the decision on OPAL’s manifestation of politicization of energy
Ryabkov: Six world powers and Iran agree on the need to renew negotiations
As have informed IA REGNUM representatives of management of DND, representatives of the militia do not exclude that in order to prevent information leaks about the murders of civilians, militants of the Ukrainian battalions were fired, and transported in the Western region of Ukraine. However, militia DND intend to take measures to identify the exact location of participants punitive operations of the battalions “Azov” and “Dnepr”, and their prosecution.
Recall that punitive battalions “Azov” and “Dnepr” finances Kiev and oligarch-Governor of Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine Igor Kolomoisky”
вот так
According to segodnya.ru Ukie jet downed in Russian air space, Rostov region:
Events are unfolding much more rapidly than even I expected. It seems that the NAF under Alexei Mozgovoi has seized the Lisichansk Oil Refinery, which was apparently unguarded by Kiev. This oil refinery is close to 40% of Ukrainian capacity.
Translated from Ukrainian by Yandex
The militants seized the Lisichansk oil refinery
July 15, at 10.00 armed with automatic weapons people dressed in camouflage form by car KAMAZ came to the territory of the refinery “LINIK”
As reported by Еспресо.TV in the Lugansk Central Directorate of police, the plant and kidnapped oil products and cars ” UAZ ” g/n CENTURIES 2064 SA, avtora-ZIL g/n AO 4780 CENTURIES, “GAZ-66” y / n EN 8864 CENTURIES, tractor K-700 g/n 8664.
According to local residents, yesterday instead of the usual protection of the plant were put up armed with guns people. Around the plant separatists digging trenches and building fastening areas, writes “the Informant”.
Were noticed several fuel trucks that were headed not by a usual route and in the direction of open space and Severodonetsk.
“Maybe the fuel is the last thing that remained was taken away!”- commented eyewitnesses.
Recall that the area of the city of Lisichansk controls group-Alexey Brain.
The British journalist tells the truth on Ukranian TV: who really fights on Donbas.
Here’s the problem. Both freak and Novorussian please read on.
No September 11th.
American soldiers, the ones who actually fight and get killed, were persuaded that they were protecting their country from a second terrorist attack comparable to 9/11 by fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The plan to take over Ukraine cannot depend on American troops, because there is no 9/11 to persuade them to fight. Now, of course, you do have Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times talking about “hunting bears”, but I just don’t think Americans view Russia as a terrorist state… despite the immediate use of the word “terrorist” to describe the militia. It just won’t work.
And if you can’t use American troops, what can you use? Criminals. That’s it. The raw material of the Nazi party. And it won’t work. It isn’t working.
Somebody didn’t think this through. They didn’t realize that Crimea could be annexed without a bullet being fired, and they doubled down by assuming criminals could win a military victory.
There is a real intelligence issue here. Heads should roll in Washington, but, yes, you guessed it, they won’t. Instead, an effort will be made to destroy the part of Ukraine they control. They will burn Ukraine to the ground rather than let civilization have it. That’s their secret weapon.
feeling sad for uktrrops who are fighting their own brothers just for the sake of angloamerican evil empire who plots all destabilisation in the world from london and pass it on to americans and jews to offshore work.
tiem to take out england and finish that evil country.
” where that old Nazi collaborator Soros is getting involved and is trying to paint Orban as a fascist (quite the inversion of reality!).
why can he not be taken out by some patriot in any country?
Call me crazy but what Ukraine needs is a Right-Sector coup. It would IMMEDIATELY kill any legitimacy of the new Ukraine gov’t. It may also give Europe enough reason to abandon the Ukraine project. Not to mention cause much turmoil within the public in western Ukraine. Can you imagine the Nazis fighting against the army while the Novorussians sit on the sidelines laughing……and moving towards Kiev.
From Anglo-Zionist run Canada.
BTW, anybody hear any news about the planned NATO exercises that were supposed to be happening in Ukraine oh…… sometime around now?
quote coirrection-” daresay that the BBC is an english Nazi organization-not even british.
S.W.A.R.M.(1), banderivtsy division, at work.
«Украинцев теперь считают просто идиотами» (“Ukrainians now believe just idiots”)
http://vz.ru/society/2014/7/16/695833.html (trans) http://translate.yandex.net/tr-url/ru-en.ru/www.vz.ru/society/2014/7/16/695833.html
“Page Chancellor Angela Merkel in Facebook was the subject of a spam attack. It left about hundred thousand comments with insults at her and accusations in Alliance with Vladimir Putin. Kyiv experts say that all this has no relation to the present position of Ukrainians and organized “Russian propaganda.” [like everything else these nazis do, it’s all “Russian propaganda”]
However, many German edition perplexed about the attack on page Chancellor. Edition Welt writesthat most spammers are Ukrainians who blame Germany in Russian politics extensions”. Make sure that for many of the comments by real users, not bots, very easily. Enough to go to the page of the Chancellor and see the profiles of the authors offensive references. Moreover, on 14 July on the website “Evropidan” published an article, in which the portal administrators called on all Ukrainians to go to the page Merkel.
Popular Russian blogger, media expert Anton Korobkov-Zemlyansky says that Ukraine has worked for many years propaganda machine, which has formed a “going West”. “In recent months, the Ukrainian media, the blogosphere and other resources have shaped these sentiments. If all sources say that Russia is the enemy and does not let in Europe, somehow begin to believe it. Moreover, after the Crimea decided to secede from Ukraine, these sentiments have become more aggressive.
According to him, the criticism causes of Ukrainians shock, rejection. “Among other things for the formation of public opinion in Ukraine are organized groups, including bloggers. We are talking about thousands of accounts. There is botnets, which due to the mass of references to shape public opinion. It seems that tens of thousands of people support a particular point of view and want to annoy Angela Merkel. In this case, worked these two factors. Of course, the posts left and real users who are dissatisfied with the statements Merkel…”
Obviously, this is to keep Merkel in line with the ZPC/NWO “program”.
(1) S.W.A.R.M. – Israel Shamir coined the term, after experiencing repeated attacks by these fanatics and recognising the technique being used on others. See:
Carter and the Swarm
They are professional and amateur web spammers, phone callers, letter writers working for zionist Jewish interests who literally swarm entities, websites and people whom those interests have designated an enemy. This is the “grassroots” element of the zionist attack machine.
вот так
The US Declaration of Independence should be the only document retained, Constitution is outdated, not followed, plenty of international/humans rights material is available to create a new system. Internet + greater direct democracy, Swiss experience, many models can be used. Current system is a sham, a fascist ‘democratic republic’ serving as a gloss for capitalism/imperialism.
Americans: arm for self defense, stock water/food/medicine, encrypt all comms, prepare for the guerilla. Time is coming soon.