Hassan Nasrallah is persona non grata on Social Networks, where Anti-Zionism is the ultimate thoughtcrime
With a comment from Norman Finkelstein

I got two warnings from Facebook, dated December 24th and December 25th, 2018:
When I logged in on December 28th and saw these messages, I immediately appealed the decisions through the automated procedure, as shown above, though the specific posts alledgedly violating the Communnity Standards weren’t even accessible, since they had been removed. It means that I didn’t –and still don’t– even know which posts got me these “strikes”. At least, Youtube was specific about the videos alledgedly violating their rules –three speeches of Hassan Nasrallah–, though they didn’t say more than that. I don’t know if the whole Page was finally removed because of a third “strike” –Facebook does not even state how much “strikes” you can get before termination– or because of something else, like constant flagging and reports by cyber-IDF soldiers and Hasbara trolls. But I am positive it has to do with my anti-Zionist content. It is a blatant attempt to take down important speech and silence already marginalized voices, as stated by Vera Eidelman from the ACLU.
Of course, one should always protest and complain using the due procedures. After all, Facebook has been known to restore such Pages after the public outcry following their removal without proper reason (TeleSur, VenezuelAnalysis, etc.). I did protest, and I am still expecting an answer from them, without much hope, since earlier appeals as old as September 17th are still awaiting a response almost 4 months later, as shown below (screenshot dated January 4th, 2019).
This witch-hunt against the voice of the Resistance Axis online, especially Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah (I am the main translator of his speeches in English and French, voluntary and non-affiliated), is not new. Over and over again –most often after Israeli-backed indictment campaigns–, in 2012, 2014, 2016 and june 2018, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter closed down all accounts affiliated to the Lebanese –and Palestinian– Resistance, including Al-Manar TV Channel, banned for good. In 2014 and 2016, Facebook was hunting down Nasrallah’s very picture and temporarily blocking the accounts that featured it, even though they were individuals having no link whatsoever with the organization: not only Hezbollah’s missiles and fighters, but the very voice and picture of its Secretary General are considered as an existential threat for Israel, whose paid trolls keep reporting his videos as terrorist hate-speech to ban mercilessly. The right to information, neutrality or equity is a chimera in the Internet Giants’ turf, where only alternative views, especially videos hostile to Zionism, are subject to censorship and banishment.
On January 8, 2019, Norman Finkelstein commented on the issue:
It is a scandal that the speeches of Hassan Nasrallah are banned on Youtube. Whatever one thinks of his politics, it cannot be doubted that Nasrallah is among the shrewdest and most serious political observers in the world today. Israeli leaders carefully scrutinize Nasrallah’s every word. Why are the rest of us denied this right? One cannot help but wonder whether Nasrallah’s speeches are censored because he doesn’t fit the stereotype of the degenerate, ignorant, blowhard Arab leader. It appears that Western social media aren’t yet ready for an Arab leader of dignified mind and person.
Sayed Hasan
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Salam alykum,
Sorry to hear that brother. This behavior by youtube and facebook is not shocking. They are part of the problem. They would do something like blocking access to the words of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. These lying criminals fear honorable, trustworthy, truth telling, fearless people like Sayyed Hassan. You get enough people like that, and their entire system would collapse on top of their heads.
“Israeli leaders carefully scrutinize Nasrallah’s every word. Why are the rest of us denied this right? One cannot help but wonder whether Nasrallah’s speeches are censored because he doesn’t fit the stereotype of the degenerate, ignorant, blowhard Arab leader.”
Lol its hilarious picturing the Zionists in the stolen lands listening to every word of Sayyed Hassan. It must be like taking poisoned honey. On one hand he’s saying the truth, so its wise to listen to what he has to say. On the other hand every word he says relating to you(the Zionist listener) is damning your entire existence, and the existence of the cursed entity you represent. Lol what a conundrum. Thanks for linking your channel on Unz, and keep up the good work. Salam.
From what I heard, the Zionists have more trust in Sayed Hasan Nasrallah words than their corrupt bloody politicans.
That’s the amazing irony we are witnessing today.
Allah maâk my friend
This is so true! Everything Hezbollah related has been taken down by YouTube during the last three to two years.
My old YouTube channel, which had dozens of original and subtitled videos, got taken down last March because I dared to put a video about Hassan Nasrallah’s message to his men during the 2006 July War in Lebanon with Spanish subtitles.
Many other channels sympathetic to Hezbollah have been taken down. If this keeps up, we’re going to be left with all those biased videos that end up equating Hezbollah with Al Qaeda and Daesh.
Hi Sayed thanks so much for sacrificial work – that’s a great comment by Norm Finkelstein – so very well articulated and true – Nasrallah is one of my heros – in fact – very near the top – he’s exciting to listen to.
Hmm, I noticed that some of the Greek videos were removed from the Youtube under the pretext of infringing on some rights. The point I am making is: they contained “inconvenient” messages.
So, to continue with the point I am going to say is that posted videos or comments on the social media are allowed as long as someone does not point to their “incorrectness”
I’m afraid that anyone who uses Youtube or Facebook (or Twitter and the rest) in any way is simply building on sand. The more work you put into it, the greater the harm and regret when they pull out the mat and it all collapses.
The moral is: don’t rely on anyone who is untrustworthy.
Again, I ask “When is one of the countries which is an alternative culture to the US one (China, Russia, Iran) going to create its own internet so global citizens can hear news uncensored by the west?”
It seems to be an urgent mission in a world where soft power and information is 90% of the current conflict.
I totally agree.
This seems like a top priority in the age of InfoWar.
I too think having alternate/national internet(s) would be a good idea, but there’s no need to go that far just to deal with Youtube and Facebook censorship, establishing a Russian or Chinese or some other independent non-Western company to provide user-friendly website/service similar to Youtube/Facebook is more than enough to circumvent such censorship.Most on the internet are averse to censorship anyway, so they’ll be attracted to websites/services without censorship.
I would expand that to any website/service operating from within territory under Washington’s control(and that’s not only the USA).As for Facebook, there’s the Russian VK.com site that can be used as an alternative.There are also other alternatives.
Facebook is owned by a zionazi Jew. The site was created to channel people to one site where their personal and business lives can be conveniently monitored by the israeli security establishment.