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Posts From Scott

Regime Change In Venezuela: Army Defectors, Russian Mercenaries And Disappearing Gold

Regime Change In Venezuela: Army Defectors, Russian Mercenaries And Disappearing Gold Over the past few days, the intensity of anti-government protests in Venezuela has declined despite attempts of the US-led bloc to warm them up through both public and clandestine measures. However, the conflict continues to develop amid the acute standoff in the media sphere between the Maduro government and its opponents backed by the US-led bloc. On January 29,

Hundreds Killed In Clashes Between Pro-Iranian, Pro-Russian Forces

Syrian War Report – Jan. 29, 2019: Hundreds Killed In Clashes Between Pro-Iranian, Pro-Russian Forces A fake-news story about large-scale clashes between pro-Russian and pro-Iranian factions in Syria is making jitters in English- and Russian-language mainstream media outlets. According to these reports citing anonymous sources and each other, “the pro-Russian Tiger Forces and 5th Assault Corps” clashed with “the pro-Iranian 4th Division” near the villages of “Shahta, Bredidg, Innab and

How much money will Russia lose in Venezuela

by Ivan Danilov Ivan Danilov is a famous Russian economist and influential blogger. Source featured image © REUTERS / Manaure Quintero Translated by Scott The crisis in Venezuela has once again brought into question why the Russian state, as well as state-owned companies, invest money and issue loans to some countries. Many journalists and experts have already rushed with pleasure to calculate alleged financial losses of the Russian side, forgetting

Israeli Patrol Came Under Fire In Golan Heights

Syrian War Report – Jan. 25, 2019: Israeli Patrol Came Under Fire In Golan Heights A firefight broke out on the contact line between Israeli and Syrian forces in the Golan Heights, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement on January 24. According to the statement, forces from the Syrian side of the contact line opened fired on an IDF patrol. Israeli soldiers returned fire. The IDF reported

The fantastic characteristics of Russian newest weapons

The fantastic characteristics of Russian newest weapons, by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and subtitled by Eugenia and Scott Source Tests of the new Russian hypersonic complex Avangard conducted last December demonstrated that it wasn’t just real, but also corresponded to the declared characteristics. How exactly Avangard was able to get its highest range and maneuverability? One of our subscribers tried to answer this question. After the collapse of the USSR it

Arab Protesters Clash With SDF In Raqqa Province

Syrian War Report – Jan. 24, 2019: Arab Protesters Clash With SDF In Raqqa Province On January 23, hundreds of civilians took to the streets in the town of al-Mansoura in the province of Raqqa to protest against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) after the group’s security forces had murdered a civilian. According to local sources, Ahmad al-Zaban, a member of the prominent al-Bukhamis tribe, was killed because he had

Davos: Browder Confronted Head On: “When Will You Give Back the Money You Stole From Russia!?”

Davos: Browder Confronted Head On: “When Will You Give Back the Money You Stole From Russia!?” Subscribe to Vesti News… They’re searching for enemies to win a political game but are disrupting the global economy. That’s how the USA’s strategy was described at the World Economic Forum in Davos. While Washington is threatening its partners with trade and sanction wars, Russia is helping to find the cure against dollar

Syria Threatens To Strike ‘Tel Aviv Airport’

Syrian War Report – Jan. 23, 2019: Syria Threatens To Strike ‘Tel Aviv Airport’ Late on January 22, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled a major attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the Idlib de-escalation zone. According to the Russian military, about 150-200 militants supported by 15-20 vehicles equipped with machine guns attacked SAA positions in the areas of Abu al-Duhur and

ISIS Suicide Bomber Hits US-led Coalition Convoy In Northeastern Syria

Syrian War Report – Jan. 22, 2019: ISIS Suicide Bomber Hits US-led Coalition Convoy In Northeastern Syria   On January 21, a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device exploded at a checkpoint of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeastern Syria, when a column of the US-led coalition was passing it. According to initial reports, 2 US service members were wounded and 5 SDF members were killed in the attack. Later,

Kurdish Political Leadership Reveals 10 Demands To Damascus

Syrian War Report – Jan. 21, 2019: Kurdish Political Leadership Reveals 10 Demands To Damascus   If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via:, BTC: 3Gbs4rjcVUtQd8p3CiFUCxPLZwRqurezRZ, BCH: qpf2cphc5dkuclkqur7lhj2yuqq9pk3hmukle77vhq, ETH: 0x9f4cda013e354b8fc285bf4b9a60460cee7f7ea9 On January 19, the so-called Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS), an entity established by US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in attempt to legalize their

Trump Is Withdrawing From NATO “Under Putin’s Orders”

Trump Is Withdrawing From NATO “Under Putin’s Orders” by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. “Trump is discussing withdrawal from NATO,” says the frightening American headline in The New York Times. No, so far it didn’t say “from Putin’s orders”, but Russia, of course, is mentioned. It seems that the Democrats have invented a new horror story for the American electorate. This is exactly how it can be interpreted

Chemical Attack Preparations In Idlib De-Escalation Zone

Syrian War Report – Jan. 16, 2019: Chemical Attack Preparations In Idlib De-Escalation Zone Militants are preparing a new chemical attack in the Ma’aret al-Nu’man area in the province of Idlib, the Interfax news agency reported on January 15 citing an informed source. According to the source, militants store toxic chemicals in several warehouses across Idlib province and the far northern part of Lattakia province. The source stressed that Ajnad

Turkey, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Work To Defend ‘Syrian Revolution’

Syrian War Report – Jan. 15, 2019: Turkey, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Work To Defend ‘Syrian Revolution’ Leader of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham Abu Mohammad Al-Joulani declared his support to an expected Turkish military operation against Kurdish armed groups in northeastern Syria during an interview with Amjad Media on January 14. He stressed that his group supports “the operation to liberate the eastern Euphrates”. He also rejected criticism from his militant counterparts

Lavrov’s statement following talks with Foreign Minister of Japan

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions at a news conference following talks with Foreign Minister of Japan Taro Kono, Moscow, January 14, 2019 Ladies and gentlemen, We have concluded lengthy talks with Foreign Minister of Japan Taro Kono concerning the instructions from Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe on expediting the work on a peace treaty based on the 1956 Soviet-Japanese

Netanyahu Claims “Depots Full Of Iranian Weapons” Destroyed In Syria

Syrian War Report – Jan. 14, 2019: Netanyahu Claims “Depots Full Of Iranian Weapons” Destroyed In Syria Early on January 12, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out an airstrike on Syria. According to reports, Israeli warplanes, coming from the direction of Galilee, fired several missiles at a depot in the Damascus International Airport. The Syrian Air Defense Forces reportedly intercepted at least 8 of them. Following the airstrike, Israeli

Russia is trolling the West in the Arctic

Russia is trolling the West in the Arctic by Ruslan Ostashko. Source: Translated and subtitled by Eugenia I continue to keep tabs on the Arctic race, which Washington had lost before it even began, and I am happy to report that Russia has launched a new icebreaker. The ship “Andrei Vilkitsky” is described as “dancing” because of its high maneuverability.  

Al-Qaeda Defeats Another Turkish-backed ‘Opposition’ Group

Syrian War Report – Jan. 10, 2019: Al-Qaeda Defeats Another Turkish-backed ‘Opposition’ Group On January 9, Ahrar al-Sham groups in northwestern Hama surrendered and dissolved themselves under pressure from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda), according to local sources. Thus, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) imposed full control over the towns of al-Ankawi and Habit. Ahrar al-Sham is the core of a Turkish-backed coalition of militant

Turkey Wants US Military Bases In Northern Syria

Syrian War Report – Jan. 9, 2019: Turkey Wants US Military Bases In Northern Syria Ankara has asked the US to hand over 16 of its military bases in northern Syria to Turkey or to local authorities in the region after the U.S. withdraws, presidential spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said on January 8 after discussions with U.S. officials. “We are pleased with Trump’s decision for withdrawal [from Syria], but it needs

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Expands Further In Idlib De-Escalation Zone

Syrian War Report – Jan. 8, 2019: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Expands Further In Idlib De-Escalation Zone   Units of the Russian Military Police have started patrolling the surroundings of the northern Syrian city of Manbij in the Aleppo governorate, near the border with Turkey, spokesman Yusup Mamatov told media on January 8. “Today we started patrolling the security zone near the city of Manbij and its surroundings. The task is
