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Posts From The Saker

The Lobby is in a panic – look what they are sending out

Dear friends, Take a look at the email I just received: ******* Dear , With the Walt/Mearsheimer book, “The Israel Lobby”, attaining national bestseller status, and the simultaneous release of THE DEADLIEST LIES: The Israel Lobby and the Myth of Jewish Control, the national debate has begun. We have seen your review/mention of THE ISRAEL LOBBY, and we are writing to urge you to consider covering Foxman’s book as well.

Why Did Israel Attack Syria? An Opening Shot for War on Iran?

by Jonathan Cook Israel’s air strike on northern Syria earlier this month should be understood in the context of events unfolding since its assault last summer on neighboring Lebanon. From the leaks so far, it seems that more than half a dozen Israeli warplanes violated Syrian airspace to drop munitions on a site close to the border with Turkey. We also know from the US media that the raid occurred

Have Hawks Won a Round on Iraq Escalation?

by Gareth Porter The George W. Bush administration recently concluded that the increase in rocket attacks on coalition targets by Shi’ite forces over the summer was a deliberate move by Iran to escalate the war in order to put pressure on the United States to accept Iranian influence in Iraq, according to a senior US government official. The reported conclusions reached by administration officials suggest that the advocates of war

B-52 Nukes Headed for Iran, Not For Decommissioning: Airforce Refused

By Wayne Madsen WMR has learned from U.S. and foreign intelligence sources that the B-52 transporting six stealth AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles, each armed with a W-80-1 nuclear warhead, on August 30, were destined for the Middle East via Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. However, elements of the Air Force, supported by U.S. intelligence agency personnel, successfully revealed the ultimate destination of the nuclear weapons and the mission was

Iraq Will Have to Wait

By Scott Ritter The long-awaited “progress report” of Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on the status of the occupation of Iraq has been made, providing Americans, via the compliant media, with the spectacle of loyal Bush yes men offering faith-based analysis in lieu of fact-based assessment. In the days and weeks that have since passed, two things have become clear: Neither Congress nor the American people (including the

Lieberman-Kyl vs. the Evidence

by Gareth Porter The Lieberman-Kyle amendment has just passed the Senate overwhelmingly after two sections were removed to satisfy Democrats that it will not serve as a backdoor authorization for war against Iran, using U.S. forces operating in Iran. Even after that compromise, it remains a poison chalice, because it endorses a set of “findings” that are fundamentally false and which are being used by the administration to lay the

Ayatollah Sistani and Sunni political leader Al-Hashemi Confer

NAJAF, Iraq, Sept 27–Iraq’s spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Sistani received Iraqi vice president-cum-the secretary general of the Iraqi Islamic Party, Tariq al-Hashemi, in this holy city, south of Iraqi capital Baghdad, Alalam TV reported Thursday. The meeting came a day after Al-Hashemi published a proposal that he said would help achieve reconciliation in Iraq. The document calls for a blanket pardon for Iraqis who took up arms against the government

Jewish community in Iran slams US protest against Ahmadinejad’s visit

Heads of Iran’s Jewish community ‘outraged by the disrespect’ shown to the Iranian president during Columbia visit by Dudi Cohen The Jewish community in Iran published a statement Wednesday, slamming the disrespect shown to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by human rights and freedom activists on his recent visit to the United States. The Iranian president visited the US earlier this week, where he attended a forum at Columbia University and

US Senate brands Iran Guard ‘terrorist organization’

AFP – The US Senate has called for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards to be officially designated a “foreign terrorist organization,” a day after the House of Representatives passed a similar measure. The Senate on Wednesday voted 76-22 for the non-binding amendment sponsored by Republican Jon Kyl and independent Joseph Lieberman to place the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, or Pasdaran, on the US terrorist blacklist. Such a designation if adopted by the

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Rabbis meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (video)

On Monday Sep. 24, ’07 in the Intercontinental Hotel, at 48th St. and Lexington Ave. New York City at 9:00am anti-Zionist Orthdox Rabbis met with Iranian President Ahmadinejad then participated in a counter demonstration against protestors of the Iranian President in the Dag Hamerskold Plaza at the United Nations followed by a counter demonstration during the speech of the Iranian president at Colombia University. To understand why the Rabbis met

Imperial hubris at its paroxysm: US Senate calls for Iraq’s partition

Washington – US lawmakers voted Wednesday to split Iraq into a loose federation of sectarian-based regions and urged President George W Bush to press Iraqi leaders to agree. More than 20 Republicans joined Democrats to pass the non-binding measure in the Senate, 75-23, showing frustration in both parties about Bush’s war policy and lagging national reconciliation in Iraq. Supporters of Iraqi partition believe it would let Shia, Sunni and Kurdish

Amy Goodman discusses Ahmadinejad, Iran, Israel

Here is a transcript and video of the Democracy Now report for Sept. 25th AMY GOODMAN: World leaders are gathering in New York this week for the annual opening session of the UN General Assembly. With the ongoing speculation of a possible US military strike on Iran, no guests are attracting as much attention as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He opened his visit a public forum at Columbia University. A

US passes bill on Iran sanctions, IRGC

PRESS TV reports: The US House of Representatives has passed a bill that would tighten sanctions on Iran’s energy sector and recognize the IRGC as terrorists. According to US media, Tuesday the US House of Representatives passed a bill only hours before Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s UN General Assembly address. Prepared by Chairman of the US House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee Tom Lantos, the bill was approved by a

CMU’s Bollinger – Hypocrisy At Large

Posted on the blog Moon of Alabama: ——- Shortly after Columbia University’s president insulted the invited guest Ahmedinejad by repeating lies of the Bush government, there was this event. Columbia University World Leaders Forum, CMU Monday, September 24, 2007, 9:00–10:00 a.m.The Italian Academy, 1161 Amsterdam Avenue at 117th StreetGurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, President of Turkmenistan Co-sponsored by the Harriman Institute A keynote address followed by a question and answer session with the

Full Transcript of Iranian President Ahmadinejad speech at the United Nations

FULL TRANSCRIPT In the name of God, the compassionate and the merciful, oh, God, hasten the arrival of Imam al-Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his rightfulness. Mr. President, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased and grateful to the almighty to have the opportunity once again to attend this important universal forum. In the present tumultuous world

Iranian University Chancellors Ask Bollinger 10 Questions

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Seven chancellors and presidents of Iranian universities and research centers, in a letter addressed to their counterpart in the US Colombia University, denounced Lee Bollinger’s insulting words against the Iranian nation and president and invited him to provide responses for 10 questions of the Iranian academicians and intellectuals. The following is the full text of the letter. Mr. Lee BollingerColumbia University President We, the professors and

Ha’aretz analysis: The clear loser from Ahmadinejad’s visit is Israel

In his speech at Columbia University, the Iranian President used the podium to single out Israel and Zionism By Shmuel Rosner Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Columbia University in New York on Monday resulted in one clear loser: Israel. In his speech, Ahmadinejad took aim at Israel. If he managed to convince one person of his views on Israel and Zionism, then he has already gained. If he managed

Rabbis meet Ahmadinejad in NY

PRESS TV reports: A number of Jewish rabbis carrying placards of “I’m a Jew, not a Zionist” have met President Ahmadinejad at his residence in New York. The senior Jewish rabbi welcomed the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and called the meeting an extraordinary good fortune for the Jewish rabbis. The senior Jewish rabbi said the memory of this meeting would never fade, adding that the Iranian President understands the Jews,

Imperial Hubris in action: Senate to vote on Iraq division plan

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The US Senate is expected to vote as early as Tuesday on a Bosnia-style plan to subdivide Iraq on ethnic lines, touted by backers as the sole hope of forging a federal state out of sectarian strife. Though the measure is non-binding, and would not force a change in President George W. Bush’s war strategy even if it passes, the vote will provide a key test of

Full Transcript: President Ahmadinejad Delivers Remarks to the National Press Club

President Ahmadinejad Delivers Remarks to the National Press Club SPEAKER: IRANIAN PRESIDENT MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful… TRANSLATOR: The president is reciting verses from the holy Koran in Arabic. AHMADINEJAD (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): I am very glad to sit down and meet with members of the press and congratulate the 100th year of your activities. And at the outset, I would like
