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Posts From The Saker

Prominent Americans Ask Military To Refuse To Attack Iran

By Webster Tarpley Supporters of the August 26 Kennebunkport Warning welcome the statement issued by David Swanson entitled ” Leading Americans Ask U.S. Military to Refuse Orders to Attack Iran, ( and signed by a group of well-known personalities. The massive evidence of this danger which existed at the end of August has become still more massive over the past five weeks, and we are glad that these signers have


by General Fabio Mini Anyone who thought that the green light for the Israeli-American attack against Iran would come from the American Congress, was wrong. Equally wrong were those who thought that a president like Bush, so frustrated by the Iraqi chaos, the Afghan deadlock and the industrial lobbies’ pressures, would wind up making the decision on his own. The attack against Iran will take place thanks to the newly-appointed

Unmasking AIPAC

“It Doesn’t Get Any Worse Than That, Ray” By William Cook Ray Suarez (PBS News Hour Reporter, October 2, 2007): “You’re saying that the national legislature of this country, rather than doing the will of the citizens of the United States, passed that Iran resolution, sanctioning the Republican Guard, because of the American-Israeli Political Action Committee?” Mike Gravel (Democratic Presidential Candidate): “Wait a second. They’ll (sic) be some information coming

Iraq official says “big fat no” to attack on Iran

By Andrew Gray Iraq’s national security adviser said on Friday he strongly opposed any military attack on Iran and, in contrast to the Bush administration’s policy, said the option should not even be considered. “Attacking Iran? I say a big fat no. It’s a fatal mistake,” Mowaffak al-Rubaie said. “It should never be an option at all.” The United States accuses Iran of using its nuclear program to develop atomic

Banning Desmond Tutu

By Matt Snyders Put off by his controversial words on Israel, the University of St. Thomas snubs a Nobel Laureate Back in April, when University of St. Thomas staffer Mike Klein informed his colleagues in the Justice and Peace Studies program that he’d succeeded in booking Archbishop Desmond Tutu for a campus appearance, the faculty buzzed in anticipation. For a program dedicated to fostering social change and nonviolence, there were

A shameful silence

by Priyamvada Gopal We have become accustomed to theatrical displays of intolerance: death threats against writers, bonfires of novels, plays shut down, vandals defacing paintings. The danger, however, is that this obscures the more insidious forms that the suppression of dissent can take. Announcing that the proposed boycott of links with Israeli universities would be illegal, the University and College Union asserted that debates related to the topic under its

An interview with Marwan Barghouthi

This interview was originally published in Yedioth Ahronoth in Hebrew; it has been translated by Diana Buttu of The Institute for Middle East Understanding. The moment that Abbas officially announces his resignation, even if I am in prison, I will put forward my candidacy for President (of the Palestinian Authority) and I will win. This is what Marwan Barghouthi said from his cell – number 28, section 3 – during

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council: “US should attack Iran only if it wished to receive Israel on a wheelchair“

LONDON, — Iran will help the US stabilize Iraq if Washington sets out a timetable for withdrawing its troops, Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator says.Ali Larijani told Britain’s Financial Times newspaper that if the Americans “have a clear definition of a timetable we’ll help them materialize it“, reported.Larijani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, added that US failures in Iraq should deter the Bush government from considering any

Iran’s Left Camp Voices Strong Support for IRGC

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- We all support the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), former Iranian Parliament Speaker Mehdi Karroubi said, underlining solidarity of Iran’s left and right camps against the US efforts to label the IRGC as a terrorist group. Speaking to reporters here on Wednesday, the secretary general of the leftist E’temad Melli (National Trust) Party underlined Iranians’ national solidarity in the face of enemy threats despite the existing

Congress approves $1.2 billion worth of US-funded Israeli arms purchases, including 50 huge GBU-28 guided bunker busters

DEBKAfile reports (caveat emptor!): DEBKAfile’s military sources report the package, discussed by US Pentagon and Israel defense ministry officials, aims at replenishing the seriously depleted Israel Air Force stocks of missiles, bombs and fuel to their level prior to the 2006 Lebanon war, ready for any potential war contingency. Some of these items will be delivered shortly; others over a five-year period. They include thousands of missiles, tens of thousands

Dissenting at your own risk – Jewish Voices for Peace

By CECILIE SURASKY (Special to the Star-Telegram) Last year, I agreed to speak to a Jewish youth group about my organization, Jewish Voice for Peace, and our opposition to Israel’s occupation. My talk was to follow one from a member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which calls itself “America’s pro-Israel Lobby.” A week before, a shaken program leader said the AIPAC staffer had threatened to get the entire

Who really rules Israel?

by Gabriel Sheffer Jewish state controlled by four informal networks, not by government In light of the battle between Olmert, Netanyahu and Barak for the next premiership, the public debate focuses on the question on who of these three politicians is the “strong leader” many Israelis yearn for. At the same time, the failures of all Israeli leaders throughout history and their inability to implement their policies are attributed to

The Saker interviews Scott Horton

Its been a long time since I wanted to ask Scott Horton about his political ideas. I have to confess that ever since I discovered his fantastic radio show and his blog I have been listening to it on a daily basis. Never before had I heard a radio show with such a more interesting list of experts invited or with a more knowledgable and free thinking host. Scott, whom

Two Knights and a Dragon

by Uri Avnery THERE ARE books that change people’s consciousness and change history. Some tell a story, like Harriet Beech Stowe’s 1851 “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, which gave a huge impetus to the campaign for the abolition of slavery. Others take the form of a political treatise, like Theodor Herzl’s “Der Judenstaat”, which gave birth to the Zionist movement. Or they can be scientific in nature, like Charles Darwin’s “The Origin

The Saker interviews Joel S. Hirschhorn

After reading the very interesting article by Joel S. Hirschhorn “Time to Boycott Voting” I decided to contact him to ask him some further questions about his controversial point of view. He kindly agreed to answer my questions for which I am most grateful to him. ——- Q: Please introduce yourself, tell us about you, about what you do in life A: Though I started my professional life in engineering

Seymour Hersh interviewed on DemocracyNow! (transcript and video)

Seymour Hersh was interviewed today by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez on DemocracyNow! JUAN GONZALEZ: The Bush administration is approaching its last year in the White House. As the clock ticks toward 2008, speculation grows over whether President Bush and Vice President Cheney will indeed launch a widely feared attack on Iran. The latest report from the investigative journalist Seymour Hersh says war planning is intensifying. Writing in the New

Time to Boycott Voting

By Joel S. Hirschhorn After many years of political disappointment, more progressives, liberals and conservatives – and certainly moderates and independents – know in their hearts that voting for Democrats or Republicans is a waste. Just imagine if voter turnout was cut to 25 percent or less! Let the whole world see Americans boycotting a broken and corrupt political system and rejecting what has become a delusional democracy. To keep

The Israeli mindset: Apartheid and nuclear war

by Amira HassDemocracy is more than going to the polls “The protest wave has calmed down,” some Israeli journalists said Friday of the Burmese military junta’s success in driving thousands of demonstrators off the streets, using excessive violence. Despite the natural sympathy for the uprisers, several editors chose the word “calm,” which embodies the rulers’ point of view: The norm is “calm,” even if it means constant government violence. The

Iran is now selling 65% of its oil in euros

by Lew Rockwell Iran is now selling 65% of its oil in euros, 20% in yen, and only 15% in dollars, and even that 15% it plans to switch to “more creditworthy currencies” such as the UAE dirham. With the Bush administration threatening fullscale war against Iran almost every day, and taking any number of other warlike steps (sanctions, funding of terrorism, etc.), political reasons are enough to explain this

Senior Bush Official: “I hate all Iranians”

By Simon Walters Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America’s stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush’s senior women officials: “I hate all Iranians.” And she also accused Britain of “dismantling” the Anglo-US-led coalition in Iraq by pulling troops out of Basra too soon. The all-party group of MPs say Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary
