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Posts From The Saker

Hezbollah hails Egypt demonstrators

ABNA reports: Hezbollah movement hailed Tuesday the Egyptian protesters who are calling for the ouster of President Hosny Mubarak. “We salute the proud Egyptian people for their struggle … and their rejection of normalizing (relations) with Israel as well as their aspiration to freedom, independence and dignity,” Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naeem said in statement. Hezbollah, a strong critic of the Egyptian regime, has accused Cairo of coordinating with

Shimon Peres ” democracy in Egypt would be worthless if a “religious extremist dictatorship” were to rise”

According to the Jerusalem Post, President Shimon Peres met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at Beit Hanassi on Tuesday, where they discussed Egypt, peace talks, and the Iranian nuclear program.During the meeting, Peres said that the world saw the results of democratic elections in Gaza, where Hamas was elected (…) “If a religious extremist dictatorship rises the day after democratic elections, what are democratic elections worth?” Peres asked.

More signs of Ziopanic

Press TV reports that the Israeli parliament has called for an investigation into the reason behind the failure of Israeli Intelligence services in predicting the Egyptian uprising in advance. In the meantime, 400 Israelis have been evacuated from Cairo.

Israel is flexing its diplomatic muscle in support of Mubarak

That figures.  Al-Jazeera and Haaretz are reporting that Israel has called on the United States and Europe to curb their criticism of president Hosni Mubarak “in a bid to preserve stability in Egypt” and the wider Middle East, an Israeli newspaper reports. The Israeli daily Haaretz reported on Monday that the foreign ministry, in an urgent special cable, instructed its ambassadors to key countries, to “stress … the importance of

First signs of Ziopanic or good intox?

Hoenlein: ElBaradei a ‘stooge’ for Iran By Ron Kampeas for the JTA WASHINGTON (JTA) — The director of the U.S. Jewish foreign policy umbrella called Mohammed ElBaradei, the opposition leader emerging from the Egyptian ferment, a “stooge for Iran.” Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice-president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, accused ElBaradei of covering up Iran’s true nuclear weaponization capacities while he directed the International Atomic

The Egyptian masses won’t play ally to Israel

(An interesting commentary by Ha’aretz’ top strategist) As long as the masses in Egypt and in the entire Arab world continue seeing the images of tyranny and violence from the occupied territories, Israel will not be able to be accepted, even it is acceptable to a few regimes. By Gideon Levy for Ha’aretz Three or four days ago, Egypt was still in our hands. The army of pundits, including our top

No ‘Zionist panic’ out there (am I missing something?)

I do that from time to time.  I browse the headlines at Forward, Commentary, I check the websites of JTA, JINSA, ADL, Stand with us, BBI, AIPAC, etc. and then I turn to the real heavyweight Zionist power players: the NYT, the WP and the WSJ.  In the latter, I scan the opinion pieces and the editorials.  So far, the general feeling is absolutely unmistakable: not a single sign of

A few random thoughts about el-Baradei, the MB and bad comparisons

There is no doubt in my mind that the Empire is pushing el-Baradei as a successor to Mubarak (Hillary is already speaking about an ‘orderly transition’).  This does not at all mean that the Empire created the uprising in Egypt, or even that the Empire had el-Baradei already lined up ready to step in.  Nor does this mean that this is not the case.  Frankly, it is at this point

Muslim Brotherhood announces that el-Baradei will negotiate in the name of the opposition

Al-Jazeera has just announced that the Muslim Brotherhood announces that el-Baradei will negotiate in the name of the opposition. That is a *very* dangerous step for the MB.  I hope that they know what they are doing because to the outsider that I am, el-Baradei looks like an ‘Egyptian Obama’ i.e. “change you can believe in” as a slogan to keep the Establishment in power and the policies unchanged. I

Rude Awakening!

by Soraya Sepahpour-UlrichEyes fixed on Egypt, the consensus is that we are witnessing a global awakening. Mesmerized by the crowds, mainstream media reports, and ‘pundits’ analysis, we have abandoned our ability to think critically — we fail to ask the right question: Why is the mainstream media in the U.S., the propaganda apparatus of the State and interest groups, condemning the Egyptian leader — America and Israel’s most subservient ally?

News items sent by a friend

Events in Egypt and Russia (while I am sick)

Dear friends, I am still really sick, though the antibiotics have kicked in and I hope to be back in more or less normal shape in a day or so. Please keep on posting news items and comments here, in particular concerning the events in Egypt. Two small notes of substance (I am too sick to write more): a) Predictably, it appears that the Empire will not let go of

Latest news from Egypt

This was sent to me by a friend (thanks A.!) – the lastest news from Egypt: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD MORE INFO SOURCES!

Does anybody know?

Does anybody have any info on what is happening, if anything, at the border between Egypt and Gaza? Also, has Hezbollah made any statement about the events in Egypt? What about Hamas – are they doing anything in response to these events?  FYI – al-Jazeera live stream here:

Tehran 1979 – Cairo 2011? (some random thoughts)

I am amazed by the video coming out of Egypt.  I constantly switch from al-Jazeera, to RT TV, to Press TV and back.  Could it really be that the Mubarak regime could really fall? (I got to give al-Jazeera a big “bravo!” for its coverage of the events in Palestine and Egypt.) I have written many time here that Egypt is the most important and also the weakest link in
