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Posts From The Saker

The Shia of Bahrain “only God is with us”

In Bahrain, human-rights workers say at least 50 medical staff are still missing after a crackdown on hospital care for injured anti-government demonstrators. There are fears that some of the detained staff could face stiff sentences for treating protesters. Among them is Dr al-Dallal, a prominent physician arrested on March 17 during a military raid at Salmaniyah Hospital in Manama. His wife, Fareeda al-Dallal, was also arrested and beaten under

NATO botches operation to kill Gaddafi

Another NATO SNAFU: they wanted to kill Gaddafi, but ended up killing one of his sons, and three of his grandchildren.  Now everybody repeat after me: No, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorismNo, this is not terrorism(keep repeating until convinced)

Questions about “Hamas-Fatah reconciliation”

by Ali Abunimah for his blog on EI: Big news today about a reported “Hamas-Fatah reconciliation” deal. What does it mean? First, here’s what we know from Reuters: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah movement has struck an agreement with bitter rival Hamas on forming an interim government and fixing a date for a general election, officials said Wednesday. The surprise deal was brokered by Egypt and followed secret talks between

More details about the latest Gaddafi ceasefire proposal

I just finished watching an interesting Russian TV report.  According to the Russians, NATO attempted to prevent Gaddafi from airing his speech making a ceasefire proposal by bombing the TV station which was airing it (that is nothing new, just remember how NATO bombed the TV station in Belgrade into a pile of rubble or how the Israelis attempted to silence al-Manar in Beirut).  In both cases, the destruction of

Keeping track of ceasefire/peace proposals in Libya

In a previous post of mine I began keeping track of the various ceasefire/peace proposals made in the Libyan conflict.  I will continue to and in the coming weeks.  Though I am just a small irrelevant blogger, I will do all I can not to allow Libya to turn into a another Bosnia (where all the ceasefire/peace plans were dumped into an Orwellian memory hole). So far I had: African

The obtuse idiocy of US capitalism in one small paragraph

Here is a recent article from the BBC website:  How long is the ideal nap? Air traffic controllers in the US have been advised to take 26-minute naps, after a string of incidents involving workers falling asleep. So is 26 minutes the ideal length of time for a nap?  Five cases of air traffic controllers falling asleep on the job have been revealed since March. In three of those cases,

Palestinians commit (yet another) huge strategic mistake

Big news: Hamas and Fatah have agreed to form a new interim government as part of a process of “reconciliation” and a “unity deal”.  Yes, not only is Hamas going to join Fatah in a unity government, that government will be lead by, who else, Abbas! When I read that this morning I though “Hamas leaders have gone totally insane!”.   Think about it: Who is Abbas?  He is exactly *nobody*. 

A message from Anthony Lawyson about YouTube censoring his latest video

Hello, As you may already know, the Petition video has been removed because of “shocking or disgusting content.” This seems to make me The Moving Target.  It has been been taken down, because someone doesn’t like the pictures of what Israel did to so many little children in Gaza. The images were included in Michael Heart’s music video: “We Will Not Go Down (Song for Gaza)”.  The song and the

Gen David Petraeus aka “ass-kissing little chickenshit” to head CIA

Hilarious news today, General David Petraeus aka “ass-kissing little chickenshit” has been selected by Barak “no we can’t” Obama to become the next director of the CIA. This is a hyper-Obamaesque decision, indeed.  Obama is, of course,  the ultimate “ass-kissing little chickenshit” himself and its not at all surprising that he would appoint somebody of the same “stature”, shall we say.  Not only will the appointment of a a spineless

Footage from Bahrain

I good friend of mine has recently emailed me and told me that I was paying too much attention to the situation in Libya and not enough to the situation in Bahrain.  She sent me a long list of videos, some of which had already been removed by YouTube, some which were only in Arabic, some which did not explain what was being shown, and some which were duplicates of


Christ is risen! Χριστός ἀνέστη! !המשיח קם !لمسيح قام Христос Воскресе! Le Christ est ressuscité! Christus is opgestaan! Christus ist auferstanden! ¡Cristo ha resucitado! Cristo ressuscitou! Christus resurrexit! Kristo leviĝis!     The Catechetical Sermon of St. John Chrysostom is read during Matins of Pascha.   If any man be devout and love God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant,

While imperial powers are invading, Gaddafi offers a peace plan

The BBC reports: France, the UK and Italy are now officially sending “small teams of military officers”.  In the same BBC article we also learn that “Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi said the presence of foreign military personnel would be a “step backwards”.  He proposed that there should be a ceasefire followed by an interim period of maybe six months to prepare for an election which would be supervised

The civil war in Libya is about to turn into a NATO invasion – does anybody care?!

Dear friends, First, a couple of recent headlines which grabbed my attention France ‘should send in commandos to Libya’ British military officers to be sent to Libya Libya’s Late, Great Rights Record Another Shocking UN Cover Up About Libya FYI – Check out the UN Humans Right report on Libya Now, let’s turn to what has been gnawing at me: I have to say that I am rather baffled by
