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Posts From The Saker

Pensacola City Priest threatened with arrest over Free Speech!

by Joe Vinson for the Pensacola Digest: So, a priest walks into a city council meeting — stop me if you’ve heard this one — and is nearly hauled away by the police for speaking calmly to his elected officials. Hilarious, right? Father Nathan Monk wasn’t laughing at last night’s City Council meeting. During the Boyd Forum, an open comment period named in honor of the late civic activist LeRoy

50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

By Economic CollapseEven though most Americans have become very frustrated with this economy, the reality is that the vast majority of them still have no idea just how bad our economic decline has been or how much trouble we are going to be in if we don’t make dramatic changes immediately. If we do not educate the American people about how deathly ill the U.S. economy has become, then they

US outed, and far from drawn down

By M K Bhadrakumar for the Asia Times The United States-Pakistan relationship has reached a turning point reminiscent of the run-up to October 1958, when Washington encouraged General Ayub Khan’s coup, apprehending the coming into power of an elected government in Pakistan that might have refused to collaborate as the US’s Cold War ally against the Soviet Union. An innocuous-looking thing happened on Sunday – Pakistan regained possession of the

Europe’s Transition From Social Democracy to Oligarchy

By Michael Hudson for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung via Information Clearing House The easiest way to understand Europe’s financial crisis is to look at the solutions being proposed to resolve it. They are a banker’s dream, a grab bag of giveaways that few voters would be likely to approve in a democratic referendum. Bank strategists learned not to risk submitting their plans to democratic vote after Icelanders twice refused in 2010-11

“Iranian scenario” for Russia while the EU collapses? (UPDATED)

The BBC is reporting that: Moscow is braced for what the opposition claims will be the biggest demonstration in Russia for 20 years. Tens of thousands are expected to gather in a square south of the Kremlin, in the latest show of anger over disputed parliamentary polls. Smaller rallies are due to take place in cities across the country. The protesters allege Sunday’s elections – which gave Prime Minister Vladimir

Russian ‘Mousavi’ found!

Sure looks like in my first post about the elections in Russia I missed the obvious “Russian Mousavi”: the good old Mikhail “Gorbi” Gorbachev – the man which the West loves so much for wrecking the Soviet regime and country – now is calling for new elections.  Which makes me wonder if George Soros wants to be the (not quite Russian) ‘Russian’ Rafsanjani.  So far, he has kept a low

This is what they call a punishment, setback and defeat (UPDATED 2x)

With around 95% of votes counted, here are the results in terms of seats in the next Duma (for percentages, see previous post, update 3) United Russia: 238 seats Communist Party:  92 seats A Just Russia: 64 seats Liberal Democratic Party of Russia: 56 seats This is what the Western press calls “Voters punish Putin”, “Putin Setback”, “Putin barely hangs on to  majority” or “Poor results”.  That, and of course,

The same lame nonsense again… (UPDATED 3x)

Elections in Russia are talking place and already the Western corporate media is doing exactly what it did with the recent elections in Iran: ‘reporting’ about fraud ‘allegations’.  And again, these reports are clearly prima facie idiocy.  Here is why: Fist, just as Iran, Russia is a very large country and, at this moment in time, not ever the Russian government has any meaningful results or any kind of measure

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on December 1 2011

As I pledged yesterday my speech tonight would be on the political developments in Lebanon and the general political situation especially pertaining to the government, the STL, funding the STL and what is connected to it.I am before two topics. The first topic is important and it helps as a prelude to usher to the second topic. The first topic has to do with the general political speech in the

Debt and Democracy – Has the Link Been Broken?

By Michael Hudson, a research professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City and a research associate at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, for Naked Capitalism A longer version of this article in German was published in the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung on December 5, 2011 Book V of Aristotle’s Politics describes the eternal transition of oligarchies making themselves into hereditary aristocracies – which end up being overthrown

Hugo Chavez hosts summit of new regional group minus US

The BBC reports: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is hosting a summit of a new regional bloc that brings together 33 nations of Latin America and the Caribbean.  The general aim of the group, which does not include the US or Canada, is to foster regional ties.  Mr Chavez has described the bloc as a counter to US influence in the region. The two-day summit is Mr Chavez’s first big international

Life in the USA in three short headlines

From the Raw Story: Kentucky church bans interracial couples Bachmann claims she would close non-existent U.S. embassy in Iran Cops, movers refuse to foreclose on 103-year-old woman A teaspoon of sea-water gives you the taste of the whole ocean Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Russian national security policies – an attempt at clarification

The recent discussion with Lysander, Joe and others about possible Russian actions to prevent a NATO attack on Syria has lead me to conclude that it might be to look into this topic in a separate post.  So here is my point of view on what Russia is really up to.  As always, I offer that as a basis for discussion and I hope that you guys will contribute your

Russian envoy to NATO threatens to “reconsider” Russia’s support for NATO in Afghanistan

Dimitri Rogozin,  the official Russian top envoy to NATO (and who is also one of the most interesting Russian public figures), has just declared that Russia is considering revising its support for NATO operations in Afghanistan.  This is a direct consequence of the US decision to deploy an anti-missile system along the Russian border in Europe. And since Pakistan has decided to close down (probably for a limited time) the

Iran raises stakes with claims it has netted 12 US spies

The Sydney Morning Herald: IRAN has claimed a blow against US spying efforts on its nuclear program and strategic industries with the capture of 12 CIA ”assets”. US officials acknowledged its spy network targeting Iran had suffered a setback and expressed fears its contacts would be executed by the regime. The Iranian Intelligence Minister, Heydar Moslehi, said on Thursday the alleged spies worked at the highest levels of ”major firms
