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Posts From The Saker

Congress pushes iran regime change over diplomacy

Commentary: Amazing interview, isn’t it?  Read between the lines and think about it: what is Wilkerson *really* saying?  He is saying that the entire US political establishment, the entire US polity, is completely controlled by, and powerless against, the Israel Lobby.  Even though many politicians and government officials fully understand that the USA is headed towards a disastrous war against Iran, they are unable to do anything to prevent that

Kindergarten false flag ops and other nonesense (UPDATED)

Remember the ridiculous fairytale about the  “Iranian terrorist’ arrested in the USA“?  Well, it looks like these kinds of “kindergarten false flag operations” are picking up pace.  After the clueless Iranian ‘terrorist’ in the USA, we were told about a clueless bomber in Delhi (who only managed to wound a few people) and a homemade toy bomb in Georgia (it used a regular hand grenade).  Now it get even better:

Building justice: A social policy for Russia

by Vladimir Putin Russia is a welfare state. We have a much higher level of social guarantees than other countries with similar productivity and per capita income levels. In recent years, more than a half of public expenditure has been going into the social sphere. Over the past four years, our social spending has grown by 50% in absolute numbers, or from 21% to 27% in relation to GDP. None

The speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Tuesday February 7, 2012.

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah Mercy and blessings. First I would like to welcome all of you. We felicitate you and all Muslims on this fragranced,

Isareli regime shows its true nature (again)

The Israeli regime has clearly shown its real nature again by awarding its “Presidential Medal” to one of the most evil politicians of our times, the notorious war criminal Henry Kissinger. But then, there is a certain logic to this: a criminal regime whose leaders are all criminals, running a criminal political entity grant a fellow criminal the highest recognition.  Makes sense, doesn’t it? By the way, this Presidential Medal

Exposed: The Arab Agenda in Syria

By Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Here’s a crash course on the “democratic” machinations of the Arab League – rather the GCC League, as real power in this pan-Arab organization is wielded by two of the six Persian Gulf monarchies composing the Gulf Cooperation Council, also known as Gulf Counter-revolution Club; Qatar and the House of Saud. Essentially, the GCC created an Arab League group to monitor what’s going

Democracy and the quality of government

by Vladimir Putin Society cannot have sustainable development without a viable state, and, conversely, genuine democracy is an indispensable condition for building a state that serves the interests of society. Genuine democracy cannot be produced overnight. You cannot just copy it by reproducing somebody else’s model. Society has to be ready for democratic mechanisms. Most of the people should consider themselves citizens, meaning they should be willing, on a regular

Good day for Russia

This has been a good day for Russia.  First, Russia and China both vetoed the US/NATO UNSC demanding regime change in Syria.  Second, the various demonstrations which took place in Moscow showed that no “Orange Revolution” is likely to take place in Russia, at least not in the foreseeable future. Here is what took place at the UNSC: As for the demonstrations in Moscow, here is what took place: The

Russia ‘cannot support’ UN Syria draft resolution

The BBC reports: Russia’s deputy foreign minister says his country “cannot support” a draft United Nations Security Council resolution on Syria.  According to the Interfax news agency, Gennady Gatilov said that despite changes that took some of its concerns into account, Russia could not support the text in its current form. “This is not enough for us,” he said. The resolution, drafted by European and Arab countries, endorses an Arab

If Only It Were True…

David came up with another fantastic song.  Here is what he writes about it: Ever since the rightwing nutjobs started complaining that Barack Obama is a tree-hugging, socialist, immigrant-loving, peace-loving Muslim I’ve thought, “if only it were true.” This morning it occurred to me to write a song about it. Check it out: <p><br><br><br><br><br><br>I love<br></p> I love the man, there is no other way to put it :-) The Saker

NATO blinked first

This is encouraging.  To my surprise, and relief, it appears that Russia refused cave in the the US/NATO demands on Syria and that they two key provisions (regime change, weapons embargo) were dropped from the next UNSC Resolution. Good. As you probably know, I am not exactly an Assad fanboy, but turning Syria into the next Libya would be a disaster for the entire region and a calamity for the

Economic tasks

by Vladimir Putin We are living in a period of radical change in the global economy. Technology is being modernised faster than ever before. Much of what is routine to us today looked like science fiction 15 to 20 years ago. The struggle for global leadership has become more acute than ever before, and we see countries whose standing seemed rock solid giving way to those countries that were looked

Bush & Obama? Israeli assassinations and US Presidents

By Alison Weir for “CNI” via Information Clearing House On January 13th the Atlanta Jewish Times featured a column by its owner-publisher suggesting that Israel might someday need to “order a hit” on the president of the United States. In the column, publisher Andrew Adler describes a scenario in which Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu would need to “give the go-ahead for U.S. based Mossad agents to take out a president

­Russia: The national question

by Vladimir Putin For Russia – with its wide range of languages, traditions, ethnicities, and cultures – the national question is, without exaggeration, of fundamental importance. Any responsible politician or public figure must recognize that one of the main conditions of our country’s very existence is civil and interethnic harmony. We see what is happening in the world, the serious risks that are accumulating. Escalating interethnic and interreligious tensions are

Brown-nosing Black man

On Friday, October 17th, 2008, right before the 2008 Presidential election, I posted the following video of Malcolm X: and I added the following words: So what do you think? Is Obama a threat to the system (a “field negro”) or the obedient slave of the system (a “house negro”)?  Is Obama a force for “change”? Time has proven, beyond any doubt, that Obama was not only a ‘house negro’,

Uncle Sam shuts down Megaupload – ‘Anonymous’ retaliates

Slashdot reports: “Federal prosecutors in Virginia have shut down notorious file-sharing site and charged the service’s founder with violating piracy laws. The Associated Press broke the story on Thursday, reporting that the indictment accuses’s owner with costing copyright holders including record labels and movie studios more than $500 million in lost revenue.”*  “Shortly after a federal raid today brought down the file sharing service Megaupload, hackers aligned with
