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Posts From Raskolnikova

Ukraine SITREP July 10th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)UN: Five million Ukrainians in need of humanitarian assistance  The most vulnerable are people living in the Donbass Western media noted that humanitarian organizations since the beginning of this year has assisted more than 450 thousand people in Ukraine. About its plan to increase the support until the end of the year to Ukrainians has reported the world food programme of the United Nations. 2)Poroshenko has appointed new Ambassador

Ukraine SITREP July 7th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)MPs: Russia is the historical name of Ukraine  The relevant bill was submitted to the Ukrainian Parliament According to Ukrainian MPs, the use of the word “Russia” as an official synonym of the Russian Federation is “aggressive reminder to the citizens of Ukraine about the “temporariness” of the Ukrainian statehood”. In Kiev believe that this is an infringement on the sovereignty of Ukraine. 2)Military events in NovoRussia for 6.07.15

Ukraine SITREP July 3d, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Putin: no one is trying to analyze the causes of events in Ukraine  Russia is under pressure from other countries, as it pursues an independent policy “The reasons for the pressure on Russia is clear: we conduct independent domestic and foreign policies, do not trade their sovereignty. Not everyone likes that, but in a different way can’t be”, — said the President. “To expect an unfriendly change of course from

Ukraine SITREP June 30, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Poroshenko betrayed the Maidan  The power in Ukraine has moved to the new oligarchs, the country was in the hands of one of them “On the Maidan Ukrainians fought against the oligarchs. But one of them became President. Now he begins to destroy the other oligarchs — and, thus, creates the space for new clans,” the article says. “The oligarchs in Ukraine, as the leaves: they fell

Ukraine SITREP June 26, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Kiev asks “Gazprom” on gas blockade of Donbas  The Ukrainian authorities have to decide whether they agree that the DPR and LPR  its territory or not “Some time ago “Naftogaz” approached us with a very peculiar request —not  to deliver gas to South-East. If Naftogaz believes the South-East of Ukraine is Ukraine, it should not be problems with the payment for the supplies. If they think differently, they will say

Ukraine SITREP June 19th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Ukrainian neo-Nazis announced Poroshenko is a puppet of Moscow  Supporters of Ukrainian neo-Nazis accused the incumbent President of the country Petro Poroshenko in relations with the Kremlin “Unless we understand that the main traitor in Ukraine is planted in an armchair of the President by Russia – Poroshenko, P. A., and all of those Muscovites, and other lackeys only obey that order, we will never win this war. Only the

Ukraine SITREP June 16th, by Raskolnikova

1)In Minsk began meeting of the contact group on Ukraine  The contact group on conflict settlement in the South-East of Ukraine began the discussion of the work of thematic subgroups, meetings of which were held in Minsk “Meetings of sub-working groups were completed. The contact group had begun to discuss the results of their work”, — said the Agency interlocutor. “The meeting will hear reports from focal points from OSCE

Ukraine SITREP June 12th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)In Rada suggest to forbid trade with Donbass and the Crimea  The relevant bill in the Ukrainian parliament was introduced by the extra fractional deputy Yury Levchenko “Temporarily occupied territories” official Kiev calls uncontrollable to the central authorities of the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk areas, and also the Crimea which became part of Russia following the results of a referendum. In November, 2014 Poroshenko signed the document which was

Ukraine SITREP June 9th, by Raskolnikova

1)Pogrebinsky: Poroshenko has surpassed all others with his lies. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has cheated on the details of the Minsk agreements in his speech to the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada . “He said that, Matviyenko said that there would be an extraordinary session of the Federation Council with a known agenda on granting the President the right to send troops. He knows exactly what is he

Ukraine SITREP June 2d, by Raskolnikova

1)Poroshenko announced an ultimatum to Russia  Ukraine has threatened a full-scale economic blockade of Lugansk and Donetsk “The President of Ukraine believes that the situation is subject to the embargo. The practice of the head of Luhansk regional administration of Mr Moskal, forbade any movement of transport from the occupied territories, recognized as valid and needs to be extended to the territory of Donetsk region”, — he said. “The middle

Ukraine SITREP May 29th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)The state border service of Ukraine: border guards never found weapons in the humanitarian convoy of the Russian Federation  Ukraine confirmed that Russia provides Donbass solely with humanitarian assistance “To this date, it has been 28 so-called escorts. Planned next. They carry different things. In recent times, mainly food products. It has never been the fact of transportation of arms and ammunition in those convoys we recorded,” he said.

Ukraine SITREP May 26th, by Raskolnikova

1)Poroshenko: All the talks about the second official language is nonsense  The Ukrainian language will be the only one. “Ukrainian was, is and always will be the only official language.And the revolution of dignity, and the struggle against the aggression showed a price of verbiage that took our state from this decision”, — said Poroshenko. “What now unites our nation, state, nation? Language. And this was not the result of

Ukraine SITREP May 22d, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Ukrainian politician: Kiev’s rejection of the heritage of the USSR deprive it from the rights in many areas. Ukrainian law on decommunization denies rights to the regions, annexed to the Republic in the days of the USSR “The current Ukraine can’t  claim about a number of territories, which in this case considers her own. Because neither UPR nor in Hetmanate Skoropadsky, nor in a one-day “power” proclaimed by supporters of

Ukraine SITREP May 19th, by Raskolnikova

1)Parliament denied Viktor Yanukovych’s title of President  Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman promises to deal with the fate of the law on deprivation of Viktor Yanukovych  of the title of President. “There is such a question. But I remember exactly that I this law was signed. So now I will check this information. I 100% guarantee you that I have signed it. Next, we’ll learn in

Ukraine SITREP May 15th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Yatsenyuk outraged by the meeting between Kerry and Putin and Lavrov in Sochi  “We understand that in global politics, there are many problems, including ISIS, Yemen and the rest. But my message is this: look, Sochi is obviously not the best resort and not the best place for conversation with the Russian President and the Russian foreign Minister,” — said Yatsenyuk. According to the Ukrainian Prime Minister, he “believes” that

Ukraine SITREP May 12th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)The IMF confirmed the prediction of the fall of the Ukrainian economy in 2015  Ukraine’s economy went into a deep crisis, and there is clearly a confusion of the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Even the IMF sees that all the talk about reforms remain being just talks. In fact, the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk by their actions (introduction of new taxes, rising utility prices, the ruin of banks) destroys the

Ukraine SITREP May 8th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)The message of the Ministry of defence of DPR about preparing provocations of Ukrainian forces. According to secret service received by DPR, the leadership of Ukraine is preparing provocations on the territory of Donetsk People’s Republic. For these purposes, the Ukrainian forces will use the symbols of the Republican guard and the Cossacks.Sabotage on behalf of the Republican guard will be resonant event in which Ukrainian media will blame the

Ukraine SITREP May 5th, by Raskolnikova

1)Handelsblatt: Ukrainian recruits fleeing to the West and the East. Corporations trying to “cover up” from the service their employees, giving the government  false information. Prospers illegal business for those who avoids military service: doctors selling medical certificates, and travel agencies organize special routes for those who want to leave the country.The newspaper reminds that a few weeks ago a doctor from Chernovtsy was arrested, who made a falsification of

Ukraine SITREP May 1st, by Raskolnikova

1)Poroshenko called the conditions of ending of the war in Ukraine. Petro Poroshenko said that “the war will end when Ukraine will return the Donbass and the Crimea”. “How long will it take time? As long as necessary”, — said the President. According to him, there are many examples of countries that are living in conditions of war for a long time. At the same time, the Ukrainian leader said

Ukraine SITREP April 28th, by Raskolnikova

1)Pushkov: the Summit in Kiev showed that Ukraine is living with illusions.“The summit in Kiev had a symbolic character. He brought nothing Ukraine, except common words, and showed that Kiev lives with illusions about the EU,” the politician said. Пушков: Саммит в Киеве показал, что Украина живет иллюзиями.   2)Poroshenko: War in Donbass may begin at any time. “War may break out any moment, but we are ready to
