by Jack J.
First of all, what could happen that would make me regret my vote?
If the Tories recover from Brexit and go on to dominate British politics for the coming decade, somehow managing to win the next election and thwart Scottish Independence, then I would have to turn over my Brexit vote to Captain Hindsight.
I predict they won’t and I predicted they wouldn’t if Brexit happened. I also contend that they could well have done without Brexit:
What would have happened if England/the UK had scraped a Remain victory1?
- Cameron would have been lauded as a hero by the Tories, EU top-brass and even high profile Labour and the lib-dem figures. As would have Blair, Brown, May, and various other despicable people. Instead Cameron has been ridiculed and castrated; forced to live the rest of his sorry existence outside of Westminster.
- Johnson would able to play the gallant loser and ‘whip-up the Tory base’. Instead he’s been exposed as a liar and positioned, by May, to take the blame for a lot of the Brexit mess. (He could still be Mayor of London right now, but thankfully we have a Labour Mayor, albeit a Blairite.)
- Farage and UKIP would still be plastered all over the MSM. I’m still disgusted about how much coverage they get, but thankfully they have been shattered as an electoral force. (For the record I consider them a ploy by the establishment to dress up a load of Tories as anti-establishment and thus a) poach disenfranchised Labour voters (many of whom would never vote ‘Tory’) and b) make the Tory party look ‘less racist’.)
- All the dirty lies that the Leave campaign told wouldn’t have come out. £350 million/week etc.
- The chicken coup wouldn’t have happened; whilst the Blairite scum would have surely got the knives out for Corbyn at some point, they could not have made more of a mess of it than they did. (Arrgh!)
- The Scottish Parliament would not have passed a bill for an INDE II. (Something that may well have been an important factor in May’s decision to hold an election.)
- The Tories would be about to hold a leadership contest, one which May and Johnson could compete in, which would include a large dose of hypothetical Brexit, and which would look reasonably respectable. Instead the one they tried holding was so excruciatingly embarrassing they called it off and crowned May, thus demonstrating to everyone their utter contempt for democracy and debate, as well as their lack of individuals with talent/competency.
(And their new front-runner is now best known for believing rape victims should be denied the option of abortion.)
Conversely, I think the case can already be made that important victories have been won by the Left in England and the Independence Movement in Scotland, and these have happened very much in the context of Brexit.
What has happened that wouldn’t have?
- May might not have been PM at all, and certainly wouldn’t have been there as long. Personally think May has been a terrible PM in all respects, notably PM question time where she has been repeatedly trounced by Corbyn. She has absolutely fuck all charisma. She doesn’t inspire loyalty, or run a good team. I don’t think anyone could have done much worse for the Tories, hence I’m happy the stupid bitch is there fucking it up for them.
- The Tory’s wouldn’t have lost their majority. Let’s face it, they made the classic error of empire: they believed their own lies. They actually convinced themselves that Corbyn was weak, and that they could crush the left for a decade or more.
- The coalition with the DUP wouldn’t have happened. People didn’t even really know who they were, then all of a sudden these bigoted arseholes are getting billions for backing up May, who lost by her own definition, and had told a nurse using a food bank that there ‘is no magic money tree’. Way to publically drag the whole establishment through the mud; coalition of chaos eat-your-heart-out.
- There were two things that were going to have to happen once the general election was called: the back-stabbing of Corbyn by ‘the left’ would have to quieten down, and the focus would have to shift to policies. Corbyn’s unpopularity was due to continuous reporting of the back-stabbing and a black-out on all actual polices; once that was minimised the polls swung dramatically. That would not have happened in the absence of a general election, and hence Brexit.
- Labour would not have won its biggest share of the vote since 1997 and the biggest swing ever. Completely trashing the entirety of the MSM and a whole load of so called ‘experts’ in the process. There was also a boost in Labour Party membership, and considerable energy at the grassroots.
- The Labour Manifesto would not have been released, which is in itself an important document and significant victory, one which demonstrates how much the terms of debate have shifted since Corbyn was elected leader.
The above are all things that represent the elite control being significantly eroded.
If May / the Tories do cling to power for another five years it will be because of the bone-chilling fear the establishment has of PM Corbyn. They will lurch from farce to farce and people will be so gagging for change by then that a Labour government will be delightfully likely and decisive.
As for the SNP, they are still the dominant force in Scottish politics and the time will come for INDE II; a couple of years of Brexit mess should be enough to see opinion swing finally in favour of ‘better off alone’. After that it’s a question of timing; in all likelihood before the next general election meaning that the Tories will be fighting a campaign with their recent presidence over the disintegration of UK fresh in the electorate’s mind.
So what could have made me regret my Brexit vote?
Of utmost importance to the future of this country are the two fronts of resistance to the neo-liberal/austerity agenda of the British State:
- A Left-wing Labour Party.
- The Scottish Independence Movement.
So if May, Johnson, Davis and the EU were happily hashing out the terms of a horrific Tory Brexit with minimal detrimental economic repercussions and thus doing reasonably well in the polls even as Scottish Independence was somehow defeated for a generation and the Labour Party unable to come up with a decent leader then, yes, I would be seriously lamenting my Brexit vote right now.
But how is/was any of that conceivable? Given that:
- Severing ties with our main trading partners, ones which we have deep and complex integration with, was always going to be messy and expensive. An expensive Tory mess in other words.
- Brexit was always going strengthen Scottish Independence, directly through providing a “material change in circumstances” and indirectly through destabilising Ireland. (Whilst also high-lighting the biggest difference between English and Scottish public opinion.)
- Brexit was never Corbyn’s fault, if anything Corbyn is Brexit’s fault2. All Corbyn has done is fight against neo-liberalism and austerity, which is more than you can say for EU by the way. (In fact the only conflict Corbyn has ever had with the EU its imposition of neo-liberalism and austerity.)
So what could, conceivably, have happened?
- Markets and business being less spooked by Brexit due to reassurances that it’s going to be both soft and pro-business, and a fair bit more competence coming from May including clarity about how Brexit is going to work, and when, along with a less antagonistic negotiations with the EU27, and less court cases being brought against them and won. (Meaning that the Tories were looking fairly solid electorally, instead of the complete shamble-farce that they are currently.)
- The SNP being outmanoeuvred somehow on the INDE II issue (as they have been to an extent by the recent general election, on the grounds of electorate fatigue).
- Corbyn dropping down dead and being replaced by some pro-Remain centrist that manages to get everyone excited about opposing Brexit whilst distracting them from opposing austerity.
With a compromised Labour Party, May and Labour would have played a nice little game of cat-and-mouse on the Brexit battle-ground; instead Corbyn has made it about opposing austerity and neo-liberalism throughout.
What frustrates me is that instead of appreciating that the terms of debate, and the overall prevailing forces, have shifted dramatically in favour of genuinely reforming society, people are distraught that the little cat-and-mouse game isn’t on.
All these petitions and polls and parties aimed at trying to Remain, completely miss the point: we need these bigoted filthy-rich arseholes out of office. That includes Blair and Brown and any of their supposedly centrist ilk. We need Corbyn and MacDonnell in no. 10 and 11; we need a complete U-turn on all policies right across the board; no to war, no to nukes, investment in housing, education, NHS, public transport and the green economy.
I wrote last summer that:
“the danger in all of this [Brexit], is to lose sight of what’s of vital importance: reverse austerity, stop paying for war. This is what Jeremy Corbyn has devoted his life to, and seeing such a man gain the high office of an important country is a nightmare scenario for the ruling class… their current ploys is to discredit his ability to campaign for a worthy cause. To believe this, to believe Corbyn is incapable of running and effective general election campaign, is to fall into a trap. Every person who believes this, if it means they withhold even a little bit of support for Corbyn, weakens the prospects of seeing a genuinely anti-austerity and anti-war Prime Minister.” (
Now, post general election 2017, the ruling class can no longer maintain the myth that Corbyn is incompetent, weak or whatever. However, the establishment are now using Brexit as a stick to beat Corbyn with, and are to some extent succeeding.
Despite this, Corbyn’s alternative seems more and more plausible, he has grown as a speaker and a leader, and so has the competence, credentials and loyalty of his front bench. Labour is ahead in the polls, winning by-elections en mass, and Corbyn is favourite to be PM after the next General Election. Reforming the Labour Party. Redefining the terms of debate. Forcing u-turn after u-turn on the government. Offering a genuine alternative. Could this have been the case if Brexit had been defeated? Id like to hear how.
- This could either have happened through England being so close than Scotland and N. Ireland ‘took England out against its will’ or that England itself scraped a Remain victory.
- The nomination of Corbyn was the result of the perceived massive need for soul searching within the Labour Party after the unexpected crushing defeat by Cameron in 2015 after promising an EU referendum.
- (This is the nature of referendums. They divide, they polarize. The losers feel disenfranchised. The winners feel vindicated, and hence gain a feeling of entitlement which can lead to disappointment and frustration. If the campaigns have been ran in the gutter, like Brexit, or with the odds stacked against one side, like the Scottish Independence vote these negatives are emphasised.)
Listen, honestly, No One cares about Brexit specifics. Really. Noone.
Brexit is simply a geo-political move to get off the sinking EU ship,
and realign with the US.
Now the US/UK axis can tear the EU apart:
– end of Shengen zone (check),
– end of free trade – common EU market (happening, Nutella-gate*, Diesel-gate)
– end of free flow of services/people (happening)
The goal is to either start a war between states (Vishegrad group
vs Germany/France, though a less likely development) or
implode states from within (civil war, Muslims/refugees vs Bio-Germans/AfDummies)
This is done to remove the EU as a cohesive competition block in the
upcoming multi-polar world. End.
Anything else said about the Brexit topic is just NOISE.
*Nutella-gate: for those who aren’t familiar, EastEuropean countries
were sold lower quality WesternEuropean products, so in turn
the EE threaten to ban those – basically the end of the common EU market
You beat me to it.
Just more NOISE.
The article as a whole is utterly bizzare, disjointed and agenda led.
Agreed. In a perfect world, Scotland would leave Britain, leave the EU, and declare itself a neutral country. Perhaps an independent Scotland could copy the best that each country has to offer. It could either develop close economic and cultural ties to Norway and Iceland or to Switzerland. All of the aforementioned countries maintain high living standards and also take care of their people. For example, any young Norwegian would tell you he or she is not afraid of the future – economically speaking, anyway.
The EU is an artificial construct. If the EU member countries were left on their own, the EU would most likely dissolve. You might see a resurrection of a Central European, Austro-Hungarian-style trading block dominated by Germany, and a Southern European block dominated by France. England could care less about Europe, as it would be happy enough trying to resurrect a smaller, leaner version of the British empire via a free trade zone of former British colonies. Nigel Farage revealed that a Britain independent from the EU should do just that.
If any of this were to happen, then there would no longer be a reason for NATO to exist and no reason for the USA to station troops in Europe. Germany and Russia could develop close economic and cultural ties. How could the USA continue to afford to station troops in Europe once the world goes off the dollar standard in international trade? What will the Anglo-American elites do when (not if, but when) no one wants to trade in dollars anymore?
Thanks for the sanity check. I was a little dismayed to read this full fledged monologue sinking into the fake paradigm of Britain’s Governance. Thankfully you are switched on to the agenda that I thought this group may have elevated itself above.
To imagine that the survival of the UK can be found in a mainstream political party run by any member of the Queen’s Privy Council is quite bizarre.
Brexit was another rigged election that failed to be rigged enough. The lack of a Brexit plan was the big give away, just as Clinton failed to write even a half hearted concession speech. Camoron was so convinced of a Remain vote we had nothing to move forward with despite being told it was a legitimate referendum and the government would implement the wishes of the voters.
As for the idea that Scotland should leave the UK, surrendering our island brotherhood is a sure fire way to lose to the NWO and suffer the Austerity the author apparently fears.
I tentatively believe that the Brexit vote was a genuinely democratic vote. I’ll wait for the laughter to subside.
The bizarro and totally uncalled for General Election (a totally rigged result in my opinion) was an attempt by TPTB to partially correct the unexpected Brexit win, and prepare the way for the scraping of Brexit.
Just you watch Corbyn, he is controlled-opposition par excellence.
@ Flonerd
I agree with you that Brexit was genuine. I don’t agree that the GE was a fix. See my comment below.
My Dad was a UKIP candidate. He did not post a single leaflet, go to a single husting. He just helped a friend out and put his name down. He won with 70% of the vote with one of the largest majorities in the country.
This article and most of these comments are afraid to speak: Brexit was about immigration.
In the last 20 years our population has gone from 64 to over 80 million. We are in denial about the population numbers in the UK. It is the reason for our sinking NHS, public services, housing issues, crime, congestion etc. because our projections and public expenditure are built on a deliberate under-guess.
This has nothing to do with racism, but about the banks. In 2008 the ‘sub-prime crisis’ was a natural consequence of maxed out lending in an economy dependent on never-ending credit expansion. Sub prime lending happened because everyone with a good credit score was maxed out, and they went to those individuals with a high likelihood of defaulting. The crash was about those individuals defaulting (it took only 2.4% default rate to break the system), but the reason was the banks had no-one left to lend to. House building, our only industry and the principle method of expanding money supply into the economy (95% of new money issuance in the UK is via lending by private banks) collapsed. In order to re-inflate the housing market, and by default the debt machine, they needed millions of new ‘debt targets’. So the government opened the migrant floodgates. Migration is about re-expanding a debt (credit)-driven economy through house building. Nothing more and nothing less.
The facts behind this flood are unequivocal:
Look at the official issuance of National Insurance Numbers to Adult Overseas Nationals, here:
These figures show numbers of migrants over 16 who have come to the UK and seek a job and benefits. From 2005 to 2014 the average was 600k per year, about a whole city’s worth. In 2015 it was 910,000, 825,000 in 2016 and 771,000 to June 2017.
This migration figure does not include children below 16 (unknown) illegals, estimated at 225k per year, or those in the cash economy who do not wish to register for NI numbers.
Births in the UK are now touching 30% to women not born in the UK (ie, arrived since yr 2000).
The census, which recorded only legitimate and registered migrants, showed that our capital city is now 54% people who were not born in the UK. This explosion has mostly happened since 2000.
Many cities, towns and villages have doubled in size since 2000. Almost everywhere is building.
My father won by a landslide because the schools in his town, in the last 10 years, went from locals to 75% migrants. We went from Friday night fights outside the chippy to Meth factories and weekly stabbings. Factory night shifts that paid me £16.50 per hour in 1988 are now paying £7.50. After inflation, that job should be paying £35+. Zero hours contracts, gangmasters, (so called ‘agency workers’) killed the Unions. Line managers with 35years service were sacked if they weren’t bi-lingual. He went with the police into migrant housing areas of his small town. Lithuanian gang-mansters are running whole streets of housing, take the migrant’s passport, sleeping 14 slaves per room on wall to wall mattresses, 14 night shift workers woken up and shifted out while the day shift comes in. Bedford, Boston, March, Peterborough, Spalding, Wisbech, Corby, Kettering, Northampton – any eastern town and you find it hard to find an English person. Birmingham is a run-down s*ithole that has gone from productive raggedy city of 1.2 million to 2 million plus in 10 years. And the point is, THE WHOLE POINT IS, they are building new towns everywhere. Migrants building houses for migrants, who are here as a bail-out for the banks.
Brexit was democratic, and it was a good thing. It was a working class movement because the biggest losers are the working class. It genuinely took the politicians and media by surprise. Tory and Lab both know that if they don’t get on and do it, their party will never win another election.
All the evils in the world today can be traced back to debt. It is the reason for permitted mass migration. It is the reason how and why the resources of the planet are being plundered. It is the reason for the east vs west face off (creditors vs debtors). It is the reason why we can’t move past the archaic petrol engine. It is the reason for all the current wars.
Brexit was a population simply saying that the cost of an ever expanding credit economy is too high.
Thanks. Many things got clarified.
Very interesting.
Thanks for the detailed report.
I am inspired by proper gander, an Englishman that can really think.
Let me take one part of his thinking and add some of my own, plus that of an old man that can really, really, REALLY think.
What one part of pg’s thinking?? This part:
“All the evils in the world today can be traced back to debt.”
Here’s my thinking on that:
If pg means fraudulent, illegitimate debt, I absolutely agree with him, as a short cut means of communicating to the most people how their consciousness, labor, time, minds are enslaved by a lie.
What’s The Lie?: Well The Lie is that the Debt was contracted lawfully, that is, that you and I agreed to borrow wealth and can and will repay that wealth, because we promised implicitly or explicitly to do so.
I keep my promises, but I never promised any such thing…….I don’t know about you.
However, regardless of what you promised or did not promise, the simple fact now extant on Planet Earth is that an enormous portion of its debt is both illegitimate (created and compounded by fraud) but more fundamentally, huge portions of that debt have become absolutely unpayable.
This deliberately created FRAUD has been run against the interests of the vast majority of the human race by the administrators and “Beneficiaries” (if you think having your soul confined to eternal hellfire is a “benefit”…..) of Empire.
Not a new problem. Babylonian, Roman, Venetian, British, AZ Empire….all a continuous tradition of the same degraded, anti-human sh*t.
Well, what do you do with bad, illegitimate, fraudulently created debt?
You FORECLOSE IT!! You erase it. You wipe it out. You start over. You have a “Jubilee”.
Right now that means the Death of the Petro-dollar which can severely buffet and flood those of us in the West with “assets” and “entitlements”, businesses and employment.
So far, many assets have done TOO well, and are greatly inflated, but that’s about to change.
Those in most categories of employment have taken the brunt of the damage, so far, but entitlements suffer by not keeping up with the real inflation (fraudulently underreported for that reason, to enslave workers and make it nearly impossible for anyone here to save…..whereas in Asia they save like gangbusters…….) many businesses are “ball and chain” arrangements for their proprietors, and the owners of assets who have their heads screwed on straight are fully aware that they are on the floor of an out of control casino, and the stakes are getting higher and higher and higher with each passing day……but individually, they can’t do a thing about it.
But are all promises and all debts false and therefore worthy of default and foreclosure??
I would argue against that proposition, but that’s really a separate topic for another day: On what basis do you discriminate between legitimate and illegitiamte forms of debt, both monetary and non-monetary??
Anyway, I fully suspect that there are billionaires that feel trapped in this casino. Why do I say so? Well for one, I read an article by one titled something to the effect that “The Pitchforks Are Coming!” warning his fellow club members……and, well…….. try to put yourself in their shoes:
Do you go upfront against the Matrix, The Empire and oppose it openly and stridently, at the cost of ostracism and quite possibly losing all your wealth as well as your life or do you keep your head down and keep your worries to yourself, unlike the author of “The Pitchforks Are Coming!”
Oh, here he is:
But back to my point. What a lot of people haven’t thought about is that it is not just their labor, their house, their other assets, their entitlements, their businesses, their children that are targetted for erasure (foreclosure) it is the very meaning not only of their personal existence that is being attacked by the AZ Empire of Slavery and Death, but a legitimate debt we all owe to many generations of good but imperfect human beings that created our imperfect but precious civilizations. Russian Civilization is defintely on the chopping block, as just ONE example.
The imperfections, by the way, will be eliminated, will be “foreclosed”. That’s just Natural Law.
It’s inescable! The question is, will the oligarchy foreclose Humanity itself (them included) in their demonic, demented attempt to “BE GOD” or will we foreclose them???
Or, as this Old Man Who Can Really, Really Think warned on his 90th Birthday to a select group that intend the foreclosure of the oligarchy warns……will Nuclear War Forclose the Lot of Us through our adherence to false and stupid loyalites,to Frauds such as Illegitimate Debt……and the “two party system” and other forms of Mind Control???
OR, will we begin to use our heads and more of our human potential, in time???
The Parties Are Over:
On his 90th Birthday Party.
The Party Will End!!
With either a whimper or a bang.
But for whom? The Empire or Everyone??
Over 80 million?
You’ve been listening to dad too much.
UK population is currently 66 million.
Get a calculator and begin with official migration numbers, student numbers, NI numbers, and keep going. Look also at births and death rates and proportions of births to women not born in the UK. That also is of interest.
Either there are only 45 million British left, and their birth rate has been significantly less than 1 for 50 years, or the population is significantly higher than officially stated.
Do some maths and get back to me.
A very interesting post indeed.
I might like to add, that the floodgates of immigration were opened under the wings of Tony Blair. Once a Labour official (I couldn’t find it back) admitted that this was done deliberately, ‘in order to change the political spectre’ (more bluntly said: we import our own voters).
But your debt argument makes a lot of sense too.
We’re doomed. In stead of developing the third world, we’re steered upon becoming a part of it. Just to please the 1%.
Cheers, Rob
The way things are headed in EU zone and UK, their local political antics will not have much interest for the major geopolitical actors of our times. The lead roles in a multi-polar world, should it ever materialize, will go to China, Russia, and the US of course. EU, if it remains united, will continue as a prop for the US. If the EU unravels, Germany, France and the UK may get themselves geopolitical roles of some importance, but I don’t see any of them getting the starring role.
The weakened position of the SNP was a result of a rigged General Election, not the Brexit result. The Brexit result actually strengthened the SNP’s case for separation which is why TPTB had to get May to call for an uncalled for election.
The general election was not rigged. I had spent the previous 6 months traveling through much of the UK looking for workshops. I spoke with about a 1000 people, landlords, commercial and domestic agents, small and large enterprises, and people were, and are still, deeply pissed off with the countries trajectory and its impact on their working and social lives.
I laid a bet with two friends; one was a government advisor and Labour voter who thought that the Tories would retain a reduced majority; the other was a Tory candidate who said the Cons would increase their majority above 200. I bet them both that they would lose their majority, on the basis of the resentment I had felt around the country of the economy heating up by only for the few, and at the expense of the small to medium business working man.
It was a genuine result.
The Brexit referendum was cunningly hijacked by the British people to be a vote on immigration, something they had never been consulted about and if they dared even mention it they were immediately threatened with the Race Relations Act which in effect ended the discussion. One very brave political figure ( Brits on here will know who he is) tried to warn us and was vilified and excommunicated by the political class for his courage. The irritation about uncontrolled immigration was 50 years in the making and the sophistry of Cameron in cooking up the referendum to head off UKIP was a once in a lifetime opportunity for the British people to strike back at the political class for their overweening arrogance. If you doubt this look again at some of the debates on Youtube and listen to what was really bothering the studio audiences. The Remain propaganda campaign was full-on and very high powered, they even dragged in Obama to tell the deplorables of the vassal state how to vote. Their arrogance was their undoing. It was not until five o’clock in the morning of that day that it became really clear that leave had won by a good majority. Right up until then the Remain propaganda was unrelenting, and any other outcome had not been scripted. The looks on the faces of the politicians and talking heads when they realised they had been bushwacked by the Great British Public is an image I shall savour until I die. The political class (Labour, Tory,whatever-different boss, same shit), now know the crew have mutinied and are not going to take it anymore. I don’t think we are going to be fighting any more of America’s wars either, the British armed forces are having huge recruitment problems and the Brexit vote meant that nothing can now be taken for granted. If you put the full resources of the Government and media behind a specific course of action, send books to every household, get the Chief Executive over to deliver a stern lecture and the poor decent deplorables then go and vote the opposite way by a thumping majority then I think you have just been hoist on your own petard. The great winner of the subsequent General Election was Jeremy Corbin who would be sitting in number 10 but for the despicable and destabilising deal struck with the DUP. These people think they are going to negotiate a good deal when the deadline is fixed….sit back and watch the political class butcher themselves. By the way, I voted “Remain’ as I live in the poorest nation in Europe within the UK, but I respect the decision as really being about uncontrolled immigration and the effect it has on finite social services and community destroying austerity rather than Europe. That was a useful vehicle, the main purpose, liquidation of Cameron and Osborne, the authors of austerity was achieved. This Tory government is on borrowed time….
Britain’s problems will not go away, Brexit or no Brexit. Lack of capital investment in products that people actually want to buy (as opposed to investment in useless armaments), lack of investment in native Britishers (as opposed to investment in cheap imported labour and outsourcing jobs to cheap labour abroad), lack of any vision of the world (apart from Imperial dreams of an expanding Anglo-Capitalist hegemony setting its bounds “wider still and wider” forever) — these bad traits were already ingrained in the national character by the beginning of the 20th century (read Chesterton and Belloc). Inside or outside of the EU is irrelevant: our main problem is, that Britain can only save itself from inside Britain.
Response to Dr. NG Maroudas, Jack J and previous commentary on September 15, 2017 · at 5:06 pm UTC
Mike Robinson on 8th September 2017 edition of UK Column News (Cf. infra from 2 minutes on) says it all : talking about the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s (FCO) refusal to answer his queries and the way money from the Department of International Development (DifD) is used to fund the White Helmets and promote HMG’s three historic trades : terrorism, human slavery and drugs. All the best … TMWNS.
UK Column News – 8th September 2017
I agree. And one of the most prominent traits of anglo’s national character that I have been observing here for 20 years (and it is so obvious to me as a foreigner) that they are absolutely ignorant about the world. Despite the past imperial mindset or because of it, it is all about them. Well, maybe also their sidekicks americans. The world is centred on them.They despise other nations and do not understand that others have cultures, often far deeper and richer than their own. Their politicians are the same.
I do not believe that with this mindset, they will make right moves and play their cards right at this crucial point when the world is changing to multipolarity. So Brexit or not, there is not much good in store for the British.
Trump, Brexit reinforce Germany’s appetite to dominate Europe
Though not insignificant, Brexit is no game-changer with regard to Western imperialism. The message brought by Brexit is that the rank arrogance and incompetence of the EU are becoming too much for some sections of Europe’s national elites, thus allowing for genuine popular dissent to be acknowledged for a change. A 100% pro-EU elite would have treated any grassroot opposition with utmost contempt, ridicule, and eventually political persecution whipped up by the elite’s highly dependable MSM presstitutes.
A much more credible threat — which no-one in mainstream British politics ever advocates putting into practice (same with the EU) — would be breaking with NATO, the armed wing of Western imperialism, and joining Russia and China. Unlike the issue of EU membership, looting the Global South is way too significant to be dispensed with.
Last month I attended a meeting of young Corbyn supporters and since then I have been extremely optimistic and positive. A genuinely socialist government is now actually possible in Britain. The political landscape has changed beyond recognition.
I find the hero worship of Corbyn depressing as is any ism – but this guy I really appreciate
In the mainland of Europe, if I sense the overall opinion, we don’t give a damn whether Britain stays in Europe or not.
Speaking for myself, the politics in Britain are not very interesting. The UK is still the secret sleeping room partner of the USA. I have the idea that the UK is not that very interested in Europe.
The only British politician that amuses me is Nigel Farage. For those that do not know him, here in the EU parliament here he ‘welcomes’ the first appointed (Soviet style, he was nor elected) EU leader Herman van Rompay:
(to get an impression of our present mighty EU leader, Jean-Claude Juncker: )
There have been stories that Brexit was all set up and a wicked plan. I have serious doubts about that, because also here the official polls were (again) rigged.
In the months before the referendum, all official polls gave a slight advantage of ‘Bremain’. Less official polls however, gave a serious advantage of ‘Brexit’. British government and the EU seemed to me in that time quite confident that they would stay in.
Well, that was a surprise, wasn’t it?
Be glad in Britain, that now you are not ‘invited’ to welcome millions of illiterate Africans. Now that is one of the real problems in the EU, that years ago a project was initiated to flush the continent with 60 millions of Africans up to 2030.
Yes, that is planned and not a coincidence due to wars. That only helped to get it going.
The goal? To collapse social security (up to 90% of them will stay on welfare their whole life), to destroy the concept of nation states, in order to have more ‘power’.
Be glad in Britain, that you will be spared the chaos and maybe civil wars that will erupt.
the imperial powers benefit from the assets of the illiterate nations and cause (to a large extent) the wars and illiteracy that you refer to and now, you wish the illiterates to choke in the quagmire or simply rot at the bottom of the Med rather than escape the peril or starvation
Had a long chat with a Nigerian yesterday in Oxford. His daughter and my son are were applicants to the Uni. I made your point, more or less, that the west makes vassals out of African nations. He said that it was Africa’s own fault. That Africa hands over its resources for personal gain of the few. He said that so long as people in Africa were willing to be slaves, they will be enslaved. The west can’t stop weakness, he said.
As for mass migration to Europe. I told a Sudanese guy who was lamenting his low slave wages here in the UK to get the dreamer specs off. The exact same people who raped his country in the 18-20th century have now opened the gates to Europe. What was he thinking? That these rapacious and deeply racist bastards had grown a heart? He was here as a slave – either a physical one or a debt one. That’s the reality.
He might be here as a slave but the 727 from Libya and 1400 from Sudan hired as NHS doctors in 2013 are not:
NHS recruits thousands of doctors from Third World
At least the crazy headhunter’s won’t be trying to saw his (or their) head(s) off. Is he less allowed to lament his UK slave wages than the other millions at or beneath the minimum wage / zero hours contracts etc etc?
“personal gain of the few”
accepted – skin colour does not change human nature.
The west can stop weak strength though, quite easily – they implemented it with a no fly zone over Libya.
“the imperial powers benefit from the assets of the illiterate nations and cause (to a large extent) the wars and illiteracy that you refer to and now, you wish the illiterates to choke in the quagmire or simply rot at the bottom of the Med rather than escape the peril or starvation?”
No, that’s not my wish. Rather I would see, that their countries would benefit from investments, like the Chinese do, in order to grow as nations.
That the Empire has other thoughts about that is another issue.
I understand well that they want to come to Europe. However, we cannot take care of such a flood of immigrants, because then we will go down all.
Much I hear the arguments that they are a wanted as ‘cheap labour force’ and they will ‘help restoring the birth rate’.
Hmmm. First, a large majority of them has no education, doesn’t speak the language and is not even willing to get education. What work are they going to do then? We live here in a highly industrialized and automated world, even the streets are cleaned mechanically.
Secondly, nearly all are men. Do we really think that all of them will start families, with such boundary conditions?
If there is one important country with birth rate problems, it’s Japan. The third economy in the world. More diapers are sold there to seniors, then to parents for their children. Besides that my guess is that culturally Japan would never allow such influx, this ‘solution’ is even never mentioned.
Therefore I think that other reasons are behind it. Think Coudenhove-Kalergi. Think ‘Umvolkung’.
In the polling booth, pencil poised over the ballot paper I remembered that Nat Rothschild and George Soros had urged the populace to vote Remain. While those in the Leave camp were vile, too, I felt I had opted for the lesser of the two evils. Leave. My view was it would make very little difference in the grand scheme of things.
The alert ones among us saw through that ruse, like Obama flying in at the last minute to appeal for remain. Very obviously part of the mind games. (Please note, no personal aspersions intended). Very obviously crowbarring the UK off the EU bloc is in the interests of d’Merika, the globalists and those you refer to.
Cadwalladr has some excellent synopses. Take a look here, for instance.
Do not be put off by the fact that she gets publilshed in the Guardian. Sometime they get things right (not often, it is true) and the Observer, in particular often puts out pieces that the Masters wouldn’t approve in the Guardian itself.
Blair ruined the EU quite perfectly by forcing the dim-witted French and Germans to allow European nations with dreadful standards of living to join as full members. He did this by selling the concept of ‘slave labour’ to the zionist masters of these EU controllers. Then, having normalised the use of the ‘slaves’ (‘economic migrants’), it was only a tiny leap for Blair to flood Europe with war refugees from nations on Blair’s PNAC list.
Britain never had open borders with the EU- illegally keeping tight passport controls. So the British never felt a true part of the EU. Now Blair has perfectly converted the EU into Hilter’s vision of a united Europe mainland outside Russia. Phase 2 kicks in with Britain’s exit.
Britain’s departure has many of the leaders of Europe rightly worrying about what this means for the future- yet these dimwits still do Britain’s bidding re: the PNAC wars and Russia. Why- cos Tony Blair’s personal lieutenants have long since captured France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia. Greece, Italy and Spain have been turned over to perfect corruption. Team East Europe are ramping up for regional wars with Russia.
The European People will discover far too late what pawns they now are (for the umpteenth time in History).
PS ‘Brexit’ itself is just a psy-op term from Blair’s propaganda masters- and didn’t it do its job so perfectly. NewSpeak is the Orwellian 1984 concept of having your ‘thinking’ fatally constained by the use of words designed for this purpose by your masters. ‘Brexit’ is a NewSpeak word. Every time you use it, Blair metaphorically punches his fist skywards in pleasure.