Guys, I came home late after a pretty crazy day and I can’t write a proper SITREP, if only because of the still very confused situation in the eastern Ukraine. Still, I want to share a couple of short pointers with you.
The “destroyed Russian armor column”: Poroshenko vs Carl Sagan
I cannot prove a negative. But then, I am not the one making the claim. The Ukies and a few British reporters did. And they presented ZERO proof. As Carl Sagan so well put it “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” and the notion that Russia would send in only 23 armored vehicles, with no protection, in broad daylight is quite extraordinary. As is the notion that in a region chock-full of Russian military units nobody would have taken any action to save the column. So even if a Russian unit got into the Ukraine by mistaken (at the age of GPS and GLONASS, yet another extraordinary claim!) the notion that those who sent it did nothing to protect or extract their own men is also extraordinary. As for the British reporters, they don’t even have a cellphone to show even bad images, maybe taken from far away? They have nothing at all? Quite extraordinary again. Last, but not least, there is one more extraordinary element to this story, but one which I do believe. I just heard that the British Foreign Office summoned the Russian ambassador to the UK over this Russian incursion. Excuse me -but since when is the Ukraine part of the British Empire of Commonwealth? What business does the Foreign Office have in this matter?
I am quite sure that there are *lots* of destroyed armored columns all over the Donbass. In fact, the Resistance always makes a point of filming them. I just came across this one today: (sorry, no translation yet). So maybe the Ukies did show some burned armor to the British journalists. Ukie armor, of course. As for Poroshenko, he is desperately trying to convince the world that the Russians are about to invade, possibly by using their humanitarian convoy. What is sure is that until I see some rock solid evidence, with a credible scenario explaining how this could have happened, I will continue to side with Carl Sagan and dismiss this story completely.
The change of the Novorussian leadership
Unlike the previous story, this one is also quite extraordinary, but it comes with plenty of extraordinary evidence: there is no doubt possible about the fact that all the key figures in Novorussia have been replaced. Strelkov is alive and apparently not under duress. What could explain this?
As much as I hate baseless speculation, I will say that two theories seem to make sense to me. I present a summary of both of them here for discussion’s sake, and I am at this moment endorsing neither one.
Theory One: a “grand deal” is in the works.
Under this theory, some key individuals in the Kremlin and the Ukie oligarch Rinat Akhmetov are trying to stop the war and hammer out a deal in which Novorussia would remain part of a single Ukrainian state, but with very large autonomy, especially in cultural, linguistic, political and economic terms. Some speculate that the Ukraine would not join NATO. This theory is similar to the “secret Putin-Merkel deal” theory also put forward recently. The strongest argument for this theory is that from the onset of the conflict Moscow’s #1 goal has always been a unitary but neutral and stable Ukraine, but not a russophobic, Fascist or NATO one. Russia neither wants nor needs the Ukraine or even the Donbass. What Russia needs is a stable, predictable and safe neighbor on its eastern border. The biggest problem with this theory is that for the majority of those who took up arms against the Nazi junta nothing short from a complete separation from Kiev is acceptable. This does not, however, mean that such a solution is also unacceptable to most of the people in Novorussia a majority of whom have not taken up arms. There is only one actor which has the means to conduct a survey of majority public opinion in this war zone, and that is the Russia state. Thus, I submit that only the Kremlin knows what a majority of Novorussians want or would settle for. Finally, let me be clear here. We are not, repeat, NOT discussing any type of “sellout” or “betrayal” or “backstabbing” of Novorussia by Putin. Yes, all the Putin-bashers (paid or not) will present that like this, but even a close friend of Strelkov like Pavel Gubarev has unambiguously stated that there was zero chance of that happening. What we are talking about here is a compromise deal with would probably be acceptable to some parties (most non-fighting Novorussians, the Kremlin, Rinat Akhmetov, the EU) and non-acceptable by others (Kiev, Uncle Sam, most fighting Novorussians).
Theory Two: a “grand counter-attack” is in the works.
Contrary to a lot of comments I have seen posted here over the pas few days, I see exactly zero reasons to believe that the Resistance is about to be crushed. In fact, from all the reports I have seen, it is the Ukie sides which at tremendous costs has achieved exactly nothing. Furthermore, the re-taking of Saur Mogila by the Ukie forces might well result in yet another cauldron for them. Add to this the very persistent rumors and hints by various commanders on the ground that a big counter-offensive is in the works and I get feeling that the Ukies might well have reached a breaking point. Please be careful to notice that I said that such a hypothesis is consistent with the available data, I did not make a prediction that this will happen. However, in this hypothesis what happened is that all the key Russians-from-Russia figures have been replaced by local, Russians-from-Donbass people. The rationale would be to avoid the impression that “Russian forces are invading the Ukraine” and to show, instead, that “Ukrainian forces are liberating their own land”. The best argument in favor of this hypothesis is that if the Resistance was to go on the offensive it would need a more complex headquarters and that this is why Strelkov was “promoted” to “chief of staff” of the Novorussian military. The best argument against this hypothesis is that I simply don’t see the Resistance which yesterday was only a militia of volunteers become an effective military force capable of operational-level actions. Now, if there really is nobody between the Ukie troops in the Donbass and Kiev, maybe such a move could be achieved by a constant series of tactical-level engagements, but I just don’t see that happening.
As I said above, I am endorsing neither theory at this point, it is too early to call and there are way too many “unknown unknowns” (to borrow Rumsefeld expression) to make categorical statements. But I will say that I find the first theory substantially more plausible than the second one.
The half-empty trucks
That is a simple one. The Russian convoy of trucks is composed of trucks roughly loaded at 50% of max capacity to make sure that no truck stops in route or has any difficulty getting through very bad terrain. It was planned this way and the Russians announced that on day 1.
A nationalist Maidan against Putin this fall
I am not a big fan of the Dugin-Fedorov-Limonov crowd because they tend to do what I call “headline baiting”: they always predict the most extreme events (such as a US nuclear attack on Russia) and they always get the most attention form the general public. The case in point is this notion of a nationalist backlash against Putin. First, you will notice that this very idea implies that Putin would betray Russian national interest. He might do that tomorrow morning. But as of right now there is absolutely zero evidence for that. Again, I would never place my faith in the hands of a politicians, and I don’t want people to “trust” or, even less so, “believe in” Putin. But I am saying that the theory that tomorrow morning Putin will “sell out” Novorussia or “betray” the Russian national interests has as much factual or logical basis as the theory that tomorrow Putin will join the Hare-Krishnas: zero. There is a HUGE difference between “possible” and “probable” or “likely” and while “possible” requires very little, if any, substantiation, it is amateurish and often irresponsible to call “probable” something which is only “possible”. Second, right now Putin’s rating is at a stratospheric 87% – higher than ever before – and even his way of dealing with the anti-Russian sanctions has made him more popular than before. Third, there are many lies and inanities written by the MSM about “Putin the Dictator” but one thing is true: Putin has complete control over the Russian security services and the Russian security services are more powerful now than ever before. Lastly, how can one seriously think that the Russian people have seen the horrors of the Ukie Maidan only to start one of their own. This is utter nonsense. My strictly personal advice would be this: take anything Dugin-Fedorov-Limonov have to say with a couple of cubic meters of salt.
The countdown to Dmitri Orlov’s stages 4 and 5
One more thing. All these topics are just like the proverbial trees hiding the forest. The real story is that we are living a countdown to a huge explosion in Banderastan. We all know that the rump-Ukraine is broke, but we forget what that means and what this really means. Dmitri Orlov, in his absolutely fantastic book “The Five States of Collapse” explains that collapses happen in the following sequence:
Stage 1: Financial collapse. Faith in “business as usual” is lost. The future is no longer assumed to resemble the past in any way that allows risk to be assessed and financial assets to be guaranteed. Financial institutions become insolvent; savings are wiped out and access to capital is lost.
Stage 2: Commercial collapse. Faith that “the market shall provide” is lost. Money is devalued and/or becomes scarce, commodities are hoarded, import and retail chains break down and widespread shortages of survival necessities become the norm.
Stage 3: Political collapse. Faith that “the government will take care of you” is lost. As official attempts to mitigate widespread loss of access to commercial sources of survival necessities fail to make a difference, the political establishment loses legitimacy and relevance.
Stage 4: Social collapse. Faith that “your people will take care of you” is lost, as local social institutions, be they charities or other groups that rush in to fill the power vacuum, run out of resources or fail through internal conflict.
Stage 5: Cultural collapse. Faith in the goodness of humanity is lost. People lose their capacity for “kindness, generosity, consideration, affection, honesty, hospitality, compassion, charity.” Families disband and compete as individuals for scarce resources. The new motto becomes “May you die today so that I can die tomorrow.”
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art: Josetxo Ezcurra |
By the way, Orlov correctly notes that the collapse of the Soviet Union stopped at Stage 3. Now think about the rump-Ukraine lead by the Nazi junta in Kiev. It is already more or less at Stage 3 and the economic collapse has not really made landfall yet! Sure, the junta’s western patrons are keeping the Hrivna artificially high (have you ever seen the currency of a country in the midst of a civil war remain more or less stable? Of course not! The western banks are buying that useless toilet paper for political reasons!) and fake short term loans can give the illusion that “so far so good”, but the reality is catching up really, really fast. Within the next couple of months Banderastan will full enter Stages 4 and 5 of Orlov’s collapse model and then things will get really ugly. At this point the introduction of some kind of dictatorship is simply inevitable. Either that, or a “Somalization”. In either case, this is really going to be hell on earth and this is were the real focus should be right now: how to prepare for the absolutely inevitable explosion.
As for the EU, the Russian sanctions are beginning to bite. Badly. Hence more and more EU politicians are frantically trying to climb out of the hole they dug for themselves. The really weird thing is that Russia has, so far, avoided to enter a recession in spite of the outflow of speculative capital. Oh sure, eventually, factors such as the recession in the EU, the war in the Ukraine and western sanctions will hurt Russia, but it is quite remarkable so far Russia is doing better than predicted.
Bottom line: very soon the rump-Ukraine will either completely explode or see a new regime, this time openly dictatorial. The EU economies are likely to begin really hurting and the combination of these two phenomena will leave the USA without any viable puppet to use against Russia. Things might get so ugly that we might even see a moment in which the EU will welcome a Russian intervention in the Ukraine.
That’s it for tonight. Hopefully the very confused and murky situation will become clearer soon at which point I will try to sit down and write a halfway decent SITREP.
Kind regards to all,
The Saker
Let me clarify the Ownership notion I put forth.
Russia must have a non-NATO Ukraine.
Since the fall of the USSR Ukraine is the Queen piece.
The psychopaths in Kiev drool over the notion of a collapse of Russia and will facilitate the complete and utter destruction of their own nation to achieve that common goal with the Hegemon. And they get richer doing it along the way.
Russia has no recourse but to be involved in the neutralization of Ukraine. For every reason ever mentioned connecting Ukraine, Kiev, and the blood relations to this day, Russia must own Ukraine.
And what we have seen before Maidan, and since Maidan, Russia intends to determine the outcome.
The means to that determination are not clear, not known even in surmises.
But Russia must terminate the junta in Kiev and Ukraine must be made neutral (non-aligned, non-NATO, maybe even non-militarized).
The how and when is the machinations we see going on inside Ukraine and around Moscow.
But, for Russia to further develop, and sustain itself as a world leader alongside China and others who want responsibility for stability and progress, Ukraine must be within the Russian sphere of influence (thus, owned).
The US is attempting to lease it on the cheap.
But the landlord holding the title and all property rights is Russia. It was paid for in blood and treasure by Russia.
Crimea was one part. Other parts have various values or none. But as a whole, as long as it is recognized as a whole, it is owned by Russia.
Whether it is federalized or balkanized or euthanized, Russia owns it.
This is my view. I’ve defended it. Have at it. I’m open to a more thorough education at any time.
Just don’t make it “personal”. That really evades the proposition and pisses me off.
Did you watch the Moscow Flash Mob?
I watch it every day and the five minutes makes me so hopeful for the future of Russia.
Moscow Flash Mob
First time I’ve come across this site. I’m at a safe distance (!) from this wretched conflict but all hail to the resistance. This site is an impressive achievement and a much needed antidote to the bullsht that eminates from the western media. Thanks to ‘ for the link. Keep up the great work ‘comrade’.
Auslander at 16:28,
Bless you for your eloquence. Stay strong. Best wishes to your wife also.
God be with you both in these still terrible times.
Anonymous 17:17
Great video! Thank you very much.
Purity and Eloquence from a militia man.
@Mr. Pragma
Yeah! you’ve likely been confused with Rowan Berkeley :-D
“Dusty said
The people who have been forced to leave due to fighting THEY DID NOT WANT, what of them, well, they want it to end. Do you think most of them give a tinker’s cuss about the exact form of government? Of course they don’t, they want the bloody war to end so they can go home, restart life, so their kids can go to school.”
Nobody in their right mind wants war, which begs the question of why does Foggy Bottom on the Potomac and Foggy Bottom on the Dnepr want war so bad they can taste it. However, you have not much understanding of the mind set of the populace of Novorossiya in particular and Russians in general. To use your reasonings perhaps the citizens of Novorossiya should apologize to the orks, to wit “I’m sorry I hurt your fist with my face and broke your club with my head, please accept my abject apologies”. You are absolutely wrong in your statement ‘Do you think most of them give a tinker’s cuss about the exact form of government?’. Do you give a tinker’s cuss about the form of government you live under? Of course you do, or if you don’t you certainly should. What makes you think the citizens of Novorossiya don’t care about the government they will live under? Of course they care and they are sick to death of the corruption of their appointed lords and masters, appointed by whatever clan is in power of the moment in Kiev. They’ve had enough.
While there may well be a ‘deal’ made to end the war it will most certainly NOT be on the conditions of the orks, to wit, ‘you lay down your weapons, we will investigate you and then we’ll negotiate’. That is what is known as surrender, and Novorossiya will never surrender. Know that and understand that. The only negotiations to end the war will be on the terms Novorossiya stipulates. Pontificate all you want, reality is reality.
By the by, what is the average attendance of a soccer match in your AO?
Hi Saker Bro,
I wanted to comment on this: there are way too many “unknown unknowns” (to borrow Rumsfeld expression)
The expression that Rumsfeld uses about knowns, unknowns, etc is not _his_
I believe he is a Landmark Education (The Forum) graduate (I am too), and he stole it from participating in their seminars.
I hope the Saker and Mr. Pragma will agree not to take this misunderstanding personally.
Saker, I get the sense you are running on absolutely no free time at the moment. I have no idea what it’s costing you to moderate these comments.
And honestly, it’s been a little confused around here the last couple of days.
I sincerely hope Mr. Pragma doesn’t become a victim of that confusion, and I sincerely request that you allow his very valuable and 100% pro-Russia and pro-Putin comments to continue.
Similarly, Mr. Pragma I request that you stay and continue commenting.
Sometimes we all have to turn the other cheek a little, just to move on. This can be a good place filled with truth but we cannot afford to bring the war inside here.
hardcore said…16 August, 2014 17:59
“@Mr. Pragma
Yeah! you’ve likely been confused with Rowan Berkeley”
That comment brought a laugh because a while back RB accused me of being Mr. Pragma on this site. :D
вот так
Biswajit said…
@ Mr. Pragma /Pragmatic or Whatever,
“To break free from zio domination and its satanistic system Russia *vitaly needs* an alternative.” and “that perfectly matches Russia and Russians”.
Btw, Your starting sentence tells it all. And Russian people knows more than you else there would not be 87% acceptance for VVP. You u know what there was talk about A fellow named Navalny I guess few months back however he is out of picture now. Out of sight out of mind I guess. The so called Dugin and whetever will also go down in political life as silently as they came so suddenly. Btw Uncle Sam and his paid trolls will support whoever puppet it wants till that fella can suck the blood of Ethnic Russians. Btw Saker has this blog for than & years I guess. People do not follow Emotional thing But which they feel is right.
Be glad admin let u through.
This post by Biswajit introduced controversy between Mr. Pragma and our host which may be based on English being Biswajit’s second language and the post a poor translation.
Or…it may be based on a visceral reaction of many neo-liberal minds to Dugin and Fedorov’s rejection of the Western world freak show at the end of the Enlightenment.
I just read Alexander Dugin’s “The Fourth Political Theory”. He is a political philosopher searching for an escape from nihilism of the post modern consuming humanity and its traditional ways of life. Game theory is not a substitute for community and justice. His ideas certainly have a place in Russia’s struggle to escape the clutch’s or the oligarchy of the Anglo-Zionist West.
Sorry, but as much as I try to be and act as a decent man I *do* take it personally, when I get attacked in such a way.
And while I think that it was based on a confusion I’m not yet fully certain of that (although I wouldn’t have the slightest idea how I would have deserved such anger).
I do, however recognize – and value – that the Saker had the fairness and decency to allow and post my response.
As for my comments being “100% pro-Russia and pro-Putin” that’s certainly correct.
It may well be possible that I sometimes create the impression to feel more Putin than the president himself but there one could hold in my favour that we are experiencing a massive onslaught of Russiaphobes which requires a solid stand and clear cut straight corrections.
Last but not least: As much as I value your concerns about myself/the attack on myself – there are way more important things to focus on; what happened to me is a little nothing compared to what thousands of innocents in NR had and still have to endure.
I suggest therefore that you, we all, concentrate on the important issues and leave it to the Saker to correct the mistake if it was one (in case it wasn’t I will leave without making trouble)
@вот так
Oh well, certain people who carry many faces and work in many clothes in their serving the incarnation of evil, sooner or later assume everyone to be a spy or a fake or … Probably the “deceive” motto of their master agency leaves traces on them …
I honestly hope you didn’t experience serious trouble due to being assumed being me and I assure you that I never play screen name games (and that I was never again there since I had to leave, not even just for reading).
@bob kay:This post by Biswajit introduced controversy between Mr. Pragma and our host
Not at all. Pragma disapproves of my political views and my characterization of Dugin-Fedorov-Limonov:First prosvirnin’s hit piece, not shy of using Nazi views and tools of all kind. Next Khazin’s weird and more elegant but no less poisonous musings. And now Saker’s “Dugin-Fedorov-Limonov crowd”. Furthermore, he believes that I play “dirty games and to surprise attack my guests from behind. A few other posters seem to agree with him and at least one (Maedhros)clearly does not approve of me in general. So what? I don’t see how Biswajit introduced any controversy here, nor do I in fact see a controversy. My views and personality irritate some people and that hostility is compounded by the fact that I don’t really care at all about what they think of me. They said what they had to say, I said what I had to say, and now we can resume dealing with issues rather than personalities.
The Saker
As new in the conflicts shows up the technique to kill people. We miss novelties in the field of ideas how to solve problems.
There even is a fall back to notice.
We had Karl Marx learning do not derive happenings on the ideas of single minds but do analyze the social relations in order to find the input of the words that were carried to the battlefields.
Human’s domination by the money rule has nearby fully completed. But at top of that pyramid we have open contradictions, that means, wars must go on to fix the ever intresting question, yet on top level, who has to spend attention to whom.
In the US the subjugation under the money rule is the far most developed. All other places are standing to compensate the difference with older schemes.
Russia has become a serious threat to the hegemonial advance of the US in achieving the goal spend by the competition to dominate people with money, but I hardly doubt for that sort of social relations.
As the competition about who rules that pyramid, that ranking had outlooked as having come to an end and matter were just to fetch the trophy, a man with a harmonica between theeth is entering the stage and does question the show.
An old song of prosperity we are plagued to listen. Achieved by economical miracles that actually but can present much more stunnings than what is to achieve in military technique.
So, the question that emerges goes about how long the interruption caused by developed social relations in Russia is able to postphone the inevitable outcome of the competition with a winner not to be challenged anymore, a competition in that we give in our daily attention.
Is there a Russian Convoy to spot crossing the border of the premise where all the nice assumption about humanity flatters around in order to hub a new stance.
Is there any new idea in the basket other than to be just reasonable, for the moment.
Future of the money competition there is to bring it down. Who gives a helping hand here will have support of the social relations calling for and could be therefore termed futuristic.
I doubt whether the reigning zsar would like to find himself on that list on prominent place.
If he should succeed and take off the yellow tricot of the actual leader in the worrisome competition, would that be not a neatly start in the age of neo-byzantinism, commenced by a honorable model.
Isn’t Russia longing for a freedom that we have already consumed in the western hemisphere.
Is our affection for the leader in Moscow not composed of schadenfreude to see God’s own country struggling. But more there isn’t to gain.
If faut faire son jardin. Don’t miss that point.
Mr Pragma
I have heard that you’re witty…I would agree.
As far as your written piece in this column, I find your continual attacks of Saker to be distasteful, as I and many others get alot out of this blog, so don’t make attacks on the home base…ok ? You can say your piece, but why attack ? Just so it makes you look more witty ?
The world is a wide space and it has room for your opinions, and -Saker’s…who is more of a soldier- type and doesn’t have much tolerance for Dugin-types… oh well, Dugin can afford it by the looks of your defense…
Mr Pragma
Also Mr. Pragma I find your “Jesus-type” slogan yucky…I’m a Christian and don’t see what the corelation you see in “Jesus-type” personalities…did you learn that slogan from Dugin ? It sounds atheistic and intellectual…
And as far as the Soviet Union being a creation of Zionism … why are the Masons not ever spoken of any more ? There were Jews in the Masonic lodges, but they were Masons while they were there…not Jews….and many white boys were also in those lodges that were not Jews…
If by Zionism you mean the Milner Group why don’t you just call it by its name…as Zion is relatively new and the carcinoma that is currently eating this planet alive has been around longer than Zionism…unless you think Zioniosm was there invisibly before it was there…
Thank you for both your posts…my heart goes out to you and I wish I could join the army. Here is a video of a soldier…
God bless you sir…
A few other posters seem to agree with him and at least one (Maedhros)clearly does not approve of me in general.
Not at all!
I do not approve of you in (this) particular (case).
(and not about the merit of the discussion)
Your preceding comment was a mishap, disappointing not irritating.
If you care or not, it’s supremely irrelevant.
My previous comment is up there for all to see.
Auslander, it is interesting to read your comments upon topics with which you are familiar. Unfortunately you are less interesting when you start commenting upon things that I have not written as though I had done.
Please go back and read the words I wrote and let us discuss those points as responses to that which you and others have written. It is likely that when you read what I actually wrote that you will find yourself in agreement with me. If you have questions about points that you do not understand then please ask. After all, we are trying to increase our shared understanding, yes?
I don’t know what an AO is but the attendance at the last match of the 13/14 season in my home town was just under 30k, important matches would be higher.
Andreas, Putin has made it clear what his policy goals are in respect of Ukraine and I doubt that those objectives have changed. There’s more than one way in which most objectives can be attained though.
My guess is that there are multiple scenarios in play here, each will be gamed out and proceeded with if seen as being viable. At all times efforts will be made to ensure that all assets available to the planners and managers are retained.
The rebel forces are an asset in this context, but at the same time so are the non-combatant citizens in rebel held areas, the junta itself and even the military and militias. All these are assets because they each have influence that extends Russian reach and influence and thus enable Russian planners to attain their goals.
To put it bluntly, if something can be moved around upon the imaginary chessboard then it is an asset in some way or another – possibly the use has not even been considered at this point in time but a lack in the future might be important.
Of course the realisation that one is just a piece on a chess board, or even less, amalgamated into a group with no individual value can be painful.
Hi Saker..
I’m in the slowest time zone and my comments either come too late or too early…
But Mr Pragma would also risk getting kicked out of his host’s house if he was that aggressive with his host at dinner…
Mr Pragma:
You do not need to use attack to make your points hurt more. Its the poorest form of wit…you can do better !!!
Bye for now,
Auslander said:
“To you 20,000 thousand or so fighters is a tiny minority. To us 20,000 is a not bad increase in recruitment from the literally less than 25 fighters who arrived in Slavyansk in mid April.” Exactly. The entire Ukie army on paper when this war started was what, 50,000 men? Obviously based on the humiliating collapse of Ukraine’s army in Crimea most of that force — even the ‘front echelon’ of Ukrainian forces in Crimea who were probably the best equipped or most maintained for parading alongside the Russians on Victory Day — consisted of phantom divisions that only existed on paper. Those phantom units armaments whenever possible had been sold off since the 1990s to places like Libya, Syria, or the Congo Yury Orlov style:
Scene from Nicholas Cage film ‘The Lord of War’ sums up how huge the Soviet ‘2nd and 3rd echelon’ arsenals left behind in Ukraine was in 1991-92. Fairly accurate despite some over the top gonzo elements. But obviously having bazillions of tanks and APCs and having them in working condition are two different things, otherwise the Ukies wouldn’t be importing T-72s from Hungary and Su-25s (with pilots) from Poland!
So yes, Auslander is right, 20,000 men fighting for the NAF when the Ukies in reality can barely maintain double that number in theater even with the threat of seven years jail time and 3 call ups up to age 50 is pretty damn impressive.
Thanks Saker!
I appreciate the diversity of ideas, perspectives, and experience on your blog with its vibrant comment section.
Best wishes
bob kay
It’s good to hear from you again. I believe I read somewhere that your escape route into Crimea has been permanently closed off, and that you are no longer able to lead any more families to safety. Is that correct? I deeply appreciate all of your efforts and sentiments during this crisis.
@Ann: thank you. for being out there and for seeing what I think is obvious, but sadly apparently is not. I often feel like just ditching it all to hell in total despair and disgust for my fellow human beings, but people like you give the the courage to keep on doing what I think is right. Thank you for your ray of sunshine.
@bob kay: I appreciate the diversity of ideas, perspectives, and experience on your blog with its vibrant comment section. Thank you, I try very hard even though I often feel like just pulling the plug on the comments section and be done with that frustration as I cannot put in words how tired I am of some of the nonsense posted here over and over and over again (some folks clearly come here to preach). I also feel link banning and censoring left and right just because of the sheer arrogance of some posters. But then I remind myself that they are really a minority and that there is also the rest of a community which is precious and which, I hope, brings like-minded people together. My problem is that, by character, I am not a commander, not a leader, not a politician, not a guru, and not a psychologist. I am just an analyst. An advisor. And always a student. Most human beings, on an individual level, make absolutely no sense to me and, to be really honest, I find most of them both depressing and scary. If not for a few truly shining individuals, I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. But I am aware that if I have made a decent job with the blog as such, I am still not at all the right person to moderate a blog. Left to my own natural inclinations I would have most definitely not succeeded in creating, to use your words, a “vibrant comments section”. If you consider this comments section vibrant, it is by God’s grace and thanks to the beautiful qualities of a lot of the folks posting comments here and participating in interesting discussions. So really this comments section is vibrant in spite of me, not thanks to me, I mean it. At age 50 now I have learned to avoid most human contact and to only let a select few get close to me. You can imagine how excruciating it is sometimes for me to deal with all the ugly, arrogant and plain stupid crap which is sometimes posted here… I know, I should “detach”, except that this is just not me. I care and I care a lot and I never mastered the art of detachment. Anyway, I hope that with time I will learn how to cope better. In the mean time, thank you for your kind words. They weigh more than 1000 insults.
The Saker
Do not despair my friend. The mission you have embarked upon is quite draining indeed. Many cannot fathom the amount of energy it takes to commit to such a task. It is the opinion of many here, and abroad, that the “work” that you do is invaluable. All of us face the same obstacles in similar endeavours throughout our lifespan and are faced with the same obstacles, yet somehow we find each other and join as one despite the odds. We have the same common enemies as well as the same figures that seek to drive a wedge due to many reasons, primarily the egos of mankind.
These types exist and may never realize their own behavours, nor the effects on others, nor do they care. This is sadly the majority that accounts for approx. 85% of the inhabitants of this earthly world.
We are the minority and sadly we are equally divided between what we refer to as good vs. evil vs. those inbetween. Basically 5% in each category as it has always been. The ancient texts and oral hitories oc oir predicessors is oir guide and it is etched in stone, so to speak. This connection to things that are plainly clear, or fairly clear, is what separates us from the rest.
We are the guides on this eons long trek, thus we must remain vigilant and remain united when we find each other. We are neither leaders nor followers and we have a hard time performing our duties as we always have as we are merely guides that have our own inherent flaws by design.
The “evil” side knows this and have bonded while they work to keep “us” divided with their various minions. They do this through lies, deception and mistruths.
Those that comprise the majority are easily swayed by these snake oil salesmen, many of which are unaware that they have been duped into servitude since they are provided trinkets and favours that they might never dream of acquiring as they have no other skills and cannot survive without such support mechanisms.
They are the puppets on strings that are “placed” into power. We can only offer peace and prosperity while they can provide silver sheckls in return for souls with the hopes that the strings will be severed in due time.
They are the public face that only serve as cannon fodder of their masters. Some have small roles, others have larger ones but the fact is that they have been groomed to serve nefarious purposes.
That being stated, keep fightin’ the good fight so that we may stay united and continue to draw the others into the fold.
Surely you know from where this message is delivered and that is all that matters. Vanity is not an option and is not allowed in any instance as you know.
Peace and luv to you my friend and don’t be tempted nor discouraged by the naysayers and malcontents, they exist and will ultimately get what they deserve but do deserve the opportunity to repent their transgressions.
We are still getting our special people out to safety. I learned the hard way to keep my big mouth shut about it.
This post forgets to underline several points.
– It says Ukraine has been unable to achieve anything so far. Well, Novorussia has been reduced by 80% in 4 months. It’s a considerable achievement.
– Ukies can’t advance anymore. They do, but slowly. Yet, what is happening is simple and noted by prorussian side : Kiev does not send its troops straight to the front line but, on the contrary, organizes them in battle formation on the rear front. From what we know, we’re dealing with a 60 000 soldiers, 300-400 tanks, 500-600 artillery pieces, 500-600 APCs strike force, divided in 3 corps.
– Ukraine, advised by Nato (not only US but also very capable western european military advisors, is planning a strategic offensive.
– Indeed Moscow break novorussia leadership to negociate a Transdniestrian solution. But it is not because Moscow wants it that Kiev wants it, nor Washington. Moscow is proving to be naive by believing in a negociated peace. Kiev will negociate when Washington will be satisfied and it will be satisfied when the whole Donbass is conquered. Then, Moscow will be offered a truce negociation, i.e., a total surrender.
– Russia will not intervene, it’s clear since the “aid” song tuned for a few days now. US got the message and is accelerating to end the whole thing.
– The Saker makes the same mistake than Moscow who is waiting for two things : winter and Kiev collapse.
– Whatever how broke is Ukraine, this country prefer to be broke under a pro-western government than a pro-russian government or even a neutral government. Whatever Moscow says, Nato succeed in making Ukraine breaking apart from Russia.
– Even if people is displeased with the current Kiev government, they won’t relace it by a pro-RUS one. Not a single chance. So, whatever happens, the polical situation won’t evolve in Kiev regarding Ukraine stance toward Moscow.
– At the end of the day, Russia refused to stop supplying gas to Ukraine. Why : because that would lead to more antirussian sentiment in Ukraine. And help Kiev strongly to fuel the antirussia propaganda. SO, the gas blackmail won’t go anywhere and Russia is willing to be benevolent toward the ukraine public opinion as US is trying to achieve a major rupture between those two countries. Overall, a gas blackmail would only help USA.
– To conclude, Ukraine is winning. Yes Ukraine is broke, but that’s not the aim of this whole mess. The aim is to cleanse Ukraine from russian influence or political leverage. This is well advanced. When the Donbass is destroyed, which will happen if Russia don’t back it up with a major military support, there will be nothing left to negociate. RUssia will have to face a major defeat, plus a major threat within its borders : a Kiev replica coup. It’s already on going for municipal elections, especially in Saint Petersburg.
Also Mr. Pragma I find your “Jesus-type” slogan yucky…I’m a Christian and don’t see what the corelation you see in “Jesus-type” personalities…did you learn that slogan from Dugin ? It sounds atheistic and intellectual…
That’s up to the point.
There’s an annoying habit to define Jesus by non-Christians, which obviously miss completely Christ and His Word, Who would be the only answer and armor able to effectively destroy the evil which has raised in the West.
It’s exactly the reason of my reservations about Dugin. His effort to find an answer to the Western neo-liberalism, which is after all neo-Bolshevism (with private corporations at the place of the the State, but not less atheist and totalitarian), will end up in a mere antithesis which will be infiltrated, bought and hijacked by the enemy, and its fruits will be more of the same devilish synthesis which rules the world.
As apart from Christ, that’s the only outcome of every contrivance devised in the vanity of human minds, no matter how clever and well-reasoned.
Christ is the only answer to the devil!
Anyway, I wish also to know what you can find of Christianity in the Russia’s stance about the horrible assassinations currently going on in Gaza, about the abominable siege which has transformed that land in the most gigantic concentration camp ever seen in the world. Please, tell me!
Of course, you cannot retort all the evil in the world, always and everywhere. You do what you are able to, but surely denouncing and condemning that evil every time is well within your possibilities.
Yet, Russia hushes.
There is an even more annoying habit here to revile and cast out every critic of Putin and the Russian State, for example with the ludicrous argument that “you can’t know better than Putin and Russian people”.
Really? I suppose they knew better also in 1917…..
The fact that I would be ready to fast for a whole year to have Putin as head of State where I live, does not mean that he can’t be criticized or that his stance on the event in the Ukraine is necessarily correct.
Of course, he knows FAR better regarding the informational side, but does he when it comes to discerning the right thing, all the time? Maybe yes, maybe not!
For example, someone here has stated that Putin positions about the Ukraine have been consistent since the beginning. Well, let’s assume so!
How those objectives are achieved without the *physical* elimination of the Junta, the total disappearing of the freaks running the show in Kiev?
How those objectives are compatible with the removal of Strelkov and a possible deal (whatever deal) with Akhmetov?
How are they possible negotiating with people genuinely insane, whose behavior is pure, absolute, even gratuitous evil, who have never ever honored a single deal before?
I would say that these are reasonable questions (as was the question about the differences between Ukraine today and South Ossetia 2008) and I would like to get some (even) tentative answers, instead of the crap like “why don’t you grab a gun and go fight yourself in the Donbas?”, followed by psychological evaluation about my life, the same way as Mr. Pragma has done with the Saker and the Saker has done (in response) with some virtual category of people who cannot possibly know better than Russian people.
After all, the kindergarten age should have been passed for everybody here!
To substiantiate my points – Davai, let’s negotiate:
“Multiply that 20,000 by 10 to get the number if citizens who ACTIVELY support the armed forces of Novorossiya and give me that percentage” Being generous, 10% or a quarter of the ethnic Russians. Mostly those over 50. Although the 20,000 even if real, contains Russians (Nationalists, Orthodox, Cossacks et al), Transneistrians, Chechens, Armenians and other international brigadists. That said, in a similar sized population in Northern Ireland (1.5 million), 10 thousand committed nationalists and 100,000 sympathisers kept 200-300 active IRA members going for 20 years with US money, arms and provision of a refuge.
Hungarian scrap tanks!!
It has been obvious in Ukraine from day 1 that there is a drive by the ‘shadow government’ to start a shooting war between Russia and NATO.
Putin is not going along with the script, i.e. he is not attacking and invading Ukraine and, as there is only one script being followed in the West, we now have the farcical spectacle of Western media and politicians running around like headless chickens while the rest of the world looks on bemused and wonders when someone is going to put them out of their misery.
Welp, it’s taken me a while to figure out where I am regarding what went on here yesterday and I didn’t want to comment until I really had my viewpoint fixed. I deeply, deeply respect and admire Saker for what he is doing here with this blog, bc it really is something profoundly different and quite effective. I also very much value Mr. Pragma’s contributions to it. But taking a step backward, to look at the forest as opposed to just the trees, we all come here with our own backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs, opinions and experiences — and we all learn from each other: that’s a big part of what makes this place what it is. How do you learn otherwise? You don’t learn anything living in an echo chamber, if all you hear is exactly what you already know and believe, you just get more and more entrenched and convinced your way is the only way, right? You only get stretched by being exposed to other viewpoints, on whatever; not that you have to agree with all of them, but if you’re chewing on them some, you might take in some stuff of real value and perhaps change your mind a bit on something. The way I see it, that’s the only way anyone grows.
That said, given all of our very real differences (who besides maybe some trolls would even recognize anyone else here on the street?), maybe there ought to be a ground-rule of keeping personalities out of the fray. Sure, we all sort of dope-out everyone, it’s a human phenomenon and both adaptive and necessary in meatspace, but this isn’t meatspace. It’s intense, we all feel so strongly about all of it, and cannot help but responding emotionally to our own various triggers, whatever they are, as well as the horrors we are now witnessing and care so deeply about. So I’m thinking we all ought just stick to the issues, keep our armchair analyses private, and simply disagree with each other based on facts. That said, I’m still gonna go after trolls any time I sniff out a lie that could mislead people… ;~)
Hi Saker,
I posted the Evgeny Fedorov video before:
Whilst I agree with you that normal citizens wouldn’t even dare to think that a Maidan / Colour revolution within areas of Russia can be started, I would like to point them back to the “attempted colour revolution” of 2012 in Moscow during the Elections.
I will not discredit Fedorov based on the statements made by in this video since his points are well grounded and do not go into the extreme. Even if “riots/colour revolution protests” can be interpreted as an extreme case scenario.
The protests in 2012 which were largely based in Moscow and not other regions (pretty much non existent) led to the imprisonment of several figures.
These folk were largely trained in Colour revolution “Camps” in countries such as Latvia.
So you are right in one regard. Normal people will not go and protest / riot as I am sure a huge % of the people in Kiev didn’t either of fear for their own safety.
These people are brought in/sponsored just as was the case with the “revolution” in Kiev.
This however is all mentioned by Fedorov.
However his information also shows a potentially enhanced strategy that builds upon the failed 2012 protests by bringing these country wide.
I do not for a second doubt that this isn’t being considered by the same forces that are organizing other revolutions.
Here a couple of links for the the people that just received sentences. I have used BBC and DailyMail as they are bound to be sympathetic to their cause.–years-riot-conviction.html
I think the question is. Will these “protests” even flare up or get stomped into the ground as soon as they start.
Maedhros said…
I agree with your counterarguments to Mr. P and others in your anti-thesis.
How those objectives are achieved without the *physical* elimination of the Junta, the total disappearing of the freaks running the show in Kiev?
How those objectives are compatible with the removal of Strelkov and a possible deal (whatever deal) with Akhmetov?
How are they possible negotiating with people genuinely insane, whose behavior is pure, absolute, even gratuitous evil, who have never ever honored a single deal before?
Boris Le Lay
Your faith in NATO’s generals is the most intriguing part of your thesis.
Were they the geniuses that got three brigades annihilated?
Are they the criminals masterminding the war crime bombardment with white phosphorus and cluster bombs aimed and corrected in barrages for hours on villages and towns and apartment houses and kindergartens and hospitals?
Are they they the geniuses that don’t feed their troops?
Are they the strategists that park thousands of men and tanks and APCs and BMPs in the open and dig them in instead of maneuver?
How is it that 3000 militia can trap 10,000-15,000 men, in armored and mobile brigades?
You are looking at the result of war crimes in progress and calling it military strategy.
Truly, it is Kiev’s goal to kill and cleanse. No doubt.
But a militia had to grow into an army. A militia of old vets and frightened locals, workers, miners, widowers, simple men had to defeat for four months psychopaths on drugs and ghouls willing to butcher children and women.
They have achieved more than stalemate. Giving ground was strategic and it drew the attacker who scout inside armored vehicles, into ambush and encirclements every day for the last six weeks.
The militia is doing exceedingly well.
And Russia has mostly had to only foot the finances for the effort on the Donbass soil.
And if you factor in the the enormity of the satanic gambit of downing the MH-17 and killing 298 passengers and crew in order to save their remaining forces in the boiler nearby, using that crash scene to move in artillery and armor and bombard the investigators from allied nations and international organizations—well, you can see the desperation of NATO and Kiev and Washington.
No, Boris. What will win the war is the militia men on the ground. Fascism will lose. This isn’t Spain where Franco was only an internal threat.
The collapse in Kiev is an imperative for Russia. It is an option for the Hegemon.
The Ukraine will go the way of Libya at the top. It will eat its own. The Privy Sector is the force that will take apart the Maidan. Mainly, because they can’t win anywhere. Oh, they murder civilians really well. But they are not soldiers. Just psychopaths with uniforms. And Kiev is soft and won’t be able to hold them off.
The Ukie Army and armed forces has been using backbone from Poland and SOF contractors because they are a joke of an national army.
With the slightest addition of a few thousand more volunteers, the Militia will win back all that 80% and then some. And what we see in many videos is bombarded survivors screaming at Kiev and swearing they will join the fight against fascism.
I don’t know what the long term weather report is but I know which side is praying for rain and snow. And it isn’t the Militia. Those stupid suckers in the Ukie army are praying for weather to save them, get them out of the battlefield and back home.
But the geniuses in NATO will probably leave the Ukies out in the weather in their t-shirts and shorts, MREs frozen, guns and gear stuck with congealed lubricants, with only some vodka and memories of life before Maidan and NATO.
Dear Saker,
As many others have commented here, please don’t lose heart. Ninety-nine percent of us who read your blog appreciate your dedication to giving us your thoughtful and in-depth analysis of the crisis in Ukraine.
I, myself, have posted a few stupid comments. I’m an old woman with a son your age. Sometimes what I read on your blog is so heart breaking, especially the videos of Ukies traumatizing young children, that I have no hope for the world.
Now, many other sites are linking to your blog, including Dmitry Orlov,, and I believe Morris Berman, and others.
Don’t despair because of a few jerks. You are making an impact!!
Now my comment is really late…but Saker, what a compliment that Peter Koenig gives you an article ….
The commenter Dusty is correct when he said above of east Ukraine: “Were the weekends filled with mass demos by ordinary folks wanting change to life? No, they were not, and you know it…. The rebellion is NOT a popular uprising…. If the rebel strength is as great as you suggest, 20K men (most estimates are much lower…), it is nothing, that’s not enough to make a decent crowd at a soccer match.”
I’m in full agreement with commenter Dusty again when he said above: “When writers and speakers use labels that serve to set an emotional sub text for those about whom they write then I tend to downgrade their words because I know that they already have an agenda that must be served. They might be telling the truth but it will always be filtered through the lens of their prejudices. That means that all this Anglo Zionist clap trap [coming from Saker], at least for me, downgrades everything the writer has to say that is associated with the labels they use.” I can say the same of the labels “Junta” and “Nazi Junta” coming out of Saker’s writing. E.g., at the top of this post above Saker says: “For the majority of those who took up arms against the Nazi junta nothing short from a complete separation from Kiev is acceptable.” By Nazi junta he’s talking about the democratically elected parliament and president in Kiev who’ve been publicly endorsed by the AngloZionist Empire. Saker also says above: “I am just an analyst.” A true analyst wouldn’t be thinking in such goofy terms.
Saker said earlier this year “…if I held strong strong – and often goofy – views about many subjects….” Here’s an example of Saker’s goofiness from something he said on this blog around five months ago. By the way, this is my first time to re-visit this blog since back around that time. Saker said: “The USA is the sole party responsible for the current chaos in the Ukraine…. The current crisis has been entirely the creation of the USA and, to a lesser degree, of the EU…. The US is also solely responsible for achieving the exact polar [opposite] result of what it set out to do.” That statement is goofy to Lavrov, who has explicitly said more than once that the crisis in Ukraine has been almost solely a creation of the peoples of Ukraine. And it should be self-evidently goofy to you too, and if you were to read the full article in which it was written you’d find nothing that’d mitigate its goofiness. I’m unable to find the full article by google search today.