The tragedy of September 11, 2001, goes far beyond the deaths of those who died in the towers and the deaths of firefighters and first responders who succumbed to illnesses caused by inhalation of toxic dust. For thirteen years a new generation of Americans has been born into the 9/11 myth that has been used to create the American warfare/police state.
The corrupt Bush and Obama regimes used 9/11 to kill, maim, dispossess and displace millions of Muslims in seven countries, none of whom had anything whatsoever to do with 9/11.
A generation of Americans has been born into disdain and distrust of Muslims.
A generation of Americans has been born into a police state in which privacy and constitutional protections no longer exist.
A generation of Americans has been born into continuous warfare while needs of citizens go unmet.
A generation of Americans has been born into a society in which truth is replaced with the endless repetition of falsehoods.
According to the official story, on September 11, 2001, the vaunted National Security State of the World’s Only Superpower was defeated by a few young Saudi Arabians armed only with box cutters. The American National Security State proved to be totally helpless and was dealt the greatest humiliation ever inflicted on any country claiming to be a power.
That day no aspect of the National Security State worked. Everything failed.
The US Air Force for the first time in its history could not get interceptor jet fighters into the air.
The National Security Council failed.
All sixteen US intelligence agencies failed as did those of America’s NATO and Israeli allies.
Air Traffic Control failed.
Airport Security failed four times at the same moment on the same day. The probability of such a failure is zero.
If such a thing had actually happened, there would have been demands from the White House, from Congress, and from the media for an investigation. Officials would have been held accountable for their failures. Heads would have rolled.
Instead, the White House resisted for one year the 9/11 families’ demands for an investigation. Finally, a collection of politicians was assembled to listen to the government’s account and to write it down. The chairman, vice chairman, and legal counsel of the 9/11 Commission have said that information was withheld from the commission, lies were told to the commission, and that the commission “was set up to fail.” The worst security failure in history resulted in not a single firing. No one was held responsible.
Washington concluded that 9/11 was possible because America lacked a police state.
The PATRIOT Act, which was awaiting the event was quickly passed by the congressional idiots. The Act established executive branch independence of law and the Constitution. The Act and follow-up measures have institutionalized a police state in “the land of the free.”
Osama bin Laden, a CIA asset dying of renal failure, was blamed despite his explicit denial. For the next ten years Osama bin Laden was the bogyman that provided the excuse for Washington to kill countless numbers of Muslims. Then suddenly on May 2, 2011, Obama claimed that US Navy SEALs had killed bin Laden in Pakistan. Eyewitnesses on the scene contradicted the White House’s story. Osama bin Laden became the only human in history to survive renal failure for ten years. There was no dialysis machine in what was said to be bin Laden’s hideaway. The numerous obituaries of bin Laden’s death in December 2001 went down the memory hole. And the SEAL team died a few weeks later in a mysterious helicopter crash in Afghanistan. The thousands of sailors on the aircraft carrier from which bin Laden was said to have been dumped into the Indian Ocean wrote home that no such burial took place.
The fairy tale story of bin Laden’s murder by Seal Team Six served to end the challenge by disappointed Democrats to Obama’s nomination for a second term. It also freed the “war on terror” from the bin Laden constraint. Washington wanted to attack Libya, Syria, and Iran, countries in which bin Laden was known not to have organizations, and the succession of faked bin Laden videos, in which bin Laden grew progressively younger as the fake bin Laden claimed credit for each successive attack, had lost credibility among experts.
Watching the twin towers and WTC 7 come down, it was obvious to me that the buildings were not falling down as a result of structural damage. When it became clear that the White House had blocked an independent investigation of the only three steel skyscrapers in world history to collapse as a result of low temperature office fires, it was apparent that there was a coverup.
After 13 years people at home and abroad find the government’s story less believable.
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art: Josetxo Ezcurra |
The case made by independent experts is now so compelling that mainstream media has opened to it. Here is Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth on C-SPAN:
After years of persistence a group in New York has secured the necessary number of valid signatures to put on the ballot a vote to investigate the cause of the collapse of the three WTC buildings. The official account, if correct, means that existing fire and building codes are insufficient to protect the public and that all other steel high rise structures are subject to the same failure. The group has been clever to frame the issue in terms of public safety and not in terms of 9/11 truth.
New York authorities, of course, continue to oppose the initiative. The question now rests on a judge’s ruling. It is difficult to imagine a judge going against the government in such a major way, but the group will have made the point that the government has no confidence in the truth of its own story.
Over these 13 years, physicists, chemists, architects, engineers, and first responders have provided massive evidence that completely disproves the official account of the failure of the three skyscrapers. The response to experts has been for non-experts to call experts “conspiracy theorists.” In other words, the defenders of the government’s story have no scientific or factual basis on which to stand. So they substitute name-calling.
9/11 was used to fundamentally alter the nature of the US government and its relationship to the American people. Unaccountable executive power has replaced due process and the checks and balances established by the US Constitution. In the name of National Security, executive power knows no restraints. Essentially, Americans today have no rights if the government targets them.
Those Americans born after 9/11 were born into a different country from the rest of us. Having never experienced constitutional government, they will not know what they have lost.
The anthrax attacks of October 2001 have been forgotten, but Professor Graeme MacQueen in The 2001 Anthrax Deception (Clarity Press, 2014) shows that the anthrax attacks played an essential role in setting the stage for the government’s acquisition of unaccountable police state power. Two Democratic Senate committee chairmen, Thomas Daschle and Patrick Leahy, were disturbed by the Bush regime’s overreach for carte blanche power, and were in a position to block the coming police state legislation and the ability of the executive branch alone to take America to war.
Both senators received anthrax letters, as did major news organizations. The TV network news anchors, such as Dan Rather, who compared the collapse of WTC skyscrapers to buildings brought down by controlled demolition, had not yet been fired by Republicans on framed-up charges.
Initially, the anthrax letters, which caused the deaths of some USPS employees, were seen as the second stage of the 9/11 attack. Fear multiplied. The senators and media shut up. Then it was discovered that the anthrax was a unique kind produced only by a US government military facility.
The response to this monkey wrench thrown into the government’s propaganda, was the FBI’s frame-up of a dead man, Bruce Edwards Ivins, who had been employed in the military lab that produced the anthrax and was driven to suicide by the false charges. The dead man’s colleagues did not believe one word of the government’s false story, and nothing in the dead man’s past indicated any motive or instability that would have led him to such a deed.
Initially, the US government tried to frame up Steven Jay Hatfill, but despite the best efforts of the New York Times and Nicholas Kristof the attempt to frame Hatfill failed. Hatfill received $5 million from the US government for the false accusation that ruined his life. So the corrupt US government moved on to Ivins.
Ivins was dead and couldn’t defend himself, but his colleagues did.
The entire episode stinks to high heaven. Justice is something that exists outside the borders of the United States. Never expect to find justice within the United States.
Most Americans are unaware of the extent to which the federal government owns the experts who can contradict its fairy tales. For example, no competent physicist can possibly believe the official story of the destruction of the three WTC buildings. But physics departments in US universities are heavily dependent on federal money. Any physicist who speaks his mind jeopardizes not only his own career but also the career of all of his colleagues. Physicist Steven Jones, who first pointed to the use of thermite in the destruction of the two towers had to agree to having his university buy out his tenure or his university was faced with losing all federal financing.
The same constraints operate in the private sector. High rise architects and structural engineers who express doubts about the official explanation of the collapse of three skyscrapers are viewed by potential clients as Muslim apologists and conspiracy kooks. The clients, of course, have no expert knowledge with which to assess the issue, but they are indoctrinated with ceaseless, endless, repetition that 9/11 was Osama bin Laden’s attack on America. Their indoctrination makes them immune to facts.
The 9/11 lie has persisted for 13 years. Millions of Muslims have paid for this lie with their lives, the destruction of their families, and with their dislocation. Most Americans remain comfortable with the fact that their government has destroyed in whole or part seven countries based on a lie Washington told to cover up an inside job that launched the crazed neoconservatives’ drive for Washington’s World Empire.
See also: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.
The Legend of 911 — 13 Years On
by Anthony Lawson
I share your absolute scepticism for the official account – but what I’d like to hear is WHY whoever did all this did it. Idle speculation is that there was some insurance deal or something for a few billion…but whould even a crazed elite insect bother to organise something so vast just for a few bucks?
It was all kept secret by bribery blackmail and accidental deaths I know but can anyone keep a secret so tight?
Idle speculation please!
The corrupt Bush and Obama regimes used 9/11 to kill, maim, dispossess and displace millions of Muslims in seven countries, none of whom had anything whatsoever to do with 9/11.
A generation of Americans has been born into disdain and distrust of Muslims.
The Tide Is Turning:
Kerry in Saudi Arabia for talks on ISIL
And, I quote:
Kerry will also ask Arab leaders for assistance including over-flight rights and for regional television news outlets to speak out against ISIL ideology, a US official said.
Kerry dismissed the claim by the terrorist organization that it is acting in accordance with the Islamic rulings.
“ISIL claims to be fighting on behalf of Islam, but the fact is that its hateful ideology has nothing to do with Islam,” the top US diplomat said.
“ISIL is a manifestation of evil, a vicious terrorist organization, and it is an organization that achieves its goals only through violence, repression and destruction, fed by illicit funding and a stream of foreign fighters. It has seized territory and terrorized the people who live there regardless of their sect or ethnicity,” added Kerry.
A senior State Department official said part of the Obama administration’s strategy on ISIL included efforts to stem the flow of money to the terrorist group.
Best regards,
I am amazed at the number of people who buy into the falsehoods that planes flew into buildings.
The planes that ‘disappeared’ into buildings like ghosts walking through a wall were poorly edited holograms yet people still believe that basic notion.
Critical thinking people would question how the videos were taken with the viewer staring at a building when a plane magically flies into view in perfect center. Dig a little deeper, you would know that that angle cannot possibly be taken with a video camera or any vantage point.
Alas, there is the collapse of Building 7 which was not impacted by planes…
Then there were live crosses from the MSM when they interviewed people on the street who claimed there were no planes, just explosions. The reporters subsequently ignored these witnesses.
The BBC announced the fall of WTC 7 before the event. These facts point to the fact that the MSM was complicit in the crime.
There’s so many holes in the 911 story and nobody is yet locked up. Dick Cheney was in command at PEOC when a missile was fired at the Pentagon. Cheney was specifically named in the testimony given by Norman Mineta.
I could go on, but WTC 7 is the key to the puzzle… and no the NYFD did not ‘pull it’ as Silverstein claims.
Yes. JFK cover up is still kept secret but not many realize that many witnesses came forth but mysteriously died and were unable to give evidence.
The term conspiracy theorist is used to label persons who engage their brains and have the gift to think critically. Unfortunately, society associates such labels with persons with mental issues.
Richard Gage and his Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth has done many excellent presentations on this.
One particularly compelling one features lots of testimony from many professional engineers, architects, physicista and scientists of all types who have examined the available evidence. Those who are not familiar with these topics should watch it. There is no question that all htree towers were demolished.
Experts speak out – Full version (2h 19 min)
Experts speak out – Final edited version (1h 37 min)
Plenty. A few in no particular order:
The buildings were a big loss, lots of unoccupied space and tenants kept leaving.
They had asked permission to have them dismantled but it was denied due to the asbestos problem.
Silverstein acquired the buildings a few months before the events and took out huge insurance policy specifically for terrorist acts. I can’t remember the actual amount he made out with, but it was in the several billions (I suppose he had to share some of it with various collaborators)
For the Pentagon industry it was a huge gift as it opened the gates for endless war.
For the propaganda industry it was magnificent. It was the boldest lie ever tried in history, and it worked. Not in the sense that everyone believed it. But in the sense that it doesn’t even matter. Even if a majority of Americans came to realize the official version is a fairy tale, nothing much would change.
After 911 they know they can get away with almost anything through tight control of the mass media. In comparison with 911, the downing of MH17 or the totally fake executions of journalist by ISIS, the use of actors for interviews with the media, etc.. all that is childsplay.
911 demonstrated to them that an alternative reality can be forecfully superimposed and made official, no matter how many people don’t believe it.
They were not sure it would work. Cheney was hiding in some unknown places for a while, only came out when it was clear the lie had “taken”, you know, like when you are sure a chimeny fire you have started is well on its way and won’t go out.
It was monstruous, of course, but it was also very skillfully done. Actually a masterpiece. How the idea that buildings can do that just because of a (relatively) minor impact and absolutely small fire was implanted as if by hypnosis.
I remember getting home about 3 hours after the events, and watching footage of the “collapses” and my initial reaction was “How could the buildings do that?” I scratched my head on that for few hours and then yielded to the endless parade of experts and little drawings explaining it away. It wasn’t until some 4 years later that I retook the matter under my consideration and quickly came to the shocking realization they had to have been demolished. I spent a few nights barely sleeping, looking into the matter, trying to find ways to prove to myself that my conclusion was wrong, that I was overlooking something, that such huge con job surely could not be tried by any inside elements. The result was the opposite. The more I looked, the more obvious it became the whole story makes no sense at all.
Hi, Steve, as someone who spent years looking at the subject, the answer comes from the question, cui bono who benefits? The same people who planned Operation Northwood, the Project for a New American Century that called for “a Pearl Harbor event”, who had Israeli PM Netanyahu in New York that day as well as in London for the Tube bombings, that had camera crews in place ready to shoot the event (Google 5 Dancing Israelis or see the 4 part Carl Cameron Fox TV news series), the Israeli shipping company ZIM that broke its lease and moved out the building two months prior,
well, if I note all the coincidences then I must an anti-Semite and anti-American, to boot :)
If there’s any doubt: The Big Man speaks.
Osama Bin Laden – 911 Anniversary 2007:
El Sid
If you would like to focus on a “singular” reason that may clear up the thought of “idle speculation” as you have phrased it. Forget the entire article and pay close attention to the following. Then consider how this same Police State phenomenon has permitted the rest of the 5-Eyes/NATO specifically and the rest of the formerly sovereign Nations of the world. Then do some short mathematical calculations that connect the dots to the massive profits “earned” by the Military Industrial Complex and the global bankster cabal. This may provide some insight as to how and why such a “secret could be held so tight” keeping in mind that the so called “middle class” of the “West” was being decimated and pummeled into submission via cannibal capitalism…
9/11 was used to fundamentally alter the nature of the US government and its relationship to the American people. Unaccountable executive power has replaced due process and the checks and balances established by the US Constitution. In the name of National Security, executive power knows no restraints. Essentially, Americans today have no rights if the government targets them.
Those Americans born after 9/11 were born into a different country from the rest of us. Having never experienced constitutional government, they will not know what they have lost.
I’ll never forget wondering that day where the Hell was all the debris from the “plane” that struck the Pentagon, as well as thinking it must have disappeared through the hole in the wall that was obviously too small for a wide passenger airliner to fit through so neatly.
Anyone with half a brain and a lick of sense could see there had to be a large amount of collusion from inside to pull off this job.
From the get-go I didn’t like the number of dual Israeli-American citizens in the Bush Administration. Dual citizens mean dual loyalty. They don’t belong in sensitive gov’t. positions, wielding such power. I don’t care which dual nationality they possess.
9/11 was the day the Zionists gained the upper hand in running the Empire.
9/11 was their announcement that Zion’s enemies were now going to be America’s enemies. And America would fight them, while the Chosenites relaxed and reaped the dividends. As Netanyahu said, “9/11 was good for Israel.” Oh but in so many ways, right? In ways that are still reverberating to this day.
Bloodthirsty little bastard.
Farfulngstar from Zionist Occupied AneriKa
Karl Deninger, the somewhat Aspergersish owner of the Market Ticker blog, posted this today:
“9/11: Just Don’t Do It (Be a Twit)
It’s 9/11, and once again we remember.
I’ve written several treatises on this disaster and terrorist attack (and yes, it was, you loons) and I will just observe this:
Do not, on my system anyway, run any of the usual crap that certain people run about 9/11.
If you want to get banned, go ahead and do it.
If you want to be un-friended, do it on Facebook, blocked on Twitter, or whatever where I can see it. You’ll have marked yourself as a weak-minded fool.
I’m so tired of the crap. Really. I’ve looked into all of the usual conspiracy garbage, and have spent a lot of personal time on it. It’s crap. It’s outrageous crap. And if you’re still hung up on it, you need psychological help.
Lots of it.”
How does someone who is obviously “book smart,” and a smart computer programmer, etc., come to such a drastic, sure, b&w conclusion?
The entire 9/11 odyssey is bizarre.
Once one realized the official story does not make sense physically, psychologically, or logistically, and then sees the inconsistencies in the official story, it is like one is in a different reality.
As far as covering it up, @Steve, the truth is that lots of people have testified about the lies and inconsistencies. Some have been silenced through fear or actual murder. But mainly, it’s fear of being considered crazy that keeps people quiet.
I’ll bet many readers of this blog are afraid of talking about their actual opinions.
911 was a democidal act. It’s all over for the USA. It’s now a totalitarian system, albeit still disguised a bit, which is why the profound political scientist Sheldon Wolin calls it “inverted totalitarianism.”
Steve, the why was explained ahead of time in the Project for the New American Century’s Document “Section V of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, entitled “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force”, includes the sentence: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor” (51).[15]”
One could say they just got lucky, but the signers are all the usual suspects including Jeb Bush
you can read it here
Donald Kagan is one of the co-chairman. Victoria Nuland is married to Robert Kagan who is Donald Kagan’s son.
Why call it a New Pearl Harbor – well not just because Pearl Harbor got us into war with Japan, but because Pearl Harbor was indirectly created and directly allowed to happen. So the PNAC document was both a wish list of what could be accomplished if we had some major attack, but also a message to those in the know that a false flag was coming and what it was to accomplish.
I find the common reference to the perpetrating criminals as fools and idiots so disturbing. Such writers are not saying determined criminality does not exist; but they do, I think, so commonly reveal their supposition that dynamic, intelligent coordinated and malicious intention does not.
Thanks to Dr. Roberts for his precis so useful to shredding the delusions of newbies.
“All sixteen US intelligence agencies failed as did those of America’s NATO and Israeli allies. “
Roberts must have forgotten about the Israeli spies that were caught cheering the collapse of the towers. An Israeli spy ring spent months monitoring the hijackers and I think the Israelis were aware of and desired the success of the plot.
Mohamed said :
The Tide Is Turning:
Kerry in Saudi Arabia for talks on ISIL
And, I quote: ………..
Mohamed my friend, I really admire you for being ever optimistic and putting the best spin you can on everything. You are I think maybe a glass half full kind of person, but nothing good ever comes out of evil, and these people (Kerry, Obama, McCain etc.) are evil to their core. Never lose sight of this fact and their actions become clearer.
Washington was defeated last year in its intention to carry out airstrikes on Syria for one major reason only, and that is the defeat of the British prime minister in the parliamentary vote on taking military action in Syria. The British people gave a resounding no to the warmongers in power and as we all know the “indispensable” nation simply hates doing anything by itself. All its NATO “allies” last year were all wishing America luck in its bombing campaign but politely saying they would sit this one out, with the result that Satanists in Washington found themselves isolated on the world stage and like the cowards they are got cold feet. But things are different now, now they have “ISIS” as a pretence for doing just what they set out to do last year and were thwarted. Its the 9/11 scenario all over again, using the so called excuse of fighting a “war on terror” to achieve their goals and the American sheeple being so brain dead and terrified of the “bogeyman” are being corralled once again by the evil bastards into going along. America is a one trick pony, it only knows to do one thing. The sickening hypocrisy and double standards of the Satanists is glaringly obvious. They are planning on conducting airstrikes on sovereign Syrian territory without consulting with or getting the permission of the Syrian government. Can you imagine the response from the scum were Russia to do something similar ? These fascists need to be hounded and hunted down and strung up from the nearest tree.
In case anyone is still interested …
The Pentagon Crash Site
Other Fires in Steel-Structure Buildings
The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism
Reply to Popular Mechanics re 9/11
Reply to Scientific American’s Attempted Debunking of 9/11 Skeptics
George Monbiot on 9/11: A Reply
And lots of other related articles here and here.
Enough evidence, commentary and analysis of 9/11 had accumulated by the time of G.W.Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 for anyone with average intelligence (and who wanted to know) to conclude that the Official Story was a lie. But most U.S. citizens believed the Official Story because they did not want to know the truth — it was just too scary to acknowledge that influential people within the U.S. government (with the assistance of foreign governments) had planned and executed a false flag attack which involved the murder of nearly 3000 of their compatriots. As a result of this refusal to see, they got a vicious police state at home and aggressive wars abroad, and the evil continues.
This is a powerful piece of writing by Roberts – completely lucid and succinct. As a writer I admire his accomplishment here – especially since he’s countering a massive propaganda investment, which is very hard to do and still look credible.
I used to read Roberts for his economic analyses, which are his expert field. I remember as he started to delve into other topics such as Ukraine and 9/11. At the time he said something like (paraphrasing): people ask me about these things because they trust me to tell them the truth, although they are not my specialized area.
It struck me as the remark of a very moral man.
I started to look into 9/11 myself only fairly recently, after Snowden actually – who may be a psy-op as some say, but to me he revealed a sense of scale that suddenly made lots of conspiracies and false flags credible.
The Italian 5-hour compilation documentary was what I watched to come completely up to speed on 9/11. It’s free to download and I recommend it highly:
September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor
The manipulators used patriotism and shock to do what they wanted. If you said anything other wise you were pretty much considered as being responsible for what happened. It seems to be the same thing they did blaming Russia for everything. At least now we have a few outlets not affiliated with the MSM. Those days they did not even have blogs or alternate news sources and you got banned for raising any questions at most places. I can imagine it was much like in nazi germany where if you disagreed you disappeared.
Although I never found out why Pakistan was involved in it as well as Israel..
What a golden opportunity for the Russian Federation to raise questions about what really happened in America on September 11, 2001. Perhaps a few engineers from the Russian Academy of Sciences could give their opinion as well.
Some aspects of the official account are truly hilarious.
The link below is to a certain official document/transcript at the official site of the NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES (911 Commission)
The page transcribes a public hearing that took place on January 26, 2004.
Now, read the testimony given by a member of the Commission, Susan Ginsburg. This occurs near the top of the page. Note the miraculous passport of Satam al Suqami that was recovered from the street *before* the towers fell. In other words, it got out of the pocket of the terrorist, went through the fireball and all kinds of hell, and landed safely on the street where a passerby promptly picked up and gave it to the police. Is that cute or what?
I copy here the relevant passage.
MS. SUSAN GINSBURG: Beginning with passports. Four of the hijackers passports have survived in whole or in part. Two were recovered from the crash site of United Airlines flight 93 in Pennsylvania. These are the passports of Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al Ghamdi. One belonged to a hijacker on American Airlines flight 11. This is the passport of Satam al Suqami. A passerby picked it up and gave it to a NYPD detective shortly before the World Trade Center towers collapsed. A fourth passport was recovered from luggage that did not make it from a Portland flight to Boston on to the connecting flight which was American Airlines flight 11. This is the passport of Abdul Aziz al Omari.
In addition to these four, some digital copies of the hijackers passports were recovered in post-9/11 operations. Two of the passports that have survived, those of Satam al Suqami and Abdul Aziz al Omari, were clearly doctored. To avoid getting into classified detail, we will just state that these were manipulated in a fraudulent manner in ways that have been associated with al Qaeda.
Here we go. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has said that the new set of sanctions are a decision by Europe against a peaceful settlement in the Ukraine
I want to try and connect a couple things here using as a starting point PCR and Lawson’s certainty that this was an inside job and the fulcrum that firmly planted us in a police state.
If you step back and take a longer view, it’s pretty clear the zombification pump was well-primed long before this false flag occurred: we were already (here I go again) two warring camps spitting out cobbled-together tropes and sound-bites in response to anything we don’t like from the other side.
We don’t use reasoned, fact-based analysis bc we’ve lost our parents’ ability to do that — and we don’t even know we’ve lost it. 9/11 in that sense has been a big wake-up call, a challenge to both start thinking again *and working through* the Godawful experience of having your deeply-cherished assumptions turned upside-down.
And in that sense there is some lemonade to be made from this — bc the only way we stand a chance of ridding ourselves of this nightmarish status quo is to apply the very same analytic skills separating out facts-that-can-be-determined from opinions we refuse/are afraid to examine bc they’re sustained by the myths we still choose to believe and the strong emotions classically-conditioned into us by the propaganda we’re constantly fed by the people on our side of the Culture Wars divide whose words we still swallow whole.
A perfect example of that is my own experience immediately post 9/11. While immediately recognizing the incongruity of Mohamed Atta’s Miraculous Floating Wallet atop the smoking ruins and the 0% probability of the FBI — no member of whom can find his own back pocket on a good day — coming up with a list of all the perpetrators within three days, I remained terrified of another attack. So I spent an inordinate amount of time crying and shaking and banging away at the Battle Hymn of the Republic on my poor, poor piano.
Mr. Nora, otoh, responded quite differently indeed, and not just bc he’s a scientist and knew right away the official story stunk to high heavens. Rather, I think, it was bc he *knew how he knew* that, the degree of certainty with which he could come to those conclusions — so — and this is the important part here — he was in a very different emotional state. Sure he was horrified, and grieving, but even after the anthrax attacks he was still able to calculate that the odds of a repeat performance actually impacting us out in E. Jebip were pretty remote indeed unless someone struck the electrical grid.
He just never got terrified like everyone else out here still is. And I did get it once he explained it to me a couple times, and we hardened what we could and went on, determined to understand as best we could what was really behind all this.
And it’s that ability to see things clearly and think things though — knowing the extent to which you can rely on the data you’re using and fully aware of how much of what you’re thinking is strictly inference –that we all need to regain. Especially given what probably lies ahead.
”The fairy tale story of bin Laden’s murder by Seal Team Six served to end the challenge by disappointed Democrats to Obama’s nomination for a second term. It also freed the “war on terror” from the bin Laden constraint. Washington wanted to attack Libya, Syria, and Iran, countries in which bin Laden was known not to have organizations, and the succession of faked bin Laden videos, in which bin Laden grew progressively younger as the fake bin Laden claimed credit for each successive attack, had lost credibility among experts.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Fwiw: Interesting these articles
Too Classified to Publish
Russian 9/11 Data Dump Reveals State Actors
“9/11 was an Anglo-American black operation executed in collusion with Israeli Secret Services.” — 9/11 Investigator
Undoubtedly the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington DC are the most misrepresented by officialdom in US history.
= = = = =
And for those who missed it:
Prince Bandar steps down
Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has, by royal decree, been relieved of his duties as national security adviser and director of Saudi intelligence services. According to the national news agency, the decision was made “at his request.”
A brilliant personality, born to Prince Sultan and a slave, he was the right-hand man of King Fahd who had appointed him ambassador to the United States upon his accession to the throne. There, he was befriended by former CIA chief and then Vice-President George H. Bush, who considered him as his “adopted son.” [.]
He was entrusted with taking charge of the former Wahhabi fighters in Afghanistan and became the patron of Al Qaeda and, upon the death of Osama bin Laden in late 2001, the one and only undisputed leader of the international terrorist network. He funded Al Qaeda’s operations in particular with the one billion pounds sterling that he had misappropriated with complete impunity in connection with the Al-Yamamah arms deal [1].
During the NATO war against Syria, he organized the 18 July 2012 attack that decapitated the military command in Damascus.
= = = = = = = = = =
Last night the Pres. of the Republic of U.S.A spoke of his new found strategy to deal with the menace of AQ’s offshoot. He will strike wherever they are found, meaning open borders without consent of the sovereigns.
Turkey Refuses US Permission For Combat Missions Against ISIS
This morning, AFP reports:Turkey, a NATO ally, said it will refuse to allow attacks of neighbours from its air bases.
Agence France Presse
ANKARA: Turkey will refuse to allow a US-led coalition to attack jihadists in neighbouring Iraq and Syria from its air bases, nor will it take part in combat operations against militants, a government official told AFP Thursday.
” Turkey will not be involved in any armed operation but will entirely concentrate on humanitarian operations,” the official said on condition of anonymity.
The decision echoes the country’s refusal to allow the US to station 60,000 troops in Turkey in 2003 to invade Iraq from the north, which triggered a crisis between the two allies.
= = = =
Wait, we’ll see, or read.
Good ol’ Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, he is a national treasure. I visit his site, like this site, every day. I recommend him as well
Also, my favorite economist, Dr. Michael Hudson wrote an outstanding article on the IMF and Ukraine
When Roberts expresses his skepticism that the towers collapsed because as a result of low temperature office fires he is displaying his ignorance. A 1200 deg fire inside a steel building in not low temperature. It is sufficiently high to compromise the load bearing strength of the structural steel that supports office towers. If the temperature of any structural steel is raised above 400 deg it loses its up to 90% of its load bearing strength. This does not mean the steel has melted, just that a molecular rearrangement occurs that reduces it load bearing strength to that of cast iron.
Cast iron buildings, those made in the 19th century could not be more the 10 stories high because they would simply collapse under their own weight above that height.
3984When Roberts expresses his skepticism that the towers collapsed because as a result of low temperature office fires he is displaying his ignorance. A 1200 deg fire inside a steel building in not low temperature. It is sufficiently high to compromise the load bearing strength of the structural steel that supports office towers. If the temperature of any structural steel is raised above 400 deg it loses its up to 90% of its load bearing strength. This does not mean the steel has melted, just that a molecular rearrangement occurs that reduces it load bearing strength to that of cast iron.
Cast iron buildings, those made in the 19th century could not be more the 10 stories high because they would simply collapse under their own weight above that height.
Not Atta’s wallet. This is a common misconception that has been perpetuated. What you are talking about is probably Satam al Suqami’s passport. Not floating about the ruins, but falling neatly on the street and being picked up quickly (before the towers fell) and handed to a police detective. This is described in my previous comment at 17:03.
In my opinion, that is even more preposterous than the notion of finding it later among the ruins.
Regarding that fellow, Karl Deninger, and the question how a “book smart” person can swallow all that, the answer is simple: he is thick.
No other explanation. Especially because the man himself acknowledges having spent many many hours studying the issue.
I know of many people who, like me, were initially buying the official story simply for lack of information and not having looked into it. Once we looked into it, we changed our minds.
I don’t know of one single case that changed their mind the other way, i.e. from disbelief/skepticism to believing the official story. Not one single case.
@Theodore Svedberg
I recommend you begin by thinking about the Progressive Collapse Challenge.
It’s very simple and very generous in what it allows.
After that, I recommend taking a look at some material like the following, where you impossibly stupid
Experts speak out – Full version (2h 19 min)
Experts speak out – Final edited version (1h 37 min)
Anonymous 19:06,
That in itself is interesting bc it was presented in the teevee news (yeah, I know) as Atta’s having landed atop the rubble. Some short time later Atta’s father explained that it couldn’t have been his, I forget exactly why — but I do know that Atta is absolutely the only one whose name I still remember clearly, precisely bc of all the folderol about that danged wallet. We laughed about it for years, actually.
But now I’m wondering what other “official” stories got changed over the years, bc this couldn’t have been the only one. To be perfectly honest, we both spent a lot of time those first few weeks learning everything we could about what really, and not really, went on. But since that time, when the dimensions of the thing became clear enough for us to realize it was absolutely an inside job and very tightly if not very well covered up. And at that point, remembering JFK, I knew we’d be long gone before the real truth came out, so I kind of stopped paying attention.
The real importance of it is the fact that it was done by elements inside our government for the express purpose of controlling us and trying to control the rest of the planet. In that sense, you don’t even need any more details, and your time would be better spent trying to figure out who the hell they are and how the hell to stop them. imo
If you wish to really understand what was and is behind the US strategy of world hegemony and dominion, there is an excellent docufilm by the BBC (in the times when the BBC was more impartial in their reporting).
It is a three part BBC2 documentary titled The Powers of Nightmare, it links up very nicely the influence and counter-influences between neoconservatism and jihadism, plus more saliently for Russians how the neocons plotted to vilify the Soviets in the eyes of the US establishment, even against the advice of the CIA!
Here is a link to the documentaries:
Justin Raimondo at Antiwar had an interesting piece on 28 pages ‘redacted’ from a US Congressional investigation into 9/11 that apparently points the finger at Israel for, at the least, shepherding the ‘terrorists’ before the atrocity, and ensuring that they were not prevented from achieving their purpose. I imagine that, in fact, Mossad controlled this operation all the way, because it so suited their purposes to set the US juggernaut against all Israel’s neighbours, the easier for Israel to get on with destroying the Palestinians and ‘redeeming’ Lebanon up to the Litani. I just can’t get over the amazing prescience of the Zionazi controlled Project for A New American Century in predicting that it would require a ‘New Pearl Harbor’ to get the US public on board with the Zionazi project.
Justin Raimondo at Antiwar had an interesting piece on 28 pages ‘redacted’ from a US Congressional investigation into 9/11 that apparently points the finger at Israel for, at the least, shepherding the ‘terrorists’ before the atrocity, and ensuring that they were not prevented from achieving their purpose. I imagine that, in fact, Mossad controlled this operation all the way, because it so suited their purposes to set the US juggernaut against all Israel’s neighbours, the easier for Israel to get on with destroying the Palestinians and ‘redeeming’ Lebanon up to the Litani. I just can’t get over the amazing prescience of the Zionazi controlled Project for A New American Century in predicting that it would require a ‘New Pearl Harbor’ to get the US public on board with the Zionazi project.
Dr Judy Wood is renowned for her forensic examination and explanation as to what happened on that eleventh day in September 2001 at New York’s World Trade Centre complex when the buildings simply disappeared in a cloud of dust. Ignore the mainstream media, ignore the aeroplanes crashing into the buildings, just look at the evidence that Dr Wood presents.
Dr Woods conclusions are that the resultant fires from the ignited aviation fuel were not responsible and she forcibly makes the point that the evidence points to Directed Energy Technology that was being developed by Nikola Tesla in the early part of the 19th century.
Dr Wood was on a whistle stop tour of the UK (November 2012) Read her book WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? Log on to her webpage now. Place Judy Wood in your search engine. Get closer to what really happened on that infamous day in September 2001.
The following video of her presentation shows the actual collapse where the falling structure turns into dust. This starts at 07.00 minutes into the video.
Theodore Svedberg said
When Roberts expresses his skepticism that the towers collapsed because as a result of low temperature office fires he is displaying his ignorance. A 1200 deg fire inside a steel building in not low temperature.
I haven’t checked the data lately, but I doubt that flaming kerosene and burning papers/desks/curtains/etc. can produce temperatures over 1000 degrees.
It is sufficiently high to compromise the load bearing strength of the structural steel that supports office towers. If the temperature of any structural steel is raised above 400 deg it loses its up to 90% of its load bearing strength. This does not mean the steel has melted, just that a molecular rearrangement occurs that reduces it load bearing strength to that of cast iron.
Perhaps Theodore missed the link that I posted above to Other Fires in Steel-Structure Buildings. None of those ‘towering infernos’ collapsed.
I agree with Nora, who said
The real importance of it [9/11] is the fact that it was done by elements inside our government for the express purpose of controlling us and trying to control the rest of the planet. In that sense, you don’t even need any more details, and your time would be better spent trying to figure out who the hell they are and how the hell to stop them.
The short answer: The Neocons planned it, the Saudis financed it, and the Israelis executed it.
This explains why “no-one talked”. The Neocons sure weren’t going to tell us what they did, no-one even thought to ask where the money came from, and the Israelis who installed and triggered the explosive devices (I suspect mini-nukes) in the Twin Towers did the job quickly and then were flown back home within a few days.
As for “stopping them”, this is certainly the burning question of the day, because it means: How the hell to stop them from causing a NATO/Russia war which could easily turn into a global nuclear war? Short of a revolution in the streets in the US and the EU (very unlikely, at least in the US) I think we have to trust Putin to handle this, but there are red lines which Russia won’t allow to be crossed with impunity.
The SEALS killed Bin Laden in May 2011?
Says who?
It was the CIA that “confirmed” the identity to the SEALS after the mission.
Read the book, “No Easy Day”.
The order was given that the SEALS were to talk to no one – EVER.
The photos of the body were ordered destroyed or turned over to the CIA nine days after the mission (nine days is what the Pentagon claims).
The body was thrown overboard Mafia-style to the bottom of the ocean.
The helmet cameras worn on the mission, “never existed”.
The DNA samples taken from the body were handled by an espionage unit (espionage is
what the CIA does).
And guess who was in charge of the CIA Bin Laden team?
Remember Colin Powell’s disastrous and clownish speech before the UN and world?
February 2003, Powell gave his infamous “Saddam Has WMD” speech. Powell had sat for several days going over the “intelligence” about Saddam’s WMD. He sat personally with the CIA agent charged with coordinating the intelligence. Who was this CIA agent?
Michael J. Morell who’s disinformation (espionage) made a fool of Powell is the same guy – the SAME guy – that controlled (buried) the information that we have(?) about the raid at
Obama has “Plausible Deniability”, he has to rely on men like Morell when he is told that we got Bin Laden. What is your excuse?
Jim W. Dean: The day the world fell down … 9-11 was a nuclear attack
It appears our mothballed Davy Crockett tactical nukes had been spirited out the back ground via an inventory accounting system that was designed for quietly removing warhead material.
The inventory had gone to Israel after the Dimona accident had wrecked their ability to produce weapons grade material, but they had the expertise to re-manufacture the Davy Crockett’s into modern tactical nuclear weapons. …
Here is a partial list of the false flag suicide truck bombings that were mini-nukes. …
The barracks of the U.S. Marines and French paratroopers in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983.
The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma. 1995.
The Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan in 1995.
The Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia in 1996.
The American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
The British Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.
The World Trade Center September 11, 2001.
The Sari night club in Bali in 2002.
The UN Office in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003.
The Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2004.
In the nuclear assassination of the former Lebanese Prime-Minister. Planted in the sewer pipe. Rafik Hariri in Beirut in 2005.
The police school bombing in Algeria on 19 of August 2008.
And many more unreported.
JFK laid it out in a famous passage from a speech to journalists in 1961, and was (inter alia) ultimately laid out for saying it…
We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence…
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations…
The “we” are the “Old Anglo Imperialists”, to whose throne JFK was heir, and they ultimately lost the fight against the “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy”. His assassination brought the fight into the American public sphere, and 9/11 was its final, closing bell. 9/11 and its public aftermath was a demonstration, a public declaration, that every power center around the world received and understood.
“Behold (our) works ye mighty, and despair” (apologies to Ozymandias).
Their cold blooded murder of 3000 people in broad daylight in the very heart of the Empire with complete, legal immunity showed the world that the conspirators now enjoyed Full Spectrum Dominance of the Western world’s political and security structures.
If that wasn’t enough, they went on to demonstrate their control over 9/11’s public meaning and its legal and social consequences.
That message is also plain: We control the past… and so will control the future.
Now they’re going after the rest. The Putins and Xi JinPings are the only ones standing in the way. Both, but especially Putin, are fighting the conspiracy both internally and externally. The conspiracy is deeply embedded into the Kremlin’s power structures and in Russia’s public institutions, where they dilute and distort the effort to keep the conspiracy at bay. I sense that this infiltration has been much less successful in China, where language and cultural barriers are high, and where conspiracy is an ancient art form.
An old Chinese friend says, “I don’t worry. We’re more Jewish than the Jews”. Perhaps he’s underestimating the extent to which China’s elites are in thrall to the West, but he understands well that the world including China is hanging on the defense being mounted by a few good men centered around VV Putin.
I always found the story of the Black Eagle Trust Fund from E.P. Heidner’s “Collateral Damage” to be very compelling. Then you have all the airline stock shorts, the various US officials warned not to fly that day, the area of the Pentagon taken out eliminating the entire ONI unit investigating a certain financial crime I can’t recall specifically, the asbestos issue with the twin towers… I also recommend the “New Pearl Harbor” video, also James Corbett has done a lot of good work, Ry Dawson, Kevin Ryan, and Global Research’s big gathering in Toronto last year I believe, for which they recently posted the audio from three days of presentations all contain great info. The link below has a link to the full Collateral Damage piece in pdf.
SIX PLANES / ONE PERP: 9/11 + MH370 + MH17
If Game Is Daddy Bush Banksters-versus-BRICS, then Daddy Bush Bankster Chaos Wins.
@ Theodore Svedberg
Other skyscraper fires
How much did jet fuel heat the WTC
How the Towers’ Fires Affected the Structural Steel
And don’t miss The South Tower Impact.
A rather pompous English philosopher once said to me in a pub over his beer, “9/11 was an aesthetic event”. At the time I didn’t understand what he meant, but now I do. It was an event staged to be seen, to impress, to shock.
Look at that huge fireball erupting from the east side of the South Tower. You can hardly imagine anything more impressive. If you want to impress by means of such an event then to be sure you wouldn’t just rely on a plane hitting the tower (too hit-and-miss, so to speak). You would stash many tons of jet fuel (or other inflammable/explosive material) against the east wall of the 80th (or whatever) floor and at the right time you would detonate it (with cameras in place to catch the event for the media).
And this could be done even without a plane impact. Who needs a plane? All you need is some fake videos of a plane impacting the South Tower, plus the video of the huge and impressive fireball, and you have the required shock-and-awe.
Be careful guys. That’s a pretty good article but there’s 1% poison slipped in with the good stuff. Have a look at Paul Craig Roberts’ website
and look at the photo of PCR at the top of the page. See the portrait behind PCR? Notice how the man has his right hand hidden in his waistcoat, like all these Illuminati guys. Do you think PCR might be revealing some info about himself with that choice of painting behind him?
Now as for this “9/11 after 13 years” – PCR is making out that Steve Jones is a really good guy who suffered for his 9/11 work. No such thing. Jones is another cabal agent
Jones was also used to destroy cold fusion research
Anonymous at 2219
The portrait behind PCR on his website is of Alexander Hamilton first USA Secretary of Treasury. As I am sure you know PCR was Assistant Secretary of Treasury for USA under Ronald Reagan. So portrait is appropriate!
Hand in waistcoat was a popular rendering of male portraits of men of breeding in early 18th century long before the formation of modern illuminati.
See “Re-Dressing Classical Statuary: The Eighteenth-Century ‘Hand-in-Waistcoat’ Portrait.” by Arline Meyer. Art Bulletin (College Art Association of America), Vol. 77, No.2, March 1995, p.45-64.
Meyer points out that the ‘hand-in’ portrait type appeared with “relentless frequency” during the eighteenth century and became almost a cliched pose in portrait painting. The pose was used so often by portraitists that one was even accused of not knowing how to paint hands.
“In real life,” Meyers observes, “the ‘hand-held-in’ was a common stance for men of breeding.”
Meyer goes on to give many examples of this posture in painted portraits dating from the early and middle 1700s, well before Napoleon’s birth.
In 1738 Francois Nivelon published A Book Of Genteel Behavior describing the “hand-in-waistcoat” posture as signifying “manly boldness tempered with modesty.”
Meyer says that the hidden hand was a feature of some statues of the ancient Greeks and Romans and that later painters based their poses on classical models.
The pose was recommended by certain classical writers as a useful posture for orators. Aeschines of Macedon (390-331 B.C.), an actor, orator and founder of a school of rhetoric, who wrote an important book on oratory, postulated that speaking with one’s arm outside the toga was considered ill-mannered.
A number of textbooks on oratory published in the eighteenth century, following Aeschines, recommended this gesture..”
Anonymous at 0239
Re: portraits with right hand hidden.
If you don’t care to call them Illuminati, then call them freemasons. That is the ‘hidden hand’ which is one of their secret codes. For those who wish to know more, try this article
IMO, Paul Craig Roberts is very cleverly disguised controlled opposition. Sure he writes well and complains vociferously about the elites but watch out for that 1% poison in his articles.
“…watch out for that 1% poison in his articles.” and in everything else you have read/heard/seen.
As if any meaningful “truth” was ever anything but human, all too human.
Have you seen the new Times Square billboard on WTC building 7? This is great! Makes my day to see this.
@Anonymous 12 SEPTEMBER, 2014 22:15
I like much of what Veterans Today is publishing, but they are occasionally over the top. Stephen Jones lost his career over his 9/11 research and work. He risked everything for it. I would have to see real proof to the contrary before I would ever doubt him. PCR, too, is an unflinching policy critic who never shies away from telling the truth or from taking serious personal risks in order to do so.
Watch out for the Architects and Engineers 911 report as well. It is merely a distraction from what is the truth about what was used and who is responsible for bringing down the twin towers and #7. Nano-thermites had nothing to do with it Dr. Roberts. Nor any combinations of conventional high explosives and other agents.