The Fall of 2016
Oh to be a Citizen
and look with disgust
at our elected leaders
who we do not trust.
Too many bureaucrats
who are of no use.
Those who rise the highest
through fraud, waste and abuse.
Just look back
for hundreds of years or more
so many criminals
rotten down to their core.
Who slaughtered the natives,
was their land taken by stealth?
Who enslaved our brothers
in the pursuit of great wealth?
Others warned of Russian evil,
they posed a great threat.
In the end our own worst enemy
was us that we met.
Are such things in our past,
do they pollute our soil…
Will our debts be paid off?
Drone an Arab. Grab his oil.
And now we elect
with a grimace and a smile
another liar or thief
from our own reject pile.
They all have great PR
and egos to boot
matched only by their hunger
for sex, power or loot.
Neither a crony crook
nor psychopath is choice.
Neither one do I want
nor need for my voice.
We are sick of secret deals
and criminal ties
followed by coups,
scandals and lies.
Oh why Oh why
can we not choose
a man or a woman
who we could use?
Someone to follow the laws
and the oath they vowed
as an example to others
and to make us proud.
Somethings wrong with our democracy,
some things need to change with us.
Our leaders are scum,
our capitals filled with pus.
A revolt is at hand,
a need for change does grow.
Will it come from on high,
will it rise from below?
Great poem, what great verses and how powerful ! Many thanks for posting this oh man, you are a really good gentlemen ! I’m very glad to hear, to read something like this and really appreciate it a lot.
Says it all.
Will share.
As the US election moves forward. I think we will see a “defining” moment in the US. If we elect the crooked neo-con we are almost certain to have elected “War”. If we elect the “populist” clown,well we don’t know. With the crooked neo-con Clinton,for those people that look at her with an open mind. It is hard to see any possibility but war coming. Of course for her supporters among the neo-cons,that is exactly why they will vote for her,they want war. But they vast majority of her supporters are fooled into voting for her (not hard with Americans I hate to say). Her majority of voters are divided into many different sections.And only come together to vote for her.The Black, Hispanic and Muslim, huge majorities that will vote for her,do so because they believe her propaganda that “somehow” she supports them.Her Jewish voters support her because they “know” she is an Israeli-firster.And that is what matters to them. And that Trump is some “wild-eyed” racist that will persecute them all if elected.Women are convinced in large numbers,that having a woman as President (any women,even a Lizzy Borden clone) is a “good” thing for women.And they buy the propaganda that Trump is a “sexiest”. The LGBT community will support her,because even though as SOS she created jihadis that murder gays.And supported Saudi Arabia that beheads gays. She somehow,”really,really,deep down” supports gays. After all she says she does. A little thing like her “actions” shouldn’t get in the way of what she “says”,right. Oh,and did I leave out that “somehow”,Trump is considered as anti-gay. How,no one has really explained. But with propaganda a little thing like proof isn’t needed.
Combine those “single issue” voters,with the poor,working class,and senior citizens, that believe the propaganda that a “billionaire” who built his wealth in business. Is somehow “worse” for them. Than a “multi-millionaire” who built her wealth through brides,corruption,and misuse of her power as a “public official”. How they believe that,I don’t know. I put it down to the decline of education in the West over the last 30 years or so.But regardless they think that. Her propaganda is very effective with them.Add to that toxic koolaid,that almost (if not all) all the media totally supports Clinton. Its not even a “maybe” they do.And you see the key’s to her victory in November. And an almost certain major war (or more than one) in 2017.
So as the quote from past times says,”what is to be done”. The answer would depend on whether or not the “medusa” does get elected. Trump “does” have a tiny chance to win. But I strongly doubt it. If Clinton comes to power,to stop her wars,only a “coup” or an “American Spring” can stop her.And I’m not sure there is enough “backbone” in the military for a coup. And enough intelligent people around to provide the millions of protesters needed for an American Spring.For all the “endless” talk of the rights of Americans to have guns. We’ve only turned them on ourselves ,killing our own citizens. We’ve never faced a military force with them (the Civil War doesn’t count.It was a regional war of armies.Not a peoples rebellion against the government. So apples and oranges). So whether the “talkers” would take “action” is very debatable.But,either way,there are the choices that I see if she is to be stopped from war,possibly nuclear war.
I like the idea of sortition…
Uncle Bob – did you know that Gerald Celente has predicted that Trump will be in the White House ?
I agree with the sentiments but not a great poem.