By any measure 2014 has been a truly historic year which saw huge, I would say, even tectonic developments. This year ends in very high instability, and the future looks hard to guess. I don’t think that anybody can confidently predict what might happen next year. So what I propose to do today is something far more modest. I want to look into some of the key events of 2014 and think of them as vectors with a specific direction and magnitude. I want to look in which direction a number of key actors (countries) “moved” this year and with what degree of intensity. Then I want to see whether it is likely that they will change course or determination. Then adding up all the “vectors” of these key actors (countries) I want to make a calculation and see what resulting vector we will obtain for the next year. Considering the large number of “unknown unknowns” (to quote Rumsfeld) this exercise will not result in any kind of real prediction, but my hope is that it will prove a useful analytical reference.The main event and the main actors
A comprehensive analysis of 2014 should include most major countries on the planet, but this would be too complicated and, ultimately, useless. I think that it is indisputable that the main event of 2014 has been the war in the Ukraine. This crisis not only overshadowed the still ongoing Anglo-Zionist attack on Syria, but it pitted the world’s only two nuclear superpowers (Russia and the USA) directly against each other. And while some faraway countries did have a minor impact on the Ukrainian crisis, especially the BRICS, I don’t think that a detailed discussion of South African or Brazilian politics would contribute much. There is a short list of key actors whose role warrants a full analysis. They are:
- The USA
- The Ukrainian Junta
- The Novorussians (DNR+LNR)
- Russia
- The EU
- China
I submit that these seven actors account for 99.99% of the events in the Ukraine and that an analysis of the stance of each one of them is crucial. So let’s take them one by one:
1 – The USA
Of all the actors in this crisis, the USA is by far the most consistent and coherent one. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland were very clear about US objectives in the Ukraine:
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Without Ukraine Russia ceases to be empire, while with Ukraine – bought off first and subdued afterwards, it automatically turns into empire…(…) the new world order under the hegemony of the United States is created against Russia and on the fragments of Russia. Ukraine is the Western outpost to prevent the recreation of the Soviet Union.
Hillary Clinton: There is a move to re-Sovietise the region (…) It’s not going to be called that. It’s going to be called a customs union, it will be called Eurasian Union and all of that, (…) But let’s make no mistake about it. We know what the goal is and we are trying to figure out effective ways to slow down or prevent it.
Victoria Nuland: F**k the EU!
Between the three, these senior US “deep-staters” have clearly and unambiguously defined the primary goal of the USA: to take control of the Ukraine to prevent Russia from becoming a new Soviet Union, regardless of what the EU might have to say about that. Of course, there were other secondary goals which I listed in June of this year (see here):
As a reminder, what were the US goals in the Ukraine: (in no particular order)
- Sever the ties between Russia and the Ukraine
- Put a russophobic NATO puppet regime in power in Kiev
- Boot the Russians out of Crimea
- Turn Crimea into a unsinkable US/NATO aircraft carrier
- Create a Cold War v2 in Europe
- Further devastate the EU economies
- Secure the EU’s status as “US protectorate/colony”
- Castrate once and for all EU foreign policies
- Politically isolate Russia
- Maintain the worldwide dominance of the US dollar
- Justify huge military/security budgets
I have color-coded objectives these objectives into the following categories:
Achieved – black
Still possible – too early to call – blue
Compromised – pink
Failed – red
Current “score card”: 1 “achieved”, 5 “possible, 2 “compromised” and 3 “failed”.
Here is how I would re-score the same goals at the end of the year:
- Sever the ties between Russia and the Ukraine
- Put a russophobic NATO puppet regime in power in Kiev
- Boot the Russians out of Crimea
- Turn Crimea into a unsinkable US/NATO aircraft carrier
- Create a Cold War v2 in Europe
- Further devastate the EU economies
- Secure the EU’s status as “US protectorate/colony”
- Castrate once and for all EU foreign policies
- Politically isolate Russia
- Maintain the worldwide dominance of the US dollar
- Justify huge military/security budgets
New score card: 6 “achieved”, 1 “possible”, 1 “compromised” and 3 “failed”
At first glance, this is a clear success for the USA: from 1 achieved to 6 with the same number of “failed” is very good for such a short period of time. However, a closer look will reveal something crucial: all the successes of the USA were achieved at the expense of the EU and none against Russia. Not only that, but the USA has failed in its main goal: to prevent Russia from becoming a superpower, primarily because the US policy was based on a hugely mistaken assumption: that Russia needed the Ukraine to become a superpower again. This monumental miscalculation also resulted in another very bad fact for the USA: the dollar is still very much threatened, more so than a year ago in fact.
This is so important that I will repeat it again: the AngloZionist Empire predicated its entire Ukrainian strategy on a completely wrong assumption: that Russia “needed” the Ukraine. Russia does not, and she knows that. As we shall see later, a lot of the key events of this year are a direct result of this huge miscalculation.
The US is now facing a paradox: “victory” in the Ukraine, “victory” in Europe, but failure to stop a rapidly rising Russia. Worse, these “victories” came at a very high price which included creating tensions inside the EU, threatening the future of the US shale gas industry, alienating many countries at the UN, being deeply involved with a Nazi regime, becoming the prime suspect in the shooting down of MH17 and paying the costs for an artificially low price of gold. But the single worst consequence of the US foreign policy in the Ukraine has been the establishment of a joint Russian-Chinese strategic alliance clearly directed against the United States (more about that later).
Can the US stay the course next year? That is hard to predict but I would say that in terms of direction the US policy will be more of the same. It is the magnitude (in the sense of will/energy to pursue) of this policy which is dubious. Traditionally, US policies are typically very intensive in the short term, but lack the staying power to see them through in the long term and there is no reason to believe that this case will be different. Furthermore, the US foreign policy establishment is probably simply unable to imagine a different approach: the United States do not really have a real foreign policy, rather they issue orders and directives to their vassal states and threats to all others. Finally, just as some banks are considered “too big to fail” the US policy towards the Ukraine is “too crazy to correct” thus any change of course would result in a major loss of face for an Empire which really cannot afford one more humiliating defeat right now. Still, when the political and financial costs of this policy become prohibitive, the US might have to consider the option to “declare victory and leave” (a time-honored US practice) and let the EU deal with the mess. There is also the very real risk of war with Russia which might give some US decision-makers pause. This is possible, but I am afraid that the US will try to play it’s last card and trigger a full-scale war between the Ukraine and Russia.
Why would the US want to do that? Imagine this:
A full scale war between Russia and the Ukraine
The Ukrainians are told to attack Novorussia again. This time, they are more numerous, better equipped and their attack is fully supported, if not executed, by American “advisers” and retired US Army officers. Imagine further that the Ukrainians are given full intelligence support by US/NATO and that their progress is monitored 24/7 by US/NATO commanders who will help them in the conduct of the attack. Finally, let us assume that the Novorussians are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude and speed of the attack and that Lugansk and Donetsk are rapidly surrounded. At this point the Russians will face a stark choice: either to abandon Novorussia to the Nazis or intervene. The first option would be catastrophic for Putin politically, and it would “solve” nothing: the Ukrainian junta, the US, EU, NATO have all clearly and repeatedly stated that they will never accept the reincorporation of Crimea into Russia. Furthermore, if the Russians let the Nazis overrun Novorussia, the next logical step for the Ukrainians will be to move south and repeat the very same operation in Crimea at which point Russia will not even have a choice and she will be forced to engage the Ukrainians to defend Crimea. Thus, if the Russians realize that the Ukrainians will push on no matter what, then Russia would be far better of engaging the Ukrainians over Novorussia then over Crimea.
If the Russians make the call that they have to openly intervene to save the Donbass from the Nazis, the Ukrainians don’t stand a chance and everybody knows that. The Russians would very rapidly defeat the Ukrainian forces. Such a Russian move would be greeted by a massive media campaign denouncing the Russian “invasion” and Kiev would probably declare the Ukraine at war in which case the combat operations would probably spill over into other parts of the Ukraine or even Russia (the Ukrainians could, for example, try to strike Russians airports around Rostov or in Crimea). Whatever the Ukrainians decide, it is certain that they would have nothing to lose by escalating the situation further. In military terms, Russia can easily handle whatever the Ukrainians can try to throw at them. However I would not expect the Russians push to Kiev or the Dniper River, even if they could. They are most likely to do what they did to Saakashvili in 2008: protect the attacked region and only go as far as needed to disarm their enemy (in 2008 Russia could *easily* have occupied all of tiny Georgia, but she ended up withdrawing behind Ossetian and Abkhaz lines).
Such a Russian victory would be a crushing military defeat for Kiev, but not for the USA. The Americans would have their ‘proof’ of Russian imperial “aggression” and declare that the EU needs “protection” from the “Russian bear”. The US would finally have the Cold War v2 it wants so badly, the EU politicians would play along, just to terrify their own population, and a “wonderful” arms race and a situation of extreme tension would pit all of Europe against Russia for a long, long time. Even for the junta in Kiev a military defeat might be a wonderful opportunity to blame it all on Russia and a way to get the population to rally against the “aggressor”. Such a war between Russia and the Ukraine could also justify the introduction of martial law and a massive and vicious crackdown against “Russian agents” (i.e. any opposition) who would be designated as “saboteurs” and responsible for the inevitable Ukrainian defeat.
In the Ukraine and in Russia there is this black-humor joke which says that “the USA will fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian” and this is exactly what might happen as this option offers a lot of major advantages for the USA. For one thing, it is a win-win proposition: either the Ukrainians re-take Novorussia and then the very same plan can be repeated in Crimea, or they are defeated by Russia, in which case the resulting crisis offers huge benefits for US imperial ambitions.
Now let’s look at the options for the Ukrainian junta.
2 – The Ukrainian Junta
For the Nazi regime currently in power things are not going well and unless something changes they are headed for disaster: Crimea is gone, the Donbass is slowly but surely building up its instruments of statehood, the economy is basically dead and the “holes in the dam” harder and harder to plug. An explosion of popular unrest is inevitable. Worse, there are exactly *zero* future prospects for the Ukrainian economy and an official default is quasi inevitable. So what can the junta do?
Here it is crucial to remember that no Ukrainian politician has any real power, not even Poroshenko, Iatseniuk or Turchinov. The real rulers of the Ukraine are the US ambassador and the Kiev CIA station chief. These are the people who literally administer the Nazi junta on behalf of the US deep state and its imperial interests. As for the Ukrainian members of the junta, they all perfectly understand that their future is 100% dependent on being a faithful servant of the AngloZionist Empire. They all understand that they came to power by means of an completely illegal coup, that the elections they organized this year were a total farce and that they will soon have to use repressive measures against their own population just to stay in power. Last but not least, these are the folks who not only used chemical munitions, cluster bombs and even ballistic missiles against their own people, but who also send their own armed forces to be slaughtered in useless and criminally irresponsible “surprises” ordered by Poroshenko (the attempt to encircle Novorussia and to cut it off from the Russian border). We are talking about hardened war criminals here, people with no conscience whatsoever, sociopaths with a total lack of any moral compass. These are the folks who spoke a “barbecue of insects” in Odessa when 100+ people were tortured to death or burned alive and who giggled about shooting down the wrong place about MH-17 (Kolomoisky video). In fact, they are currently engaged in a racist hate-campaign.
Check out these posters which were recently shown in Kiev as part of a competition of patriotic posters. If a picture is worth one thousand words, just glancing at these few will tell you all you need to know about the wordview of the Nazi junta: (note: I translated the meaning of the slogans)
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Russians don’t get to speak |
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All together we will stop Russian terrorism |
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God’s speaks through the people’s voice |
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Fuck off Eurasian bastard! |
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May each slave wake up in a coffin |
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Getting a Russian passport makes you a Eurasian faggot |
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Don’t pass by – kill! |
I have to explain the last one: what you see is a “Colorado beetle” (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) which has colors similar to the ones seen on the Russian Saint George Ribbon. In other words, this poster says that if you pass by a Russian you should kill him. Notice the other themes: the Maidan was God’s voice, the Russians are “Eurasians” who are beasts who should have no right, not even the right to speak or live. This is exactly the same propaganda style as used by Hitler against Jews and we all know how this ended (yet again another proof that to refer to the junta as “Nazi” is perfectly justified).
But there is much more then just words to pay attention to.
The Ukrainian budget has finally been adopted by the Rada. It can be summarized as such: less services, more taxes and everything for the military and security services (3% of the GDP for the former, 2% for the latter). For a country which is essentially bankrupt this is a huge effort. Not only that, but the junta has also announced that it will execute another mobilization next year (the 4th one in less than one year!!). Now ask yourself a basic question: could such a truly titanic effort have been made without some very real expectations of a “return on investment”? When you see a regime stirring up racial hatred against part of its own population and against a neighboring country while putting all of its tiny and much needed resources towards preparations for war – is that not a surefire sign that a war in imminent?
As a former military analyst myself I can tell you that by now the Russian intelligence community’s “indicators and warnings” should be “flashing red” and that in all likelihood Russia is already preparing for war (more about Russia later). But before we look at the Russian position, we need to look into the situation of Novorussia.
3 – The Novorussians (DNR+LNR)
The Novorussians are finishing the year in which they have achieved an absolutely amazing feat: from literally being *nothing* they spontaneously got together to stand up against the Nazi junta and they prevailed even with the entire Ukrainian military was launched at them. It is hard to believe that just 12 months ago the Donbass only meekly requested some language rights and some local autonomy or that earlier this year very almost nobody predicted that the Donbass would rise up and defeat the junta’s death squads. And yet this miracle happened. How much did Russia really help? I would argue that not that much at all.
Initially, the Russian move to protect Crimea and the subsequent resolution of the Council of the Federation to allow Putin to use military power to protect the Russian minority in the Ukraine definitely played a key role in the first seizure of state buildings in Slaviansk and other town. Furthermore, Strelkov apparently believed that if he held on long enough the Russian armed forces would come and relieve the exhausted Novorussian militias. It never happened.
There is no doubt whatsoever that this apparent Russian “zag” left a lot of bad feelings in Novorussia and the theory that the Kremlin is about to “sell out” Novorussia is still discussed not only in the Russian blogosphere, but even on Russian TV (including yesterday on the most famous weekly talk show “Sunday evening with Vladimir Soloviev). Here is how this version goes: Putin is inherently weak and tries in vain to appease the West while Russian oligarchs are making a behind the scenes deal with their Ukrainian counterparts. Truth be told, this version is plausible, even if incorrect. The Kremlin’s policy towards the West sure does look like appeasement while Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs have tried to arrange deals whether with or without the knowledge of the Russian government.
Any model is valid as long as it helps to explain the observed reality and this “Kremlin sells out Novorussia” does explain a lot. But it fails in many crucial aspects:
- It fails to explain why following Strelkov’s removal the Novorussians went on their highly successful offensive which pushed the Ukrainians as far as Mariupol.
- It fails to explain the Russian Voentorg.
- It fails to explain why the Russian government has done nothing to stop the volunteers and supplies coming from Russia.
- It fails to explain why Russia would provide full informational support for a region and it’s leaders if she intended to trade it away.
But most importantly this theory is completely out-of-character if we look not only at what Putin says and writes, but at his entire political career. Simply put, there is nobody on this planet which has done more to oppose the AngloZionist Empire than Vladimir Putin. I think that the hysterical and vicious demonization campaign against him in the western media is the best proof of that. I shall give my own explanation for the Russian zig-zags towards the West and the Ukrainian war in the next section, but so far let’s just state that it created a lot of bad blood and anxiety amongst the Novorussians, including several of their field commanders.
For a while we witness the short lived but strong development of a “let’s not stop before we win” party. These are the folks who advocated at the very least liberating Slaviansk and Mariupol and who were absolutely disgusted when Russia clearly ordered the Novorussians to stop and pull back. This party of what I could also call “let the strength of arms decide” has clearly lost as one after the other the top Novorussian commanders accepted, however bitterly, the Kremlin’s demands. Some gave their strong and total support to Putin (Givi, Motorola, Bezler) while others gave a more reluctant acceptance of the fait accompli (Mozgovoi, Strelkov).
I won’t even bother discussing the “shoulda, coulda, woulda” about whether the Novorussians could have freed Mariupol, Slaviansk or other cities. What is important here is something else: Novorussia and Russia have different priorities, different goals, different interests and if the two sides disagree, the bigger one – Russia – imposes her will. In other words, the Novorussians simply cannot fight the Nazi death squads and try to politically prevail against Putin in the court of Russian public opinion. They tried, and they failed.
So what’s next?
The sad reality for the Novorussians is that they are stuck in the middle of a much bigger war and that what they see as “their” war is but a minor skirmish for the big players. Yes, the future of Novorussia is crucial to Russia, but it is not enough. Russia simply cannot live with a situation where a Ukrainian-Nazi equivalent of ISIS in Iraq remains in power in Kiev, regardless of who is in power in Novorussia (I would argue that neither can Novorussia, but that is an argument I made elsewhere already). Clearly the Kremlin analysts made the call that while Novorussia should be protected from the Ukrainian Nazis it should not be allowed to fight an open-ended war to free all of Novorussia or, even less so, the entire Ukraine (I happen to agree with this conclusion, but that is immaterial for this discussion).
For a while I was under the impression that Strelkov might become a “spokesman for Novorussia” in Russia, but that clearly did not happen (for whatever reason). In fact, right now there is no such ambassador or spokesman for Novorussia in Russia, nobody to make the Novorussian case in front of the Russian public opinion. I don’t think that this is a good thing, but that is the reality.
As a result, the Novorussians are basically stuck. They have to prepare for the almost inevitable Ukrainian assault and pray that they will have the strength to push it back. Should they fail, they will have no other option than to pray for a Russian intervention which, considering the undeniable Russian zigs-zags in this matter, will not appear certain to all. This is a bad situation for the Novorussians, but they have no other options. Putin has successfully imposed his will on the Novorussians and now their future depends on him, for better or for worse.
4 – Russia
So far Russia stands undefeated by the AngloZionist empire, but she is far from having prevailed either. In fact, Russia is waging a much bigger war or, more accurately, a number of much bigger wars.
First, Russia is trying to survive the attempt by the AngloZionist Empire to economically blockade her.
Second, in order to survive that blockade, Russia is trying to reform her economy to make it less dependent on the export of raw materials, more autonomous and connected to new partners, especially in Asia and Latin America.
Third, Russia is trying to de-fang the Empire by pulling herself out from the dollar and the US/UK controlled international financial system.
Fourth, Russia is trying to prevent the USA from permanently installing a russophobic Nazi regime in power.
Fifth, Russia is preparing for both a major war in the Ukraine and a full scale US/NATO attack on Russia.
It is important to stress here that point #5 does not mean that the Kremlin has come to the conclusion that a full-scale war with the Empire is inevitable. That only means that the Kremlin has decided that such a war is possible, even if most unlikely. You think I am exaggerating?
Let me show you two videos. One a commentary by the most senior journalist in Russia – Dimitri Kiselev – while the other one is a video report shown to President Putin at the end of the year by the Ministry of Defense during a conference on the status of the Russian military and later posted on the Ministry of Defenses’ website.
First the political context:
And second, the military’s preparations for war:
Combine the two and you will clearly see that a) nobody in Russia has any illusions about what the Empire really wants (submit Russia) or about the tools the Empire is willing to use (full scale war). And to leave no doubt in anybody’s mind, Russia has also revised her 2010 military doctrine to designate NATO expansion eastwards by name as the bigger threat to Russia and to restate that Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons if her conventional forces fail to protect her.
When in Mach of this year I wrote that Russia was ready for war I got a lot of replies accusing me of being over-the-top. Today the writing is all over the wall: Russia does not want war, but she is definitely preparing for it.
I would, however, argue that the biggest threat for Russia is internal, not external. Nothing is more dangerous for the future of Russia then what I call the “Atlantic Integrationists” and which Putin even called the “5th column”. And make no mistake here, we are not talking about Khodorkovsy in New York or Navalnii in the streets of Moscow. We are talking about powerful, rich, influential people who for decades (since Gorbachev’s times, or even before) have infiltrated all the levels of government and who today are even in the government of Prime Minister Medvedev. True, these pro-AngloZionist 5th columnists have suffered a series of setbacks and they have been weakened by Putin’s relentless assault on their power, but what does “weaker” really mean in our context? According to Mikhail Khazin the Eurasian Sovereignists and the Atlantic Integrationists are now roughly at 50/50 in terms of power. That’s right, Putin is far from having total control of Russia and he is in fact locked into a war for survival against a formidable foe who will try to capitalize on every setback Russia suffers, especially in her economy. Putin knows that and he is therefore in a race against time to de-couple Russia from the economic and financial mechanisms which make it possible for the AngloZionists to hurt Russia.
How much does this 5th column account for the apparent zig-zags and apparent appeasement of the West by Russia?
I honestly don’t know. Neither does anybody else who is not a true Kremlin insider. In some cases, such as the Minsk agreements, I think that this apparent “zag” was an true expression of Russian political goals. But when I see that Russia is selling coal to the Ukraine on credit (?!) I can only conclude that this is a case of sabotage of Russian national interests. But we will never know for sure. All we can do is to accept that Russia is like a ship or aircraft which is generally holding a specific course, but which regularly zig-zags on the way because the folks in the cockpit are fighting for the control of the helm. In practical terms this means that next year Russia will mostly stay the course. Why? Because time is on Russia’s side. For Russia every month, week or day which can delay an overt confrontation with the Ukraine or the West is one day won for preparation internal reform. It is also one more day for the junta in Kiev to slide down one further notch, for the EU economies to carry the full impact of anti-Russian sanctions and for the US to suffer the political consequences of their arrogant, irresponsible and generally unpopular imperial policies.
The single most important political development for Russia is the Russian-Chinese Strategic Alliance (RCSA) which fundamentally changes the entire strategic posture of Russia. I will discuss this tectonic shift in world politics further below, but right now I want to the position of the EU.
5 – The EU
2014 was truly a historical year for the EU marked by the wholesale and abject surrender of the EU political leaders to the United States. From the EU guaranteed agreement between the opposition and Yanokovich which was broken the very next day, the Victoria Nuland’s famous words which were never challenged, to the introduction of sanctions the day after the signing of the Minsk agreement, to the political and economic seppuku against South Stream, to the shameful silence and even collaboration with the murderers of the passengers of MH17 – the EU has proven to all that it is only a spineless colony of the AngloZionist Empire and that the EU and the Ukraine are equally subservient puppets of the United States. There is no EU to speak of. It is a US controlled territory whose administration is entrusted to Germany to whose power all the EU nations have bowed. And in this system, countries such as Poland or Lithuania have a special role: to lead the EU in subservience to the USA.
From the latest statements of Putin and Lavrov it is pretty clear that they fully share Victoria Nulands opinion of the EU which they now seem consider as some kind of “geopolitical Conchita Wurst” not worthy of any respect or credibility.
Truly, the EU and its Eurobureaucratic elites have passed a point of no return. If in the past they could still pretend like the EU project was making the EU stronger and that in maintained the sovereignty of its member, now this kind of statement will only be met with a disgusted laughter. As a system the EU has committed suicide and nothing can be further expected of it until it collapses. The riots which have taken place in almost every country of western Europe are a clear sign that most Europeans are either fed-up or desperate or both. In a way, we could say that the EU is run by a Soviet-style nomenklatura which lives in complete detachment from the rest of the European people in a kind of US-built ivory tower high above the common people. Exactly the kind of situation which results in bloody uprisings and revolutions. I am personally convinced that an explosion of anger could happen anytime, especially in the EU countries bordering the Mediterranean. But unlike the Russians, the Europeans prefer their revolution in the warm weather. So maybe next summer?
The Russians have now officially declared that the NATO expansion into the east was the biggest threat for Russia. And yet I will make the case that NATO is a paper tiger, at least in military terms and that NATO simply does not have what it takes to attack Russia (for my reasons for stating that, please see here). I recently explained that on the blog, and I think that it is worth repeating this once more today:
One more thing: the Russians are most definitely upset about the very aggressive NATO stance because they – correctly – interpret it as a sign of hostility. But, contrary to what a lot of bloggers say, the Russians have no fear of the military threat posed by NATO. Their reaction to the latest NATO moves (new bases and personnel in Central Europe, more spending, etc.) is to denounce it as provocative, but Russian officials all insist that Russia can handle the military threat. As one Russian deputy said “5 rapid reaction diversionary groups is a problem we can solve with one missile”. A simplistic but basically correct formula. Putin said the very same thing when he clearly spelled out that in case of a massive conventional attack by “anybody” Russia would engage tactical nukes. In fact, if NATO goes ahead with its stupid plan to deploy forces in Poland and/or the Baltics I expect Russia with withdraw from the IRNF Treaty and deploy advanced successors to the famous RSD-10 (SS-20). As I mentioned before, the decision to double the size of the Russian Airborne Forces and to upgrade the elite 45th Special Designation Airborne Regiment to full brigade-size has already been taken anyway. You could say that Russia preempted the creation of the 10’000 strong NATO force by bringing her own mobile (airborne) forces from 36’000 to 72’000.
This is typical Putin. While NATO announces with fanfare and fireworks that NATO will create a special rapid reaction “spearhead” force of 10’000, Putin quietly doubles the size of the Russian Airborne Forces to 72’000. And, believe me, the battle hardened Russian Airborne Forces are a vastly more capable fighting force then the hedonistic and demotivated multi-national (28 countries) Euroforce of 5’000 NATO is struggling hard to put together. The US commanders fully understand that, and they also know that the real purpose of NATO is not to attack Russia, but to maintain the US control over Europe. As early as in 1949 the first NATO Secretary General, Lord Ismay, candidly admitted that NATO’s true goal was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down” (notice that in the typical russophobic way of the western elites, Russians are considered as the source of the threat even though in 1949 a Georgian was at the helm of the Soviet Union and that Russians had paid a much higher price in repressions then the non-Russian ethnic groups).
Little has changed since, except that with the “Soviet threat” gone NATO had to scramble to find a justification for itself and that it now wants to find it in the “need to protect European democracy from the resurgent Russian Bear”. In other words, the ideal situation for NATO is a crisis just one notch below a full-scale war. In case of a real, shooting, war against Russia NATO will be crushed, but as long as NATO can *pretend* it is defending Europe against Russia it is justifying its existence. Hence the silly hunts for Russian ghost submarines, the “interception” of Russian aircraft in international airspace and the constant stream of dramatic statements that NATO will never allow Russia to attack Poland or Lithuania (as if Russia wanted to do that in the first place!).
NATO will continue doing exactly that: pretend like Russia was going to attack Moldova next and that NATO must prevent that. The flow of incendiary and even frankly irresponsible statements will continue, NATO official will continue to deliver stark warnings to Russia with all the required gravitas and the Empire’s corporate media will report them as if they had a factual connection to reality. Keeping the Russians out, the German down and the Americans in will be an easy mission since the Russians don’t want in, the Germans have totally surrendered along the rest of Europe, and the Americans are already fully in charge.
7 – China
It is amazing for me to see that most observers and analysts have apparently failed to realize that China is now a key actor in the Ukrainian war. Anybody doubting this claim should read the Vineyard of the Saker White Paper written by Larchmonter 445 entitled The Russia-China Double Helix. To make a long story short, China and Russia have decided to keep their own “hands” (their armed forces) and their own “heads” (their political leadership) but to share a common “torso” (their economies, natural and human resources, their industrial and technological know-how and everything else which allows a society to prosper). I call this the Russia-China Strategic Alliance (RCSA) but really it is something even bigger then that – it is a long term decision to share a common fate and to take the risk to become inseparable. An alliance, a treaty, can be broken or withdrawn from. But once your “internal organs” are shared with another entity you are bound together, for better or for worse. What has happened is truly a tectonic geopolitical shift: two empires have decided to join together while remaining sovereign and independent. To my knowledge this has never happened in history and Putin and Xi have already changed the course of history by this monumental decision.
The two countries are ideal symbionts: everything one has the other needs and vice versa. China needs Russian raw materials, especially energy, Russian high technology (aerospace, engines, power plants, etc.) and Russian armaments (everything from the rifle bullet to the ICBM). Russia needs two things from China: money and “Walmart” (consumer goods). Together these two giants not only have immense currency resources but the biggest stash of physical gold on the planet. And, to make things even better, Russia and China are the undisputed leaders of BRICS and SCO. Taken together these two countries are already far more powerful than the AngloZionist Empire and that trend will only grow.
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A Russian, a Russian Asian and a Chinese solider |
Of course, China will not intervene militarily in the Ukraine. Remember – each country keeps its own “hands” so long as the other is not directly threatened. But in the Pacific Russian and Chinese navies are already training together and even creating joint command centers.
In the Ukraine, China still play a crucial role by providing Russia will all the economic aid needed to overcome the western sanctions and restructure the Russian economy. The Chinese have now officially declared that. It is both ironic and beautiful that after decades of Russian fears that China might try to conquer Siberia (even Solzhenitsyn shared these fears) Putin and Xi have found a much more intelligent solution – Russia will sell Siberia’s riches to China while China will protect Russia from the West. Again, this is truly a historic development whose importance cannot be overstated.
Adding up all these vectors
So let’s add it all up now. In summary:
The USA now has no other option then to press on their assault on Russia because what is at stake is quite literally the future of the AngloZionist Empire and, therefore, the future of our planet. China uniting with Russia is definitely bad news, but it is too late for the USA to back down now or even to change course. The Americans probably realize that they have fired their best shots already and that the Ukrainian junta is in deep trouble and that the collapse of their Nazi “Banderastan” is just a matter of time. In other words, the Empire is now in a “use them or lose them” situation and “fighting Russia down to the last Ukrainian” is now the best option for the US 1%ers.
The Ukrainian Junta members are basically in the same situation as the USA: they must realize that their days are numbered and that their best chance is to do the US bidding and trigger a huge crisis.
The Novorussians are stuck: they have to do whatever the Kremlin wants them to do, hope for the best, prepare for the worst and courageously face anything in the middle.
Russia needs to avoid an open confrontation with the West for as long as possible.
The EU will remain as irrelevant and pathetic as ever.
NATO will play a dangerous game of brinkmanship trying to create as much tensions as possible without triggering an actual conflict.
China will do whatever it takes to protect Russia from the economic war waged against her.
From the above I conclude that unless some major development substantially alters the current dynamic the resulting vector clearly points at the inevitability of a full-scale war between Russia and the Ukraine along the scenario outlined above (“A full scale war between Russia and the Ukraine”). There is no reason whatsoever to expect the US, the Nazi junta, NATO or the EU to begin acting in a responsible or constructive manner. For these reasons, Russia will be alone in trying to avoid an intervention the Donbass and the inevitable war with the Ukraine following it. The best way for Russia to achieve this goal is to arm Novorussia to the teeth, to provide much more humanitarian support then now, to try re-launch as much of the Novorussian economy as possible (preferably by investments and contracts, not just grants) and generally help to make Novorussia as viable as possible under the current conditions. If the Novorussian could repeat their amazing feat once more and repel or, even better, deter the future Ukrainian attack this would be a crushing defeat not only for the junta in Kiev, but also for all its supporters in the AngloZionist Empire. The “equation” is simple: if Novorussia can stand up to the Ukrainians and Russia is not forced to intervene the Nazi regime in Kiev is finished along with the entire Neocon plan against Russia. If Russia is forced to intervene, Novorussia will be saved and the junta finished, but the Neocons plan will have succeeded and Russia will suffer a major geostrategic setback
Russia desperately needs more time and I expect the Russian diplomacy to try every possible delaying tactic imaginable to buy as much time as possible before the inevitable Ukrainian attack on Novorussia. I am even willing to consider that the recent sale (really, a gift) of coal to Kiev might be such a delaying tactic, I don’t know. What is clear for me that most of these delaying tactics will look like “appeasement” to the external observer and that, in the end, our perception of these moves will depend on our assumptions and, basically, our take on the person of Vladimir Putin. I might be wrong, but I personally trust him and short of very strong evidence I will never believe that he will “sell out” Novorussia or anybody else in the Ukraine. Not only do I believe that he is way too smart to do such a stupid and self-defeating thing, but I have also come to the conclusion that he is a highly principled person who will never betray the people he took an oath to defend.
My very tentative “guesstimates” for 2015:
2014 has been a historic year and so will be 2015, if only because 2014 set a great deal of things in motion, but resolved none of them. I have come to the conclusion that there is a 80% chance of a massive Ukrainian attack on Novorussia next year, probably in the first part of the year. My best guesstimate is that Novorussia will probably be able to beat back this attack, albeit with great effort and big losses. The Russian economy will continue to suffer and appear to be sinking for the next six months or so at which point it will gradually start reversing that trend. The EU economy will enter into full and deep recession resulting in widespread social unrest. As for the USA, they probably will be able to pretend like nothing big, not big disaster, is happening, if only thanks to the money printing machine and the best propaganda machine in history. What the US will be unable to do is to prevent the gradual but inexorable de-dollarization of more and more of the world economy, lead by China and Russia. The true and final collapse of the AngloZionist Empire is inevitable, but not for the next couple of years.
I wish you all the very best for 2015 and, above all, I wish you peace.
May God protect us all from war!
The Saker
PS: I am now taking a couple of days of rest (I worked 16 hours yesterday to write this report and I am exhausted) and, barring some major event, I will not post anything here until January 2nd. The “donate” button on the left will still work (hint, hint). I will continue to moderate so please feel free to use the comments section below as an “open thread”.
PPS: The credit for both videos used in this report should go to:
Transcript & Translation: Mikhael, Dancing Queen, S, Marina, Natasha, DzhMM, Roobit & Eugene
Production: Marina & The French Saker
Crucial assistance: Marina, Francois, Augmented Ether
Dear Larchmont, it would be tragic if Assad stepped down…that’s near as bad if Putin stepped down…why should Assad step down…I don’t agree with you there.
@ Ann who said…
I’m not clear where this nuclear plant is ? Who is going to be the first victims of radiation ?
Every oblast (region) has the same name as its capital. Zaporozhye oblast is the next one west of Donetsk, the city being about 80-100 km west of Donetsk city. The nuclear power plant of the same name is about another 90 km west of the city, in a town creatively called Energovar (“PowerTown”).
Zaporozhye and Kharkiv (next region to the north) were going to be the next 2 republics. The people of Energovar are certainly aware of the dangers, being first in the line of fire and some of them working there. They also know the Government will always lie about it, so they do have outside contacts to pass their suspicions on to (so any figures quoted by DPR officials will be the right ones, for sure).
I wish I could find the link now, there was a statement from a spokesperson saying they only released details about the November problem “because people were asking about it”. In other words, if nobody asks, they’d totally cover up even a major problem.
There are monitoring stations all over Europe, but individuals who watch them say they tend to “go off for maintenance” every time there is a big spike. A series of spikes were seen in Latvia and Slovakia around the time of the first Zaporozhye problem. It all depends which way the wind is blowing. But they have been short bursts, not continuous increasing readings, and at levels that would be dangerous only if they continued for a long time (radiation being measured as a “safe total annually” level).
A more major problem would affect all of Ukraine and surrounding countries, depending where the wind blew.
Dear Saker,
Great perspective and analysis of the panorama of the events that we have witnessed this year with possible outcomes – The ‘unknown unknowns’ will hopefully be bright in times of darkness… certainly the shifting of the Teutonic plate of our growing global awareness and communication is guaranteed and there is no going back from this.
… the truth shall set you free (John 8.32)
One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world
(Proverb from Mother Russia).
Is Russia a colony of the US?
This is the opening paragraph of the National Liberation Movement of Russia’s manifesto which is for the removal of unfriendly domination by the US of its economic, governmental and constitutional arrangements. For the complete manifesto go to:
The National Liberation Movement in Russia has only one goal that unites everyone regardless of their political views: the restoration of the sovereignty of the country and liberation from its occupiers. The inhabitants of Russia must break free from their chains of slavery and become free citizens in a free (non-occupied) country.
To achieve these goals, the government should become ours, i.e. we must completely change the nature of the state, including through amending the Constitution. Society is a broader concept, and in fact, it should feel necessary to partake in this goal because the national liberation struggle is a struggle of the society for the restoration of sovereign control over Russia, including control over state institutions. Today, the state in Russia, as in any colony, works for the occupier under the rules established by it, placing it under the rulers’ direct control. This provision is captured in the existing Constitution. Every day the main task of those millions of officials who go to work is to improve living standards and the solve the problems of the American and European peoples. That is their main function today. At the level of daily activity, it is hard to recognize this without desire and sufficient time for the conceptualisation of our historical facts and the current state of affairs in the country as a whole.
The following is an example of what British Citizens should Photocopy or Copy and Paste from the Internet, or their emails, and then send or leave Copies of this in places where People can read it, and it begins with the next sentence, and which would fit on one A4 Word Document sheet in large lettering.
There are Many People who think that All those Countries that do not want All Humans to be killed in WW 3, should concentrate their Unofficial, but Real Economic Sanctions efforts in the Non English parts of Britain.
This means that People of the World would Voluntarily Boycott All Goods and Services from Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland, before they did that to England.
The reason for not doing that to England too much is because, there needs to be a Functioning England that will become Bankrupt if they keep Funding a Restless Northern Ireland, a Restless Wales, and a Restless Scotland, and if they do not Fund them and Bankrupt themselves in the Process, then these will Demand their Independence by means of Color Revolutions in Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland, and even the English People in England will want a Colour Revolution of the British Government.
The Solution for the People of Britain on how to Avoid this Scenario is simple, and that is for the British Government to Deescalate the situation they created in Ukraine.
The Nazi British Government will not have Confess that Nazi Britain and Nazi America are Responsible for All of the Problems in Ukraine since November of 2013, and up until the situation is Resolved with a Mutually Agreed to Compromise from both sides of this Conflict.
This is why Many People think that Anglo-America needs to keep their Promise, which not made only to President Mikhail Gorbachev, but to All of the World, and leave Central Europe and the Balkans in order to Prevent WW 3, and Anglo-America wants to expand even further into Ukraine.
Anglo-America has no legitimate business being in Central Europe and the Balkans, and Anglo-America has clearly demonstrated that they have no good intentions for Continental Europe, and Continental Europeans can provide Security where it is needed in the Balkans.
That was what the British People should read, and the Germans should read the following, and each Country should have their own different little commit, and it will be the following sentences.
There are Many People who think that All those Countries that do not want All Humans to be killed in WW 3, should concentrate their Unofficial, but Real Economic Sanctions efforts on Boycotting All German Goods and Services to Bankrupt Germany for their support of the Nazi Ukrainian Junta.
The Solution for the People of Germany on how to Avoid this Scenario is simple, and that is for the Nazi German Government to Deescalate the situation they support in Nazi Ukraine.
Britain and America may destroy the Nord Stream Pipeline, because they want to wrongly blame it on Russia, even as they wrongly blamed Russia for the downing of MH 17 Passenger Plane in Eastern Ukraine, but which was done by Nazi Ukraine, with the Approval or Orders of Nazi Britain and Nazi America.
The Nazi German Government will not have Confess that Nazi Britain and Nazi America are Responsible for All of the Problems in Nazi Ukraine since November of 2013, and up until the situation is Resolved with a Mutually Agreed to Compromise from both sides of this Conflict.
This is why Many People think that Anglo-America needs to keep their Promise, which not made only to President Mikhail Gorbachev, but to All of the World, and leave Central Europe and the Balkans in order to Prevent WW 3, and Anglo-America wants to expand even further into Ukraine.
Nazi Anglo-America has no legitimate business being in Central Europe and the Balkans, and Anglo-America has clearly demonstrated that they have no good intentions for Continental Europe, and Continental Europeans can provide Security where it is needed in the Balkans.
Ann! To Hassan Nasrallah Assad is red line as it had told the Russian envoy Sergei Bogdanov last saturday:
The best for the new year!
Another great article. Thank you Saker.
“Russia desperately needs more time and I expect the Russian diplomacy to try every possible delaying tactic imaginable to buy as much time as possible before the inevitable Ukrainian attack on Novorussia. I am even willing to consider that the recent sale (really, a gift) of coal to Kiev might be such a delaying tactic, I don’t know. What is clear for me that most of these delaying tactics will look like “appeasement” to the external observer and that, in the end, our perception of these moves will depend on our assumptions and, basically, our take on the person of Vladimir Putin.”
You are so on spot with this one. As i see it,coal deal (and others,”zig-zags”) is help for the people of Ukraine. Mind the difference,People,not Government. Real problem in Empire’s wars are their ability to manipulate the people. But there is no way someone can spin successfully helping your family not to freeze to death. My opinion is that this policy is the main reason why Ramzan Kadyrov is so strongly supporting Putin. Beacuse he helped his people in the time of need at the great expense of people of Russia. What we are seeing now is the return of care for the people/masses/downtrodden in politic.
So,tomorrow comes and we see these seeds bear fruit. In the way of opening the eyes of the people. Nothing can erase those deaths in Ukraine. Neither in the east nor in the west. But if anything can ease the pain and bring cooperation tomorrow instead of another war,this is it.
My take on it is that Putin is investing his personal political capital in these deals. For following reasons:
1.Atlantic integrationists look like they won one. Weakening of the enemy through misdirection and lulling them in the false belief of winning the game. Already careless enemy is goaded to become more careless and to expose himself more in the upcoming fight.
2.People of Ukraine get what they need from the “enemy”. Future investment in goodwill of the people in troubled region. Not just Ukrainians but Russians and every normal human being in the world. Helping people not to starve or freeze to death is the right thing to do.
3. Putin look like he lost in these instances. But i invite you to examine these instances through this lens. Upcoming rewards in the future from these actions can be most rewarding. And they may give Russia and Putin what they need to win-Unity.
That is the reason why Saker rightly named them investments. And Putin can allow himself to invest in the future because he believe that future will come to pass.
These zig-zags are a war behind the curtains for the helm of Russia. But they are not so easily deciphered,not even from within. So we all try our best,but “in the end, our perception of these moves will depend on our assumptions and, basically, our take on the person of Vladimir Putin.”
Like Uncle Bob, I don’t see the logic in stopping near the Lugansk or Donetsk borders if the Russian army has to go in. The PR price and problems in the EU would be similar, and Russia would still be left with a hostile regime in Kiev. At this point, the US would probably be willing to put serious money and effort into moving in. The goal is obviously to have the Novorossiyan army do all the work, but if you do have to go in … Of course, it might be possible to just send in 5,000 polite men or something and deny it.
The only alternative might be to use the Russian military to ruin all military targets in a week and pull out. But this would be quite risky as the US and perhaps a few friends might start coming across the border from Poland.
The situation in Georgia in 2008 was quite different. For one thing, the Americans wanted a deal, and Russia had something to offer. The Russians quickly left the port and kept Saakashvili in power. The Armenian areas of Georgia were not touched, and the US could see a future anti-Russia Georgia as being quite possible. Today’s situation is one where Russia doesn’t have anything to offer the US, other than Syria, which seems to be out of the question.
Having Assad step down would be a disaster. He could agree to not run for re-election perhaps, but he is really needed. It would be like Putin leaving now.
As for Iran’s nuclear program, is that really the issue? Perhaps Saker has a better idea due to his military analyst background. The issue has been the geopolitics around the Gulf States and Israel. One can make the case that, if Iran didn’t have a nuclear program, the usual suspects would have to invent one.
A couple things.
Generally a good write up Saker and thank you for your efforts and information.
Now, as from streets of Kiev, things are quiet here. There are posters but they are more so adverts for ATO via Dnieper-1. Other than that it is New Year and Christmas posters. There might be a exhibition of the above material but not on the street.
People here are angry with Rada. There is grievance over economy and austerity whilst prices go up leading average Ukrainians wondering what basics to for go at the shops. Their grand parents go to shops for warmth and to spectate as they can not afford basics.
Some I talk to wonder at the propaganda on the other side. Russian language is not banned, Russian TV still operates and most in Kiev speak Russian. Situation not changed from previous years.
Some not fond of Putin thinking he meddles in their affairs. I point out the blatant meddling from the West and have had discussions on the Maidan protests and agreements that legitimate anger of people usurped.
Passing by churches is a sad afair as there are photo and list boards of killed people from the war. No ones wants war. Agree upon wanting a Ukraine that is first self reliant, oligarch free and then neutral and respecting of neighbours with no influence from external sources. Unfortunately it seems only stupid people here not afraid of politics whilst intelligent people who would be good for Ukraine stay far away. That will change as Ukraine further slides into the abis.
Interesting conversations and I provide material that connects with people. Russia not the enemy and war should be stopped. Also for some stupid reason the US dollar is highly valued and many transactions based on US dollar conversion. I point out that usage of US dollar supports empire and war on a global level. Must stick with local as well as support local producers where by products will not be as subjected to inflation as foreign products.
Anyway, I am here for New Year and Orthodox Christmas and I wish everyone here a lovely holiday and a better year in 2015. It will take work but so does anything worth having. Please though, for the average Ukrainian, they are friendly helpful people in a crap situation and unlucky not to have someone of Putins capability help them.
“the best propaganda machine in history.”
The terms are not defined nor are the evaluation criteria, evaluation methods or datasets upon which the evaluation is performed; although the section is entitled tentative guesstimates.
Perhaps a function of experience in the space intoning “We hold these truths to be self-evident”?
There are certain events or situations in one part of Europe, which may help to solve another situation in another part of Europe, or even much of Nazi Europe, and part of this comment is my opinion on that matter.
The B 92 News Website wrote a News Article Titled: Serbian President and German Ambassador overcome their differences at , and it Could be because the European Union knows that Anglo-America must leave Central Europe and the Balkans in order to Prevent WW 3, which would kill All Humans.
Germany may want Serbia to build a City, which is named Refugee City, and which is one tenth of the number of People who have become Refugees because of the Nazi Criminal Anglo-American War Crimes in Democratic and European Serbia.
That City would be built with 0 % Loans from Serbia’s Central Bank, along with Secret Donations from Germany and other Countries, and those who live there have to be Refugees, and it will show Continental Europeans one tenth of the scale of one aspect of the Nazi Activities of Criminal Anglo-America in the Balkans.
This City would be built very close to Belgrade, and visiting Foreign Leaders could visit Refugee City in the same way that Israel uses their Holocaust Museum.
Serbia would build a Museum in Belgrade next to the Euro-American Embassies, and when Serbia summons Foreign Ambassadors and Foreign Leaders, then they must meet with the Serbian Officials in the Special Facilities that are a part of that Museum.
Serbia would give prizes of 2 weeks fully paid holiday for 1,000 People from the Continental European Union each year to visit Refugee City, because Europeans need to know that Nazi Anglo-America wants an Independent Kosovo because of Camp Bondsteel, which was built to kill All Humans in WW 3.
Nazi Anglo-America has no legitimate business being in Central Europe and the Balkans, and Anglo-America has clearly demonstrated that they have no good intentions for Continental Europe, and Continental Europeans can provide Security where it is needed in Central Europe and the Balkans.
I wrote some comments on Public Ownership of Vital Industries, on this Website, which is Titled: Rethinking Politics: The Irresistible Lure of Socialism at .
Those comments can be found by typing the word “cars” into the word search function, and most of those comments are the ones that I wrote.
I should have mentioned that these cars could even be used to live in temporarily, if a Person was homeless, and if there were many of these Old Wrecks, then it could house the hardier Refugees from Ukraine.
Those cars would have electricity to them, and a small element heater would keep the occupant warm in winter, and if this was the Refugee City, then it would highlight the Crimes against Humanity of the Nazi Anglo-America, and Nazi Ukraine.
those cars which would be almost somewhere between a old car shape and a modern van shape, because the motor would not need much room at the front of the car, and these cars will have a market, and any Useful Productive Work, helps a Country.
To the mix
“May God protect us all from war!”
What is it and why?
@MK Ngoyo (31 December, 2014 00:27):
The empire may choose to strike in the Ukraine. But there are many advantages to leaving Ukraine boiling at a slow rate. And instead humiliating Russia by destroying the Assad government a la Gaddafi.
I’ve had exactly the same thought, MK. They can never really get Europe to embargo Russian oil/gas until they first finish off Syria and get started on that pipeline. I, too, am expecting a new ‘surprise’ in Syria next year.
The other crucial part of the vineyard is the ‘stans.
Funny you should say that! The Council on Foreign Relations has just helpfully announced that the 3rd Chechen War is scheduled for 2015.
Thanks for your reply! I look forward to hearing more about Bondarenko in the coming year. We ourselves may end up playing a small role in promoting her.
2015 Russia to Return to a Nuclear Cold War Policy – Strategic Forces now a Priority
The development of the strategic nuclear force will be the Russian Defense Ministry’s top priority, the chief of the General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, said on the Rossiya-24 television news channel.
“The condition and development of the strategic nuclear force is of top priority, of course. This year three regiments of the Strategic Missile Force have been rearmed with the new Yars system. Four strategic bombers Tu-160 and Tu-95MS have undergone upgrade and entered duty,” he said.
A number of tasks to upgrade the Strategic Missile Force structure have been addressed. In 2014 two high factory readiness radars were commissioned in Kalinigrad and Irkutsk, and two more entered experimental duty in Barnaul and Yeniseisk,” Gerasimov said. “Next year both will join active service. All strategic routes of approach – south-western and eastern – have been put under control. In the Air and Space Defense force all brigades have been reformed to air defense divisions,” he added.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu earlier reported that Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Forces added 38 new intercontinental ballistic missiles to their tables of equipment this year, including 22 submarine-based missiles.
I cant predict anything, but I expect 2015 to be the year when there is tension between the EU and the US. Our attention will be on the so called transatlantic relationship. It has been undermined by recent events. It is embarrassing for the elites in Brussels to be seen as colonial governors and second hand players in world politics for all the world to see.
Russia will suffer temporarily, the rubel falls again, but the country has a bright future and the empire has not.
As for another war in Ukraine, yes, it is possible, but only if the US, being good at counterproductive moves, completely disregards european sentiments and stupidly creates more tensions with the EU.
A world war is possible and has been for some time. As we saw in 1914, it only takes a couple of mistakes to start a war and destroy several empires. The US is overconfident and so were the three empires that were destroyed in ww1. If war comes, it will be the result of dangerous mistakes, a US ship firing at a russian ship, for example, or because Dr. Strangelove, who seems to exist in real life, pushes the button. These are the unknown unknowns I see.
thank you saker – excellent analysis as always ans well-broken down.
I expect more destabilization in the EU for sure – especially Greece. Spain, Italy and Hungary.
The junta is going to attack for sure though
About Assad stepping down:
I think the deal, if it would be enacted, would be the end of the NATO/US war.
The trade off is worth it to the regional players who support Assad. Iran, Hezbollah, and their supporters and allies Russia and China.
I think it would be tied to Iran giving up nukes. With the end result being a defeat for Saudi Arabia and Qatar (both of whom have put Russia in their sights economically and with Wahhabis). So its payback from Russia against them. They lose. Iran begins a fast economic development as soon as they give up nukes. They will become the center of the Middle East quickly.
So, it would be a good tactical move to test Obama and a very good strategic move that empowers Russia and China. And the timing is perfect. Obama wants a foreign policy victory. Iran has always been the number one goal. Putin can deliver this. (Tangentially, Ukraine will be shut down as a warfront.)
If the Syrian war is continued, then they have the nuke issue back on the front burner with Iran.
I see it as a clever gambit to float right now. Elections will be coming to Syria, meanwhile, Turkey wants to end this war. The Kurds are getting stronger and Turkey has enemies (Israel and the Wahhabi-supporters).
If ISIS is to be defeated, it will take a change in the alignment of the major stakeholders. Assad is an obstacle to realignment.
Putin is not in this to save Assad. He’s in it to save the port facility, the customer for armaments, and to work with Iran and Hezbollah as leverage against the Hegemon and the Saudi-Qatar adventures. Syria is a crucial piece of real estate for pipelines and military security all around. A lynchpin state. Hezbollah would be in deep trouble, Iran would be weakened and Russia an China would be shut out of that area of the Mediterranean if Syria fell to the Hegemon.
ISIS was a brilliant second phase for endless chaos.
Without boots on the ground, it will be decades to defeat. So, Iran and the Shia armies of Iraq would be needed to sweep out ISIS in a final defeat. That can’t happen unless things change.
Just my take on the issue.
Assad can’t win without enormous help. Obama wants him out and will kill hundreds of thousands of people to get that result. Easier to step down, later return when ISIS and the war is ended.
Putin wins, Iran wins, China wins.
Obama gets a no-nuke Iran, and a no-Assad Syria; but the geopolitical alignment in the Middle East moves from US-Arab (Wahhabi)-Israel to Russia-Iran-China-Turkey.
Things then are set for economic growth and Middle Eastern connection to the Silk Road/Eurasian development.
Huge consequences for multi-polar world.
After all, war is about economics. So putting out the fire, who wins?
Or you can have two-three-ten more years of war that inevitably will see Assad killed or leave anyway.
War and chaos empowers the Hegemon. No war empowers Russia-China and the region.
Assad has been what is holding Syria together. Why do you think his departure has always been the first goal of the anti-Syrians?
Also, one cannot remotely trust the ZATO gang. And Syria is doing rather well on the ground these days. Don’t believe all the pro-ISIS media in the West. The only thing that can take Syria down at this point is an air campaign. However, a slow grind can continue for a few years, but with less and less impact.
The alternative lens to look at coal for Kiev is that the Crimea was going to be blockaded, and Russia didn’t really have any good choices at that point.
In other words, it wasn’t a spiritual decision or something about winning their hearts, it was blackmail.
Dear Saker
This is a nice article.
I think we people all over world are very much in need of such kind of articles, but we must not forget that the Russian audience is in need even more.
This kind of articles written by you and similar contributors to Saker blog should be translated in Russian and distributed to the Russian public.
Once Nazi, today Natoist
I dont think it is too late for the US to change course, in fact it’s never too late for change to happen. I think the only way for that to happen to get money out of US politics. There really is a way to do this and there is a group of peopl working on this.
Please visit the site and take alook at how much progress has already been done. I feel this is the only way for the US to change course without a massive reset.
Justin you must take very good care of self-sbu, even cia/nato people-innocent people have been kidnapped and tortured to death-ukraine has very high risk indeed,
brilliant report thank you-donated.
For me, realisation that UN, other allegedly justice organisations, are completely unwilling to investigate and bring to trial crimes against humanity, war crimes, against Geneva articles
=complete moral failure of the broken west, it prefers politics.
With very best wishes to all for 2015
hoping old words from Spike Milligan re his ww2 experiences will not be true for the next year….”exactly the same, but only much, much worse”.
Why should Assad have to step down – he was elected!
Also, all this concern about Putin having to do such or such a thing or the media propaganda gets worse, I say so what! How much worse can it get after HR 758?
Happy New Year to All!
Many thanks to Saker and all the intelligent Commenters. God Bless!
Dear Justin,
Thanks for your updates, they provide a good personal insight into current affairs. Please keep them coming as best you can. I’m also quite interested into the situation in western Ukraine, I cant beleive that more than a tiny portion of the folks go along with this insanity.
Stay well.
my 3 cents
@Seamus Padraig: I do think it would be the smart move for the Empire to strike Syria first. This would capitalize on their investment in Putin demonization. Plus Russia would find it hard to block them as it did last year.
On the question of Assad stepping down. I think thats not an option for Syria. First the Syrian elites will not accept it. Second as somebody pointed out, Assad is what is holding Syria together right now. The SAA even have his father’s picture painted on their tanks! Furthermore what the empire wants is not just the removal of Assad, but the de-baathification of Syria. Syria’s secular and diverse elites know that they would have to go with Assad and the funadmental character of the country would be transformed.
Assad at this point is a national hero in Syria. I just don’t see them giving him up. Besides, the best outcome for the empire is not to have Assad leave quietly, but to make an example of him, like Gaddafi and give Russia a bloody nose at the same time. The empire needs a triumph not a truce.
As to Russia and Iran both are supporting Syria as a crucial part of their resistance against the empire. Russia in 2011 already received guarantees regarding the port at Tartus. IIRC these were repeated in Putin’s meeting with Prince Bandar last year. I doubt that either Russia or Iran would abandon Assad. That does not mean they can protect him. But only an all out onslaught by the empire can take Assad out.
[from Blue]
Two itches in my mind to scratch:
1. I see things about ‘nuclear Iran’ or ‘nuke-free Iran’. I truly do not think Iran has any interest in nuclear weapons — just energy (which may be a mistake, but nonetheless…). Iran says it is not interested in nuclear weapons, and I believe them — partly because they wouldn’t do them any good anyway.
2. US Dow at 18,000. This is pure flim flam and speculation with no tangible basis or fundamentals under it, and is a high stack of dishes begging to collapse. There is a similar situation across EU. I’m waiting for a financial collapse that will make the Great Depression look like a dress rehearsal. It would change everything, and can happen at any time, independent of the situation in the Slavik areas — although either Russia or China could precipitate it.
kazzura video from Mosgovoi re 2015 novorossiya-
hymn at end is music to “I vow to thee my country” from Holst’s planet suite Jupiter, wonder if the words are the same-can people check-also I wonder if second verse also is message to rus hhhmmm
I Vow To Thee My Country Hymn
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love:
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
And there’s another country, I’ve heard of long ago,
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace.
You fail to take into account, India and in that context Pakistan and Iran here. Already FDI’s to India are the highest it has ever been. The US is pumping up the Indian economy in expectations.. Most likely the potus visit in January would see a deal like what japan got. IF India pivots, then so will Pakistan and then it would be far easier for Iran as well. So the balance of power currently still favor the empire and will shift in its favor drastically if it can convince India to become a non nato major ally.
With the loss of Turkey, this becomes imperative for the empire and they will pull all the stops to make something happen. Already India and Israel are major allies even though it does not overtly support Israel. But considering the Saudi armed forces are Pakistani troops and India is fighting pakistani forces for 50 years, the middle east except for Israel are overtly hostile. The Saudi’s funded the Pakistani nukes and sends their airforce to the fight.
India has been kicked by the empire for most of its existence so we have to see what happens in the next couple of months. With the most important piece now in the balance, a sure loss can be a sort of win if Russia/China can be isolated. In which case Turkey will go back being nato whipping dog again. Already the US is throwing a lot more money into the fray than they ever invested in Ukraine.
For Larchmonter445…Your China paper was excellent! Knowing your views of China you may be interested in David Stockman’s analysis of China’s thirteen year economic boom and the denouement. Commodity Prices Are Cliff-Diving Due To The Fracturing Monetary Supernova–The Case Of Iron Ore contends the China boom is primarily one off infrastructure spending based on cheap unsustainable finance. We might compare the China infrastructure boom to the artificial boom in shale oil in the USA. It appears Russia is one of the few nations to avoid the massive debt burden, so we can see the Russia China partnership as more economically equal than seems at first glance. Anyway…I hope you find the article useful.
Happy New Year, Saker and all the readers and commenters on your fine blog. Best Wishes For A Peaceful and Prosperous New Year!
A very interesting article, Saker. Thank you. A couple notes, though.
“The US would finally have the Cold War v2 it wants so badly…”
This suggests v2 would be similar to v1. This is not the case as the Soviet Union carried roughly the same Orwellian framework.
“Everywhere there is the same pyramidal structure, the same worship of a semi-divine leader, the same economy existing by and for continuous warfare. It follows that the three super-states not only cannot conquer one another, but would gain no advantage by doing so. On the contrary, so long as they remain in conflict they prop one another up, like three sheaves of corn.”
~ “1984,” George Orwell
As Putin’s Russia is casting this framework off, the gloves must also come off. What the London Times said about President Lincoln’s plan to end the NWO’s debt slavery is also applicable here: “[The US] will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world… That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
“This is exactly the same propaganda style as used by Hitler against Jews and we all know how this ended (yet again another proof that to refer to the junta as “Nazi” is perfectly justified).”
The Allies also used racist propaganda against the Nazis, so that’s hardly justification.
Furthermore, the coup regime is puppeted by the Western banking cartel; one of Kiev’s first acts was chaining Ukraine to US and IMF loans. Debt slavery is diametrically opposed to the Nazis.
“The kernel of National Socialism is breaking the thralldom of interest.”
~ Adolf Hitler
At best, the Kiev cronies are NEO-Nazis. This makes it much less confusing when likening Putin’s Russia to the Nazis. Attacking Novorussia is nearly identical to the Danzig Massacres used to make Germany “start” WW2.
“But when I see that Russia is selling coal to the Ukraine on credit (?!) I can only conclude that this is a case of sabotage of Russian national interests.”
Won’t keeping the coal coming be tangible proof to Ukrainians that Russia’s on their side while the Kiev crooks are not? As US author Oliver Wendell Holmes said in response to Russia aiding the Union during the American Civil War, “Who was our friend when the world was our foe”?
2015 will see the end of fracking oil at USA, with recession, muni defaults, banks bankrupting and huge unemployment following it; the end of the Empire will be sooner than you think, because that will make the dollar decoupling a lot faster.
Removing Assad from the Syrian guv would be like removing Putin from the Russian guv at this point. Either country would die. The zionazi-nazi mafia would soil themselves with glee if they were able to achieve either, as it would indicate they could then move in and destroy the country. Which is the ZPC/NWO goal. The zionazi push to have both removed makes that rather clear, and any idea that either Syria or Russia would last intact after the beheading is very naive. If the Russians abandon Assad, essentially handing Syria over to the Israelis/zionazis, they may as well throw in the towel and announce their submission to the Israelis.
My own belief (biased and prejudiced as it is) is that the Russians wont even consider abandoning Assad. If one thinks about it, they really have no reason to abandon Syria to the Israeli engineered hell that would surely follow.
вот так
The real game changer will be on the ground. My hopes: The people in West Ukraine get fed up enough with this junta and run them out of town on their own. Make nice with their “NEW” neighbours in the South and the Findlanization of the Ukraine can begin in earnest. Rather than drawing hard and fast lines I think this outcome should be part of the strategy of those fighting the Imperialists. There is no reason that Ukraine can’t have the best of what is available in this “global” economy of ours. Putin’s main threat is from within and for the rest of our real enemy at home. The people on the ground have to say no to NATO and break it up. The longer this can stay at a low heat “feud” the better the chances are of this happening. Make no mistake the US is planning to expand the intensity of this war I am most concerned that the gladio style bombings in Mariopule may actually fool some of the people into supporting Kiev. Europe’s only hope is to latch on to the great Eurasian nation that has just been midwifed into existence. Thank You America for hastening this birth! America has hit rock bottom in so many ways I mean with movies such as the Interview as part of your foreign policy strategy… Gladio style shootings of those whose duty is to protect and serve….( I am being careful with my words here) America faces complete social disintegration and martial law if those shootings keep up that is what they will be used for as cover for economic collapse. So the powers that be will try to arouse as much nationalistic fever as they can in this situation it is their big fall back as we can see this economic situation is what is behind the current wave of Russophobia. Now we do we get around to talking about the need to create post capitalist world? The ruling class on every continent has shown that it is incompetent and no matter where they reside CAPITAL is their KING.
Happy New Year Everyone Let’s hope we are all here next year under better circumstances-as we know things can always get worse!
No one needs a “university” in these times, to study the realities.
The subjects remain the same in this new year.
What has changed- exept of the celendar? – nothing and everything.
But your chance might be: to live your own celendar on a kind of childlike hope, that God is doing a good management.
mundanomaniacs diary around these musings with it’s weekly changes
will stay
Happy New Year to all of you!
There is a better solution than the “inevitable full scale war between Russia and Ukraine”, which has already been inititated in a pre-emtive move: The “partisan” solution. This is in line with the strategic goals of Russian-Ukrainian brotherhood combined with de-nazification.
– Shyaku.
Lincoln and Kennedy were publicly executed by headshot for daring to issue debt-free fiat money printed by the US treasury, so that might be why Putin is not yet prepared to take extreme measures with the central bank. Too open and too dangerous and he has too much other work equally important to get done. The only president who ever got away with “killing the bank” was Andrew Jackson, but only because he miraculously survived an attempt on his life and alarm bells went off all over the nation and that arrogant little fuck, Nicholas Biddle, got exposed. Half a dozen other U.S. presidents toyed with messing with the Bank, but they were quietly poisoned. The only survivor was James Buchanan, who understandably changed his tune after the incident at Willard’s during a conference where all the tea drinkers (Northerners) got poisoned while the coffee drinkers (Southerners) were spared. Nothing like that to cause rancor and suspicion between North and South. After barely surviving this terrible incident, Buchanan became indecisive to say the least, as the nation was unraveling before his eyes, to the disgust of Abraham Lincoln who succeeded him in office. But, as can be seen, office of the presidency of the United States is a very dangerous job, so playing golf and tuning out is not so crazy for Obama. Clinton sure seemed to enjoy it, though.
If you play chess, you’ll understand castling the King.
Now apply that to Syria.
A general in the President’s seat with Assad’s blessing is castling.
It’s a fig leaf. But it could end the NATO air war. Which in a few more months will blow away Assad’s army. And no one can stop it. Ask Milosovic what happened.
“Here is how this version goes: Putin is inherently weak and tries in vain to appease the West while Russian oligarchs are making a behind the scenes deal with their Ukrainian counterparts.”
Wow… this just opened my eyes to something I never realized about Russian politics.
The Western media paints Putin as some kind of all-powerful Hitler-fascist ruling Russia with an iron fist. Why? Because he broke the “rule” that only NATO is allowed to accept unilateral declarations of independence. This is a total non sequitur, but that’s their narrative.
But the Russian view is a lot simpler and easier to think about. Russia is ruled by con-men oligarch businessmen. Russia had a string of weak rulers who were totally dominated by these oligarchs. What the Russians ask of their leader is, can he control the oligarchs? If not, he is weak. If so, he is acting in the interests of the country.
From the Russian point of view, Obama must be incredibly weak!!
Explain “AngloZionist Empire.” The Anglo and Empire parts are clear, but how did you get to mix “Zionist” into it? Are you sure you understand what Zionism is or are you just trying to use a euphemism instead of the term “Jewish-American Neocons.”
Now you are changing the discussion somewhat. First, you are arguing that NATO is now attacking the Syrian Army and will win in a few months, which is not a common view. I thought you were suggesting that the war might drag on for decades, and that is why a peace deal was needed. Next, you are suggesting that Assad step down in a transparently fake way, which might anger and confuse his supporters more than it satisfies his enemies.
Anyway, if the US is about to start a massive air campaign that will take out Assad and half of Syria, then why would the US agree to a peace deal that is just a trick by the US’s opponents? The Syrian Army is doing rather well at the moment, so it is unlikely that the situation on the ground is that much of an issue as far as these negotiations go. Well, ZATO may want to redeploy its forces, but that wouldn’t give Syria a reason to agree to a bad deal.
Now we know why Russia is not replying to the INF treaty charges by Nato.. Guess for exceptionals, treaties and such are non-binding..
In an article published in the Nezavisimoye Voennoye Obozreniye (Independent Military Review) journal last July, he accused the Pentagon of violating the INF Treaty. More specifically, Prof. Vildanov insists that during the tests of their interceptors, the Americans use target missiles that have a range of over 1,000 km (1,200 km for HERA; 2,000 km for LRALT; and up to 1,100 km for MRT missiles).
This is a clear violation of the INF Treaty. The Russian Foreign Ministry complained about this back in January 2001, and again in August 2010, but met with no response from Washington.
This thread has been picked up at and already has over 50,000 reads and 100 comments.
Three comments are especially interesting and the one directly after it.
Great post Saker.
Jonathan Jarvis said…
kazzura video from Mosgovoi re 2015 novorossiya-
hymn at end is music to “I vow to thee my country” from Holst’s planet suite Jupiter, wonder if the words are the same-can people check-also I wonder if second verse also is message to rus hhhmmm
According to “the words are by Sir Cecil Spring-Rice (1859-1918)”, and Holst set it to the music he had already written for his ‘Jupiter’, from ‘The Planets’, written 1914-1916.
The second verse (quoted above by Jonathan Jarvis) and beginning “And there’s another country, I’ve heard of long ago …” is unlikely to refer to Russia but much more likely to refer to the Christian heaven.
Holst’s music in ‘Jupiter’ is, curiously, very similar to music by Edward Elgar for “Land of Hope and Glory” — see also which says:
The words are by Arthur C Benson (1862-1925), who wrote them in close collaboration with the composer, Edward Elgar (1857-1934). In 1901 Elgar produced the first two of his five ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ Marches, and it is the central theme of his Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in D that provides the superb tune to these words.
I wonder if Holst’s music for ‘Jupiter’ was influenced by Elgar’s music. Those interested can compare the two:
Elgar: beginning at 1:50
Holst: beginning at 2:58
The poem “I vow to thee my country”, though beautiful, was used during WWI to inspire patriotic feelings in young men considering going off to fight (and many of them to die) in Flanders, something, of course that could not have been foreseen by its author.
Oops: re my 31 December, 2014 02:17
“The Perekop isthmus is too narrow to conduct an offensive across, and the western crossing, were the railroad line between Melitipol and Dzhankoy crosses, is much narrower still.”
The railroad between Melitopol and Dzhankoy crosses East of the Perekop, of course, not west (also the highway). Must have looked at map cross-eyed. These are the only two crossings of the Sivash Sea, the marshy strait separating Crimea from the mainland. Russian troops successfully waded across the Sivash during low water in the Russian Civil War and in WW2. The Russians should expect it now, so should repel any attack across it.
It’s actually very cool reading the comments to this on Zerohedge – we get to see all the rage & angst that Saker’s analysis engenders, as ZH doesn’t have an active dev/null solution ;-)
Happy New Year, Saker and all.
Excellent and detailed analysis, Saker. In fact the USA is making some tentative noises about “reaching a rapprochement” with Russia, but that’s only because things are not working out in their favour and they want to buy time, not from the existence of any serious desire to slow the pace of escalation. The goal has not changed at all.
It is good to see Russia getting both realistic about the west, and prepared for its perfidy. I will look forward to more quality analysis this year, and wish you and yours the best of the holiday season.
Chinese editorial comment from Xinhua which I personally think is aligned to Russia thinking on a multipolar world:
First time reader, very interesting. The analysis is interesting but ignores how long the Saudi scum can pump oil @ $45/bbl. That is highly problematic for the Rodina. Second without Ukraine Russia becomes the Duchy of Moscow, as there are no barriers to invaders. Third, the birthrate is negative and the ethnic Russians are declining, Aids, TB, &tc. are out of control, and the restive Moslems in Chechnya and many of the -stans. China’s Uighurs are an issue for the regime as well, Han hates Cantonese, they are not monolithic.
Be careful of what you ask for, the Chinese need “Lebensraum” and will eventually just start marching north, not a single shot needs to be fired when 25 million peasants just start moving 10 miles a year or so. Siberia and the east gone, NATO never fires a shot.
PS was Katusa’s book a joke or is Vlad really that lucky/smart? And what happens when social unrest results in his ouster courtesy of the Saudis?
I’d like to second Avery’s query: You need to define “Anglo-Zionist Empire”. Why Zionist? Israel is as much a protectorate of the US as is most of Europe. It appears historically true that the US took over the global empire status as the UK faltered after WWII, so “Anglo-Empire” makes sense. “US empire” is even simpler. Or: Anglo-American. But Anglo-Zionist rings a little false.
Nevertheless, this post is full of great insights and good historical perspective.
@ the Anglozionist doubters see this post:
AngloZionist a short primer for newcomers
I suppose Saker will have to put a permanent “Read First” link to that post somewhere at the top of the main page!
I went over and took a look at some of the reaction on zerohedge and while there were some good comments there, they were drowned out by the flood of typical uninformed and illogical comments one gets on the MSM sites.
@Tank (02 January, 2015 17:33) Saudi policy -NotEqual- Russian social unrest -NotEqual- Putin Ousted! THese are western assumptions (fantasies/wet dreams etc etc), no need to treat them as preordained fact.
@Tankelivich every country has problems. doesn’t mean its about to collapse. Plus AIDS is not out of control in Russia. Ukraine is not actually that essential to Russia. Again western fantasy and delusions of Euroimportance. Russia is firmly looking east. The barrier to invasion of Russia is not Ukraine. Its the Russian armed force and nuclear forces.
As for the US I could come up with this formula (Ha! I just did!):
Aids, obesity and ignorance are out of control. The stock market and government debt are about to blow up. Blacks and whites hate each other. Not to mention trouble in skinhead teaparty land. White population is declining. Torture is hip. Violence is exploding from toddlers shooting their parents to kindergarten to college to …well everywhere. Politics is a merry carousel of the same old idiots.
And thats just the half of it.
Who collapses first? Seems clear to me.
To whom it may concern,
I published yesterday (in french) the first part of a geoeconomical and geopolitical analysis, in order to propose a wider scope.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thank you for this very detailed analyses. It gives a very interesting big picture.
By the way,
what is your opinion on the Smolensk air crash on 10.04.2010 with the president and the Poland’ army top onboard? Who is responsible for this unprecedented coup d’etat?
Regards, Andrzej
the saker it seems is not truly a saker but in reality a two headed eagle a dvuglavyj oryol
Ukrainian Deserter to Novorossia: “Only a Third of Ukrainian Army Wants to Fight, and They are From Western Ukraine”
See my post below..every effort must be made to reach the officer corp of the regular Ukraine Army whatever intel you guys have and a time must be set for Mass defection mutiny whatever…or Operation Valkarie should be attempted in Kiev or take out the Ministers in each province all at the same time-the south east should join in on this before hand all propaganda informing the people in the West how they have been sold out and are being sold out this very minute to foreign oligarch’s the evidence sits in the Rada today-Joe Biden’s son on Oligarch gas company. Nuland and FUK comment bodes ill for Ukraine ever getting into EU they are just bigger criminals than the ones you have at home etc. This is the strategy to get US out and prevent regional then global war. Balance of forces on the ground is what matters not leaders at the top. Here you have it these people just need the opportunity to escape the mess they are in. Many in any case those hard corp are in the volunteer battalions-U know what I am talking about forgive my lack of polish here tired and old(er) than most.
@Anonymous: It’s interesting that the english word “saker” and the old egyptian “seker” seem to designate the same (or like looking) species.
Only difference is that in Old Egypt Seker is obviously a God… More on this topic at Wiki’s.
@Andrzej aka Kmicic: I have written a lengthy text about the Smolensk
Mass Murder – a sort of blog, following current events and their relation with Smolensk and those who did it – whose main property is that it is far from being complete… I am full of awe for The Saker for constantly producing so much quality text, but writing “articles”/”posts” and giving them a “shoot and forget” kick helps being not eternally back in schedule with necessary updates of everything written before.
First: the Smolensk massacre is not unprecedented – on the contrary, murdering non-slave heads of state out of the way is the standard procedure for our governing scum – think Lumumba, Sloba, the new quickly acting cancer method applied to Chavez, the destruction of a whole country with this goal (gov change) like in Syria… “Beheading” a country (killing a group), thus making it defenseless against what is planned for later is not so commonplace, the beheading of the Red Army by planting “proofs” by the nazis being one example. The Suvorov scam (poor nazi Germany defended itself against Stalin’s attack) is disproved by how early the nazis started preparing their war – Tukhachevskij+many others were killed in 1937.
Macierewicz keeps repeating “We are the only ones…” but he is wrong.
His friends keep repeating “Putin was it” but they are even more wrong.
This selective (1 person targeted, dozens, hundreds, thousands killed collateraly) and constant (EVERYbody who…) procedure is 100% nazi aka “anglo-zionist” aka terror org “Bad Weather and Drunk Pilots”.
Second: you did not mean the whole Polish army was on board, did you?
But high commanders were, and among them, if I remember well, one person who had already been selected for a very senior command post in NATO (whose name I do not remember). Around that time (probably after the “accident”) I read in Der Spiegel something (poorly remembered) about or from a bundeswehr general who had had an exchange of opinions with this Polish general, and that he had planned to change many things… The Bundeswehr type said nothing about the content and sounded very positive (such a brilliant colleague!), but being a german and accustomed to their practices of filthy lying I interpreted this conversation differently: The Pole spoke out what he meant, and the german shpitzel told him “wonderful, I wish you luck” and ran to his superiors telling them: “We have a problem and must do something.
This guy wants to turn everything upside down”… not to speak of the
possibility that the Polish guy may have hinted at Germany, not Poland having started WWII, which is the official doctrine in DE, too, but may still be resented by people cherishing the past… and never daring to speak out, always accustomed to act invisibly, e.g. by “coincidences” and “accidents”. Later I did not include this episode in my lengthy text because I remembered it so badly… but I kept asking myself what you are asking now: were the Polish officers onboard PL101 even more important than the president? In Gazeta Polska etc. I read several articles about the continuing shrinking of the Polish army, how incapable of defending the country it will be… which somehow contrasts with the UA-war scenarios of a broadening war, in which Polish troops will grab this or that. By the way, the german bundeswehr, according to Der Spiegel, is also completely incapable – which may be another way of saying “we are well prepared”.
Yes, the list on this site of All the Wars Russia Won, lists a few black
spots, caused by the Japanese, Finnish and Polish military, so that taming Poland may be an interest of all the neighbours, but taming everybody who
wants to do anything is parallely the world agenda of our nazi overlords…
They treated me with their fits of government crime until I simply could not not remark that they did their utmost not only to bend the law into non-existence and damage me out of my wits but to include in the way they did their crimes (e.g. placing them on “special days” instead of any day, e.g. my birthday or one of a person dear to me) a type of signature I branded data fetishism (or “daft”). It is one way of being gleeful: not only does something bad happen to you, but on a day you find positive and would like to keep untarnished (cf. Politkovskaja sham done on Putin’s birthday not only to slander him with murder, but do it on this day, so that henceforth he may think of it every year not as of a happy feast, but: what will they invent this time). I have yet to find the first adherent of my finding of these facts, perhaps you will be the one, that is why I write this. I found that there are many variants of daft, there may even possible reasons for using daft signatures (s. below point Seven), and the “data” to be fetishized are usually numbers, but may be letters (graphical symbols) or words (letters with a meaning). My intimate knowledge how german and angloamerican (aa) nazis use daft signatures helped me solve the Smolensk riddle. And the MH17 riddle. And the QZ8501 riddle. The solution is always the same: if it is signed “WE did it!”, it was neither God, nor Fate, nor Bad Weather, but always THEY did it. Always for THEIR reasons. As I forgot to write (in support of my findings) to a nice gentleman some days ago: When you find someone like Roberto Calvi hanging, his pockets filled with bricks, from London’s Blackfriar’s Bridge, dead, then a typical doctor might offer his opinion that people today die mostly from cancer or a stroke, yes, but a doctor within a group of a “special” branch of Scotland Yard will not dare to offer this explanation and will change his medical mind under the impression of symbolical collateral circumstances like those bricks: “Perhaps he was murdered by someone?” This is a conspiration theory, and these are forbidden and false by definition, but in some rare cases (as in the one of Mr. Calvi) they are allowed. What I try to do is to extend this licence of Scotland Yard’s (to name a murder a murder) to such cases where Scotland Yard and their Frendz and chieftains may have been among the perpetrators and therefore not inclined to tell the world what really happened. Someone else has to, and everybody can if everybody takes all circumstances into account.
Fifth: My answer to your question on the yankee side of this solution fork is: The crime helpers in the Polish press and Polish law bending institutions (like wojska prokuratura in Poznań) did their utmost to tell us that PL101 broke into thousands of small pieces because it collided with a young and slim birch tree: THIS, went the dogma, was THE reason for the crash – unchangeable like the reasoning that since Politkovskaja was shot on Putin’s birthday it MUST have been Putin himself who shot at her… “Putin” rhymes with “Putin”, and that is the proof! This reasoning became somewhat ridiculous when the GP group found out that PL101 was still 15m above that birch when it passed this birch’s place, but still… so what rhymes with birch?
Perhaps not in english, but in Polish, a language spoken by Poles in Poland and in the diaspora, the polonina? A birch is a brzoza, a birch crash would be a brzeziński crash, and brzoza and brzezinski thus have suddenly a double meaning, a real and a fake, parallel, shadow, curtain, blind (!) one: Brzezinsky did it (since his cronies say themselves and insist on it that it was a brzezinski crash) – that famous Pole who wants to ruin the whole world, and is also recognized on this site as the mastermind behind Americas current UA-war. When you take this signature as a starting point and then look at Brzezinsky’s role (e.g. in a wprost interview in February 2011, I think) then it seems obvious that Brzezinsky was indeed RESPONSIBLE for this mass murder as for many more until now and in the near future. The only solution is to “take him out”, not Kim Jong Un. Probably Kaczyński, a patriot and an honest person, would not have endorsed the filthy war mongering re Ukraine that Tusk and Sick Orsky take part in as a matter of course although a war war between RU and the nazi west will obviously damage Poland again – in the worst case: worse than ever… to take it completely out? In Germany the leaders of the pacifist Grüne party, Kelly and Bastian, were murdered in the end of 1992, so that the war against YU in 1999 could be launched by the revanchist german government of social democrat nazi Schröder and the successor to Kelly&Bastian, police shpitzel Fischer, from the “pacifist” nazi Grüne. The true pacifists would not have declared a war, but the fake pacifist did it no questions asked. A strategist like Brzezinsky sees and cares for such obstacles well in advance.
A while ago on Preston James PhD launched an article proclaiming mass murderer Brzezinsky the Saviour of mankind who one should humbly ask to please become dictator of Yankeeland (and the rest of the world), because “no one else is left who could save us from “Obama””… a remake of the “Hitler” sham, obviously. I commented some lines stating that I did not think this a good idea, and mentioned my findings re: Smolensk – this post was deleted, and since then I am banned on veteranstoday… which made me think who is and what does Preston James PhD? He fully, enthusiastically endorses, for instance, smear attacks on Russia like the “reviews” (bags of quotations) of the book “Hellstorm”, first by Jonas E. Alexis and then again by “Lasha Darkmoon” whose “review” had already been published on a dozen other sites before, that is, in a broad pre-war propaganda campaign: “These ruskies are undermenshens, didn’t you know that? Here is the proof!” Thus, what does veteranstoday stand for, when the going gets rough? I hope I answered your question who, according to the DAFT method, was RESPONSIBLE for the Smolensk mass murder in Yankeeland.
Six: What really solved the Smolensk mystery for me in spring 2012 was a discovery on the german side of the signature fork. Somehow I was touched by the same idea as above: what would happen to the meaning of the symbols if I changed the code, not from english to Polish, but from Central European Time (CET) to Local (Russian) Time? I had remarked earlier already that the date of the massacre – 2010-4-10 – included a daft rhyme with one of the greatest early triumphs of our führeress aka “Queen of Europe” (Daily Mail), our DDR shpitzel ARSch II, namely her being elected führer of the CDU party at its reichsparteitag on 2000-4-10. It is commonplace in Germany’s everyday use of government crime and lawbending to accomplish their revenge for somewhat that was “allowed, of course, since we are a democracy now”, but resented and thus had to be punished – invisibly, therefore with a big delay inbetween. But not any delay, but one that rhymes – e.g. exactly 10 years later.
I have several such cases in my biography, and the punishment for Those Poles and their lack of respect for the European Leader of Conservatism in Politics, who they dared to contradict in 2007 or so, came exactly 10 years after ARSch II.’s coronation by her party (wait and see who will be punished on 2024-7-17 because lack of respect for her being made Queen of Europe this day!). I had remarked this daft signature earlier, and assumed, the Poles were murdered this day for pleasing “Merkel”, but still thought that the poor or worse behaviour of the Russian flight controllers had caused the crash of the plane. Then, in a flash of enlightenment I looked at the moment the flight recorders had stopped and translated it from what was printed in Polish papers to what happened to the victims there, where it happened: there it was 10:41 Russian time, so that this precise moment repeated the daft signature of the day 10-4-10 – and “this is twice, that is a series, this can be no coincidence”. Obviously such a signature cannot hope for drunk controllers to produce a crash on the right moment, instead a bomb was needed – and a bomb could much better explain why this plane, seemingly landing too early in a wood, was not unharmed (as many other examples), but completely destroyed “as if by an explosion”. Later, prof Binienda found TWO explosions on the recorder, so there had been two bombs.
It is a rule in our orderly nazi country that people who did “it” and thus know “something” are not also murdered, which the english do with their slaves, because it is the safest, but rewarded. The Police chief who oversaw the murder of Kelly and Bastian, Dieter Glietsch, became police president of Berlin, the bastard who falsified the shtasi documents of “Merkel” so that she could make a career insted of being banned from it, the boss of our “IPN”, Gauck, was made federal president (within a putsch against the legally elected president Christian Wulff who got framed (putsched away, taken out) in a non-affair), and after the successful bombing to death those 96 Poles (and several successful bombings on Moscow’s Metro and in Volgograd), our professional bundeswehr bomb specialist (from the bundeswehr’s “special” forces “GSG9”), Klaus Kandt, suddenly got the post of Berlin’s police president which before, after Glietsch, had been vacant for a long time, disputed between the parties. But Kandt, without prior normal police experience, who had been our man for the Bundespolizei in the Generalgouvernement (you think it is Poland, but we know otherwise) and thus for the german beshpitzelling of Poles in Poland, for finding out who does what… this important person was suddenly elected to the well paid job, unanimously, no questions asked. – So my second answer is: “Merkel” wanted it, Kandt organized it, they – and not Protasiuk – are RESPONSIBLE… of course interacting in this responsibility with Brzezinsky. Who in this trio infernal has the upper hand, I don’t know, but seemingly nobody else either.
Seven: to put it shorter than before – doing things imperatively five times,
or only at midnight, or while murmuring a magic formula is all ritual behaviour, and ritual behaviour is a part of every religion. Observing rituals is done because those who do believe (to some extent) that it will be “useful”, that is, that performing the ritual and observing all prescriptions and restrictions will influence the outcome, i.e. what happens, i.e. history. A case in point is the ritual of our nazi overlords (ritual slaughterers) to stage world wars every 25 years. I remarked this regularity several years ago and since then mentioned it often, hoping to awake others for a danger that while being so extremely dangerous seems so ridiculously flimsily founded: if it is done at someone’s will, as a mere ritual, can one then simply stop observing it, refuse to take part? In early 2014 I observed how Der Spiegel and also Steinmeyer (Schröders RSHA-führer) spoke lightly about this “coincidence” and about WW I which “broke out” because of bad luck, because no-one paid sufficiently attention, then, because these uneducated people in this wild past did not yet know, as we do, that all conflict can be solved peacefully, with talking and good will. I observed all this and asked myself: how will these assholes manage to lead this babbling into a direction where later in the same year the will be able to declare “Enough is enough! Now the weapons must speak”, because this is obviously what they are obliged to present in July/August of a 1/2×14 year, and which they had to swear to bring forward as a condition for getting their well-paid jobs. Well, we all have been witnesses of their compulsive filthy lies, their inverting of reality etc. These swines know nothing else, and since they face being “taken out” if they do not comply… we get what we get.
Here one aspect is very interesting for the subject The Saker wrote about. He juggles several war possibilities around, if not now, then later etc and asks us our opinion. I can offer the opinion of the war mongers: they think (or repeat what their invisible overlords think) that WWs must be done every 25 years. “Must” they – or “can” they? Is it an “empty ritual” or a precondition for success? In space travel such conditions are commonplace: for reaching planet X or galaxy Y you have to use a narrow window of possibilities, otherwise you should not even try. Is this also the case with world wars? Is this the reason why they are staged only every 25 years and not, like one would expect world war fans to want, stage one every 12 or seven years? We saw how in 2013 the infamous war mongers Bully Shitero and Franz Holland tried to ape “Hitler” and start a world war on the 1st of September (by bombing Syria) – it was the wrong year and did not work. The Holy birthday of the Holy daughter of Holy “Hitler” WAS the right moment for launching the World War of 2014, which would be the most important thing ARSch II would be remembered for in the future, and MH17 – a case very similar to PL101 – WAS the correct phony reason invented to be used for producing it: “Ab heute 05:45 wird zurückgeBUKt!” Already PL101 worked partially like a world war pretext, but 2010 was also the wrong year, and so was 2008-8-8 when Arabski tried for the first time to murder Kaczynski, but nothing of that worked, although we now have the most outspoken bloodthirsty regime that ever dared do offend mankind by its existence. Is it possible that – all other considerations apart – the war possibilities The Saker mentions are in 2015 and later no more possible?
Well, Andrzej, do you feel that my remarks answered your question?
Of course, you asked The Saker, but so far I did not have the impression that the case of PL101 was one of his favourite subjects, therefore I was insolent enough to seize the opportunity for presenting my answer/s.
The Ukies are apparently hiding the extent of the problems at the Zaporozhye nuclear plant. In a conversation with Tyshenko, Torbayevsky answered: What do we do with the personnel? We need to evacuate people, radiation is off the charts! And locals need to be warned. We already started dumping into the water supply from the cooling system. Very soon we will have a second Chernobyl.
Is Kiev losing control of the reactor with the potential to generate a new Fukushima catastrophe?
For more information about the situation:
@ Avery:
The Western media paints Putin as some kind of all-powerful Hitler-fascist ruling Russia with an iron fist. Why? Because he broke the “rule” that only NATO is allowed to accept unilateral declarations of independence. This is a total non sequitur, but that’s their narrative.
This is actually not a non sequitur because Hitler broke the same “rule,” and the Empire crushed Nazi Germany as a result.
“The present Republic is a colony of slaves at the service of the stranger. At best it has subjects, but not citizens… For by enforcing a policy of financial blackmail, to squeeze the last ounce of substance out of its people, it is forced also to take their last rights away from them, lest the general discontent may one day flame up into open rebellion.”
~ “Mein Kampf,” Adolf Hitler
Anyone that resists the banking cartel needs to look evil. One day, even the US founders will be terrorists.
“Keeping the Russians out, the German down and the Americans in will be an easy mission since the Russians don’t want in, the Germans have totally surrendered along the rest of Europe, and the Americans are already fully in charge.”
Funny LOL
Good read. thanks
Hi Saker,
Following is an attempt on summary – based on your own analysis:
1. The most probable development of the Ukrainian crisis is its expansion Westward, as it happened back in the 30th of the last century. I expect it to spread from Ukraine into Poland and Lithuania first, and then to the rest of Europe.
2. Forces behind this crisis have no resources to take on Russia now – they need to mobilise everything that they can before they strike Russia.
3. Ukraine has become a perfect training ground for Europe’s assailants. Skirmishes in Novorussia will continue with varying degrees of intensity, but the ‘hot zone’ will be preserved… unless something truly dramatic happens in Europe – e.g. a series of terrorist acts.
4. EU, NATO and even US are write-offs in this conflict (for the reasons you described so well).
5. A militarised, potent and ruthless Empire is being established.
6. In 2015 ‘players’ will be testing each other’s capabilities – social, economical, political and military.
7. Attempts will intensify to destabilise Russia and China internally.
NB. Countless typos do not help reading the post.
Why Russia’s Evangelicals Thank God for Putin
Evangelicals in Russia have become ardent fans of President Vladimir Putin because of Russia’s efforts to maintain its influence in Ukraine, its takeover of Crimea in 2014, and the widespread Russian belief that the West is to blame for the present economic woes on the home front.
This realization dawned on me during my November visit to Russia. The evidence is hard to ignore. Meeting in St. Petersburg back in May, the official Congress of the Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists ended their meetings with a strong endorsement of Putin just two months after brutal conflict broke out in eastern Ukraine.
Today Merkel seems to misunderstand Minsk-by claiming it can put things back where they were-I thought the whole point was to settle at where everything is at the moment to move forward, Crimea cannot be returned which is what she still fundamentally believes, hence is she continuing to show she is fast becoming dis-qualifiable as a leader?Note reports of cyber attacks by pro-rus people /intelligence services as claimed here
“The head of the BfV domestic intelligence agency said recently about five of the daily attacks came from foreign intelligence agencies.In a statement on its website, a group calling itself Cyber Berkut claimed responsibility.”
Surely EU . IMF, Russia should realise Minsk is finished, the civil war continues ,that ukr cannot qualify for any more supportive funds-why doesn’t Rus as a member of IMF expose this and prevent IMF from funding any more?
Massive artillery shelling committed by Kiev junta
on: January 09, 2015
As a sequence of artillery shelling are mass damages of houses and communications.
Kievskiy, Kirovskiy, Kuybyshevskiy and Petrovskiy districts were subjected to artillery shelling
on 8 January. Two civilians died, and 7 people were wounded.
In regard to the information of Emergency Situations Ministry, houses were Kremlevskiy Avenue struck on streets:
-Petrovskiy district: Kosareva Street 27;
-Kievskiy district: Stratnavtov Street 97, Bashkirskaya Street 76, Krupskaya Street 118;
-Kuybyshevskiy district: Kremlevskiy Avenue 12, city hospital 21 was damaged, Aldanskaya Street 9, private house was totally disposed, Shahterov Donbassa Street 90 service station was damaged;
-Kirovskiy district: Malinovskogo Street 9, the house was partially destroyed, the roof was disposed, Yugovostochnaya Street 1, 2 were damages.
view details here
and is USA determined to break Minsk by other means to provide provocation , eg again putting Rus in impossible situation by demanding release of ukr pilot and another charged with supporting terrorism-hypocritical? So many times they try to use pressure eg Tymoshenko as excuses to say “criminals’ human rights and democracy is paramount to a nations security and internal procedures.
Should Rus now go in massively as role of peacekeepers, clearly Poro and Yats are determined to obliterate Donbass and cannot order/implement ceasefire, illegal private militias refusing to be under ukr control, warnings of human catastrophe from various international agencies, can Putin totally discredit Merkel and co for EU and NATO policy failures? NATO is clearly doing its own things above and beyond the ‘control’ of EU parliament(eg countries within EU and belonging to NATO suppying arms and military funding)-this fundamental division cannot ever permit peace, this situation is fundamentally fatally flawed. Without NATO being at talks, or being put on hold by EU this situation is fundamentally flawed, which is maybe what NATO and USA wishes? how can EU prevent NATO from committing further conflagration?
Excellent summation and analysis! I find it 99.99% agreeable. My main concern is as to who and what Putin really is. There are lots of indicators that he supports the Anglo-Zionist idea of the New World Order. Even such a notorious major figure in the NWO as Henry Kissinger has been a staunch supporter of Putin all the way starting from the latter’s suspicious rise to power ( that’s a whole subject in itself) all the way to today when he continues to support Putin while the rest of the Anglo-Zionist propaganda machine has been working in overdrive with over the top demonization of Putin…unless Kissinger is playing the good cop in the good-cop-bad-cop routine.
Another major point is that you assume that the Empire wants to win in a conventional term. That is of the secondary concern for them, they’re really hell bent on exterminating as much of the humanity as possible, ergo the manical push to world war. They expect to survive , as the Bush clan relocation to Patagonia indicates, while the goyim perish.
Also the cutting off of Ukraine from Russia is in doubt, at least in the permanent sense. Even the stronghold of ukronationalism , Western Ukraine, has 30% wanting to stay with Russia. As for the Carpathian rusins they are 80% for Russia. Just take the ukrainians out of the infobubble they’ve been forced to live in and in less than 2 decades they’ll come out of the trance. Look at Serbs and Croats – already doing business with each other.
One more point. Now that the demonical militias supposedly under Kiyv’s command (Azov batallion etc) have openly declared theyr disobedience to the Kyev’s orders to follow the Minsk ceasefire agreement becoming renegades this unties Russia’s hands in bombing them to hell since they are de-facto non-members of any official military. Why don’t Russia seize this opportunity? The masonic fifth column or what prevents it?