We are pleased to publish this first testimony of a francophone reader of vineyardsaker. Filo is of Yugoslavian origin. He emigrated to the West in the 70s, and tells us of his disillusionment on the Western model as well as that of an entire people.
The French Saker Editors
1989, The year when the West did everything wrong, by Filo
I was born, a long time ago, in a country that was said to be situated between two blocks: that of the East and that of the West. A non aligned country. Above all, an untroubled and peaceful country. I was born and lived there the first twenty years of my life. Enough for me to be able to perceive and understand the life of my country, engage in my studies and in my first experiences.
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Monastery of Gornjak, in Serbia (14th century) |
As early as 1960, socialist Yugoslavia was been forced by the West and the IMF to open itself to market economy, and to start making economic reforms. Poorly prepared and ill protected, State companies rapidly went into an economic crisis. Mass unemployment appeared. In short we became an easy prey, exploitable at will. The country was invaded by entrepreneurs and businessmen from Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, all attracted by low cost manpower.
Many Yugoslavians became « gastarbeiters », immigrant workers. When this situation reached its apex, there were in the West up to 2.5 million Yugoslavian workers according to estimates.
In 1970, I was among those who followed the course of it. I landed in the middle of an economic boom. I remember, my eyes wide open, being astonished by all of these ostentatious signs of wealth, by the presence of banks everywhere.
Although I was not born within capitalism, a question worried me: how can all of these banks be profitable? I finally understood, much later. I will not say more about it now because I would like to keep this topic for another article.
Inevitably, I compared this new world I was discovering to the world I had just left. I was first struck by the amount of falsehood and manipulation in the written or broadcast media. These media were full of glorification of the Western society, undoubtedly presented as being superior in every aspect. The others, Eastern countries, were systematically criticized and slandered. Yugoslavia often was simply lumped together with the other countries of the Eastern block. I had just discovered that the media of my country were much more objective, more moderate, less lying, and overall more democratic.
The period of illusions
The year 1989, right after the Berlin wall had fallen, was meant to be the year « 0 » for the whole of mankind. At least, that was what we thought at that time. A new start for a world without wars, without poverty. A world of happiness for all, in which we were finally going to live together. No more divisions or hostility, no longer this imminent fear of a forthcoming war.
In the East, they had believed in it so much that, led by illusions, they began to dream with their eyes wide-opened of a new world of coexistence and sharing.
They imagined and persuaded themselves that the Western world was a world suspended between earth and sky. A myth that had suddenly become touchable, within hand’s reach.
They were probably in a state of mind similar to that of the Amerindians at the beginning of the conquest of the far West; very naive. Truly ingenuous.
Then, history did nothing else but repeat itself. Because history always repeats itself. Only the context changes.
Too bad the West did not understand, did not want to seize such historical opportunity to open itself and welcome, in full frankness and mutual respect, this world from the East that came peacefully seeking a reciprocal coexistence.
Lies and mental aberrations
Since the end of World War II, Western propaganda, particularly the American one, has never ceased to aim at the East a quasi-obsessional hammering of idyllic messages and images of a Western world bathing into perfect happiness.
Applied equally in the west, this propaganda was mixed with images and stories of the world behind the « iron curtain », the reality of which was utterly distorted and darkened.
The goal was to create (and they succeeded) what was later called the « American leadership ». To define it, I offer to define « leadership » as a whole set of illusions and mental aberrations about the existence of a world to which everyone would like to belong. In reality, it is a world that does not exist and never existed. This world is also called « the American dream ».
In short, a game of fools. A fabric of lies in which we believed. Still today, it has become clear that the reality of yesterday and that of today are a permanent fabric of lies.
Americans, in particular live in a permanent lie and that, since their creation. It started with the myth of the Far West put into images by Hollywood in an idyllic manner. The reality is entirely different and has been occulted. Twenty million American Indians at the arrival of European settlers at the beginning of the conquest; at the end, less than a century later, only 60 000 were left. It is the largest genocide in human history. To date, no condemnation. The truth barely transpires today.
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Check Point Charlie, in Berlin, at the time of the wall |
Still now, the Western world is entirely acquired to the sleep-inducing image of « the American friend » wrapped into the aura of the savior the free world.
A friend who, according to the legend, first came to save Europe and the world during the first World War. What a blessing!
And who returned again, during the second World War. The American savior succeeded in stopping the evil Soviet at «Checkpoint Charlie». The whole Western world barely dodged a disaster. Pfew!
At this checkpoint the Americans and their European lackeys tried to create a myth to the Hollywood sauce. Big kitsch, yes!
At the beginning of this month of June 2014, during the commemoration of the Normandy landings, I was amazed to see how Americans continue to falsify history and to blatantly lie. With the help of European cowards of course.
To maintain a permanent psychosis, the Americans were threatening and provocative, as much towards their opponents as towards their own people and the population of the Allies. Such a behavior caused similar reactions among the opponent and so on, until the introduction on both sides of a true paranoia.
I believe that the Soviet intervention in Hungary in 1956, the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, and the crash of the “Prague Spring” in 1968 are direct consequences of this escalation of paranoia between the two blocks. The Americans can be credited for the direct initiative of this escalation.
One day we will know the truth about this period known as the “Cold War.” We even have a duty to know the truth and the whole truth.
It is important to be reminded that the “walls” are foremost within our minds. But, regarding the other wall, fallen in 1989, it is clear that it is still there in the minds of today’s Western policymakers. It is not yet destroyed. This is especially the case with regard to the Americans, subject to a total mental aberration.
Back to reason: four examples
Unfortunately, we were bound to quickly become disillusioned and understand that we would not enter into a new era of peace and prosperity. It was all lies and promises from the West. Their intentions were far from sincere and honest, and they never intended to deal with us as equals. Their only endgame was as Western conqueror, triumphant and vengeful. Wishing to enslave us in order to better exploit us. For them, we were only consumers of their capitalist products; a potential market, and nothing more.
To support and confirm my statements, I will take four examples, among many others:
- In our “liberated” countries, Western manufacturers implemented a dairy and food industry, supplanting what was already there, regardless of the existing agricultural environment. The domino effect was instantaneous and the farmers of these countries were ruined.
- We were discredited and treated as “sheep to shear” in favor of the capitalist banking and usurious system. Putting their hands onto the banks of the conquered countries, the “banksters” have imposed their methods and systems: Western type mortgages, but with interest rates sometimes up to five times higher than those of West. Self-authorized robbery, yes! Especially because they were loans in euros, Swiss francs or dollars, modeled on the fluctuation of exchange rates. The destructive effect was guaranteed within a year after such loans were made. Result: a lot of ruined people and exorbitant suicide rates.
- The Westerners also robbed us of all of the wealth and raw materials contained in our soils. They systematically bought at a more than derisory price, often bribing local potentates, both the mines and the factories that reprocessed these raw materials. In return, they gave us vague promises of investments and employment for the local population.
- More directly, they sent an army of occupation. Example of such a deceit: Kosovo and “Bondsteel”, 40,000 m2, the largest U.S. base ever built in Europe. In 1999, the U.S. imposed on a puppet government in Pristina, a 99 years lease, where the subsoil is rich in mercury, silver and lead. I am convinced that Americans began looting it immediately. The day they leave, there will be nothing left in the sub-soil but gaping holes. The American army also uses this base as one of their secret prisons.
After blowing in like a hurricane, Westerners triggered a tsunami effect.
Western arrogance
These Western acts of triumphal conquerors were particularly stupid. We were open to them, we wanted to learn from them, but also to pass on our knowledge. In the field of culture we could have had a very rich exchange: for us culture has always been very important, and we take great care of it. Contrary to this, we were treated with a wave of violence, spite and humiliation.
Curiously, I find some similarities between those events and those that occurred at the time of the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, when savage conquistadors looted and destroyed civilizations that were far more advanced than their own.
I am deeply convinced that the West, in this year 1989, did not understand what had just happened. Together we could have built a new world, instead of just destroying what already existed. The confidence that was then lost will never be regained.
In that year of 1989, Westerners blew it!
For example the Germans believed in the coming of a 4th Reich. Genscher, at the time Minister of Foreign Affairs and former SS officer, began to secretly visit the former Axis countries. And he was forcibly expelled from the Baltic countries by the Soviet.
Mitterrand’s France was first opposed to German reunification. Backed as usual by the U. S., England was waiting for a signal from the Americans. The U.S. acted as if they had understood everything; they mainly pretended. They immediately applied (once more) their “shock doctrine”—immediate gains for sure, but very stupid on mid- to longer terms.
Those who saw through it all
I think the only ones who got it all, in the year 1989, were the Russians. Not the Russia of Mikhail Gorbachev and his entourage, but the Russians in the background, the strategists who acted immediately and started to create today’s Russia. They understood that German unification would be, at least for the next twenty years, like slamming an economic brake for the new reunified Germany and by extension a brake for the Western economy, and that this length of time would enable the modern and forthcoming Russia to recover economically and militarily.
Today one must admit that they were visionaries who were absolutely right.
The stupidity and the greed of Westerners in general, Americans in particular, have led to where we are now, a dead-end without alternative.
Today the West has lost its hegemony over the world. The failure of its policy since 1989 is complete!
Recent events, such as those in Syria, demonstrate it.
The effects of this global deception
“At the time, I was young, very naive and very stupid, and I sincerely believed that the Soviet Union was a deadly threat to Western Europe and that the only thing that stood between them, the evil communists, and we, the free world, was the military power of NATO, “the Saker stressed in a text published in March 2014 [1].
How true is this sentence of the Saker. Unfortunately we were young and naive, our naivety bordering on stupidity. Especially since the American style has always been the same, simple, too simple, downright simplistic.
The end of the USSR
Mikhail Gorbatchev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1985 – 1991)
The Russians are a nation of spontaneous and naturally nice people; they voluntarily dropped “the wall” thanks to Mikhail Gorbachev’s naivety. Although … regarding the naivety of Gorbachev, head of the USSR from 1985 to 1991, there are some doubts today. According to the latest news, an inquest has just started in Moscow to determine whether it is simple naivety or a case of high treason.
The only result produced by his “perestroika” (reconstruction) was an economic, military and political weakening of the USSR, and its disintegration. The ruble was becoming worthless and people were throwing it out of the windows. In spite of all this, even today, he says he is satisfied with what he did.
In 1990, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Later, with the collapse of the USSR, it was rumored that it was the reward of the Americans for “letting the fox enter the henhouse.”
Boris Yeltsin, first President of the Russian Federation
Then, another strike of bad luck for the Russians. Either a real string of bad luck, or the result of a large-scale corruption: the arrival of Boris Yeltsin. Notorious drunkard, yes. For eight years, it was an open door to all possible abuses and looting. Russia saw the appearance of vultures nicknamed “oligarchs.” Enriched overnight, they became billionaires. Some of the best known among them: Khodorovski, Abramovich, Berezowsky, Navalny, etc. A real scourge for Russia.
Boris Yeltsin himself considerably benefited from the situation. In Switzerland, he has been investigated for corruption. He presumably received bribes from a civil engineering company in Tessin, led by an Albanian who was mysteriously contracted to renovate the Kremlin. During his reign, privatizations prevailed. All that could be privatized and sold cheaply went to either oligarchs or foreigners, in particular Americans. Hence, Americans treated themselves to buying a military industrial complex in the north of Russia. Immediately after this purchase, they froze all of the activities with the company, so as to harm the Russians. With Boris Yeltsin, a chronic alcoholic, Russia became the laughingstock of the West. Bill Clinton, at that time the U.S. president, was accustomed, at each meeting with Yeltsin, to laugh to tears. Forced but triumphant laugh of course!
The most famous giggle in history. Bill Clinton laughing to tears after Boris Yeltsin called the journalists a disaster. (From the collections of the workshop archives, www.atelierdesarchives.com)
Russia, a great heroic nation, saw its dignity trampled. Westerners, Americans in particular, stupid and vengeful, behaved like bulls in a china shop: looting, humiliation, harassment of all kinds, both towards Russia and towards other so-called communist countries.
The Ceausescu trial in Romania
Coup in Romania. Sloppy and expeditious trial of the Ceausescu couple. Death sentence and immediate execution of the couple. Judgment by two judges who were taken by force to an improvised courtroom site that looked like a grade school classroom.
Shortly after the trial, the two judges committed suicide.
The destruction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Now, here is the height of Western stupidity: the destruction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, under the false pretext that the people who composed it no longer wanted to live together. A pretext as cowardly as it is deceitful. Witness of it is the fact that it took Westerners almost twenty years to destroy it (from 1991 to 2006). A great and beautiful country, a Europe in miniature. A country of 24 million inhabitants and a territory of nearly 260,000 square kilometers (half of France). A sweet mixing of populations, cultures, religions. An incredible diversity of cultures, arts and foods. During the Cold War, the country has perfectly fulfilled its buffer role between East and West. Unfortunately the West had ideas of conquest and domination. I’m sure that the West had always and only ever wanted to take advantage of the Yugoslav position between the two blocks, and that’s all. As disposable as a Kleenex, discarded once it has served.
Thrown out to the dogs of Western wars, and that for the dough gained by their arm dealers.
Dough, the only real Western value!
At the end of the Cold War, the old demons awoke. First, among the Germans and the Austrians (memories of 1st and 2nd world wars). But also at the Vatican, who saw an opportunity to settle disputes with the Orthodox Church. Westerners played on the antagonisms that were unique to this land in order to destroy it.
Such an act is cowardly, criminal and stupid, and it caused a lot of suffering, hundreds of thousands of deaths and as much destruction.
Remember that in a house there are walls that are said to be load-bearing. One should never touch them, because of the risk of seeing the house collapse. Yugoslavia, for Europe in any case, was one of those bearing walls. And our stupid Western leaders destroyed it.
Since then, the house has kept cracking and threatening to collapse.
I feel that the destruction of this country will be fatal to the destructors and that the Yugoslavian national anthem might as well be the Western funeral song. In the case of Yugoslavia, the West has shown a staggering political illiteracy and a stunning cultural ignorance.
And what about Russia in all this?
The Russians have said, “Never again! “. And they kept their word.
Once Yeltsin was thrown to the dumpster of history, they chose the best among them.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the man that was needed
A president and a very talented and intelligent politician. Someone who holds life principles, which he applies. In less than 15 years, he managed to return its glory and power to Russia. Today, not only is his country no longer the laughingstock of the West, but on the contrary, Russia has become the main geopolitical actor on the world stage. On the military level, its role is just as important. The Russians have caught up and even surpassed the Americans in this area. NATO has found a Russian opponent, who managed to halt its progression towards the east. The lying behavior of Westerners in the face of Russia is now being turned against them.
« The day the sun will rise above Russia, NATO will melt » Slobodan Milosevic (former President of Serbia)said, who “committed” suicide in 2006 at the hand of his jailers in the prison of the ICC in The Hague. According to British media, his trial was moving inexorably towards a nonsuit, that is a dismissal of charges.
And finally, what about the West in all this?
In 1989 a Russian visionary declared: “Communism and capitalism are the heads and tails of the same coin. Now we let down our communism. How long after that, do you think your capitalism will hold? ”
Today, results agree entirely with him.
Forty-four years have passed since my arrival in the West. I am a full citizen of my adopted country (Switzerland). From the beginning, I had the desire, and made the effort, to integrate into this country. But I always refused to assimilate.
Since the beginning, I was aware of the benefits of having been born and raised in another country, another political system, before arriving here. I have always taken advantage of this asset, and used it in every opportunity that presented itself. I especially used it to understand and analyze some features and paradoxes of the west.
For example, very quickly, I had to admit the evidence that Westerners were viscerally anti-communists, including towards such rather tempered form as that of Yugoslavian communism, which was quite diluted from its original form.
For years I asked myself the question why.
A paradox that I wanted to elucidate at all costs. And I finally understood.
It’s huge, because in reality it is the keystone of the West itself. The cause is capitalism itself. Since its beginning, by its very definition, it is an economic concept that is not viable. Therefore, it was doomed to fail from the beginning.
The reasons and causes of its inevitable failure, I will address in my next article.
Filo, for vineyardsaker.fr
June 2014
[1] http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.fr/2014/03/today-every-free-person-in-world-has-won.html
Source: http://www.vineyardsaker.fr/2014/07/15/1989-lannee-ou-loccident-a-tout-rate-par-filo/
FILO thank you
If there was a country only consisting of Refugees for refugees.
All those people that have seen, experienced & think critically what would it be like.
No Religion
No Race
No Capitalism
No Communism
In the West it is all about making profit. To achieve this no crime is too big.
“Hitler’s American Business Partners”
I think it overstates Russian military status to say Russia matches American military. Russia has nothing like the U.S. Navy and Air Force capabilities. Russia barely can project power into Ukraine right now. If it did, the war would never have begun. Bullies pick fights with weaklings, or misjudge and are thrown (David vs Goliath). If Russia equaled the U.S., it would not be so easily threatened.
Russia has great defensive weapons. It has good mobile units. It has some magnificent weapons systems. It has marvelous aircraft. But these parts of the whole are not of the scale of the U.S.
Again, Russia could wipe Ukraine off the battle field. However, the alliance behind Ukraine is a challenge. If the alliance attacked on the ground, Russia would devastate it. But NATO and the U.S. are Air Powers, and use stand-off cruise missiles and bombers to begin their wars. Russia’s highly mobile defense missile systems and second strike forces make for hesitation by the West.
I cannot imagine any Western military plan to attack and fight Russia to conclusion that does not call for full spectrum AIR-SEA-SPACE-CYBER warfare from the get go. The notion that Russia can be hit like Kosovo is nonsense. Any attack on Russia must be total.
Thus, MAD is still the doctrine that safeguards Russia.Simple nuclear warfare logic. But it is not that Russia is a match for U.S. military across the boards. It will take another ten years and with the help of China to achieve that status.
Thus, not only is the Hegemon losing economic advantage to the Eurasian Development, it will be matched and over-matched in time by the Bear and the Dragon cooperative development.
Je te remercie pour ces mots bien sages. And thank you so much, French team, for providing us with something simultaneously so beautiful, profound, and searing.
Communism and Capitalism are not “heads and tails of the same coin”(which doesn’t even make sense). Stalingrad proved it. Pyongyang proved it.
Ukraine outlawed Communism. What does that tell you?
Lenin was right: There is no third way.
Slobodan Milosevic was a great man. His quote regarding Nato, I really hope comes true.
Sometimes I get to a place where I feel there is little hope for humanity and then someone comes forward with a gem like this.
Thanks Filo, I needed that.
Articles like this one are the biggest possible mistake here. They look like (and are) crude attempts to whitewash history, and paint anything ‘Russian’ as ‘godly’.
I am here because of what the West is doing TODAY. Talking history just encourages ethnic lying- and once that becomes commonplace, you lose the support of people like myself. STOP IT! Unless your goal is only to win the support of people who were already on your side anyway- and what’s the point in that?
The situation in Novorussia, Gaza, Libya, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria etc is completely BLACK-AND-WHITE with respect to the actions and motivations of the West. I mean the West is, in respect of these conflicts, as absolute an evil as it is possible to get. Infinitely worse that war-time Japan.
The present-day utter evilness of the West is ALL you need to talk about, to win support from a growing number of ordinary Humans. This clarity is your greatest weapon.
I sense that Russia, in general, is being carefully coerced (by psy-ops from the West) to wallow in a victimhood psychology- metaphorically getting drunk and dribbling about the past. Like a unit of skilled veteran soldiers who COULD take the battle successfully to the attacking invaders, but who choose instead to hit the vodka and ‘maintain’ a ‘defensive’ position.
The British, in particular, are brilliant at psychological manipulation. Half of the war they fought against the Nazis was of this form.
Putin, like Hitler, thinks himself a strategic genius. Look at Novorussia. No one can doubt the perfection of Putin’s blocking moves up-to-date. Kiev does something, crows about imminent victory, and covertly Putin foils their move completely.
But what Putin really does is puppeteered by ‘invisible’ puppet-masters from the West. Putin’s very deviousness drives Kiev mad- and Ukraine’s History shows that mad-dog wars are their favourite. The most terrible forms of inhumanity imaginable. No ‘clever’ move by Putin can block on-the-ground atrocities.
Again (and again and again) ask why Putin hasn’t sent peace-keepers into Novorussia.
I am from Czech republic and this is true.
Filo friend says that people in the west are overwhelmingly anti-communist.
Maybe in Switzerland, a capitalist country par excellence, who has never suffered the ravages of war or harassment of fascism.
I do not know if I am a communist, my interest on polítics and geopolitics back to when I had internet access, because at home we do not receive political education and my childhood and adolescence were spent in a fascist dictatorship and “the subsequent solution” that, today, once triggered the crisis, is revealed as the usurpation of any possibility for people to decide their fate. And the dream of prosperity and welfare linked to the entry into the EU and the euro system as a trap into debt, impoverishing and enslaving for generations.
I do not know if I am a communist, I have never been member of any party except my union class, working class. There are unions in my country that are dedicated to defending the interests of my profession,of course, but never interested me gain privileges only for me but for all my fellow workers. So I do not know if I’m a communist …. once did a test that a person published on his blog and I was left communist to the core ….but I do not got a card that said I was communist…
What I know is what I want for me and for all people of the world: work, housing, education, bread, freedom, justice …
Therefore it is so, in the depths of my being and my ability to understand, I understand that in the system of the former USSR was something essentially good for most men. No wonder he fought so much, to extinction …..
P.S: I´m very sorry for the syntax and typos, I´m commenting on holidays with a terribly slow wifi. So I can´t write a lot of comments, much less argue. Impossible to see any video.
Navalny is an oligarch??? What don’t we know?
I hope that was an honest mistake. ;)
As a Bulgarian I confirm most of what is written in the article. I myself was in illusion that the West is the living Utopia and thought about emigrating. Then came the wars – Iraq, Serbia & Kosovo, Iraq again, Afghanistan, Libya – and I understood that the “establishing democracy” equals demolishing countries and killing of hundreds of thousands of people.
And Bulgaria is now ruined as well – no industry, no agriculture, whatever of value left (mostly public services like water and electricity or gold mining) – sold to foreign companies. We are so ruined that even the European banks begin to close and leave – there is just nothing left for looting.
Unlike before – the poor people have no chance whatever for education and medical care or living place.
I know our industry was on a lower level than Germany – yet it we used to have perfectly good business with Russia, including in agriculture. Now this is all gone. Our leading politics are all anti-Russian and pro-US/EU… It is humiliating – every other week there is some US politician visiting, and the very next day our president and government speak against Russia. They even tested here in Sofia mini-Maydan last winter, with then US ambassador handing sandwiches to “protesters”.
Suddenly the protests stopped – and we learned that there is an agreement for Westinghaus to build a new reactor in our nuclear power station and at the same time get 30% ownership of it.
I love my country, but this is not a country anymore – it is a US/EU colony. Something like a small Ukraine w/o the civil war. We may have avoided it by serving.
Filo, thank you. I agree with you, the development after 1989 was a wrong decision by the West. I like this idea:
“I think the only ones who got it all, in the year 1989, were the Russians. Not the Russia of Mikhail Gorbachev and his entourage, but the Russians in the background, the strategists who acted immediately and started to create today’s Russia. They understood that German unification would be, at least for the next twenty years, like slamming an economic brake for the new reunified Germany and by extension a brake for the Western economy, and that this length of time would enable the modern and forthcoming Russia to recover economically and militarily.”
I was born in Eastern Germany and, if German unification gave Russia the time they needed to recover, it was not in vain to live 25 years in “wonderful” Western Germany.
“…the destruction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, under the false pretext that the people who composed it no longer wanted to live together…”
but, we did not. We were eagerly waiting to be freed from the Serbian ruling and their hegemony. all the best spots were awarded to them, they were in politics, police, secret services and if somebody said something his fate would be sealed for life. And that was in Croatia. probably in other republics. We had a referendum where majority voted for secession from Yuogslavia and when james bak-er expressed wish of US that Yugoslavia should remain intact full scale war was unleashed against Croatia and Slovenia.
probably author is a member of let’s say parasitic part of Yugoslavia that lived and thrived on other working parts of it. obviously he is – as he did not provide direct link with Serbs being supported by the army in destruction and genocide in both Croatia and Bosnia (just two hints: destruction of Vukovar and massive murdering of civilians, organized rape of Croatian women that lasted for months, massive imprisonment, torture and killings of civilians from Vukovar in Serbia and concentration camps in Bosnia) and of what is happening in Ukraine – parasitic western part supported by the army brutalizes eastern – working part.
to conclude – there are two types of people in this world: creative and parasites. you can spot them all around. and throughout the history.
I assume that some claims presented above will unleash massive hysteria so before that please use the links bellow:
Ukraine and Crimea’s Vanishing Gold
“The ISKRA story alleges that a reliable source from Ukraine’s former ministry of finance said that Arseniy Yatsenyuk had ordered 40 boxes of gold to be loaded onto an unmarked plane at Borispol airport, in Kiev. Witnesses who reported seeing the heavy sealed boxes being loaded at 2 a.m. by 15 men in black combat gear and masks, some with machine guns, and a “mysterious” man (or men) entering the plane, were told by airport supervisors not to meddle in other people’s affairs. Since Ukraine’s gold reserves amount to about 36 tons, each box would have contained about one ton of gold”.
Read the rest here:
Great article. I woke up during the Serbian bombing and discovered democracy, the west were not what I had believed. Simmilar to discovering you are a member of a cult.
re: ballistic missiles used offensively in SE Ukraine. There is an eerie silence in Washington and in Moscow and in Kiev about these. No one is talking. Perhaps the message sent by the RF was received loud and clear? Or we have a conspiracy of silence?
Filo brings up interesting food for thought. As I have been trying to speak to my friends I encounter such extreme levels of suppression of personal grief that I am sorely troubled. How does the wide spread use of anti depressants close what in the Bible is called “the wisdom of the heart” or Chochmat ha lev? As I was explaining why and how both sides in the Ukraine are using Russian made weapons because that is what the military forces in that country were supplied with for years, my friend suddenly burst our irritably, “Well, what I don’t understand is why those people ( always a bad sign when someone starts referring to another that way) wail and screech so frantically when their kids die–it won’t bring the child back!” I was initially absolutely dumbfounded by this response but my friend:
#1. watches TV news and talk programs-even so called liberal ones
#2. uses anti depressants.
#3. is in the anglo-saxon cultural tribe (yes, there is a blog commentator here who would find this especially significant)
Somehow, in some very physical and spiritual way those first two very common habits desensitize and dehumanize a person. The percentage of Americans on anti depressants is estimate to be 50%.
Not only does the American mind set not understand how other people see the world, but also this mind does not feel how other people feel the world. I fear for us all.
There is much more to say about Yugoslavia, it indeed was a unique place. The reason it was destroyed was no other then that it had “commies” in power and that it actually had a successful and strong economy and provided a “bad example” that had to be eliminated. Also, it was one of the few countries that didn’t have a central bank that belonged to the London mafia. And then comes the fact that it had a very strong, highly trained and big army (5 mio. soldiers with reserves) that was unparalleled in Europe, bare the French and Rusians. Simply put, Yugoslavia was dangerous to the system itself, both regarding the ideology/economy as well as the military power.
The resources etc. are just the icing on the cake, that was certainly not the primary reason.
The eye opener for me was the Vietnam war
From the article:
In that year of 1989, Westerners blew it!
For example the Germans believed in the coming of a 4th Reich. Genscher, at the time Minister of Foreign Affairs and former SS officer, began to secretly visit the former Axis countries. And he was forcibly expelled from the Baltic countries by the Soviet.
Germanophobia seems to be quite en vogue these days, the way I see it. But one should not resort to fabricating “facts” in order to support one’s crackpot views:
Hans-Dietrich Genscher could not possibly have been an “SS officer” even if he wanted to, because by the time the war ended he was a mere 18 years old (he was born in March 1927). In fact, he has never been more but a simple Wehrmacht soldier. He has never been on the record with condoning any form of authoritarian nationalism and during his time as Foreign Minister of Germany often served as a middle man between the East and the West and pleaded for a normalisation of the relationship to the USSR.
It’s not like those were hidden facts buried somewhere in recently declassified documents. One only needs to look up Wikipedia:
So why is the author making up this ridiculous “4th Reich ambitions of a former SS Officer” meme? Is it just to vent his irrational hatred towards Germans? Does he not know how to perform proper research on the topic he plans to write about?
“It’s called the American Dream for a reason, because you have to be asleep to believe it” -George Carlin
Russian productivity has barely improved since the Soviet era. The problem is not too much foreign investment; it is too little foreign investment and the accompanying transfer of process and management know how.
The Americans and the South Koreans didn’t buy the factories. They hired the people and took them away. The Germans and the Brits did actually invest in Russian industry. Much good it did the Brits. Putin found them as a useful enemy around which to stimulate xenophobia in the 2004 election campaign. And then blowback, real events like TNK’s obstruction of Gazprom’s attempts to partner with BP and Beresovsky’s attacks on Putin intervened and he was trapped in an unsatisfactory position.
Thanks for the great article. I wonder how many Americans even know that a country called Yugoslavia existed. Probably about the same amount that support WWIII.
I think that President Putin will emerge as the peacemaker in the Gaza crisis, and possibly the peacemaker in the Ukraine crisis – although only if America backs off – if not the war will continue.
In reality, the President of the Russian Federation is probably more popular in America than Obama.
I wonder if many neoliberal Europeans and Americans understand how Novorossia is the symbol of hope for many throughout the world, in all the countries that know only too well exactly what is happening, by dint of long and bitter experience. That alone is sufficient reason why they will never be sold out, if anyone ever had a doubt.
Beginning the year 2000, Vladimir Putin’s nationalist regime emerged unannounced from a ten year shooting-gallery between criminal élites. Liberated authority in Russia quickly warred on organised crime while in China organised crime tacitly knelt to the national interest. So the Hate establishment quickly warred on both. By 2005-7, the emergence of Latin American and African hope and of four independent superpowers, and then the cannibalistic suicide of Western derivative finance had heralded the imminent end of the most brutal empire the world has ever suffered. By 2014, its lethal death throes are marking the twilight of the berserk gods of satanism and of their propaganda-substitute British monarchy. By imponderable act of merciful God the Glorious Revolution of 1688 is nearly spent.
A very informative article. In regard to the Berlin Wall coming down in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, I think we need to look at history for some answers. Those countries like Cuba and Chile, for example, had to cope with CIA activities because they were socialistic or moving to socialism. Cuba has survived in spite of many atempts on Castro’s life and acts of terrorism on Cuba’s soil. Chile was unable to withstand the pressures and a coup.
Consequently, I believe that the CIA found a willing partner in Yeltsin. The CIA provided him with money, organized his campaign, and put out his literature when he ran for the presidency of the Russian Republic. He was the traitor because he worked to stab Gorbachev in the back while G. was trying ot re-organiz the Soviet Union. Yeltsin obatined the cooperation of the presidents of Ukraine and Byelorussia to take part in a joint announcement in December 1991 that their republics were seceding from the Union. What were G.’s options at that point?
Many thanks dear Filo, for this article.
I´ll keep looking for the next..!
My best regards, Miguel.-
Thank you Saker.
As you write, the cause is capitalism itself, which cares not if it’s victims are Yugoslavian artists or east Texas rednecks.
Don’t be so hard on us regular Americans, we have been misled, misinformed, and purposely divided for many years.
We live in a militaristic society of police and prisons, with a failing economy, rampant crime and pornography, and looming civil war.
The chickens are indeed coming home to roost and just as the average Russian was not responsible for Yeltsen, so are we not responsible for the regime we exist under, which continues to commit crimes “in our name” which we do not want committed and did not vote for in truly free elections.
Saker, please correct, thanks. Great post.
Thank you FILO,
As you write, the cause is capitalism itself, which cares not if it’s victims are Yugoslavian artists or east Texas rednecks.
Don’t be so hard on us regular Americans, we have been misled, misinformed, and purposely divided for many years.
We live in a militaristic society of police and prisons, with a failing economy, rampant crime and pornography, and looming civil war.
The chickens are indeed coming home to roost and just as the average Russian was not responsible for Yeltsen, so are we not responsible for the regime we exist under, which continues to commit crimes “in our name” which we do not want committed and did not vote for in truly free elections.
Nice writing Filo, zemljače, thank you.
I would suggest nice and easy read from Daniel Quinn called Ishmael. Especially part about the tree of knowledge.
Without understanding it and accepting as a fact, we can’t work out solution for current global problem. Technology and communication does not bring solution, just brings urgency to it.
I would rsally like all contributors here to make a comment about Ishmael if they had achance to read it.
Filo, odličan članak! Govori sve ono što mislim i osjećam.
Filo, great article! It say’s all I think and feel.
Excellent Filo, I really appreciate you sharing your life experience with us. I graduated high school in America in 1989. I grew up in one of the most ideal places to live on earth, not rich by any means but never wanting for any of life’s necessities, and I remember that time as seeming like everything was possible, peace on earth, prosperity for all, the prophecy of the propaganda drilled into me from birth come true- the myth of the US as the good guy of the world, freedom and democracy and capitalism’s conquest over the evil communist Russia- and without a shot fired or even an ounce of pain for anyone as far as I knew. I suppose most of us here just thought “liberty” had magically triumphed. And with the wall coming down it was as if the whole world was rejoicing, a new dawn for humanity- but as you well know, it was all a lie from the start, and 25 years later the world stands at the precipice of destruction on one hand, and salvation on the other, as unlikely as the later seems. Maybe someday your dream of learning from one another, east and west, will come true. I certainly hope so. Thanks again, and I’m very sorry for what happened to your homeland.
Thank you Filo. Truly wonderful insights!
Filo, Zionism and the cult that spawned it, that is the coin.
Excellent reading and thankyou.
If you have not done so, download Douglas Reed’s “the controversey of Zion” and gain from the experience of reading it.
Doing so is like looking for fish with polarizing lenses after years of staring at the water and seeing only shadows.
Eagle eye
Putin said it well in a recent interview(don’t have a link) that what distinguishes Russians from Americans is that Americans cherish individualism whereas a collective spirit characterizes Russians(that’s what he said, “collective” ie Commie talk!)
But it is this collective sensibility IMHO which protects Russians(or anyone, really) from infiltration by those glamourous NGOs the Reptilian Order sends forth to bewitch the innocent and sow division.
The Croat here is lying.
It was Slovenes and Croats who had control of Yugoslavia up until it dissolved.
The most powerful was Tito – a Croat-Slovene.
The next most powerful were Slovenes Kardelj and Dolanc.
It was during Yugoslavia that Serbian industries were moved brick-by-brick to Slovenia and Croatia.
Slovenia and Croatia were POOR before they joined with Serbs and they both became more developed and richer while part of Yugoslavia.
Serbs were underrepresented for their population.
The Croat also leaves out that Croatia and Slovene got extra lands annexed to them due to the Serbs and Yugoslavia.
Dalmatia, Slavonia, Trieste, Rijeka, etc. were all lands which were NOT part of Croatia nor Slovenia before Yugoslavia.
Also, Vukovar was started by the Croats. The Croats didn’t want a town which had such a substantial population to be peaceful.
Croat police started torturing and murdering Serbs in a fallout shelter under the command of TOMISLAV MERCEP.
As for the rapes – that is a whole bunch of propaganda with NO HARD EVIDENCE.
The Croats were making up rape propaganda – it was their writers in ZAGREB who made up the story of Serb doctors growing DOG EMBRYOS in Muslim women.
Something which is scientifically impossible.
It is Serbs who show evidence of torture, not Croat nor Muslims.
Croats and Muslims are liars and were HUGE Nazi and western tools.
Croats didn’t deserve Slavonia and other lands they good from the Italians for being such genocidal Hitlerian tools.
They even shocked the Nazis and Italian soldiers with their brutality and glee at doing the killings.
Thank you, Filo, for your insights. You’ve made me feel your regret for what might have been had America’s “leadership” not been the evil thing it is.
@Anonymous 22:12,
You said:” Croats and Muslims are liars”
Are you saying ALL Croats and Muslims are liars or “some” or a “few” are liars?
Anonymous @ 20:12
So the (Christian) Croats must have been the bastards
given that secretly coordinated Goy hating (anti-Christian) enemy aliens
trained to “Hate thy neighbour”
did not exist, just as they do not presently exist in the Ukrainian horror.
We should not look back at mega murders arranged by the anti-human Jewish supremacists; we should concentrate on the future because their satanic power is deep into terminal crisis—
and this by the presently inscrutable justice of the omniscient good God.
An age of world peace is on the horizon. It is almost visible.
“Soarintothesky said…
Russian productivity has barely improved since the Soviet era. The problem is not too much foreign investment; it is too little foreign investment and the accompanying transfer of process and management know how.”
Are you a shop person? Metal work, wood work etc? If you have ever had much experience making and designing things you will know that it does not take money (investment), to make capital. So can you explain what the difference is? And why money can be used for capital, but is not necessarily required to form capital, and that a state really doesn’t need to borrow any money at all to generate vast amounts of capital? Russia doesn’t need any process or management know how. Confusion between real terms and financial terms causes endless misunderstanding. But this isn’t an economics blog, so my apologies to all.
@Anonymous 14:49
Anonymous said…
Articles like this one are the biggest possible mistake here. They look like (and are) crude attempts to whitewash history, and paint anything ‘Russian’ as ‘godly’.
I am here because of what the West is doing TODAY. Talking history just encourages ethnic lying- and once that becomes commonplace, you lose the support of people like myself. STOP IT! Unless your goal is only to win the support of people who were already on your side anyway- and what’s the point in that?
The situation in Novorussia, Gaza, Libya, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria etc is completely BLACK-AND-WHITE…
The present-day utter evilness of the West is ALL you need to talk about…
I sense that Russia, in general, is being carefully coerced (by psy-ops from the West) to wallow in a victimhood…
Putin, like Hitler, thinks himself a strategic genius…
Putin’s very deviousness drives Kiev mad…
Again (and again and again) ask why Putin hasn’t sent peace-keepers into Novorussia.
Notice how anglo-zio hasbarat trash talk always makes you feel yucky.
Just what would be the problem with driving away hate-filled war mongers?
Also notice how desperate they are for Russia to intervene.
The entire Western strategy is predicated on forcing Russia to invade eastern Ukraine. They wanted and expected a Russian reaction similar to the one in Abkhazia and Georgia.
Then of course there was the BRICS meeting.
Russia must not respond to provacations.
Today’s reported downing of nuclear biological chemical capable missiles, if true, fired in the direction of the Russian border is a dramatic escalation.
Again, how many ways is there to say it, the West is DESPERATE for a Russian invasion.
Let the gangsters twist in the shit storm they’ve created. That’s why Putin hasn’t moved. If he wanted he could seize Novorussia faster than you can say Novokuybyshevsk and Novocheboksarsk.
The Anglo-Zionists know, sooner or later, it’s gonna come down hard. The capitalist bubble system has to burst so they can proceed with a new round of mass economic gang rape, like they’ve done a hundred times before. They need to ‘manage’ the planned downfall hoping to finally and irreversibly enslave all of manikind.
They want and need the coming catastrophe to be blamed on Putin, Russia, China — basically any external enemy or a comittee of enemies will do.
Let them wear it. Even the most oblivious person already knows who is responsible.
Dear commentators, Now you see from our ex. Yugoslavia commentators, what the “western agenda” did and do to countries they “touch”.
It is typical propaganda and brainwashing tech. on both sides during that civil war and postwar period “that one side ruled the other”, “we cannot coexist peacefully”, “they will destroy us” etc.
While the Presidency of our particular, deceased country (which problems to say at most were similar in nature to, for example, in Ukraine) consisted of the same number of representatives from all republics… From those who wish to further deduct “who ruled who” should check lists at these entries:
Also its worth checking the ethnicity of top military commanders by following the link of line of predecessors:
If you wish to investigate economic leadership you’ll have to find and follow the links of at least most prominent national companies at that time, which I will not provide for the sake of already too long post.
There are numerous atrocities committed by all sides in this conflict, and as far as I know general public of involved ethnic groups have yet to “discover” most of it.
I’m warning you about these “programmations” to study it in firsthand so you are able to reckon and resist, for those not aware of it yet. A typical “divide and conquer” technique involving nationalistic sentiments to the core. The same social tech. is applied to Ukraine.
Dear friends, please resent from using such terms as “parasites”, “subhumans”, “elite”… It speaks of you a lot. Dignify yourselves as united human beings.
Dear friends from NATO countries if you think you are not responsible for what is your (and now mine) government doing and you can do nothing, you are utterly and inherently WRONG!
While I must admit it’s very dangerous to confront such exorbitant pacifying force and policies, not excluding death, torture and indefinite imprisonment, do you assume people like those who really fight for their freedom think about that?
Take care and stay united in humanity.
@Anonymous 14:49
You said:
“Putin, like Hitler, thinks himself a strategic genius…”
When I read/hear the name of Putin attached to “Putin is Hitler” … “Putin is like Hiltler”….right away I smell an Israel lover Zionist.
The cesspool repulsive odor of Zionists is easily detectable and most here can smell it across the oceans as we have great radars to detect it from across the miles and through our computer screens….many of us are quite used to of dealing with Zionists .
Oh! And Netanyahu & Israel the devious apartheid , damned by God criminals ,known all over the world for being mass murderers of children can go to —HELL!
Not for the first time, I wish I had known Yugoslavia in its time. I get the impression that the author is saying Yugoslavia still exists in some way. I hope so.
What wonderful writing, Filo. I love good writing, and you write well – you tell the truth and eliminate unnecessary words. Please write more, your readers await this pleasure.
I am struck by your thought that the West didn’t get it. Tragedies are real things that we must acknowledge. I mean the tragedy of the West and its blindness, which we see so illuminated today.
And Russia did understand in its own personal way, enough to say, “no more”. And we see this also today.
Thoughts and words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character. And today we see a degraded West and an enervated Russia.
And I am left with the loss of what was good, and the wish to have known Yugoslavia as you knew it. Thank you for writing this memoir of the past, and this essay of the present, and the potential future.
To:Larchmonter 445
Truth is, that I’m not the army or Pentagon specialist and my intention is not to fight with you about Russia army power.
I just have a question for you. Here is the latest documentary about a Iraqi fiasco war and invasion by the USA.
There are thousands of absolutely innocent US soldiers died in this war not to mention the Iraqi population who never hurt no one. How it is possible that the strongest country with the most professional army equipments around the world created another fiasco not to mention Vietnam, Afghanistan and so on.Maybe you have some professional explanation for all of us on this forum
Thank you for your kindness
Saker thank you so much for this wonderful post and of course big thank to Filo
I do have to confirm as a former resident of the Eastern European country that everything described by Filo is true, not just about a former Yugoslavia but about all of the Eastern European countries originally under the communist regime.
It was the same script for every single country how the West is going to loot.
Yes, I have to confirm that the arrogance and greed is finally showing unwanted result. People in these countries are definitely got sober from this enormous fraud, not to talk about the huge rise in suicides and personal bankruptcies. As we say every bad thing is happening for certain reason and now after this horrific experience as a humanity we can start to hold our hands together and show the Satan we are not going to be your slaves any more.
For the commenter on Serbia how they were horrific, you still didn’t get it, that it was the purpose to divide and conquer. Look at the Ukraine what is going on there exactly the same murderous atrocities created by the totally brainwashed nationalists used by the Nazi.
Filo, I can’t wait for your continue contribution and big thank you to make the introduction to our dear western brothers about a reality in Europe
I`m from Croatia, and I was 14 when, in 1991, atrocities begun in Yugoslavia. Videos in which unarmed people are stopping army convoys are things I personally witnessed. Also an overwhelming force (Yugoslav national army), ruled by Serbian nationalities, surroundind towns and shelling from a distance (does that ring a bell?) while “international community” imposed sanctions for arms imports. Our people had to fight with hunting rifles against tanks…
I do not see Slobodan Milošević as a positive character. After “education” in USA (he was a banker, does that ring any bells?), he made some moves, after which it was impossible to stay under Serbian hegemony for other republics.
I just whish we could have separated like Czech republic and Slovakia, in peace. Yugoslavians always laughed at Polacks, Czechs, Slovakians and Hungarians when they came to Adriatic on how poor they are, and who is laughing now?
We don`t have to live in one state, but can we be good neihgbours?
Good comment regarding Genscher.
In general, this incessant name-calling these days and the resurgence of “fascist”, “nazi”, bla, bla, is counter-productive. At least outside Russia.
The fact is that most of those in Western Europe and America who are called fascists by the PC establishment, overwhelmingly supports Russia geopolitically and also the Resistance in Ukraine.
This need for resurrecting old ghosts from the past is childish.
I know Russians normally use “fascist” as a derogatory term with no (not necessarily) political content, but in the West, the word is highly political and used particularly to describe all sorts of political and cultural traditionalists.
It was laughable when I saw an interview with this Russian guy in Crimea on television, in which he stated that ” we don’t want any fascists here introducing homosexuals and destroying our families”.
Anon 20:03:
Yeltsin obatined the cooperation of the presidents of Ukraine and Byelorussia to take part in a joint announcement in December 1991 that their republics were seceding from the Union.
Against the overwhelming will of the people, you might add, given the results of the Soviet Union referendum in March, 1991. The only people who really wanted out were the Baltics, Galicia, and Georgia.
It’s so sad.
There was such real hope for the future by all people in the world in 1989, most especially when one fateful evening in November, Germans on both side of the Berlin Wall started demolishing it by hand after the guards stepped back. To the layman, it seemed like suddenly we had woken up and realized we really could live in peace together.
Anyone who lived through that year over the age of 14 or so knows exactly what I mean.
Then the dreams of peace were dashed by the relentless civil wars and ethnic and religious chauvanism which were reared up from the Baltic to the Persian Gulf and our illusions all fell away.
When you look at history this way you realize 9/11 was not the catalyst to the creation of the current world order, but the culmination of what was begun in 1990 to ensure the dreams of 1989 would be dashed forever.
Thanks, Filo.
At the time of the war of 1999, ten years later, and afterwards, I concluded that many had an interest in the fall of Yugoslavia. Very different elites came together.
Here are the reasons as I see them:
1. Yugoslavia started as a peace project and as such it was a small competitor to the EU.
2. The countrys economic system was unique and often studied at universities in other countries. I studied it with interest. The capitalists wanted it destroyed.
3. For some German and Austrian politicians, perhaps only a small group, the disintegration was payback, of that I am certain.
4. The US wanted to show the world it loved the Albanian Muslims – before it started seriously destroying some Muslim countries.
5. I am not sure the Catholic Church played a role in the destruction of Yugoslavia, but I know others suspect it. I am not talking about ordinary Catholics, I am talking about powerful people in Rome.
6. The US wanted a big military base in the area. Camp Bondsteel was built in a strategic location.
7. Money makers wanted the rich mines of Kosovo and got them.
8. For the US it was important to show it could do whatever it wanted when Russia was weak.
I can’t make a complete list. What did I miss?
To anonymous 14:22
Very good report, you have probably forgot to mention a lots of companies in Kosovo owned by who else, just simply by the son of Mrs.Albreight and it was one of the reasons to create a new Kosovo for the Clintons and the gang
Very interesting food for thought, hats off. In particular, the statement
>> One day we will know the truth about this period known as the “Cold War”. We even have a duty to know the truth and the whole truth. >>
merits attention, because official Western history is so mendacious it really stinks to High Heaven. Totally ahistorical, carefully manipulated self-congratulating garbage about Western superiority and benevolence. I would even suggest that this blog post rather had been titled 1989, the year the West showed its true colours to the gullible. Indeed, it smacks of willful blindness and outright chauvinism not to take 500+ years of global plunder and genocide into account. The so-called “post-war years” (as if there even could be such a thing while the murderous West is still around) were characterized by the same old unbridled terror against the colonial peoples. It was the Soviet victory against Nazi Germany and then the Chinese revolution which eventually made possible the dissolution of the European colonial empires, and the same applies to Welfare State capitalism as well. Add to this the scquisition of nuclear weapons by the USSR and China, and one can see why neither neoliberalism nor neoconservatism was on the table back in those days, “only” Western imperialism’s usual fascist oppression of the Global South.
With the Soviet Union dead and gone, the stage was set for all-out rampage against the peoples of the erstwhile Soviet bloc (not sparing Yugoslavia either) and for resurging full-blown resource-grabbing — to wit, colonial wars at the expense of the Muslim world. End of History was duly proclaimed by what passes for the “Western Intelligentsia”.
25 years on, neoliberalism has turned the West to such a stinking, rotting corpse that its remaining ardent believers are just simply beyond redemption, below contempt.
Thanks Filo. I agree they did do everything wrong.
вот так
The only thing the author has wrong is the from, where and whom. Notice he says “the West” but he doesn’t mention “who” did this. The inference is that greedy White people did this. A look at the ethnicity of the oligarchs would be instructive. Most all of them are Jewish. Maybe you could say they were living in the West so it’s our fault but to blame Whites when our own countries, the West, are being looted by the same group is hardly fair. I’m not sure if the author understands this, he’s is being disingenuous or what. Maybe he’s afraid of the Jews which is understandable. Never the less without making the points I raised clear the article ceases to be intelligible. It’s like blaming Black slaves for the low wages for White Men in the Southern US.
As for the aggressive behavior of the US towards Russia it entirely due to the takeover of its government by Jews. They hate that Putin stopped the Jewish oligarchs from looting the country any further. So they wish to punish Russia. I wish we had some one like Putin to stop them in the US.
If you wish to understand the Jews there is one simple idea that will illuminate all their behaviors and actions. You will never be surprised by the behavior of the Jews again. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. I mean this in a clinical sense. They have no empathy for others and are perfect lairs. Since they have no empathy they can do things to others that we wouldn’t even begin to believe that others could do. Their whole religion, as put down in the Talmud, is a manual for psychopaths. They, the Jews, are human and all others are not. They should own everything and all others are there to serve the Jews. That’s their great illuminating service to the world. So every time you say to yourself, “I can’t believe some one would…”, well believe it because the Jewish tribe of psychopaths would do anything as the they have no empathy or shame.
“Sam”…another (paid?) provocateur…
I you think the readers of this blog will fall for your provocations you are clearly mistaken.
Be aware, this is one of techniques to discredit this blog/source and it’s readers.
This is how wars are started. Just like in Yugoslavia…
Or if you are not what you seem to pretend, for clearer insight, try to avoid generalizing. Zionist movement is one of the destructive factors, and it can do damage only if allowed.