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Tag "zionist crazies"

Biden: You Don’t Have to be Jewish to be a Zionist

Israel National News reports: U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden on Tuesday laid a wreath at the tomb of Theodor Herzl. He is the first world leader to do so, based on new regulations issued by the Knesset Committee for Symbols and Ceremonies, which decided to include the site as one of the places foreign dignitaries will be taken to on visits to Israel. This year is the 150th anniversary of Herzl’s

Joe Biden even more hysterical than Ehud Barak

Found this today in Ha’aretz: When Joe Biden was asked about the prospect of an Israeli attack, he said, “though I cannot answer the hypothetical questions you raised about Iran, I can promise the Israeli people that we will confront, as allies, any security challenge it will face. A nuclear-armed Iran would constitute a threat not only to Israel – it would also constitute a threat to the United States.”

Tzipi Livni open praises the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh

According to the BBC, Tzipi Livni, herself a former Mossad officer, has now openly applauded the murder of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. Well, that is just another proof that the self-declared “Jewish state of Israel” does not care one bit about being considered a pariah state beyond the pale rather than the “only democracy in the Middle-East”.

Netanyahu, Hegel and the Jewish Spirit

by Gilad Atzmon “Spirit does not toss itself about in the external play of chance occurrences; on the contrary, it is that which determines history absolutely, and it stands firm against the chance occurrences which it dominates and exploits for its own purpose”. (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770 – 1831) PM Netanyahu was quoted by the Israeli Ynet last week saying that the “whole of Israel would be surrounded by

Israel’s latest SNAFU

You all heard the story: the Israelis got pissed-off at Turkey for showing a TV show which they don’t like, they decided to humiliate the Turkish envoy to Israel with some totally immature antics (sitting him on a lower chair, only putting a little Israeli flag on the table and by, quote, “not smiling” – at least on camera). This time, the customary arrogance of the “Jewish state” ended up

Israel admits to organ thefts

al-Jazeera reports: Israel has admitted that it harvested organs from the dead bodies of Palestinians and Israelis in the 1990s, without permission from their families. The admission follows the release of an interview with Jehuda Hiss, the former head of Israel’s forensic institute, in which he said that workers at the institute had harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from Israelis, Palestinians and foreign workers. In the interview, which

Israeli settlers threaten ‘Holocaust’ in occupied Palestine

The BBC reports this morning that Jewish settlers are suspected of being behind an attack on a mosque in the north of the occupied West Bank. Attackers set fire to bookshelves and a large area of carpet in the mosque, and sprayed graffiti in Hebrew on a wall (…) Israeli human rights groups have accused the police and army of running inadequate investigations into such incidents. One group reported that

Gilad Atzmon: “Ethics and morality are far more crucial than some UN decision”

It is a huge pleasure for me to share with you the transcript of a Q&A by email which I did recently with Gilad Atzmon. I first discovered Gilad the jazz musician years ago when I myself was still playing jazz guitar (btw – I recently reviewed his latest album here), and only later did I learn of his political activism. Having since read as much of his writings as

The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon It is rather impossible to grasp the magnitude of the crimes against humanity performed by the Jewish state in the name of the Jewish people unless one elaborates on Jewish culture in the light of Judaic teaching. Zionism was founded as a secular movement. It was there to provide the emancipated Diaspora Jew with a ‘national home land’ of his or her own. However, Zionism was

In Defense of Larry David

by Gilad Atzmon Don’t Blame the Messenger Critics of Larry David say he has gone further than any other Jewish comic or intellectual in insulting Christianity and Christian values. In an episode of the highly popular HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” which caricatures David’s true personal life, David accidentally splashes a drop of urine on a framed picture of Jesus that is hanging in his devout secretary’s bathroom. Having been

The latest Israeli hysterics – blood “libel” (again)!

Israeli politicians are off their meds again, this time they are infuriated by an article in a Swedish newspaper, the Aftonbladet, reporting that a number of Israeli officials and the IDF were involved in a goulish human organs trafficking scheme (you can get the details, with a translation of the original article, here). Today’s issue of Haaretz is full of articles about the indignation of various Israeli politicians:(Netanhahu, Lieberman and

Amazing behind the scenes look at the crazies running Israel

I just found this video on YouTube. Check it out: Now, the guy speaking is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson aka “the Rebbe”, one of the most influential rabbis among the Hassidim/Haredim Orthodox Jews i.e, the folks who are getting more and more power and influence in Israel. So strong is the cult of this “rebbe” that many of his followers actually consider him to be God. To get a sense

Israel’s Judaization policy hits church buildings

Press TV reports: Israeli authorities have threatened to demolish 500 buildings owned by the churches in the Old City of Jerusalem (al-Quds), church officials say. The Greek Orthodox and Catholic churches in Jerusalem (al-Quds) released a joint statement on Saturday complaining that Israeli forces have recently stepped up demolitions in accordance with the Municipality’s E1 plan for the city. It further said that with this articulate detailed plan, the Israeli

Israel’s Judaization policy hits church buildings

Press TV reports: Israeli authorities have threatened to demolish 500 buildings owned by the churches in the Old City of Jerusalem (al-Quds), church officials say. The Greek Orthodox and Catholic churches in Jerusalem (al-Quds) released a joint statement on Saturday complaining that Israeli forces have recently stepped up demolitions in accordance with the Municipality’s E1 plan for the city. It further said that with this articulate detailed plan, the Israeli

Netanyahu’s overt racism

I just saw this quote from Bibi’s latest speech: Any demand to resettle refugees within Israel undermines Israel as a state for the Jewish people He is absolutely right. And denying the right of return of those illegally displaced is, in itself, a form of Jewish racial supremacy, in particular when combined with the equally racist right of “return” for any and all Jews worldwide (nevermind that they never lived
