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Tag "zioempire"

A very interesing analysis from a Zionist point of view

Ynetnews reports: Israel’s former ambassador to Egypt was particularly pessimistic Friday after hearing of President Hosni Mubarak’s dramatic resignation. “It’s over, Egypt is no longer a superpower,” former Israeli Ambassador to Cairo Zvi Mazel told Ynet. “Egypt has completely lost its status in the area, while Turkey and Iran are on the way up. It’s a different world.” “As long as we had Mubarak, there was no void in our

First it was Der Speigel, now it’s the Canadian CBC

It appears that the Zionists have decided to initiate their next round their anti-Hezbollah campaign by using the Canadian CBC to, yet again, accuse Hezbollah of the murder of Rafik Hariri.  That’s a way to give at least some cover to the now thoroughly discredited UN investigation.  Remember how the Zionists used the German magazine Der Spiegel to “leak” their accusations? Now they do the same with the CBC.  This
