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Tag "Yuri Podolyaka"

Interview with Yuri Podolyaka

by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog   Recently, the Ukrainian army launched a counter-offensive on the southern and eastern front. The Ukrainian leadership seems to have started to sober up and it has become clear to them that they have no use for false praises about successes on the southern front because in the end the people will find out the real truth. For this reason, the Deputy Minister

Yuri Podolyaka: Good vs Evil

Yuri Podolyaka is an analyst who recently had his channel terminated on YouTube ( There is an English dubbed unofficial channel version made by one of his subscribers: ( He can also be found on VK ( and Telegram ( This transcript is from his Telegram Channel.  The translators felt that his presentation style is very fast and will present his more important work in transcript style. Good vs Evil

Svetlana Pikta Interviews Yuri Podolyaka About Transnistria Conflict

The newer Saker Community Translations team recently uploaded videos to BitChute with hard subtitles. If problems occur with making the below embedded video full-screen, go to this link: Yuri Podolyaka is an analyst who recently had his channel terminated on YouTube ( There is an English dubbed unofficial channel version made by one of his subscribers: ( He can also be found on VK ( and Telegram ( The

War in Ukraine: “The whole world is with us” – and, with whom is “us”, with Kiev or with Moscow?

by Yuri Podolyaka for this YT channel translated by N. for the Saker blog Hello, my dear listeners. Today is March 2 and today’s first material will not be a review of the war front situation, because in the last few hours I just have not had a chance to get a whole lot of information. There is some information, but I will cover it in the next review. Today,
