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Tag "USraelian Empire"

Reactionary Rampage: The Paramilitary Massacre in Bolivia

by Forrest Hylton for NACLA Bolivian President Evo Morales’ expulsion of US Ambassador Phillip Goldberg on September 10 for alleged coup plotting sparked the latest diplomatic crisis in the Americas. But the diplomatic fallout has overshadowed the internal dynamics that led to the massacre of some 30 campesinos with perhaps as many as 40 more disappeared in El Porvenir, Pando, near Bolivia’s northeastern border with Brazil. The massacre coincided with

Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke: The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy

By Chalmers Johnson for Le Monde (via Information Clearing House) The military adventurers in the Bush administration have much in common with the corporate leaders of the defunct energy company Enron. Both groups thought that they were the “smartest guys in the room” — the title of Alex Gibney’s prize-winning film on what went wrong at Enron. The neoconservatives in the White House and the Pentagon outsmarted themselves. They failed

Very interesting debate between Scott Horton and “Harvey from New York”

Two days ago Scott Horton debated a guy called Harvey Kushner from New York (I am not kidding!) at Texas A&M University and the resulting discussion is highly interesting to watch. First, Scott really ripped this poor Neocon into tiny little shreds over and over again. It is absolutely hilarious to see this so-called “expert” getting hammered by Scott who never pretended to be an expert on anything (even though

Bolivia: a Coup in the Making?

From Counterpunch via Information Clearing HouseOligarchs on the March By Jeffrey R. Webber Yesterday, in Bolivia, Minister of Government, Alfredo Rada, accused the right-wing autonomist leader Branko Marinkovic, and Santa Cruz prefect, Rubén Costas, of orchestrating a wave of violence as part of a “civic governors’ coup d’état.” Rada accused Marinkovic of having just returned from the United States where he allegedly received instructions for fomenting the coup attempt. “Bolivia

What’s bad old Dick up to now?

Press TV reports: US Vice President Dick Cheney starts a tour of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine which have become more wary of Russia. On the first leg of his tour to the ex-Soviet republics beginning Wednesday, Cheney wants to show that Washington stands by its allies in this region despite the recent Russian conflict with Georgia. Cheney begins his week-long tour with his first stop in Azerbaijan

Snapshots from life in the Imperial Homeland

First, check out this ad put out by the group the Israel Project and which was aired during the DNC in Boulder: Then, check out the email Blackwater USA is sending out in preparation for a possible landfall of Hurricane Gustav on or near New Orleans: Security for Hurricane Gustav Blackwater is compiling a list of qualified security personnel for possible deployment into areas affected by Hurricane Gustav.Applicants must meet

Hassan Nasrallah says the Georgians were defeated because of Israeli incompetance

Here is an interesting excerpt of an al-Manar summary of a recent speech made by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that “the results of the war are evident even today, in both the military and political fields in Israel.” He said Israel is facing the worst leadership crisis in its history. “The entire front line of the army’s brass stepped down because of the war. Gal Hirsch, who

The US SOFA in Iraq – showdown bewteen the USraelien Empire and the Shias

First, please take a look at this al-Jazeera report: First, a superficial impression: the contrast between the dignified attitude of Salah al-Obeidi (the Sadrist spokesman) and the petty bickering of the two other participants of this show. Second, listening to this conversation I think that one can only come to one objective conclusion: the only real patriots are the Sadrists. The Kurds are clearly sold to the Americans. Considering how

Europe is just pathetic

I just finished reading the joint US-EU summit declaration adopted today in Slovenia. After reading it words like lame, myopic, spineless, clueless, obtuse or plain stupid immediately came to my mind. I will spare you the details of the text, you can check them for yourself, but the bottom line is simple: the EU is totally and shamelessly adopting the US stance on every single issue. This total surrender to

Olmert to Pelosi: Impose naval blockade on Iran

Ha’aretz reports: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert proposed in discussions Monday with the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, that a naval blockade be imposed on Iran as one of several ways to pressure Iran into stopping its uranium enrichment program. Although the White House denied a published report that U.S. President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran before the end of his term in January, the
