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Tag "USA"

Israel, U.S. Prepare For Further Attacks On Syria In 2018, the Syrian war entered into a new phase of the conflict marked by the increased tensions among key powers involved in the standoff. The collapse of ISIS’ self-proclaimed Caliphate, which used to be a main formal enemy of both the US-led bloc and the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance, has sharpened the contrast between the goals of the two sides. The Damascus government, Iran and Russia seek to solve fully

Syrian War Report – April 30, 2018: Yarmouk Operation, Deir Ezzor Tensions   Syrian government forces have liberated the districts of al-Ma’dhaniyah, al-Asali, al-Qadam and al-Jourah in the southern countryside of Damascus from ISIS. Government troops captured all these areas after air and artillery strikes had destroyed all the ISIS defense there. The ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that 16 Syrian Army (SAA) troops had been killed in the recent clashes. According to pro-opposition sources, members of Jaish al-Islam, Hayat Tahrir

April 26, 2018: Russia Shows US Missiles Intercepted In Syria On April 25, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies established a full control of Eastern Qalamoun following a withdrawal of the last batch of militants from the area. However, the Syrian Defense Ministry still has confirm the control of the region in an official statement. It is important to note that a large number of militants remained in the area in the framework of a reconciliation deal

Syrian War Report – April 25, 2018: Russia Repels Drone Attack On Its Air Base In Syria On the evening of April 24, Russian forces repelled an attack by armed drones on their Hmeimim airbase in the province of Latakia. According to the reports, Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense systems shot down two drones armed with projectiles before they were able to attack the base. Some sources added that the airbase had also come under rocket attack. However, these rocket were also intercepted. Later the Russian Defense

Syrian War Report – April 19, 2018: Journalists Find Boy Filmed In Staged Video Of Chemical Attack In Douma A group of Russian correspondents led by Evgeny Poddubny has found a boy filmed by the White Helmets in their video showing people “affected” by the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7. According to Poddubny: 11-year-old Hassan Diab is fine; He suffered no injures from the “chemical attack” because there was no attack (at least then and there); The boy participated in the video for food (rice,

Syrian War Report – April 18, 2018: Syrian Army Advances In Rastan, Reaches Deal In Dumayr After the victory in Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian military turned its eyes to other militant-held pockets across the country. On April 15, the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces launched a military operation against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) in the Rastan pocket in northern Homs. They have have liberated a large number of points including Jarjisah, Ard Jasiyah, Ard Qabr Shaykhah, Zahrat Jibab and Tal Na’ourah.

Syrian War Report – April 17, 2018: Syrian Forces Repel More Missile Strikes Last night, the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) repelled another missile attack allegedly carried out by the Israeli military. Missiles were intercepted in two areas: Near Shayrat military airfield in the Homs countryside – 6 missiles were intercepted (according to some sources, 9 missiles) Near Dumair military airfield in the Damascus countryside – 3 missiles were intercepted. According to reports, the SADF also used its S-200 air defense system to launch

US-led Strikes On Syria: PR Victory Or Decisive Failure? Early on April 14, the US, the UK and France delivered a massive missile strike on Syria. The attack was publicly justified with accusations that the Syrian government had allegedly been behind the so-called Douma chemical attack on April 7. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis described the strikes as “harder” than the 2017 strikes on Shayrat military airfield. The Pentagon said that the US and its allies had launched

U.S., U.K., France Conduct Massive Missile Strike On Syria: Details On April 14, the US, the UK and France launched a joint massive strike on Syria justifying their actions with the alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma on April 7. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Syrian Air Defense Forces shot down 71 of 103 missiles launched by the US-led bloc. Four missiles were launched at the area of the Damascus International Airport. All missiles were intercepted.

Syrian War Report – April 12, 2018: Russia Starts Exercises Off Syrian Coast, Vows Response To US Strikes The Russian Navy has launched live-fire exercises off the Syrian coast as the US is still preparing for a possible military action against the country’s government. The Russian exercises will be held from April 11 to April 26, the period when, according to some experts, the US strike will be most likely if the administration of US President Donald Trump decides to attack Syria. On April 10, Russia’s envoy

Syrian War Report – April 6, 2018: Army Prepares To Clear Southern Syria From Militants The Syrian government has reportedly deployed battle tanks and artillery guns preparing to take back the militant-held parts of southern Syria and the Golan Heights, the Israeli media says. The Haaretz daily has even complained that Hezbollah has allegedly established a Golan regional command center claiming that a hundred of Hezbollah operatives and a thousand other local residents linked to the movement operate in southern Syria. The Israeli leadership

Syrian War Report – April 4, 2018: Fresh “U.S. Casualties” In Syria On April 3, another convoy of militants and their families departed the district of Douma in Eastern Ghouta under the agreement with the government. According to the Syrian state-run news agency SANA, the convoy consisted of 24 buses, included 1198 militants and their families, and was set to move to the northern part of Aleppo province, which is controlled by Turkish forces. On April 4, another batch of militants

Syrian War Report – April 2, 2018: Militants Start Their Withdrawal From Key Town Of Douma On March 31, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies established a full control over the southern part of the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta after units of Faylaq al-Rahman and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) had fully withdrawn from the area. The Russian Center for Reconciliation of the opposing sides in Syria revealed that a total of 41,126 militants and their family members had left the

Syrian War Report – March 21, 2018: Three Chemical Weapons Attacks Are Prevented

Three attempts by militants to use chemical weapons in Syria were prevented last week, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on March 20. “Despite attempts by militants to disrupt peace initiatives in East Ghouta, we are negotiating with the leaders of the armed groups in order to stop fighting and prevent a humanitarian disaster,“ Shoigu said adding that a humanitarian operation in the area is ongoing. The Defense Minister also

Syrian War Report – March 14, 2018: Government Forces Liberate Key Area In Southern Damascus On March 13, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) entered the area of al-Qadam in southern Damascus after local militants had been evacuated from it. Militants had been forced to sign an evacuation agreement with Damascus after ISIS units operating in the Yarmouk Camp had mostly overrun their defenses. ISIS launched an attack on al-Qadam seeking to capture the area before it could be fully secured by the SAA.

Syrian War Report – March 13, 2018: US Officially Threatens To Strike Syrian Army On March 12, US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley actually threatened that the US will strike Syrian government forces if they don’t halt their operation against terrorists in Eastern Ghouta. “We also warn any nation that is determined to impose its will through chemical attacks and inhuman suffering, most especially the outlaw Syrian regime, the United States remains prepared to act if we must,” Haley said. The US

Syrian War Report – February 13, 2018: Israel Deploys New Anti-Missile Systems Near Syria Clashes were reported between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and local militants, mostly Hayat Tahrir al-Sham members, in the Rastan pocket on February 12 and February 13. SAA units allegedly entered  the area of Maqsam al-Humrat and took control of most of it. Pro-government sources speculated that these clashes indicate an upcoming large-scale operation in the area. While the Rastan pocket remains a point of instability, it is unlikely

Syrian War Report – February 12, 2018: New Round Of Syrian-Israeli Escalation, F-16I Shootdown On February 10, the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) shot down an F-16I fighter jet of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) during Israeli airstrikes on targets near Damascus and the T4 Airbase. According to the Israeli side, an Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle violated Israeli airspace at 4:15 local time. The UAV was intercepted near Beit Shean by an IAF attack helicopter. At 5:34 IAF warplanes carried out airstrikes on

Syrian War Report – February 8, 2018: US-led Coalition Struck Syrian Army In Deir Ezzor On February 7, the US-led coalition carried out several airstrikes on positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the province of Deir Ezzor. The coalition claimed that the SAA had “initiated an unprovoked attack against well-established Syrian Democratic Forces [SDF] headquarters”, added that “coalition service members” were co-located with SDF fighters during the attack and described the strikes as a self-defense act. According to local sources, the US

Syrian War Report – January 22, 2018: Abu al-Duhur Liberation, Operation Olive Branch On January 20, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) officially launched a military operation in the area of Afrin and started conducting massive artillery and airstrikes on positions of Kurdish militias there. “‘Operation Olive Branch’ has been started on Jan. 20, 2018 at 5 p.m., in Syria’s northwestern Afrin region to establish security and stability on our borders and region, to eliminate terrorists of PKK/KCK/PYD-YPG and Daesh [ISIS], and to
