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Tag "US war on Syria"

The “sissy option” in Syria will send a message alright – but not the one the Anglosphere intends to send

All the latest leaks seem to be pointing to the same scenario: Obama would order ‘limited’ strikes on ‘key’ targets to ‘send a message’ to Assad.  Ok, let’s look into that.First, this probably means that cruise missiles will be used, but little or no air strikes.  We will come back later to this one.Second, what are ‘limited’ strikes.  We are talking about high visibility static targets such as security services

Words spoken today – three quotes which say it all

  “It’s got to be done quickly. Bang, boom. And then let the chips fall where they may. But no more dead kids breathing poison gas.” Bill O’Reilly “We have two options: either to surrender, or to defend ourselves with the means at our disposal. The second choice is the best: we will defend ourselves“ Syrian foreign minister Walid al-Muallem “The West behaves towards the Islamic world like a monkey

A few thoughts and speculations about the events in Egypt and Syria

Even though I have been closely following the events in Egypt I did not write anything about them for a while already.  Frankly, I felt too horrified, too appalled and to disgusted to write.  Besides, I am hardly an expert in Egypt and others have already said it all, and much better than I ever could (see, for example, here and here).  As for me, I just continued to follow

Al-Qaeda militants killed Syrian rebel commander – FSA spokesman

RT reports: A senior figure of the rebel Free Syrian Army has been executed by Al-Qaeda-linked militants during negotiations. Multiplying conflicts between moderate and extremist rebels confronting President Assad might lead to an opposition split-up.  Supreme Military Council member Kamal Hamami, also known for his call-sign Abu Bassel al-Ladkani, was meeting with members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the Syrian port city of Latakia when

Mind blowing hypocrisy – this time by John Kerry

I just read this: US Secretary of State John Kerry has said the militant Lebanese Shia Islamist group Hezbollah and Iran are helping perpetuate President Bashar al-Assad’s “campaign of terror” in Syria. Mr Kerry said thousands of Hezbollah fighters were contributing significantly to the violence. He added that Iran was actively supporting Hezbollah’s involvement. Oh jeez, Mr. Kerry is deploring that foreign elements are involved in the war on Syria. 

Shias, mass media, and Hezbollah: What lies behind the battle for Qusair

by Nadezhda Kevorkova, Russia TodayAs the Syrian army and rebels fight for control of Qusair, it is necessary to realize why the town is strategically important and vital for Shias on both sides of the border, making it a military and media battleground. There are far more elements surrounding the situation in Qusair than first meet the eye, RT’s Nadezhda Kevorkova reveals.The army’s advance to Qusair is a key strategic

Insurgents in Syria burn a Shia mosque and an Armenian church

On YouTube one of their supporters also added this heartfelt message: “Fuck bashar and his slut mother he destroyed all of syria with the help of kuffar shia irani pigs and russian communist atheist bastards but our mujahdeen bros will now rid syria of bashar bastard and we will have an islamic country where there will be no alchoal drugs and prostitutes everywhere it will be a islamic laws not

Syrian opposition victory possible, but at an absolutely unacceptable price – Moscow

RT reports: Moscow has admitted the possibility that the Syrian opposition may emerge victorious as government forces continue to lose more territory as the conflict rages on, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said. “We must face the facts: the current tendency shows that the government is progressively losing control over an increasing part of the territory,” Bogdanov told the Public Chamber. “An opposition victory can’t be ruled out.” The

Russian experts predict an extension of US war on Syria to the entire Middle-East

I have been researching the topic of Islam in Russia for a few weeks already and, as a part of this research, I spent a lot of time listening to various Russian Muslims and their views on the various conflicts in the Muslim world today.  It is still too early for me to begin writing on the fascinating but very complex and multi-faceted topic of Russia and Islam (which will
