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A Brief History of the “Kremlin Trolls”

by Scott Humor Saint Petersburg, Savushkina, 55 is the most famous office building in the world, thanks to the relentless promotion of the United States government, the CIA, FBI, and by the powers of the entire Western media, financed by Western governments.  VOA, NPR, and Svoboda, by the government of the US; the BBC by the government of the UK; CNN by the governments of Saudi Arabia; the DW, by

Uncle Shmuel points fingers (aka “Panama Papers”)

The so-called “Panama Papers” which are presented by the world’s corporate media as some kind of super-mega-uber-Wikileaks are simply the latest US strategic PSYOP.  Of course, no hard proof of that will ever materialize, but take a look at this pretty good summary of the leak so far: The source: an anonymous leaker who has made a “no meeting ever” a condition. The media support: 400 journalists at 107 media
